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  • Härkönen, Susanna (2011)
    In my thesis I study fashion bloggers’ consumption speech. The aim of this study is to clarify.what kind of consumption is expressed in fashion blogs and what kind of development has happened in fashion blogs since 2007 until this study, based on the research material and my own observations. I have applied qualitative research method in this study. I have collected my research material from ten fashion blogs which were written by women in two different time periods in year 2009. In addition the study has etnography and netnography features. I have used typecasting and typology in analyzing the research material. The findings of the study indicate that seeing fashion bloggers as identity-seekers is associated with searching of own style and desire to differentiate. Traditional view of consumers as choosers and passive agents in the market is receding since in this study fashion bloggers appear to be active actors and producers. Also fashion bloggers are constantly seeking new consumer experiences and communicate with each other by conveying meanings through their consumption. In this study fashion bloggers’ consumption speeches appear to be rational in the frame of the consumer ethos of economism and traditional Finnish consumption speech. Economy is a virtue and prices influence buying decisions. However fashion bloggers know how to enjoy consumption in a controlled way. Consumption speeches follow also tradition of the consumer ethos of green consumerism which is manifested in avoiding fanaticism and preference of traditional and social media flea markets. Fashion bloggers’ consumer speeches imply social necessity because maintaining a fashion blog interesting requires continuous passion for new consumer products. On the basis of this study fashion blogs emphasize collectivity and consumption is very feminine. Based on research material and my own observations fashion blogs are changing into lifestyle blogs because they tell more and more of other than consumption related issues. At the same time fashion bloggers are developing from ordinary consumers towards expertise, in other words they are professionalising. Professionalised fashion bloggers act as new age consumer informants and new words and meanings are created in fashion blogs. Also fashion bloggers have develop such knowledge and abilities which can be sold. Fashion bloggers are becoming fashion professionals who are paid for blogging in the future.
  • Pakkanen, Anna (2015)
    Objectives. Earlier studies have shown intergenerational continuity in child-rearing attitudes. The child-rearing attitudes reflect the atmosphere of childhood. There is only a few longitudinal studies of this topic and temperament has not been studied earlier in this context. The purpose of this study was to examine the intergenerational transmission of parental child-rearing attitudes (i.e. parent's perception of emotional significance and tolerance towards her offspring) using longitudinal data. Also, the role of sociability as a mediating factor for the child-rearing attitudes was examined. There were two hypothesis of the study: There is intergenerational continuity in child-rearing attitudes, and sociability mediates the relationship between child-rearing attitudes of the two generations. Methods. The participants of this study (N=1034) were derived from the ongoing prospective Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study. It was started in 1980, when the participants were 3-18 years old. The subsample of this study consisted of six age cohorts (63,2 % women) and their mothers. The self-rated child-rearing attitudes towards the offspring were measured in 1980 by the participants' mothers and 2007 by the participants. The sociability temperament trait was measured by the participants themselves in 1992 at the age from 15 to 30. Linear regression analysis was used to examine the relationships between sociability and child-rearing attitudes. Sobel test was also performed to examine the mediating role of sociability. Results and conclusions. In line with the hypothesis, the child-rearing attitudes were transferred from the older generation to the younger one. The intergenerational transmission was stronger with emotional significance and weaker with tolerance towards the offspring. Sociability did not act as a mediating factor in either one of the child-rearing attitudes. However, sociability was associated with parent's perception of emotional significance of the offspring. The more sociable the participant was at the age of 15-30, the more emotionally significant he/she perceived his/her own offspring in 2007, 15 years later. The interventions that support parenting have long-term effects for future generations because the child-rearing attitudes are intergenerationally transferred.
  • Montgomery, Johanna (2017)
    Objectives: Previous studies have demonstrated that family environment can impact widely on children's development, including their personality. Harsh home environments, such as negative parental child-rearing attitudes, can lead into negative developmental paths. Associations between childhood internalizing and externalizing problem behaviour and development of personality traits are less researched. However, behavioural styles of young children have been linked to their later mental health and personality style. The purpose of this study was to prospectively examine the effects of childhood problem behaviour and maternal child-rearing attitudes on development of negative emotionality and sociability traits. The hypotheses were that childhood problem behaviour and maternal negative child-rearing attitudes predict higher negative emotionality, lower sociability as well as changes in those traits at the second point of personality trait measurement. Methods: The participants (n = 1352) were derived from the longitudinal "Cardiovascular risk in Young Finns" study that began in 1980. Childhood problem behaviour and child-rearing attitudes were self-rated by the participants' mothers' in 1983, when the participants age varied from 6 to 21. The participants then self-rated their negative emotionality and sociability twice in 1992 and 1997, aged between 15 to 35. The associations between childhood problem behaviour, maternal child-rearing attitudes and the later personality traits were examined by linear regression analysis. Results and conclusions: Both internalizing and externalizing childhood problem behaviour were associated with higher level of negative emotionality in youth and early adulthood, but only internalizing behaviour predicted lower sociability. Surprisingly there were no associations between maternal child-rearing attitudes and personality trait development. Also, problem behaviour and child-rearing attitudes did not predict any trait changes at the second point of personality trait measurement. Knowledge about possible long-term effects of childhood problem behaviour on personality development can be utilized in preventative child and youth work.
  • Eklin, Arttu (2022)
    Keväällä 2020 alkanut koronapandemia muutti nopeasti monen ihmisen päivittäistä elämää. Etätyöt lisääntyivät nopeasti ja monet eristäytyivät sosiaalisesti. Yhteiskunnan rajoitukset rajoittivat myös vapaa ajan elämää muun muassa ravintolarajoitusten kautta. Päivittäisten rutiinien rikkoutumisen, ympäristön muutoksen sekä sosiaalisen kontekstin muutoksen myötä ruoan kulutus ja syöminen muuttuivat oleellisesti. Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan 380 nuoren aikuisen kokemuksia ruoan kulutuksen sekä syömisen muutoksista koronapandemian aikana. Samalla tarkastellaan ruoan kulutukseen liittyviä asioita, joita nuoret aikuiset kaipaavat ajalta ennen koronaa. Tuloksia analysoidaan laadullisen sisällönanalyysin ja määrällisen sisällönerittelyn menetelmin. Tämän lisäksi tuloksia esitellään myös määrällisessä muodossa. Aineistosta eriteltiin neljä ulottuvuutta, joissa ruoan kulutus ja syöminen ovat muuttuneet. Nämä ulottuvuudet ovat: terveellisyys, nautinnollisuus, ekologisuus sekä sosiaalisuus. Tuloksissa korostui etenkin sosiaalisen ulottuvuuden rooli ruoan kulutuksen sekä syömisen muutoksissa. Arkielämän sosiaaliset muutokset yhdessä yhteiskunnan rajoitusten kanssa ovat olleet suurimpana vaikuttajana muutoksiin. Suurimpia yksittäisiä ilmiöitä olivat kaipuu sosiaalisia ravintola- sekä lounashetkiä kohtaan. Tämän lisäksi muutoksia oli etenkin myös ekologisuuden merkityksen lisääntymisessä, ruoanlaiton mielekkyydessä, ruokavalion terveellisyydessä, säännöllisyyden muutoksissa ja napostelun lisääntymisessä. Monissa tapauksissa muutoksia oli niin negatiiviseen kuin positiiviseen suuntaan. Vastaajien kokemat muutokset olivat hyvin yksilöllisiä ja moniulotteisia vastausten sisältäessä useampia muutoksia ja toisten kokiessa samat muutokset eri tavoin.
  • Veikkamo, Jarmo (2017)
    This thesis analyzes the economical thinking of the board of a small cooperative. The diversification of societies has created various new objectives along with new business forms which are challenging the traditional and supposedly rational economical thinking. One of these scarcely studied subjects is the subject cooperative of this research. When designing its business, the cooperative is forced to consider the decided business objectives along with the existing business environment. Thus, this research asks how is the discussion of economy manifested in the board meetings and what is the economic model of the cooperative. The conceptual framework of this qualitative study is cultural-historical activity theory. It posits long-term activity as a formation of collectively structured short-term actions that are influenced by structural units of the activity system. Activity is mediated through mental and material cultural artefacts, rules and division of labor, and it is also constantly transforming as a reaction to disturbances and contradictions in the activity. The subject of this qualitative study is an event organized in a cooperative. This event as a series of actions or as a component of an activity builds the activity of the cooperative. The analysis is based on transcribed data from 14 administrative meetings. With content analysis 24 themes with economic facet were distinguished. Five themes were more strictly analyzed, because both speaking turns and the manifestations of transformative agency condensed in these themes. Manifestations of transformative agency are discursive acts used for influencing the topic of discussion. The frequencies of these manifestations were used to present the tendency existing in the themes to transform the activity. The discussions dealing the event concentrated on three board meetings. In the first two meetings economy was strongly discussed as the plan turned out to be financially unprofitable. The decision to arrange the event was postponed, because the board wanted to ensure even a cost price result. Simultaneously designing and marketing was going on. No discussions on the events financial result took place during the third meeting even though the number of participants and total funding was less than needed for the cost price result. The talk about economy was replaced by talks about marketing and external support. Decision to arrange the event was again postponed, but later approved although the goals for financial result were not met. Still, as the unprofitable event as one component of the activity of the cooperative was linked to other components of the activity, an inference was possible that the board is executing a long-term green economy model as it is aiming to produce socially and ecologically sustainable business by partly abandoning its' profit objectives.
  • Lehtonen, Miikka (2008)
    The objective of the study was to explore the dimensions of group identity in the guilds of World of Warcraft. Previous research shows that social interaction has an important role in playing games for many players. Social identities are an important aspect of self-concept and since group related cues are more salient than personal clues in computer-mediated communication, the social gaming experience was approached through group identity. In the study a new scale will be developed to measure the group identity in games. Secondary goal is to study how different guild attributes affect the group identity and third goal is to explore the connection between group identity and gaming experience and amount of play. Subjects were 1203 guild members and 106 players not in a guild. The data was gathered by an Internet survey which measured group identity with nine scales, gaming experience with three scales and guild attributes with four scales. Also various background data was gathered. The construct of group identity was analyzed with explorative factor analysis. The typical experiences of group identity was analyzed with cluster analysis and effects of guild attributes with multivariate analysis of covariance. As a result of the study a new scale was developed which measured group identity on six dimensions: self-stereotyping, public and private evaluation, importance, interconnection of self and others and awareness of content. Group identity was experienced strongest in elder middle-sized guilds that had formal rules and that emphasized social interaction. The players with strong group identity had more positive gaming experience and played World of Warcraft more per week than the players who were not in a guild or identified to guild weakly. This result encourages game developers to produce environments that enhance group identity as it seems to increase the enjoyment in games. As a whole this study proposes that group identity in guilds is constructed from the same elements as in traditional groups. If this is truly the case, guild membership may have similar positive effects on individual's mental well-being as traditional positively evaluated group memberships have.