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Browsing by Subject "probiotics"

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  • Luiskari, Lotta (2021)
    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurological disease impacting over six million people in the world. In addition to the motor symptoms of the disease, the disorder is accompanied with gastrointestinal problems. These include delayed transit time, disturbances in the microbial composition of the gut, inflammation in the intestine, structural changes in the epithelial lining and increased intestinal permeability. Paracellular permeability is regulated by tight junctions (TJ) which are complexes formed by proteins such as claudins, occludin and zonula occludens proteins. Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered have beneficial effects on the host. Probiotic bacteria can modulate intestinal permeability and the expression of TJ proteins. These microbes are also able to improve the gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation, in PD patients. As a part of a larger study, the aim was to examine whether the expression of TJ proteins is altered in the lactacystin-induced mouse model of PD and to investigate whether probiotic supplementation elicits changes in their expression. The study was conducted in eight- to nine-week-old C57Bl/6JRccHsd mice, to which PD symptoms had been induced by lactacystin injection to the substantia nigra. Starting at one to two weeks after the injection, four groups of mice were treated with one out of four specific probiotic strains (A, B, C and D) for two weeks. At the end of the experiment, jejunal and colonic samples were collected from the mice. These samples were analyzed using Western Blot to determine the expression of TJ proteins claudin-1, claudin-4 and occludin. Based on the WB results, the jejunal gene level expression of these proteins in one probiotic group (D) was compared to the untreated group with reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The expression of TJ proteins was not altered as a result of the lactacystin injection in jejunum or colon, suggesting that lactacystin model is not optimal for investigating PD-related alterations in TJ proteins. Supplementation with microbe D increased the jejunal expression of claudin-1 on both protein and gene level, whereas in the colonic protein expression there was no change. Clear effects were not detected on claudin-4 or occludin nor when treated with microbes A, B or C. Therefore, microbe D might influence intestinal TJ function and permeability through regulating the expression of claudin-1.
  • Niinimäki, Viola (2013)
    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of two different probiotics on intestinal microbiota and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in healthy, well-trained adults from Canberra, Australia. Master thesis work was performed as a part of a clinical, placebo-controlled double-blind test, which aimed to investigate the ability of probiotics to improve immunity and reduce the risk of respiratory tract infections in above-mentioned group. Also research aimed to find out the possible correlation between health effects, changes in intestinal microbiota and sIgA. A hypothesis of this work is that amounts of probiotic L. acidophilus NCFM, B. lactis Bi-07, B. lactis Bl-04 strains, Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species will arise during intervention in groups using probiotics. A number of potentially pathogenic Clostridium cluster XIVab and Enterococcus species will decrease, whereas amounts of secretory IgA will supposedly grow towards the end of intervention. The total number of intestinal bacteria will presumably remain relatively stable. Totally 450 subjects participated in the study and 120 of them gave samples for microbiological and immunological analyses of this work. Intervention was performed in winter season and continued for 150 days. Flow cytometry was used to investigate the total number of intestinal bacteria and quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to investigate the changes in intestinal microbiota respectively. Sandwich-ELISA was used study changes in sIgA concentrations. The total number of intestinal bacteria was typical for the large intestine and remained stable between time-points. The changes in amounts of sIgA and intestinal bacterial groups weren’t statistically significant in any group. The numbers of bacterial groups studied by qPCRmethod were also normal. Although the results for intestinal microbiota and secretory IgA weren’t statistically significant, a clinical part associated with this research showed that both probiotics reduced the frequency of lower respiratory tract infections and use of medicines. However, B. lactis Bl-04 strain was more effective in preventing upper respiratory tract infections in studied population. Intestinal microbiota and secretory IgA weren’t probably important parameters in the assessment of probiotic effects on respiratory tract infections in healthy, well-trained adults. The reliability of results for this work could be improved by adding the number of subjects and time-points.
  • Marin, Daniel (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2006)
    Sekä bakteriosiinit että niitä tuottavat bakteerit pystyvät tietyissä olosuhteissa estämään tautia aiheuttavien bakteerien kasvua, joten niiden käytön ansiosta tuotteen turvallisuus ja säilyvyys paranee. Jos em. bakteriosiinit yhdistetään kemiallisiin aineisiin, joilla on myös kyky parantaa säilyvyyttä, ne voivat yhdessä toimia synergistisesti ja rajoittaa esimerkiksi Listeria sp., Clostridium sp., koliformien ja enterokokkien kasvua. Myös fysikaaliset menetelmät, kuten kevyt lämpö tai sous-vide-valmistustapa parantavat bakteriosiinien hyödyllisiä vaikutuksia. Yhdistettäessä bakteriosiinit kelatoreihin, on todettu, että ne ovat hyödyllisiä jopa ihmisen mahahaavan sekä lehmän utaretulehduksen hoidossa. Yleensä bakteriosiinit lisätään tuotteisiin joko puhdistettuina ja kuivina tai bakteriosiinia tuottavan kannan muodossa. Kuitenkaan "in vivo" tulokset eivät aina täsmää "in vitro" saatujen tulosten kanssa, koska bakteriosiinia tuottavat bakteerit ovat inaktivoituneet tai inhiboitu tai niiden kyky muodostaa bakteriosiineja on heikentynyt kasvuympäristön epäsuotuisien olosuhteiden johdosta. Edellä mainittujen seikkojen lisäksi joitakin bakteriosiineja saatetaan käyttää liian pieninä annoksina, koska ne muuttavat kasvualustan aistinvaraisia ominaisuuksia. Luonteeltaan bakteriosiinit ovat valkuaisaineita tai peptidejä ja siksi herkkiä proteolyyttisten entsyymien vaikutuksille sekä hapettumiselle, joten lihassa niiden jakautuminen ja liukoisuus on joskus heikkoa. Lisäksi joillakin tautia-aiheuttavista bakteereista, kuten Listerialla, on vaihteleva herkkyys bakteriosiineihin ja teollisuusympäristössä ne muodostavat joskus resistenttejä mutantteja. Joskus bakteriosiinien inaktivoituminen johtuu niiden sitoutumisesta kasvualustan elementteihin. Tästä seuraa, että ennen bakteriosiinien lisäämistä tuotteeseen, sen rakenteen, pH:n, veden aktiivisuuden sekä suolan määrää on syytä arvioida. Jotta elintarvikkeiden aistinvaraiset ominaisuudet eivät muuttuisi tai bakteriosiinit eivät menettäisi suojaavaa kykyään (elintarvikkeen rakenteellisten elementtien kanssa reagoimisen seurauksena), niitä käytetään joskus suojaavaan kalvoon yhdistettyinä. Tällä tavalla bakteriosiinit pystyvät vaikuttamaan paikallisesti ilman, että elintarvikkeen rakenteelliset elementit pystyisivät inaktivoimaan ne. Tämän seurauksena bakteriosiinien ja maitohappobakteerien hyödylliset tai haitalliset vaikutukset ruoissa ovat jollakin tavalla riippuvaisia elintarvikkeen tyypistä, säilytysajasta ja ehkä myös kuluttajan odotuksista. Bakteriosiinit tehoavat pääasiallisesti gram-positiivisia bakteereita vastaan, kun taas gram-negatiivisten bakteereiden herkkyys bakteriosiinin vaikutuksiin riippuu tekijöistä, jotka heikentävät niiden ulkoista kalvoa. Täten yhdistämällä bakteriosiinejä ja erilaisia "hurdle"-menetelmiä, kuten uudenaikaisia pakkaustekniikoita, hyviin hygieenisiin menettelytapoihin, on mahdollista lisätä lihan ja lihanvalmisteiden säilyvyyttä sekä turvallisuutta. Kun otetaan huomioon, että jälkipastörointi voi aiheuttaa Clostridium sp. ja Bacillus sp. lisääntymisen ruokapakkauksissa ja että pilaajabakteerit voivat myös helposti pilata käsitellyt elintarvikkeet, on äärimmäisen tärkeää, että uusia menetelmiä edellä mainittujen ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi löydetään. Lisäksi on huomioitava sekä lakisääteiset että taloudelliset asiat. Geneettisesti muunnellut mikrobit tarjoavat uusia mahdollisuuksia. Geneettisesti muunnelluilla suojakannoilla sekä niiden tuottamilla bakteriosiineillä saattaa olla vielä paremmat mahdollisuudet pidentää elintarvikkeiden säilytysaikoja sekä parantaa niiden turvallisuutta.
  • Onwunyi, Chuks (2015)
    Health benefits associated with the ingestion of certain lactobacilli known as probiotics have increased the research and incorporation of these bacteria into food products. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is a well-known and studied probiotic organism. Upon ingestion, probiotics survive acid and bile stress and then adhere to the epithelial cell walls to elicit health benefits. Adhesion promotes interaction between probiotic cells and epithelial cells which is necessary for probiotics to confer health benefits. Adhesion is also the first step in biofilm formation which aids adaptability and cell-cell interaction. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of different carbohydrates on the biofilm formation and antigenicity of Lb. rhamnosus GG. Biofilm formation was performed using 96-well microtiter plating method under elevated carbon dioxide (5% CO2) conditions for 24, 48 and 72 hours in the presence of fourteen different carbohydrates. Certain carbohydrates were found to promote the biofilm formation. The expressed antigenic proteins at the cell surface of biofilms from these carbohydrates were also isolated and investigated using 1DE immunoblot analysis. Four carbohydrates were shown to markedly increase the biofilm of Lb. rhamnosus GG under the indicated conditions. For three of the tested carbohydrates the most efficient biofilm formation was obtained after 48 hours of cultivation, whereas for one of the carbohydrates longer time was required to achieve the same biofilm formation efficiency. One dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with immunoblotting using antibodies raised against whole Lb. rhamnosus GG cells indicated that the increased biofilm formation is closely associated with the increased surface antigenicity. The obtained findings suggest that certain carbohydrates have a central role in stimulating biofilm mode of growth as well as improving the probiotic features of Lb. rhamnosus GG strain.
  • Ahmed, Mohamed Adel (2015)
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (GG) is one of the most studied probiotics worldwide and it has proved to confer health benefits to human. However, the exact mechanism of its probiotic action is still not fully understood. Some proteins secreted by probiotics, such as p75 (Msp1) and p40 (Msp2) in GG, are reported to play an important role in gut epithelial homeostasis. The aim of this work was to develop a static biofilm plate model for analyzing exoproteomes (all secreted proteins) produced by L. rhamnosus GG biofilms. First, different culture volumes (7 mL and 10 mL), incubation times and protein precipitation methods were tested to optimize conditions in order to maximize the protein yield. Next, the impact of different sugars on the exoproteome composition of the GG cells during planktonic and biofilm mode of growth was explored. Finally, the planktonic and biofilm exoproteins were subjected to antigen profiling and protein identification. The 6-well Polystyrene Microtiter plate was used as the static biofilm model for inducing the biofilm formation of GG. Biofilms were formed for 24 h and 48 h and the protein secretion from each time point was assessed by precipitating the supernatant proteins using 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone or 2-D Clean Up kit (GE Healthcare). The purified proteins were subjected to one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1-DE) and the proteins were visualized using Coomassie blue staining. 1-DE immunoblotting using antibodies raised against whole GG cells was used to analyze antigens produced by the GG biofilms under the optimized biofilm formation conditions. The antigens produced by the GG biofilm cells were compared to those produced by the GG cells during planktonic growth (from over- night cultures) and the cross-reacting proteins were visualized using an IR800-conjugated secondary antibody. The immunoblots were scanned using an Odyssey Infrared Imaging System (Licor). In addition, the impact of two different carbohydrate sources on the antigen profiles was also explored. Finally, in-liquid tryptic digestion coupled with Liquid Chromatography- tandem Mass Spectrometry analysis (LC-MS/MS) was used to identify and compare exoproteomes produced by the biofilm cells cultured in the presence of the tested carbohydrates. The results showed that the commercial 2-D Clean Up kit is better than 10% TCA protein precipitation/acetone washing, because it produced clear protein patterns with less background. However, the TCA/acetone–protocol resulted in detection of higher number of proteins in 1-DE gels. Comparative immunoblot analyses of the planktonic and biofilm exoproteins at 24 h and 48 h time points revealed a clear difference in antigen profiles between the two modes of growth. In addition, the utilized carbon source was found to have a great impact on the antigen abundances and/or export. Using LC-MS/MS, 36 exoproteins were identified from the GG biofilm cultures (identification score ≥ 40, p < 0.05). Most of the identified proteins were associated with cell wall/membrane biogenesis, peptide and sugar transporters and transcription.