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  • Sydänmaa, Birgitta Nicola (2020)
    Previous research has shown that colonization had profound impacts on precolonial Indigenous communities in North America. From the first contact, the explorers’ perception was colored by Eurocentric ideas rooted in European social systems, religion, cultures, and values, which called into question the moral worth and very humanity of Indigenous peoples. In Canada, colonialism introduced Indigenous peoples with a new social order, including new political, social, cultural, and economic structures, as well as a new stigmatized Indigenous identity, which became foundational for subsequent laws, policies, and institutional practices that aimed to erase those very elements deemed problematic. In Canada, Indigenous people have since colonization persistently suffered from poorer health compared to settler and more recent immigrant populations. Research points to both proximal and distal determinants behind the disparities documented in Indigenous health, and suggests that along with contemporary socioeconomic conditions, the distal factors of colonialism, virgin soil epidemics, and policies of subjugation and assimilation have been traumatic and have contributed negatively to the contemporary Indigenous population’s health. This research thesis is located in the field of medical anthropology and examines health, illness, and healing as culturally shaped, personal, embodied, and shared experiences, meanings, and illness realities. The theory used this thesis rests on an embodied meaning-centered approach of illness, which suggests that elements from the psychobiological, sociocultural, symbolic, political, and historical experiential realms blend to form a network of meanings for a sufferer, an embodied experience of an illness world that is shared as part of a community. Situated in the context of colonial history and present health disparities, the research questions of this thesis center on discovering major themes of embodied experiences and meanings of health, illness, and healing in an urban Indigenous community. Altogether eight weeks of daily ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in an Indigenous urban community in Vancouver, Canada, in the spring of 2017. The data for this thesis consisted of fieldnotes, ten individual interviews and one group interview, taped public speeches, photographs, and videos. A thematic analysis identified six significant categories of embodied meanings and experiences of health, illness, and healing in community narratives: colonization and colonialisms, colonization traumas, structural violence, survivance and resilience, reconciliation, and healing with culture. This thesis establishes that colonization and various colonialisms with policies of subjugation and assimilation are seen by community members as profoundly traumatic events with negative impacts on health that persist intergenerationally to this day. Collective memories of colonization and colonialisms inform what it once meant to be healthy, how communities became sick, and how they can become healthy again. Due to contemporary experiences of structural violence and racism, Indigenous community members continue to experience Canada as an enduring colonial space. Healing for community members is achieved by decolonizing minds from the once stigmatized identities introduced by colonization and by reindigenizing their world through reintroducing the original cultures and cultural identities back into their daily practices and healing their perceptions of the self.
  • Sandell, Johan (2015)
    Målet för avhandlingen är att granska den brittiske exegeten Nicholas Thomas Wrights kritik av Sankt Augustinus syn på rättfärdiggörelsen. Frågeställningen är intressant av flera orsaker. För det första finns det för den västra kristenheten knappast någon mera inflytelserik teolog utanför Bibelns kanon än Augustinus. Den Katolska kyrkans lära, såväl som de protestantiska kyrkornas lära är mer eller mindre Augustinska i bemärkelsen att han åberopas som en understödjande auktoritet inom samtliga trossamfund. N.T. Wrights kritik av Augustinus är därför av särskilt intresse eftersom, ifall han har rätt i sin kritik och hans egen presentation håller måttet, den skulle innebära att kyrkan haft fel i sin syn på rättfärdiggörelsen de senaste 1500 åren. I min avhandling använder jag mig primärt av argumentationsanalys för att fastställa vad Augustinus och N.T. Wright lär angående rättfärdiggörelsen och för att kunna jämföra deras syner sinsemellan. Eftersom båda tar sitt avstamp mot, vad i teologin ofta kallas för, den bibliska uppenbarelsen analyserar jag också rättfärdiggörelsens rötter i den judiska världsbilden och hur Paulus använder begreppen rättfärdighet och rättfärdiggörelse. Eftersom de två teologerna är placerade i fullständigt olika tidsepoker analyserar jag också deras kontext och bakgrund som teologer för att avgöra i vilken mån deras respektive syner är oundvikliga konsekvenser av deras samtid. Wrights kritik av Augustinus kan summers i tre huvudpunkter. För det första använder Augustinus begreppet rättfärdiggörelse i en nära på heltäckande mening. I Augustinus syn ingår allt från tro och omvändelse till slutgiltigt förhärligande av den enskilde kristne. Wright menar att även om alla dessa element ingår i Guds frälsningsplan använder Paulus begreppet rättfärdiggörelse långt mera precist än så. För det andra menar Wright att Augustinus, trots hans generösa användning av rättfärdiggörelse, missar att ta upp flera teman som enligt Wright hör nära ihop med rättfärdiggörelse såsom till exempel det centrala temat förbund och förenandet av Judar och Hedningar till ett Gudsfolk. För det tredje lyfter Wright fram att en stor del av Augustinus problem bottnar i ett rent språkligt fel Augustinus begick i och med att han tolkade latinets iustifcare som iustum facere det vill säga: ’göra rättfärdig’ snarare än det mera korrekta ’förklara rättfärdig’. Den centrala skillnaden är att det föregående antyder en konkret förändring i den åtalade medan det senare endast syftar på ett förklarande, som i alla fall i teorin kan vara oberoende av den åtalades verkliga rättfärdighet. Min hypotes är att Wright i sin kritik lyfter fram flera viktiga aspekter av rättfärdiggörelsen som under långa perioder varit försummade i kyrkan. Wrights kritik träffar delvis rätt, men felet är måhända inte så stort som han gör gällande. Wrights eget förslag har egna utmaningar men hans egna interna logik är hållbar. Huruvida den motsvarar det som Paulus och de övriga Nya Testamentliga hade i tankarna då de skrev om rättfärdiggörelsen är en fråga för en annan avhandling. Augustinus syn, trots allt gott den bidrog med, cementerade en syn på rättfärdiggörelsen som var bunden dels till den latinska världens merit-teologi och dels utgick ifrån att i rättfärdiggörelsen förändras människan konkret som en följd av att hon ’görs rättfärdig’. Dessa två faktorer i kombination hade långtgående konsekvenser för de diskussioner som först i väst under de senaste 1500 åren, inte minst under reformationen.
  • Nevanpää, Johanna (2017)
    Different parties such as industry, tourism and research are more and more interested in arctic regions. Tourism is one of the biggest source of livelihood there and growing all the time. Arctic nature is vulnerable and there are indigenous peoples living there. Their way of life is based on natural sources of livelihood such as reindeer breeding. Tourist industry like all the other actions in the region should be socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. So it is important to do research on problems to reconcile different forms of industries and source of livelihoods. The purpose of this thesis is to study possibilities of tourist guidance to solve problems to reconcile reindeer husbandry and tourist industry in municipality of Enontekiö in Finland. It has been noticed in the research of ecotourism that it is possible to influence tourists’ behavior and attitudes by guidance if it is carried out in the right way. This is the reason why my interest is directed to the role of guidance to solve the problems. My research questions are: 1) What kind of problems there are between tourist industry and reindeer husbandry? 2) How is it possible to decrease the harm that tourist industry causes to reindeer husbandry by tourist guidance? 3) How the tourist guidance should be improved? I have done reviews on earlier studies and reports about problems between tourist industry and reindeer husbandry and also about the role of guidance in nature tourism management. Based on these reviews I have proposed a hypothesis how it could be possible to decrease the harm that tourist industry causes to reindeer husbandry by tourist guidance. To test my hypothesis I collected interviews of 15 tourism entrepreneurs and 5 representatives of Metsähallitus. I used the methods of qualitative content analysis to analyze the data. It came out that the biggest problems between tourist industry and reindeer husbandry are disturbance of the peace of pasture, decreasing pasture area, equity in land-use decision-making, and the willingness among the tourism entrepreneurs and reindeer herders to reconcile the source of livelihoods. Tourists do not know much about reindeer husbandry. It is possible to decrease some the harm that tourist industry causes by guidance when it is carried out as recommended in the studies. The role of guidance in decreasing the harms is not very remarkable, because the biggest harms caused by tourist industry are not outcomes of tourists’ thoughtlessness or behavior against rules that could be decreased by guidance. The best education and guidance is given in reindeer farm visits and in guided tours organized by program service companies. The participants of those programs are mainly foreigners even though the majority of tourists in Enontekiö are Finns. Their main source of information is the website of Metsähallitus. The most efficient way to increase tourists’ knowledge would probably be influencing the content of websites of Metsähallitus and marketing of reindeer farm visits and guided tours to Finns.