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  • Kettunen, Anni (2017)
    The aim of this Master's thesis is to uncover how the the coaches of Tapanilan Erä floorball club support improvement of physical, mental and social objectives of 7 – 12 –years old players. I also examine how Tapanilan erä floorball club's action plan is shown in action and what kind of motivation atmosphere exist in practise. This work is based on my previous bachelor's thesis The realization of pedagogical objectives in the action plans of floorball clubs. My bachelor's thesis has been shown that Tapanilan Erä floorball club has the most mentions of physical, sosioemotional and mental objectives in action plan. My master's thesis is a case study and the analysis is conducted by ethnographic research method. Four coaches took apart to this research. Material was gathered by observing practise and interviewing the coaches after salibandypractices. I also used Tapanilan Erä floorball club's action plan in this master's thesis. Results has been shown that Tapanilan Erä's coaches are supporting players physical improvement. The practises are well organized and effective. Mental and social objectives are known but only few of the coaches used the methods in their practises. The physical objectives of Tapanilan Erä floorball club's action plan are shown in practise. On of the goals of Tapanilan Erä's action plan were cheering and inspiring. Only two of the coaches were showing those goals in their work. The most of the practises contained motivational atmosphere. This work is provided for those sports clubs which want to confirm their role in education, when mentioning emotional skills and social skills.
  • Raitakari, Jasmin (2016)
    Goals. The goal of this thesis is to find out the motives for following three different food blogs. The research focuses on readers of the blogs 52 weeks of deliciousness, Lunni leipoo and Perinneruokaa prkl, all of which are located at the website The selection of the research subject was influenced partly by the fact that blog readers and their following motives have yet been researched only little. Blogs are associated with communality and therefore it's interesting to know whether readers participate in commenting the blog posts and how do they do it. Methods. The data was acquired with an online questionnaire that contained open and multiple-choice questions. The online questionnaire was an appropriate method for reaching the target group. The theoretic focus was on qualitative methods, but quantitative methods were utilized as well. The results of the questionnaire were processed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Multiple-choice questions were presented graphically, open questions in turn were analysed by defining types and themes. At first every blog was examined individually, after which the whole material was subjected to analysis in order to define different reader types. Results and conclusions. The questionnaire gathered answers from 132 readers. Blog 52 weeks of deliciousness was interesting due to recipes, food ideas and the atmosphere created by the blogger. The blog was also a source for daily inspiration and restaurant tips. Blog Lunni leipoo was followed particularly for its visuality, but the entirety, recipes and stories were also felt important. The readers of blog Perinneruokaa prkl were interested in the blog's theme of traditional food. Although the blog was mainly a source for recipes, the funny and narrative writing style was part of the blog's charm. The reader types defined from the material were information seekers, inspiration hunters and self-entertainers. These types were divided into two types by purposes of use: blogs are either idea banks or entertainment platforms. As an idea bank the blog functions as a source for ideas and information. The information seeker values accessibility and searches the blog for recipes or cooking-related information. The inspiration hunter seeks inspiration, which is basically related to all aspects of the blog, such as the recipes, pictures and the blogger's persona. Both inspiration hunter and self-entertainer use the food blog as an entertainment platform. The self-entertainer is after the blog's atmosphere, looking for fun or just passing time. The blog's visuality, stories and attitude gratify the reader. Commenting in the blogs was scarce. The readers didn't comment, because they didn't find their own thoughts important enough, they didn't feel commenting was appropriate for their behaviour, they felt comments had to have value to other readers and the blogger or they wanted to preserve their anonymity. The readers felt that reasons good enough for commenting were asking a question, sharing an own experience, praising, a particularly interesting or emotive post, testing the recipe at hand and asking for advice.
  • Salmela, Iina (2015)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how Graphogame, a computer-based learning game can be used to help children with disabilities learn early literacy skills in rural Tanzania. Graphogame aims to help children automate letter-sound connections, which are found to be the most important prerequisite for reading in transparent languages. Previous studies have shown that Graphogame can be an effective learning tool for children without disabilities in both Finland and East Africa (e.g. Ojanen et al, 2015). In addition to investigating the effectiveness of Graphogame, this study aimed to bring forth the issues that arise when conducting a Graphogame intervention in this particular setting. The study was conducted as an intervention, where a group of five children with different types of disabilities played Graphogame daily for six weeks. Their progress was monitored through oral tests before, during and after the intervention. Participant observation was used to gather additional information on the learning process of the participants. The results of this study showed how some of the participants were able to improve their early literacy skills with the help of Graphogame. Three out of five participants in the experimental group were able increase their letter knowledge noticeably during the intervention, two some of them only learned a couple of new letters. It also revealed differences in the participants' ability to transfer their skills to contexts outside the game. Based on the observations made in this study, a list of considerations is made that should be taken into account when conducting future interventions in a rural Tanzanian setting and suggestions provided for future Graphogame research.
  • Valla, Emmi (2018)
    Objectives. In this study the aim is to examine teacher’s actions from selected perspective. The perspective for observation and examination is teacher as a creative role model –observational instrument. This instrument is created using previous research and studies and it is based on CLASS-observational instrument (Classroom Assessment Scoring System). The idea behind this study and teacher as a creative role model –observational instrument is that teacher’s actions have significant influence in student’s creativity and especially creative pedagogical environment. Teachers actions as a creative role model were divided into three different categories; 1. teacher’s presence and nonverbal communication, 2. teacher’s participation and demonstration during drama lessons and 3. teacher’s flexibility as in use of time and willingness to change the direction of the drama lesson due to student’s offers and ideas. Methods. The study is a qualitative case-study. The research material consists eight process-drama lessons. Lessons were filmed by Larissa Säntti and Riikka-Liisa Salomaa back in 2014. The material was observed and analyzed using teacher as a creative role model –observational instrument. The research material was analyzed together with my research partner Jere Ruohoranta to strengthen and support the validity of this research. Each phase of each lesson got a value for all three categories. These values were then added together and means for each lesson were calculated. Results and conclutions. All of the four teachers we observed got mediocre or high values from every lesson using this observational instrument. Although there were some variance between the values teachers got, the quality of the drama lessons and teacher’s actions were high. Especially teacher D’s actions and lesson structure included significant amount of students’ own perspective to be heard and also active presence and participation on the behalf of Teacher D. The overall quality of the drama lessons we observed is very high from the teacher as a creative role model -point of view. The Teacher as a creative role model –tool is fit for the purpose of observing and analyzing drama lessons.
  • Lehtonen, Noora (2024)
    In Finland, there has been relatively limited research conducted on the workplace experiences of gender minorities. However, existing studies consistently highlight the pervasive influence of gender and heteronormativity in the workplace, leading to unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender identity. Previous research suggests, for instance, that due to the risk of discrimination, individuals often refrain from disclosing their gender identity to others and instead conform to the gender and heteronormative order prevalent in the workplace. This study examines the manifestations of gender and heteronormativity in the Finnish workplace and explores how the workplace narratives of gender minorities are portrayed. The data for this study consists of interviews with six individuals belonging to gender minorities, conducted using a narrative interview approach focused on the workplace. The interview data was analyzed using a thematic narrative reading approach. The findings of the study provide insight into how gender and heteronormativity, along with the closely related process of gendering, are often produced and perpetuated in the workplace through very routine and mundane repetitions. The results also shed light on the experiences of minority stress encountered by gender minority individuals in various aspects of the workplace, including job searching and actual employment. Overall, the results align with previous research findings, particularly regarding discriminatory and normative structures, but also encompass positive experiences of recognition and understanding. The data also highlighted companies' motivations and responsibility to commit to inclusivity themes and their implementation. The consideration of gender and sexual minorities was perceived to largely remain superficial, with inclusivity efforts often failing to extend to concrete actions or initiatives adequately. Regarding workplace development needs, education and awareness-raising emerged as primary areas for improvement, which should be considered in enabling a more inclusive and equitable work environment.
  • Gummerus, Annika (2006)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tarkastella ja kuvailla ateljeeompelimon suunnittelijan mielikuvia yksilöllisen vaatteen suunnitteluprosessissa. Suunnitteluprosessissa ilmeneviä mielikuvia tutkittiin sekä asiakaslähtöisestä suunnittelusta että pienimuotoisesta mallistosuunnittelusta käsin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kolmen suunnittelijan teemahaastatteluilla, minkä jälkeen aineisto analysoitiin teema-alueista luodun analyysirungon mukaisesti. Tutkimustuloksissa mielikuvia on havainnollistettu valokuvin sekä materiaalinäyttein vaatteista, joista haastattelutilanteissa keskusteltiin. Tutkimuksessa suunnitteluprosessi käsitetään osaksi käsityön luovaa ilmaisua, johon kuuluu osittain myös vaatteen valmistusprosessi. Yksilöllisen vaatteen suunnittelu alkaa suunnittelijan abstrakteista mielikuvista, jotka tarkentuvat prosessin edetessä konkretisoituen lopulta valmiiseen vaatteeseen. Tutkimuksessa mielikuvat käsitetään kokemuksiksi, jotka kietoutuvat prosessimaisesti suunnittelun yhteyteen. Mielikuvia muodostuu suunnittelun kaikilla osa-alueilla, ja niiden syntyyn vaikuttavat lähinnä asiakas, materiaali sekä suunnittelijan esteettinen ja taidollinen näkemys. Mielikuvia kehitetään ja ilmaistaan luonnostelemalla, sovituksissa, asiakaskeskusteluissa sekä materiaalin muodonannon avulla. Mielikuvilla on merkitystä suunnittelun ongelmanratkaisuvaiheissa. Mielikuvat näyttivät ohjaavan suunnittelijoita valitsemaan erilaisten mahdollisuuksien joukosta sen, joka tuntui parhaimmalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat suunnittelijoiden peilaavan jokaista suunnitteluprosessia mielikuvaan esteettisestä, toiminnallisesta ja ilmaisullisesta vaatteesta. Mielikuvissa vaate vastaa asiakkaan tarpeisiin, siinä on jokin kiinnostava yksityiskohta ja se edustaa tinkimätöntä käsityön taitoa. Tutkimustuloksissa korostui erityisesti materiaalin ja mielikuvien suhde. Materiaali innoittaa mielikuvien syntymiseen ja sen avulla luodaan vaikutelmia vastaamaan haluttua mielikuvaa. Materiaalin ja mielikuvien sidoksellisuus tarjoaa aiheita jatkotutkimukseen.
  • Heino, Susanna (2016)
    This case study was designated to look at experiences and feelings that were raised during jewellery making process. In addition, the point of interest was the sensations that were experienced while making jewellery. Handicrafts have been found to have a positive effect to the maker's emotions and handicrafts are also used as part of rehabilitation therapy. Making handicrafts increases satisfaction and raises one's self-image. Craft science has studies of getting into a flow in a variety of craftwork processes. The making of jewellery has not been researched before. The beading event in this case study was attended by six test subjects who were chosen depending on whether they were craft makers (3) or not (3).For all of the subjects jewellery making was a new craft method. My role in the beading event was to act as a teacher and afterwards as a researcher. After the event the subjects were interviewed with str-method by using a video which was recorded and the jewelry which the participants made during the event. The purpose of the interviews was to gather the feelings attached to making jewellery. The result of this study shows that jewellery making was a positive experience to the makers. During the beading event the jewellery makers' sensations ranged from excitement to confusion and enthusiasm. The finished jewelry made the bead makers happy and proud, "I did this". All the participants in the beading event wanted to participate in a similar event again. The beading event was found to activate several senses. Visual perception was an important part of making the handicraft products and hand-eye coordination was highlighted. Jewellery making was experienced to be very visual because of the diversity of the beads. The making of handicrafts and in this case the making of jewellery gives more to the makers than just the finished piece of jewellery. The making process as an experience is at least as valuable as the finished product.
  • Blomqvist, Tomas Alexander (2018)
    The aim of the study was to compare philosophically the current Finnish segregative worldview education in the elementary school to the suggested integrative education models: religious knowledge and secular ethics. The theoretical framework of the study was the concept of indoctrination and its five different criteria: content, method, intention, outcome and control criteria. The main research problem was to study, whether the different worldview education models differ from each other indoctrination-wise. The hypothesis was that an integrative worldview education model would be less indoctrinating than the current model. An important reason for the study was the lack of research on the Finnish worldview education from the point of view of the philosophy of education. The purpose of the study is then to ethically and epistemologically clarify the discussion on the worldview education in Finland. Previous philosophical studies on the worldview education have focused on multiculturalism and human rights. The method of the study was analytical, philosophical argumentation whereby concepts used in the study were first technically defined and then each education model was analyzed through the concept of indoctrination. The concept of indoctrination was defined based on both classic and modern, and Finnish and international research. The current Finnish worldview education model was defined based on laws and curricula concerning it, while the proposed integrative worldview education models were based on recent research. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis: the current worldview education model in the Finnish basic school is more prone to indoctrination than the integrative religious knowledge or the secular ethics worldview education models. The conclusion from the study is then that the current worldview education model in the Finnish basic school is not as justifiable as an integrative model would be in terms of the concept of indoctrination defined in the study. That is why – in an increasingly multicultural and secular Finland – it would be reasonable to transform to an integrative religious knowledge or secular ethics worldview basic education model.
  • Salo, Jaakko (2006)
    In the early years of independence the Finnish school system went through a major change. Both the Compulsory school attendance act (1921) and the Religious freedom act (1923) were legislated almost simultaneously. Although the legislators were deciding on the whole content of the citizenship education given in the compulsory school, their attention was mainly concentrated on the issue of the religious education. The former study concerning the subject shows that this issue was strongly influenced by the political power struggle between the conservative and the socialist parties. One of the underlying factors was also the Church's decreased authority concerning the elementary school. The aim of this research was to study the Finnish evangelical movement's attitude and opinions on the issue of religious education and on its status and nature. Their opinions on the issue were especially investigated from the point of view of their own evangelical lower elementary school teachers seminar, which was deeply connected with the matter of confessionalism. The source material of this research of educational history consist of documents of the school administration and the Lutheran Evangelical Association as well as of vast collection of educational, Church's and evangelical movement's journals. According to the results of this study, the evangelical movement plead very strongly for denominational religious education. However, the confessionalism they were pursuing differed from the common understanding of the concept at that time. This became evident both because of their demands for increased education on the Christian doctrine and because of their sharp criticism against loosely confessional, generally Christian religious education. The evangelical movement's strict opinion was combined with their effort to emphasize the Lutherian doctrine in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland. The founding of the Evangelical seminar for lower elementary school teachers in Karkku was a significant indication of the evangelical movement's dedication to strive towards school's Christianity. The objective of the evangelical seminar was to change the school by means of training evangelical minded teachers. The seminar was only a part of much larger plans of evangelical education and home missionary work. However, maintaining the seminar proved to be impossible, especially as the National Board of Education was absolutely against it, claiming that it would endanger the unity of the compulsory school. The National Board of Education indicated that the objectivity of citizenship education would be forfeit, if every marginal ideological movement could educate their own teachers.
  • Mäkinen, Lauri (2015)
    Goals. The aim of this study is to describe, analyze and interpret circulation of a proposal for comment for general national objectives and distribution of lesson hours in basic education in Finland. Main focus is in comments dealing with Religious Education (RE). There were in all 230 comments, of whom 35 cover RE. Comments took place in 23.8.2011 – 31.5.2012. Approach. In this Master's Thesis content analysis is used as a research method. It was used twice. Firstly, content analysis was needed to categorize different models of organizing religious education in research data. Secondly, different arguments behind different models were categorized and analyzed. In both cases analysis was a mix of theory-based and data-based approach. Categories representing different models of organizing RE were created mixing Pyysiäinen's visions of future RE in Finland and opinions that stood out in the research data. Arguments relating to RE models were as well analyzed and categorized mixing theories and research data. Conclusion. A vast majority of comments suggested religious education reform. Only four statements wished that current model should remain while 20 statements suggested that RE should be mutual and compulsory subject to all pupils were they members of any religious community or not. Arguments used in debate were not surprising. Current organizing model was defended using sociological, all-round educational and multicultural arguments. Increasing equality and promoting dialogue in schools were the most important arguments that called for religious education reform.
  • Lahtinen, Dani (2023)
    The purpose of this research is to find out how irreligiosity is presented in pedagogical material made for pre-primary education’s and early childhood education’s worldview education. Both National Core Curriculum for Pre-primary Education (2014) and National Core Curriculum for ECEC (2022) require that the personnel in Pre-primary education and ECEC discourse on irreligiosity as a part of worldview education. The aim of this thesis is to determine how irreligiosity is externalized as a worldview and how it is to be taught in pedagogical materials. The research questions are: 1. How irreligiosity is externalized in pedagogical materials for worldview education? 2. To what kind of teaching about irreligiosity do the pedagogical materials direct to? The research was conducted as qualitative research using theory-based content analysis. Irreligiosity is an extensive phenomenon and quite abstractive. Therefore, the selected methods were used to find a concrete way to define the irreligious nature of the materials. Michael Grimmitt's (2000) theory of learning about and learning from religious education and Ninian Smart's (1996) dimensions of religion were selected as theories guiding the content analysis as it was possible to describe irreligiosity and learning related to it through those theories. Learning materials that are openly available on the internet and that have dealt with the contents of irreligion in a way that meets the research criteria have been taken into consideration. The learning materials included for example posters, calendars, and theses. A total of nine learning materials meeting the criteria were collected. In the data irreligiosity was presented as a rule simplified. All the dimensions of irreligion were represented in the materials, most common of which were the dimensions of ritual or practical and experiential or emotional. The dimensions of doctrinal or philosophical, mythic or narrative as well as ethical or legal were left to less attention. The materials primarily led to learning about irreligiosity but there was also learning from irreligiosity in four materials in the form of tasks that lead to discussion. Three of the materials included both learning about and from irreligiosity. Only one of the materials relied solely on information from irreligious people.
  • Uusikylä, Jane Diana (2013)
    Background and aims. Multiculturalism and religious diversity are currently part of everyday life in primary schools, especially in Helsinki-Vantaa-Espoo area. Diversity of religions can be a resource and a way to involve students more in education. Purpose of this study was to find out how home economics teachers plan and implement the teaching of the household, considering the religious and cultural diversity. The study was intended to obtain answers to the questions: How multiculturalism is shown in primary schools and the teaching of the home economics? Which food regulations affect to teaching of the home economics and how they affect? How do teachers plan home economics lessons for groups involved of students who have food rules? How home economics education should be developed in the future, taking into account the religion and multiculturalism? Methods. The study was conducted in two parts a questionnaire and interviews. Questionnaire was answered by 55 7-9-graders elementary school household teachers. For interview were chosen six home economics teachers working in Helsinki and Espoo. All those interviewed were women and they had a teaching experience more than 3 years. The data were analyzed by the method of the concept map and concepts were written in text. Results and conclusions. Multiculturalism and religious diversity were taken into account in home economics teaching in small acts of everyday life. Students are treated same way regardless of their background and diversity were rarely emphasized. Students' food rules were taken into account and in small group of them can talk about religion. Students banned raw material is replaced with authorized and students which have Lent did replacing exercises instead cooking. Students may participate in the teaching as the experts if they wanted. Home economics teachers do not actively encouraging them to share their ethnical background over the entire group, but the conversation was more common in small groups at the level of practical work between them. Home economics teachers could possibly involve students more in expert role and to give students the opportunity to experience acting as an expert.
  • Siikaniemi, Kerttuli (2015)
    The objective of this study was to interpret the phenomenon of modern craftsmanship by studying its dimensions As we live in a modern, technologically charged culture many seek for anchor points and meaningful content for life. For many those can be found in the world of craft. The word "craft" bears numerous meanings, maybe as many as there are interpreters, and one of the aims of this study is to find the one that is valid in this precise time and culture. Grounded theory -method was used as a means to collect and to analyse data. Mainly publicly available data, such as magazines, craft research, blogs and books was used as a ground for the analysis. Also the visual dimension of the data was analysed. Grounded theory is evolved by coding data, seeking categories and making comparative analysis of them. In this study the objective was not to create a theory but a model or an interpretation. The dimensions of modern craftsmanship based on data-analysis are responsibility, experience, making, skills and visuality. All of the dimensions are connected to the idea of a better life, of building yourself a good life. It can be seen as the core of the ideology of today's craftsmanship. By making yourself one can take control of the future of the entire globe. The choices one makes, when buying and consuming clothes and other things are not only for themselves, but also for the greater ecological good. The responsible choice also concerns valuing used time and its quality. Responsibility of own life is important. Making by hand represents empowerment and meaningful fulfilment of a busy life. Experiences come through making and especially through making together. By succeeding, learning, sharing and focusing hobbyists experience doing craft as doing well. As a rising economical aspect of craft, experience economy offers craftsmen and crafters new ways and opportunities to experience craft. Referencing to craftsmanship both verbally and visually indicates skills, quality and value. Several separate but equal levels of craft culture can be derived from the data-analysis. Modern craftsmanship and especially the modern craft ideology is one of them.
  • Timonen, Hanna (2016)
    Socioemotional education is highlighted in the new curriculum which will be introduced in August 2016. The objective of this research was to study how class teachers are speaking about socioemotional education at the moment. I focused on what kind of interpretative repertoires and identities the teachers are constructing while speaking about socioemotional education. The research material was collected through four class teacher's interviews. The semi-structured interviews consisted of two themes. The first theme was socioemotional learning and socioemotional education as concepts. The second theme dealt with a teacher's role in the socioemotional education. The methodology of this research was based on social constructionism and discourse analysis. I analyzed the repertoires and identities constructed by the interviewees in the cultural context of our school institution. I also studied the material from the viewpoint of special education because most of the participants were studying special education. The following repertoires occurred in the research material: approving, pessimistic, constructivist, realistic, authentic, idealistic and change repertoire. The teachers also criticized the traditional teacher's role by using the traditional repertoire. In addition, two identities appeared in the research material. The interviewees positioned themselves as humane teachers in the realistic repertoire. They also constructed a victim-identity which did not belong to any wider repertoire. The repertoires and identities formed two opposing pairs: the new and the old and the ideal and the reality. The repertoires and the identities consisted of old and new approaches to learning, teaching and diversity. Furthermore, the teachers spoke both idealistically and realistically about socioemotional education. These contradictions need to be solved for the new curriculum to be realized, they also are a challenge for the special education teacher's education.
  • Nevalainen, Nina Bettina (2014)
    The objective of this thesis is to study practices of learning and development from the perspective of school visits. In particular I am interested how teachers learn during the visit and how they present their practices to the colleagues. Theoretical background for this study is comparative learning, method of benchmarking as well as change of school administration in Finland from centralized method to decentralized and trust-based. Changes in school administration have released teachers to develop, design and implement their own practices. With benchmarking and comparative learning it is possible to pick up others good practices and to develop their own practices by comparing. The data of this study consist of two school representatives' interviews, the material received from the schools and observation notes. I also interviewed one head of education that is responsible for teacher's continuing education. Two schools are selected as they have developed practices that have attracted interest and invite visitors. For support for interview material and to understand the approaches of the schools I also visited there one day to observe. The data is analyzed by content analysis which allows that the material could be to look for a school requests a phenomenon describing the factors, practices they have built as well as their transit through learning. New practices arise from a desire to develop. Interaction, openness and sharing of information enable that their own practices can be developed in collaboration with colleagues. School visits provide the mirror to help the development as the discussion and seeing the other activity by means of its own operations to reflect on and develop better. Comparative learning acts as an effective development and learning tool.
  • Cornér, Timo (2019)
    According to Tinto’s (1975) interactive model, higher education students’ integration socially and academically affects on the level of commitment and through that to the students’ deci-sion of dropping out or continuing the studies. For the last 40 years student integration has been actively studied, but rarely the focus is on the individual reasons behind it. Thus the in-dividual reasons behind it are in the center of this study. The objective of this study is to find out is there a connection between the peer teacher-student-interaction and the students’ integration. And which are the ways the peer teachers affect on the students’ integration. Third objective is to explain how the students perceive the role of the peer teachers in the program. The data of this study consists of 40 qualitative texts and 40 pictures and 59 quantitative Lik-ert-scale items. The data was collected from students of University of Helsinki’s environmen-tal bachelor study program in Viikki, Helsinki 2017. The quantitative data was analyzed with SPSS-statistics exploring the correlation between the variables, the qualitative text data through a method called Inductive category development and the pictures by a Thematic analysis. Because of the data variation, the results were interpreted together with a method called Sequential explanatory. It was found out that the peer teachers’ interaction with the students correlated with students’ social integration and with the student identification of the program. The students felt that the peer teachers affected on their integration by sharing important information and personal ex-periences concerning the studies. The peer teachers were often seen as a part of the stu-dent group, helping and supporting the students in beginning of their studies more often than as a superior.
  • Ketola, Anna (2020)
    As the uncertainty in working life increases, a continuous career with a single employer, or even within a single industry is increasingly unlikely. These days it is not uncommon to undertake a career change mid-career, although it often requires further education. According to previous studies, the length of formal education might discourage people from engaging into a career change. The aim of this research was to study motives to participate in a recruiting training program for games industry, RekryKoulutus, and to study how the training program is described. The benefits of training programs have been studied, but mainly from the point of view of employability, while the aspirations of the trainees have been left with less observation. Games industry has traditionally attracted people with strong inner motivation and earlier interest in the field. The theoretical framework of this study is based on modern career theories, in which horizontal career transitions and individual’s self-initiative attitude towards one’s career are viewed as ordinary. Seven people who had participated in RekryKoulutus were interviewed for this research. The participants had taken part in the training program in different years in the 2010s. The participants were interviewed in April and May 2019. At the time of interviews, every participant was employed in the games industry. The data were collected with semi-structured interviews. The interviews were recorded, and they ranged between 35 and 80 minutes in duration. The data were analyzed with theory-directing content analysis, in which the theory guided the analysis, but the theory was also modified throughout the process. The results showed that the participants’ expectations of the training program were fulfilled. The reasons for applying to the program included prior interest to games industry and gaming. The training program was appreciated, and it was seen as a valid means to make a career change into games industry. The shortness of the program was viewed positively. Especially the on-the-job training in a gaming company was considered to be a possibility to build networks and prove one’s skills in the industry. Future prospects were perceived as positive. Results show, that the training program is a good option for making a career change into games industry.
  • Söderholm, Minttu (2015)
    The aim of this study was to find out suppositions of stepfamily resources and stepfamily concepts of Internet discussions. Stepfamilies consist of a marriage or cohabiting partner and at least one child who is biologically related to only one adult in the family. Conceptual framework for this thesis is based on systems thinking and family resource management model which makes is possible to study stepfamilies from a holistic point of view. Resources of stepfamiles are devided into material and human resources. Material resources are home, means of transportation, clothing, food, money and time. Human resources are for example a family support network and identity work. The process of this study was based on hermeneutic principles. The data of this study was collected from Internet forums related to stepfamilies and it consisted of 25 threads, which consisted of 709 messages all together. Almost all narratives were written by mothers, stepmothers or mothers who were also stepmothers. The data was analysed by the methods of discourse analysis. The data was coded and divided into 305 small text clips. All the text clips were categorised for material and human resources. Human resources were categorised for internal and external relationships. According to the results of this study it was common to use neutral stepfamily concepts in the discussions threads. Time and money consuming or talking about home were typical topics of material resources in the discussions threads. In a stepfamily partners were managing their economy by joint or separate accounts or mixture of both ways. It was not possible to verify if the internal or external relationships of stepfamilies were more functional. The results of this thesis claims that in a unfunctional stepfamily there are issues in both internal and external relationships. In a challenging stepfamily there are issues in either internal or external relationships. In a functional stepfamily there are no significant issues in neither internal nor external relationships. The results of this thesis can be used in stepfamily interventions.
  • Kallio, Heini (2012)
    The main aim of this study was to examine the effects of different acoustic features on the perception of clear news speech. Additional goal was to increase knowledge on informational clear speech, more closely the Finnish plain language radio news speech. Plain language news is produced by the national Finnish broadcasting station for listeners with Finnish as a second language. Clear speech in news reading was not previously studied in Finnish and therefore the theoretical aspects were obtained from several studies on clear speech, intelligibility and prosody. Clear speech research has revealed many acoustic-phonetic changes made by speakers attempting to clarify their speech. Features like slower speech rate, wider F0 range, higher mean F0 and increased intensity are said to be characteristic to clear speech. In plain language news slower speech rate and appropriate phrasing are significant. The study consisted of two experiments: a listening experiment and acoustic analysis. The purpose of the listening experiment was to study how speech rate, clarity, pleasantness and intelligibility of different news readers were perceived by listeners with different linguistic background. Ratings of news speech from professional plain news readers were obtained from 15 non-native learners of Finnish and 15 native Finnish listeners. Factors that varied were speech rate (normal versus slow) and speaker (two males and two females). Acoustic analysis was made to study differences between news readers on speech rate, articulation rate, fundamental frequency, prosodic phrasing and voice quality. Measurements were made from news samples with two addressed speaking rates. The relations between the rating results of two subject groups and acoustic features were studied using ordinal logistic regression model. The intelligibility ratings of non-native listeners were affected by linguistic contents and therefore were not reliable for statistical testing. However, results showed that fundamental speech rates and articulation rates affected the perception of clarity. Voice quality had an effect on perceived pleasantness. Methods for measuring intelligibility should be studied further. Also the relations between acoustic features as well as perceived qualities of speech should be studied further. This study can be seen as preliminary study for upcoming research on Finnish clear news speech. The focus of this study was on fundamental acoustic features. In addition to suggested improvements, wider analysis on segmental level acoustics is recommended.
  • Syrjänen, Pekka (2013)
    This thesis seeks to find out, how and why a sample based evaluation model (QAE-model) was implemented for Finnish comprehensive school during the 1990's instead of national exams and school ranking lists. Previous studies assert, that the birth of the sample based model is largely explained by embedded egalitarianism, which influenced political decision making in Finland at that time: Finnish decision makers rejected school ranking lists, which were perceived to increase inequality. In addition the studies postulate, that egalitarianism was boosted by two unpredictable historical happenstances – the economic downturn of the 1990's and increased municipal autonomy – which also backed a softer approach to QAE. These previous studies appeared to lack an important perspective: the birth of the sample based QAE-model was explained by structural factors and historical happenstances while political agency – conscious political action – was by and large neglected. This defined the starting point for this thesis: the aim was to include political agency as a central point of focus. However, agency cannot be understood detached from structure, and thus a structural point of view was also included in the research problem. The research problem was approached methodologically with "the model for analysis of political dynamics", which takes account of both structure and agency. Research material consisted of three interviews with people who partook in the National Board of Education's ARMI-project to design the model, NBE-archives and study literature. The study analyzed the political situation (e.g. historical and economic developments), the political possibilities (what was discursively possible in that situation?) and the political 'Spielraum' (what did the agents do in the situation with the possibilities?) of the birth of the sample based model. The research findings showed, that the birth of the sample based model was consequence of both structure and agency. The political situation and the political possibilities opened up an active political 'Spielraum', in which a central "policy-entrepreneur" got the chance to propose the sample based solution, which was then consciously backed by political agents inside the NBE. The decision was unanimous and there were no counterproposals, which was analyzed to be heavily accounted for by certain structural factors; these included NBE's egalitarian value base, lack of resources, and the known functionality of the sample based model. Contrary to previous studies, the findings suggest, that the birth of the sample based model is best explained by the combinatory effect of both structure and agency, while happenstance plays a smaller role.