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  • Lenkola, Salla (2024)
    Despite many attempts to promote gender equality, the working life is still gendered. Although much research has been done on gender equality, the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality needs to be further explored in the Finnish context. Previous research on the impact of recruiters on gender equality shows that recruiters' work and assessment of job applicants is influenced by many unconscious assumptions. Recruitment can be seen as a process that maintains inequality with the recruiter acting as a gatekeeper to the working life. The concept of the ideal worker has also been widely studied as a phenomenon where the ideal worker is something that no job seeker can achieve. This thesis examines equality as part of recruiters’ work and the recruiter as the producer of the concept of ideal worker. The research data was collected from interviews with professionals of recruitment conducted during the summer and autumn of 2023. A total of three recruiters from three different outsourced recruitment companies participated in the interviews. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured qualitative interviews. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyze the interview data. The critical discursive approach allows for the examination of potential structures of power emerging from the data. Three different discourses emerged from the interviews with recruiters: the discourse of responsibility, the discourse of gender neutrality and the discourse of the ideal worker. Recruiters' discourses conveyed a mixed picture of who is responsible for promoting gender equality in recruitment. In the interviews, the importance of gender in the recruitment process was downplayed. However, the ideal worker was created through strong contrasts between different genders and job positions. In the light of this thesis, the recruiter is seen as a gatekeeper of gender equality as is also stated in previous research. This thesis creates an image of recruiters as strong actors in gender equality who have the power to influence people's work situation but at the same time do not acknowledge the importance of gender in the recruitment process. Further research is needed on the competence of recruiters' regarding equality and on the impact of outsourced recruitment on gender equality in recruitment
  • Walinen, Päivi (2024)
    Objective of the study. Teachers' professional agency can be used to examine how teachers learn in their work. There exists little earlier research on the professional agency among teachers in the induction phase, even less has it been studied during the global pandemic. It was therefore necessary investigate the topic in detail. This study had two research questions. The first step was to examine what kind of key learning experiences basic education teachers had during the Covid-19 pandemic in their teacher-student interactions. Second, it was examined how the professional agency of basic education teachers appeared in their teacher-student interaction situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. The research material consisted of eleven individual interviews with basic education teachers in the induction phase. The data were collected as part of the " Early Career Teach-ers' Professional Agency Across Four European Countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change? research project carried out in 2018–2022 funded by the Suomi Akatemia. The inter-view had three themes which related to the interviewees' 1) significant learning experiences and professional development, 2) the professional community in the early stages of their ca-reers, and 3) working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interviews were analyzed using the method of qualitative theory-driven analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the key learning experiences of induction phase teachers were related to remote and in-person classroom situations with groups of students and individual students. The professional agency of the teachers in the induction phase was strongest in classroom situations. The independent activities of teachers were emphasized in the chosen strategies. Teachers were motivated by commitment to students. Teachers' self-efficacy was illustrated by coping with work tasks dur-ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to previous studies, this study especially highlighted teachers' willingness to meet their students individually. The teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new IT applications and platforms, which they planned to utilize even after the exceptional circumstances. The findings can be applied to supporting the professional agency of teachers at the beginning of their careers and in the versatile implementation of teaching outside the exceptional circumstances.
  • Tuominen, Vilma (2024)
    The increase of multilingual children in Finnish ECEC has highlighted the need to assess its inclusivity and effectiveness in educating and caring for children from various backgrounds. As early childhood is a crucial time for the development of language, social-emotional skills, and experiences of participation, it is essential that all children are effectively supported in developing these skills and provided with experiences of belonging. This study aims to investigate multilingual children’s participation opportunities during a shared reading and discussion activity. Eleven video-recorded shared reading sessions from different ECEC groups were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Finnish was the language of instruction in all groups. Multilingual children’s behaviour was examined in reference to three categories: active engagement and participation, passive engagement with little participation, or interfering behaviour with limited engagement and participation. Based on these observations, groups were divided into three categories depending on if they were considered to have a lot, some or little participation and engagement for multilingual children. Teachers’ methods for facilitating participation and engagement were also investigated, which resulted in 6 main themes and 19 categories being identified. The analysis revealed that most multilingual children actively participated in the activity, and teachers used multiple methods to facilitate participation and engagement. However, there were several groups where some children did not participate actively and received little support and attention from the teacher. Children’s multilingual competence was also rarely made visible during the sessions, as Finnish was the only language used in all groups. While the findings were generally positive, the lack of support for some multilingual children’s participation and the prevalence of monolingual practices indicate that the use of language-aware and inclusive methods could be developed especially in reference to shared reading.
  • Halmetniemi, Adalmiina (2024)
    The aim of this thesis is to explore parents’ experiences of well-being in everyday life after the birth of their first child. The transition to parenthood with the first child is a unique time, as all the changes in everyday life are experienced for the first time, and it can surprise you in many ways. Family formation after the first child has been described as a critical transi-tional phase, in which everyday practices and rhythms change and adjustments are made in the relationship to meet the challenges of parenthood. Previous research has highlighted declining birth rates, parental exhaustion and experiences of uneven distribution of house-hold tasks. Therefore, there is a perceived need to increase honest discussion about par-enting and how well-being and feelings of equality could be enhanced in parenthood. The thesis was conducted using a qualitative research approach. The data were collected in October 2023 by interviewing seven (N=7) parents on parental leave with their first child. The data were analyzed using theory-based qualitative content analysis. The results of the study are not quantitatively generalizable. The transition in the families was seen as significant compared to the past. In the context of parenting a newborn, many factors contributed to and supported satisfaction and well-being in various ways but also presented conflicting and challenging experiences. New tasks such as breastfeeding, putting the baby to sleep and childcare were seen as rewarding in many ways, fostering a connection with the baby. Challenges highlighted the learning of these tasks and experiences of uncertainty. Personal time took on new meanings and was seen as a very important factor supporting personal identity and emotional well-being. Regularity in the rhythms of daily life with a baby made it easier to anticipate everyday life, but modera-tion and flexibility were seen as necessary. Everyone described equal parenting as im-portant, but there was variation in its implementation. When equality was achieved, parents' basic needs were met, household chores were evenly distributed, sufficient personal time was available, and a sense of gratitude, a willingness to prioritize the spouse and good communication also increased satisfaction in the relationship. Parents experiencing inequali-ty highlighted increased workload, negotiating while tired, lack of empathy and appreciation, and communication challenges as factors that undermined the well-being of the relation-ship. Support from relatives and society increased satisfaction if trust was felt and help was available when needed. Parental well-being experiences were seen to be influenced by ba-by-related characteristics. The experience of smooth everyday life was mirrored in expecta-tions and perceptions, and the fear of colic had been unfounded in each interviewee. As a result, most felt that everything could go well for the most part and that the occasional chal-lenges of parenting a newborn were seen as a natural part of everyday life that one could overcome. The pressures of parenthood emerged on several occasions, although at the same time most expressed confidence in their parenting and did not perceive the pressures as burdensome. As a topic for further research, it would be important to explore these pres-sures and perceptions in more detail. It would also be important to explore the experiences and changes in the well-being of parents’ that have resulted from the family leave reform. The results of this study bring theoretical insights and a deep understanding of early parenthood to the field of home economics research, in which context the findings can be utilized, for example, to provide empathy and support.
  • Juslin, Olivia (2024)
    Introduction. The aim of the present study is to examine using the framework of the self-determination theory to what extent autonomy, competence and relatedness are associated with middle school students' grit. In addition, possible gender differences in grit and basic psychological needs were examined. This study is part of the Growing Mind project, which aims to create ways to develop schools as well as teachers and students at the personal, social and institutional level. The study may help finding ways to increase middle school students’ grit. It is important to support the grit of middle school students since it is associated with better school engagement and academic performance. Methods. The data was collected using online questionnaires from 8th grade students at the Helsinki metropolitan area in the fall of 2022. The data (N=1342, of which 46.1% females, 46.1% males and non-binarity 7.8%) was examined using regression analysis and two independent samples t-test. Gender differences were examined between girls and boys. Results. According to the results, basic psychological needs were positively associated with to students' grit. Basic psychological needs explained 26% of the variation in grit. Gender differences were observed in autonomy, competence, relatedness and grit. Boys reported higher values than girls in all basic psychological needs and grit. Based on the results, we can assume that supporting basic psychological needs is relevant in terms of supporting student’s grit. The national core curriculum for basic education has been assembled according to a learning concept that emphasizes active agency, promoting activities that support basic psychological needs. Thereby the results support the use of the practices of the national core curriculum for basic education, which emphasize the students' active agency and aspirations and skills to improve and learn together with others.
  • Yli-Karhu, Anne (2024)
    Home economic textbooks reflect the educational goals of a specific era within a certain cul-tural context. Examining home economic textbooks helps to understand what content and values society wants to emphasize in home economics education. This thesis explores the topics related to baking and baked goods as presented in home economic textbooks from 1980s to the 2020s. The aim of the study is to examine how food culture traditions and globalization are portrayed around themes related to baking. The background of the study is formed by historical and societal themes, including authenticity, exoticism, culinary cosmo-politanism, as well as everyday life and holiday tradition. The study was conducted as a qualitative content analysis. The data was collected from eight textbooks and the presentation of baked goods were compared to Finnish culinary cul-ture. The research also examined how exotic global culinary trends have become visible in the textbooks. Data analysis was performed using a theory-driven content analysis ap-proach. As a result of globalization baked goods may gradually become part of our own food cul-ture. If a pastry originally considered exotic is included in a home economic textbook, can it then be seen as integrated into Finnish food culture? All textbooks presented historical as-pects of our culinary culture, although these were more emphasized in older textbooks. The textbooks reflected the spirit and the curriculum values of their time. This was particularly evident in the emphasis on authenticity and exoticism related to baking and culinary culture in textbooks before the 2000s. Textbooks from the 2000s are more international and reflect the arrival of culinary trends and culinary cosmopolitanism into Finnish food culture and textbooks. Culinary cosmopolitanism can be seen as a dialogue between cultures. Culinary cosmopolitanism can facilitate discussions about different food cultures and ways of eating and find commonalities between different food cultures.
  • Saarela, Minna (2024)
    This thesis aims to contribute more understanding of cuteness as a phenomenon related to power relations. Objective was also to further engage in discussion about the meanings of cuteness. The subject is relevant in early childhood education field, where cuteness is present both in the relations between adults and children, and with visual and material cultural products. The study takes a multidisciplinary perspective and addresses cuteness as a material, affective, semiotic, and cultural phenomenon. Theoretical frame of reference contains different and even contradictory perspectives on cuteness. Due to its affective potential cuteness can be interpreted as a motivation for nurturing behavior and an appeal to sociality. Anthropomorphic cuteness has humanizing charisma. Cuteness can be used both to frame objects with lovability and to objectify them as weak, but it also has ambivalent indeterminacy. This empiric study emphasizes theory as a part of abductive and interpretivist research. Taking a post-structural and feministic orientation, the study applies a discursive-deconstructive reading as analysis method (see Brunila & Ikävalko, 2012). The analysis aimed to locate binary hierarchies and to identify how cuteness works in these contexts. The perspectives on cuteness gathered in the framework were used as interpretive lenses in the analysis. The multimodal research material was assembled as a discretionary sample. It consists of two mutually different product of children´s culture, which are Molang -animation episode The Party (2015, Millimages) and Tatu ja Patu – Kovaa menoa kiskoilla (2020, Havukainen, A. & Toivonen, S., Otava). The power-related dimensions of cuteness were located in material-discursive practices which concern childhood and adulthood, emotion and reason, strange and normal, female and male, feminine and masculine, lovable and disgusting, animal and human, and immoral and moral actor. It is stated that cuteness has potential both for the use of power that objectifies the other and for resisting it. The results show how cuteness is connected to different contexts taking part in power relations. The results are considered to have value in the context of education. In discussion cuteness is considered as a contradictory phenomenon in its meaning that requires questioning of habitual thought patterns and ethical reflection. The possibilities of posthumanist and postqualitative research, the relationships between cuteness and humor, and the inexhaustible field of cute consumer culture are mentioned as topics for further research.
  • Ericsson, Elias (2024)
    Mål: Avhandlingens syfte är att undersöka samarbetsformer mellan klasslärare och speciallä-rare i svenska skolor i Helsingfors. Samarbetsformerna är indelade enligt Coordination, Cooperation och Reflective communication. Detta ämne är av relevans då Finlands skolsy-stem strävar mot en mer inkluderande skola, där specialpedagogiken spelar en betydande roll. Gentemot tidigare studier, som har genomförts i finska skolor, riktas fokus nu mot den finlandssvenska kontexten för att erbjuda en unik och specifik insikt. Även meningsfulla sam-arbetsmoment mellan klasslärare och speciallärare undersöks. Metoder: Studien var av kvalitativ metod med en fenomenografisk forskningsansats. Materialinsamlingen skedde under vintern 2024 genom enskilda intervjuer av klasslärare. Fem klasslärare intervjuades. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade. Data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat och slutsatser: De fem klasslärarna blev indelade i två olika samarbetsformer. Endast samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation framkom i klasslärarnas svar. Klasslärarna hade fått meningsfullt stöd av speciallärarna gällande skrivande av planer, lektionsplanering och differentiering i klassen. En av klasslärarna hade även ett samarbete med en specialklasslärare och blev uppdelad i två kategorier, på grund av varierande samarbetsformer. Inte en enda klasslärare hade fått anvisningar av skolans ledning om samarbetets form, vilket kan förklara varför samarbetsformerna Coordination och Cooperation var det mest framkommande.
  • Pohjolainen, Maj (2024)
    Maisterintyö tutkii ohjelmistokehityskonsulttien oppimisen halua ja kykyä tukevia tekijöitä. Teoreettinen viitekehys ja aikaisempi tutkimustausta selittävät oppimista sosiokulttuurisen ja kognitiivisen oppimisteorian avulla. Molemmat näkökulmat ovat tarpeellisia tässä tutkimuksessa, koska asiantuntijatyön vaatimukset oppimisella ovat vahvasti sidoksissa sosiaalisen osaamisen tasoon ja kapitalistiseen kulttuuriin. Toisinaan oppimisen halua ja kykyä voidaan ymmärtää laajemmin yhdistämällä kognitiivinen näkökulma sosiaaliseen rinnalle, joka käsittää henkilökohtaiset edellytykset oppimiselle merkittävinä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena haastattelututkimuksena, jossa seitsemän asiantuntijan kokemusten syväanalyysi pyrkii vastaamaan viiteen tutkimuskysymykseen. Oppiminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat henkilökohtaisia prosesseja, joiden ymmärtämiseen vaaditaan kattavaa analyysiä asenteista, uskomuksista ja ympäristöstä, jotta eri tekijöiden vaikutukset tuloksiin voidaan huomioida. Tutkimuksen tulokset kertovat, että oppimista haittaavien asioiden poistaminen ja hyvinvointia tukeva ympäristö, merkityksellisyys, tietoisuus, työssä oppiminen ja yhteisö ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä konsulttien halussa ja kyvyssä oppia.
  • Kenttä, Silvia (2024)
    The aim of the study was to examine the significance of community to crafters. Through qualitive research methods, the study analyzed the types of community experienced by crafters and the meanings that community holds for hobbyists engaged in handicrafts. Additionally, the study aimed to investigate how perceived community impacts crafting practices. Crafts have become a popular hobby in contemporary society, where community involvement plays a significant role. The development of media and its increasing popularity has influenced the rise of various crafting-related online communities, community is also experienced in crafting through activities such as crafting courses and smaller groups engaging in grafting together, such as with friends. Previous research has indicated that community plays a significant role in grafting hobbies and influences the crafting practices of enthusiast. The data for the study was collected through an online survey. The research employed a qualitive survey method, gathering data through both structured and open-ended questions. The numerical results from structured questions were utilized to illustrate and describe the phenomenon. The purpose of the open-ended questions was to highlight crafter’s thoughts, attitudes, and experiences regarding the community aspect of crafting. The survey was distributed to two Facebook crafting groups, emailed to members of two crafting associations, displayed in Helsinki Adult Education Centre classrooms and notice boards, as well as posted on the Adult Education Centre’s blog. A total 250 crafting enthusiasts responded to the survey. According to the research findings, community is experienced both through virtual interactions on various social media platforms and through face-to-face interactions in crafting activities. Community involvement is considered significant in handicraft hobbies. It gives practitioners a sense of belonging and strengthens social relationships. Additionally, community involvement helps in generating ideas and implementing handicraft projects, and it also plays a significant role in practitioners sharing advice and tips with each other. Engaging in communal crafting positively impacts social relationships, increases knowledge and learning, and fosters personal growth. It can be concluded that community involvement has a broad impact on both the process of handicraft creation and the outcome.
  • Harjola, Aava (2024)
    The objective of this research is to study cultural imagery within inclusivity driven learn-ing environments, particularizing in visual aid and the representation of diversity. The subject of the research is visual aid pictures found in the learning environments of public day care centers in Helsinki. The focus of the research is to examine what kind of visual aid pictures are selected to be used in the public areas of the day care centers and if they portray their user. The user be-ing a diverse customer group, based on the values of inclusive early childhood education suitable for all. Do the visual aid pictures depict the features of the majority groups, or are disparities disclosed in the imagery selected? Diversity and disparities are defined accord-ing to prior theory taking into consideration the perspectives of the narratives. In which ways are the majority groups or deviation from it portrayed in Finnish early childhood education and is the opposition of these concepts visible in the selection of vis-ual aid used in the learning environments? Prior theory states that the main values in in-clusive early childhood education revolve around a child’s sense of being seen and heard. In order to produce a sense of being seen and heard for all children, the chosen imagery must also depict this. All children have the right to be seen and accepted for who they are and experience social cohesion within inclusive early childhood education regardless of their heritage, physical features and abilities, gender, illness, disability or belonging to any other minority group. The data was compiled between December 2022 and February 2023. The data collection was executed by photographing visual aid pictures inside of public day care centers in five different ECE districts of Helsinki. The data was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis and quantitative coding. Empirical information was formed by means of coding, responding to the research problems about the quantity of diversity visible. The research hypothesis is that the diversity visible in the used visual aid pictures varies between different ECE districts, according to the customer base and employees. If the em-ployees are qualified and adequately educated, it can be presumed that the pedagogically selected visual aid is of good quality and portrays values of inclusion well. If the customer base of the day care center is diverse, it can be assumed that diversity is seen as the norm in the visual aid pictures. The availability of visual aid pictures can be presumed to have an impact on the selection. If the results indicate that visual aid pictures are selected from a sparse source base, it will reduce the quantity and extent of diversity and disparities. The main hypothesis of the research is, that visual aid which a child relates to and reminds a child of itself increases the experience and sense of being seen and heard, advancing the actualization of the values of inclusive early childhood education.
  • Mäenpää, Elviira (2024)
    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to find out the experiences of sense of belonging and participation of students with special needs in vocational education. I aim to increase understanding of the experiences of sense of belonging and participation of students with special needs with the research questions about how students with special needs feel they participate in their own studies, to the student community and in their educational institution in vocational education. There is not much previous research on sense of belonging and participation of special needs students in vocational education and it is partly contradictory. According to it, students with special needs are seen as a vulnerable group, even though they may have stronger experiences of inclusion than other students, e.g., influencing in student activities. The data of the research was gathered using thematic interviews. The interviewees studied vocational upper secondary qualification at a large vocational school operating in the capital region, and they had a special needs decision. Three of the interviewees were 18–19 years old and three were 25–34 years old. The interviews were recorded, the data was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. Students' sense of belonging and participation in their own studies was divided into three dimensions; my study path is my own, go with the flow and others are deciding my study path. Students' participation in the student community was divided into four dimensions; I belong to my institution, I belong to groups, I do not belong to groups, and things do not always go as planned. Students' participation in the educational institution was divided into three dimensions; well-being and participation, varying opportunities to influence and the actions of staff affect sense of belonging and participation. Students’ special needs did not appear as a defining feature of the students' sense of belonging and participation, and the students' strengths and challenges influenced perceptions of it. The experiences of sense of belonging and participation differed in some areas with the younger and older age groups. The results of the study were in line with previous research, but some deviations were found. However, the work raised additional questions that were not resolved with the help of the data and sources used.
  • Vasileiou, Zoi (2024)
    Objectives: The current societal challenges together with the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) highlight the need to prioritise children’s social and emotional learning SEL skills and well-being. We need to equip them with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the modern world. This thesis has two objectives. First, it conducts an extensive literature review on SEL and Positive Education, analysing the theoretical background of the Pikkuli intervention—a multimethod intervention aiming to support children's social and emotional skills in their early years. Second, the study examines the different uses of the various methods of the Pikkuli multimethod tool and their influence on the efficacy of the intervention. In this research, I aim to investigate children's prosocial behaviours and internalising problems, building upon the existing knowledge from our recent publication Martikainen et al. (2023). This study contributes to the growing body of literature on SEL interventions in early childhood education, providing insights into the potential of multimethod tools like Pikkuli intervention to support children’s SEL skills. Methods: The study was conducted in five different early childhood education and care (ECEC) groups across two municipalities in Finland, and our sample included 60 children (Mean age= 77 months, SD= 4,4, 28 boys,32 girls). Data were collected using the strengths and difficulties questionnaires (SDQ) and intervention implementation diaries, which the ECEC group educators filled out. To analyse the intervention implementation diaries, a qualitative thematic analysis was conducted to identify the different intervention methods used and their frequency during the intervention. Next, a statistical analysis was performed using SPSS to study the difference in prosocial behaviours and internalising problems in each ECEC group before and after the intervention. Results and conclusions: Inspired by the literature review and the defined research gap in a common framework for SEL interventions supported by Positive Education, I present an integrated framework that can be utilised in future research. In regards to the research questions, the results indicate that the use of various methods does not significantly impact the effectiveness of the intervention, and the preference for the use of methods varied among the ECEC groups. However, there was no statistically significant difference among the ECEC groups. Overall, the findings of this study can be utilised to develop future educational materials and interventions that support the development of essential SEL skills and well-being to help children thrive in their lives. The current study highlights the importance of incorporating social and emotional learning (SEL) and Positive Education into early childhood education programmes. Although the study complements the growing body of literature on SEL interventions in ECEC and provides insights into the potential of multimethod tools, future studies are necessary to understand the intervention's long-lasting effects and impact on larger sample sizes.
  • Sahala, Ida (2024)
    Introduction. The aim of this study was to examine to what extent the intensified job demands and the social support of the work community are related to the self-reported servant leadership of the principals. The framework for the study was Conservation of Resources theory (COR), according to which resources function cumulatively, hence the achievement and maintenance of resources have a wide-ranging impact on the functioning of the individual and the community. Based on the Conservation of Resources theory and previous research literature, the hypothesis was that (H1) intensified job demands are negatively related to the servant leadership of the principals, and (H2) social support is positively related to the servant leadership of the principals. Methods. The data used in the study was part of the Principal Barometer 2022 survey, which focused on Finnish school principal’s occupational well-being. Of the respondents (N=469), 66% were women and 34% were men. The average age of the participants was 51.8 (SD 6.89) years. The data was analysed using hierarchical regression analysis, where the gender of the respondents was also controlled as a background variable. Results. The intensified job demands were positively related to the servant leadership of the principals. These results did not support the hypothesis of the study (H1). Social support of the work community was positively related to servant leadership, thus supporting the (H2) hypothesis. Women report more work intensification as well as social support than men. In the future, it would be necessary to focus more on monitoring the occupational well-being of the principals, as work intensification brings new challenges to organizations, whose connections to well-being are not yet sufficiently known. Since social support at work increases the servant leadership of the principals, it is significant to emphasize social resources in the school community.
  • Kiljunen, Heidi (2024)
    Several studies have been carried out in Finland on the leadership of early childhood education and care centres, which have highlighted problems, challenges and shortcomings in leadership. In this thesis, two sub-studies were used to address this issue. First, the literature review collected the studies published between 2013 and 2023 and found in a Finnish database, and the problems and challenges they presented. The problems were classified into five categories: ambiguity and lack of definition of tasks and job descriptions, leadership of self, leadership of others, structural problems of leadership, and organizational problems. The second part of the thesis looked at the ways in which discussion between actors at different levels of the organization (the 'organizational council') can contribute to finding solutions to previously identified problems. Based on the results of the literature review, three thematic platforms were put together to facilitate the discussion. Employees, officials and a representative of the political decision-making level of a large Finnish city's early childhood education and care organization were invited as discussants. Within the framework of the action research, the interest was in the suggestions for development that were put forward in the discussion. Most of the suggestions for improvement were made by the political level. A discursive analysis of the data traced the paths along which the conversation followed after the development proposals were made. The analysis looked at both the discourses that enabled development work and those that stabilized problems. Four different discourses emerged, which were called the path open to the proposal, the path closed to the proposal, the crossroads and the by-path. From a development perspective, the crossroads emerged as the most important path, as it contained a reflection on one's own agency and the need for development in general. In this way, the concept of the crossroads develops existing theory on the nature of development discourse in organizations. The thesis also provides further insight into the barriers to development discourse. One of the most interesting suggestions for development in the data was the desire for more interaction between policy makers and professionals working at different levels of the early childhood education and care organization, so that at the main stage the Board has a more complete picture of the everyday life of the day-care centres and the regions and the situations which have influence on them. However, efforts to increase the impact of the interaction between the two sides of the table mostly led to a closed path in the discussion. Despite the obstacles to development talk, the organizational board proved to be a good way to promote interaction between different levels of the organization and to provide opportunities to influence decision-making, according to the data in this thesis. It also served as a good way to increase the knowledge of the discussants about the research-based knowledge of leadership in early childhood education and care.
  • Sendel, Jorina (2024)
    Objectives. Emerging adulthood is characterized by a multitude of significant life changes. While the transition from adolescence to adulthood in the past was rather uniform, today, this developmental phase lacks clear characteristics (Arnett, 2000). Until emerging adulthood, schools have played a crucial role in shaping adolescents' lives. This study investigated the development of life satisfaction during this critical period, with particular attention to the influence of school track and gender on life satisfaction trajectories. Methods. This study is based on data from four-waves of a longitudinal study, encompassing questionnaire responses from 692 students, aged 18-25. Research questions focussing on overall life satisfaction trajectories, school track and gender differences, were addressed through the application of latent growth modelling for each of the three research questions, with the selection of the model demonstrating the best fit. Results and conclusions. The life satisfaction trajectories of emerging adults were rather stable and only showed a small decrease at the time of the financial crises in Finland. While the school track did not significantly impact life satisfaction trajectories, females reported lower life satisfaction during schooling, with their satisfaction levels later aligning with those of males. In conclusion, life satisfaction during the time of emerging adulthood remains rather stable despite the multitude of changes emerging adults experience during this phase. Nonetheless, significant inter-individual differences in life satisfaction trajectories persist, reflecting the diverse pathways of emerging adults.
  • Roihio, Jere (2024)
    This thesis studies the solutions related to music technology used in music education by music teachers and classroom teachers who teach music. The goal of this thesis is to map the technology used in music teaching in addition to music technology applications in use and discuss the reasons for their use. This qualitative study has been carried out using method and material triangulation. The material consists of three interviews and two surveys. Music teachers' use of technology in teaching was investigated through semi-structured thematic interviews, open-ended and multiple-choice questionnaires. The interviewees were two classroom teachers and a middle school special education teacher. The questionnaires were answered by music subject teachers and class teachers. The analysis of the data was performed inductively-deductively using data-oriented and theory-driven content analysis. Due to the limitation of the data, the results can only be considered indicative. The results illustrate well the incompleteness of the implementation of the digital leap in elementary and middle school music education. Based on the results, music technology is used in different ways in teaching. Teachers' training, available resources, personal interest in the subject and finding suitable programs affect the use of technology in teaching. Four different technology-using teacher profiles can be derived from the data: conservative, experimental, multimodal and technology- and application-oriented teacher.
  • Henriksson, Linda (2024)
    Objective: The aim of the study is to investigate the factors underlying effective pedagogical leadership in the classroom. The guiding framework for the study is Steinberg's (2018) theory, which identifies seven success factors - values, learning, influence, future, classroom culture, love, and structure - to achieve effective pedagogical leadership. The insights of Finnish researcher Karlberg-Granlund (2021) on teacher professional development share similar themes or perspectives, making them relevant to my study. A key aspect of this leadership is creating an environment where students feel safe and focused, thereby enhancing learning. The study is pertinent as we know from PISA results in 2022 that Finnish students have shown declining performance in mathematics. Results from 2018 also demonstrate a worsening trend in students' reading abilities (Ministry of Education and Culture, 2023). This study can support teachers in understanding their role in students' lifelong learning. The primary focus of the study is to highlight methods that are effective and considered beneficial for students. Method: The study adopts a qualitative interview approach, wherein I interviewed four qualified classroom teachers to explore their thoughts and experiences. To gain diverse perspectives, I chose teachers from three different schools within the same city. All collected data was transcribed and underwent meticulous analysis. A qualitative content analysis was employed as the analytical method to systematically interpret and understand the patterns and themes emerging from the interviews. Results: analyzed data was structured into four main themes: firstly, effective pedagogical leadership and the various methods employed to achieve it; secondly, focus on lifelong learning; and finally, lesson planning. Each main theme had its own subheadings providing a clear structure for the results section. Within each subheading, the thoughts of classroom teachers on the specific theme were presented. It is evident that teachers strive to create a conducive learning environment. It is crucial for teachers to consistently work on maintaining clear expectations, building relationships with students, and promoting a sense of belonging and fairness in the classroom. In effective pedagogical leadership, safety and mutual respect are fundamental starting points.
  • Lipponen, Mirjami (2024)
    Objectives. The study seeks to find out what kind of attitudes experienced classroom teachers have toward inclusion. Furthermore, it seeks to analyse how the attitudes have changed and what has been the main changing agents. The ‘experienced classroom teacher’ means here a teacher with 10 years or more of work experience. Methods. This is a qualitative study with interviews as the main source of data collection. The data has been analysed with a content analysis method. Results and Conclusions. The teachers selected to this study analyse their attitudes toward inclusion in general, as well as in the perspective of their actual teaching. They also looked at inclusion from the students’ perspective. Every teacher found more positive than negative attitudes in their thinking. Nevertheless, none of the teachers stated inclusion is automatically good for every student. The teachers also expressed some critical attitudes towards inclusion. Moreover, the teachers’ experiences in their work have the greatest effect on their attitudes toward inclusion. Those teachers with another qualification as a special education teacher expressed change in their thinking as well. The young teacher’s insecurity and limited knowledge had changed into courage in their work. The long career has created understanding of diversity in students and families. The principal’s support and adequate resources as well as the teacher’s own attitudes toward students who need support were seen the most important factors in successful inclusion.
  • Karlsson, Jenny (2024)
    Today there are many class teachers who experience that their professions have changed and the pupils in the schools today have also changed. The heterogeneity in today’s classroom is big and class teachers need to have competence in many different areas to meet every pupil's needs, which leads to many class teachers feeling powerless to be able to meet every pupil’s needs. This leads to class teachers abandoning their profession or in the worst case they get a burnout, resulting in long term sick leave. In my opinion class teachers should get more support to fulfill their role of being a teacher in today’s school. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about class teachers’ positive experiences and methods in the areas of inclusion, differentiation, and classroom management and what is included in a good collaboration between the class teacher and remedial teacher. The research questions were formulated as follows: 1. What are class teachers’ thoughts about the development of the school, the need for knowledge regarding special education and the development of the increased heterogeneity in the classroom? 2. What are the class teachers' own thoughts and experiences of functioning methods in the areas of inclusion, differentiation, and classroom management? 3. How has the class teachers obtained their knowledge about methods and solutions that the teacher uses in their own classroom? 4. Which form of collaboration and support from the remedial teacher does a class teacher think is valuable? This thesis was conducted as a qualitative study, and the data was collected with semi-structured interviews. Seven class teachers were interviewed. Content analysis with a deductive approach was used to analyze the answers from the interviews. The result shows that the class teachers have a very positive approach to the areas of inclusion, differentiation, and classroom management. It is shown that support from the colleagues and allocation of resources are very important for the class teachers to be able to do the practical work in these areas and for the constructing of a functioning collaboration with the remedial teacher. Functioning methods in differentiation are to redo assignments, cut short or extend homework, flexible grouping, and to do assignments in different levels. Functioning methods in classroom management are rules and boundaries, self-reflection - who am I as a teacher, building safety and to see all pupils. The most common way to get knowledge of inclusion and differentiation is experience and in-service training. The most common way for the teachers to obtain knowledge about classroom management was that it is a part of their nature and it is one of their foremost interests but also through discussions with colleagues. For the collaboration between the class teacher and remedial teacher to be good, the class teacher needs to utilize the expertise that the remedial teacher has to offer, have good communication with the remedial teacher and aim to co-teach.