Browsing by Subject "virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön affordanssit"
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(2018)The aim of this study is to clarify how mixed reality technologies can be adapted to teaching and learning of craft. Mixed reality is mixture of different realities, both virtual and real realities. Terms such as virtual reality, augmented reality and augmented virtuality are usually associated to mixed reality. Earlier studies have shown that mixed reality technologies will help learning situations which are impossible or impractical to conduct in the real world. Virtual learning environment has the potential to increase learner’s motivation and create multi-sensory experience. Using mixed reality technologies in teaching can be challenging, because it will change the traditional teaching methods and bring new technologies into the classroom. This study adapted the features of future oriented case study. The theoretical framework of the study consists of mixed reality, virtual learning environment and its affordances as well as theories of teaching and learning of craft. In this study, the mixed reality test in which four Craft teachers participated was designed and implemented. During the test, teachers were introduced to weaving assignment in a virtual reality learning environment with HTC Vive virtual reality system. After the test, teachers filled out a questionnaire where they evaluated the weaving assignment through virtual learning environment affordances. In the questionnaire teachers were also asked about their own attitude towards mixed reality technologies and its possibilities in craft education. At the end of the test teachers par-ticipated in a semistructured interview, which aimed at finding more ideas how to use mixed reality technologies while teaching pupils towards holistic craft process. The results of the study stated that mixed reality technologies have potential benefits for craft education. Mixed reality technologies were seen to have potential to help pupils to learn design skills as well as spatial knowledge while designing 3D-models for further production. Mixed reality technologies can also help pupils in the production and documentation stages. Teachers emphasised the pupil's role as a content creator and the importance of the learning content around the new technology. Furthermore, teachers believed that mixed reality can make impossible learning situations possible and create multi-sensory experience. Mixed reality can also increase pupil’s motivation and bring pupils into the learning topics which might not be otherwise interesting.
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