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Faculty of Educational Sciences


Recent Submissions

  • Pohjolainen, Maj (2024)
    Maisterintyö tutkii ohjelmistokehityskonsulttien oppimisen halua ja kykyä tukevia tekijöitä. Teoreettinen viitekehys ja aikaisempi tutkimustausta selittävät oppimista sosiokulttuurisen ja kognitiivisen oppimisteorian avulla. Molemmat näkökulmat ovat tarpeellisia tässä tutkimuksessa, koska asiantuntijatyön vaatimukset oppimisella ovat vahvasti sidoksissa sosiaalisen osaamisen tasoon ja kapitalistiseen kulttuuriin. Toisinaan oppimisen halua ja kykyä voidaan ymmärtää laajemmin yhdistämällä kognitiivinen näkökulma sosiaaliseen rinnalle, joka käsittää henkilökohtaiset edellytykset oppimiselle merkittävinä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena haastattelututkimuksena, jossa seitsemän asiantuntijan kokemusten syväanalyysi pyrkii vastaamaan viiteen tutkimuskysymykseen. Oppiminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat henkilökohtaisia prosesseja, joiden ymmärtämiseen vaaditaan kattavaa analyysiä asenteista, uskomuksista ja ympäristöstä, jotta eri tekijöiden vaikutukset tuloksiin voidaan huomioida. Tutkimuksen tulokset kertovat, että oppimista haittaavien asioiden poistaminen ja hyvinvointia tukeva ympäristö, merkityksellisyys, tietoisuus, työssä oppiminen ja yhteisö ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä konsulttien halussa ja kyvyssä oppia.
  • Schildt, Nea (2024)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the views of primary school teachers on school´s readiness to accommodate all diverse learners. The subject topic captivated my interest due to the emphasis placed by the interviewed primary school teachers in my bachelor's thesis on the readiness of the school, even though the actual research focused on children´s school readiness. Additionally, since the 2000s, discussion in Finland regarding school readiness have shifted towards the organization of education rather than solely focusing on children's readiness for school. Several research also support this shift. Readiness of the school has been extensively investigated as part of inclusive education. On the other hand, in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014), the word inclusion is mentioned only once. The aim of this study was to determinate the requisite preparedness of educational institutions to accommodate the diverse needs of incoming students, and to clarify the strategies of implementation of inclusion. In my qualitative research, six primary school teachers who work in elementary education participated. Thematic interviews were used as data collection method, as they allowed clarifying questions to be asked from the participants. The interviews were recorded, videotaped and transcribed for further analysis. The chosen method for analysis in my research was theory-guided content analysis, supported by thematic categorization. The data was then categorized into seven themes, which will be referred to as "upper-level categories" in the following study. These upper-level categories consist of resources, competent teacher, leadership, collaboration with preschool teachers, inclusivity, resources, and differentiation. My research findings strongly imply that primary school teachers considered resources to be the most important factor in the readiness of the school and the implementation of inclusion. However, primary school teachers described school resources as inadequate to meet the needs of all incoming students. Primary school teachers discussion about the most important readiness factors for accommodating all incoming students were centered around resources, teachers' professional skills, leadership, and collaboration with preschool teachers. Primary school teachers instead reported focusing on the implementation of inclusion through various inclusion-related actions, available resources, and diverse differentiation. Generally, five out of six primary school teachers had a positive attitude towards inclusion and the readiness of the school to accommodate all diverse learners. This study provides valuable information especially for primary school teachers, but also for principals interested in inclusion and implementing inclusive education.
  • Ericsson, Elias (2024)
    Mål: Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka samarbetsformer mellan klasslärare och speciallä-rare i svenska skolor i Helsingfors. Samarbetsformerna är indelade enligt Coordination, Cooperation och Reflective communication. Detta ämne är av relevans då Finlands skolsy-stem strävar mot en mer inkluderande skola, där specialpedagogiken spelar en betydande roll. Gentemot tidigare studier, som har genomförts i finska skolor, riktas fokus nu mot den finlandssvenska kontexten för att erbjuda en unik och specifik insikt. Även meningsfulla sam-arbetsmoment mellan klasslärare och speciallärare undersöks. Metoder: Studien var av kvalitativ metod med en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Materialinsamlingen skedde under vintern 2024 genom enskilda intervjuer av klasslärare. Fem klasslärare intervjuades. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser: De fem klasslärarna blev indelade i två olika samarbetsformer. Endast samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation framkom i klasslärarnas svar. Klasslärarna hade fått meningsfullt stöd av speciallärarna gällande skrivande av planer, lektionsplanering och differentiering i klassen. En av klasslärarna hade även ett samarbete med en specialklasslärare och blev uppdelad i två kategorier, på grund av varierande samarbetsformer. Inte en enda klasslärare hade fått anvisningar av skolans ledning om samarbetets form, vilket kan förklara varför samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation var det mest framkommande.
  • Saarela, Minna (2024)
    This thesis aims to contribute more understanding of cuteness as a phenomenon related to power relations. Objective was also to further engage in discussion about the meanings of cuteness. The subject is relevant in early childhood education field, where cuteness is present both in the relations between adults and children, and with visual and material cultural products. The study takes a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses cuteness as a material, affective, semiotic, and cultural phenomenon. Theoretical frame of reference contains different and even contradictory perspectives on cuteness. Due to its affective potential cuteness can be interpreted as a motivation for nurturing behavior and an appeal to sociality. Anthropomorphic cuteness has humanizing charisma. Cuteness can be used both to frame objects with lovability and to objectify them as weak, but it also has ambivalent indeterminacy. This empiric study emphasizes theory as a part of abductive and interpretivist research. Taking a post-structural and feministic orientation, the study applies a discursive-deconstructive reading as analysis method (see Brunila & Ikävalko, 2012). The analysis aimed to locate binary hierarchies and to identify how cuteness works in these contexts. The perspectives on cuteness gathered in the framework were used as interpretive lenses in the analysis. The multimodal research material was assembled as a discretionary sample. It consists of two mutually different product of children´s culture, which are Molang -animation episode The Party (2015, Millimages) and Tatu ja Patu – Kovaa menoa kiskoilla (2020, Havukainen, A. & Toivonen, S., Otava). The power-related dimensions of cuteness were located in material-discursive practices which concern childhood and adulthood, emotion and reason, strange and normal, female and male, feminine and masculine, lovable and disgusting, animal and human, and immoral and moral actor. It is stated that cuteness has potential both for the use of power that objectifies the other and for resisting it. The results show how cuteness is connected to different contexts taking part in power relations. The results are considered to have value in the context of education. In discussion cuteness is considered as a contradictory phenomenon in its meaning that requires questioning of habitual thought patterns and ethical reflection. The possibilities of posthumanist and postqualitative research, the relationships between cuteness and humor, and the inexhaustible field of cute consumer culture are mentioned as topics for further research.
  • Krohn, Matias (2024)
    In this study, the actions of teachers are examined in the light of attachment theory. Attachment theory explains individual behavior based on early childhood caregiving experiences, leading to the formation of either a secure or insecure attachment model that influences an individual's behavior in close relationships throughout their lifespan. In attachment theory, the teacher-student relationship is seen as an attachment relationship closely resembling the bond between a child and a parent. The focus of this study is on the role of the teacher, aiming to investigate how the teacher's insecure attachment model affects the teacher-student relationship and whether it influ- ences the use of specific disciplinary methods in the classroom. Discipline is categorized into five common methods, as identified in previous research: angrily shouting at students, sarcasm, humiliation, collective punishment, and removing students from the classroom. The study employs a quantitative research approach, gathering data through an online survey from 134 teachers. The survey includes the use of ECR-R, STRS, and Discipline Scale instru- ments to examine teachers' attachment patterns, the quality of the teacher-student relationship, and the use of five different disciplinary methods. Data analysis involves analysis of variance and correlation testing. Respondents are categorized based on their attachment patterns, resulting in 101 secure and 33 insecure individuals, including 12 with avoidant attachment, 10 with ambivalent attachment, and 11 with fearful attachment. The results of the analysis of variance indicate that there is a statistically significant or nearly significant difference between teachers with secure and insecure attachment models in three var- iables measuring the quality of the teacher-student relationship. In the closeness variable, a nearly significant difference is observed between securely and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .040). In the conflict variable, a nearly significant difference is observed between avoidantly and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .024). In the dependence variable, statistical signifi- cance is found between securely and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .008) and between avoidantly and ambivalently attached individuals (p = .002). According to the correlation test, in- secure attachment has a statistically nearly significant correlation with angrily shouting at students (r=.35) and collective punishment (r=.377). Additionally, it is observed that secure attachment has a statistically significant correlation with the use of sarcasm (r=.311) and humiliation (r=.308), and a nearly significant correlation with angrily shouting at students (r=.229), collective punishment (r=.225), and removing a student from the classroom (r=.215). The findings indicate that teachers with secure and insecure attachment models impact the teacher-student relationship both positively and negatively in terms of conflict, closeness, and dependence. Securely attached teachers use disciplinary methods in a more diverse manner, while insecurely attached teachers primarily use yelling and collective punishment as effective means. The research emphasizes the importance of considering the teacher's attachment model in educational research, as its role in teaching is significant.