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Browsing by Subject "opettajaopiskelijat"

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  • Kokkonen, Metti-Maaria (1998)
    Tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin opettajaksi opiskelevien koulumuistoja ja niissä esiintyviä positiivisia ja negatiivisia kokemuksia koulusta, oppimisesta ja opettajasta. Tutkimusmetodiksi valittiin koulumuistoista kirjoittaminen tarkoituksena helpottaa sekä kokemusten tuomista tietoisuuteen että niiden myöhempää käsittelyä kirjallisina dokumentteina. Opiskelijoita pyydettiin kirjoittamaan erään yhteisen luennon alussa parhaasta ja huonoimmasta koulumuistostaan. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa opiskelijoiden muistoja koulusta. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin myös osittain selittämään kokemuksien yhteyksiä toisiinsa. Tutkimusongelmina esitettiin seuraavat kysymykset: minkälaisia muistoja koulusta tulee ensimmäisenä mieleen, miten opettajan merkitys näkyy kyseisissä muistoissa, minkälaisen kuvan opiskelijoiden muistot antavat koulusta, ja miten muistoissa kuvatut koulukokemukset ovat mahdollisesti vaikuttaneet opiskelijoiden myöhempään elämään. Tutkimusjoukko koostui 101:stä Helsingin yliopiston opettajankoulutuslaitoksen ensimmäisen vuoden opiskelijasta, lastentarhanopettajan, luokanopettajan, kotitalousopettajan sekä käsityöopettajan koulutuslinjoilta. Koulumuistot sijoittuivat pääasiassa peruskouluaikaan, sillä opiskelijoista suurin osa oli alle 25-vuotiaita. Opiskelijoiden kirjoittamat muistot analysoitiin ja tulkittiin kvalitatiivisen tutkimusotteen mukaisesti. Analysointiluokkien muodostamiseen saatiin malli kahdesta aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta. Ruotsalaisen Pérez Prieton koulukokemustutkimus ja amerikkalaisen Johnson Rothenbergin tutkimus opiskelijoiden koulumuistoista toimivat tämän tutkimuksen tärkeimpinä lähteinä teoriataustassa. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yli puolet opiskelijoiden koulumuistoista liittyi opettajaan. Opettajanvaikutus oli merkittävin negatiivisten muistojen kohdalla ja suurin osa maininnoista esiintyi nöyryytyskokemusten yhteydessä. Nöyryyttävinä koettiin tilanteet, joissa opettaja oli rankaissut julkisesti tai toiminut oppilaan oikeuksia vastaan. Positiivisissa muistoissa opettaja esiintyi noin viidesosassa maininnoista, pääasiassa menestymiskokemusten ja haastavuuden yhteydessä. Menestymiskokemukset,joihin liittyi yleensä itsensä toteuttamisen mahdollisuus, muodostivat suurimman parhaiden koulumuistojen luokan. Myös kaverit ja koulun ilmapiiri olivat merkittäviä tekijöitä niin hyvien kuin huonojenkin kokemusten kohdalla. Muita analysointiluokkia edellisten lisäksi olivat epäonnistuminen, turhautuminen, arvostelu, koulunvaihto ja rehtori. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä selvitettiin kokemuksen käsitettä ja sen soveltuvuutta tutkimuksen kohteeksi. Tärkeitä lähteitä tutkimuksen kokemuksellisen luonteen kannalta olivat Deweyn ja Jarvisin teokset, joissa käsiteltiin kokemuksen merkitystä kasvatukselle ja oppimiselle sekä reflektion vaikutusta kokemuksen merkittävyydelle. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin tutkimuksia koulukokemusten merkittävyydestä opettajaopiskelijoille ja opettajan merkityksestä oppilaalle tärkeänä aikuisena.
  • Hiltunen, Laura (2016)
    In our society values and ideals are transferred partly by teachers and schools. The basic values of teaching are based on the definitions of the values in the Finnish national curriculum. Values can be transferred trough the behaviour of the teacher and the practices of the school. The transmission of values or the identification of one's own values are not always conscious. Especially the young people living in the modern media society are easily exposed to the environments information overload that contains discourses of values and ideals. Influencing the value transferring contents of media is not easy but influencing the values transferred by the schools and teachers is possible. It is important to study teachers and future teachers conceptions of values and ideals, so that we are able to have a better understanding of the transmission of values in schools. The aim of this study is to determine the internal and external values and ideals of the teacher students. Ideals were examined from the perspective of values. The study involved 22 teacher students who were either subject teachers or class teachers. The data were collected by e-form in the spring of 2015. The form contained three image interpretation assignments. Respondents were asked to search for pictures in accordance with the assignment and interpret them via three questions. The data consisted 66 images and 66 image interpretations. The data was analysed by content analysis and semiotic analysis. The content analysis was based on Schwartz value theory and the pictures were analysed with the concepts of semiotic theory. Through the text data I was able to determine student teachers internal values. Their internal values centered on social, aesthetic, security and self-direction values. The external values determined from the image data emphasized the importance of youth, beauty, health and slenderness. It seems that the ideals and values of teacher students are similar than the values of the Finnish people in general but differ from the base values of the Finnish national curriculum. The results of the study can be used when planning teaching in schools. It is important to acknowledge that teachers' values and ideals differ from the Finnish national curriculum even though the values in the curriculum are meant to be the base of learning.
  • Britschgi, Roosa (2015)
    Aim of the study. Continuous vocal loading strains the vocal cords, which can lead to voice symptoms. Especially for professional voice users like teachers, voice symptoms may cause psychosocial harm. However, the amount of psychosocial harm is not linked directly to the amount of voice symptoms, but varies according to individual's vocal needs and requirements. Teaching of some subjects is more linked to vocal risk factors and voice symptoms are more common among teachers of certain substances. Previous studies have found that teacher students have more voice symptoms than other university students, but there hasn't been any comparative research about the differences between teacher students studying different subjects. The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of voice symptoms of Helsinki University teacher students and examine the psychosocial harm caused to them by voice symptoms. In addition this study investigates how voice symptoms and psychosocial harm influences the assessment of ones voice. Voice symptoms and the amount of psychosocial harm of students of different subjects are being compared in order to see whether there are differences already before graduating. Methods. The data was gathered by electronical questionnaire during spring 2015. The questionnaire was sent out to all students of the department of teacher education in Helsinki University who were on any of the mailing lists of student organizations. A total of 190 students from all classes and training fields participated the study. The questionnaire consists of background information form and questionnaires about vocal symptoms (voice screening test) and the psychosocial impacts of voice disorders (VHI). The data was analyzed mainly by using quantitative methods. Results. The results show that voice symptoms are quite common among teacher students and about 40 % of them reported frequently occurring voice symptoms. This study shows a clear association between voice symptoms and psychosocial harm and the self-assessment of voice. However, one of the main discoveries of this study is that almost 90 % of the students did not have notable psychosocial impacts and almost 80 % actually considered their voice normal. Surprisingly this research shows that students can regard their voice normal despite the fact that they have voice symptoms. The amount of voice symptoms and psychosocial harm was equally high among students of all different subjects.
  • Lindberg, Aleksi (2017)
    Teacher's own attitudes and behavior has a great impact on children's development of attitudes and behavior. They take part on the growth of the children's identity. This said, it is good to be acknowledged on the prevalent attitudinal atmosphere and also to acknowledge one's own attitudes. In this study the main task was to explore finnish teacher student's attitudes towards sexual minorities. Addition to that the possible effects of background factors were studied. In Finland there has not been enough academic research on the subject, even though the issue is current and significant. The study was conducted in November 2017. Altogether 180 teacher students from three different universities participated in the study. The questionnaire used in the study based on Herek's ATLG-scale (Attitudes toward lesbian and gay men) and it was altered to fit better in the Finnish context. The questionnaire included 22 claims on both gay men and lesbians. The results were analyzed by using IBM SPSS Statistic 22 –program. The sum of the variables was calculated and its characteristics were examined to examine the attitudes. The connection of the background factors were analyzed by t-tests and variance analyses. Teachers' attitudes were mainly positive although there was slight variation in some of the claims. Especially the claims about the current subjects and personal opinions caused some alteration in the answers. Despite the variation, the attitudes were surprisingly positive. The background factors had some effect on the attitudes. For example, if the student considered him- or herself as religious affected the attitudes slightly. Other factors that affected were respondents own sexual orientation and the fact if he or she knew someone who considered him- or herself as a gay or lesbian. Other factors did not have any significant effect on the attitudes in this study and sample. These results from the study are not to be generalized to concern all the teachers in Finland, only to get some idea about the attitudes. There are several possibilities to continue this study. Adding more participants to the sample or broadening the study are good ways to improve the generalization of the result. Studying how teachers' attitudes impact on children's attitudes would be too an interesting study.