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Browsing by Subject "maaginen ajattelu"

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  • Metsola, Wilhelmiina (2022)
    Objective: Previous experimental and cross-sectional studies have found that paranormal thinking increases under stressful situations and is associated with retrospectively reported early and recent stress-prone life events. It has been suggested that paranormal thinking might act as a means to increase one’s sense of controllability and understandability of life events when being under burden. To date, no study has investigated the associations between exhaustion and paranormal thinking. Therefore, the present study aimed to 1) examine the cross-sectional associations between exhaustion and paranormal thinking, 2) examine whether exhaustion predicts the development of paranormal thinking over an 11-year follow-up, and 3) investigate whether different developmental trajectories of exhaustion are differently associated with paranormal thinking. Methods: The participants (n = 906–2092) came from The Young Finns Study, which is a Finnish population-based on-going follow-up study consisting of six age cohorts (born between 1962 and 1977). Paranormal thinking was assessed in 2001 and 2012 with The Spiritual Acceptance vs. Rational Materialism questionnaire. Exhaustion was assessed in 2001, 2007 and 2012 with The Maastricht Vital Exhaustion questionnaire. The participants were 24-50-year-olds during the measurement years. The cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between exhaustion and paranormal thinking were examined using linear regression analyses. The analyses were adjusted for participants’ gender and age, and participants’ and their parents’ socioeconomic status. The associations of different developmental trajectories of vital exhaustion (i.e., consistently high, consistently low, increasing, or decreasing exhaustion over the 11-year follow-up) with paranormal thinking were examined using analyses of variance. Results and conclusion: The results of this study showed that high exhaustion was cross-sectionally associated with higher levels of paranormal thinking. Further, high vital exhaustion predicted higher development of paranormal thinking over the 11-year follow-up. Additionally, participants with consistently high exhaustion over the 11-year follow-up had higher levels of paranormal thinking, when compared to those without exhaustion or those with increasing levels of exhaustion over the 11-year follow-up. The findings provide novel evidence on the associations between exhaustion and paranormal thinking that had not been investigated before. Future research could examine whether paranormal thinking could act as a psychological coping strategy among exhausted individuals.
  • Sairanen, Veronika (2022)
    Objective: Paranormal thinking refers to beliefs in supernatural phenomena that have not been scientifically proven to exist (e.g., telepathy, sixth sense). Despite increased scientific knowledge, paranormal thinking is still common in the general population. According to one explanatory model, paranormal thinking can be used as a coping strategy for dealing with stress in bourdensome and challenging conditions. While paranormal thinking is known to associate with many mental disorders, evidence is still scarce on the association between depression and paranormal thinking. A few previous studies have found a positive correlation between depression and paranormal thinking, but longitudinal studies are totally lacking. This study aimed to investigate (1) whether depressive symptoms are cross-sectionally associated with paranormal thinking, (2) whether mild, moderate, and severe depression are differently associated with paranormal thinking, and (3) whether depressive symptoms predict the development of paranormal thinking over a 4- or 15-year follow-up. Methods: The participants (N=1064–1348, born between 1962–1977) came from the population-based Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Paranormal thinking was assessed with The Spiritual Acceptance vs. Rational Materialism questionnaire in 1997, 2001 and 2012, depressive symptoms with The Beck Depression Inventory in 2012, and mild depressive symptoms with The Modified Beck Depression Inventory in 1997, 2001 and 2012. The data was analyzed with regression analyses that were adjusted for participants’ age, sex, and socioeconomic factors in adulthood and their parents’ socioeconomic factors in childhood. Results and conclusions: High depressive symptoms were cross-sectionally associated with higher paranormal thinking. Additionally, participants with mild depression (but not participants with moderate or severe depression) had on average higher paranormal thinking when compared to those without depression. Depressive symptoms did not predict the development of paranormal thinking over the 4- or 15-year follow up. Overall, the findings in this population-based longitudinal sample suggest that depressive symptoms co-occur with but do not predict paranormal thinking. Future studies could examine the psychological mechanisms behind the co-occurrence between depressive symptoms and paranormal thinking; in particular, whether paranormal thinking can act as a coping mechanism when exposed to depression-related strain.
  • Hynninen, Riikka (2020)
    Käsittelen tutkielmassani sitä, millaiseksi piirtyy mielikuva verensulkijoista 1960-luvulla kirjoitetuissa kuvauksissa sekä sitä, millaisia verensulkijan kehollisuuteen liitettyjä merkityksiä kuvauksista on luettavissa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat osa laajempaa tutkimustehtävää: millaista tietoa näitä kuvauksia tulkitsemalla voidaan saada kehollisuudesta? Sijoitan tutkielmani aiheen maagisen ajattelun kontekstiin. Lähestyn mielikuvaa kulttuurisena tietona. Myös työni toisen keskeisen käsitteen, ruumiinkuvan, määrittelen sen kulttuurisen merkityksen kautta. Tarkoitan ruumiinkuvalla jaettua käsitystä siitä, mistä ihmiskeho koostuu ja millaisena sen vaikutuspiiri nähdään. Hyödynnän kehollisuuden käsitettä tarkoittaen sillä kulttuurisesti rakennettua ja rakentuvaa konstruktiota siitä, millainen ihmiskeho on. Työni teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu mielikuvan, kehollisuuden ja ruumiinkuvan ympärillä käydyn keskustelun lisäksi avoimen ruumiinkuvan mallista, jota hyödynnän tutkiessani verensulkijan kehollisuudelle annettuja merkityksiä. Avoimella ruumiinkuvalla tarkoitetaan maagiselle ajattelulle tyypillistä skeemaa, jonka mukaan ihmiskehon rajojen koetaan olevan mahdollista avautua ympäröivälle maailmalle, jolloin dynamistisesti vaikuttavat voimat voivat kulkea kehon ulkopuollta sen sisäpuolelle ja toisin pain. Aineistona käytän Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran perinteen ja nykykulttuurin arkistoon tallennettuja tekstejä, jotka on lähetetty arkistoon vastauksena Kansantieto-lehdessä vuonna 1962 julkaistuun kyselyyn “Kuvauksia verensulkijoista”. Aineisto koostuu 233 vastauksesta yhteensä 56 vastaajalta. Käytän aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia tarkastellessani sitä, millaiseksi muodostuu mielikuva verensulkijasta. Verensulkijan kehollisuuteen liitettyjä merkityksiä tutkiessani puolestaan hyödynnän avoimen ruumiinkuvan malliin nojaavaa teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Osoitan työssäni, että aineisto sisältää useita toistuvia piirteitä, jotka muodostavat jaetun mielikuvan verensulkijasta. Kulttuurisesti jaettuun mielikuvaan sisältyvät piirteet toistuvat vaihdellen eri ihmisten kirjoittamissa kuvauksissa, ja näin ollen mielikuva muotoutuu verkostomaiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Keskeisimpiä piirteitä mielikuvassa ovat se, että verensulkijalta edellytetään voimakasluontoisuutta sekä se, että verenseisautusta määrittelevät erityiset säännöt. Suhtautuminen verensulkijaan on useimminen luottamuksellista. Verenvuodon tyrehdyttäminen esimerkiksi katseen, kosketuksen tai syljen avulla viittaa käsitykseen projisoitavasta luonnosta: verensulkija vaikuttaa konkreettisesti parannettavan kehoon luontonsa kautta. Tiedon tuottaminen menneisyydessä vallinneista maailmankuvallisista käsityksistä auttaa ymmärtämään nykyhetkessä vallitsevia, usein kyseenalaistamattomia kulttuurisia konstruktioita, esimerkiksi käsitystä ihmisruumiista ja sen toiminnan ulottuvuuksista. Keskittymällä analyysissa vernsulkijan kehollisuuteen liitettyihin piirteisiin osoitan, että verensulkijoita koskevien kuvausten kautta on nähtävissä ruumiinkuvan avoimuutta edellyttäviä käsityksiä.
  • Landén, Heini (2022)
    Objective: Paranormal ideation has been found to correlate with paranoid ideation. Both phenomena are present in psychotic disorders and are a part of psychosis continuum, but they are both common also in common population. Previous research on the relationship between paranormal and paranoid ideation is based on cross-sectional studies with relatively small and selected samples, so this study was conducted to find out whether paranoid ideation could predict the development of paranormal ideation in adulthood over 15 years. Methods: The data used in this study was from The Young Finns Study. Paranormal ideation was assessed with The Spiritual Acceptance Scale (SAS), a subscale of The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Paranoid ideation was assessed with The Paranoid Ideation Scale (PIS), a subscale of the Symptom Checklist-90-Reviewed (SCL-90-R) questionnaire. The relationship between paranormal ideation and paranoid ideation was analyzed with growth curve modeling (N=1471, of which 56,8 % were women, the age range of the participants = 20–50 y.). Development of paranormal ideation (years 1997, 2001 and 2012) was set as the dependent variable and paranoid ideation from the same years was set as the independent variable. Childhood and adulthood socioeconomic factors were controlled for. Supplementary analyses were made using the same methods to examine the relationship between paranormal and paranoid ideation in the other direction (paranormal ideation predicting the trajectory of paranoid ideation). Results and conclusion: The main finding of this study was that paranoid ideation predicted the development of paranormal ideation over 15 years even after socioeconomic variables were controlled for. A similar relationship was also found in other direction: paranormal ideation predicted the development of paranormal ideation over 15 years. The relationship was found in both directions, from early adulthood to middle age, and in both genders. This study supported the relationship between paranormal and paranoid ideation found in earlier research. Based on previous research this relationship could be explained by cognitive biases or genetic or neurobiological factors. More research over the matter is needed to clarify the causal relationships between paranormal and paranoid ideation, and the factors explaining the relationship.