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  • Vuorela, Arja (2024)
    Adoptive cell therapy utilizes the patient's own immunological system in the treatment of cancer. T cells expressing the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) are produced from the patient's own T-cells. The CAR gene is introduced into the T cells by a gene transfer vector, which results in the T cells expressing the CAR molecule that recognizes the antigen on the surface of the cancer cell. When CAR-T cells are returned to the body, they recognize the cancer cell with the CAR molecule and destroy it. CAR-T cell therapy has shown promising results in the treatment of malignant hematological cancers. The white blood cells used as starting material for CAR-T cells are collected from the patient using a specially designed leukapheresis device. The collected leukapheresis product is transported to the CAR-T cell manufacturing site as soon as possible, either fresh or frozen. The aim of this stability study of leukapheresis products was to determine the effect of storage time and temperature on the quality of fresh cell products regarding cell number, viability and composition. In addition, the goal was to determine the optimal storage temperature and the shelf life of leukapheresis product to ensure high quality cell starting material for CAR-T cell production. The study was performed by dividing the leukapheresis products into two cell bags immediately after collection, one stored at +15–25 °C and the other at +2–8 °C for five days. The leukapheresis products were examined at five different time points (0, 25, 49, 73 and 121 h) for white blood cell count, viability, apoptosis and white blood cell composition. The microbiological purity of the cell products was examined after leukapheresis. The leukocyte composition was stable, viability and cell yield over 80 % for at least 72 hours at +2–8 °C storage temperature. Although small proportions of cells were apoptotic after the 48 hours of storage +2–8 °C, the leukapheresis products contained more than 80 % viable leukocytes after 72 hours and over 70 % after 120 hours. Leukapheresis products remained stable for 48 hours at +15–25 °C, after which their leukocyte composition changed, leukocyte viabilities and yields decreased. The viabilities of the leucocytes were above 90 % for 48 hours at +15–25 °C, but at the 73 h time point, only half of the cells were viable. The optimum storage temperature for leukapheresis products was +2–8 °C, at which white blood cells remained in good quality for 72 hours. These results can be used to set quality requirements for the cell source material of CAR-T cell product and to plan the transport from the collection site of the leukapheresis to the CAR-T cell production site.
  • Puro, Valtteri (2024)
    Syöpäsairaudet tai niiden hoito aiheuttavat potilaille usein huomattavaa fyysistä ja psyykkistä taakkaa. Merkittävien fysiologisten muutosten lisäksi hoidot johtavat usein voimakkaaseen ahdistuneisuuteen, psyykkisiin liitännäissairauksiin ja heikentyneeseen yleiseen elämänlaatuun. Näiden oireiden kasaantuessa ne heikentävät merkittävästi potilaiden elämänlaatua, arjen toimintakyvyn ja henkisen jaksamisen madaltuessa. Syöpäpotilaiden monet subjektiiviset oireet jäävät kuitenkin usein alihoidetuiksi tai hoitavalta taholta tunnistamattomiksi. Hoitoihin tai sairauteen liittyvien oireiden piiloon jääminen saattaa johtaa madaltuneeseen hoitoon sitoutumiseen, korkeampiin kuolleisuuslukuihin ja on terveydenhuollon tuottajan näkökulmasta tehotonta. Rutiininomainen ja spesifisti kohdennettu oireiden seuranta on tärkeää niiden oikea-aikaista ja tehokasta esilletuontia varten ja se on yhdistetty parantuneeseen hoitovasteeseen syöpäpotilailla. Kliinisten tulosten seurannan tueksi hoidon onnistumista voidaan seurata validoiduilla potilaslähtöisillä mittareilla (vointimittarit, PROM ja potilaskokemusmittarit PREM). Niillä voidaan saada oikein käytettynä riippumatonta ja reaaliaikaista tietoa potilaiden kokemasta terveydentilasta. Potilaskeskeisen (arvoperustaisen) terveydenhuollon kehitystyön edistyessä tutkimustieto hoidon vaikuttavuuden mittaamisesta potilaiden itse raportoimien tulosten avulla perinteisten kliinisten mittareiden lisäksi tulee korostumaan. Syöpähoitoja tarvitsevien määrän kasvu ja uusien, kalliiden pienmolekyylisten, biologisten, ja geeniterapiahoitojen markkinoille tuleminen, tuottavat taloudellisen paineen kestäville ja arkikäytössä vaikuttaville ratkaisumalleille hoidon toteutuksen tutkimukselle. Modernien viestintäjärjestelmien käyttö potilaiden raportoimien tulosten esilletuonnissa ja tallentamisessa voi tarjota mahdollisuuden parantaa vaikuttavuuden mittaamisen toteutusta kliinisessä arjessa. Tutkielman yhteistyöorganisaatio Istekki oy pyrkii kehittämään terveysteknologisia ratkaisuja julkisen terveydenhuollon käyttöön. Kartoittavan katsauksen periaatteiden mukaisesti, tutkimalla järjestelmällisesti olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta selvitettiin, minkälaisia mittareita erilaisissa syöpähoitoja tarjoavissa ympäristöissä on käytetty. Katsauksen aineisto koostui 20 vertaisarvioidusta alkuperäistutkimuksesta, jotka keskittyivät potilaslähtöisten mittareiden käyttöön onkologisessa ympäristössä. Näistä saatiin tarkasteluun 28 erilaista validoitua potilaslähtöistä mittaria. Digitaalisten alustojen käyttö mittareiden käyttöympäristönä korostui kaikissa tutkimuksissa. Oikein käytettynä potilaslähtöiset mittarit edistivät potilaiden ja hoitohenkilökunnan välistä kommunikaatiota, potilastyytyväisyyttä ja mahdollistivat hoidon vaikutusten reaaliaikaisen seurannan potilasnäkökulmasta. Kuitenkin tekniset, kulttuuriset ja organisatoriset esteet, kuten koulutuksen puute, resurssien niukkuus ja tiedon puute (asenteet), ovat haasteita, jotka hidastavat mittareiden käyttöönottoa kliiniseen arkeen. Vointimittareiden tehokas hyödyntäminen edellyttää kattavaa koulutusta, selkeitä käyttöönotto- ja reagointistrategioita, sekä hyvin saatavissa olevaa teknistä tukea niin potilaille, kuin henkilökunnallekin.
  • Tiainen, Elina (2024)
    New drugs against malaria are required, as millions of people are still affected yearly by this deadly disease. The development of drug resistance to current antimalarials is an ongoing process. Membrane-bound pyrophosphatases (mPPases) are potential new drug targets against malaria and other protozoan diseases. mPPases play a crucial role in the survival of the malaria parasite, they couple the energy released from the hydrolysis of pyrophosphate into the transport of protons or ions against an electrochemical gradient. The aim of this study was to identify potential mPPase inhibitors through a docking-based virtual screen of the Tres Cantos Antimalarial Compound Set, which consists of over 13500 malaria-active compounds. The virtual screen against a Thermotoga maritima mPPase protein structure identified a 2,4-diamino-1,6-dihydrotriazine among the top-ranking scaffolds. Four compounds found among the docking results containing this scaffold were synthesised: three with a halophenyl substituent, and one with a hydroxyl substituent. The compounds in their hydrochloride salt forms were synthesised using a three-component method for the synthesis of 2,4-diamino-1,6-dihydrotriazines. The compounds were also freed from the hydrochloride salts into their corresponding molecular forms. The structural characterisation of the compounds, especially the molecular forms, presented challenges. The docking results were also searched to identify compounds containing previously identified mPPase-active substructures. From the docking results, several other interesting compounds were identified in addition to the synthesised compounds. The knowledge and results obtained from this study can be used as openings for potential future docking and synthesis projects in the development of mPPase inhibitors. The activity of the compounds synthesised in the project remains to be evaluated in subsequent investigations.
  • Hemminki, Nelli (2024)
    Tablets are solid medicinal products that are produced by compressing tablet mass in a tablet press. The reproducible and reliable functionality of the manufacturing process, facilities and equipment used in the manufacturing process of medicinal products must be validated. There must be a marketing authorisation for the sale of medicinal products, and pharmaceutical companies must comply with current legislation, Good Manufacturing Practices, and other binding guidelines. After marketing authorisation, certain changes, such as significant changes related to the manufacturing process or raw materials, must be notified to the competent authority by means of a variation application. Depending on the extent of the change, a revalidation and/or a regulatory approval before implementing the change may be required, which makes manufacturing process modification slow, expensive, and laborious. However, the pressure to enhance pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and reduce costs is prevailing. In this study, Lean Six Sigma methods were applied to enhance the manufacturing process of a tablet product. The study was divided into two parts. In the first part of the study, the objective was to investigate the manufacturing process of a tablet product X and to identify improvement actions that would make the manufacturing process of the tablet product X more efficient by achieving material and time savings. In addition, improvement actions were prioritized based on the benefits achieved by the improvement actions and the difficulty of implementation. The second part of the study was based on the improvement action selected from the first part of the study. The objective of the second part of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the amount of mass loss during tableting and how the amount of mass loss can be influenced. In this study, mass loss during tableting referred to the dusty mass inside the tablet press during tableting, which is removed from the tablet press to the equipment dedusting system. The purpose of the practical experiment conducted in the tablet production, which was part of the second part of the study, was to investigate how the magnitude of the exhaust airflow and fan power of the equipment dedusting system affects the amount of mass loss generated during tableting. Based on the experiment, adjusting the power of the equipment dedusting system can affect the amount of mass loss generated during tableting. However, further studies are needed to ensure that no dusty mass remains in the piping of the dedusting system or in tablet press at low exhaust airflow and fan power values during tableting. If the results are applied to other tablet products, the effect of a different formulation on powder dusting should be considered. Adequate dedusting during tableting is important so that the dusty mass inside the tablet press is removed as intended, facilitating the cleaning of the tablet press after tableting and reducing the risk of cross-contamination and exposure of workers to dust. The conclusion of this study is that Lean Six Sigma methods can be used more extensively to enhance the manufacturing processes of both tablet products and other pharmaceutical dosage forms and to reduce loss generated during the manufacturing process without revalidation or changes to a valid marketing authorisation.
  • Koskelainen, Anni (2024)
    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN) degenerate and die. This causes multiple motor symptoms such as rigidity, bradykinesia and tremor and non-motor symptoms such as depression, hallucinations, and cognitive impairment. At the time of the diagnosis, approximately 60% of the dopaminergic cells can already be lost, which underlines the importance of neurorestorative treatments for PD. Currently used treatments are only symptomatic and mostly based on levodopa, which can lose its effectiveness as the disease progresses and additionally cause significant side effects such as dyskinesia. Neurotrophic factors (NTF) such as glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin (NRTN) have been studied in clinical trials with PD patients but have shown only modest effects on motor function. Additionally, they have been administered with invasive techniques such as intraputamenal or intracerebroventricular injections which includes many risks. Mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF) belongs to unconventional NTF’s with unique molecular structure and mode of action. MANF has shown both neuroprotective and neurorestorative properties for nigrostriatal dopamine system in in vivo study in rat model of PD. To enable systemic administration of MANF, the molecule has been modified by retaining only the C-terminal domain to form C-terminal MANF fragment (C-MANF). C-MANF has shown neurorestorative effects when administered intrastriatally in 6-OHDA lesioned rats and when injected subcutaneously (s.c.) in an ALS animal model. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of daily and weekly s.c administered C-MANF in 6-OHDA mouse model of PD. Cylinder and amphetamine-induced rotation tests were performed as behavioural tests and thereafter morphological studies were done by analyzing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)+ cells in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) and optical density from TH+ axons in the striatum. Interestingly, weekly C-MANF treatment decreased the number of TH+ cells in SNpc and the density of TH+ fibers in the striatum compared to PBS. However, it decreased ipsilateral rotations and showed some positive effects in the cylinder test. On the other hand, daily C-MANF treatment increased the number of TH+ cells in SNpc and the density of TH+ fibers in the striatum but had a modest effect on ipsilateral rotations and the cylinder test compared to PBS. Although no statistically significant effects were observed in behavioral and morphological studies, s.c administered C-MANF presents a promising treatment option for PD. Particularly, daily administration of C-MANF showed neurorestorative effects in morphological studies; however, further research is required for validation. Additionally, the investigation of higher doses of C-MANF should be considered.
  • Seppälä, Katariina (2024)
    General anaesthetics are pharmaceutical agents used to induce general anaesthesia, a reversible state of unconsciousness. Caenorhabditis elegans, a nematode species, has been successfully used as a model organism in the study of gaseous anaesthetics due to its amenability to genetic modification, fully mapped nervous system connectome and high evolutionary conservation. However, C. elegans is less well characterised as a model organism in the study of non-gaseous anaesthetics. The primary aim of the study was to study the potential of ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, and urethane, a nonselective modulator of various neurotransmitter-gated ion channels, to immobilise C. elegans without activating antioxidant response signalling by transcription factor SKN-1, the nematode orthologue of the mammalian Nrf/CNC proteins. The transparent body of C. elegans enables microscopic imaging of cellular processes, but high-quality imaging requires the immobilisation of the worm. A commonly used chemical immobilising agent, sodium azide, causes SKN-1 activation in C. elegans, which may limit the use of sodium azide in studies on SKN-1 promoters. A secondary aim of this study was to study the impact of ketamine, an activator of mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) signalling, on the lifespan of C. elegans. The lifespan of C. elegans has been found to increase with inhibition of the mTOR homologue pathway in previous studies. Ketamine and urethane were administered to wild-type C. elegans in aqueous media in 96-well plates. Behavioural endpoints of immobility and uncoordination were assessed manually via microscopic observation and video recordings. SKN-1 activation was studied by measuring drug-induced fluorescence in mutant strain CL2166, which carries a green fluorescent protein reporter of SKN-1 downstream target GST-4 (glutathione-S-transferase). A lifespan assay was performed with sterile C. elegans strain SS104 by incorporating ketamine in the worm maintenance agar. In this study, urethane did not appear to be a potent immobilisation agent. Ketamine was found to cause reversible weak immobilisation at a similar concentration at which sodium azide fully paralyses wild-type C. elegans. At lower doses ketamine caused uncoordinated locomotion. Short-term exposure to an immobility-inducing dose of ketamine was not found to significantly activate SKN-1. In the lifespan assay, ketamine unexpectedly appeared to significantly increase the nematode lifespan compared to control treatment.
  • Mandelin, Ronja (2024)
    MDMA is an illegal stimulant known for its empathy-enhancing effects. Its positive effects are mainly based on increasing the concentrations of monoamines such as serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE). In addition to its positive effects, MDMA can cause adverse effects such as hyperthermia and neurotoxicity. Especially with long-term use, MDMA can cause serotonergic and dopaminergic neurotoxicity. In addition, there are also indications of MDMA-induced neurotoxicity in systems where gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) functions as the main neurotransmitter. Glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) 67 is an enzyme that synthesizes GABA from glutamate and is a specific marker for GABAergic cells. The amygdala is a nucleus in the brain that regulates anxiety and fear response. In addition to GABAergic interneurons, there are also glutamatergic cells in the basolateral nucleus (BLA) of the amygdala, however in the central nucleus (CeA) there are only GABAergic cells. Disturbances in the GABAergic system can predispose to psychiatric diseases such as anxiety. The aim of thisstudy was to investigate the effects of MDMA (20 mg/kg) on the number of GAD67-positive cells in two nuclei of the mouse amygdala, BLA and CeA. In addition, this study aimed to examine the importance of the dose (4 or 16 injections) for neurotoxicity and the duration of the effects (2, 7 or 30 days). Adolescent wild type mice were divided into 12 groups according to the treatment (MDMA or saline), dose and timepoint. After euthanasia, the brain sections at the level of the amygdala were collected and stained with an immunohistochemical method and imaged using a confocal microscope. This study showed that MDMA reduced the number of GAD67-positive cells in the BLA when mice were given a total of 4 injections. This effect lasted up to 30 days. In contrast, MDMA did not reduce the number of GAD67-positive cells in the BLA in mice that were given 16 injections. Also, MDMA did not decrease the number of GAD67-positive cells in the CeA, regardless of dose. Statistical significance could have been improved, for example, by using more mice or analysing more sections from each individual animal. It is important to continue studying the effects of MDMA to better treat and prevent its adverse effects. In addition, increased understanding would urge users to exercise caution when using MDMA.
  • Vartiainen, Mira (2024)
    Current therapies for depression have limitations in efficacy and delayed onset of action. Rapid-acting antidepressants like ketamine, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) antagonist, have gathered attention as an improved treatment option. However, the neurobiological mechanism underlying their antidepressant effect remains uncertain. Integral mechanisms of action seem to be alterations in synaptic plasticity, global cortical excitation, and repair of neuronal dysfunctions prevalent in the pathophysiology of depression. Emerging evidence does suggest that antidepressant drugs act by facilitating brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mediated tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) signaling. Interestingly, rapid-acting antidepressants seem to increase TrkB-associated signaling after their acute pharmacological effect has dissipated, and when animals become sedated and show various physiological changes associated with deep sleep (e.g., slow wave EEG activity, SWA). Indeed, recently a close relationship between sedation and molecular signaling implicated in antidepressant effects has been discovered. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between sedation and molecular signaling associated with antidepressant effect. This was carried out by assessing the localization of TrkB-associated phosphorylation signaling in the adult male mice medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) using dexmedetomidine, a sedative. Key signaling molecules such as ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K), ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6), glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and immediate early gene c-Fos, were examined through immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. Two separate experiments were conducted using naïve adult 8-13-week-old (n=8 and n=10) male C57BL/6JRccHs mice. In the experiments mice were injected intraperitoneally with either dexmedetomidine (0,05 mg/kg, Dexdomitor®), or saline followed by a 30-minute recovery period whereafter mice were euthanized. In the first experiment, medial prefrontal cortex samples were collected immediately post decapitation for western blot (WB) analysis. The results showed that dexmedetomidine significantly activated TrkB-associated signaling in brain homogenates, consistent with expectations. In the second experiment, mice were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) before brain collection for IHC analysis. However in this experimental setting, no significant difference in the localization of TrkB-associated signaling induced by dexmedetomidine was observed compared to saline. Although, no significant results for signal localization were observed, the results provide insights into the neurobiological effect of sedation induced TrkB-signaling. Further research factoring in limitations is needed to uncover the involvement of physiological states in antidepressant mechanisms.
  • Kouvonen, Sonja (2024)
    To develop a closed-loop medication management process, monitoring the effects of medication should be integrated into patient information systems through structured recording methods. Sufficient documentation of medication monitoring is a prerequisite for implementing effective medication management and ensuring good quality, individualized care for patients. Medication management for patients with intellectual disabilities on the autism spectrum can be extremely challenging. The characteristics of intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders, comorbidities, and polypharmacy make medication management and monitoring challenging. This study focused on patients with difficult behavioural symptoms. The study aimed to identify the most important symptoms to monitor in assessing the effects of medication in patients with intellectual disabilities on the autism spectrum. Additionally, it defined the time points from the initiation of medication when the effects should be assessed. The study was conducted as a two-round study using the Delphi consensus method in January-February 2024. The expert panel consisted of 12 experts in intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders or in the field of medicine. Lists of behavioural symptoms, other symptoms, and monitoring time points were compiled for the study based on literature and the expertise of the research group. Experts were presented with a list of symptoms, and in the first round, symptoms that exceeded a consensus threshold of 50% proceeded to the second round. In the second round, experts ranked symptoms based on their importance for monitoring using Likert-scale questions. The data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Experts considered 9 behavioural symptoms and 22 other symptoms as highly important or important to monitor. The experts identified severe symptoms indicating self-harm or harm to others as the most critical behavioural symptoms to monitor. The most important other monitored symptoms included common comorbidities and symptoms within the patient group or adverse effects of medication. The effects of medication should be evaluated regularly, at least at the 4-week mark after initiating medication and after 3 months evaluations should be conducted at intervals of every 6 months. Monitoring the effects of medication was perceived to pose many challenges, and monitoring is not always carried out at a sufficient level. Many different symptoms should be monitored because patients are individual and present a variety of symptoms. It is essential to have a good understanding of the patient's condition before starting medication to assess the medication's impact on the patient's behaviour or other symptoms. The study highlighted the lack of structured monitoring forms and the need for monitoring tools.
  • Pusa, Reetta (2024)
    The potential of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as diagnostic markers and drug delivery vehicles has been studied increasingly in recent years. One of the challenges in this field has been the isolation of EVs from complex biological fluids such as blood. The methods widely used for the isolation process include for example size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and ultracentrifugation (UC). As these methods use size and density of the particle, the have not been efficient enough in isolating EVs from certain particles such as lipoproteins. Due to the challenges related to these methods, other isolation methods have been sought to improve the efficiency of EV isolation. One of these methods is ion-exchange chromatography (IEC). From the two forms of IEC, anion-exchange chromatography has been studied more in EV isolation due to the negative net charge on EV particles. However, in this study the functionality and efficiency of cation-exchange chromatography (CEC) in EV isolation was studied as very little research has been done on this method. In this study, two CEC-resins were studied to define their applicability in EV isolation. A standard strong cation-exchange chromatographic resin SP Sepharose Fast Flow was compared to a strong tentacle-type resin. In addition to this, we studied the possibility to use a magnesium gradient to separate different forms of lipoproteins from EVs through dextran-sulfite precipitation. Tentacle-type CEC-resin was found to be more efficient in capturing EVs compared to the standard-type resin without magnesium. These EVs could then be eluted from the column with sodium chloride. The use of magnesium gradient allowed the separation of apolipoproteins in the samples. Higher concentrations of magnesium also reduced the number of lipoproteins in the samples altogether but resulted in the loss of EVs as well. These results were promising and showed that cation-exchange chromatography can be used in EV isolation. Tentacle-type resin seemed to be most efficient in removing impurities and capturing EVs. While more research is needed before these findings can be applied to clinical use, these results prove that cation-exchange chromatography can be used in EV isolation as a new, efficient and up scalable method.
  • Neuvonen, Emilia (2024)
    Tutkimuksen tausta: Avohuollon apteekit tekivät monia toimenpiteitä varmistaakseen apteekkipalveluiden jatkuvuuden ja lääkkeiden saatavuuden COVID-19-pandemian aikana. Kriisijohtamisen prosessiteoria antaa rakenteellisen viitekehyksen kriisien ymmärtämiseen ja hallintaan. Tavoite: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia suomalaisten avohuollon apteekkien kriisijohtamisprosessia COVID-19-pandemian aikana käyttäen kriisijohtamisen teoriaa teoreettisena viitekehyksenä. Menetelmät: Poikkileikkauskyselytutkimus kehitettiin kriisijohtamisen prosessiteorian pohjalta ja lähetettiin suomalaisille avohuollon apteekkareille sekä yliopistoapteekkien johtaville proviisoreille toisen pandemia-aallon aikana loka–marraskuussa 2020. Logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla tutkittiin, oliko johdon riskinäkemyksellä yhteyttä kriisivalmiuteen, ja miten kriisisuunnitelmat, tiimit ja yhteistyö ulkoisten sidosryhmien kanssa olivat yhteydessä pandemian vaikutuksiin avohuollon apteekeissa. Avoimista vastauksista saatu laadullinen aineisto ryhmiteltiin samankaltaisuuksien perusteella. Tulokset: Kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 221 apteekkaria ja johtavaa proviisoria (vastausprosentti 36,7 %). Apteekeista 79,6 %:lla oli olemassa pandemiasuunnitelma ennen kriisiä. Pandemiakriisitiimi oli nimetty 35,3 %:lla apteekeista ja 33,5 % lisäsi tai paransi yhteistyötä muiden apteekkien tai lääkehuollon toimijoiden kanssa. Kollektiivinen päätöksenteko ja ulkoisen yhteistyön lisääminen tai parantaminen olivat yhteydessä vähäisempiin negatiivisiin vaikutuksiin johdon jaksamisessa. Lisäksi kollektiivinen päätöksenteko oli yhteydessä vähäisempiin negatiivisiin vaikutuksiin organisaation taloudessa. Kirjallisuudesta poiketen olemassa olevalla pandemiasuunnitelmalla oli enemmän negatiivisia vaikutuksia organisaatioiden resursseihin. Yhteyttä apteekkarin riskinäkemyksen ja apteekkien kriisivalmiuden välillä ei havaittu. Johtopäätökset: Apteekkien tekemät toiminnalliset muutokset ja infektion ehkäisy- ja torjuntakäytännöt mahdollistivat keskeisten palvelujen tarjoamisen pandemian asettamista haasteista huolimatta. Oppimista ja sopeutumista tapahtui reaaliajassa kriisin aikana. Kollektiivisen päätöksenteon kehittäminen ja yhteistyö kollegoiden ja muiden lääkehuollon toimijoiden kanssa voivat parantaa apteekkarien jaksamista ja apteekkien taloutta tulevissa kriiseissä. Jatkotutkimuksissa voitaisiin hyödyntää laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä ja tutkia tarkemmin kollektiivista päätöksentekoa sekä vaikuttavan kriisisuunnitelman sisältöä avohuollon apteekkien kontekstissa.
  • Sundberg, Enikö (2024)
    Viimeaikaisten tutkimusten perusteella suun sairauksilla on havaittu olevan vakavia systeemisiä vaikutuksia sekä vaikutuksia yleisterveyteen ja hyvinvointiin. Antiseptisia valmisteita käytetään tulehduksellisten suun sairauksien hoidossa, mutta niillä on todettu riittämätöntä tehoa ja paikallisia sivuvaikutuksia. Antimikrobisia aineita käytetään vakavampien suun tulehdusten hoitoon, mutta ne lisäävät antibioottiresistenssin riskiä ennaltaehkäisevässä ja toistuvassa käytössä. Kaksoisvalohoito vähentää mikrobilääkkeiden ja antiseptisten aineiden tarvetta ja siten haitallisia sivuvaikutuksia. Varsinkin ennaltaehkäisevänä hoitona kaksoisvalon uskotaan aiheuttavan vähemmän haittaa, mutta olevan silti riittävän tehokas estämään tulehduksia. Fotodynaamista hoitoa (PDT) on tutkittu mm. parodontiitin, peri-implantiitin ja suun punajäkälän hoidossa. Satunnaistettu, yhdessä keskuksessa toteutettava kliininen lääketutkimus suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin määrittämään säännöllisesti käytetyn antibakteerisen lääkinnällisen laitteen, Lumoral®-kaksoisvalohoidon, tehoa ja turvallisuutta plakin hallinnassa ja ienterveydessä julkisessa terveydenhuollossa. 40 molempaa sukupuolta edustavaa, 37–77-vuotiasta koehenkilöä, joilla oli diagnosoitu parodontiitin vaihe II tai korkeampi, jotka harjaavat hampaitaan päivittäin ja käyttävät hammaslankaa tai hammasharjaa, satunnaistettiin 1:1 kontrolli- ja tutkimusryhmään. Kaikilta koehenkilöiltä kerättiin aMMP-8 ja mikrobiologiset näytteet ja kliiniset parametrit, kuten PPD, BOP, VPI, sekä lähtötilanteessa että tutkimuksen lopetuskäynnillä. Tutkimusryhmä sai aPD-hoitoa päivittäin noin 5 viikon ajan. aPD-hoito suoritettiin CE-merkityllä Lumorinse®-suuvedellä yhdessä CE-merkityn Lumoral®-valoaplikaattorin kanssa. Suuvettä purskuteltiin minuutin ajan, jonka jälkeen annosteltiin 10 minuutin ajan samanaikaisesti 405 nm aBL ja 810 nm lähi-infrapuna (NIR) LED-valoa, kokonaissäteilyaltistuksen ollessa 40 J/cm2. Seurantakäynnit suoritettiin keskimäärin 7 viikon kuluttua lähtötilanteen arvioinnista, jolloin tutkimusryhmässä oli keskimäärin 8 päivän hoitotauko. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat Lumoral® aPDT -hoidon käytön vähentävän ienverenvuotoa, auttaen hoitamaan tulehduksellisia suusairauksia, kuten parodontiittia, peri-implantiittia ja ientulehdusta. Suurempi hyöty on osoitettu tupakoimattomille henkilöille. Tutkimustulokset viittaavat tupakoimattomien henkilöiden, joilla on diagnosoitu vaiheen II tai III parodontiitti, voivan hyötyä Lumoral® hoidosta arvioitaessa syviä ientaskuja. Tutkimus osoittaa potilaiden, joilla on vaiheen II tai sitä korkeampi parodontiitti ja joilla on jo kohtalaisen hyvät kotihammashoitorutiinit, olevan motivoituneita näkemään ylimääräistä vaivaa hoitonsa parantamiseksi. Lumoral®-hoidon tehokkuuden arviointia syvien ientaskujen paranemisessa varten tarvitaan lisätutkimuksia. Lumoral®-hoidon vaikutusta hammasplakkiin, parodontiitin vaiheeseen ja mikrobiologiseen taakkaan tulee varmistaa lisätutkimuksin. Tupakkatuotteiden vaikutus Lumoral®-hoidon tehoon tulee vahvistaa. Optimaalista käyttötiheyttä ja Lumoral®-hoidon kestoa tulee tutkia lisää. Lumoral®-hoidon hyöty potilailla, joilla on vaikea vaiheen IV ja asteen C parodontiitti, tulee varmistaa kohdennetuin tutkimuksin.
  • Noponen, Henna (2024)
    Indomethacin is a poorly soluble but highly permeable drug, and its biological availability can be improved by enhancing its solubility. In this study, co-crystals and co-amorphous systems of indomethacin and nicotinamide were prepared in a 1:1 molar ratio, which have previously been shown to enhance the solubility of indomethacin. It has also been observed that the co-amorphous indomethacin-nicotinamide system crystallizes into a co-crystal during storage. This study aimed to further investigate the properties, solubility, and stability of these compounds, and tablet formulations were also prepared from the co-crystal and co-amorphous systems. Powdered co-crystals and co-amorphous systems, as well as tablets prepared from them, were stored at 25°C with 60% relative humidity and at 40°C with 75% relative humidity, and their solubilities were studied for 12 weeks. The stability of the samples was also examined using Fourier infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry over the same period, and changes in the physical properties of the tablets were monitored throughout the study period. Additionally, the effect of HPMC on the prevention of indomethacin recrystallization was investigated. Both the co-amorphous and co-crystalline forms were found to enhance the solubility of indomethacin in both powder and tablet formulations in this study. The co-crystal was stable, with no changes observed in its crystal structure or solubility over the 12-week study period. However, handling the co-amorphous material turned out to be difficult due to its low glass transition temperature of 19.68°C, causing the powder to soften at room temperature. During storage, it was shown to crystallize into a co-crystal, but its solubility properties were weaker to those of the actual co-crystal. None of the solubility tests showed evidence of indomethacin recrystallization, so the potential effect of HPMC on this phenomenon could not be determined in the study. Warmer and more humid conditions were found to increase the tensile strength of the tablets, resulting in slower dissolution.
  • Randén, Sari (2024)
    Jätevedenpuhdistamon käsittelymenetelmät eivät poista kokonaan lääkeaineita jätevedestä. Lääkeainejäämiä jää käsiteltyyn jäteveteen ja siksi niitä löytyy pintavedestä. Vielä ei ole täysin selvää, miten altistuminen lääkeainejäämille vaikuttaa ihmisten terveyteen ja ympäristön hyvinvointiin. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli ensin tunnistaa vesiympäristölle haitallisimmat lääkeaineet ja sen jälkeen selvittää, mitkä olivat haitallisimpien lääkeaineiden käyttömäärät HUSin hoitoyksiköissä vuonna 2021. Tutkimuksen tuloksia on tarkoitus hyödyntää jatkossa HUSissa, kun arvioidaan mahdollisia toimenpiteitä ympäristöriskien vähentämiseksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa ympäristöriskiä mahdollisesti aiheuttavien aineiden arviointi koski lääkeaineita, joita käytettiin ihmisten hoitoon vuonna 2021 Suomessa. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan ne lääkeaineet, joista oli saatavilla riittävästi dataa riskiosamäärän laskemiseksi (kun ei otettu huomioon lääkeaineen poistumaa jätevedenpuhdistamolla). Tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle rajattiin lääkeaineiden yhdistelmävalmisteet, eläinlääkkeet, vitamiinit, elektrolyytit, aminohapot, peptidit, proteiinit, hiilihydraatit, lipidit, kasvirohdosvalmisteet ja rokotteet. Riskiosamäärä laskettiin 521 lääkeaineelle. Lääkeaineiden, joiden riskiosamäärä oli suurempi kuin 1, katsottiin aiheuttavan riskiä vesiympäristössä: mitä suurempi oli aineelle laskettu riskiosamäärä, sitä suurempi oli ympäristöriski. 521 lääkeaineesta 39 lääkeaineen riskiosamäärä ylitti raja-arvon 1. Lääkeaineet, joiden riskiosamäärä oli yli 10, olivat ibuprofeeni, dabigatraanieteksilaatti, sulfasalatsiini, estradioli, lerkanidipiini, sertraliini, abirateroni, amoksisilliini, rifaksimiini ja vankomysiini. Näiden kymmenen vesiympäristölle haitallisimmin lääkeaineen kulutus vuonna 2021 HUSissa laskettiin hoitoyksiköittäin, jotta saatiin selville, missä hoitoyksiköissä käytettiin näitä lääkeaineita eniten. Kulutuksen laskennassa ei otettu huomioon hoitoyksiköiden jo olemassa olleita lääkevarastoja, jotka oli hankittu ennen vuotta 2021, eikä lääkehävikkiä (lääkejätettä). Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella puuttuva data oli merkittävin tulosten luotettavuuteen vaikuttava tekijä, koska ne lääkeaineet, joista ei ollut riittävästi dataa käytettävissä, jouduttiin rajaamaan tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Siten vesiympäristölle haitallisimpien lääkeaineiden luettelosta saattaa puuttua sinne kuuluvia lääkeaineita. Dataa olisi tarvittu etenkin lääkeaineiden poistumasta jätevedenpuhdistamolla sekä tutkimuksesta poisjääneiden lääkeaineiden kulutuksesta, teoreettisista vuorokausiannoksista ja ennustetuista vaikutuksettomista pitoisuuksista. Koska kaikkia haitallisimpia lääkeaineita ei ole vielä selvitetty, lisää tutkimusta ja työkaluja tarvitaan ongelman ratkaisemiseksi
  • Alho, Eerika (2024)
    Biological medicines are used, for example, in the treatment of diabetes, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Biological medicines cause a significant part of the costs of prescription drugs in outpatient care. In Finland, automatic substitution of biological medicines will be introduced in 2024–2025 to promote the use of biosimilars and to increase price competition. When substituting biological medicines, pharmacists are required to counsel the customer and ensure proper use of the new administration device. The objective of this study was to study Finnish community pharmacists’ knowledge about biological medicines and biosimilars and the need for further training. Data was collected with an electronic questionnaire and analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Associations between background variables and readiness for automatic substitution were analyzed using crosstabulation and chi-squared test. Differences in drug-specific knowledge were compared using sum variables. Most pharmacists (n=899) answered that they understood at least the basics of what biological medicines and biosimilars are. The important role of biosimilars in reducing society's drug costs seemed to be well understood, but only one in four (25.0%) felt that they were ready for automatic substitution. Master’s degree in pharmacy, graduating as a pharmacist (BSc) between 2010 and 2022, and working in community pharmacy for less than 10 years after graduating as pharmacist (BSc) increased the experience of readiness for automatic substitution. Previous work in the pharmaceutical industry or wholesale trade, in official positions or in research and teaching positions also increased the experience of readiness for automatic substitution, as well as clinical expertise or additional training in the field of pharmacy. Drug-specific knowledge seemed to be best about enoxaparin and insulins. Further training was needed especially on the differences of administration devices and giving injection advice. The strength of this study was a representative sample of pharmaceutical personnel working in Finnish community pharmacies, although low response rate weakens generalizability of the results. The results give an indication of how Finnish community pharmacists assessed their knowledge about biological medicines and biosimilars before the introduction of automatic substitution in Finland. Further research is needed to monitor the development of knowledge about biological medicines and to examine customers’ experience on the quality of medication counselling related to biological medicines at pharmacies.
  • Laakkonen, Laura (2024)
    Barcode-assisted medication administration can be used to prevent medication errors in pediatric hospital settings, as the medicine and the patient can be safely identified during the drug preparation and administration. The use of barcode-assisted medication administration has been examined in a few qualitative studies. In addition to the benefits, many challenges related to the implementation of this new workflow have been identified. The aim of this study was to identify facilitators and barriers related to the use of barcode-assisted medication administration in a children's hospital. The topic has not been studied in Finland before. A qualitative focus group study was carried out at HUS Helsinki University Hospital in the Department of Children and Adolescents. Ward pharmacists (n=14) were selected for the focus groups (n=3) by purposive sampling to identify persons using barcode-assisted medication administration on their daily work. Two researchers conducted the inductive content analysis independently, after which a consensus was formed first with these researchers and later with the entire research group. COREQ checklist was used to support detailed reporting and to consider the factors that might affect to the reliability of the study in each phase of the study. Four main themes were identified from the data; the barriers, the risk behavior caused by the barriers, the facilitators and the development ideas. The barriers included challenges related to negative attitudes of the end-users, barcodes on drug packages and labels, use of the electronic health record system, workstations and equipment, as well as orientation, competence and management. The barriers caused risk behavior that was related either to the system or to the end-user. On the other hand, the facilitators were associated with the positive experience of the end-user, the increase in expertise and multi-professional cooperation, the functions of the electronic health record system that supported the preparation and administration of the medicines, as well as the benefits of the barcode-assisted medication administration workflow. The development ideas aimed to remove the barriers and the risk behavior related to the use of barcode-assisted medication administration. The users found that the use of barcode-assisted medication administration increased patient and medication safety, although there were still many challenges associated with the new workflow. Barcode-assisted medication administration can be used to reduce medication errors and protect patients from adverse events. The results of this study can be used to develop the usability of barcode technology and their implementation.
  • Salminen, Emma (2024)
    Finland is one of the first countries in the world to introduce automatic substitution of biological medicines in community pharmacies. The automatic substitution for biological medicines will be introduced in stages in years 2024–2026. The successful and safe transition requires guidelines for implementing new operating practices and dispensing practices, including possible continuing education to community pharmacists to ensure their sufficient competence e.g. in advising patient how to use their administration devices. Therefore, the change process requires competence development and management. The purpose of competence management is to create, maintain and develop an organization. Competence management is part of strategic personnel management, which ensures that the organization has the core competence and other necessary competence to implement its mission. The aim of this master's thesis was to study the competence management while preparing for the automatic substitution of biologics in community pharmacies in Finland. The research focused on the competence management practices and competence development needs within the framework of 1) personnel management and competence development and 2) automatic substitution of biologics. The research was carried out as a qualitative focus group discussions (FGDs) (n = 6, altogether of 23 participants) in January 2023. Voluntary participant participated in the group discussions from community pharmacies of different sizes and from different parts of Finland. Of the participants there were pharmacy owners with M.Sc. (Pharm) degree (n = 5/23, 22 %), pharmacists with M.Sc. (Pharm) degree (n = 10/23, 43 %) and pharmacists with B.Sc. (Pharm) degree (n = 8/23, 35 %). Qualitative content analysis was carried out inductively, i.e. data oriented. In addition to the themes emerging from the research material, the main themes of the discussion body partially guided the analysis. SRQR checklist was used to support detailed reporting to evaluate the reliability of the study. The data analysis identified 1) factors related to the current practices and needs of competence management and needs for competence development, 2) methods applicable for competence development of pharmaceutical personnel, and 3) functions related to the delivery of the biological medicine, such as medication counselling, support for the patient's self-care and a possible substitution of biologics, as well as the functions and tools that support these. The results of this study indicated that competence management practices vary between community pharmacies, and the competence management actions were not always systematically planned. Community pharmacies did not yet have operating models or practices for implementing automatic substitution of biologics, although they perceived that automatic substitution practices for inhalable medicinal products could perform as a model for the substitution of biologics. Despite some perceived uncertainties concerning implementation of automatic substitution of biologics, community pharmacists and pharmacy owners had mainly positive attitude towards the coming changes.
  • Kekki, Roosa (2024)
    Light-sensitive liposomes have gained attention for their ability to deliver cargo to tissues, offering spatiotemporal control over drug release. Red-light wavelengths have been utilized as an external trigger in light-sensitive reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated drug delivery, due to their favorable properties, such as the low light absorption by tissue chromophores. The ROS-sensitive drug delivery systems use photosensitizers (PS), which upon light exposure generate ROS in the presence of molecular oxygen. Palladium(II)phthalocyanine (Pd(II)PC), a new second-generation photosensitizer, can upon light irradiation generate relatively high singlet oxygen concentrations, enabling the efficient oxidation of the unsaturated lipids. The oxidation of the lipids leads to the disruption of the liposome bilayer and eventually, the release of the encapsulated cargo. To gain deeper insight on the phthalocyanine-labeled liposomes in drug delivery, a red light-triggered cationic liposome formulation encapsulating Pd(II)PC was formulated. The characteristics of the liposomes, the release mechanisms, and the release quantities of calcein (623 Da) and fluorescent-conjugated dextrans (4 000-70 000 Da) were studied following red-light exposer with 630 nm, 450 mW/cm2 laser while utilizing varying Pd(II)PC-loading quantities. Following oxygen removal and temperature-induced release studies, the mechanism of release of the liposomes was principally observed to be light-triggered reactive oxygen species-mediated. In the light-induced release studies an effective release of the calcein, and a relatively effective release of the Rhodamine B dextrans (10 kDa, 70 kDa) were observed from the liposomes via the Pd(II)PC-generated and reactive oxygen species-mediated oxidation of the unsaturated lipids. The release of the biomacromolecules from the liposomes was observed to require longer irradiation times than that of calcein. The longer irradiation times likely lead to deeper oxidation of the unsaturated phospholipids, resulting in a comprehensive eruption of the liposome bilayer. The comprehensive eruption of the liposome bilayer eventually enables the sufficient release of biomacromolecules from the liposomes.
  • Lahtinen, Katja (2024)
    Cardiac fibrosis (CF) is a physiological response to various stress factors encountered by the heart, with the aim of maintaining proper functioning of this vital pump in an altered situation such as increased mechanical stress or sudden injury in heart muscle. CF is characterized by excessive production of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and stress fibers in cardiac tissue, accompanied by morphological changes of the heart muscle. The responsible cells behind these changes are fibroblasts (FBs) that undergo phenotypic change by transdifferentiating into myofibroblasts (myoFBs). Although being initially a supportive response, CF can lead to deterioration of the heart performance and even heart failure, if prolonged. Given the lack of effective enough therapies against CF, and the strong involvement of CF in cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) that are associated with high mortality rate, the need for new effective therapies is urgent. Indeed, a diversity of approaches to fight CF have been proposed, among them protein kinase C (PKC) and its signaling cascades. PKC has been shown to play a role in fibrosis and many studies suggest antifibrotic properties of PKC, yet the results are challenged by the opposite findings. Despite the dichotomous results, new small molecules that function as partial agonist of PKC seemed to be a promising strategy for the treatment of fibrosis. To further explore the role of PKC activation in CF, the aim of this study was to first develop and characterize a human cardiac fibroblast (HCF)-based CF model, in which the effects of seven new PKC modulators on HCFs could then be evaluated. To create the CF model and provoke a fibrotic response, HCFs were treated with either transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1), Angiotensin II (Ang-II), endothelin-1 (ET-1), or combination of treatments, followed by determination of HCF proliferation activity and α-smooth muscle actin expression (α-SMA), a marker of myoFBs. After the treatments, the original goal was to continue in compound testing phase by exposing the HCFs to the PKC-modulators to see whether any differences could be determined in α-SMA expression or proliferation activity. However, no considerable effects of fibrosis-inducing treatments on the activation of HCFs were observed, thus preventing this progression. Nevertheless, toxicity tests were performed on the compounds and the results indicated relatively low overall toxicity for the lower concentration: six out of seven compounds yielded over 70% HCF viability at 3 μM concentration with three of them reaching even over 80% viability, while the corresponding value for the previously published PKC agonist HMI-1a3 was 54%. Although these results are promising for the lower concentrations of PKC-modulators, it is obvious that more in-depth studies are required prior to drawing any unambiguous conclusions.
  • Oja, Maria (2024)
    Lääkehoitoa toteutetaan erilaisissa toimintaympäristöissä sekä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa, että sen ulkopuolella. Lääkehoitoa toteuttavat pääsääntöisesti sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöt, mutta ympäristön mukaan vaihdellen myös lääkehoidon koulutusta vähän tai ei lainkaan saaneet. Lääkehoidon osaamisen varmistaminen on aina työnantajan vastuulla. Keski-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialueella on ruuhkautuneiden näyttöjen myötä tunnistettu tarvetta keskitetyille näytöille. Tehty pilottitutkimus tuo arvokasta tutkimustietoa näyttötyöpajasta osana lääkehoidon käytännön osaamisen varmistamisen prosessia, sillä aikaisempia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei ole. Tutkimuksen keskeisenä tavoitteena oli tutkia näyttötyöpajan toimivuutta lääkehoidon käytännön osaamisen varmistamisessa, sekä mitä resursseja näyttötyöpajan järjestäminen organisaatiolta vaatii ja mikä olisi optimaalinen näyttötyöpajan osallistujamäärä. Pilottitutkimus toteutettiin järjestämällä näyttötyöpaja, jossa Keusoten yksiköissä työskentelevät nimikesuojatut terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöt (n=15) osoittivat lääkehoidon käytännön osaamistaan. Näyttötyöpajassa lääkkeiden jakamisen näyttöjä ottivat vastaan farmaseutit (n=3) ja lääkkeiden antamisen näyttöjä sairaanhoitajat (n=2). Aineistona tutkimuksessa toimi näyttötyöpajassa näyttöjä antavien ja vastaanottavien antama palaute, joka kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla palautelomakkeella paikan päällä. Palautekysely lähetettiin myös näyttöjä antaneiden esihenkilöille ja vastaaville sairaanhoitajille sähköisellä Microsoft Forms- lomakkeella. Aineistoa analysoitiin tilastollisesti kuvaavalla tavalla sekä induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä hyödyntäen Microsoft Excel -ohjelmaa. Näyttötyöpajaan osallistuneet kokivat näyttötyöpajan kehittävän lääkehoidon osaamista. Näyttötyöpajan koettiin nopeuttavan ja helpottavan osaamisen varmistamista sekä. Esihenkilöt ja vastaavat sairaanhoitajat kuvailivat näyttötyöpajan myös vapauttavan näyttöjen järjestämiseen kuluvia resursseja muuhun hoitotyöhön. Sekä osallistujat että näytön vastaanottajat kokivat näyttötyöpajan vertautuvan huonosti aitoon työtilanteeseen. Keskeisiksi näyttötyöpajan kehityskohteiksi nousivat parempi organisointi, tiedonkulun vahvistaminen ja näyttöjen tasalaatuistaminen. Mukauttamalla näyttötyöpajaa enemmän aidon työtilanteen kaltaiseksi voisi näyttötyöpaja tukea osaamisen kehittymistä paremmin, sekä parantaa työyksikön lääkitysturvallisuutta. Näyttötyöpajaa tulisi tutkia ja kehittää lisää, jotta siitä saataisiin sujuva osa osaamisen varmistamisen prosessia. Näyttötyöpaja koettiin pääosin hyödylliseksi ja se koettiin tarpeelliseksi interventioksi helpottamaan ruuhkautunutta lääkehoidon osaamisen varmistamista.