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Browsing by Subject "lääkitystiedon ajantasaistaminen"

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  • Toivonen, Salla (2023)
    The lack of up-to-date medication information in healthcare electronic information systems, the transfer of medication information with the patient, and the overall management of medication are key challenges in health care. The number of cancer patients in Finland will increase in the future due to the aging of the population, early detection of cancer, improvement in cancer prognosis and the development of cancer treatments. The development creates a need for operating models that improve medication safety. Medication safety of cancer patients can be improved with clinical pharmacy services, such as medication reconciliation and medication review. The aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy of the medication charts and identify the drug related problems and risks related to home medications among patients with newly diagnosed cancer in the Oncologic Outpatient Clinic of Turku University Central Hospital. This was a retrospective register-based study carried out as an operational development project to obtain information about the current operational model of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation and to further develop it. The theoretical starting point for the study was the theory of human error, according to which factors endangering patient safety can be prevented by using system-based safety defences. In the study, almost every (93 %, 69/74) patient's medication information differed from the hospital's information. A total of 392 discrepancies related to medication information and an average of 5,3 discrepancies per patient were observed in the data (range 0-15 discrepancies). High alert medications accounted for 14 % (n=53/392) of all discrepancies. It took an average of 19 minutes per patient to confirm a medication reconciliation (range 5-48 minutes). During medication reconciliation the pharmacist recorded observations for the doctor in 15 (20 %, n=15/74) patients. In the retrospectively performed medication review, a total of 183 possible drug related problems or risks related to patients’ home medications were observed in 31 (84 %, n=31/37) patients. Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation proved to be a fast and effective way to find out the patient's overall medication. In the future, the operating model should be developed to detect drug related problems, and risks related to patients’ home medications. In situations of limited resources, the clinical pharmacy services should be targeted to patients with the highest risk to drug related problems.
  • Kähkönen, Asta (2017)
    According to international studies, medication records are often incomplete in hospitals' patient information system. Medication reconciliation is an effective method to prevent medication errors and improve medication safety. A medication review is a useful tool in the assessment of drug-related problems (DRPs). DRPs can cause severe patient harm and even cause death. Approximately one third of Finnish people are diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime. About 16 000 patients receive cancer treatments in the Helsinki University Central Hospital Cancer Centre (HUCHCC). There are no clinical pharmacy services in the division of the solid tumors of HUCHCC. Internationally clinical pharmacy services in oncology are patient oriented and often include medication reconciliations and reviews. The clinical pharmacy services have increased patient safety also in the oncological specialty. The aim of this study was to find out the accuracy of the medication charts and identify the DRPs among 70-80-year-old patients with 6 or more medicines in uro-oncological outpatient clinic of HUCHCC. Accuracy of the medication charts was assessed by pharmacist-led medication reconciliation with patient interview. Information concerning patient's medication was also searched from the national electronical prescription centre and from the records of previous hospital visits. DRPs, such as drug-drug interactions, adverse drug reactions and overlapping medications, were identified with the pharmacist-led medication review. Special attention was paid to renal insuffiency, high-alert medications and potentially inappropriate medication for patients over 75 years old. Pharmacist discussed the DRPs with the oncology specialist. The theoretical framework of this study was the theory of human error, where patient safety hazards can be prevented by using safety defences such as medication reconciliation and medication review. Altogether 30 patients with urological cancer were included in this study. On average, they were 74.3 years old and used 12.4 medications. On average, there were 6.8 discrepancies per patient in the hospital medication chart. Only one patient had the accurate medication chart. The discrepancies were most commonly related to paracetamol (n = 10), vitamin-D (n = 9) and the combination of calcium and vitamin-D (n = 8). The most common discrepancies of high-alert medications were related to enoxaparin (n=6) and oxycodone (n=6). Of the potentially inappropriate medications for over 75 years old, the most common discrepancies were related magnesium (n=8) and metoclopramide (n=5). In the medication review process, 4 acute and 44 non-acute DRPs were identified with 22 patients (2,2 per patient). 60 % of these were regarded clinically relevant and lead to actions by the oncology specialist. Reconsidering the need or efficacy of the medication was recommended 19 times and inappropriate dose or medication with renal insufficiency were identified six times in medication reviews. DRPs were usually related to non-oncological medications such as pantoprazol (n=8), the combination of calcium and vitamin-D (n=4) ja bisoprolol (n=3). The medication reconciliation process should be developed in the urology-oncology outpatient clinic. Multiprofessional medication review can be used to detect and resolve DRPs of patients with urological cancer. The results of this study can be exploited when clinical pharmacy services will be created and developed in HUCHCC.
  • Sulkava, Siiri-Sofia (2024)
    Maailman terveysjärjestö on linjannut yhdeksi lääkitysturvallisuutta vaarantavaksi tekijäksi lääkitystiedon ajantasaisuuden puutteen. Myös Suomessa on havaittu puutteita lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamiskäytännöissä. Vuonna 2023 hyvinvointialueiden muodostumisen myötä syntyi Satakunnan hyvinvointialueella tarve yhtenäistää lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamisen, lääkityksen tarkistuksen ja lääkehoidon arvioinnin käytäntöjä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, mitä Satakunnan hyvinvointialueen asiantuntijoiden mielestä tulisi sisältyä lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamiseen, lääkityksen tarkistukseen ja lääkehoidon arviointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli parantaa lääkitysturvallisuutta yhtenäisen toimintamallin muodostamisella Satakunnan hyvinvointialueella lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamiseen, lääkityksen tarkistamiseen ja lääkehoidon arviointiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös muodostaa yhtenäinen toimintamalli lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamisen, lääkityksen tarkistuksen ja lääkehoidon arvioinnin kirjaamisesta potilastietojärjestelmään. Tutkimus suoritettiin kaksikierroksisella Delfoi-menetelmällä. Delfoi-menetelmä on laadullinen tutkimusmenetelmä, jossa tavoitteena on löytää konsensus tutkittavasta aiheesta. Asiantuntijapanelistit (n=20) rekrytoitiin Satakunnan hyvinvointialueelta ja lopulliseen paneeliin sisältyi 5 lääkäriä, 5 sairaanhoitajaa sekä 10 farmaseuttia. Delfoi-kierrokset suoritettiin maalis-huhtikuussa 2024. Tutkimuksen asiantuntijapaneelilla oli vahva konsensus siitä, miten lääkitystiedon ajantasaistaminen, lääkityksen tarkistus sekä lääkehoidon arviointi tulisi toteuttaa. Tutkimuksessa saadut tulokset olivat samankaltaisia kuin aiemmat kansainväliset tutkimukset liittyen lääkitystiedon ajantasaistamiseen, lääkityksen tarkistukseen ja lääkehoidon arviointiin. Jatkotutkimusta tarvitaan selvittämään sitä, miten lääkitystiedon ajantasaistaminen, lääkityksen tarkistus ja lääkehoidon arviointi toteutuu tutkimuksen pohjalta koostetun yhteisen toimintamallin mukaisesti. Lisäksi tutkimusta tarvitaan siitä, parantavatko tutkimuksen perusteella muodostetut yhteiset toimintamallit lääkitysturvallisuutta Satakunnan hyvinvointialueella.