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Browsing by Subject "mielenterveyden edistäminen"

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  • Kovala-Viita, Minna (2019)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Korkeakouluopiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin haasteisiin on viime vuosina kiinnitetty lisääntyvästi huomiota. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin opiskelijoiden hyvinvoinnin tukemista kognitiivis-behavioraalisen Elämäntaitokurssi-intervention avulla. Erityisesti tarkasteltiin intervention vaikutusta osallistujien elämään tyytyväisyyteen ja minäpystyvyyteen. Lisäksi oltiin kiinnostuneita siitä, välittääkö minäpystyvyyden muutos mahdollisia muutoksia elämään tyytyväisyydessä. Menetelmät: Aineisto on kerätty vuosina 2012 - 16 Nyyti ry:n tutkimushankkeessa Opiskelijoiden hyvinvointi ja Elämäntaitokurssi. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 189 opiskelijaa pääkaupunkiseudun korkeakouluista. Osallistujat satunnaistettiin arpomalla kontrolliryhmään ja interventioryhmään, joka osallistui kuusi viikkoa kestävälle ryhmämuotoiselle Elämäntaitokurssille. Kurssin tavoitteena on tukea osallistujien elämänhallinnan ja mielen hyvinvoinnin taitoja. Tutkimukseen osallistujien elämään tyytyväisyyttä ja minäpystyvyyttä arvioitiin tutkimuksen alkaessa, intervention jälkeen sekä kuusi kuukautta intervention päättymisen jälkeen. Arviointimenetelminä käytettiin Elämään tyytyväisyyden mittaria (SWLS) sekä tätä tutkimusta varten luotua Minäpystyvyysasteikkoa. Tulosten analysoimisessa käytettiin toistomittausten varianssianalyysia sekä mediaatioanalyysia. Tulokset: Elämään tyytyväisyydessä ei välittömästi intervention jälkeen havaittu ryhmien välisiä eroja, mutta kuuden kuukauden seurannassa interventioryhmän elämään tyytyväisyys oli kontrolliryhmää korkeampaa. Minäpystyvyydessä ei havaittu ryhmien välisiä eroja välittömästi intervention jälkeen tai kuuden kuukauden seurannassa. Elämäntaitokurssille osallistuneiden minäpystyvyyden havaittiin kuitenkin intervention kuluessa lisääntyneen, mitä ei tapahtunut kontrolliryhmän sisällä. Minäpystyvyyden ei tässä tutkimuksessa havaittu välittävän elämään tyytyväisyydessä tapahtunutta muutosta. Johtopäätös: Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että Elämäntaitokurssilla oli joitain positiivisia vaikutuksia osallistujien hyvinvointiin. Tarvitaan kuitenkin lisää tutkimusta esimerkiksi siitä, miten lyhytinterventioiden vaikuttavuutta voitaisiin parantaa ja ketkä niistä parhaiten hyötyvät. Vaikuttavien interventioiden kehittäminen vaatii pitkäjänteistä kehitys- ja tutkimustyötä.
  • Tikkanen, Tinja (2021)
    In the spring of 2020, our daily lives changed as the corona pandemic became part of our everyday life. The corona pandemic has created significant societal changes, also bringing challenges to the realization of holistic well-being. Previous studies have shown how even before the global pandemic, the mental health problems of children and young people had increased significantly. The foundation of mental health is built in childhood, and the role of school institutions in promoting well-being has been widely demonstrated. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the mental health of children and young people has been promoted in school institutions during the corona pandemic. In addition, up-to-date information on the promotion of mental health in teachers' job descriptions is added. Theoretical framework of the thesis is based on six methods of mental health promotion (Anttila et al., 2016; THL, 2021e), on the basis of which the aim is to deepen the understanding of mental health promotion and to create new current information. The thesis was carried out between May and December 2021. The material was collected during May and June with an open questionnaire from four different Facebook groups in the field of education. The sample of the thesis consisted of 41 Finnish primary and secondary school teachers, 37 of whom identified themselves as women and 4 as men. Participants ranged in age from 30 to 61, working in a total of 16 different provinces. The data analysis process was carried out during October and November by means of qualitative data-based content analysis, following a phenomenographic research design. The thesis revealed the role of interprofessional cooperation and the teacher as promoters of mental health during the corona pandemic, however, with a lack of resources in the background. Other challenges raised by the corona pandemic were also widely highlighted in the responses from both primary and secondary school teachers. In addition, the research results emphasized timely, empathic interaction that takes children and young people holistically into account. With the help of the research results, it is possible to examine the value base for promoting the well-being of the Finnish school world, at the same time drawing attention to the underlying shortcomings of our society. The research results could be applied in further research, for example, to compare the promotion of mental health in upper secondary schools and vocational schools, to examine the well-being of teachers at work, and to carry out quantitative research. This thesis creates relevant and up-to-date information for the well-being of children and young people, teachers, school communities and our society.
  • Tyynilä, Salla (2023)
    Children’s mental health and its promotion have been featured a lot both in research and public debate within recent years. Concerns regarding the well-being of children and adolescent have arisen, as there is an increasing prevalence of mental health among children worldwide. In particular, the COVID19 pandemic brought children’s well-being to the surface. The long-term consequences of the pandemic are still the subject of research and cause long queues for mental health treatment in healthcare. The purpose of this thesis was to find out class teachers’ perceptions of children’s mental health and its promotion in the school context. School is an important environment that promotes equally all students’ mental health. This thesis aims to deepen the understanding of the promotion of children’s mental health at school and to present a current picture of the class teachers’ perceived role in promoting mental health. The thesis was carried out between March and October 2023. The data was collected between August and October with semi-structured thematic interviews. The sample of the thesis consisted of five elementary school classroom teachers, all of whom were interested in promoting children’s mental health. The data analysis process was carried out qualitatively during September and October using databased content analysis. The thesis revealed that teachers define children’s mental health more through ill-health than well-being. The state of mental health was seen to affect everything. The teachers emphasized the effects of the child’s mental health in both schoolwork and social relationships in the school context. In addition, the research results highlighted the importance of teachers’ role in promoting children’s mental health. The results emphasized cooperation with parents and the student welfare team. The results also highlighted the perceived relevance of mental health speech to attitudes and well-being. This thesis creates up-to-date information about the experiences of teachers regarding the visibility and promotion of children’s mental health, as well as the experienced challenges, which can be considered to support children’s well-being.
  • Petäinen, Juha-Pekka (2023)
    In the last years the concern on mental health has been on the rise, especially of children and adolescence. The covid -pandemic has increased the concern furthermore. To promote mental health in primary schools, MIELI Mental Health Finland and the City of Hämeenlinna have developed a programme on mental health skills called Hyvän mielen taitomerkki. Mental health skills include emotional, social and self-awareness skills. Primary school as an institution offers many possibilities in promoting mental health. In this thesis the views and experiences of teachers, who have used Hyvän mielen taitomerkki in their work as class teachers, was studied. Their views and experiences on mental health skills and promoting mental health skills in general and the Hyvän mielen taitomerkki were the specific interests of this thesis. The material was collected by semi-structural interviews with remote connections in January and February 2022. The sample of the thesis consisted of 5 teachers. The data analysis was carried out between April and June 2022. The analysis was based on qualitive data-driven content analysis. The objective of the study is to produce knowledge about the views and experiences on mental health skills, promoting mental health skills and using Hyvän mielen taitomerkki in promoting mental health skills of class teachers who have been using the programme in question. The thesis was carried out in co-operation with MIELI. The thesis showed that the teachers saw mental health skills to be simultaneously individual and profound humane. The teachers also saw that promoting mental health skills in school is highly dependent on school`s operational culture. Multidisciplinary between teachers, psychologists and social workers was seen as a great potential but needed more viewpoint of promoting mental health. Hyvän mielen taitomerkki was seen as a functional programme by the teachers. Their experience was that it coordinates and gives structure, deepens gradually and is open to adaptation. As conclusions can be said that mental health promotion in schools would help many skills needed in school and outside, such as self-regulation, learning and interaction with others, but needs to be part of the operational culture of the school. Hyvän mielen taitomerkki is a functional programme and can be used in many kinds of situations.