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Browsing by Subject "taudinkestävyys"

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  • Haapala, Johanna (2015)
    Nopeakasvuinen ja lyhytkuituinen hybridihaapa (Populus tremula L x P. tremuloides Michx) voi tulevaisuudessa osoittautua ekonomisesti merkittäväksi raaka-aineeksi materiaalitekniikan kehittyessä. Tautien sekä muiden mahdollisten viljelyä rajoittavien tekijöiden tarkka tutkiminen on haavan laajempaa käyttöä silmällä pitäen tärkeää. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää 1) onko hybridihaapakloonien taudinkestävyydessä eroja Venturia tremulae -sienen aiheuttaman haavan mustaversotaudin suhteen, eli onko a) kloonien taudinkestävyydessä ja b) taudin aggressiivisuudessa eroja hybridihaapakloonien välillä, sekä 2) onko Neofabraea populi -sienen aiheuttaman kuoripoltteen aggressiivisuudessa eroja tutkittavien kloonien välillä. Aineisto on kerätty Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen Ruotsinkylän ja Suonenjoen koealoilta vuosina 2004 - 2006. Ruotsinkylässä tutkittiin yhteensä 12 kloonia, ja 1200 puuta, Suonenjoen koealalla oli 10 kloonia ja puita yhteensä 1000 kappaletta. Puista arvioitiin lehtilaikkujen peittävyys, infektoituneiden sivuversojen määrä sekä pääverson vaurioiden vakavuus. myös puiden kasvua seurattiin. Tulosten mukaan hybridihaapakloonit eroavat toisistaan mustaversotaudin kestävyyden osalta. Kun tautia esiintyi paljon, olivat erot merkittäviä. Ruotsinkylän aineiston mukaan kaksi kloonia olivat selkeästi muita kestävämpiä ja kasvuominaisuuksiltaan parempia. Suonenjoella tulokset olivat tasaisempia, mutta myös siellä kestävimmät kloonit kasvoivat parhaiten. Kuoripoltteen osalta puut jakautuvat kahteen ryhmään: niihin jotka pystyivät tarkastelujaksolla rajoittamaan sienen leviämistä ja niihin jotka eivät pystyneet. Kaikissa klooneissa oli taimia jotka pystyivät kontrolloimaan sienen leviämistä, mutta vain kahdessa kloonissa ei ollut yhtäkään taimea, joka olisi kärsinyt vakavista tuhoista. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voi käyttää hybridihaavan jalostukseen etsittäessä parasta viljelymateriaalia käytettäväksi Suomen oloihin. Kuoripoltteen osalta tutkimus antaa ainoastaan kuvan kloonien selviytymisen todennäköisyydestä infektion jälkeen, ja siksi kloonien kestävyyttä sienen taudinaiheuttamiskykyä kohtaan tulisi vielä tutkia.
  • Mykrä, Emmi (2013)
    Oat (Avena sativa L.) is a crop grown for feed and for food industry. It is the most used fodder plant after barley in Finland and is also exported. In 2011, oat was grown on 308 200 hectares in Finland and the average yield per hectare was 3390 kg. Several fungal and virus diseases cause remarkable crop losses in oats. Especially in the temperate zone, the most common disease is the head blight caused by Fusarium species. These fungi overwinter as mycelium or spores and produce mycotoxins. In Finland, F. culmorum is a common DON toxin producer and F. langsethiae is a T-2/HT-2 toxin producer in oats. Toxins affect the quality of oat yield and can make it unsuitable for use. Therefore, the amounts of mycotoxin allowed in cereals are stipulated by food safety authorities. This thesis was a part of MTT Agrifood Research Finland’s Hyötygeeni project. The aim of the research was to study resistance of eight oat cultivars to F. culmorum and F. langsethiae. Indicators of resistance were germination of the infested seeds, the proportion of infected seeds and the amounts of mycotoxins. The trials were made in greenhouse with artificial inoculations. The results indicated that four cultivars expressed similar levels of resistance to both Fusarium species. Three cultivars had better resistance to F. langsethiae than F. culmorum and only one cultivar had better resistance to F. culmorum than F. langsethiae. In future research, the results can be utilized in resistance breeding. Global warming will increase the risk of plant diseases. On that account importance of breeding will be emphasized.
  • Seppä, Elina (2020)
    Variety resistance in an economic means for the environment and the farmer to control pathogens that generally affect crops. In European spring wheat varieties, the resistance to leaf spot diseases has received less attention, especially with regard to significant parastagonospora nodorum blotch (also known as leaf and glume blotch) and tan spot in Finland. In this dissertation, new sources of disease resistance were sought from an extensive collection of spring wheat landraces. The resistance of four wheat gene bank material was screened and investigated against Finnish Parastagonospora nodorum and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis isolates. The study included three commonly grown spring wheat varieties to which the disease resistance of landraces was compared. The study was part of the Natural Resources Institute Finland’s (Luke) Hyötygeeni-project (Genetic Resources for Utilization - A Toolkit for Plant Breeding), which examined the pre-breeding chain as a part of the plant breeding process. Genotypes expressing a resistance to the leaf spot diseases were found from the studied spring wheat landraces. Landraces, which were found to be highly resistant to the wheat leaf spot diseases, was native to China and Sweden. Excellent durability to/for both parastagonospora nodorum blotch and tan spot was observed in Gotland single grain (ein korn) wheat (NGB 4497). The research for sources of disease resistance must be continued even more widely in landraces and wild species, and at the same time new forms and technologies of disease resistance screening must be developed. Ultimately, however, the aim is to ensure that yield levels and crop security remain good and to ensure research, breeding and production of domestic high-quality spring wheat in Finland.
  • Koivisto, Aino (2016)
    Fusarium species lower the germination of oat (Avena sativa) seeds and cause losses in yields. Fungicidal seed treatments prevent fungal diseases from spreading through seeds and soil. This study was conducted to determine how different fungicidal seed treatments affect the germination of oat seeds and the Fusarium species present in laboratory conditions applying official ISTA germination test methods on filter paper and sand. Aim was also to detect the damages fungi cause to oat seedlings as well as the effectiveness of different seed treatments and the resistance of oat cultivars to Fusarium. The germination percentages and damages were detected in two studies. In the first study, oat seeds were germinated on both filter paper and sand and treated with fungicidal seed treatments (Baytan Universal, Celest Trio and Zardex G). In the second study, oat seeds were inoculated with Fusarium culmorum and germinated on filter paper. Additionally, the effect of mould fungi on germination in several different geographical areas, years and cultivars was investigated based on the official germination tests conducted by Evira, who used samples analysed for certifying. Differences were detected between cultivars in their germination and damages caused by fungi in different geographical areas and years. In general, there were more damages in the seed lots with lower germination. The fungicidal seed treatments decreased damages clearly but increased germination only slightly. Only slight differences were observed between the researched seed treatments in their abilities to increase the germination of oat but there were greater differences in their abilities to decrease the amount of Fusarium and the damages they caused to oat seeds. The seed treatment with fludioxonil, difenoconazole and tebuconazole as active ingredients was the most effective against the damages caused by Fusarium in laboratory conditions. Additionally, the germination of oat was better with the sand germination method than on filter paper. However, there were more damages on oat seedlings germinated on sand than on filter paper.
  • Niemi, Suvi (2012)
    Root and butt rot is the most harmful fungal disease affecting Norway spruce in southern Finland. In approximately 90 % of cases the causal agent is Heterobasidion parviporum. Root and butt rot infections have not been reported in Finnish peatlands. However, the increase in logging operations in peatlands means there is a risk that the fungus will eventually spread to these areas. The aim of this study was to find out the impact of growing site on the resistance of Norway spruce to Heterobasidion parviporum infections. This was investigated by artificially inoculating H. parviporum to spruce trees in pristine mire, drained peatland and mineral soil and comparing the defence reactions. Additionally, the effect of genotype on resistance was studied by comparing the responses of spruce clones representing different geographic origins. The roots and stems of the trees to be sampled were wounded and inoculated with wood dowels pre-colonised by H. parviporum hyphae. The resulting necrosis around the point of inoculation was observed. It was presumed that increased length of necrosis indicates high susceptibility of the tree to the disease. The relationship between growth rate and host resistance was also studied. The results indicated that growing site does not have a statistically significant effect on host resistance. The average length of necrosis around the point of inoculation was 35 mm in pristine mire, 37 mm in drained peatland and 40 mm in mineral soil. It was observed that growth rate does not affect resistance, but that the genotype of the tree does have an effect. The most resistant spruce clone was the one with Russian origin. The results suggest that the spruce stands in peatlands are not more resistant to root and butt rot infections than those in mineral soil. These findings should be taken into consideration when logging peatland forests.
  • Purola, Tuomo (2013)
    Kasvitaudit aiheuttavat sadonmenetyksiä ja vaikuttavat näin viljelijän taloudelliseen tulokseen ja kuluttajahintoihin. Kasvitautien torjuntaan on olemassa useita keinoja, mutta usein viljelijät käyttävät kemiallista torjuntaa. Ammattiviljelijät siirtyvät noudattamaan integroidun torjunnan yleisiä periaatteita vuoden 2014 alusta alkaen. Integroidun torjunnan tarkoituksena on vähentää kemiallisen torjunnan tarvetta. Maataloudessa on toimintaympäristössä tapahtuneiden muutosten vuoksi jouduttu tehostamaan tuotantoa, joka on johtanut viljelykierron yksipuolistumiseen ja viljelymenetelmien muutoksiin. Tapahtunut kehitys on suotuisaa kasvitautien leviämiselle. MTT:n Hyötygeeni-hankkeessa ohralajikkeiden taudinkestävyyttä on jalostettu maatiaislajikkeiden avulla kolmea kasvitautia vastaan: verkkolaikkua, rengaslaikkua ja härmää. Jalostettuja lajikkeita on viisi: jokaisen yksittäisen kasvitaudin kestäviä ja lisäksi härmän ja verkkolaikun kestävää sekä verkko- ja rengaslaikun kestävää. Taudinkestäviä lajikkeita viljelemällä fungisidien (kasvitautien torjunta-aineiden) tarve poistuu. Tällöin säästöjä saadaan aine-, kone- ja työkustannuksissa. Taudinkestävyyden jalostus kuitenkin heikentää lajikkeen muita ominaisuuksia ja viljelijälle on olennaista tuotannosta saatava voitto. Tällöin kustannussäästöjen on oltava suuremmat kuin alentuneesta sadosta johtuvat tuottotappiot. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli vertailla maatiaislajikkeiden taudinkestävyydellä jalostettujen ja tautialttiiden ohralajikkeiden viljelystä saatavia taloudellisia hyötyjä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta aineistoa: taudinkestävien lajikkeiden satotappiokokeita kasvukaudelta 2010 ja eri fungisidien torjuntatehokkuutta mittaavia kenttäkokeita kasvukausilta 1999–2010. Tutkimuksen teoria perustuu klassiseen tuotantofunktioon ja lyhyen aikavälin voitonmaksimointiin. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin varianssi- ja regressioanalyysia ja hyödynnettiin lineaarista sekamallia, jolla voitiin minimoida sääolosuhteiden ja koepaikkojen vaikutukset tuloksiin. Lisätuottojen vertailu onnistui tutkimuksessa paremmin varianssianalyysilla. Regressioanalyysin hyödyntäminen oli ongelmallista kenttäkokeiden järjestelyjen ja kasvitautien luonteen vuoksi. Kenttäkokeiden keskimääräisellä tautiesiintymällä fungisidien käyttö oli kannattavampaa kuin taudinkestävien lajikkeiden viljely. Ainoastaan härmän ja verkkolaikun kestävän lajikkeen lisätuotot olivat lähes yhtä suuret kuin taloudellisesti parhailla fungisideilla käsiteltyjen alttiiden lajikkeiden. Taudinkestävien lajikkeiden hyödyt tulevat paremmin esille, kun kasvitautiesiintymä lisääntyy ja fungisidien hinta kasvaa suhteessa ohran hintaan.
  • Ohralahti, Kalle (2013)
    Barley is the most cultivated cereal in acreage in Finland. Barley has many plant diseases that cause yield reductions like net blotch, scald and mildew. The weather conditions and the disease resistance of the cultivar are affecting the appearance of the plant diseases. Plant diseases can be controlled by certified seed, seed treatment, crop rotation, fungicide treatment and by cultivating resistant cultivars. Net blotch causes reduction in green leaf area, thousand grain weight and thereby it reduces yield. The aim of this study was to study what is the yield response of barley to fungicide treatment when cultivars are either susceptible or tolerant to net blotch. The data of this study was based on The profitability of plant protection -trial series. The field trials were conducted at three locations in Finland during 2006–2009. The cultivars in the trials were divided based on their net blotch resistance to susceptible and tolerant groups. Fungicide treatment was made with Acanto Prima as a single treatment at the flag leaf stage. Tolerant and susceptible groups differed significantly in the amount of the net blotch. Fungicide treatment decreased the appearance of net blotch more in the susceptible group although the amount of net blotch was significantly less in the tolerant group. In the tolerant group the disease level was low even before the fungicide treatment. The conclusions of this study were, that tolerant cultivar group had better yield, but susceptible cultivar group had better yield response to the fungicide treatment. The yield response was in average 400 kg/ha in the susceptible and about 200 kg/ha in the resistant cultivar group. The yield response was due to the higher thousand grain weight. The yield security of disease resistant cultivar is better also in higher disease pressure. Resistant cultivar is one way to reduce the usage of plant protection products in IPM farming. Breeding of resistant cultivars is needed because the plant diseases are altering in their disease infection capability.