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Browsing by Subject "narrative research"

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  • Teppola, Karoliina (2020)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on analysoida nuorten eteläkorealaisten aikuisten kokemuksia tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta ja saavuttamisen tarpeesta. Näkökulmana käytetään teoriaa kulttuurien ulottuvuuksista ja kulttuurisista arvoista, joiden kautta eri kulttuureja on mahdollista vertailla niiden yksilökeskeisyyden eli individualismin ja yhteisöllisyyden eli kollektivismin kannalta. Tutkimus pyrkii hahmottamaan, miten eteläkorealaiset aikuiset kokevat tavoitteiden saavuttamisen korealaisessa yhteiskunnassa, jonka on kuvailtu asettavan erityisesti nuorten sukupolvien harteille merkittäviä paineita niin opiskelun kuin työelämänkin saralla. Tutkimuksen taustalla ja punaisena lankana kulkee teoria Koreasta maana, jossa kulttuurin individualistiset ja kollektivistiset elementit ovat näkyvillä samanaikaisesti muodostaen monella tapaa uniikin yhtälön perinteisiä konfutselaisia arvoja ja modernia, länsimaalaistunutta elämäntyyliä. Tutkielma esittelee individualismin ja kollektivismin peruskäsitteiden lisäksi juuri korealaiselle kulttuurille erityisiä kollektivismin ja individualismin erityispiirteitä ja pohtii niitä motivaatioteorian ja korealaisen nyky-yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta. Tutkielma ammentaa kulttuurintutkimuksen lisäksi mm. psykologiasta ja yhteiskuntatieteistä, sekä uutisartikkeleista ja sosiaalisesta mediasta, jotka rikastuttavat teoriataustaa ajankohtaisuudellaan ja ihmisläheisyydellään. Varsinaiseksi tutkimusmetodiksi on valittu narratiivinen tutkimus, jonka vahvuus on niin ikään mahdollisuudessa kuulla vastaajia suoraan heidän omien kertomustensa kautta. Narratiivit on koottu sähköisellä kirjoituspyynnöllä, ja sen kautta tarinansa jakoi yhteensä kuusi nuorta korealaista, joiden joukossa on sekä opiskelijoita että jo työelämään siirtyneitä. Sekä kirjoituspyyntö että saadut tarinat on kirjoitettu koreaksi. Narratiivien kautta välittyviä kokemuksia tavoitteiden saavuttamisesta analysoidaan teemoittelun ja kategorisoinnin keinoin. Keskeisiksi teemoiksi kerätyissä narratiiveissa nousevat se, millaisina suorittajina nuoret korealaiset itsensä näkevät, kuinka he kokevat ympäröivän korealaisen yhteiskunnan vaikuttavan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseen, ja millaisia syitä heillä on tavoitteidensa taustalla. Tavoitteiden saavuttaminen on vahvasti osa heidän minuuttaan, ja siinä yhdistyivät niin yhteisölliset periaatteet kuten yhteiskunnan auttaminen, että yksilöllisemmät unelmat ja oman sydämen seuraaminen. Vertautuminen muihin värittää korealaisten saavutuskokemuksia ja esimerkiksi hyvään yliopistoon pääsemistä pidetään tärkeänä etappina ja päämääränä. Samanaikaisesti tavoitteiden saavuttamisen pakollisuus sekä suorituspaineet herättävät lannistusta, jossa heijastuu vahvasti korealaisen yhteiskunnan kilpailuhenkisyys. Tutkielma tuottaa yksityiskohtaista tietoa siitä, kuinka korealaisen yhteiskunnan suorituskeskeisyys heijastuu nuorten aikuisten kokemuksiin heidän tavoitteidensa saavuttamisesta ja myös heidän minäkuvastaan. Myös individualististen ja kollektivististen elementtien yhteenkietoutuminen korealaisessa kulttuurissa tuodaan esiin konkreettisin esimerkein ja sanoin vastaajien omista tarinoista.
  • Korkalainen, Milla (2018)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan läheisensä menettäneiden lasten suhdetta menetettyyn sururyhmän kontekstissa. Tutkielman tehtävänä on ymmärtää, miten lasten suhde ja side menetettyyn rakkaaseen tulee esiin heidän piirustuksissaan ja kertomuksissaan, ja toisaalta, mikä rooli sururyhmällä on lasten surussa. Lapsen ja kuolleen läheisen suhdetta tutkielmassa tarkastellaan jatkuvan tunnesiteen paradigmaa soveltaen. Tunnesiteen katsotaan jatkuvan kuoleman jälkeen läheisen menettäneen ja kuolleen välillä. Suhde läheisen menettäneen ja kuolleen läheisen välillä kuitenkin muuttuu elämän mittaan, sillä surun ajatellaan olevan elämänmittainen kokemus. Tutkielman aineisto koostuu neljästä eri materiaalista: visuaalisesta (piirustukset), kirjoitetusta (lasten taustatiedot), puhutusta (haastattelut) ja osallistuvasta havainnoinnista sururyhmässä. Tutkimusaihetta lähestytään sekä visuaalis-narrativiisella otteella viiden latenssi-ikäisen (9−11 vuotiaan) lapsen piirustuksien ja kertomusten kautta sekä temaattisnarratiivisella näkökulmalla sururyhmän ohjaajien haastattelun perusteella. Visuaalis-narratiivisen analyysin pohjalta nousee esiin kolme erilaista suhdetta ja sidettä menetettyyn: erottamaton side, muuttuva side ja tunnusteleva side. Nämä erilaiset tunnesiteet vaikuttavat olevan jatkuvan neuvottelun alla. Ne voivat muuttua ajan mittaan lapsen kasvaessa ja kehittyessä, ja ovat sidoksissa elämän sosiaaliseen ja kulttuuriseen kontekstiin latenssi-ikäisen lapsen tunnustellessa omaa rooliaan yhteiskunnassa. Temaattis-narratiivisesta analyysistä nousevien teemojen perusteella sururyhmässä menetetyt läheiset tulevat muistelun kautta näkyviksi ja muistelun pohjalta rakentuu side menetettyyn, vaikkakaan tuonpuoleisuuden ajatukset eivät ryhmässä nouse esiin. Sururyhmä antaa apukeinoja ja voimavaroja erityisesti ryhmän tarjoaman vertaistuen kautta surun kohtaamiseen, joka saattaa olla monelle ammattilaiselle haasteellista. Lopulta, surun sanoittaminen ja surun kokonaisvaltaisuuden käsittäminen sekä tulevaisuuden näkeminen merkityksellisenä tarjoavat surun kanssa eläville lapsille voimavaroja tulevaan. Näin ollen tutkielman tulokset osoittavat sururyhmän olevan tarpeellinen surun käsittelyssä. Tutkimuksen perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että jatkotutkimuksena olisi hyödyllistä yhdistää kriisikeskusten ja seurakunnan lasten sururyhmätoiminta sekä tehdä pitkittäistutkimusta, sillä se mahdollistaisi suhteen ja tunnesiteen tarkastelun pidemmällä aikavälillä.
  • Tuomi, Marjo (2019)
    This thesis studies the development of proficiency during apprenticeships in the context of tailoring. The research goal of this thesis is to describe, analyze, and interpret, how apprenticeship as an experience manifests in the narrative of tailors and what meanings are assigned to apprenticeship in terms of personal professional development. In the traditional model of apprenticeship, the apprentice assumes the craft culture exemplified by the master – learning is socialization into the surrounding culture (Syrjäläinen, 2003, 35). The research endeavored to describe the multiplicity of this socialization of craft culture, which is why the theoretical starting point was Wenger's (1998, 5) theory of social learning, emphasizing the comprehensiveness of learning and its social, identity-shaping and meaning-producing dimensions. Because the research considers subjective experiences, it is done with a narrative research approach, in which the descriptions and meanings assigned to personal experiences are of interest (Heikkinen, 2018). The narrative research material was gathered during a group interview held with three tailors. The group interview method was selected because the interviewees had many experiences in common: they had all worked in Helsinki under the master tailor Jouni Korhonen at the start of their careers. In the analysis phase themes were identified from the transcribed interview material with two different points of view, in order to acquire both descriptions of apprenticeship as an experience, and of the meanings ascribed to the apprenticeship in terms of personal professional development. The theme identification in this thesis was done by theory driven content analysis. Based on the results apprenticeship can be a rewarding alternative way to learn a profession, if additional knowledge is needed after or studying in school form is not suitable. The results highlight that apprenticeship affords insight into how a professional thinks and acts. During apprenticeship, in addition to actual technique, the apprentice learns about professional identity, relations to the professional community, and what is valuable and meaningful in the profession. The interviewees felt that their apprenticeship was a cornerstone in their professional development‚ from which their professional skills and self-image advanced.
  • Reinman, Roosaliina (2018)
    Purpose. According to previous research there are many factors, for example physical environment, family and friends, that affect being physically active and forming a physically active lifestyle during childhood and adolescence. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the physical activity path of three young adults and research, which factors have affected to its forming. This study shows how physical activity has formed and struck root in the participants’ lives. Methods. The study involved three young adults who have a physically active lifestyle. The data were collected during the spring of the year 2017 by the giving participants a task in which they needed to draw a graph depicting physical activity during their lifetimes and by interviewing them. The interviews were supplemented afterwards via email. Everyone’s personal narrative, physical activity path, was formed from the interview data. The data was analyzed with a plot analysis, which is typical for narrative research, and by comparing it to previous research. Results and conclusion. Every participant has an own physical acitivity path. However, the backgrounds of two participants are quite similar compared to the third one. These two have been physically very active during their whole lives and they had been supported and guided to be physically active in many ways. They have also had plenty of positive experiences and experiences of success in physical activities. The third participant wasn’t physically active during her childhood and her family didn’t exercise. However, in the fifth grade she started to take dance lessons and in secondary school she had an encouraging PE teacher and she started to enjoy physical activity. Her physical self-esteem also rose. The joy and sociality of physical activity were repeated in every three stories. Other factors that are associated to physical activity and formation of physically active lifestyle are also realized in participants’ lives. This study shows that many kinds of physical activity paths can lead to the formation of a physically active lifestyle.
  • Aronen, Katri (2014)
    The purpose of this narrative study is to ascertain how kindergarten teachers perceive their pedagogical responsibility in the context of the distributed organization and how they feel their responsibilities have changed expertise in the development of the over time. Changes in the social environment and the shift towards an increasingly distributed organization model in early childhood education are reflected in to need to review and redefine the pedagogical responsibility of the kindergarten teacher. The aim of the study is to define kindergarten teacher's pedagogical responsibility in a postmodern society and to describe its evolution in the wake of the changing nature of the expertise in question of kindergarten teaching. The study analysed views regarding the pedagogical responsibility from the perspective of different teacher generations. The three generations that became apparent from the study were the generation that witnessed the expansion of children's day care outside the home, the experienced early childhood educators, and the latest generation of early childhood educators who are at the beginning of their career. The theoretical framework for the study is formed by research into both kindergarten teacher expertise and distributed organization. The data included eleven (11) kindergarten teacher's diaries. The data was analysed using the methods of structural narrative analysis (Labov 1967) and content analysis. The data acquisition and analysis methods support the objective in narrative research, which is to "give a voice" to the target group of the research. The research findings show that kindergarten teachers have a clear and structured understanding of pedagogical responsibility and the area of its content that falls under their remit. The evolution of pedagogical responsibility is an on going process, affected by personal characteristics as well as societal and particularly early childhood educators at the beginning of their careers felt a lack of confidence in taking pedagogical responsibility in relation to the other members of their team. Kindergarten teachers voiced a wish that directors of day care centers and the organisation would lend their support to their professional development and to carrying out their pedagogical responsibility. The research findings highlighted the importance of pedagogical leadership as a precondition for high-quality early childhood education. The pedagogical responsibility of kindergarten teachers was studied investigated in the present study exclusively in relation to each kindergarten teacher's own team. However, the shift towards shared pedagogical leadership may be deemed a necessary developmental path in the distributed early childhood education organisation.
  • Tiainen, Tanja (2012)
    The purpose of this thesis was to describe mistakes occurring in daycare and the emotions they evoke, as well as how these mistakes are reported to outsiders. Mistakes occurring at work have raised internationally steady amounts of attention throughout the entire 2000s. Earlier studies have mainly focused on the best ways to avoid mistakes or to learn from them, as well as on factors that predispose to mistakes and failures. However, there are very few Finnish studies on this topic. Additionally, earlier studies have mainly ignored the individual view; thoughts and emotions in a situation where a worker makes a mistake. This thesis investigates the types of narratives told about mistakes. Further, the emotions perceivable in these stories are mapped together with how these narratives reflect the thoughts of alternatives to reality. In research publications, the latter is called counterfactual thinking. The material was collected and analysed using a narrative research method. For this thesis, six former or present daycare workers were interviewed, each of them twice. The first interview was a narrative one, and the second one a semi-structured one. The actual material comprised 18 narratives, each one describing a particular situation where a mistake was made by the interviewee or his or her coworker. Narrative analysis was used to analyse various reporting styles, the emotional expressions used in them and the counterfactual thinking. Through reporting styles and counterfactual thinking it was possible to detect five different types of narratives the daycare workers used for reporting mistakes. These types of narratives were qualitatively different depending on whether the reported mistake was made by the person himself or herself or by a coworker. The types of narratives were judgmental, evasive, learning, polishing and what if reports.
  • Johtela, Kaija-Mari (2010)
    The purpose of this thesis is to examine Somalis who live in Finland through their memories. These memories are interpreted as subjective experiences emphasizing the significance of the past and religion in these memories. On the other hand, these memories are understood as a part of collective social memory of Somalis. This study also constructs a comparative perspective for practising Islam in Somalia and Finland. The methodological framework is based on theories of social memory, oral history and narrative analysis. The empirical data is collected by interviewing Somalis living in Finland. The interviews were conducted by using the method of half-structured thematic interview. The data consists of seven interviews. The interviewees are in the focus of this study since their experiences are considered as the main sources of information for this study. The empirical data of the study reveals that Somalis have maintained strong relations to Somalia. The relationship to Somalia is mainly constructed on positive memories. Memories from Somalia have acquired a significant role in the lives of the interviewees. Those memories will define their relation to both past and the present. In the context of religious memories, Islam is described as a way of living which provides advice and defines the terms of everyday life. As a part of those religious memories, the transmitting of Islamic and Somali values plays a significant role in the lives of Somalis in Finland. In such transmitting process of the values, the social religious memory has acquired a significant role. In the context of Islam in Finland, the religious education of children is mentioned as one of the most important features of the Islamic faith by the interviewees. In general, the practice of Islam does not create any major problems for the interviewees in Finland. The interviewees describe their practice of Islam quite similar when compared to their religious life in Somalia. The empirical data also points out the fact that the meaning of Islam has not changed after moving to Finland.