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  • Hintsala, Sonja (2020)
    Objectives. About a third of the population is highly sensitive in temperament. One of the most important research topics in educational psychology is learning, one aspect of which is learning strategies. Learning strategies and high sensitivity have been studied separately in the past, but there is very little research linking the two. The purpose of this study was to provide information on the relationship between high sensitivity to the use of learning strategies. The research task is to describe what kind of learning strategies are used by highly sensitive and non-highly sensitive students and to investigate how high sensitivity explains the use of learning strategies. Methods. The material was collected using an electronic questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a sensitivity test, a section measuring learning strategies, an open-ended question, and background information. The data were analyzed by linear regression analysis using the deletion method. The entire data set (n = 202) consisted of adult people who, according to the research questions, were limited to either highly sensitive students (n = 117), non-highly sensitive students (n = 12) or students (n = 129). Results and conclusions. Elaboration and organization (M = 3.85) were the highest of the means (M), when describing the use of learning strategies by highly sensitive students (n = 117). These two learning strategies, as well as the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, aim to build connections between things and connect new knowledge with the previous one. This similarity may explain the popularity of using these two strategies with highly sensitive persons. According to the regression analysis, the high sensitivity test positively explained 2% the use of organization statistically significantly (p < .05) and 7.4% the use of critical thinking statistically significantly (p < .001). The strategy of the organization is in line with the in-depth treatment of high sensitivity, as both seek to make connections between things. The strategy of critical thinking is consistent with an inhibition, which is a typical behavior for a highly sensitive person. The main principle in both of these strategies is to use previous information in new situations. These similarities may serve as an explanation for the fact that the high sensitivity test explains the use of organizational and critical thinking learning strategies in a statistically significant way.
  • Nieminen, Juuso (2020)
    Objectives. This article-based master’s thesis examines the positions that are constructed for students in the documents concerning assessment accommodations in Finnish universities. In higher education literature, assessment accommodations have been mostly observed based on psychological and individualised approaches; in this study, I conceptualise these accommodations as sociocultural practices. In particular, in this thesis I bring together two regrettably separete fields of research, those of higher education assessment research and disability studies. As the theoretical framework, I utilised the Foucauldian, discursive framework of subject positioning, as tied into broader observation of power. Through this theoretisation I examined how assessment accommodations positioned students both as assessees and as impaired, special learners. Methods. The dataset for this study consisted of the documents and texts concerning assessment accommodations (e.g. webpages, guidebooks for students and teachers, equity plans) from Finnish-speaking universities in Finland. The dataset was approaches through a discur- sive-deconstructive reading that conceptualised these texts as sociocultural artefacts. The analysis of discourses deconstructed the positions of an impaired and an assessee that were largely constructed for students in the documents. The deconstructive reading identified the possibilities for student agency as depicted within these positions. Also, the analysis contested these positions by identifiying opportunities for alternative positioning. Findings and conclusions. The deconstructive reading as utilised in the study underlined the discursive and individualising discourse that was identified throught the dataset. Both the positions of an assessee and an impaired were maintained with this discourse, and the data offered few opportunities for student agency in contesting their positions. The findings underlined the ableist role of assessment accommodations in neoliberalised higher education, in which student-centred assessent is marginalised. The initial journal as selected for the publication of this study is Disability & Society.
  • Mäkinen, Minja (2022)
    The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of special needs teachers and classroom teachers in the integration of students with special needs into general education and the teachers' cooperation. The term integration is used from special needs students who studies partly in a general classroom with peers. The pre-integration form is segregation, where students are isolated from other students, and the post-integration form is inclusion, where the school adapts to the needs of the pupil. The aim of the study is to find out how integration is implemented in today's schools and how classroom teachers and special needs teachers perceive the benefits and challenges of integration in everyday school life, and thus the implementation of inclusion and related cooperation. The study was qualitative research. The interview was attended by three special classroom teacher and classroom teacher pairs who implemented integration. The data was collected as a semi-structured thematic interview and analyzed by theory-guided content analysis. According to the research teachers defined integration in more dimensions than in the previous definitions of integration. Integration was also thought as a transition from general education to special education. Teachers saw the benefits of integration as factors that can be utilized by the individual student in need of special support, while challenges were seen in organizing integration. According to the research as a benefit the teachers mentioned the increase in the pupil's social skills and as a challenge they mentioned physical learning spaces, as well as the teacher’s communication. Teachers attitudes for inclusion were mainly reserved as inclusion was seen as a means of saving. Some teachers felt that studying in general education was not suitable for everyone. Based on the results of the study, the teachers were pleased with their collaboration. The benefits of cooperation were mentioned more than the challenges. For integration or inclusion to take place, teachers should have a common understanding of teaching and a desire to develop their own activities. The school's resources also influence the organization of special needs education.
  • Sirén, Mari (2015)
    The aim of this study was to describe the social integration of Finnish school age children with special needs. The term social integration means children's friendships, relationships with classmates and friends, children's perception and acceptance by classmates and friends (Koster ym. 2009, 135). The purpose of this study was to build the model of social integration for Finnish children with special needs and also study different perspectives of social integration and factors effecting into those. Previous studies have shown that pupils with special needs are less popular, lonelier, less accepted and they have less friends in school (f. ex. Pijl ym. 2008, Szekeres 2014, Pijl & Skaalvik, 2010). On the other hand, it has been shown that pupil with special needs is as often a group member and is as often outsider as other children (Avramidis, 2010). The research was a quantitative survey study and the research data was collected with association how support guardian of children with special needs. 107 guardians took part in this study. The research data was analyzed by SPSS-computer program. Exploratory factor analysis, correlation and analysis of variance were used as analysis methods. The model of social integration was not completely in-line with previous studies. This study showed that friendships and interactions with friends, problems with peer relationships, acceptance by classmates, interaction with classmates during free time as well as loneliness and difference were major parts of the model of social integration. This study showed that children with special needs had some friends, they didn't have statistically significant problems with peer relationships and they are relatively well accepted by their classmates. Despite friendships and acceptance, the children with special needs didn't have so much interaction with classmates during free time and they felt loneliness and difference. Especially the children with special needs and with special support in school had challenges to create interaction with friends outside school. The children with behavioral challenges observed had more problem with peer relationships compared to the children with delays of development.
  • Tervonen, Aki (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Haastava käyttäytyminen on käsitteenä alun perin kehitetty kuvaamaan kehitysvammaisten käyttäytymisen haasteita. Käsitteen tarkoitus on siirtää vastuuta käyttäytymisen muuttamisesta opettajille ja henkilökunnalle. Tutkimuksen kentällä käsitettä käytetään hyvin monenlaista käyttäytymistä kuvaamaan ja myös muiden käsitteiden kanssa sekaisin. Erityisluokkien opettajat kohtaavat haastavaa käyttäytymistä työssään enem-män kuin yleisopetuksen opettajat. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitä erityisluokkien opettajat ajattelevat haastavasta käyttäytymisestä: miten opettajat kuvailevat haastavaa käyttäytymistä, mistä he ajattelevat sen johtuvan ja miten he ehkäisevät sitä luokassaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kahdeksaan kaupunkiin lähetetyllä, erityisluokkien opettajille suunnatulla kyselyllä. Kyselyyn vastasi 34 erityisluokan opettajaa. Vastaajat olivat keskimäärin opettajan työssä hyvin kokeneita ja koulutukseltaan erityisluokanopettajia. Kyselyyn sisältyi neljä varsinaista kysymystä sekä taustakysymykset koulutuksesta ja työkokemuksesta. Aineistoa analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Ensin vastaukset koodattiin, sitten luokiteltiin ja lopulta muodostettiin laajempia teemoja. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Erityisluokkien opettajat kuvailivat haastavaa käyttäytymistä vaihtelevasti. Neljästä erityisesti esiin nousseesta teemasta yksi vaatii opettajan välitöntä reagointia. Haastavan käyttäytymisen mahdollisia syitä nostettiin esiin paljon. Viidestä suurimmasta teemasta yksi liittyy kontekstiin, muut haastavan käyttäytymisen teemat liittyvät oppilaaseen. Omissa luokissaan erityisluokkien opettajat käyttivät hyvin monenlaisia keinoja haastavan käyttäytymisen ehkäisemiseksi. Haastavaa käyttäytymistä ehkäistään ennen kaikkea oppilaan kohtaamisen ja oppilastuntemuksen avulla. Sen lisäksi muokataan erilaisin keinoin kontekstia, jossa oppiminen tapahtuu. Opettajan kannattaa kattavasti reflektoida haastavan käyttäytymisen ilmenemistapoja, sen mahdollisia syitä sekä toimivia ehkäisykeinoja työssään. Käyttäytymisen ilmiöihin liittyvän käsitteistön päivitys voisi helpottaa asiaan suhtautumista.
  • Vesterinen, Pauliina (2023)
    Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the Learning and Schooling Support system in Christian schools and the job description and roles of special education teachers. The aim of the study is to examine special education in Christian schools from the perspective of special education teachers and to describe the job description and roles of special education teachers. The study used a multi-method sample, in which an electronic survey was sent to 22 special education teachers. 12 answers were collected. The quantitative part collected from the survey was reported and the qualitative free answers were analyzed using phenomenological-hermeneutic content analysis and type descriptions were created through categories. Based on the results of the study, the Leaning and Schooling Support system seems to be both established and developing in the light of the answers. Learning and Schooling support system is being developed in schools, but there are also challenges. Christian schools do not seem to differ substantially from other Finnish primary schools in terms of Learning and Schooling support system. The Basic Education Law oblige private schools to organize all the support measures required by law. The job description of special education teachers was described through typification, which summarizes the positive and negative aspects of the job description. Relationships and different encounters are important in the work of a special education teacher. Typifications are based on relationships. Based on the relationships, the roles were named as encountering students and encountering the work community. The roles encountering students are the following: a provider of versatile opportunities and an important adult in schooldays. The roles encountered by the work community are a trusted colleague and a promoter of cooperation. Negative roles are the lone plodder and the unappreciated.
  • Jukkala, Silja (2020)
    Aims The purpose of this study is to describe the interaction between a special education teacher and a child with a developmental disability in special needs groups. The aim of the study is to find out how the teacher engages interaction with the child in different situations, and how the reciprocal interaction manifests. The study is based on theories of social interaction. Methods The ethnological approach was chosen, as the aim of the study was to describe the interaction between the teacher and child in everyday situations. The data was collected from three special needs groups in early childhood education, in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data included 351 video recordings, about 4 hours in total. The analysis was limited to 2 hours 42 minutes of video. Data was analyzed in two steps. First the teachers´ engagement to interaction with the child was analyzed using the Suhonen's (2009) form, which is based on the AES (adult engagement scale) developed by Pascall (1995). Then the 17 video literates were analyzed with conversational analysis. The analysis focused on the elements of social interaction, teacher-child interaction initiatives, responding to initiatives and the formation of reciprocal interaction. Findings and conclusions Teachers’ engagement to interaction with the child varied according to situation. Engagement was strongest in teaching activities and weakest in care situations. Successful interaction was formed when the teachers were able to throw themselves in, enable the child's natural initiatives and succeed in recognizing and responding to them. The use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) strengthened the interaction. Most genuine connection was formed in idle moments, when spontaneous plays formed between teacher and child. Interaction between a teacher and a child with developmental disabilities is built on the pedagogical activities of the more skilled interaction partner, the teacher. Forming a connection takes time and sensitivity in recognizing the natural interaction methods of the child.
  • Immonen, Waltteri (2021)
    The special education reform and development to support in learning and school attendance has resulted in major changes in the job description of Finnish special education teachers (SET). The distribution of resources to schools has also changed. Previous researchers have found a lack of resources in special education. Teachers also experience a lack of time in their work. To date, barely any quantitative research has been conducted on the challenges SETs face in their job in Finland. The aim of the study was to answer two questions: (1) What challenges do special education teachers find to have the biggest effect on their job? (2) Was there a connection between certain background variables and the teachers’ experiences of these challenges? All persons working as SET from early childhood education to secondary education were considered suitable respondents. The responses were collected via electric questionnaires. The first research question was answered by compiling the questionnaire answers and comparing their answers based on the means and frequencies. The second research question was answered using multivariate methods (one-way analysis of variance, Kruskal-Wallis test, two-way analysis of variance, t-test, Post Hoc test, Analysis of Simple main effect). In the questionnaire, SETs (N = 339) assessed how much each challenge affected their work. Judging by the responses, SET’s find that their work is affected by the expansion of their work as well as excessive differences between municipalities. In addition, several answers related to the inadequacy of time received high values in the responses. Because of this, SETs feel that collaboration does not work well enough and that there are not enough resources for supporting students. Students’ individual characteristics and behaviour is also considered challenging. Of the background variables, the level of education clearly distinguished the respondents most effectively. The SETs also experienced challenges in different ways depending on the age group they were in charge of. The experience with special education and the job title had an impact as well. Differences were also found based on the method of education and the population of the municipality the teacher worked in. However, the effects accounted for by these factors were small. The study also found synergies between variables. These included synergy between the level of education and the professional title, as well as the professional title and the education route. However, the effects of these factors were also small. On the other hand, no connection was found between experiences of the challenges and the teacher’s overall teaching experience.
  • Eerolainen, Emma (2023)
    The basis of this research lays in the developing school life, where the number of students with a migratory background is rising. This also increases the number of students who need special education. There is not a great number of research done about adult students with a migratory background in special education, as previous research is mostly related to chil-dren and adolescents. The research task of this study is to describe, analyze, and interpret the experiences of special education teachers in teaching adults with a migratory back-ground. The research aim is to find out, how the teachers describe their work and aspects related to teaching, and how the various background factors of an adult with a migratory background affect teaching and learning. The research material is based on six interviews with special education teachers. All teach-ers work or have worked with adult students with migratory backgrounds. The interviews were held and recorded on Teams platform. The transcribed interview material was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The key result of the research is that there is not a specific way of teaching students with a migratory background, as the student body is very diverse. The teachers described their work in various ways. Language awareness and a clear structure in the lessons were seen to be important. The teachers emphasized the importance of knowing the students both in approaching the students and in identifying possible learning difficulties. Testing for learning difficulties was not seen very useful, whereas giving direct support to challenges was felt to be a more effective method. Teaching was also seen as a way of integration. The teachers felt that they learned their job mostly though their work itself, but they also wished for more training especially in language and trauma awareness. Different factors of the students’ background effects on teaching and learning were found. Adulthood emerged as a special feature, as an adult’s previous experiences in life strongly influence learning. In addition, cultural differences, importance of language skills, previous schooling background and the student’s perception on learning were seen to affect learning and teaching. Experienced traumas were also mentioned as a way that can weaken learning. The research clearly revealed a need to develop teacher training programs, so that they would better consider students with a migratory background. As the student body changes, so does the school world’s need for continuous education. The heterogeneity of adult stu-dents with a migratory background creates a unique challenge for teaching, as background factors have a great impact on learning.
  • Taanila, Annukka (2014)
    Many researches have proved that reading disabilities can be predicted even before children start to study reading and writing at first grade. Charting school beginners linguistic skills helps to notice students who have high risk to have reading or writing disabilities. Charting also enables an early intervention to the problems. The target of this research is to find out what tests special education teachers use when charting school beginners linguistic skills and what kind of experiences do they have about this tests, regarding especially usefulness, practicality and cooperation. This research also compares tests that are used at the moment when charting school beginners linguistic skills. The comparison concentrates especially to research the exercises that these tests contain. This research consists of two stages. The first stage studied what tests special education teachers use to chart school beginners linguistic skills and what the teachers think about these tests. The data was collected with questionnaire, that brought 40 answers from the special education teachers who lived in Southern Finland. The data was analysed quantitatively using statistical methods. In the second stage of the research seven tests that chart school beginners linguistic skills were compared and analysed. According to this research special education teachers use different tests to chart school beginners linguistic skills. They also use some combinations of many tests. The teachers were mainly pleased about the tests the used. Some of they still told that the tests take too much time and that they are not diverse enough. The comparison between the tests reveals that they include different type of exercises and so they measure different skills. These tests suit to different functions so teachers should have pedagogy knowledge when choosing the test to use. This research can be useful to the special education teachers who are choosing the test to chart school beginners linguistic skills.
  • Udd, Anni (2024)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the consultative approach of special education teachers. Consultation has also been studied in Swedish-speaking schools in Finland, but in Finnish schools the research has focused on the job description of special education teachers. A lot of research has been done on the job description of special education teachers after the amendment of the Basic Education Act, and several theses have also been written on the subject. According to studies, the job description of special education teachers has changed in Finland, and especially extracurricular work has increased. According to studies, special education teachers seem to be willing to take a more consultative approach to work. The research topic was approached through the office hours that special education teachers in Kotka reserve for consultation and other work outside teaching. The study is interested in the experiences of special education teachers and the meanings they give to office hours. Methods. The thesis was qualitative. The data was collected through thematic interviews held at the turn of the year 2023-2024. Six (6) primary school special education teachers from Kotka participated in the study. The interviews were recorded with the Microsoft Teams application and the transcript of the material could be downloaded through this. The analysis of the data was carried out with data-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the thesis, the office hours basically included recording, cooperation and other work, and the ratio of these varied according to need. Office hours were seen as valuing work outside teaching, enabling sufficient working hours and strengthening indirect support for pupils. The content of the office hours supported the consultative work approach, but the implementation of the consultative approach depended on the special education teacher and technical matters related to the timetable. Special education teachers emphasized the importance of teaching, but felt that office hours were a necessary part of their work.
  • Eronen, Elina (2015)
    This study examined the use of audiobooks as a support to high school studies. An inquiry was targeted to the special education teachers working in high schools. They were viewed to have an expertise both in high school studying and in special education. This study examined the familiarity of audiobooks produced by the special library Celia to the special education teachers. It also surveyed the teachers' views about special learners' possibilities to benefit from the use of audiobooks, the use in different subjects and in different study phases. The special education teachers were also asked, why the audiobooks are much more used in primary school than with the high school studies. The use of audiobooks has earlier been studied in Finland in primary school level. According to Kuismanen and Holopainen (2013) 95 % of students felt that the use of audiobooks benefited their studies. The students felt that they learned easier by listening and that they understood better. Students liked the opportunity to read by themselves, without the help of any others. Most of all audiobooks were used in history and in biology. (Kuismanen & Holopainen 2013, 23, 52.) In this study the research material was collected using a web-inquiry. It was answered by 33 special education teachers. The questionnaire included claims and multiple-choice questions. The answerers were also given opportunity to clarify or complete their answers or otherwise comment the subject in question. The research material was analyzed by using descriptive statistical methods. Almost all teachers were familiar with audiobooks produced by Celia. 90 % of those teachers, who were familiar with audiobooks, had recommended the use of the audiobooks to students. Beside visually impaired students, the use of audiobooks was considered beneficial to the students with dyslexia or with special language impairment. Audiobooks were considered useful especially when preparing to exams or to the matriculation examination. It was thought to lighten the burden of studying. When asked why audiobooks are less used in high schools than in primary schools, the special education teachers supposed mostly that the costs of audiobooks were a problem after other book expenses. On the other hand, they also thought that the reason was the ignorance of the audiobooks.
  • Dammert, Hanna (2020)
    The aim of the study was to analyze the debate on special education in the context of social decision-making. The purpose was to find out how special education comes up in the discussions of the Helsinki City Council and whether any topic related to special education comes up more in the speeches of the delegates. The research focuses on the discussion of special education in preschool education, primary and secondary education, as well as interprofessional collaboration. The city council decides on the municipality's policies and priorities, so the topics of discussion and contents arising from the speeches of the delegates are very interesting from the point of view of the residents. The approach of the study was a case study. The Helsinki City Council consisted of delegates representing different political parties and their deputies. The public speeches of the members of the Helsinki City Council were approached through a qualitative, material-based content analysis. The subject of the study was the minutes of the discussion of the public council meetings of the Helsinki City Council from 2011–2019. The content of the speeches of the Helsinki City Council delegates on special education emphasized three perspectives: the resource perspective (52%), the quality perspective (31%) and the value perspective (17%). The resource perspective was divided into three levels: support for learning, availability of preschool education and study places, and targeting of support. The quality perspective, in turn, was divided into two levels: teaching and the organization of preschool education and training (equity). The value perspective was divided into two levels: inequality and integration and inclusion. In this perspective, the jointly agreed goals of the council delegates and the parties' own values were reflected in the speeches of the delegates. The views and policies of the parties were also largely in line with the stated educational policy guidelines. There were differences in the number of speeches and the emphasis on the subjects of the discussion. Inclusion was mentioned in Helsinki's stated goals for education and training. However, there is still a long way to go before inclusion is achieved.
  • Visti, Ruut (2022)
    Aims. The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study how the chosen theoretical frame-work of inclusion (by Ainscow et al, 2006) fits to describe news about special education and the need for support in comprehensive school. Both nationally and internationally, inclusion is one of the main values that guides the organization of education. In research inclusion and special education are usually linked together and inclusion has different definitions. In this thesis special education is seen as a part of inclusion and it is analyzed through the chosen inclusion model. The aim is to find out what different dimensions of inclusion can be found in the data, which groups are mentioned in the news and what kind of similarities and differ-ences can be found between the groups. Methods. The data was collected by using selected topic tags from the website of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle). The news that was used as a data in this thesis was published 2011–2021 (N =164). The method used in this qualitative thesis is theory-based content analysis. Results and conclusion. The selected inclusion model suited well to describe different dimensions of news about special education and need for support. The analysis was based on the inclusion model by Ainscow et al (2006) and the dimensions of the model were found in the data. In the model, special education and the need for support are seen in two different ways. First, inclusion can be seen as support for different groups of pupils, that need support for their learning and schoolgoing. On the other hand, inclusion can be seen as values and actions towards more inclusive school for all. In the data inclusion was seen in both ways, but more often by groups than by values and actions that make school more inclusive for all. There were more similarities than differences between the groups, and it was found that news handled pupil groups by three dimensions: 1) ways to support pupils, 2) how to recognize need for support and factors that are behind the need for support, and 3) the lack of support. In studies, inclusion is often understood by the placement of students with special educational needs (SEN) and therefore the placement of SEN-students dominates discussion. The discussion about the placement of SEN-pupils was also strongly present in the data of this thesis.
  • Lintuvuori, Meri (2010)
    The number of Finnish pupils attending special education has increased for more than a decade (Tilastokeskus 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005a, 2006b, 2007b, 2008b, 2008e, 2009b; Virtanen ja Ratilainen 1996). In the year 2007 nearly third of Finnish comprehensive school pupils took part in special needs education. According to the latest statistics, in the autumn of 2008 approximately 47 000 pupils have been admitted or transferred to special education and approximately 126 000 pupils received part-time special education during the 2007-2008 academic year. (Tilastokeskus 2008b, 2009b.) The Finnish special education system is currently under review. The Reform, both in legislation and in practice, began nationwide in the year 2008 (e.g. Special education strategy document, November 2007 and the development project Kelpo). The aim of the study was the statistical description of the Finnish special education system and on the other hand to gain a deeper understanding about the Finnish special education system and its quantitative increase, by analysis based on the nationwide statistical information. Earlier studies have shown that the growth in special education is affected by multiple independent variables and cannot be solely explained by the pupil characteristics. The statistical overview and analysis have been carried out in two parts. In the first part, the description and analysis were based on statistical time series from the academic year 1979-1980 until 2008. While, in the second, more detailed description and analysis, based on comparable time series from 1995 to 2008 and from 2001-2002 to 2007-2008, is presented. Historical perspective was one part of this study. There was an attempt to find reasons explaining the observed growth in the special needs education from late 1960s to 2008. The majority of the research was based on the nationwide statistics information. In addition to this, materials including educational legislation literature, different kind of records of special education and preceding studies were also used to support the research. The main results of the study, are two statistical descriptions and time series analysis of the quantitative increase of the special needs education. Further, a summary of the plausible factors behind the special education system change and its quantitative increase, is presented. The conclusions coming from the study can be summarised as follows: the comparable statistical time series analysis suggests that the growth in special education after the year 1999 could be a consequence of the changes in the structure of special education and that new group of pupils have been directed to special needs education.
  • Ipunen, Tuula (2017)
    The purpose of my previous research (minor laudatur thesis, year 2005) was to clarify how the comprehensive school and the Steiner school approach the special education pupil as well as to examine what sorts of similarities and differences there are between the Steiner education and special education. Through my thesis I also attempt to examine how the ideologies/intellectual worlds and teachings of the Steiner school and the comprehensive school could be combined and brought closer to one another as well as how the best parts of both schools could be combined in order to take advantage of them in both schools. The research was implemented as a review of literature. At the beginning of my research the ideology and development of inclusion, integration and inclusive upbringing are examined as the basis for the next chapter, in which the concept of man is examined from the viewpoint of special education. I discuss the idea of man on the basis of four central principles. These principles are human dignity, integrity, the right of self-determination and participation in life and society. The fourth chapter provides a detailed introduction to the concept of man from the viewpoint of the Steiner education. First the points of departure and bases of value of the Steiner education are discussed, and then on the basis of these the idea of man and man's different aspects of being in the Steiner education are discussed, as well as the development rhythms and the seven year stages of the child. I examine the differences between these two educations by comparing their ideas of man. The Steiner education is based on Steiner's educational views and the concept of man, upon which these views are based. The concept of man guides the raising and education of the child and is thus also strongly connected to how the special education pupil is approached in the Steiner school. I consider the fourth chapter to be of particular importance for the reader because it is there that I discuss the concept of man of Steiner education as well as the development rhythms of the child, among other things. Without becoming acquainted with the concept of man of Steiner education it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to understand methods used in approaching the special education pupil, such as temperament training and form drawing. The concept of man of special education also creates the basis for how a pupil requiring special support is approached in the comprehensive school. The fifth chapter discusses methods used in approaching a pupil requiring special support in the Steiner school. The sixth chapter discusses methods used in approaching a pupil requiring special support in the comprehensive school. At the end of this research I attempt, on the basis of the comparison between these two educations, to disclose the similarities and differences of them in approaching the special education pupil. I complemented my minor laudatur thesis by taking in account the 3-phased support model.
  • Strömberg, Heidi (2015)
    Goals. The purpose of this research is to find out the social skills of student in special education in primary school. The starting point of the study was to understand the importance of student's social skills in primary school, as well as to find out situations that cause negative interactions. Understanding the situations and meanings will help teachers to perform better in the emergence of conflicts, and to support behaviorally challenging pupils of his growing up. Methods. The study was conducted as a case study. The study was the case of Ursula in fourth-class. Ursula's social skills aimed to find out by observing and informative discussions. Official documents relating to Ursula was used mainly for background information. The study wanted to find out other students views about Ursula with class diaries , the children of etnographic method utilizing. The study was based on the functional and ecological model in which the inclusive approach is essential. Functional and ecological evaluation serve as a good basis for the observation and analysis making payments. Positive thinking and positive support for the student's worked at the main thread of research. Results and conclusions. The results showed the student's self-esteem and self-perception was a major factor behind specific student's social skills expertise. Also, the teacher's role in supporting the student's social skills and self-perception was emphasized. The student in primary school is still with the social skills in trainee level, but this level has each student very unique. Observing the individuality, equality and open interest to students are the keys for a good student – teacher relationship of trust formation. This in turn supports the behavior and social skills in school.
  • Ruponen, Taru (2015)
    Objectives. The subject of this study is special education students in musical instrument teaching. The task is to find out instrument teachers' thoughts of different types of learners and their teaching, teachers' views on their abilities to teach special education students and what kind of support teachers possibly need in teaching students with special needs. The main questions of this study are: 1. What kind of views musical instrument teachers have of different types of learners. 2. Do instrument teachers have qualification to teach students with special needs? 3. What kind of support musical instrument teachers possibly need to teach special education students. Methods. This is a quantitative study, and the data is gathered by using a survey. The study was supplemented with qualitative material by giving the answerers an opportunity to tell about their thoughts of the subject also in their own words. 60 instrument teachers in different parts of Finland answered the survey. The survey was made in the fall 2014. The analysis was made by using Microsoft Excel 2008 and IBM SPSS 22.0 Statistics programs. Results and conclusions. Based on this study, musical instrument teachers views about different kinds of learners are mainly positive or neutral. There were no such factors in the teachers' attitudes and views of disablement and difference that would hinder them in teaching all kinds of students. The majority of answerers has taught special education student at some point and viewed it positively. Yet the teachers do not have a strong confidence in their own or their colleagues' ability to teach students with special needs. Main reason to this seems to be a lack of education. Yet the majority of the teachers are ready to teach 1-2 special education students also in the future if required. In this they wish the most to get consultation from a special education or music therapy specialist. Secondly they wish to get professional guidance and short training. The third wish in their answers was support from colleagues and the principal. They also wished co-operation with the parents. As a conclusion, musical instrument teachers would need education, instructions and support from specialists, principals and colleagues and co-operation with parents, in teaching special education students.
  • Vesander, Jaakko (2015)
    Aims. The number of students with special needs in mainstream classes in Finland has been steadily rising in recent years. The purpose of this study was to determine how well the class teachers, subject teachers and special education teachers feel that they succeed in their work when dealing with students with special needs and what are the things that impact their level of competence. Particular attention was paid to how the special education studies and teaching experience affect teachers' skills in relation to teaching special need students.The research was carried out as a part of a project focused on clarifying the state of teaching students with special needs in Finland today, and later to take advantage of this knowledge to arrange further training and education for teachers. Methods. The study was conducted using quantitative research methods. The data was a random sample collected with a questionnaire from schools in a Finnish city. The questionnaire was responded by class teachers and subject teachers (N= 118), responses were analyzed using SPSS-software. Statistical parameters were used in describing the teachers' level of competence in different areas of teaching students with special needs. The impact of special education studies on teachers competences were tested using one-way variance analysis. The impact of general teaching experience on teachers' competences was examined with Mann-Whitneys U-test and the impact of special teaching experience on teachers' competences was examined with independent samples t-test. Results and conclusions. The results showed that teachers who had completed basic studies in special education or extensive special education studies, rated their skills significantly stronger than the teachers who had completed only the basic course in special education or who hadn't completed any special education studies at all. The mere completion of the special education basic course didn't seem to have almost any effect on teachers' competences when compared with the teachers' who hadn't completed any special education studies at all. The amount of general teaching experience had only little effect on teachers' competences. However special teaching experience had a significant impact on teachers' competences.
  • Väänänen, Elina (2023)
    In my research, I examine special education as a discursive practice in the Foucauldian sense, in which ideas about disturbance are almost exclusively produced as individual characteristics. The discursive perspective also challenges the position of scientific knowledge and concretizes the power and control contained within it. My study is situated in special education context where the education system has assumed a significant role in constructing the normal individual. Therefore, the examination of disturbance is closely related to questions of exceptionalism. In my research, I investigate how disturbance is conceptualized in Helsinki university course materials. Additionally, I reflect on the positioning that materials offer to individuals, mainly in expert positions, who consume them. My data consists of two course books used in special education training, which I approach and deconstruct discursively. In my research, discourses appear as information systems that, instead of merely describing, act as significant building blocks in our thinking and actions. Thus, course materials are kind of a window into the ways in which disturbance and specialness are structured within the education system and more broadly in society. The results of my research show that disturbance is primarily presented as individual deficiencies, which reinforces my preconception that disturbances are personal faults or defect. Consequently, various skills and self-management strategies are offered as solutions to disturbance, which enable one to overcome it. The results also challenged individualistic views. The disorder was presented as a product of Western culture, where certain behavioral patterns are intentionally excluded from appropriate and correct behavior. The course material also placed the adult i.e. the teacher, in a position where they are seen as an actor outside the disorder, who is able to know and report how, when, and why the disorder develops.