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Browsing by Subject "virtuaaliset metsäpalvelut"

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  • Heinonen, Samuel (2017)
    Future of forestry planning has attracted interest in recent years. Useful forest resource data has been collected with the help of laser scanning. The data is available free of charge for forest owners in metsää -platform. Are forest owners any longer interested in paying for an owner-specific forestry plan? If is, so what kind of forestry plan would they be interested in? Are forest owners interested in seeing their forests through virtual services? Forestry organizations have sought cost-effectiveness through their actions by utilizing new operating models and technologies. However, it is it is possible that the forest is visited several times by many different professionals before harvesting or silvicultural work. Forestry organizations are interested in developing virtual forestry services that often require video or photo shooting in forest. Would it be possible to perform several stages of the required work at the same visit and by one professional to reduce additional costs such as travelling? The aim of this study was to find out the market for forestry planning required going in the forest from a forestry entrepreneur's point of view. There is an increase of forestry services which are implemented by a forestry entrepreneur. The survey was conducted by an ACBC-survey of 99 forest owners and by a normal survey of 21 forestry organizations. Collecting information about people in the forestry sector is challenging. Therefore, the research provides a lot of new information on the market situation of forest-related services. The study showed that there is a market for owner-specific forestry plan. Forest owners are interested in very traditional products. Interest in reforms is found, but they are not particularly important. There is more demand for FSC-forestry planning than service providers. Virtual forestry services do not generate much interest among forest owners. Organizations that sell forestry plans are often willing to order the implementation of the work from a forest service entrepreneur. Most of them are interested in expanding their forestry planning task to pricing silvicultural work and logging planning. Owner-specific forestry planning is getting closer and closer to the implementation of the operative work. Technology is also improving fast. Thus, it's difficult to say how forestry resource information will be collected after ten years. Regardless of how the information is collected, planning according to the objectives of the forest owner and representing the plan in an easily understandable form seems to be an important part of future forestry service.