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  • Tyrsky, Tutta-Lotta (2021)
    Objectives. According to previous studies, psychological safety increases learning-promoting behaviour and well-being in the working group. Psychological safety research has mostly been done in the field of organizational psychology and the aim of this research is to get more information about psychological safety placed in a school context. The idea is to develop a meter, a questionnaire form, for measuring the psychological safety of primary school children, and to test its functionality in practice. The questionnaire form is based in Amy Edmondsons meter that is widely used in organizational psychology. In addition, the purpose is to find out teachers' views on the psychological safety of their classes. Of interest is not only the situation of psychological safety in the classroom, but also the extent to which teachers are aware of the situation in their classes. Methods. This study is a qualitative case study. The study group consisted of the students of two sixth-grade classes and the teachers in those classes. In this work, one class with teachers formed case A and the other case B. There were 13 students in case A and 16 in case B. The research material consisted of questionnaire responses collected from students, as well as teacher interviews. The data were mainly analyzed using qualitative methods, but some quantitative methods were also used to evaluate the results of the questionnaires. Results and conclusions. The form turned out to be quite appropriate for the age group, although it required some clarification. The results collected using the form showed a clear difference between the cases. The responses of the students in case B were clearly more positive and there was less dispersion between the responses of the students than in the students of case A. The responses of the teacher in case A were very similar to those of the students, while the teacher in case B rated the situation as worse than that of her students. This case study provided, as intented, a basis for a broader study of psychological safety in the school world.
  • Nuotio, Riikka (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to describe, analyze and interpret what kind of experiences and what contact with the use of Satukantele (a traditional Finnish instrument) is to linguistic skills, to creativity and musical action of pupils, and to pupils` other activities in school. Research is a qualitative case study in a first-class special education group. The theoretical framework of the thesis presents earlier studies of music connections to learning and other activities and human well-being. In addition, the development of reading and writing skills, teaching methods of reading and challenges of learning to read are considered. This first study included eight firstgraders in a special education group and a special education teacher. During the study, the pupils participated in eight Satukantele classes designed and driven by the researcher during spring 2019. In the sessions, the pupils invented their own texts and composi-tions, which were then adapted to a single finished work. The texts were adapted to the tone by syllables. The finished works were played and sung together during the Satukantele studies. At the beginning of every class pupils first played ready-made notations (Leikkinuotti) to increase the understanding of the reading direction and ensure motivation and concentration. At the be-ginning and end of the study period, syllable analysis of the first-class autumn evaluation materi-al was carried out from the LukiMat test, the analysis of which aimed to gain an understanding of linguistic skills during the study. At the end of the study, students and teacher were inter-viewed. The interview material was transcribed and analyzed by material-based content analy-sis. The topics highlighted in the interviews were supported by the findings of the study journal and the mean of the answers in the LukiMat-tests. Based on the results of the analysis of the material, three themes emerged: 1. Satukantele as a Learning Tool 2. Satukantele as a Produc-er of pleasure and 3. Satukantele as the Enabling Creativity and Own Thinking. In this study, the use of Satukantele was connected with learning to play the instrument itself, learning musical lit-eracy and reading direction, gaining an experience of success, enabling the pupil's own creative activity (inventing), producing positive emotional experiences, and strengthening linguistic skills. In particular, the results of this study related to pleasure and creative activity were in line with previous music-related studies.
  • Nuckols, Wilson (2021)
    This study was a case study on the use of simulation games as a teaching method in Finland. The goal of the study was to determine in what way do the possible theoretical benefits of simulation games as a teaching method manifest in the context of an empirical try-out in Finland’s elementary school system. The method in question is popular among Anglo-Saxon countries, yet it has not achieved a notable foothold within a Finnish teaching context. Based on a theoretical overview simulation games could increase student engagement, activation and socialization when properly utilized as a teaching method. The actual empirical phase of this study was conducted as a simulation game lesson to a certain 6th grade class of 21 students in Helsinki. The actual simulation game was planned to simulate the democratic process and decision-making phases of the Finnish parliament in accordance with the national curriculum of 2014’s civics studies curriculum. After the simulation game lesson feedback was collected from 19 students with a quantitative survey. Six students were selected to be qualitatively interviewed based of the survey results. The result is research material for theoretical benefits for simulation games that has been collected using a mixed methods approach. The quantitative material was analysed for averages and frequencies. The qualitative material was processed via content analysis. Based on the quantitative survey all three possible benefits were present during the simulation game lesson. According the qualitative results students found the engagement factor of the game itself central to the simulation game experience. A sense of agency was also considered to be an important factor. Working together was a cross-sectional theme of simulation games, yet it was not reported to be centrally significant. Based on the results, simulation games can be a positive experience for students in regard to agency, autonomy and social skills.
  • Kivivuori, Miia Helena (2014)
    The purpose of this study is to describe the rise and development of UNU IAS RCE Espoo. Mari Nuutinen, UNU IAS RCE Espoo coordinator, is a main source of information. She has the most extensive experience, knowledge, skills and knowhow of the subject. The goal of this study was to bring teachers a new approach to their work. This study was a case study of Mari Nuutinen and UNU IAS RCE Espoo and a narrative approach is emphasized. The view of communal transformative learning is emphasized between the subject and the researcher. The mentor of the study participated few times to the conversations between Mari Nuutinen and researcher. This study was carried out with using two methods; interviews and involved observations. Cmaptools was used to analyze the gathered material and produce the concept maps. Mari Nuutinen, the innovator, is a talented network creator and administrator. She has developed her personal characteristics and resources at her work as a teacher as well as in her personal life. She has gathered this knowledge to develop sustainable development. UNU IAS RCE Espoo, innovation, is a result of her initiative, co-operation and devoted efforts. UNU IAS RCE network is currently expanding. UNU IAS RCE Espoo is Finland's first UNU IAS RCE example. It provides teachers and educators a possibilities and tools to work in a more sustainable way for the future.
  • Salo, Janette (2021)
    Goal. The corona pandemic during spring 2020 led to closing of schools. Therefor majority of the teachers had to move to distance education. The teachers were in a whole new situation and had to rapidly develop a new way to teach. Co-teaching is an approach becoming more common. It refers to a situation where two or more teachers cooperates. The objective of my study is to figure out how the teachers who were working as co-teachers executed distance education during Spring 2020. Furthermore, I study possible advantages and challenges the teachers experienced from the co-teaching in the distance education. My goal is to add knowledge and understanding of the foundation pillars of co-teaching and distance education through this study. Methods. I sent an e-mail to ten co-teachers where I asked their willingness to participate in my study and three teacher pairs were willing to be a part of my study. Therefor there were three cases in my study. Materials were collected with pair interviews and the theme interview was selected to be a survey. As an analysis method I used the content analysis. Results and conclusions. All Teacher pairs considered it most reasonable to divide their pupil into two separate groups. Each pair had about an hour lasting virtual study hall in a day through video conference. After this the lines were left open so that for example the pupils who needed support were able to stay and work with teacher's assistance. In all three cases the benefits from work pair were mainly the same. Some of the found advantages were divided responsibility, the colleague's support and work stress relief. Challenges due having a work pair were minimal. The reason can be the fact that the interviews were carried out in a pair. One case brought up the occasional disagreements and additional work through work phone. One case experienced that here had been some challenges with communication and it had lead to a few misunderstandings. However, all the teacher pairs emphasised that none of these challenges were a threshold question.
  • Jokinen, Elisa (2020)
    The aim of this study is to analyze where, how and for which purposes wallpapers manufactured by the company Pihlgren ja Ritola Oy were used in interior decoration during the period of 2000–2009 as represented by Finnish magazines. Wallpaper is studied from the point of view of its functionalities: what is the role of traditional paper-made wallpaper in interior decoration and what kinds of decorative effects its various uses create. Interest in wallpaper and its study has increased during the last decades but more recent wallpapers and its study has drawn less attention. Qualitative visual content analysis was used as the research method. The study material was gathered from the collection of magazine and newspaper clippings archived by the company Pihlgren ja Ritola Oy. The clippings collection had been used as the company´s demonstration material as well as for archiving purposes. The magazine pictures related to the use of Pihlgren ja Ritola Oy wallpaper in interior decoration published over the period of 2000–2009 in different Finnish magazines were selected discretionarily. The visual material (N=95) was analyzed with theory guided visual content analysis. Results were presented by themes. The wallpapers of Pihlgren ja Ritola Oy were used for interior decoration in both traditional and non-traditional ways. In the versatile use of wallpaper all seemed to be allowed. Wallpaper was coloured, turned upside down, and decorative objects were wallpapered. As wallpaper was also used to cover discreet decorative objects the interaction between the wallpaper and other decorative elements increased even though the relative role of wallpaper diminished. Still, primarily the wallpapers were used on the walls and in home interiors. The furnishing seems to be extending to every part of the house – the intimate and active appearance created with colours, patterns and creative use of wallpaper was emphasised. The results showed plenty and multiform usage of effect wallpapers which practically answer to the needs of the open concept spaces. Especially the effect wallpapers appear in a functional role. Wallpaper can be in constant change as it interacts with architecture, interior and the human being. Multiform ways to use wallpaper serve as a tool of expressing oneself as well as reflecting the phenomena of their time such as the need for personality. As well the definitions of the wallpaper and the traditional significances turned upside down. Wallpaper is not only a passive background, but it displays out in different ways even in the middle of the space concretely.
  • Aaltonen, Aino (2004)
    This study examines the impact that the Tapiola choir has had on its singers under its four decades. This pedagogical meaning was studied through the former singers of the Tapiola choir, their life choices and their choice of profession. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Tapiola choir has influenced its singers in the long run - their individuality and personality as well as their world view. The target group of this research were all the former members of the Tapiola choir. Altogether 400 individuals have sung in the Tapiola choir. One hundred of them could be reached and 87 of them answered the enquiry. The enquiry was divided in to the following sections: 1) background, 2) years in the choir, 3) hobbies, 4) statements, 5) complete the sentences and 6) with your own words. The main emphasis in this enquiry was on the 50 statements, which were used to study the respondents' attitudes towards the choir as a hobby, the choir's working methods and music education. Through the analysis of this section the researcher was able to generalize the impacts that Tapiola choir has had on its singers. The theoretical base of this study examines the subtext of musicality and musical development as well as music as a hobby. Communal music hobbies and the requirements for a functioning music community were also accentuated. This was connected to my hypothesis of an educative music community. A music community can't be truly educative if its members are unable to collaborate in different situations of practicing and performing. The research results support my hypothesis of the educativeness of a children's choir. The former choristers are socially skilled and self-confident individuals, who are well prepared for the challenges in life. In the Tapiola choir every member is a responsible individual as well as an important part of the whole. The different tasks given in the choir teach the choristers to trust their own skills. Working in a group for its part develops social skills. Many of the respondents also felt that singing in the Tapiola choir was more than a hobby, almost like a way of life. Many of them impress that they would be totally different persons without this period in their life.
  • Nuutinen, Nina (2020)
    The aim of this study is to describe the connections between Monilukutaitoa opitaan ilolla (MOI) -development project’s Storybook-material and children’s storytelling skills – a pilot study of such topic in the field. The research questions are: how the use of the Storybook -material I connected to children's storytelling based on story grammar model and what kind of stories children create within the sociocultural concept of story. This study is guided by the theoretical framework of developmental psychology, development of language and as well as a sociocultural view of the story. Methods. This study was carried out in a pre-school group in a city of southern Finland. A total of nine children participated in the study. The study has utilized the design of the intervention study and examines the differences between the experimental and control groups. Five children participated in the intervention carried out with the help of the Storybook -material and four children formed the control group. The data collection method was video recording of children’s free storytelling. A total of 16 stories were told by the children. Five children in the experimental group participated in the Storybook project between storytelling skills surveys. All the material was analyzed with discourse analysis and the structure of the story was analyzed with story grammar model and with Story grammar rating scale (Gardill & Jitendra, 1999). Results and conclusions. The main result of this study is that the connection between the use of the Storybook-material and children’s storytelling cannot be confirmed. The study concludes that children with deficiency in narrative skills benefit the most from the story telling exercices. The same result has occured in many previous studies. Research also shows that children occasionally refrain from displaying their narrative skills in storytelling situations and there is variation in the narrative. The children who participated in this study produced stories according to the story grammar model and the storytelling culture can be seen in children’s stories. The stories were entities with a beginning, ending, sequence of events and characters.
  • Simula, Anni (2010)
    Objectives. The sentence span task is a complex working memory span task used for estimating total working memory capacity for both processing (sentence comprehension) and storage (remembering a set of words). Several traditional models of working memory suggest that performance on these tasks relies on phonological short-term storage. However, long-term memory effects as well as the effects of expertise and strategies have challenged this view. This study uses a working memory task that aids the creation of retrieval structures in the form of stories, which have been shown to form integrated structures in longterm memory. The research question is whether sentence and story contexts boost memory performance in a complex working memory task. The hypothesis is that storage of the words in the task takes place in long-term memory. Evidence of this would be better recall for words as parts of sentences than for separate words, and, particularly, a beneficial effect for words as part of an organized story. Methods. Twenty stories consisting of five sentences each were constructed, and the stimuli in all experimental conditions were based on these sentences and sentence-final words, reordered and recombined for the other conditions. Participants read aloud sets of five sentences that either formed a story or not. In one condition they had to report all the last words at the end of the set, in another, they memorised an additional separate word with each sentence. The sentences were presented on the screen one word at a time (500 ms). After the presentation of each sentence, the participant verified a statement about the sentence. After five sentences, the participant repeated back the words in correct positions. Experiment 1 (n=16) used immediate recall, experiment 2 (n=21) both immediate recall and recall after a distraction interval (the operation span task). In experiment 2 a distracting mental arithmetic task was presented instead of recall in half of the trials, and an individual word was added before each sentence in the two experimental conditions when the participants were to memorize the sentence final words. Subjects also performed a listening span task (in exp.1) or an operation span task (exp.2) to allow comparison of the estimated span and performance in the story task. Results were analysed using correlations, repeated measures ANOVA and a chi-square goodness of fit test on the distribution of errors. Results and discussion. Both the relatedness of the sentences (the story condition) and the inclusion of the words into sentences helped memory. An interaction showed that the story condition had a greater effect on last words than separate words. The beneficial effect of the story was shown in all serial positions. The effects remained in delayed recall. When the sentences formed stories, performance in verification of the statements about sentence context was better. This, as well as the differing distributions of errors in different experimental conditions, suggest different levels of representation are in use in the different conditions. In the story condition, the nature of these representations could be in the form of an organized memory structure, a situation model. The other working memory tasks had only few week correlations to the story task. This could indicate that different processes are in use in the tasks. The results do not support short-term phonological storage, but instead are compatible with the words being encoded to LTM during the task.
  • Turunen, Siri (2020)
    Applying the narrative approach in research has had an increasing interest in the field of educational science. This approach takes into account humans’ natural tendency to produce stories as a part of structuring information. Telling stories is considered to arise from two basic human needs, which are to understand who am I? and what is the world like we live in? Narrative teaching means to organize teaching in a way that pupils may produce narratives about the subject being studied as a part of their learning process. This may lead to meaningful learning, when the theme being studied is unified into the students’ life and life story. This thesis intended to review fictional storytelling in learning an abstractive concept. As the subject has not been studied through the framework of narrative teaching, the thesis evaluated what kind of context storytelling creates for learning. This context was called story world. In addition, this research examined what perspectives the structure of the story creates related to the studied theme. Story structure was examined through the aristocratic basic structure: the beginning, the middle, and the end. This thesis was conducted as a qualitative case study. The data was gathered in November-December 2019 in a Southern Finnish school from a multidisciplinary teaching period which was handling equality. The material was formed of six fifth graders’ written film scripts which were stories about equality. In addition to these narratives, the same six students’ interviews were used in the analysis. The film scripts were analyzed with narrative analysis and plot structure analysis. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with material-based content analysis. In this case, the “story world” appeared as a state, where it is possible to experiment and observe consequences and contemplate meanings in the protection of the fictive and imaginary environment. Secondly, it appeared as a state that supports flexible change in perspective though the created characters. Lastly, it also enabled observing matters in the students’ own experiences through the mirrored phenomena. The structure of the story seemed to produce different perspectives to review equality. In the beginning stage, equality was observed through problems that are related to it, by pondering when problems occur and why it is worthwhile to aim for change. In the middle stage, it was evaluated what can be done or needs to happen to make change. The perspective in the ending lead to observe how equality manifests itself when it is materialized. The benefit of story writing is that it creates a narrative perspective about concepts at hand, where the concept’s meaning is reviewed through everyday life situations and as a continuous phenomenon.
  • Ketko, Julia (2020)
    The object of this study was to examine waiters’ early career perceptions on learning and professional growth in a new restaurant. Jobs in the restaurant industry are often seen as a low-education jobs that serve as a gateway for young people on their way to their actual careers. However, the industry can also accommodate employees who see themselves working in the industry in the future as well. The purpose of my thesis was to find out what kind of experiences the waiters who started in the target company had during the probationary period in terms of learning and professional growth. The theoretical framework of the study is based on theories of work-based learning and professional growth. In addition, the theoretical framework opens up specific features of the restaurant industry that help form a better understanding of the industry. Six young waiters in the early stages of their careers who started a new job at the target restaurant took part in the study. The interviews were conducted at the end of a 4-month probationary period in the spring of 2019. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured thematic interviews. Data was analyzed using theory-directing content analysis, in which theory guided the analysis. The results of the study revealed that waiters’ work based learning manifested itself in many different contexts and was multidimensional in nature. Learning took place in formal training provided by the employer, but most of the learning at work was perceived to take place during customer service and through interaction with co-workers. The development of professional competence was also perceived as an important measure of learning, from which the waiters felt able to concretely notice that learning had taken place. Professional growth was perceived to have taken place through the self-reflection required for particularly challenging work, although the process of professional growth was at the beginning. From the research results, it can be concluded that learning a new job is a multidimensional process that consists of many factors and also continues beyond the actual probation period.
  • Sipovaara, Johanna (2024)
    Goals This qualitative study examines the management of early childhood education and care in the field of education. The aim of the study is to describe and increase understanding of the management of senior officials in early childhood education and care at the national level from a strategic management perspective. The importance of strategic leadership is seen to be emphasised by the amendment to the Early Childhood Education Act (1183/2021), which entered into force on 1 August 2022, which specifies support for children and introduces inclusiveness as an organisational principle of early childhood education. It is hoped that the study will also support the development of early childhood education and care management and preparatory education. Methods The study was carried out with a theory-centric thematic analysis. The data was gathered from the first sub-study from The support system and administrative processes in ECE, through an electronic survey to finnish municipality early childhood education and care directors between December 2022 and January 2023. The scope of the survey is nationwide. The data used in this study is based on the answers to question from the open-ended electronic survey and other questions used as base-line information. Results and conclusions. The study shows that strategic management in early childhood education and care takes place at three levels. The Director of Early Childhood Education and Care combines knowledge from these three levels to lead early childhood education and care throughout the municipality, enabling structures, resources and competences to deliver integrated, high quality and pedagogical early childhood education and care. The mission of early childhood education and care, or the basic mission, appears unclear and the strategic discourse limited, according to the survey. Management of early childhood education and care should therefore be further developed, taking into account the demanding role of public managers and required skills. Further research on the management of senior early childhood education and care officials would be useful in terms of the support they receive for their work, the diversity of their tasks and the adequacy of their working time.
  • Puljujärvi, Joonas (2022)
    The aim of this study is to find out the classroom teachers' perceptions of learning motivation, the factors influencing it and their motivation strategies. I use two different theories related to learning motivation as the theoretical background of the research. These are Deci's and Ryan's (2000) Self-Determination Theory and Eccles’ and Wigfield's (2000) Expectation-Theory. According to these theories, an individual's motivation is constructed by various factors. At the heart of self-determination theory are basic psychological needs that, when fulfilled, increase an individual's intrinsic motivation. According to Decin and Ryan (2000), the basic psychological needs of an individual are perceived autonomy, perceived ability, and a sense of belonging. In Eccles and Wigfield's (2000) expectation value theory, an individual's motivation is again seen to be influenced by performance-related expectations and values. This study is a qualitative and its research approach is a case study.The subject of this study was six classroom teachers. Classroom teachers were interviewed individually using themes related to learning motivation. All interviews were recorded and later transcribed. Thematic design was utilized in the analysis of the obtained material. The results of the study showed that the perceptions of learning motivation of the interviewed teachers were very similar to each other. Three different themes were created from the responses of classroom teachers as factors influencing learning motivation. These included psychological factors, social factors, and student alertness. Three different themes were also created from the motivational strategies provided by the teachers themselves. The themes related to the strategies of motivation were the strategies related to working methods, the strategies related to the learning environment and the strategies related to the learning situation. This research does not actually provide entirely new information on the topic I am researching, but it does give voice to the interviewees ’perceptions of learning motivation. I find this important both from a research point of view and from the individual point of view of the interviewees. Some of the interviewees stated that they had never thought deeper about perceptions of learning motivation, because they felt that it was automatized.
  • Vihonen, Kaisu (2015)
    The purpose of this study was to examine what are the knowledge practices in preschool groups that do not use study books. The research further investigates how child participation manifests in these preschool groups. Based on prior research teacher's pedagogical thinking always interacts with the practices shown in a group or class. Due to this also the interaction between teacher's pedagogical thinking and knowledge practices were examined. This study was conducted by observing preschool activities in three different preschool groups at the Helsinki Metropolitan area. In addition five preschool teachers were interviewed during the research process. The aim of these interviews was to examine how teacher's pedagogical thinking and knowledge affect their knowledge practices. To further analyse child participation also six children from one of the day care centers (center 2) were interviewed. These documents complemented each other. The analysis methodology for the sample was theory-based. In non-study book preschool groups knowledge was produced together in social practices. Children also worked independently with knowledge and information was transferred from an adult to a child, too. In addition there were equipment and materials that supported learning and working with knowledge. Child participation occurred when children communicated their ideas to the adults and when the adults acknowledged these thoughts. In the beginning of the preschool year children in day care center 2 also told what they would like to do during the year and this was taken into account in day-to-day activities. Teacher's pedagogical thinking was linked to the knowledge practices of the group while the teachers said that they choose used methods based on children's needs.
  • Kemppainen, Meeri (2020)
    Craft curriculum (POPS 2014) describes craft as multimaterial subject, where students learn both textile craft and technical craft. Over the last few years discussion about curriculum reform has emerged in media texts when technical craft teachers and TAO ry have shared their worry about the devastation of technical craft and the availability of technology industry employees. Previous study has stated that the current challenges of craft subject concern multi-materiality, lesson hour distribution and technology education. The aim of qualitative study was to examine and interpret the current discussion concerning craft subject based on three determinants: individual, society and subject. Also connections between craft subject and 21st century skills were examined. The data consisted of 35 texts, including craft teachers’ and government advocacy groups’ statements and news articles. The data included also 618 reader comments of news articles. Texts were analyzed with content analysis with a theory-driven approach using curricula determinants (individual, society and subject) as the theoretical framework (Marjanen & Metsärinne, 2019; Lahdes 1970). The discussion revealed multidimensional, overlapping and contradictory goals of craft subject in the 2020s. From individuals’ perspective the goal of craft subject was seen as skills development, opportunities to immerse oneself in craft, prevent social exclusion and demonstrate craft hobbies as a way to well-being. Society-driven goals were ensuring the availability of technology industry employees, improving Finnish competitiveness in global competition, dismantling gender segregation in education and occupation and developing techno-wisdom. Also subject-driven goals were mentioned concerning learning, craft process and product. The main focus of discussion were gained economic value and productivity through craft skills and craft education. Debaters conjoined craft subject and 21st century skills especially in learning thinking skills. In addition to technical know-how, manual skills and makers were needed and appreciated in the future.
  • Orhala-Halminen, Heli (2022)
    This thesis examines how sustainable food education in schools can make the pupil more aware of food waste if there are there appropriate teaching materials to support teaching about food waste. Previous home economics educational research shows the potential of school meals, home economics and class teaching in supporting students' food waste skills through sustainable food education. In addition, from the perspective of the home economics education phenomenon, it can be stated that teaching material on food waste can be found to support teaching, but textbooks on food waste as part of sustainability education are still scarce. The aim of this thesis is to examine teaching and teaching material on food waste through ethnographic methods. The research material has been obtained by observing and interview-ing classroom teachers and home economics teachers. The observation took place in a prod-uct development workshop for classroom and home economics teachers, where teaching ma-terials on food waste were devised to support teaching. The observation material consisted of documents and a text diary. Interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews with three classroom teachers and three home economics teachers. The views of classroom teachers and home economics teachers about food waste and its teaching materials were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Sustainable food education related to food waste was seen as an essential part of school meals and home economics in primary education. Pupils’ food waste skills can be promoted by taking appropriate teaching materials of food waste and its use in teaching into account. Collaboration between the school staff as food educators and motivating, age-appropriate teaching materials were considered to play a key role in teaching about food waste. However, the multidimensional definition of food waste and the lack of appreciation of food can be seen as a challenge to evolving pupils’ food waste skills as part of sustainable development.
  • Sahimaa, Mirjami (2020)
    The focus of the research in this Master´s thesis was in the personal views of the parents of the children with ASD about family-centered work in school, early childhood education and health care: how they are treated, how well they feel they are supported and what kind of wishes they have for meetings with professionals. The aim is to improve the competence of school and health care professionals and to improve their ability to work with parents of children with ASD. The parents of children with ASD cooperate closely together with different professionals and a successful cooperation has a positive effect on the parents' coping and daily survival. However, parents often face various challenges when collaborating with professionals in health care and in school. The data of this research consists of 28 responses from parents of children with ASD. A web questionnaire was used to collect the data and it was analyzed qualitatively with theory-guided approach. In the questionnaire parents were asked to share their experiences about how they have been met and taken into account in the meetings with the professionals in school, early childhood education and health care. The results showed that there were lots of variation between individual experiences on how the family-centered work has manifested and realized. Most of the experiences of the parents were quite negative while the positive experiences had a positive impact on the collaboration. Parents felt quite often that the responsibility was distributed unevenly and the load for the parents was too heavy. Collaboration was also hindered by the stiffness of the system, continuous replacement of the professionals and the underestimation of the parents experience. Also the lack of know-how and uncertainty of the professionals taking care of the childrens’ matters was frustrating for the parents. Parents also told that the families were supported in a more holistic way, that they were heard and care were individualized. The amount of help and support was felt insufficient and the parents also felt that they were blamed and they were given negative feedback. They also felt that they were informed quite poorly and they wished for more concrete advice and help for the search of the information. Family-centered work is a good basis for the collaboration. It is built of multiple little things, but one of the main things is that the professionals keep the whole family in the focus. Professionals with a sufficient know-how are able to take the responsibility needed so that the load for the families isn’t too heavy. That is also one key thing to build trust between the professionals and the parents. And for that reason it is important to always upgrade the knowledge and to ask help if needed. Also the ability to listen the needs of the families and to offer help and support spontaneously is important. It is always important to take care of the child, but also the whole family and make sure the parents are well. Even though there are always lack of time and resources for the professionals to deal with, it is important to understand that just by being present, listening and meeting the families with respect, it is possible to create a positive atmosphere for the meetings and enhance the family-centered work to be realized. Positive feedback, informing the families and investing in the first meetings with the new families will make it and will help the family-centered work to be realized.
  • Ojala, Sonja (2021)
    The aim of this study was to explore the attitudes of general upper secondary school teaching staff towards support for learning as a part of their job. Furthermore, this study focuses on the professional agency and orientations of the teaching staff in the context of general upper secondary education reform. One of the pivotal changes in the reform is the legal right of students to receive special needs education and other support for learning in accordance with their needs. It is stated in the new core curriculum that special needs education will be provided by a special needs teacher, whereas other support for learning will be implemented by teaching staff as a whole. This study was carried out as a qualitative case study. 19 members of teaching staff in one general upper secondary school participated in the study, including subject teachers, guidance counsellors and a special needs teacher. The data was collected through six focus group interviews and an online survey. Topics covered in the interviews and the survey included providing support for learning, defining one’s role and its boundaries at work as well as values related to work. The data was analysed using content analysis. Based on the results of this study, teaching staff perceives support for learning to be important in general upper secondary education. However, their opportunities to give support in practice are influenced by multiple external and personal factors as well as factors related to the work community and students. Teaching staff finds it challenging to support their students especially due to large group sizes, lack of time, student hesitation to seek and receive support, and the limited skills of subject teachers. The results indicate that strong professional agency is especially practiced by subject teachers in class. On the other hand, as general upper secondary education undergoes several reforms, teaching staff points out that their responsibilities increase while resources are inadequate. In this study, four types of participants’ professional orientations were found regarding their perceived core tasks at work. According to the teaching staff, the main objectives of general upper secondary education are to provide students with extensive general knowledge and skills for the future as well as to support their personal growth.
  • Reivinen, Anna (2015)
    Aims. The aim of the study was to find out the relations between attention, formal operational thought, psychological well-being and school achievement and choices of educational tracks. The thesis complements the study and modelling carried out by the Centre for Educational Assessment and Unit of Special Education of the University of Helsinki by adding psychological well-being to the model of attention, formal operational thought and future plans. Method. The data consisted of a sample of ninth graders from six comprehensive schools from a municipality in Eastern Finland. The size of the sample was N=287 of which girls 53% (ngirls=152) ja boys 47% (nboys=135. The data were gathered using a computer-assisted ACT-test, a multiple choice Formula-test and a BPNS-questionnaire. The data were analyzed using correlations, linear regression and general linear model (GLM) two-way analysis of variance. Results. Both girls' and boys' experience of competence and formal operational thought had a statistically significant relation between school achievement. Regarding girls, competence was a stronger explanatory variable than formal operational thought, whereas regarding boys formal operational thought was a stronger explanatory variable than competence. When girls' choices of educational tracks were examined it appeared that attention and competence were statistically significant explanatory variables regarding the choice of academic track. Boys' choices of the academic track could only be explained by competence. It also appeared that attention had a statistically significant correlation between formal operational thought which in turn was correlated with school achievement. This confirmed the assumption given by previous studies that attention has an indirect effect on school achievement via formal operational thought. The thesis is part of a study (attention, thinking skills, self-determination theory and school achievement) carried out by the Centre of Educational Assessment and Unit of Special Education of the University of Helsinki.
  • Karjalainen, Henri (2017)
    Expert performances and expertise are interesting topics from a layman's as well as a researcher's point of view. According to the expertise theory and the theory of achieving expert performance at least 10 years of regular and intensive practice is needed to reach the international top level and to attain an appreciated position in one's own field. Besides practice also learning and attention enabling it are prerequisites for developing performances. Attention plays an important role in learning, and it has been tested at schools especially among young school children. The earlier studies examining the connection in question show that with the help of an attention concentration test the future school success of children can be estimated (e.g. Hotulainen, Thuneberg, Hautamäki, Vainikainen, 2014). In this study the racing drivers' attention was measured by using the Attention Concentration Test (ACT) created by Ad van der Ven in 2005. In addition, their cognitive power of deduction was measured with the help of a Formula test dealing with topics of formula autosports. Furthermore, a comparison was made in order to see if there was any connection between the number of career practice days and the logical reasoning. The purpose of the study was to find out how the number of races and career practice days of the racing drivers affected their success in autosports, and to compare the results with the expertise theory. It was also studied how attention is connected with expert performance and success both in autosports and in school, and whether the number of career practice days in autosports have any impact on the results of the ACT test. Furthermore the racing drivers' estimates of their own driving skills were compared with their success in racing. The AKK-Motorsport's junior team group, who represent Finnish top level, was chosen as the target group of the study. Thirteen drivers aged 13 to 21 participated in the study with four of them racing in touring and formula series and nine in different karting series. The results gained in the study showed there was no significant connection between attention and success in school or racing. However, the number of career practice days had a statistically significant connection to success in racing. Those having driven more during their career succeeded better than those having driven less. In the Formula-themed test measuring the logical power of deduction the most experienced drivers succeeded best. The young racing drivers' self-concept and awareness of their own strengths were more accurate when their estimates of their own driving skills were directly connected with their success in racing.