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Browsing by discipline "Phonetics (Speech Communication)"

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  • Harjula, Hanna (2009)
    Nowadays it is impossible to deny the importance of organizational communication and business strategy. During recent years it has been understood, that these two areas are strongly linked together it is impossible to fulfill a strategy without communication. Also research in these fields has developed into the same direction. It has been widely acknowledged, that strategy implementation and organizational communication are an important part of all employees work particularly in expert organizations. However, there is only little research of strategy communication from employee perspective. This master's thesis explores employee views on strategy and strategy communication in an expert organization. The research area is approached through two research questions. The first explores employee views on strategy communication meetings, special events that were held in spring 2009. The second research question surveys the strategy knowledge and understanding of the employees as well as their attitude to the strategy. Also willingness to work according the company values is studied. The study is done using a survey method: a questionnaire is tailored to the needs of the organization. Both structured statements and open questions are included in the survey. The gathered data is analyzed using statistical and qualitative methods. The target organization is an expert company operating in five countries. The survey was sent to company's Swedish employees in June 2009. As a result a data with 313 responses(44.4 % of employees in the country) was gathered. As the result of this study the strategy communication meetings can be regarded as successful events. Thanks to this, also strategy knowledge and understanding of personnel showed quite good levels. A positive attitude towards the strategy and the values was also noticed. In the analysis besides the overall views, also views of different respondent groups were compared. In statistical tests it was noticed that managers and persons involved in the strategy process knew and understood the strategy better than average. Ages and working units also had some influences to the views. The results of the study reinforce the strong link between strategy and communication in the target organization special communication meetings have been a way to create strategy knowledge, understanding and positive attitudes towards the strategy. Also the strong role of top and middle management is emphasized in the study. Common strategy communication problems were found as well. Employees were proved to be interested in the strategy and willing to work according the company values in their work. Communication will be essential also in the implementation phase a central requisite for success is to understand communication as a way to implement strategy.
  • Korpela, Maria (2015)
    The purpose of this study is to examine close peer coworker relationships and work commitment as well as to explain the meaning of peer coworker relationship closeness in work commitment. Previous studies on work place communication have emphasized supervisor-subordinate relationships and the research on work commitment has been very scattered. Research literature has given even conflicting results concerning commitment and connections between coworker relationships and commitment have not been researched very much. This thesis was carried out using mainly quantitative research methods. The research material was gathered on the Internet using a survey and all in all 111 office workers responded. The survey was composed of four different parts: respondents' background information, experiences about the work place atmosphere, feelings about the closest perceived peer coworker relationship and perceptions about one's own work commitment. The material was gathered in February 2015 and it was analyzed quantitatively using statistical tests and also qualitatively using classification and content analysis. The results of this study indicated that special peer coworker relationship closeness does not strengthen one's work commitment but lack of any close peer coworker relationships might weaken one's work commitment. Also, it was found that the demographic features of a worker are more connected to the ability to feel absorption and dedication but the vigor of a worker might be related to how much the organization is willing to encourage workers to engage in informal communication and coworker relationships. The results of this study increase knowledge on non-hierarchical communication and work commitment. This study helps operationalizing the terminology of these phenomena. The results give new insight in coworker relationship research and its significance in organizations and work commitment. The results can be applied as indicative guidelines to organizations when they want to specify what kind of commitment is expected from their employees, and in what sort of matters encouragement should be provided when aiming at employee engagement.
  • Marin, Hanni (2012)
    The aim of the study was to describe persuasive performance and its impressions in Communications Agency Deskis 'Oma Puheenvuoro' concept's news videos. Persuasive performance was explored in a new context from the fields of television and internet media studies. The new concept was web television. The theories and studies were chosen to fit with the context and persuasiveness. The purpose was to find out how persuasive performance is in online videos and what kinds of impressions does persuasive performance create. Persuasive performance and its implications were evaluated based on six Communications Agency Deski's news videos. The evaluation was done by an evaluation panel that consisted of communications professionals. Two evaluation measurements were created for the study. The first measurement measured persuasive performance in the online videos by thirteen statements which were divided in to four performance skill areas. The other measurement weighted the impressions of the performance by seventeen statements. Both measurements had open commentary options with the purpose of deepening the study results. The evaluation panel evaluated the performances persuasive and the impressions of the performance positive. Argumentation and content skills were seen as more persuasive than speech structure and articulacy skills. Relevance, credibility and consistency were evaluated as persuasive impressions of performance where as compelling, pleasant or interesting impressions were not seen as persuasive. Based on the results a conclusion can be made that the persuasive performance in online television can be studied by comparing the level of persuasiveness compared to the impressions of performance. The results indicate that certain features in online television context influence the persuasiveness. The results of this study contribute to enhancing the persuasive performance in online television shows.
  • Vehkanen, Laura Helena (2008)
    Topic avoidance in romantic relationships has not been researched before in Finnish speech communication research, and this study was expected to increase the understanding of a phenomenon that acquires relatively dramatic attributes in everyday conversation. The aim of this study was to describe topic avoidance based on what was told in the interviews, and to describe the beliefs concerning functional or dysfunctional relational communication that can be interpreted from the interviewees' speech when they talk about topic avoidance. The theoretical reference frame of this study consists of the Communication Privacy Management Theory, relational dialectics, and earlier, mostly American research on topic avoidance. Ten Finnish people aged 22-31, who all had previous experience on one or more marital or common-law relationships were interviewed for this study. Additional material for the study was gathered from the interviewees by using the role playing method to describe interactional events where something essential is left unsaid in the context of romantic relationship. The following values were attributed to functional communication in romantic relationships: openness, equality, honesty, trust and positivity. The dialectical nature of the phenomenon being researched is evident in the way that along with openness, the interviewees talked about excessive openness that should occasionally be avoided in the context of relational communication by leaving things unsaid. Topic avoidance was seen both as a conscious strategic communication for managing privacy, and as an uncontrollable force of nature that at its worst destroys the relationship. When topic avoidance is seen as strategic communication, the choice concerning what is left unsaid is made by weighing the following dimensions against each other: risks/ benefits (for self, relationship), protects/ does not protect (self, partner, relationship), burdens/ does not burden (self, partner, relationship), honesty/ dishonesty, responsibility lies with self/ responsibility does not lie with self. Topic avoidance was acceptable if it was used in order to preserve the relationship, as opposed to gaining power in the relationship or causing insecurity for the partner. The acceptability of topic avoidance varied according to whether it differed from lying or not. When the interviewees talk about topic avoidance, their speech can be interpreted to mean that in spite of uncontrollability, communicative choices can be made in relational communication and that skills concerning communication in romantic relationships can be learned.
  • Laurila, Kaisa (2015)
    The topic of this Master's Thesis is the manifestations of power and dominance in superior-subordinate relationship. The aim is to identify verbal and nonverbal communication behaviours that constitute dominance in these relationships. The central concepts are control and countercontrol attempts identified by Dyadic Power Theory (DPT). Destructive communication in work settings, supervisor-subordinate relationship and power and dominance are the key dimensions of the research's theoretical background. The data used is a secondary data, originally collected by the LEAR research project. The project looked into the phenomenon of leadership by fear in Finnish organizations. The data consists of narratives of how workers have been intimidated at work. 89 narratives were selected for this research. The analysis was followed through by using qualitative content analysis methods. Control and countercontrol attempts identified by DPT were used as a base for the analysis. The findings demonstrate that control attempts were mostly supervisors' attempts to control the subordinates. Five control categories were identified: Restricting professional participation, information as control, mental and physical subjection, threatening, extended control, and emphasizing one's own competence. According to the analysis, countercontrol attempts were rarer. A few categories were identified, however. Countercontrol attempts were manifested through direct defence, third-party defence, and by controlling the employment. The research was conducted in a special relational context of conflict and fear. It should be considered how the low-quality supervisor-subordinate relationship affects the manifestations and the quality of control and countercontrol attempts. Power and dominance have mainly been researched in communication and interpersonal research by using quantitative research methods. More qualitative research is needed, especially in Finland.
  • Lehtomäki, Emma (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine the communication ethics of lobbying from the perspective of lobbyists. Lobbying is a constantly growing phenomenon but has not been paid much attention to in speech communication. Most of the previous studies on lobbying have emphasized the perspective of politicians or other "recipients" of lobbying. Lobbying can be defined as professional and interpersonal persuasive communication that aims to influence the opinions or attitudes of others. Usually the main objective of lobbying is to affect the political decision making process. Lobbying involves communication in different types of contexts and relations. Interpersonal communication that aims to influence or persuade others should always be examined with ethical sensitivity. As there are no formal rules or code of ethics in Finland for lobbying, the ethics of the profession rely essentially on lobbyists themselves. Lobbying is an important part of democracy and therefore it is important to address the issue of communication ethics in lobbying. The focus of this study is on understanding the different ethical dimensions of the communication in lobbying. The data of this research was collected by interviewing nine lobbyists. In the interviews the informants described their experiences of professional lobbying. Two main themes were found in these descriptions: the relationships and ethical values guiding the communication. These main themes were divided into six other ethical dimensions of lobbying: 1) disclosure and transparency, 2) honesty, 3) credibility, 4) agreeing with the core message, 5) personal relationships and 6) mutual responsibility. The results indicate that the diversity of lobbying communication makes it possible to view the ethics of lobbying from multiple perspectives. The results had very much in common with the previous literature on ethical communication but also pointed out the demand for further research. It was concluded that the values guiding ethical lobbying, such as disclosure and transparency, were considered as commonly shared values. The data also suggests that ethical lobbying is based on the idea of communication as a dialogue.
  • Raivio, Johanna (2014)
    Employers are constantly increasing their interest towards communication competence and computer-mediated communication. The use of different kinds of technological applications in organizations and educational institutions is growing. The research on these applications is extensive, but is mostly quantitative and focused on synchronous (same-time) communication and learning results. The goal of this thesis was to find out adult students' thoughts and experiences of computer-mediated communication and computer-mediated communication competence in the virtual online classroom. The thesis was a qualitative case study, and it was carried out for a Finnish specialized vocational institute. The data for this thesis was collected by interviewing seven adult students, who had taken part in a virtual online classroom session in the fall of 2013. The class was deployed by using web-conferencing solution, Adobe Connect Pro. The interviews were implemented as theme interviews and the themes were partly based on Spitzberg's (2006) model of computer-mediated communication competence. The data was analyzed by using data-driven content analysis. The results indicated that adult students' perceptions and experience of computer-mediated communication were mainly positive and the use of different communication channels was diverse. The results indicated that the requisite communication competence in the virtual online classroom consisted of knowledge about communication context, skills to communicate in task-oriented and relationship-oriented ways and motivation to learn to use new computer-mediated technologies. In addition, instructors' communication competence was seen important in enhancing the interaction of the virtual classroom. The findings also provided information of students' user experiences of the virtual online classroom; its benefits, challenges and suggestions for improvement. Technology and connection problems in particular were seen as a challenge because they were seen to decrease interaction. This thesis provided information about computer-mediated communication competence in the context of new learning technology. The results can be useful for different kinds of organizations and educational institutions in planning, developing and using virtual technologies in distance education.
  • Aaltonen, Linda-Lotta (2015)
    The aim of the thesis is to examine what kind of interactivity emerges in communication that takes place in and through a radio programme's website chat called shoutbox. The focus of the research is on the communication between listeners and the staff of YleX. There is hardly any previous research of a communication medium like shoutbox. Thus the thesis concentrates on examining if the communication in and through shoutbox is interactive in any level. The research concerning interactivity has mainly focused on the interactivity between human and computer whereas this thesis concentrates on interactivity between humans: radio hosts and their listeners. The data consisted of ten broadcasts of the radio programme YleX Etusivu. Etusivu is a programme that concentrates on current issues. The hosts discuss subjects that Finns talk about at the moment. One programme lasts two hours so the data of the thesis consisted of 20 hours of broadcasts. The material was recorded from the internet. The recordings included the audio of the broadcasts and video of the shoutbox in which the messages from the listeners were shown. Video also contained live web camera feed from the studio. The theory used in the research was Rafaeli's (1988) theory of interactivity. There are three kinds of interactivity in the theory: quasi-interactivity, interactivity and non-interactivity. These three concepts were used in the analysis. The method used in the analysis was content analysis. The result of the research was that the interactivity in and through shoutbox between listeners and hosts was mainly quasi-interactive. Further research for the shoutbox could be conducted for examining the experiences and opinions of listeners and hosts on using shoutbox and the purpose of the medium.
  • Rahkola, Iita (2015)
    The purpose of this thesis was to find out how interaction situations are described in books that cover Pekka Haavisto's and Sauli Niinistö's campaigns for presidential election. It was also studied, what kind of an impression about the communication competence of Haavisto and Niinistö was given in the books. The approach for the analysis is exceptional, since it would appear that the interaction during the campaigns has previously been studied from speech and political communication's point of view in only other contexts, like in radio or television. Campaign literature has also been studied only slightly. In the research, two books about the 2012 presidential election were used as the data. So called SPEAKING-model, which is a tool to describe ways of talking and originally meant for comparing them, developed by Dell Hymes, was used to support the content analysis. Based on the research, an image of both of the candidates' typical interaction situation was compiled. The results also demonstrated that both of the candidates seem skillful and flexible communicators. Judging by the descriptions of the interaction situations, the candidates were especially able to adapt into different situations and tried to achieve open dialogs with different kinds of persons.
  • Viitanen, Hanna (2016)
    This research examines the views and experiences regarding communication about personal crisis in work communities. The focus is both in the community as a whole as well as in the individual communicational relationships. The study centralizes around the perspective of the people who experienced the crisis. Theoretical frames are home-to-work spillover and social support. Spillover means the study of how different life spheres affect one another. Social support on the other hand is the study of how people try to help each other by e.g. expressing sympathy, giving advice or offering practical assistance. This is a phenomenological study. The data was collected via online survey during July and August 2015. The study had 40 respondents with different occupational background. Analyzing method was qualitative content analysis with additional support from the more quantitative content differentiation. The results address why the people who have experienced a personal crisis want to or does not want to discuss it with their work community, who they talk to and who they don't talk to, how people felt their community reacted to the situation, what kind of support did they experience, how was the community a burden during the crisis and what kind of positive or negative views and experiences arose from the communicational relationships. One of the main results of the study is that people who have experienced a personal crisis hope that their work community expresses sympathy, understanding about their situation and offers practical support in order to reduce their work load. How people wish sympathy and understanding should be manifested differs greatly. Some hope to receive active empathy while others wish that co-workers wouldn't speak about the situation at all. Six narratives are presented based on the answers. They summarize how different people wish their work community would relate to the crisis, how they talk about the crisis themselves and how they think others react to their situation. Finally, propositions are given to organizations and work communities that wish to be prepared for the personal crisis among their members.