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  • Skreslett, Emma (2021)
    I den finländska läroplanen är temat ”skolan ska anpassas efter eleven och inte eleven efter skolan” genomgående. Med det menar man att alla elever har rätt att gå i en vanlig skola och få möjligheten att vara inkluderade. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur det är att vara lärare i en inkluderad klass. För att få ett svar på syftet har jag frågat de här forskningsfrågorna: 1. Hur är det att vara lärare i en klass där en elev har en funktionsvariation? 2. Hur ser arbetet ut i klassrummet? 3. Hur fungerar en elev med funktionsvariaton ihop med de andra eleverna i klassen? Forskningen är en empirisk studie och jag har använt mig av en intervju. För att få svar på hur det är att jobba i en inkluderad klass har tre lärare intervjuats. Lärarna har fått svara på frågor angående deras arbete i en inkluderad klass. Intervjuerna bandades in med hjälp av röstinspelningsapp eller videosamtal. Analysen gjordes sedan med hjälp av transkriberat material. Resultatet består av tre teman som utgått från intervjumaterialet. Resultatet jämfördes sedan med teoridelens material. När jag jämför och analyser materialet tillsammans med det transkriberade materialet så märker jag att litteraturen har en mera positiv inställning gentemot inklusion och det är mera fokus på det positiva än det negativa. Resultatet visar att lärarna har en tudelad inställning till inklusion. Alla tre säger att det ger mycket glädje och man får mycket kunskap men att det samtidigt är mycket jobb att jobba i en inkluderad klass. Men de påpekar ändå att det inte är den inkluderade eleven som tar tid och jobb ifrån dem utan tiden räcker inte till den inkluderade eleven. Lärarna anser att det borde finnas möjlighet till en B-plan ifall den inkluderade eleven inte klarar av det inkluderade klassrummet. En B-plan ska också finnas till hands ifall läraren inte klarar av jobbet. De nämner även att skolgångshandledare bär en viktig roll som de inte skulle klara sig utan.
  • Ruokonen, Maija (2020)
    Mål. Undersökningens syfte var att undersöka vad som påverkar kroppsuppfattningen bland barn i lågstadieåldern samt vad lärare kan göra för att stödja sina elevers kroppsuppfattning. Tidigare studier visar att medians utseendeideal och internaliseringen av dem påverkar barns kroppsuppfattning negativt. Barn blir lättare än någonsin tidigare utsatta för idealen och eftersom kroppsuppfattningen börjar utvecklas före tonåren är det viktigt att stödja den redan i lågstadiet. Det är här som klasslärarens roll träder fram. Kroppsuppfattning hos barn verkar dock vara ett så nytt forskningsområde att det ännu saknas vägvisning för att arbeta med detta tema i lågstadiet. Utan praktiska råd och tillräcklig information gällande kroppsuppfattning i läroplanen, är det svårt för lärare att veta hur de ska arbeta med temat i skolan. Metoder. Materialet för denna litteraturstudie bestod av aktuell och relevant forskning och litteratur kring kroppsuppfattning hos barn. Jag hittade en stor del av materialet via Materialet kom från flera olika länder och gav därmed en bred helhetsbild av hur situationen med barns kroppsuppfattning ser ut i världen. Dock var det svårt att hitta finländskt material. Vid analysen av artiklarna använde jag mig av en tematisk innehållsanalys och uppmärksammade därmed vissa teman som förekom i artiklarna. Resultat och slutsatser. Media och andra människor påverkade barns kroppsuppfattning negativt. Också övervikt hade en negativ inverkan på hur mottagligt barnet var för negativ kroppsuppfattning. En normal vikt var ändå inte en skyddande faktor mot negativ kroppsupp-fattning eftersom största delen av normalviktiga barn också var missnöjda med sin kropp. Vid undervisningen i lågstadiet var arbetet för ett gott klassrumsklimat, uppskattning av den egna och andras kroppar samt nolltolerans mot all sorts retande viktigt för att stödja elevernas kroppsuppfattning. Däremot påverkade inte undervisningen i media barnens kroppsuppfattning. Samarbete mellan skola och familj kunde hjälpa i denna process. Vidare forskning behövs ändå för att bättre och effektivare kunna arbeta med kroppsuppfattning i skolan. Resultaten i denna studie är användbara för lärare och annan skolpersonal, utbildningsplanerare, vårdnadshavare och andra viktiga vuxna i barns liv.
  • Carpentier, Carola (2020)
    Purpose. Around 3-15% of all pupils have dyslexia. According to the core curriculum, student assessment should be conducted in a comprehensive way, considering students’ individual difficulties. However, assessment instructions might be considered vague. Earlier studies have also shown that teachers may perceive assessment as complicated, particularly when it comes to students with special needs. The purpose of the study is to describe, analyze and interpret how secondary school teachers experience assessment and grading of pupils with dyslexia. The purpose is also to explore how pupils are enabled to show their knowledge in an adequate way. Furthermore, teachers’ perceptions of assessment fairness with regard to pupils with dyslexia are discussed. Methods. The research was conducted as a qualitative study with a phenomenographic research approach. The material consists of eight semi-structured, individual interviews with teachers working in two Swedish-speaking secondary schools i Finland. The collected material was analyzed using thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. Teachers expressed a genuine will to support pupils with dyslexia and they stated that they could assess pupils in a flexible way. Cooperation with special education teachers was perceived as important. The versatility of the core curriculum was regarded as an advantage for students with dyslexia. The most used accommodations were oral responses, extended time and test writing in a small group. Double assessment, prioritized content and adapted tests were also used, but teachers had different approaches. A student’s positive lesson activity could lead to a better grade. Language teachers struggled with the assessment of misspelled words. IT software was not widely used. The teachers stated that they did their best to take students’ difficulties into consideration when giving them grades, and they normally also thought their assessment was fair. The study shows that teachers do their very best to assess students with dyslexia, but there are differences in procedures between teachers, which might lead to unequal assessment.
  • Carpentier, Carola (2020)
    Purpose. Around 3-15% of all pupils have dyslexia. According to the core curriculum, student assessment should be conducted in a comprehensive way, considering students’ individual difficulties. However, assessment instructions might be considered vague. Earlier studies have also shown that teachers may perceive assessment as complicated, particularly when it comes to students with special needs. The purpose of the study is to describe, analyze and interpret how secondary school teachers experience assessment and grading of pupils with dyslexia. The purpose is also to explore how pupils are enabled to show their knowledge in an adequate way. Furthermore, teachers’ perceptions of assessment fairness with regard to pupils with dyslexia are discussed. Methods. The research was conducted as a qualitative study with a phenomenographic research approach. The material consists of eight semi-structured, individual interviews with teachers working in two Swedish-speaking secondary schools i Finland. The collected material was analyzed using thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. Teachers expressed a genuine will to support pupils with dyslexia and they stated that they could assess pupils in a flexible way. Cooperation with special education teachers was perceived as important. The versatility of the core curriculum was regarded as an advantage for students with dyslexia. The most used accommodations were oral responses, extended time and test writing in a small group. Double assessment, prioritized content and adapted tests were also used, but teachers had different approaches. A student’s positive lesson activity could lead to a better grade. Language teachers struggled with the assessment of misspelled words. IT software was not widely used. The teachers stated that they did their best to take students’ difficulties into consideration when giving them grades, and they normally also thought their assessment was fair. The study shows that teachers do their very best to assess students with dyslexia, but there are differences in procedures between teachers, which might lead to unequal assessment.
  • Kotka, Emma (2023)
    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Covid-19 pandemic has had a serious psychological impact on individuals. This also applies to teachers. Previous studies have also shown that 57% of teachers are considering changing their professions, which is partly because their well-being has been deteriorating. Positive psychology, in turn, has received more attention when it comes to students' well-being. The aim of this study is to investigate what role positive psychology can play in the promotion of teachers' well-being, with a specific focus on the well-being after the COVID-19 pandemic. Six (6) teachers in basic education in Finland participated in the study. They were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The interviews were taped, transcribed and analyzed through a hermeneutic analysis method. The results showed that all teachers were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and distance learning, although not all of them thought so themselves. What affected the teachers the most was the lack of social interaction and loneliness that the pandemic brought. The results also showed that the teachers in this study had good practices when it came to promoting their own well-being. These methods can be classified as methods belonging to positive psychology. Although teachers did not have good knowledge of what the concept of positive psychology means, these methods were used unconsciously.
  • Ruokonen, Maija (2021)
    The appearance ideals of today are very narrow and put excessive pressure on individuals to look a certain way. The ideals are seen as so unrealistic that most people cannot reach them. This has led to an increase in body dysmorphia to a degree where it nowadays is normal to be unsatisfied with one’s body. A negative body image can have several serious consequences, such as mental health problems, eating disorders and social and economic problems. Earlier studies have shown that problems with body image also affect children: the majority of children seem to be unsatisfied with their bodies, and many try to lose weight through unhealthy methods, such as skipping meals. Therefore, there is a big need in supporting children’s body image and researchers have highlighted schools as adequate places for this work. The aim of this study is to examine primary school teachers’ comprehensions about children’s body image, as well as their comprehensions about their possibilities to support their students’ body image in school. Six teachers, who at the time of the study were working in grades 1-6 in the primary school in Finland, participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were used, and data was analyzed by using thematic analysis that took place in the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. The teachers in this study considered body image as a highly important topic. The teachers seemed to understand what influences children’s body image and they could observe children’s body image in different situations, such as during school lunch and through paying attention to children’s behavior. They also had a strong will of supporting their students’ body image, but at the same time the teachers felt that the lack of knowledge, resources and guidelines made them feel uncomfortable with working with body image. The teachers disagreed on whether supporting children’s body image really was part of their work responsibilities, but despite of this, there was a consensus of the importance that teachers need to be good role models for their students and that teachers should work for a school where every child feels worthy and safe. Based on the results of this study, it can be said that body image needs to be more emphasized in future school curriculums and that teachers need more knowledge in body image and more tools to feel comfortable with teaching this topic. The results of this study can benefit further studies in body image and studies regarding the school’s role in the work with supporting children’s body image.
  • Ruokonen, Maija (2021)
    The appearance ideals of today are very narrow and put excessive pressure on individuals to look a certain way. The ideals are seen as so unrealistic that most people cannot reach them. This has led to an increase in body dysmorphia to a degree where it nowadays is normal to be unsatisfied with one’s body. A negative body image can have several serious consequences, such as mental health problems, eating disorders and social and economic problems. Earlier studies have shown that problems with body image also affect children: the majority of children seem to be unsatisfied with their bodies, and many try to lose weight through unhealthy methods, such as skipping meals. Therefore, there is a big need in supporting children’s body image and researchers have highlighted schools as adequate places for this work. The aim of this study is to examine primary school teachers’ comprehensions about children’s body image, as well as their comprehensions about their possibilities to support their students’ body image in school. Six teachers, who at the time of the study were working in grades 1-6 in the primary school in Finland, participated in this study. Semi-structured interviews were used, and data was analyzed by using thematic analysis that took place in the qualitative data analysis software ATLAS.ti. The teachers in this study considered body image as a highly important topic. The teachers seemed to understand what influences children’s body image and they could observe children’s body image in different situations, such as during school lunch and through paying attention to children’s behavior. They also had a strong will of supporting their students’ body image, but at the same time the teachers felt that the lack of knowledge, resources and guidelines made them feel uncomfortable with working with body image. The teachers disagreed on whether supporting children’s body image really was part of their work responsibilities, but despite of this, there was a consensus of the importance that teachers need to be good role models for their students and that teachers should work for a school where every child feels worthy and safe. Based on the results of this study, it can be said that body image needs to be more emphasized in future school curriculums and that teachers need more knowledge in body image and more tools to feel comfortable with teaching this topic. The results of this study can benefit further studies in body image and studies regarding the school’s role in the work with supporting children’s body image.
  • Svenfelt, Stina (2022)
    Mål Målet med avhandlingen är att undersöka och förstå lärares tankar om och användning av läromedel i skolvardagen. Det stora utbud läromedel som bjuds ut i kombination med relativt få publicerade läroböcker i Svenskfinland gör läromedelsfrågan både aktuell och knepig. Vad definierar ett läromedel, vad definierar ett bra läromedel och vilka typer av läromedel använder lärare i skolvardagen? Avhandlingen tar även upp användningssätt och krav på lärare och läromedel idag. Metoder För att uppnå målet och besvara forskningsfrågorna har en systematisk litteraturstudie gjorts. Avhandlingens material är sex noggrant utvalda forskningsartiklar som analyseras med en tematisk analys. Sju teman identifierades, analyserades och kopplades till de två forskningsfrågorna. Alla artiklar är referentgranskade och har genomgått en urvalsprocess för att de ska vara så aktuella som möjligt och för att avhandlingen ska bli trovärdig. Resultat och slutsatser Lågstadielärares inställning till läromedel beror på flera anledningar. Det är viktigt för lärare att läromedlen underlättar vardagen och arbetet. Läromedel som är praktiska, tillgängliga och lätta att använda och anpassa är sådana läromedel som lärare gärna använder och utforskar. För att säkerställa kvaliteten på läromedlen och undervisningen är det även viktigt att åtminstone något av de läromedel lärare använder har koppling till pedagogiska styrdokument. Användningen av läromedel är bred och ett bra läromedel kan användas på flera sätt. Att det hjälper lärare i planeringen är viktigt, samtidigt som det även ska underlätta elevernas vardag och hjälpa dem att ta ansvar över det egna lärandet. Ett bra läromedel används även som kunskapskälla och som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att styra upp undervisningen.
  • Sundvall, Emilia (2022)
    The digital communication between home and school has developed for a longer period besides the digitalization in our society. Studies have shown that the perception of digital communication related to school context varies and there is also an ongoing discussion about it in the media. The purpose of this study is to discover how caregivers experience the digital communication with the class teacher, and which tools are working well and not so well depending on different parts of the everyday school day. This study was executed as a qualitative study and the data was collected through an electronic form. The form was answered by 19 caregivers with children in grades 1-6 in basic education. The analysis in this study was conducted as a thematic analysis. Wilma and social media were used for digital communication between caregivers and class teachers. The digital communication tools were experienced as well functioning in informative occasions but not as well in situations that required a dialog. Lack of guidelines in the usage of digital communication tools were experienced to cause misunderstandings. Results in this study shows that awareness among caregivers and class teachers of how digital communication tools are used can conduct to a development of the digital communication to at best become an effective and smooth way to communicate. This benefits all partners. A well-reasoned usage of digital communication tools increases a feeling of participation and conducts to a feeling of welcomed in the school as a caregiver.
  • Sundvall, Emilia (2022)
    The digital communication between home and school has developed for a longer period besides the digitalization in our society. Studies have shown that the perception of digital communication related to school context varies and there is also an ongoing discussion about it in the media. The purpose of this study is to discover how caregivers experience the digital communication with the class teacher, and which tools are working well and not so well depending on different parts of the everyday school day. This study was executed as a qualitative study and the data was collected through an electronic form. The form was answered by 19 caregivers with children in grades 1-6 in basic education. The analysis in this study was conducted as a thematic analysis. Wilma and social media were used for digital communication between caregivers and class teachers. The digital communication tools were experienced as well functioning in informative occasions but not as well in situations that required a dialog. Lack of guidelines in the usage of digital communication tools were experienced to cause misunderstandings. Results in this study shows that awareness among caregivers and class teachers of how digital communication tools are used can conduct to a development of the digital communication to at best become an effective and smooth way to communicate. This benefits all partners. A well-reasoned usage of digital communication tools increases a feeling of participation and conducts to a feeling of welcomed in the school as a caregiver.
  • Forsius, Maria (2016)
    In fall 2016 a new curriculum will be introduced in basic education in Finland which will result in dramatic changes for teachers. Since the teachers are in charge of implementing the changes in practice, their attitudes towards the new curriculum are of high relevance. Prior research show that teachers are more positive to school reforms if they are aware of, and accept, the purpose and the consequences of the reform. The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers feel about the new curriculum for basic education. I want to find out if they are aware of how the new curriculum affect them and their work, if they feel that they have participated in the work process, if they find the new curriculum relevant and easy to implement, how they feel about the content, and finally, how they feel about their own roles as teachers as the new curriculum is introduced. The study was done with quantitative methods. An electronic questionnaire was sent out in March 2016 to teachers working in grades 1-6 in swedish speaking schools in Espoo. A total of 48 teachers answered the questionnaire. The data was analyzed with the statistic programme SPSS. The results showed that most teachers feel positive about the new curriculum even though they think that their profession will become more demanding. They understand and accept the purpose of the reform and are well aware of how the new curriculum will affect them and their work. However, they are sceptical about how well the curriculum will work in practice. Many teachers feel like both the schools and the teachers lack enough resources and competences to successfully implement the curriculum in practice.
  • Rönnberg, Ella (2021)
    Mål. Denna avhandling har som syfte att undersöka gruppmentorskap som stöd för nyutexaminerade lärare under induktionsfasen i arbetslivet, det vill säga under de första åren i arbetslivet efter avslutad lärarutbildning. Avhandlingen undersöker hur gruppmentorskap inverkar på nyutexaminerade lärares professionella, sociala och personliga utveckling. Den teoretiska bakgrunden i avhandlingen baserar sig på relevant teori kring studiens syfte och tar således fasta på läraryrket i Finland, induktionsfasen inom läraryrket, potentiella utmaningar i läraryrket, utmaningar för nyutexaminerade lärares utveckling samt mentorskap. Metoder. Syftet undersöktes genom en litteraturstudie där tidigare utförda studier analyserades. Målet med denna metod var en omfattande analys av fenomenet med möjlighet till kritisk granskning i diskussionen. Materialet som användes i analysen bestod av nio vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade på engelska mellan åren 2013-2020 och hittades genom databaserna Helka, EBSCO och Google Scholar med hjälp av kontrollerade sökord. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten av studien visade att gruppmentorskap är en passande metod för att ge nya lärare stöd under induktionsfasen som visade sig ha positiva effekter på nya lärares utveckling. Trots några negativa konsekvenser av gruppmentorskap hade gruppmentorskap flera positiva effekter på nya lärares professionella, sociala och personliga utveckling. Resultaten visade även att gruppmentorskap var en viktig form av stöd för att öka nya lärares välmående samt för att öka de nya lärarnas vilja till kvarstannade i branschen.
  • Brännbacka, Hanna (2020)
    A good occupational health is what every human wish for. Because people spend a lot of their time at the workplace the concept occupational health is an important factor to consider as a leader. Also due to a raise in the retairement age and changes in worklife, occupational health has become a current and known topic at workplaces. Occupational health refers to wellbeing at work and that an employee should experience physical, psychological and social wellbeing at the workplace. In this study the teachers occupational health is in focus. This study aims to find out wether a headmaster conducting a healthpromoting leadership would be of advantage for the teachers, when it comes to experiencing a good occupational health. It also aims to find out if teachers have any certain expectations regarding healthpromoting leadership and what thoughts they have conserning the topic occupational health and their own experienced occupational health. Background and contextual research consist of theory and previous studies on leadership, leadership in schools, healthpromoting leadership, educational leadership and occupational health. The thesis is a qualitative research project with a phenomenograpic perspectiv. The data was collected in fall 2019 and the sample consisted of eight teachers from swedishspeaking schools in the south of Finland. The data was collected through semistructured interviews and was later on analysed with help of inductive content analysis. The result refers to that most of the teachers have sometime during their career experienced a minor setback concerning their occupational health and consider therefore a healthpromoting leadershipstyle to be desireble. The teachers expectations are many and individual. Their expectations refer to being present, structured and flexible, and communicativ as a headmaster. Characteristics of the headmaster that the teachers refer to as being important for their occupational health are trust, honesty and personality. Other important leadership qualities for a headmaster to have is to give support and structure, and to be good at allocating resources and time. The research result can hopefully contribute to a better occupational health for the teachers true healthpromoting leadership. In addition, the result can give an indication, not only to the headmasters, but also to municipalities and state institutions, concerning what has to be accomplished and altered within education for the teachers to achieve a good and sustainable occupational health.
  • Brännbacka, Hanna (2020)
    A good occupational health is what every human wish for. Because people spend a lot of their time at the workplace the concept occupational health is an important factor to consider as a leader. Also due to a raise in the retairement age and changes in worklife, occupational health has become a current and known topic at workplaces. Occupational health refers to wellbeing at work and that an employee should experience physical, psychological and social wellbeing at the workplace. In this study the teachers occupational health is in focus. This study aims to find out wether a headmaster conducting a healthpromoting leadership would be of advantage for the teachers, when it comes to experiencing a good occupational health. It also aims to find out if teachers have any certain expectations regarding healthpromoting leadership and what thoughts they have conserning the topic occupational health and their own experienced occupational health. Background and contextual research consist of theory and previous studies on leadership, leadership in schools, healthpromoting leadership, educational leadership and occupational health. The thesis is a qualitative research project with a phenomenograpic perspectiv. The data was collected in fall 2019 and the sample consisted of eight teachers from swedishspeaking schools in the south of Finland. The data was collected through semistructured interviews and was later on analysed with help of inductive content analysis. The result refers to that most of the teachers have sometime during their career experienced a minor setback concerning their occupational health and consider therefore a healthpromoting leadershipstyle to be desireble. The teachers expectations are many and individual. Their expectations refer to being present, structured and flexible, and communicativ as a headmaster. Characteristics of the headmaster that the teachers refer to as being important for their occupational health are trust, honesty and personality. Other important leadership qualities for a headmaster to have is to give support and structure, and to be good at allocating resources and time. The research result can hopefully contribute to a better occupational health for the teachers true healthpromoting leadership. In addition, the result can give an indication, not only to the headmasters, but also to municipalities and state institutions, concerning what has to be accomplished and altered within education for the teachers to achieve a good and sustainable occupational health.
  • Anderson, Polly (2020)
    Mål. Tidigare forskning visar att organisatoriska, sociala och individuella faktorer inverkar på arbetstillfredsställelse. Beroende på nivån av den kan arbetstillfredsställelse antingen ha negativa eller positiva konsekvenser hos såväl individen som organisationen. Eftersom läraryrket på flera sätt är krävande, har arbetstillfredsställelsen en betydelsefull roll för att lärare ska vara motiverade och engagerade i arbetet. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera vilka faktorer som inverkar på den generella arbetstillfredsställelsen hos lärare inom grundskoleutbildningen och att ta reda på om inverkan av dessa faktorer är positiv, negativ eller ickesignifikant. Metoder. Denna studie är en narrativ litteraturöversikt med inslag av systematisk litteraturöversikt. Samplet för litteraturöversikten var åtta kvantitativa studier utförda inom Europa mellan 2010 och 2017 som undersökte inverkande faktorer på den generella arbetstillfredsställelsen hos lärare inom grundskoleutbildningen. Resultaten analyserades, tematiserades och tolkades genom tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser. Tre teman kunde identifieras i resultaten. Individuella faktorer som hade en positiv inverkan på lärares arbetstillfredsställelse var självförmåga, autonomi, självkänsla och känsloregleringsförmåga. Organisatoriska faktorer som inverkade positivt på arbetstillfredsställelsen hos lärare var skolstorlek och skolklimat, medan stress, tidspress och känsloarbete hade negativ inverkan. Sociala faktorer som inverkade positivt eller ickesignifikant var sociala relationer, känsla av samhörighet, förtroende och disciplin. För att främja lärares arbetstillfredsställelse bör uppmärksamhet fästas vid alla tre typer av inverkande faktorer. Otillfredsställelse i lärarnas arbete var främst en följd av organisatoriska faktorer och därmed är det av betydelse att förebygga sådana fenomen som har en skadande effekt på lärares trivsel och välmående.
  • Aura, Pernilla (2022)
    All schools in Finland are required by law to ensure equality of treatment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and other individual characteristics. Previous studies have shown that young people who do not conform to heteronormative expectations are more likely to have mental health problems compared to their peers and are more likely to feel that school is an unsafe environment. Teachers, for their part, often feel that they do not have enough knowledge about how different sexualities and gender identities should be taken into account in their practical dealings with students. Previous studies have primarily focused on the school experiences of teenagers and young adults rather than on the experiences of younger students. The purpose of this study is to examine the views of seventh-grade students regarding the sex education they have received from first grade onwards, and how teachers accommodate gender diversity in their teaching. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with four native Swedish-speaking seventh-grade students from southern Finland. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that all the students who participated in the study felt that sexuality and gender identity were not properly discussed in grades 1 through 6. By contrast, they felt that the information they were given about puberty and reproduction in grades 5 through 6 was sufficient. The analysis also suggests that although the students felt that some of the teachers were clearly concerned with advancing gender equality, the atmosphere in the school in general was still quite heteronormative. All the students who participated in the study felt that more sex education was needed, and that there should be greater discussion of gender diversity, preferably even before fifth grade. In their view, this would help foster a more respectful and inclusive atmosphere at school. In future studies, it would be of interest to find out more about what kind of support teachers would benefit from to develop sex education, and what would help them to accommondate gender diversity in their teaching.
  • Aura, Pernilla (2022)
    All schools in Finland are required by law to ensure equality of treatment on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and other individual characteristics. Previous studies have shown that young people who do not conform to heteronormative expectations are more likely to have mental health problems compared to their peers and are more likely to feel that school is an unsafe environment. Teachers, for their part, often feel that they do not have enough knowledge about how different sexualities and gender identities should be taken into account in their practical dealings with students. Previous studies have primarily focused on the school experiences of teenagers and young adults rather than on the experiences of younger students. The purpose of this study is to examine the views of seventh-grade students regarding the sex education they have received from first grade onwards, and how teachers accommodate gender diversity in their teaching. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with four native Swedish-speaking seventh-grade students from southern Finland. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. The results showed that all the students who participated in the study felt that sexuality and gender identity were not properly discussed in grades 1 through 6. By contrast, they felt that the information they were given about puberty and reproduction in grades 5 through 6 was sufficient. The analysis also suggests that although the students felt that some of the teachers were clearly concerned with advancing gender equality, the atmosphere in the school in general was still quite heteronormative. All the students who participated in the study felt that more sex education was needed, and that there should be greater discussion of gender diversity, preferably even before fifth grade. In their view, this would help foster a more respectful and inclusive atmosphere at school. In future studies, it would be of interest to find out more about what kind of support teachers would benefit from to develop sex education, and what would help them to accommondate gender diversity in their teaching.
  • Jäntti, Katja (2024)
    Frågan om sexuella- och könsminoriteter har fått mycket plats i samhällsdebatten under de senaste åren. Forskning visar att regnbågsunga i snitt mår sämre än heterosexuella och cis-elever. För att öka kunskapen om och förståelse för regnbågstematiken genomförde Helsingfors stad år 2023 ett projekt, där bland annat regnbågsverkstäder riktades till elever i årskurserna 6–9. Syftet med denna avhandling är att studera vad lärare ansåg om dessa regnbågsverkstäder. Forskningsmaterialet baserar sig på svar från en nätenkät för lärare som deltog i verkstäderna riktade till eleverna. Som ett kompletterande bakgrundsmaterial ingår också en informell diskussion med de tre smågruppsdragna som ledda verkstäderna i de svenskspråkiga skolorna. Nätenkäten riktad till lärarna består av både strukturerade och öppna frågor. Det kvantitativa materialet har jag analyserat med hjälp av statistiska metoder och det kvalitativa genom en innehållsanalys. Min studie visar att lärarna var positivt inställda till att regnbågstemat togs upp. De uppskattade smågruppsdragarnas kompetens och förmåga att förmedla informationen till eleverna. Trots detta påpekar många lärare att förhållandena var ogynnsamma. De nämner, till exempel att elevgrupper var för stora. Flera tar upp frågan om otrygga inlärningsmiljöer som är en all-varlig utmaning för elevernas möjligheter att ta till sig informationen som gavs under verkstäderna. Studiens resultat visar på både positiva och negativa erfarenheter bland lärarna rörande verk-städerna. Avhandlingen avslutas därför med förslag på aspekter värda att beakta vid framtida planering av verkstäder riktade till elever i skolmiljö.
  • Stenman, Rebecca Emilia Sofia (2023)
    Mål. Syftet är att lyfta fram lärares och fördomars roll i diskriminering, mobbning och trakasserier av marginaliserade elever och studerande i skolor. Första forskningsfrågan är att undersöka hurdan roll lärare har i diskrimineringen, trakasserierna och mobbningen av marginaliserade elever och studerande. Den andra forskningsfrågan diskuterar utgående från socialpsykologisk teori, varför lärare inte identifierar, inte ingriper i eller deltar i diskriminering, trakasserier eller mobbning av marginaliserade elever och studerande. Fördomar och stereotyper är implicita eller explicita. De har sin grund i den naturliga driften att kategorisera. Social identitetsteori delar och förenar människor enligt sociala grupptillhörigheter. Kontakt hypotesen förklarar hur fördomar minskar i kontakt med mångfald, då det stöds av satsningar på gemenskap och empati. Integrerad hotteori handlar om gruppers dehumanisering och förklaring som hot. Metoder. Materialet består av 15 forskningsartiklar om lärares fördomar och deras involvering i diskriminering. De kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningarna med diverse metoder är gjorda i flera olika länder. Litteraturmaterialet analyseras som en beskrivande integrerad litteraturöversikt, utifrån en förståelseorienterad induktiv litteraturanalys. Resultat och slutsatser. Social identitetsteori förklarar lärares ojämlika behandling av elever och studerande, beroende på sociala identiteter. Lärare som tillhör minoriteter visar mindre fördomar. Mest utsatta är elever och studerande vars grupptillhörigheter har stämplats till hot mot majoritetskulturen, då de mobbas av lärare och har brist på stöd. Likabehandling möjliggörs av lärares genuina motivation. Lärare och forskare önskar mer kompetens och självsäkerhet, till exempel genom interventioner enligt kontakt hypotesen.
  • Marin, Ida (2023)
    The purpose of this survey was to analyze teachers' perceptions and experiences of the current teaching model for studies in religion and secular ethics in primary school, as well as how it supports the students' identity development and learning. The goal was also to analyze whether the teachers have suggestions for changes to the current teaching model of studies in religion and ethics. Studies in religion and ethics has been a debated topic throughout the existence of primary schools. Previous research has shown that a large proportion of Finns, as well as teachers and principals, would like to see a change to the current model. Previous research has shown that students begin their identity development at a young age. Religion and different worldviews are one of the most important building blocks of identity. This means that both school and religious education have an influence on the students' identity development. The survey was conducted as a qualitative study. The data collection took place through five semi-structured interviews with teachers in Nyland. The data was analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the majority of teachers are not satisfied with the current teaching model. The teachers believed that an intergrated teaching model, may it be secular ethics or a completely new subject, most benefits the students identity development. Arguments raised for an intergrated model were that it favors the students capacity for emphaty, morality, ethics and understanding of other people, culture and religions. Arguments that the teachers raised agains an intergrated model were that the students with minority religions could feel left out, and lose interest in their own religion.