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  • Keituri, Mari (2018)
    The purpose of the study was to investigate how experience in recreational crafts aids students in their work on a course for a new craft technique, i.e. basketry. The idea emerged from my own reflections as a basketry instructor. On the courses, some students work adeptly and produce skilful basketry despite being involved in basketry for the first time. The hypothesis was that previous involvement in recreational crafts yields a positive influence on learning a new craft technique. The study population included two groups enrolled at an adult education centre, one of which comprised craft enthusiasts participating on a basketry course taught by me. Eleven adult women enrolled in the course. The second group constituted the control group and was collected from among willing students participating in courses not related to crafts at the adult education centre. Ten adult women signed up for the control group, 9 of whom completed the entire course and one dropped out before the final basketry technique. The research question was: In what way is prior involvement in recreational crafts evident in learning a new skill? An answer to this question was sought by observing video recordings of the courses. To support the observations, the students were asked to fill in a questionnaire regarding their educational background and hobbies as well as their thoughts and opinions about basketry after the course. The material was analysed by means of content analysis, categorising the observations according to the main themes of skill learning, transfer of learning, and expertise. An extensive involvement in recreational crafts had a positive effect on learning basketry skills. The crafts enthusiasts who had experience and skills in several fields of handicrafts performed the best in all categories. The crafts enthusiasts with experience in a narrow field of crafts did not perform as well, with the exception of two young, highly educated participants. Out of the crafts novices, a few did well and exhibited a particular reflective ability and active learning. During the short course, those with previous experience in recreational crafts were no doubt aided by familiar practices, i.e. the context of crafts, resulting in a swift immersion in the work. The novices had a slower start, but the differences evened out towards the end. In conclusion, an extensive and in-depth experience in crafts is helpful in working with a new craft technique. On the other hand, adult students have accumulated a multitude of knowledge and skills over the course of their lives, which can be useful when facing new challenges, but such factors were difficult to visualise in the present study.
  • Iljala, Nina (2020)
    The purpose of this study is to examine what kind of trauma symptoms are shown to a teach-er when pupils have been previously living in a war zone or a conflict area. In addition, the purpose of this study is to examine what kind of working methods elementary school teachers have with traumatized pupils. The research questions are: How can war trauma affect a pri-mary school child? What good practices can be found for those working in primary school to work with a child who has experienced a war trauma? The study examines experiences of the appearance of war trauma in the school environment and good practices for working with children. Previous studies show that children living in conflict areas have a wide range of trauma experiences. Previous research also shows that a child’s mental well-being is im-portant to his or her learning. The theoretical framework of this study is described in the beginning of the study. The theoret-ical framework consists the definition of trauma, childhood and trauma, child and resilience and living in a war zone or a conflict area as a child. It also describes the importance of the pupil's mental well-being in learning and the teacher's support measures in primary school. In the interviews, the interviewees presented their experiences of working with traumatized chil-dren and their thoughts on good ways to work with children. Data analysis was the method of analysis in this study. Based on the results, teachers and others working with children had a variety of experiences working with children who came from conflict areas to Finland. They also had good practises to support these children. The study emphasizes the role of safe adults and safe environ-ments. The study also emphasizes individual working methods with each pupil.
  • Ahtola, Sini (2021)
    Carol Dweckin kasvun ajattelutavan teorian mukaan voidaan erottaa kaksi erilaista toimintaa ohjaavaa ajattelutapaa; muuttumaton ajattelutapa ja kasvun ajattelutapa. Älykkyyttä ja muita ominaisuuksia voidaan pitää muuttumattomina ja synnynnäisinä, joihin ei voi juurikaan vaikuttaa, tai niihin voidaan suhtautua kasvun ajattelutavan mukaisesti kehitettävinä ominaisuuksina. Ajattelutavat vaikuttavat erityisesti siihen, miten henkilö suhtautuu haasteisiin. Ajattelutapojen vaikutusta oppimiseen on tutkittu runsaasti nuoremmilla oppilailla, mutta korkeakouluopiskelijoita koskevaa tutkimusta on vähemmän. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella korkeakouluissa toteutettuja interventioita, joilla on pyritty edistämään opiskelijoiden kasvun ajattelutapaa oppimisessa. Tutkimus on toteutettu kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimukseen on valittu viisi interventiota, jotka on julkaistu vertaisarvioiduissa kansainvälisissä tutkimusartikkeleissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, millaisia interventioita korkeakouluissa on toteutettu ja millaisia tuloksia niillä on saavutettu kasvun ajattelutavan edistämiseksi sekä oppimisen tukemisen näkökulmasta. Tarkastelluissa interventioissa käytetyt interventiomenetelmät pohjautuivat osittain jo vakiintuneisiin interventiomalleihin, jotka oli muokattu kyseiseen kontekstiin soveltuvaksi. Tarkastelluista interventioista kaksi oli online-interventioita ja kolme suoritettiin luentojen yhteydessä. Interventiot oli pyritty laatimaan niin, että ne olisivat mahdollisimman helposti toteutettavissa. Interventioilla pyrittiin vaikuttamaan kasvun ajattelutavan lisäksi muun muassa opintomenestykseen sekä stressin hallintaan. Osassa interventioita todettiin vaikutuksia opintomenestyksessä, mutta ei kaikissa. Lisäksi havaittiin muun muassa asenteiden muuttuneen positiivisemmiksi opiskeltavaa ainetta kohtaan sekä kasvun ajattelutavan ennustavan proaktiivisten hallintakeinojen käyttöä. Kolmessa interventiossa todettiin intervention vaikuttaneen kasvun ajattelutapaan, yhdessä muutosta ei havaittu ja yhdessä interventiossa ajattelutapaa ei mitattu. Vaihtelevista tuloksista huolimatta interventioissa nähtiin potentiaalia ja jatkotutkimuksen tarve tuotiin vahvasti esille kaikissa tutkimuksissa.
  • Luoto, Senni (2021)
    Kalvojännitteen syntyyn ja sen muutoksiin liittyvät prosessit mielletään usein haastaviksi aiheiksi oppia ja opettaa. Aiheen opetuksesta ja oppimisesta lukiossa ei juurikaan ole tehty tutkimusta, mutta aiemmat tutkimukset yliopisto-opiskelijoilla ovat osoittaneet, että haasteita esiintyy erityisesti lepokalvojännitteen muodostumisen ymmärtämisessä. Aihetta käsitellään suomalaisissa lukiossa pääasiassa ihmisen biologian kontekstissa vapaavalintaisella kurssilla 4 (LOPS 2015) tai 5 (LOPS 2019) ja aihe onkin yksi ihmisen biologian kurssin keskeisistä sisällöistä oppia ja ymmärtää. Kalvojännitteen synty ja sen muutokset on kuvattu suomenkielisissä lukion biologian oppikirjoissa usein yksinkertais-tetusti ja ajoittain virheellisesti. Tämä saattaa johtaa virhekäsitysten syntymiseen, jolloin opiskeltavaa aihetta ei opita riittävällä tasolla. Siksi tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten solukalvon sähköistä aktiivisuutta opetetaan suomenkielisissä lukioissa ja millaisia virhekäsityksiä opiskelijoilla aiheesta esiintyy. Näiden tulosten pohjal-ta luodaan kehittämistuotos eli opetusmateriaali biologian aineenopettajien käyttöön, jolla voidaan tukea solukalvon sähköisen aktiivisuuden opetusta ja oppimista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä tutkimuksessa käytettiin kehittämistutkimusta, jossa yhdisteltiin teoreettisen ja empiirisen ongelma-analyysin periaatteita. Teoreettisen ongelma-analyysin kautta pyrittiin kartoittamaan lukio-opetuksen kannalta solukalvon sähköiseen toimintaan liittyvät keskeisimmät seikat, joihin monet virhekäsitykset liittyvät, sekä tarkastelemaan niitä eri näkökulmista. Tämä toteutettiin aiemman tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla. Empiirisessä ongelma-analyysissä tarkasteltiin sekä lukion biologian oppikirjoja (N=3) että kevään 2021 biologian ylioppilaskoevastauksia (N=400) hermosolun aktiopotentiaalin kulkuun liittyen. Molempia aineistoja analysoitiin laadullisen sisällönanalyysin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Teoreettisesta ja empiirisestä ongelma-analyysistä saatujen tulosten perusteella kehitettiin opetusmateriaalin ensimmäinen versio. Opetusmateriaali luetutettiin läpi maisterintutkielman ohjaajilla ja opetusmateriaalia kehitettiin heiltä saatujen kommenttien perusteella. Jatkokehittämisen tuloksena syntyi opetusmateriaalin toinen ja virallinen versio. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että solukalvon sähköinen aktiivisuus on haastava aihe sekä opetuksen että oppimi-sen näkökulmasta. Lukion biologian oppikirjoissa esiintyi epätarkkoja kohtia solukalvon sähköiseen aktiivisuuteen liit-tyen ja nämä epätarkkuudet näkyivät opiskelijoiden ylioppilaskokeen vastauksissa yleisinä virhekäsityksinä. Erityisesti esiin nousi virheellinen käsitys natrium-kaliumpumpun ioneja ”palauttavasta” vaikutuksesta aktiopotentiaalin jälkeen. Toinen yleinen virhekäsitys oli, että uusi aktiopotentiaali on mahdollinen vasta kun kalvojännite on hyperpolarisaation jälkeen palautunut lepotilaan. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että ainakin osa opiskelijoiden virhekäsityksistä on lähtöisin oppikirjoista eikä näitä virhekäsityksiä ole pystytty korjaamaan opettajan toimesta opetustilanteessa. Ylioppi-laskokeessa tehtävään vastanneista opiskelijoista 11,3 % ei osannut vastata tehtävän ensimmäiseen kysymykseen ollenkaan. Vastauksista, joissa opiskelija oli vähintään välttävällä tasolla onnistunut vastaamaan kysymykseen (N=381), 92,4 % sisälsi yhden tai useamman virhekäsityksen. Virhekäsitysten karsimiseksi paras keino on estää niiden syntyminen. Siksi tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että lukion uuden opetussuunnitelman biologian oppikirjat tulisi päivittää sellaisiksi, että virheellistä käsitystä ei pääse syntymään. Tämä ei kuitenkaan pelkästään riitä, vaan myös lukion biologian opettajien tulisi luopua vanhoista opetusdioistaan ja varmistaa, että he opettavat aihetta nykytiedon valossa oikein. Tässä apuna toimii tämän tutkimuksen osana kehitetty opetusmateriaali solukalvon sähköisestä aktiivisuudesta hermosolun aktiopotentiaalin kontekstissa. Jotta opetusmateriaalin toimivuutta ja opiskelijoiden käsitteellistä muutosta voidaan arvioida, jatkotutkimukset ai-heesta ovat tarpeellisia.
  • Kivilahti, Jenni (2020)
    Objective of the study. Learning as an expert and skills development are one of the themes of a change-oriented and constantly evolving organization in modern times. The financial field is currently undergoing a major transformation and facing changes due to the development of technology. The nature of work is changing, which imposes new kind of competence needs on staff. Therefore, understanding the required skills and learning processes from the experts’ perspective is important. The purpose of this study was to determine what are the skills needs of financial experts and how they learn in the workplace. The study also examines the ways in which the expert’s learning can be supported. New research on the learning needs of experts is needed to identify what expertise the financial sector currently has, what environment supports competence, and what is needed and what should possibly be given up. This study aims to answer the above questions. Methods. The data consisted of eight semi-structed theme interviews with eight financial experts from the human resources department of a financial institution. The experts interviewed were asked, among other things, about the important knowledge and skills required in the expert’s work, in what situations they felt they were learning in their work, and about the factors that promote and hinder learning. The interview data were qualitatively content analyzed by using an abductive strategy. The competencies the experts felt were important in their work, in what kind of environment they felt they were learning most efficiently, and what kind of support they felt they needed to support their learning were analyzed. Results and conclusions. The research results showed that the skills financial experts consider important for their work are professional skills, digital skills, willingness to commit to change, self-development in spare time, interpersonal skills, and financial skills. Experts learn in their work communally and through experiences, with the support of colleagues, and through mentoring, but communal and experiential learning were considered most relevant. The results suggest that the factors that promote experts’ learning are willingness of colleagues to commit to change and a community-oriented and development-friendly organization. On the contrary to positive experiences, the negative learning environment and lack of time were considered especially negative and barriers to learning.
  • Moisio, Atte (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia minkälaisia motoristen, kognitiivisten ja sosiaalisten taitojen sekä terveydentilan tekijöitä, ilmiöitä tai osa-alueita kouluvalmiuteen tai koulumenestykseen keskittyvässä tutkimuksessa esitellään sekä pidetään keskeisinä kouluikäisten oppimiselle ja koulussa pärjäämiselle. Koska kouluvalmiuden tarkoista määritelmistä ei ole selvää yksimielisyyttä, on tutkimuksen tarkoitus myös pohtia, millaiset asiat ovat keskeisiä sen arvioimisessa tai rajaamisessa. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus pyrkii etsimään vastauksia myös sille, miksi kouluvalmiuden arviointi on keskeistä mahdollisimman tehokkaan oppimisen ja oppimisesta hyötymisen kannalta. Menetelmät. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa menetelmänä käytettiin narratiivista kirjallisuuskatsausta, jossa aineisto koostui pääsääntöisesti englanninkielisistä artikkeleista. Tulokset ovat esitelty siten, että katsaukseen sisällytetyistä artikkeleista esitellään tutkimukseen valikoituneille neljälle eri kouluvalmiuden ulottuvuudelle keskeisimmät löydökset erillisinä kappaleinaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimukset osoittivat, että erityisesti itsesäätelyyn, käsinkirjoittamiseen sekä sosiaaliseen kanssakäymiseen liittyvät taidot nähdään keskeisinä elementteinä riittävälle kouluvalmiudelle (Feder ja Majnemer, 2017; McClelland ja Cameron, 2012). Tämän lisäksi halukkuus oppia ja orientoitua koulutyötä kohtaan ennusti hyvää koulumenestystä (Yen ym., 2004). Myös hyvän oppimisympäristön sekä yksilön näkökulmasta luokkahuonetyöskentelylle sopivan käytöksen ja yleisen ilmapiirin todettiin olevan keskeisessä roolissa oppimisessa (Ruffing ym., 2015; Blair ja Raver, 2014; Bloom, 2007). Kouluvalmiuden varhaisessa arvioinnissa tulisi keskittyä siihen, miten oppilas ylipäätään kiinnittyy koulun arkeen, luo vertaissuhteita sekä suhtautuu koulutyöhön ja uuden opetteluun.
  • Hirvonen, Anna (2019)
    Dog-assistance in educational sciences is a relatively new phenomenon. The aim of this descriptive literature review is to research how dog-assistance is been used as a means of teaching. This review also describes how dog-assisted education connects with well-being and learning. The literacy that was used in this descriptive review is mostly from educational sciences. In this review the concept of animal-assistance and dog-assistance are explicated. The concept of learning and motivation have also been described in this literary review. This study was conducted as a descriptive literary review, which means that the phenomenon was viewed in the context of educational sciences. Databases such as Helka and Google Scholar were used to find information of the subject. Many master’s theses and other studies concerning the subject, were used as sources in this review. As a result of this descriptive literacy review it can be said that dogs are used in meny diffe-rent ways as a means of teaching. Dog-assisted activity can be integrated to many subjects in school, for example to physical education, to finnish and to mathematics. Dog´s handler is in essential role in providing quality education. Dog´s can provide emotional support and ac-cording to many studies they have an positive effect on learning and motivation to learn. The presence of dogs can have a positive effect on children´s ability to concentrate and concen-quently to learning. Additionally dogs can have a positive connection to well-being overall.
  • Hellman, Jenni (2016)
    Objectives. A general concern about children’s physical inactivity, increased screen time and sedentary behaviour is strongly presented in today’s social debate. Many studies have reported that Finnish children aren’t physically active enough which has led child obesity to become a major public health issue. The aim of this study is to find out, based on previous studies, how much Finnish students engage in physical activity and compare the results to national and international recommendations for physical activity. In addition, the effects of physical activity on children’s health, mental health and academic achievement are discussed in this study. Methodology. This study is a descriptive review of the literature, which means that the research material consists of previous studies and literature. When analysing the amounts of physical activity, Finnish studies were utilised whereas with effects of physical activity the literature consisted of international peer-reviewed studies. Material was searched from Helda, Melinda, Proquest and Google Scholar article databases and books were searched from Helka-database of University of Helsinki. The amount of articles available was great so the studies that were included in my study were the ones with the most current and substantive results that answered the research questions of my study. Results and conclusions. The results of the study presented that most Finnish students do not engage in enough physical activity to maintain good health. Based on the recent studies the amounts of physical activity are however rising, which gives an indication that the efforts made to promote physical activity are working. The results also showed that successful interventions and reforming the school culture enables promoting physical activity among students. Related to the second research question, the benefits of physical activity on children’s health are undeniable. The effect of physical activity on children’s academic achievement and cognition is also positive but the results are still quite weak and more reliable studies are needed to draw more general conclusions.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Meling, Emilia (2020)
    The objective of this study is to highlight traumas experienced by a student and to examine how the traumas arise in school context. I also examine what kind of support school was able to provide for the traumatized student. Purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and possible means for caretakers to encounter a traumatized child. In this study the voice is given to a young person who has been struggling with traumas during her time in school and her narrative is used to determine the student’s personal experiences of reconciling the traumas and school. The person who participated in this study was a former youth in a youth detention centre, whose traumas passed throughout her whole school time, especially throughout the secondary school and beginning of high school, which are the main subjects of this study. Purpose of this study is not to generalize, but to bring out this youth’s valuable story to the public by collecting relevant data. The study is a qualitative case study and collected material is used to highlight information about the factors that led to the traumas and in particular, what kind of support was available at school and what kind of support would have been needed. Data collection methods were observation, daily reports and open interviews. Analysis of the collected material was carried out according to methods of content analysis. Study results showed that traumas had significant links to a child’s well-being, learning and need for support at school. Trauma was caused by attachment problems and lack of basic needs of the child. My study is partly related to the attachment theory. Based on this, the early age problems of interaction seemed to affect later social life, psyche and coping with school. Problems reflected to school as social challenges and caused learning, concentration and behavioral problems. Hiding behind defenses, loneliness and labelled difference led to a decline in school motivation and performance. Support provided was not sufficient and all parties; teachers, classmates and the youth herself were exhausted. Traumas appear in school context in many ways in all areas of studying. In school context, there does not always seem to be enough time, means, skills or resources to face children who are severely traumatized and therefore mentally unstable.
  • Berg, Minna (2014)
    Teaching and learning are interactional processes between the teacher and his or her pupils. Good interaction skills are an essential part of the teacher profession. Learning good interaction skills and creating ways and practices that promote the use of those skills is of ten recommended. However, the teacher studies do not direct the students to process these skills. In the present study, it was explored whether comprehensive school teachers of Finland participating in the three credit follow-up training learned to use social interaction skills during the intervention. The studied skills were based on Gordon’s theory (2003). The participants were 20 teachers who attended the training, and 20 teachers not attending the training. The effects of the intervention on teachers were examined by using the DCI-instrument (Talvio, Lonka, Kuusela, & Lintunen, 2012). Qualitative, theory-driven content analysis was used to classify the data. The statistical differences between the pre-test and post-test scores were examined with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. After the intervention, teachers who participated in the training used significantly more listening and active listening skills and communicated in more constructive ways. Furthermore, they used significantly less roadblocks to communication. In the comparison group, no differences between pre- and post-tests were perceived. To conclude, the teachers’ course on social interaction skills appeared to achieve its goals, since the teachers learned to apply the studied skills during the intervention. This study adds to the development of continuing teacher training by presenting a way of teaching students skills that enhance the quality of interaction.
  • Korpela, Jenni (2009)
    Workshops can be seen as a one kind of occupational model in the field of the social employing. The objective of social employing is to support the employment of those persons who are in a weak labour market position and to maintain their ability to function. The objectives of the workshops, which are offering work experience and learning of life management, maintain the same goal as social employment. Workshop services in Finland are relatively little scientifically studied in spite of their fairly long history. The workshop as a concept is still quite sparsely defined and also an unknown occupational model to the large part of people. The starting point for this study was to clarify what the workshops are like, what the services are like and how learning can be seen from the point of view of the workshop services. The objective of this study was to analyse how the apprentices experience the workshop services as well as learning in the workshops and thus describe how the workshops are shaped at the youth workshops. According to earlier studies the apprentices have experienced the workshops as useful periods in their lives and also they believe that other people in society appreciate the experience that apprentices have been received from the workshops. This study can be described as a qualitative study. Its methodological foundation is in phenomenology and especially in existential phenomenology. The research material consisted of seven individual interviews and two group interviews. In the group interviews five apprentices were those who had also participated in the individual interviews and one apprentice who did not participate. The interviewees' ages were between 17-22 years. The interviews were carried out as semi-structured interviews. The method which was utilised in the analysis of the research material is developed by Juha Perttula (2000). This analyse method is based on existential phenomenology. The apprentices considered that significant experiences in the workshop services were the entry to the workshop, the form of activity of the workshop, workshop community, the achieving of life management and work experience, the understanding of the significance of the education and the planning of the future. Regarding to learning the attitude, on-the-job learning, the importance of the mentors, the new information and new skills achieved were significant experiences at the workshop for the apprentices. The apprentices' experiences reflect well the achievement of the objectives which are set for the workshop services. Results of this study are also compatible to the results of earlier studies of apprentices' positive experience of the workshop services. The results can be utilised in developing the workshop services to offer more versatile experiences than before and to improve learning conditions on the workshops. The arranging of the on-the-job learning and the significance of the actions of mentors should also be noticed.
  • Väliheikki, Anton (2017)
    The purpose of the study was to investigate 7-9 years old children’s hobby in a football club in Espoo. In my research I’m studying the players motivation, goals and the amount of practice in football club Leppävaaran Pallo ry. Earlier studies done on the same topic have focused on youth and adult players and therefore I feel that I’m making an important contribution in to this topic by focusing on a different age group. The theoretical framework of the research is based on children’s psychological, physical and motor development and also on motivation and goal orientation theory. The data for this study was collected through semi-structured interviews. I interviewed five girls and four boys in November and in December 2016 in Leppävaara.The interviewees will be 8 years old in 2017. Prior to the actual interviews, I also conducted one experimental interview which enabled me to find out that the method I was about to use was appropriate for this study. I selected content analysis and counting as analytical methods for my study. According to the interviews, one of the most obvious motives for the players to play football is to learn new skills. The players felt that developing as a player and new challenges are important sources for motivation. In the children’s interviews, playing was also regarded as a very important and meaningful activity. Although the games were Important for both boys and girls, winning and success weren’t considered so important. More important than winning and gaining success in the competitions was playing itself and enjoyment from the games.Social relationships were also considered important and they felt the importance of getting new friends and getting to practice with their friends. The goals of the girls were to get in to the Finnish national team, while the boys in turn wanted to be professionals. Both girls and boys had three times a week exercises. All the players also practiced at their own time. There were no distinctions between genders with regards how they practiced at their own time. Based on the findings it can be well stated that playing, learning new skills and a competent coach are important factors that affects children’s motivation.
  • Söyrinki, Siiri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Variable electricity production poses challenges for the electricity grid, where demand and production must be balanced at all times. Transition to variable electricity production requires new solutions for grid flexibility. Electricity consumption has traditionally been an inflexible component in the electricity system but technological development enables demand side flexibility. Demand response (DR) is demand side measure, where energy consumption is shifted due to an external incentive. DR has multiple benefits such as improving reliability with high integration of variable energy production and cutting emissions during peak production. Despite years of modelling and analysing DR, there is lack of experience with commercial end-users in real-life context. In recent years, transmission system operator Fingrid has conducted experiments with stakeholders to find new demand response resources outside the traditional industrial end-users. The market models and services have not yet matured and therefore actors experiment to find solutions to resolve demand response barriers. The difficulty of scaling up sustainable innovations is a well-known challenge in energy transition research. In strategic niche management theory experiments are seen as tools for sustainable transition. This qualitative case study examines how piloting demand response in grocery store promotes energy transition. I chose the case of Virtual Service Environment (VIRPA-B) experiment, where participants tested DR in two grocery stores. The data were gathered in eight interviews with stakeholders and experts and through literature review. With theoretical framework I analysed, how the experiment contributes to implementation of demand response through expectations, learning and the ways pilot was scaled up after the experiment. Thesis sheds light to stakeholders’ role in implementing new technology and business model in real-life context. The results indicate that DR does not disturb the functions of the grocery store. The technology is matured, but the instalment practises have not been standardized. The greatest barrier for upscaling seems to be the regulations of the electricity markets, as they do not encourage end-users to invest in DR. VIRPA-B experiment did not lead to a rapid upscaling. However, lessons scaled up through other projects that support the niche development. For actors experiments are a platform to develop expertise and influence the new business models. To overcome the barriers, more attention should be directed at the synergies between the technologies. In VIRPA-B pilot actors noted benefits with solar panels, energy efficiency and DR. Combining technologies can lead to significant electricity savings. Promoting DR as a part of intelligent building automation system could also help overcome DR barriers. The results of thesis indicate that experiments can produce capabilities that promote energy transition.
  • Söyrinki, Siiri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Variable electricity production poses challenges for the electricity grid, where demand and production must be balanced at all times. Transition to variable electricity production requires new solutions for grid flexibility. Electricity consumption has traditionally been an inflexible component in the electricity system but technological development enables demand side flexibility. Demand response (DR) is demand side measure, where energy consumption is shifted due to an external incentive. DR has multiple benefits such as improving reliability with high integration of variable energy production and cutting emissions during peak production. Despite years of modelling and analysing DR, there is lack of experience with commercial end-users in real-life context. In recent years, transmission system operator Fingrid has conducted experiments with stakeholders to find new demand response resources outside the traditional industrial end-users. The market models and services have not yet matured and therefore actors experiment to find solutions to resolve demand response barriers. The difficulty of scaling up sustainable innovations is a well-known challenge in energy transition research. In strategic niche management theory experiments are seen as tools for sustainable transition. This qualitative case study examines how piloting demand response in grocery store promotes energy transition. I chose the case of Virtual Service Environment (VIRPA-B) experiment, where participants tested DR in two grocery stores. The data were gathered in eight interviews with stakeholders and experts and through literature review. With theoretical framework I analysed, how the experiment contributes to implementation of demand response through expectations, learning and the ways pilot was scaled up after the experiment. Thesis sheds light to stakeholders’ role in implementing new technology and business model in real-life context. The results indicate that DR does not disturb the functions of the grocery store. The technology is matured, but the instalment practises have not been standardized. The greatest barrier for upscaling seems to be the regulations of the electricity markets, as they do not encourage end-users to invest in DR. VIRPA-B experiment did not lead to a rapid upscaling. However, lessons scaled up through other projects that support the niche development. For actors experiments are a platform to develop expertise and influence the new business models. To overcome the barriers, more attention should be directed at the synergies between the technologies. In VIRPA-B pilot actors noted benefits with solar panels, energy efficiency and DR. Combining technologies can lead to significant electricity savings. Promoting DR as a part of intelligent building automation system could also help overcome DR barriers. The results of thesis indicate that experiments can produce capabilities that promote energy transition.
  • Niinistö, Sari (2021)
    Objective of the study. The objective of the study was to research students learning experiences in mindfulness. I studied the experiences of students in the Faculty of Medicine about learning and the structuring of learning in the context of the mindfulness skills course. My perspective was intrapersonal and individual. There is little research data on the learning process of mindfulness because the mainstream of the study has concentrated on the clinical purposes of use and effects of mindfulness skills. I studied learning experiences using three questions: How do students describe conscious orientation of attention and selfaccepting perception (learning mindfulness)? How do students describe the effects / consequences of learning mindfulness for themselves? What meanings do students give to mindfulness learning? Methods. The research material was collected as part of the mindfulness and well-being course 2020. Participants in the Faculty of Medicine course practiced mindfulness skills during the course and returned learning diaries and a learning reports as part of the course. Among those who issued research permits, seven students (N = 7) were randomly selected in proportion to the population in the field of medicine and two students in psychology. The analysis of the learning diaries and the report was carried out with the help of theory-guided content analysis. The analysis identifies the impact of previous theoretical knowledge and research. Results and conclusions. Students described the objects, body, emotions, and thinking of directing attention on a general level. An accepting attitude towards self and practice was the most prominent attitude in the trainings of mindfulness skills although neutral, negative, judgmental, and ambivalent attitudes were seen. Students had very varied experiences of the effects and consequences of learning mindfulness. The effects were concrete changes in the operation or the control of the feelings and thinking. The effects of the learning process showed mindfulness as balancing experiences and a stress reliever. Insights and the development of self-confidence emerged, but anxiety and prejudice were also seen. Mindfulness was perceived as a meaningful stress management tool, a professional tool, an enabler of a conscious lifestyle and self-education. The progress of learning as a process was reflected in the results
  • Niinistö, Sari (2021)
    Objective of the study. The objective of the study was to research students learning experiences in mindfulness. I studied the experiences of students in the Faculty of Medicine about learning and the structuring of learning in the context of the mindfulness skills course. My perspective was intrapersonal and individual. There is little research data on the learning process of mindfulness because the mainstream of the study has concentrated on the clinical purposes of use and effects of mindfulness skills. I studied learning experiences using three questions: How do students describe conscious orientation of attention and selfaccepting perception (learning mindfulness)? How do students describe the effects / consequences of learning mindfulness for themselves? What meanings do students give to mindfulness learning? Methods. The research material was collected as part of the mindfulness and well-being course 2020. Participants in the Faculty of Medicine course practiced mindfulness skills during the course and returned learning diaries and a learning reports as part of the course. Among those who issued research permits, seven students (N = 7) were randomly selected in proportion to the population in the field of medicine and two students in psychology. The analysis of the learning diaries and the report was carried out with the help of theory-guided content analysis. The analysis identifies the impact of previous theoretical knowledge and research. Results and conclusions. Students described the objects, body, emotions, and thinking of directing attention on a general level. An accepting attitude towards self and practice was the most prominent attitude in the trainings of mindfulness skills although neutral, negative, judgmental, and ambivalent attitudes were seen. Students had very varied experiences of the effects and consequences of learning mindfulness. The effects were concrete changes in the operation or the control of the feelings and thinking. The effects of the learning process showed mindfulness as balancing experiences and a stress reliever. Insights and the development of self-confidence emerged, but anxiety and prejudice were also seen. Mindfulness was perceived as a meaningful stress management tool, a professional tool, an enabler of a conscious lifestyle and self-education. The progress of learning as a process was reflected in the results
  • Iljala, Nina (2020)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Tavoitteet. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoite oli selvittää sitä, ilmeneekö traumoja kokeneiden lasten koulunkäynnissä haasteita ja mikäli ilmenee, millaisia nuo haasteet ovat ja miten opettaja voisi oppilasta tukea. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat: Miten alakouluikäisen traumatausta voi vaikuttaa hänen koulutyöskentelyynsä? Millaisia hyviä käytänteitä alakoulussa työskenteleville löytyy työskentelyyn trauman kokeneen lapsen kanssa? Tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää niitä keinoja, joita alakoulussa on käytössä traumataustaisten lasten tukemiseen sekä selvittää sitä, kuinka alakouluikäisen traumatausta vaikuttaa hänen koulutyöskentelyynsä. Menetelmät. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla selvitettiin aiheeseen liittyvää teoria- ja tutkimustietoa. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen etsittiin materiaalia sekä Internetin tutkimusartikkelien hakupalveluiden avulla, että kirjastossa tehtävällä tiedonhaulla. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineistoa analysoitiin lukien ja erilaisia tietolähteitä keskenään verraten. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella opettajilla on erilaisia mahdollisuuksia tukea lasten koulunkäyntiä ja oppimista. Opettajilla on erilaisia välineitä lasten tukemiseen ja toiminnassa on huomioitava yksilöiden eroavaisuudet.
  • Ärilä, Heli (2018)
    Children’s participation as learners and members of the community has become an important pedagogical value in preschool education and in the whole educational system. Hearing children’s views has also been emphasized within the sphere of science but learning has remained a subject and study area mainly defined by adults. The aim of this study is to bring out the children’s own perspective and to describe what kind of things the preschool children are interested to learn and what they themselves tell about learning, transmitted by the pedagogical documentation method. 26 children and two adult interviewers from one day-care center in Uusimaa region participated in this study. The research data consisted of 156 learning wishes drawn by the children and of videotaped interviews in which the learning wishes and children’s thoughts about preschool were discussed, led by the adults’ questions. Based on the inductive analysis process the research was directed at children’s interest and narration about learning. The study was carried out as a case study with child perspective, combining narrative thematic analysis and content analysis methods. The children were mostly interested to learn action-based and visible skills which originated from children’s environment, communities and their own experiences. The most popular were physical skills and the biggest group of cognitive skills was reading and writing, chosen largely by girls. The children were also interested in concrete challenges and ability experiences offered by the preschool exercises. This had narrative resemblance to children’s other positive expressions of their readiness to learn and to develop their skills. Narrated by the children, learning appeared as the increase of skills, knowledge and autonomy, whereas play and exploration had a little role in the children’s own descriptions. It would be useful to support children’s awareness of their cognitive learning in preschool, to reinforce children’s positive self-image as learners. It is also important to strengthen both boys’ and girls’ interest in reading and multiliteracy skills, in ways that are meaningful to children. It is possible to aim at supporting children’s resilience, co-operation, thinking and self-image as learners by their own learning objectives. Children’s objectives also create opportunities to build connections between children’s communities and learning environments, from children’s own perspective.
  • Söderlund, Saana (2018)
    The different fields of study are strongly differentiated according to gender in Finland (Tilastokeskus 2015). Women are still a minority in the technology working life and education (Niiranen 2016). International studies show that also children’s play is differentiated according to gender (Riley & Jones 2007). The aim of this thesis is to study childhood play, skills learned during play and what impact play has for the career choice. All in all twenty people participated in the study. Sixteen of these were studying to become Masters of Science in Technology and four were already graduated. Ten women and ten men participated in the study. The data were acquired by single person semi-structured interviews. It was voluntary to bring childhood photos or toys to the interviews. The data were analyzed by inductive content analysis. According to the results of the study there were both similarities and differences in the type of play for men and women. The biggest similarities were rule play, construction play and computer games. The biggest differences were the women’s nursing play and the men’s war play. The interviewees felt that they had learned social skills, mathematical skills, creative skills and motor skills through play. There were different opinions whether childhood play had affected their career choices. Some interviewees thought that childhood plays possibly had some impact on the career choice, but not all of the interviewees shared this opinion. Especially some women thought it was important that they could play different plays regardless of gender which made it possible to imagine different career choices regardless of gender.