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Browsing by Subject "pedagogy"

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  • Veteli, Peitsa (2020)
    Opetus- ja tutkimusmaailmojen välillä koetaan olevan rako, jota voidaan pitää osasyynä yleisesti havaittuun opiskelijoiden matalaan motivaatioon luonnontieteellisiä aloja kohtaan. Samassa yhteydessä esiin nousevat autenttisuuden ja relevanssin käsitteet, joilla voidaan kuvata eri tavoilla tapahtuvan toiminnan ”aitoutta” tai mielekkyyttä. Tässä työssä esitellään Fysiikan tutkimuslaitos HIP:in (Helsinki Institute of Physics) Avoin data opetuksessa -projektin myötä kehitettyjä merkityksellisen ohjelmoinnin työkaluja, joissa hyödynnetään muun muassa CERNissä toimivan CMS-kokeen (Compact Muon Solenoid) avoimia hiukkastutkimuksen aineistoja. Näiden materiaalien siirtymistä opettajakunnan avuksi tuetaan koulutuksilla, joista kerättyä palautetta analysoidaan tässä tutkielmassa laajemman tiedeopetuksen autenttisuuteen ja avoimen datan hyödyntämiseen liittyvän keskustelun yhteydessä. Avoimen datan hyödyntäminen ja opetuksellinen tutkiminen ovat hyvin nuoria aloja, joiden eturintamaan tämäkin työ asettuu. Aineistoa on kerätty sekä suomalaisilta (n = 64) että kansainvälisiltä (n = 12) toisen asteen opettajilta, minkä lisäksi vertailukohtana käytetään opiskelijatyöpajoista nousseita kommentteja (n = 62). Menetelmänä toimii temaattinen analyysi, jonka tulokset ovat vertailukelpoisia muuhun luonnontieteen opetuksen tutkimuskirjallisuuteen. Tutkimuskysymyksenä on: Miten autenttisuus esiintyy opettajien palautteessa hiukkasfysiikan avoimen datan opetuskäytön kursseilta ja kuinka se vertautuu tiedeopetuksen tutkimuskirjallisuuteen? Tuloksista havaitaan opettajien näkemysten asettuvan hyvin saman suuntaisesti kuin verrokkikirjallisuuden pohjalta olisi voinut olettaakin, yleisimpien autenttisuuden yhteyksien painottuessa tutkijoiden toimintaan verrattaviin työskentelytapoihin ja ”oikean maailman” haasteisiin. Palautteen lähes yksimielinen positiivisuus antaa vahvaa indikaatiota projektin tarjoamien mahdollisuuksien hyödyllisyydestä ja tukee alalla kaivattavien jatkotutkimusten kannattavuutta.
  • Unger, Jemima (2023)
    To my knowledge, this is the first study describing student communication, learning, and wellbeing at the university-level during Covid-19 in Finland. This research is meant to correspond to the need for more research regarding the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on youth (aged 29 and younger according to the Finnish legislation). The goal of the research is to provide solutions to the complex challenges which have arisen during the pandemic and a rapid transition to a fully online learning and teaching format in Finland. The thesis brings to light student experiences regarding online learning, communication and wellbeing, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is guided by two research questions: 1. How do students at the University of Helsinki describe their experiences of distance communication and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic? And second: 2. How has the Covid-19 pandemic influenced the wellbeing of students at the university? Theoretically, the approach of this thesis builds on social constructionism. Methodologically, reflexive thematic analysis is used, to examine the research material. The empirical data consists of qualitative semi-structured interviews with five university students at the University of Helsinki. The analysis showed significant challenges with communication, learning and wellbeing in the student population, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Overall, communication had deteriorated during the initial phases of the Covid-19 pandemic; however, improved over time. The main recommendation of the research is coordinated action in form of a unified manual regarding online teaching and behavior on Zoom, by universities or similar institutions in Finland, which face a similar challenge as the University of Helsinki. Lecturers are encouraged to take a personal interest in student engagement online, and strongly recommend using cameras, speaking more freely, and participating actively in small groups, for better student success, communication and wellbeing. In addition, students are encouraged to stay social and form support groups on for example Whatsapp or other similar application. In the future, students may be able to use distance learning opportunities for networking and potentially, meeting future colleagues online. Lastly, student wellbeing is in focus, and should be researched further, to implement strategies for the preservation of student wellbeing, wellbeing at university and for sustainable networks in the academic environment.
  • Lehtonen, Henriikka (2022)
    During the recent decades, due to increased immigration, the linguistic environment in Finnish schools has undergone significant changes and the current National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (NCC) emphasizes the importance of multilingual and language-aware (MLA) pedagogy in teaching. Teachers are obliged to take multilingual and language-aware matters into account, but teachers’ perceptions regarding MLA pedagogy in Finland have not been studied before. The aim of this study is to explore EFL teachers’ attitudes towards and opinions of MLA pedagogy. A further goal is to study how well these perceptions coincide with the guidelines stated in the NCC. In addition, two different background variables, teachers’ educational background and the number of L2 Finnish speakers the teacher has in the EFL classroom, were analyzed in more detail in order to examine whether there is any differences in the perceptions of different subgroups. The data was collected via an online questionnaire, and in total 60 comprehensive school EFL subject and class teachers participated in the study. This study took a mixed-methodology approach, most of the data being quantitative and gathered via Likert scale statements. In addition, open-ended questions provided qualitative data and were gathered in order to gain deeper understanding of the explored phenomenon. The results show that the majority of EFL teachers have positive attitudes towards and are interested in MLA pedagogy and see it as forming an essential part of their teaching. However, a significant part of the respondents found the implementation of MLA teaching methods challenging and, many had not received any training concerning MLA pedagogy. Lack of education, time, and resources, as well as teachers’ negative attitudes were mentioned as the main obstacles which may prevent the use of multilingual and language-aware pedagogy in the classroom. It is crucial to raise teachers’ knowledge and awareness of MLA pedagogy and provide training for all teachers regardless of the subject taught so that the goals of NCC are met and the students’ linguistic repertoires are regarded as an advantage instead of a hindrance.
  • Lahtinen, Leena (2017)
    The experiences of an individual build and shape his or her personality. Experiences of nature contribute considerably to the development of children’s self-esteem and self-image. It is worth bearing in mind that the children of today will become the builders and decision-makers of tomorrow and, therefore, their education is of great importance. Their attitudes and values will define the development and well-being of our society. Children’s experiences of their daily lives are a key element of this study. The study explored 5–6-year-old kindergarten children’s (n = 98) experiences of garden activities. The garden was examined as a physical, psychological, social and cognitive environment for growth and learning. The study concentrated on the children’s emotional responses that were aroused by garden activities and on the function of the garden as a social meeting place for children. A further aim of the study was to follow the development of the 5–6-year-old participants’ knowledge of the garden and nature. The children’s experiences were assessed with a drawing task, Me as a Gardener, that was supplemented with individual interviews, conducted between 2014–2015. The children’s emotional experiences and knowledge of nature were enhanced as a result of the garden activities. The activities contributed to an increase in positive experiences and self-image, especially in the case of boys, and to the development of an understanding of the effects of gardening. Based on this study can be expected to, an intentional use of the garden as a growth and learning environment encourages the growth of children in early-childhood education settings.
  • Toikkanen, Tarmo (2005)
    As computer technology evolves, both the need for knowledge workers and the pressure to increase the effectiveness of teaching with the help of ICT increase. Teaching of the skills needed by the knowledge workers requires new pedagogy, where instead facts and obedience the focus is on skills, independence and learning to learn. The use of ICT in education brings its own challenges to learning situations. Social constructivist computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is becoming a major challenger for the traditional teacher-centered learning. One of these methodologies is Progressive Inquiry, which is developed in Finland. Since the social constructive theory emphasizes the relations between learners more than the individuals' actions, research in this field must also take into account the interactions that occur in learning situations. While traditional psychological and pedagogical methods are not applicable, an old method of social sciences, SNA or social network analysis is designed specifically for the analysis of groups of people. Applications of SNA in psychology and collaborative learning are however few and preliminary, and no reliable evidence on the applicability nor useful results exist. The purpose of this study is to find out if SNA can be applied to this field of research. In this study SNA was used to analyze the learning situations of 23 classes in comprehensive and secondary schools that used Progressive inquiry. The results show that SNA can be applied to the study of CSCL, since the analysis produced preliminary measurements that were related to the quality of the course. The results are also in concordance with social constructivist theory: a course's usefulness increases as the several students write high quality messages and participate widely in different conversations.