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Browsing by Subject "opettajan pedagoginen ajattelu"

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  • Kangasharju, Erja (2017)
    Objectives. The objectives of the first task of this Master's thesis were to identify the University of Helsinki field school network teachers, their supervision theories, instructions and efforts taken to supervise. The second objective was to explore the impact of the teacher training provided by University of Helsinki to the supervisor's pedagogical thinking and performance. As the researcher, I also wanted to find out the views of the different supervisors in regard to successful training and the qualities of a good supervisor. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on teacher training studies from Jyrhämä (2002), Krokfors (1997), Kiviniemi (1997), Väisänen & Silkelä (2000) and Liinamaa (2014). Whereas, the theoretical narrative is based on Säntti (2007) and Estola (1999). Methods. The research methods used in the thesis were surveys and questionnaires as well as the narrative "snowball" research methods to bringing real life context and biographical sections to the thesis. The surveyed audiences for the thesis were 32 supervisors of kindergarten teacher trainees from the metropolitan area and the three supervisors who have written biographies. Results and conclusions. The impact of the teacher training programme the field school network was significant, because changes took place in pedagogical thinking, in the performance and in the views of the instructions. Furthermore, the roles of the supervisors and the required teaching work became clearer, and the work styles became reflexive and dialogic. The supervisors emphasized the importance of finding the trainees' own teaching style and professional identity, but also have time reflect on their own work. Based on the findings, a succesful student-supervisor relationship was interactive, collaborative and based on two-way dialogue. Successful supervisors for teacher training have great interpersonal and collaboration skills, in addition to having the abilities listen and share their own experiences and ways of working. It is important that the supervisors are enthusiastic and passionate about their own work and as well as guiding teacher trainees. In addition to the above points, great teacher training supervisor are open, honest and trustworthy.
  • Mäntyaho, Meri-Tuuli (2017)
    Physical activity has a major impact on children's growth and development. Positive movement experience in school can have an influence on lifelong continuation in physical activity. School-aged children spend a lot of time in schools and therefore teachers who teach physical education have a great responsibility on what kind of movement and physical activity experiences children gather during school day. Teachers' conceptions of what good physical education and good physical education teacher are influence their goal adjustment and content of instruction on their physical education. The aim of the present study is to describe what primary school teachers' conceptions of good physical education and good physical education teacher in elementary instruction consist of. In addition, this study tries to investigate how teachers' pedagogical thinking is expressed on their physical education. The methodology of this study is a qualitative research and the objective was to use a theme interview approach to formulate the results. The data of this research consists of five interviews of primary school teachers who teach or have taught physical education in elementary instruction. Four of the interviewees have accomplished a short secondary subject study in physical education (25 c) and one of them has taken an adapted physical activity instructor course (60 c). In addition, one of the five interviewees has taken subject-related studies in physical education (60c). The data was analysed by content analysis with phenomenographic approach. In addition, the researcher's own reflective approach is used. Teachers' conceptions of good physical education and physical education teacher in elementary instruction were varied. Fifteen different categories of the most highlighted conceptions were formed to describe good teaching and good teacher in the physical education of elementary instruction. These categories split into subject related descriptions: physical performance, versatility and methodicalness as well as into descriptions related to instruction climate and teacher's action: positivity, motivational, experiences of success, mental growth, coordination, differentiation, clear communication, performance and effectiveness, athletic lifestyle, patience and understanding, interest and assertiveness. Teachers' conceptions of good teaching in the physical education of elementary instruction could be seen either as thinking on action level or as thinking on 1st thinking level (object theories) depending on one's viewpoint of interpretation. The majority of the teachers' pedagogical thinking could be seen as thinking on 1st thinking level (object theories) though. Instead, no direct thinking on 2nd thinking level (metatheory) appeared.
  • Heinonen, Tiina (2020)
    The aim of the dissertation was to look at the diversity of students in craft education. The het-erogeneity of teaching groups has increased due to the neighborhood school model among other things. Examining the phenomenon in craft education is a topical but little researched topic. The theoretical background of the dissertation therefore rests on the literature on inclu-sion. The frame of reference of the dissertation is based on the structure of the didactic trian-gle of the teaching event, and in reporting the results I utilize the level model of the teacher's pedagogical thinking. The research question is how the craft teacher considers the students' differences in the teacher's pedagogical thinking. The dissertation was carried out as a qualitative study. The material was collected as an in-terview study from eight craft teachers. Of the thematic interviews, four were individual inter-views and two were pair interviews. The analysis of the material was based on qualitative theory-guided content analysis. Consideration of student diversity occurs at all three levels of teacher pedagogical thinking. At the level of metatheory, consideration is manifested in teachers’ attitudes and ideals, at the level of object theories as four teacher teaching practices, and at the functional level, as de-scriptions of students’ differences in craft teaching and ways of considering and differentiating teaching.
  • Vähäkangas, Johanna (2018)
    The aim of this thesis was to study how home economics teachers´ perceived the usability of ICT in home economics. The focus of the thesis was the teachers' views on the pedagogical potential of ICT in home economics, and the factors influencing the fluent use of ICT in teaching. The research questions are: 1. What do the interviewed home economics teachers see as the pedagogical benefits of ICT in home economics teaching? 2. Which factors do home economics teachers see contributing to the fluency of ICT use in home economics teaching? Five home economics teachers from southern Finland were interviewed for this thesis. The data collection was carried out as semi-structured theme interviews in the spring 2018. This was a qualitative study, and the data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The home economics teachers felt ICT has versatile pedagogical potential for supporting learning and to achieving key skills. ICT was seen as a means to facilitate differentiation and student evaluation, and to enhance pupils´ motivation and active agency. The use of ICT was also seen freeing up teachers´ time from routines to pedagogical work. ICT was considered a key element in learning information processing skills and ICT skills, but also in promoting pupils´ responsibility for his/her own learning. Factors contributing to the fluency of ICT use in home economic teaching were indentified as operational culture in schools and technical infrastructure (external factors) and teachers´ attitudes towards ICT use and competence (internal factors). In detail, adequate equipments and broadband, general attitude and support in the workplace, access to suitable ICT-based educational material, and the lack of pedagogical ICT training were significant factors. Teachers attitudes towards ICT use in learning and ability to use ICT pedagogically were also seen determining the fluency of ICT use in the classroom. The home economics teachers felt strongly that ICT was just one teaching method among many, and teaching should always be planned a desired learning outcome in mind.
  • Vesterinen, Olli (2004)
    Tutkimuksen päätarkoitus oli hahmottaa verkko-opetuksen arvoja ja arviointia luokanopettajan näkökulmasta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä oli mediakasvatus ja didaktiikan käsitys opetus opiskelu oppimisprosessista. Didaktisena perustana käytettiin Kansasen ym. (2000) opettajan pedagogista ajattelua, Lahdeksen (1997) didaktiikan kehämallia sekä Uljensin (1997) opetus opiskelu oppimisprosessia. Lähtökohtana oli luokanopettajan arvioinnin kautta pohtia opetuksen, opiskelun ja oppimisen sekä tieto- ja viestintätekniikan yhtymistä koulukontekstissa. Tutkimuksen pääongelmat olivat: 1) Minkälainen oli luokanopettajan käsitys verkko-opetuksen toteuttamisesta? 2) Miten luokanopettaja arvioi verkko-opetusta? Myös ensimmäistä pääongelmaa lähestyttiin arvojen ja arvioinnin näkökulmasta. Menetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Teemahaastattelun teemoja jäsennettiin Gallinin (2001) sosiokulttuurisen verkko-opetuksen arviointimallin sekä Tellan ja Mononen-Aaltosen (2001) mediakasvatuksen monitasomallin avulla. Aineistonkeruussa kahdeksan helsinkiläistä luokanopettajaa vastasivat lyhyeen kyselyyn, jonka jälkeen heitä haastateltiin välittömästi. Laadullisen aineiston analyysissä teemoiteltiin aineisto, ja tämän rinnalla rakennettiin aineistolähtöistä analyysiä. Näiden vuorovaikutuksesta syntyivät tutkimuksen johtopäätökset. Keskeisinä tuloksina tutkimuksessa nähtiin luokanopettajan verkko-opetukseen liittyvien arvojen kaksi eri näkökulmaa: (A) opetus opiskelu oppimismenetelmien ja -tulosten arvonäkökulma sekä (B) ns. kasvatuksellinen ja koulukulttuurin arvonäkökulma. Arvonäkökulmien pohjalta hahmotettiin johtopäätöksissä erilaisia tasoja luokanopettajan opetuksen, opiskelun ja oppimisen arvioinnista, kun tieto- ja viestintätekniikka on mukana prosessissa. Kaksi tasoa tarkennettiin verkko-opetuksen arvioinnin fokuksiksi, jotka olivat (1) teknologinen ja (2) tavoitteinen fokus. Teknologisessa arvioinnin fokuksessa (1) arviointia hallitsee huoli oppilaasta ihmisenä. Arviointi liittyy joko siihen, että oppilaan on opittava perustaidot tieto- ja viestintätekniikassa ja ymmärrettävä Internetin mahdollisuudet, tai siihen, että opettaja pyrkii suojelemaan lapsia Internetin uhkilta ja liialliselta altistumiselta esimerkiksi digitaalisille peleille. Verkko-opetuksen tavoitteinen arvioinnin fokus (2) nojaa siihen, minkälaisia tavoitteita luokanopettaja yleisesti asettaa opetukselleen, vaikka tieto- ja viestintätekniikka ei liittyisikään prosessiin. Fokuksen taustalla on myös mediakasvatuksen näkökulma tieto- ja viestintätekniikan opetuskäyttöön, jolloin keskeistä on, että opetuksen suunnittelu ja arviointi ei lähde teknologiasta käsin vaan didaktiikasta ja pedagogisista arvoista. Verkko-opetuksen arvioinnin fokusten voidaan nähdä täydentävän toisiaan. Fokusten varioinnissa voidaan puhua luokanopettajan kohdalla todellisesta mediataidosta, joka ulottuu yli ammatillisen pätevyyden aina opettajan henkilökohtaiseen kehittymisen kaareen.