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Browsing by Subject "pedagoginen johtaminen"

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  • Poutanen, Teea (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Käsillä olevan tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pedagogisen johtajuuden rakentumista perusopetuksen koulujen toimintakulttuurissa. Tutkimuksen kohdeilmiönä olivat pedagoginen vuorovaikutus ja ohjaus laaja-alaisen pedagogisen johtamisen viitekehyksessä. Johtajuuden rakentumista tutkittiin Pedagoginen johtajuus oppilaitoksessa -kehittämis- ja koulutusohjelmaan osallistuneiden koulujen eri toimijoiden (opettajat, johtoryhmä ja rehtori) laajaan pedagogiseen johtajuuteen liittyviä käsityksiä ammatillisen toimijuuden ja osallisuuden näkökulmasta. Menetelmät. Pedagoginen johtajuus oppilaitoksessa -hankkeeseen osallistui viisi pilottikoulua. Pilottikoulut olivat 370-650 oppilaan ylä- tai yhtenäiskouluja Etelä-Suomen alueelta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koottiin Helsingin yliopiston arviontikeskuksen HEA:n toimesta. Haastattelumenetelmä oli ryhmäkeskustelu, jossa käytettiin laadullisen asennetutkimuksen väittämiä. Haastateltavien kokonaismäärä oli 52. Kustakin koulusta osallistui 9-12 edustajaa. Tutkimuskouluissa toteutettiin kussakin kolme haastattelua, joissa haastateltiin erikseen rehtoria, johtoryhmää sekä opettajia. Aineisto analysoitiin fenomenografian lähestymistavalla hyödyntäen AtlasTI:ta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Opettajien ja rehtorien käsitysten mukaan yleisin pedagogisen keskustelun muoto oli oppilasasioita koskevat kahdenkeskiset keskustelut opettajan ja rehtorin välillä. Keskustelujen toteutumiseksi opettajan tuli olla aloitteellinen. Opettajat sopeuttivat pedagogiseen vuorovaikutukseen liittyviä tarpeitaan rehtorin käytetättävissä olevaan aikaan. Kahdenkeskiset keskustelut eivät korvanneet koulussa käytäviä yhteisiä pedagogia keskusteluja. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin toimivien ja epätyydyttävinä koettujen vuorovaikutustilanteiden piirteitä sekä opettajien osallisuutta yhteiseen päätöksentekoon. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löydettiin keskustelevaa toimintakulttuuria kuvaavia johtamiskäytänteitä. Tutkimus sisältää suosituksia johtamiskäytäntöihin.
  • Jussila, Maria (2020)
    According to the current concept of leadership, it is at its best in the model of shared leader-ship with collaborative action. A characteristic key component of school leadership is peda-gogical leadership, which takes the form of a collaborative process similar to shared leader-ship. The concept of pedagogical leadership is not well established and has been defined from several perspectives including the hierarchical model of pedagogical leadership (Ser-giovanni 1984), expanding pedagogical leadership responsibilities (Fonsén 2013). Other re-searchers have searched for differences in the meanings of instructional and general peda-gogical leadership. The aim of this study is to find out what kind of perceptions class teach-ers have about pedagogical leadership and what kind of perception they have about the role of a teacher as a pedagogical leader. A phenomenographic research approach was used in this qualitative study. The material consisted of essays by ten class teachers, with a total length of 19 A4 pages. The essay re-quest was made to pre-selected teachers with more than 15 years of work experience and collected by email. The analysis was done by dividing the theoretical material into themes which consisted of descriptions of pedagogical leadership that appeared in the previous stud-ies. Teachers’ perceptions of pedagogical leadership collected from the essays according to the theme and made an analysis on the basis of these themes. Teachers' perceptions of pedagogical leadership followed themes emerging from the previ-ous studies. Teachers’ perception of pedagogical leadership was by nature more of a trust-based leadership than instructional leadership. Teachers’ perceptions of pedagogical leader-ship appeared to be complex and multilevel. Teachers' perceptions differed and emphasized different issues. The concept of pedagogical leadership appears to teachers in a different sense.
  • Hiekkala, Anna-Riikka (2015)
    This is a qualitative study researching the current state of early childhood education. The purpose of the study was to find out what kinds of things kindergarten teachers are hoping to change regarding the distribution of work between kindergarten teachers and kindergarten's nursemaids in day-care centers, and how kindergarten teachers wish the director would act regarding these issues. This study was part of the research project "Transition from the education to the profession and staying at work in the kindergarten teacher career" conducted by the teacher training college of the University of Helsinki. The data was collected using an electronic questionnaire and the study involved 490 kindergarten teachers from five counties in the metropolitan Helsinki area. This study focuses specifically on two open questions and total of the answers was 399. The data is analyzed through a content analysis. The theoretical background of the study is focused on the organisation of the distribution of work and leadership in day-care centers. Previous studies have shown that unclarity on the key tasks of the director in the field of early childhood education has affected confusion and excessive liberties in defining both the directors' and the kindergarten teachers' work descriptions. (Hujala 2005; Halttunen 2000; Nivala 1999) In addition, previous studies have shown that the growing work distribution trend in the day-care centers where everyone does everything has negatively affected the pedagogical level of staff, and kindergarten teachers have lost their position in the field of early childhood education. (Hujala 1998; Kinos 2008; Onnismaa & Kalliala 2010). The results showed that kindergarten teachers wish for a clearer definition of their tasks. They also hope better organization of work and usage of working time. Kindergarten teachers wish that directors would be involved in the distribution of work in the day-care centers. They also wish that the expertise of different professional groups would be recognized in the process. The results showed that many kindergarten teachers need the director to support the formation of a clear division of labor and its implementation in day-care centers. The results provide information on what issues the kindergarten teachers think should be payed attention to in day-care center leadership, and how they would want to change the distribution of work in day-care centers.
  • Mäkipaja, Aino (2016)
    The main aim of this research is to clarify practices and perceptions of heads of departments regarding the pedagogical leadership in the university. The research of pedagogical leadership has usually been focused on the elementary school context or in the day care context. In order to improve teaching and its quality in the university level, more information about leadership of teaching is also needed. The pedagogical leadership is understood here as leadership of teaching. Attention is also drawn to the models of university management and their impact to pedagogical leadership. Especially the focus is on the collegial and managerial models of management. The research is a qualitative study. The material was collected with focused interviews in spring 2015. The informants were seven heads of departments and one vice head of department, in a Finnish multidisciplinary university. The analysis was made with inductive content analysis. First, thematically similar contents were classified in sub-categories to make it possible to encapsulate the material. Secondly, the similar sub-categories were combined under main-categories. The research's focus was on how collegial and managerial models of management occur on the heads of departments' practices and perceptions of pedagogical leadership. Based on the analysis, ten main-categories were to be found. The organizing of the pedagogical leadership can happen in three ways: it's delegated, it's collegial or the head of department is in charge of it. The pedagogical principals are negotiated collegially, individually or the faculty has influence on them. The responsibility of the development of the pedagogical leadership is divided in to collegial or individual action. The efforts of the head of the department to improve the development of the pedagogical leadership, happen through his/her own actions or collegially implemented. To maintain the collegial management culture, it's important to underline its importance in the development of the leadership of teaching and also in the courses of management which are designed for the leaders of pedagogical leadership. Overall it's important to invest to these courses of management because they help to raise awareness of the importance of pedagogical leadership.
  • Hulkkonen, Elina (2018)
    Helsingin yliopistossa lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden erikoistumiskoulutukseen on sisältynyt vuodesta 2009 lähtien 30 opintopisteen lähijohtajakoulutus. Lähijohtajakoulutus koostuu lähiopetuspäivistä, kehittymistehtävistä, kirjallisuustehtävistä sekä portfoliosta ja mentoroinnista. Kehittymistehtävien osuus lähijohtajakoulutuskokonaisuudesta on 6-16 opintopistettä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, minkä tyyppisiä erilaisia kehittymistehtäviä erikoistuvat lääkärit ja hammaslääkärit ovat suorittaneet osana lähijohtajakoulutusta liittyen pedagogisiin elementteihin. Tarkasteltiin, kuinka suuri osa kehittymistehtävistä ylipäänsä sisältää pedagogisia elementtejä ja minkälaisia nämä elementit ovat. Erikoistuvien kirjoittamista reflektioista etsittiin pedagogisia teemoja lähijohtamiseen liittyen. Teemat ryhmiteltiin kategorioiksi. Eri kategorioiden osuuksien ja painotusten selvittämisellä luotiin kokonaiskuvaa, jonka avulla määritettiin, minkälaisia pedagogisia ongelmia tai johtamistilanteita erikoislääkärit kokevat jokapäiväisessä työssään. Tutkimisaineistona käytettiin Helsingin yliopistossa erikoistuvien lääkäreiden ja hammaslääkäreiden kirjoittamia kehittymistehtävien reflektioita. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan 100 erikoistuvaa lääkäriä ja hammaslääkäriä, jotka olivat viimeisimpinä suorittaneet lähijohtajakoulutuksen kokonaisuudessaan 26.4.2016 mennessä. Sadasta valmistuneesta valittiin satunnaisesti 30 erikoistunutta, joiden kehittymistehtäviä tarkasteltiin tarkemmin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä, jonka avulla aineistosta löydettiin 43 pedagogista teemaa, jotka lopulta luokiteltiin yhdeksään kategoriaan. Yli puolet kehittymistehtävistä sisälsi pedagogisia elementtejä. Pedagogisia elementtejä esiintyi erityisesti seuraavissa tehtävissä: vakuuttava luento, toimipaikan hoito-ohjeiden laatiminen, perehdytyskansion laatiminen/päivitys sekä amanuenssin ohjaaminen. Kehittymistehtävistä löytyi 43 erilaista pedagogista teemaa, joista muodostettiin 9 kategoriaa, jotka ovat: opetus ja koulutus, käytännön ohjaus, tiedotus, kirjalliset tuotokset, oleellisen tiedon löytäminen ja tiivistäminen, muiden henkinen tukeminen, muiden oppimisen tukeminen, sosiaalisten taitojen jakaminen ja jatkuva kehitys ja kehittyminen. Erikoislääkäri tarvitsee edellä mainittuja taitoja jokapäiväisessä työssään lähijohtajana. Tulokset vastaavat myös melko hyvin CanMEDS –terälehtiä eli osaamisperusteisen lääkärinkoulutuksen osa-alueita.
  • Haataja, Alli (2019)
    The aim of this master`s thesis was to survey significances in master`s degree programme in early childhood education (VAKAMO) to eight respondents in the light of professional expertise. They had all been graduated from the university of Helsinki with a degree in master`s degree programme in early childhood education. The topic has not been survied earlier. The research data was gathered with emailsurveys. Thematic analysis was used to examine themes within the research data. Many abilities were developped to the respondents during their studies. The respondents agreed that their professional expertise was deeper after they were graduated. Among the most important of these abilities were the ability to do scientific research, development of critical thinking and stronger professional expertise. The former hopes of the respondents to deepen their knowledge in early childhood education, to get new duties and to educate further were realized after their graduation. The respondents were quite satisfied with their master`s degree programme in early childhood education. The dialogic atmosphere in small groups was pleasant for the adult learners. The aspiration was to involve more leadership studies in master`s degree programme in early childhood education.
  • Räihä, Riikka (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to describe, analyse and determine how the applications of municipalities take places in themes placed by Finnish National Agency for Education which leads the search of government subsidy of developing Early Childhood Education (ECE). The second purpose was to determine the current visions of municipalities of developing their ECE. It was the first time when ECE has possibility to apply for this kind of government subsidy and because of that this study is unique at this moment. With this study we can have information of the current visions of developing ECE. This study includes the features of quantitative and qualitative research and it is like a case study. The research subjects were the applications of government subsidy of developing ECE. The data of this study was the applications which had received the government subsidy. The data consists of 86 applications, 76 Finnish ones and 10 Swedish ones. The content analysis was the method of the data collection. According to results the developing of the culture and pedagogy of ECE were seen more important than the developing of the pedagogical leadership. Developing of participation and agency were seen most important and after them were seen developing of pedagogical methods. National core curriculum for early childhood education 2016 has challenged applicants to reflect their culture of ECE and the need of developing. Research of ECE like basis of developing was quite small.