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Browsing by Subject "tasa-arvotyö"

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  • Stenius, Nasti (2023)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen perusopetuksen koulukohtaisten tasa-arvosuunnitelmien sukupuolidiskursseja, sekä niissä ilmeneviä ja uudelleenluotuja vallan ja sorron käsitteitä sukupuolen moninaisuuden subjektien lähtökohdasta. Nojaan tutkielmassa Foucault’n subjektin rakentumisen teoriaan, Butlerin teoriaan sukupuolistettujen subjektien tuottamisesta ja uudelleentuottamisesta toiston kautta, sekä Kumanshiron sorronvastaisen pedagogiikan käsitteelliseen lähestymistapaan. Tutkielma sijoittuu feministisen tutkimuksen kentälle, lähennellen myös queerfeminististä lähestymistapaa käsitellen perusopetuksen tasa-arvotyön suunnittelun sukupuolidiskursseja erityisesti sukupuolivähemmistöjen kannalta. Etsin tutkielman aineistosta sukupuolten ilmaisutapoja, joilla sukupuolen moninaisuus tuodaan suunnitellussa tasa-arvotoiminnassa näkyväksi, tai toisaalta jätetään huomiotta. Tarkastelussa nousee esille myös kysymyksiä siitä, minkälaisena tasa-arvosuunnitelmien kirjaukset näyttäytyvät lakisääteisiä vaateita vasten, huomioidaanko sukupuolen moninaisuutta koulujen tasa-arvosuunnitelmissa, ja minkälaiseksi sukupuolen moninaisuuden subjektipositiot rakentuvat analysoimissani tasa-arvosuunnitelmien sukupuolidiskursseissa. Tavoitteenani on analysoida ja valottaa sellaisia tasa-arvotyön suunnitteluun liittyviä käsityksiä, oletuksia, ristiriitaisuuksia ja paradoksaalisuuksia, joita sukupuolikäsitykset ja niihin linkittyvät sukupuolidiskurssit ilmentävät ja tuottavat. Tunnistan analysoidusta materiaalista kolmenlaisia sukupuolidiskursseja: binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistavan sukupuolidiskurssin, marginalisoivan sukupuolidiskurssin, sekä kriittisen sukupuolidiskurssin. Keskeisessä asemassa analysoidussa materiaalissa näyttäytyi hegemoninen, eli toisiin nähden hallitsevassa asemassa oleva, binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistava sukupuolidiskurssi, joka hiljaisuuksien ja eksplisiittisen ilmaisun kautta väittää binäärin sukupuolen olevan ”luonnollisesti” kaksinapainen. Eksplisiittisesti binääriä sukupuolijakoa ja -käsitystä vahvistettiin ja toistettiin oppilaiden eksplisiittisellä jaolla tyttöihin ja poikiin, sekä implisiittisellä viittauksella ”molempiin” sukupuoliin. Tutkielmani keskeisin johtopäätös on, että perusopetuksen tasa-arvosuunnitelmat ovat usein lähtökohtaisesti binääriin sukupuolikäsitykseen nojaavia. Vain noin kolmasosassa materiaalina käytetyistä koulukohtaisista suunnitelmista sukupuolen moninaisuuden huomioi eksplisiittisesti, vaikka siihen on jokaisella koululla velvoite niin tasa-arvolain kuin opetussuunnitelman perusteidenkin kautta. Väitän, että binääriä sukupuolijärjestelmää toistava sukupuolidiskurssi lähtökohtaisesti kieltää – tiedostaen tai tiedostamatta – sukupuolivähemmistöihin kuuluvalta subjektilta kontekstissa lähtökohtaisen position. Näin ollen suunnitelmissa tuotetaan ja toistetaan tasa-arvotyön tuottamisen nimessä myös epätasa-arvoista ja sortavaa diskurssia. Analyysini asettuu kontekstiin, jossa suuri osa koulujen tasa-arvosuunnitelmista ei käsittele koulukohtaista tasa-arvotilannetta, ja/tai ei määritä toimintoja, joilla tasa-arvotilanteeseen pyritään parantavasti vaikuttamaan. Moni tutkielman tutkimusmateriaalina käytetty tasa-arvosuunnitelmaksi nimetty dokumentti hahmottuukin ”suunnitelman suunnitelmana” varsinaisen toiminnallisen suunnitelman sijaan.
  • Vainonen, Milla (2019)
    The aim of this master’s dissertation was to look into the affective practices that took place and affected the work in the equality work groups at the university. In this study I will explain how through affective practices and layers the affects become entangled into the patterns of equality work shaped historically and culturally. In my theoretical approach I follow Sara Ahmed’s and Margaret Wetherell’s work and their understanding of affect, affective practice and emotion. I was working in an equality project at the University of Helsinki, and it seemed that certain regularities were affecting the equality work. I started to ask how to get a closer look of those regularities and patterns. I noticed that looking for affective practices could be the key to get a closer look into those patterns. I wanted to find out what possibilities the concept of affect could bring into the current research of equality work. I implemented my research by ethnographic observation and interviews in different groups that were working with the themes of equality and diversity in the faculty. I collected data during the semester 2018–2019, and interviewed three university employees. My methodological approach was post structural nomadic ethnography, which first and foremost meant constantly moving in the thought process. Uncertainty was present not only in the observation and interviews but also in the written report. I found that affective practices were present in all those places where equality was promoted. Especially the themes of individual-based expertise, silences, appreciation and goals of equality work collected several affective layers. Those layers had material consequences which I will further explain in this study. Based on my research equality work is rich in affective practices. Affects can be a force of change, but affective layers can also hinder the work with the regularities and patterns that follow affective practices. I have identified and named four affective layers, and studied the effects of those layers in the equality work groups of the university. The results of this study can be utilized in the further research and development of equality work.
  • Kiukainen, Reetta (2018)
    Although the importance of equality work has been repeated in administrative and political programs, equality work has not been seen in the same legitimized profession as many other well-being in Finland. There has, however, been some degree of professionalization, meaning equality work in projects. My research focuses on Finland's this moment’s largest development, research and education project Tasova, and my point of view is in the collective equality and parity knowledge. In my research I see the conditions created by project-based equality work through which the knowledge required in equality work is determined. The theoretical framework can be divided into two parts. In the first part I considered knowledge in the light of previous literature, especially from a collective point of view. The question of the importance of collectivity is particularly necessary now when structures and institutions around the experts, especially in the public sector, have become brutal. The importance of collective expertise in equality work involves the fact that equality work is perceived as a precarious and challenging work among equality workers. In the second part, I described the conditions of equality work and made the concept of projection important for my research visible. Notable research data have been drawn from research interviews with six expert students from Tasova. Other data I’ve produced is by observing students during the training and exploring different Tasova materials and virtual platforms. All in all, the material was generated altogether in 131 pages. The analysis of my data was done by ethnographic discursive analysis. According to the results of this study, equality and parity knowledge is multi-dimensional and difficult to identify. It is knowledgeable and skillful management, tunnel, co-operation, discourse virtuosity and the ability to break away from the learned hierarchies. Its collective construction requires confidence, a secure space, time, place, involvement, commitment, structured and unstructured discussion, and the ability to break away from predetermined positions. According to the results of this study, Tasova appears as a discursively produced form of power, which builds a manuscript about what is the right way to make equality and what is the right way to know. In project-based equality training, the definitions of equality and parity knowledge have been manuscripted from above and they set the participants to be editable and evaluated in accordance with the needs and conditions of education.
  • Kokko, Katri (2020)
    Objectives. The equality act was reformed in 2015. With the reform of the law, the obligation of equality planning and the prohibition of discrimination and harassment based on sexuality and gender were extended to educational institutions providing basic education. The purpose of my research is to find out what the first equality plans written by primary schools are like. I study the processes of forming equality plans, described by schools in their plans, the objectives set for the promotion of equality and non-discrimination, and the concrete measures that schools intend to take to achieve these objectives. This fall, the National Board of Education has published a nationwide report on equality and non-discrimination planning in basic education institutions. The results of the report are in many respects consistent with this study. The equality plans have not always been formulated on a school-by-school basis and based on an assessment of the school’s equality situation as required by the equality act. Regarding to nationwide SetStop project, the equality plans of the City of Oulu’s primary schools have also recently been evaluated. Methods. The material of this study consists of a total of 14 equality plans. The material includes municipal educational institutions that provide basic education in Finnish. Seven are primary schools, four upper schools and three comprehensive schools. The material was analysed by qualitative content analysis methods. In addition, the analysis has been influenced by the perception of language in the discourse studies as a context-bound, reality-constructing phenomenon. This study is a continuation of my bachelor’s thesis completed as a literature review in March 2020. Results and conclusions. Only about 71% of the schools in my material had made a plan as required by the equality act. One of the most significant areas for development was the offensive name-calling experienced by the students. Typically, name-calling focuses on appearance and includes suggestions related to gender or sexuality. Most of the inappropriate treatment experienced by students does not come to the attention to the attention of adults. To address these grievances, it was decided in the plans to increase the opportunities for interaction between students and teachers in order to lower the threshold for reporting harassment to an adult. Interventions and exercises for student interaction were also presented in many plans. The formation of teaching groups as mixed groups and the so-called unisex toilets were already being implemented in several schools to promote gender equality.