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  • Heikkilä, Mari (2018)
    Contradictory perceptions about education export and the commercialization of education are factors that slow down education export. Many educationalists in fact are against commercialization of education. This study is a case study of Finnish teachers' experiences and perceptions of education export. The study deals with the theme of education export from both a Finnish and a global point of view. Three Finnish teachers who work or have worked with education export were interviewed for this study. All the study subjects worked in an education export project where a group of 100 teachers came from Saudi Arabia to Finland to learn about the Finnish school system. This study is made partly in a context of this particular project. In addition, the experiences and perceptions of the teachers that were interviewed were affected by their possible other experiences of education export and their experience from working as a teacher. The data was analyzed with the methods of qualitative content analysis. Teachers reflects continuously their professional identity while working. Teachers' constant further education and activity in the fast-changing field of education are considered important. Teachers face challenges during the projects of education export, caused by cultural differences. However, these differences didn’t appear as an obstacle for education export. Strong pedagogical expertise, good quality teacher education and honesty are the factors that teachers consider as strength of Finnish education export. Weaknesses are weak sales management, weak collaboration between Finnish operatives and organizations and Finland’s conditions. Teachers don’t consider education commercialization problematic. Results show that education export is considered strongly as a business yet its ideological side appears in teachers' point of views.
  • Utriainen, Maarit (2023)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to examine curiosity and persistence and their associations with occupational well-being (measured as work engagement and burnout) among Finnish school principals during the Covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical framework was social and emotional skills and their associations with well-being described by the OECD. Previous studies have shown that social and emotional skills are generally positively related to life satisfaction, occupational well-being, and success. It was hypothesized that curiosity and persistence are positively associated with work engagement and negatively with burnout. In addition, it was examined whether principals' age and gender had any effects on the results. Methods. This thesis used data from the Principal Barometer 2021 research study. A structured questionnaire was sent electronically to 1,200 school principals across Finland in the spring of 2021. The sample consisted of 656 principals, of which 58.7 % were women. The average age of the respondents was 51 years. The data was analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis. Results and conclusions. The results showed that both curiosity and persistence were positively associated with work engagement (vigor, dedication and absorption). Furthermore, persistence was negatively associated with burnout (exhaustive fatigue, cynicism and impaired occupational self-respect). In this thesis, principals' age and gender had no effects. The results indicated that curiosity and persistence are positively reflected in principals' occupational well-being, and it would be useful to foster and develop these skills. It is important to increase understanding of principals' occupational well-being, not only because of principals' own well-being, but also because their well-being is reflected in the well-being and success of teachers and students as well.
  • Hollström, Kristiina (2020)
    In recent years, ways to increase education-based immigration has been growing its popularity in public discussions. Even though immigration has been a popular research subject in the field of discursive research for a long time, education-based immigration hasn’t been studied as much. This study examines, how education-based immigration is discursively constituted in the context of argumentative texts regarding education-based immigration, and what type of subject positions are offered for the international students in this context. The research findings are examined by using neoliberal ethos and the ideal subjectivity provided by neoliberal education policy. In this study, discourse analysis is used as an analysis method. The research data consists of 43 argumentative texts regarding education-based immigration and international students, published in 2012-2020. The texts were chosen with the criterion that they discussed the meaning of education-based immigration and international students for Finland. Three discourses were raised from the research data: ”Well-being and competitiveness – international students building Finland’s future”, ”International students as a threat to Finland”, and ”Education-based immigration as an individual’s project”. The discourses offered four different positions for the students: a desirable international talent, a builder for the economy, an abuser of the system and an individual actively growing their own educational capital. This study doesn’t provide an answer to the question: Would these international students coming to Finland accept these positions or reject them.
  • Günther, Mira (2019)
    Objectives. Earlier studies have shown that international education policies are increasingly spreading, and that transnational organizations such as OECD play a key role in this development. This study focuses on locating the main educational policy themes from OECD’s publications and compares them with the educational policy objectives of the government programs of the Finnish governments in the 2010s with the aim of locating the similarities between the educational policy objectives of the government programs and the main themes of the OECD's education policy. The research questions guiding the research are: 1. What are the main educational policy themes that can be identified in OECD educational publications? and 2. What are the similarities between the educational policy themes of the OECD and the educational policy objectives of the Finnish government programs for the 2010s? Methods. The research was carried out as a qualitative study. The research material was collected from the OECD educational publications and from the educational policy objectives sections of government programs of the 2010s. An analysis method used in this study was data-driven thematic content analysis. The analysis first highlighted the main educational policy themes from OECD's educational publications, and then compared these themes with the educational policy objectives of the government programs of the 2010s to identify the similarities between them and the OECD’s main educational policy themes. Results and conclusions. In response to the first research question, seven main educational policy themes themes emerged from the OECD’s publications. The main themes are competitiveness and work life, equality, educational performance, innovation, lifelong learning, educational coverage and internationality themes. In response to second research question, the main educational themes of OECD’s publications in comparison to the educational policy objectives of the government programs of the 2010 government of Finland revealed several substantive similarities between the main themes and the educational policy goals of government programs. The purpose of the results is to stimulate an education-related debate on transnational educational policy guidance.
  • Altarriba, Laura (2015)
    Goals: Vowels are defined as their unique formant pattern based on their vocal tract configuration, according to acoustic theory of speech production. Simplified, high frequency F1 values are inversely related to the height of the tongue and high F2 values are high when the tongue is in front of the mouth cavity. Then, F1 is responsible for vertical and F2 for horizontal movement of the tongue. The aim of this study was to examine articulation of the Finnish vowels [i] and [ɑ], and also compare them to the two lowest formants: will the speakers produce vowels in the same manner of articulation. Methods: Four MRI scanned subjects, two men and two women, were included in this study. Half of them were normal speakers and other half orthognatic patients. MR-pictures were 3D-pictures (DICOM), and measuring was made with Osirix-program using nine articulatory measurement points. Also five lowest formants of the speech signal were measured with Praat-program. Regressions between articulatory variables were statistically examined as well as connections between articulatory and acoustic data. Linear mixed-effects model was used on the latter. Articulatory data was normalized for the comparison because of individual anatomy of the speakers Results and conclusions: Differences between speakers were noticed. Basically, articulation of normal speakers was stable, but orthonatic patients had extreme or versatile articulatory positions instead. Statistical testing revealed that there where positive and negative correlations between articulatory measurement points. Speaker or vowel dependent differences as well as clear synergism were found. An important observation was that the tongue root was a vowel dependent separator. There was also found a considerable connection between horizontal tongue position and F2. However, the sound environment of the MR-imaging may have caused the Lombard effect and that is why the results must be considered with caution. Comparing them to normal speech is not recommended. In future, it would be suggested to make the articulatory and acoustic measuring methods more accurate, and study if differences between normal speakers and orthonatic patients can be generalized. Also it would be recommended to gather more data of the other Finnish vowels and their articulatory positions.
  • Plit, Milla (2022)
    Wool is a biodegradable fibre that has been produced and used in Finland for centuries. The local cultural heritage includes knitted clothes resembling soft shell fabrics, such as the so called tikkuri, which is a traditional fisherman’s sweater from Hailuoto. Finnsheep is an old Finnish landrace, but its wool has been underused for a long time and not much is known about its qualities regarding especially clothing physiology. Breathability is one of the most important factors for any clothing and especially so in outdoor activities where sweat rate can chance rapidly. The aim of this study was to determine factors affecting water vapour permeability of Finnsheep wool knitted fabric to estimate Finnsheep wool’s potential as a soft shell type textile for outdoor clothing. A common cup test method was used to measure the water vapour permeability of samples that were knitted exclusively from white Finnsheep wool yarns. Two different yarns, two skeins each, from one spinning mill were used to knit samples in single knit. Average linear density (tex), twist counts, yarn structure and lipid content (%) were measured for all four skeins. Knit gauge, loop length and square meter weight of fabric were also measured. Results were analysed using non-parametric statistical methods as parametric methods could not be used due to small sample sizes. All measured yarn and fabric parameters affected samples’ breathability, but fabric parameters only correlated with the amount of the water vapour that had completely passed the fabric. Fabric parameters did not affect fabric’s ability to absorb water vapour. Linear density and lipid concentration correlated negatively with water vapour that had passed the fabric, whereas vapor absorption correlated with both twist counts and lipid concentration. Findings suggest that the best breathability results would be achieved using thin fabrics with a tight gauge. Thinner fabrics tend to have poorer heat insulation properties meaning that the structure of shell clothing knitwear should not be determined by just one feature. Surprisingly, the wool lipid concentration correlated positively with samples’ absorption abilities. In order to prevent water vapour from absorbing into woollen knitted fabrics, only yarns with low lipid concentration should be used. Sample sizes were small so these results should not be generalized. Instead, they inspire future research about Finnsheep wool and especially wool lipid’s role in physiological aspects of Finnsheep wool knitwear.
  • Ala-Poikela, Päivi (1999)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin teemahaastatteluiden avulla Suomen Matemaatikko- ja Fyysikkoliiton (SMFL) jäsenten käsityksiä työstä ja heidän työssä tarvitsemista kvalifikaatioista. Kvalifikaatiolla tai pätevyydellä tarkoitettiin työssä tarvittavia tietoja ja taitoja. Työllä tarkoitettiin asiantuntijoiden työtehtäviä, jonka lisäksi työtä tarkasteltiin toimintajärjestelmän käsitteen avulla huomioiden työvälineet, työn kohde sekä työhön liittyvä yhteistyö ja työnjako. Lisäksi kartoitettiin käsityksiä työssä tapahtuvista muutoksista sekä niistä seuraavista kvalifikaatiovaatimuksista. Tutkimuksen näkökulmana oli kontekstuaalisuus, mikä ilmeni tutkimuksessa mm. siten, että kvalifikaatioita ja kvalifikaatiovaatimuksia tarkasteltiin suhteessa laajempaan yhteyteen. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin vastaamaan seuraaviin tutkimusongelmiin: 1. Mikä on jäsenten käsitys nykyisestä työstään? 1.1. Mitkä ovat jäsenten päätehtävät työssään? 1.2. Millaisia kvalifikaatioita työtehtävissä tarvitaan? 2. Millainen käsitys jäsenillä on työn muutoksesta? 2.1. Millaisia muutoksia työssä tapahtuu tulevaisuudessa? 2.2. Miten muutokset heijastuvat jäsenten kvalifikaatiovaatimuksiin? Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin 12 SMFL:n jäsentä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli sisällönerittely. Haastateltujen käsitykset työtehtävistään jaoteltiin kuuteen ryhmään. Työtehtävissä korostuivat mm. ennakointi, tutkimus- ja kehitystyö, atk-suunnittelu sekä esimies- ja koulutustehtävät. Haastateltujen työssä tarvitsemat kvalifikaatiot liittyivät tekniikkaan ja työvälineisiin sekä asiakkaiden ja työtovereiden kanssa toimimiseen. Lisäksi he tarvitsivat työssään ongelmanratkaisutaitoja, loogista ajattelukykyä ja tietojen soveltamistaitoa. Jäsenten käsityksissä työstä ja kvalifikaatioista heijastui asiantuntijuuden arvostaminen sekä halu toimia haastavissa ja vaihtelevissa tehtävissä. Työssä tapahtuvia muutoksia on paljon, joista selkeimmät liittyivät tekniseen muutokseen. Kaikki muutokset eivät kuitenkaan vaikuta työhön tai siinä tarvittaviin tietoihin ja taitoihin. Kvalifikaatiovaatimuksiin liittyen korostettiin erityisesti osaamisten monipuolistamista ja laajentamista ja toisaalta tietojen erikoistamista. Tiedot ja taidot vanhenevat nopeasti, minkä vuoksi jatkuva ja elinikäinen opiskelu on tärkeää.
  • Suonpää, Maarit (2018)
    The main goal of this study was to investigate what kinds of epistemological beliefs about learning Mensa’s members have. I wanted to find out, if people with exceptionally high intelligence quotient represent so called sophisticated epistemological beliefs when it comes to learning and knowledge. Previous studies have shown, that these sophisticated beliefs about learning correlate with school achievements and higher level thinking. I’m also investigating does person’s sex, educational backround, age or the time they’ve been Mensa’s members affect these epistemological beliefs about learning. Based on the previous studies, I argue that Mensa’s members have sophisticated epistemological beliefs about learning and knowledge. This study’s target group, the highly intelligence persons, were all official members of Finland’s Mensa and so their intelligence quotient must be over 130. The data for this study was collected by digital questionnare, on Finland’s Mensa’s official Facebook-page and on their own web site. In February 2016 alltogether 148 people answered to this questionnare, 88 of them were male, 58 of them were female. The results of this study indicate that Mensa’s members represent usually growth model and have sophisticated beliefs about learning. They believed especially in taking effort in learning, which has correlated in previous studies with school achievements. Contrary to my hypothesis, women believed more strongly that knowledge is complex and women were more critical of knowledge’s reliance of authority. The youngest ones of my target group had more naive beliefs about the simplicity of knowledge, than older answerers had. Sophisticated beliefs about learning have an important role in school achievements but also in exceptional intelligence, and therefore it’s important that teachers and educators recognize and endorse their students epistemological beliefs.
  • Ståhlberg, Micaela (2023)
    The aim of this study was to identify the challenges that teachers of special education face in their work in a heterogeneous classroom with pupils with special needs and different learning difficulties. The goal was to identify the challenges they experience on a daily basis and what things bring joy to their work as teachers of special needs children. I also wanted to find out how special education teachers justify the need for special education and whether it should be developed or do they think that special needs education should be discontinued entirely and pupils should be transferred to ordinary classes in primary schools. The study selected teachers working in Swedish speaking schools in Finland with pupils in grades 7.–9. in special education. Methods. The study was conducted as both a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative study was conducted using a structured e-questionnaire, which I sent by email to the target respondents. The e-survey form asked at first questions about the background information of the special education teachers, then the form was divided into four sections: (1) the respondents' experiences of their daily work and whether they feel their knowledge and professionalism are sufficient to teach pupils with special needs, (2) what kind of issues are part of their daily work, (3) what are the challenges related to pupils and finally (4) questions related to collaboration. I analyzed the quantitative data using IBM SPSS Statistical data editor version 28 software. In the last two questions of the questionnaire, the respondents were free to write their opinions about what things bring them joy in their work and how special education teachers justify the need for special education.I analysed the responses using qualitative data-driven content analysis. Results. I received 39 responses to the e-questionnaire, of which 61 % had a special education teacher’s qualification and the rest had a special education teacher’s qualification, other pedagogical qualification, or other qualification. The results of the survey showed that special education should be continued but practical changes should be made to ensure that special education is appropriate and that pupils in special education receive the support they are entitled to. The special education teachers provided many suggestions for improvement, many of which were profitable and even feasible without additional financial supp
  • Nieminen, Annina (2017)
    Finland has multiple associations formed and operated by people with immigrant background. These associations arrange diverse activities. Usually these activities are affiliated with the lifestyle as a minority, for example: maintaining cultural traditions, advancing integration of the members of the minority to the Finnish society, and improving the position of the minority. I studied and collected research from the Afghan associations in Finland. The aim of my study was to clarify, how the minority position reflects in the discourse of the agents of the associations' and in the work of the associations. The theoretical framework of the study consists on discussion on citizenship, the construction of citizens' community, and the nation, politics of belonging, and the position and the possibilities of actions as minorities. To carry out the study, I interviewed six active agents of Afghan associations. The interviewees represented distinct associations from different parts of Finland. I analyzed the interviews using narrative analysis method pursuing to examine, how the small stories told by the Afghan agents reflect their socio-cultural reality. All the interviews have an outline relating to the experiences these individuals and their associations have as a minority, how they view Finnish society today, and their hopes and dreams for the future. The experiences of not belonging in the Finnish community cause the people with Afghan background challenges in defining their own national and cultural identity. The associations arrange activities that enable the maintaining of Afghan culture, and activities that advance the integration of Afghan people in Finland, without the force of integrating with all the cultural presumptions of the Finnish majority. In addition, negotiation on how and how much Afghan people can adopt Finnish culture and values, is carried out in and between Afghan associations. The negotiation causes tension inside Afghan community. The politics of belonging of the Finnish nation and the processes of exclusion define the Afghan peoples' possibilities to act and influence in the society. Through their actions, Afghan associations pursue to improve the position Afghan people in Finland, and thus increasing the recognition of their work, as Afghan's in the Finnish society.
  • Rinne, Marju (2019)
    The purpose of this thesis was to study researched antiracism education methods in Finland in the 21st century. The goal is to increase understanding about racism; how to discuss, teach and challenge this multidimensional phenomenon instead of avoiding or reinforcing it. The purpose is to study the challenges and possibilities of antiracism education methods in schools and gather research done here for the teachers committed to social justice. The thesis was a systematic literary review which is qualitative research. The thesis includes 8 peer reviewed articles published in different scientific journals and books. For my literary review I chose recently published articles about antiracism or racism because in Finland the antiracism research field is still quite new and small. The key selection criteria was that the articles study racism from the antiracist point of view in the context of school and teaching. The research results showed several challenges and opportunities in different methods. The challenges were weakness in directing the conversation, using old questions, lacking critique of power and knowledge, not presenting the different dimensions of racism, trivializing and missing the historical connections to today`s world. The possibilities were challenging pupil`s explanations, directing conversation to norms, power and different identities, using new and critical questions, using drama, listening the experiences of racism experienced by minorities and discovering new structures to heal. The conclusions of this research are that the NGO workshops and materials can increase consciousness of racism, but fail to challenge it because of lack of defining racism as a micro and macro level phenomenon. The history books reinforce the prejudice about the Other and the hegemony of the West. The Finn Roma mediators at school are not able challenge alone the prejudice and discrimination against them. One-day discrimination drama at school and the school experiences of Sami people are able to challenge structural racism by revealing discrimination as a system. Listening the experiences of Sami people also challenges epistemic racism.
  • Rissanen, Mari (2018)
    The aim of the thesis is to analyze the discussion on refugees and asylum seekers in the newspapers of Helsingin Sanomat and Lapin Kansa in September 2015. The rising amount of refugees and asylum seekers coming to Finland formed a constant topic in the newspapers troughout the fall. Newspapers referred repeatedly to a phenomenon called ”refugee crisis” but this consept was not defined in any detail. This attracted interest in exploring the background and goals of using the concept. The ambiguity and power relations of the phenomenon led to analyze it with a discursive approach. This thesis is based on a theory of foucauldian analytics of government that examine the typical way for modern societies to perceive reality and its phenomena through the theme of governance. The governance includes different rationalities, i.e. thought-systems underlying governance, as well as techniques that are the tools to put the governance into action. Governance focuses on the population, and hence governance analytics provide an interesting theoretical framework for the news coverage of refugees and asylum seekers, who are paradoxically defined outside the population but still arrive within the boundaries of the country. The research material is the newspapers of Helsingin Sanomat and Lapin Kansa in September 2015. The research questions examine the governance rationalities and technologies of governance in the newspapers on refugees and asylum seekers. The research results show that governance operates in newspapers through a neo-liberal rationality, in which refugees and asylum seekers are perceived in terms of their economic productivity. The governance techniques, in turn, produce refugees and asylum seekers as problems with discourses of uncontrollability, crisis and numerical definition. Besides this, surveillance and takeover by the authorities forms it’s own technique of governance. The thesis shows how neo-liberal discourse produces refugees and asylum seekers to be social burdens who need to be governed with different techniques.
  • Heinonen, Isabella (2018)
    The subject of this study is the historical consciousness, historical culture and national identity of ninth graders. This study continues a research tradition, where students are asked to write about their nation’s past. The objective was to find out how students understand Finland’s history and how they reflect historical culture and national identity in their narratives. The research material consists of 28 narratives written by ninth grade students. The students also filled a questionnaire about how they acquire historical knowledge. The data gathered from the narratives was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. The answers to the questionnaire were analyzed using quantitative methods. According to this study the ninth graders’ historical knowledge was affected by both official and public history culture. School was recognized as the most relevant source of historical knowledge, but movies and family followed closely. Friends and games were mentioned the least. There were no major differences between the sexes, except in games, which were more frequently mentioned by boys. The narratives produced by the students focused heavily on wars and on Finnish independence. Many of the students described Finland inadvertently drifting into wars, which is contrary to the discourse portrayed in contemporary textbooks. The civil war was the only war, where the students mentioned any casualties. The students have thus assimilated the narrative from the collective memory of the civil war being a national trauma. Only a few individuals were mentioned in the narratives, and even fewer were portrayed as active agents. Thus an individual’s capability to have an impact on historical events was not recognized.
  • Rinne, Suvi (2021)
    Goals of the study. Previous studies have shown that the main explanatory reason for immigrant students’ low scores in learning comparison tests such as PISA 2012 is their lack of language skills. Because of the universal symbol language and the strong affective reactions attached to learning mathematics, math has a disparate position as a school subject. The core meaning of this study is to find out if the universal symbol language could have an empowering effect on the self-efficacy of immigrant students suffering from a language barrier in elementary school, with the motive of enabling immigrants to experience self-efficacy in learning, even if they have not developed fluent Finnish speaking skills yet. Methods. The research method in this study was qualitative, theme-centered interview method, and was carried out by interviewing ten immigrant students that study Finnish as a second language in elementary schools in the Helsinki area. The research question was to determine qualitative and comparable characteristics of their self-efficacy in learning mathematics. The data was collected as audio files of the interview sessions and as pictures of the math exercises that the subjects showed as examples. The data was first transcribed and then analysed with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. Seven of the interviewed subjects preferred math exercises that they also knew how to do. These exercises were more arithmetic, with no verbal assignments or features. The less liked and difficult exercises had fractions and verbal content that often included working with measurement units in them. Overall, the math assignments with textual features were seen as difficult. A high motivation to learn appeared as subjects’ will to improve their grades and as holding education in high value. In a few cases understanding math was seen as more comprehensible than understanding language and reading. These results reinforce previous research results on affective area, self-efficacy in mathematics learning, and the studies explaining poor learning outcomes of the immigrant students with language skill factors.
  • Joensuu, Milka (2011)
    Goals. Immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Linguistic difficulties are the most pivotal reasons for social exclusion of immigrant pupils during their school career. Addedly reading, writing, and language development disorders are the most common reasons for both part-time and extensive special education. I studied class teachers' perceptions of the typical linguistic difficulties of pupils who speak Finnish as their second language and of those who have dyslexia, because I suspect that telling the difference between linguistic competency in progress and the symptoms of dyslexia isn't easy. I look for overlappings in the perceptions of linguistic difficulties, their causes and their support measures, which would reveal the challenges in recognizing linguistic difficulties, which in turn might partly explain why immigrant pupils are over-represented in special education. Methods. This study was carried out as structured individual interviews with nine class teachers from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. To increase reliability, complementary information was gathered about the same phenomenon with a questionnaire that each interviewee filled out at the end of the interview. It was required that the interviewees have experience of teaching both dyslexic pupils and pupils who speak Finnish as a second language. The material analysis was mainly deductive, but the material that wasn't in line with the theoretical frame of reference was analyzed inductively. Results and conclusions. There were overlappings in the class teachers' perceptions of the linguistic difficulties, support measures fitting them and, based on the questionnaire results, also of the causes of these difficulties. Additionally all the interviewees said it to be difficult to recognize dyslexia in a pupil who speaks Finnish as a second language. I came to the conclusion that distinguishing different linguistic difficulties from one another is a challenge to which class teachers don't always feel competent to rise, which is why they consider the assistance of special teachers and other professionals beneficial.
  • Vähäaho, Sanna-Maria (2020)
    Although teacher’s work is guided by many norms, the practical choises and everyday decisions in school are the teacher’s responsibility. Teachers have to make many different decisions continuously and in most cases fast and intuitively. Because teachers are in a position of authority with their pupils it is crucial to consider the ethical aspect of teaching. The purposes and goals behind decision making have special significance in ethical analysis. That is why reflection, evaluation and contemplation are essential in teacher’s work. The aim of this study was to deepen understanding of teachers’ ethics and teachers as moral actors in the school system. In addition special attention was paid to ethical issues in teaching health education. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and the research data was collected using semi-structured interviews. The participants of the study were ten health education teachers who had taken part in training organized by MIELI Mental Health Finland (non-governmental mental health organization). The interviews were analyzed using data-driven content analysis methods. Teachers were asked to describe their own values and the values they wanted to impart to their pupils. Three larger categories were found in the values: common values, school-related values and values related to healthy life. The ideal of an ethical teacher was characterized by the combination of care and justice. Teachers also criticized teacher ideals and wished to highlight humanity as a part of ethicality. Teachers’ descriptions of moral conflicts were related to classroom management challenges and reflections on justice and fairness. Because health education deals with personal issues and sensitive matters, such as emotions and sexuality, teachers of the subject are expected to have special ethical sensitivity.
  • Suontama, Roosa (2022)
    The meaning of this study is to find out how the pursuit of efficiency and education at univer-sities is viewed university students. According to the Finnish university act, the purpose of universities is to cultivate education and give the highest form of research-based education. The neoliberal educational policy has driven universities to an ever-increasing pursuit for effi-ciency, and the university has changed significantly during the 2000s, especially after the university act of 2010. The current state of university has been criticized a lot and the staff of universities have voiced a concern regarding the direction of the future of the university. This study examines how students experience the present university’s goals regarding efficiency and education. Nine students from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki partici-pated in this study. They have also acted as student activists which means that they have been in a student organization or have acted as a student representative in a body of the uni-versity. The data was collected by interviewing the student activists. The base of the inter-view was a background information form which asked students about their views of university studies. The data was analysed with theory-based content analysis. The results show that the pursuit of efficiency, education and their interweave occurred at university studies. The studies were considered easy, the university staff focused on their re-search rather than teaching and there was a strong encouragement to graduate in target time. These are examples of how the pursuit of efficiency rises up in studies. The values of educa-tion were shown in studies in the studies being in a good level of difficulty, the university staff putting effort into teaching and a trust in extensive possibilities of studying. The interweave of efficiency and education appeared for example through students aiming for a degree and ed-ucation at the same time in university studies. The university studies appear to have gotten new conditions that concentrate on performance-oriented studies. On the other hand, the studies seem to have signs of education and the students of educational sciences consider them to be important. Efficiency and education exist at the studies at the same time.
  • Wassholm, Tiia (2019)
    Aims. The goal of this study was to examine knowledge, attitudes and practical experiences about nutritional recommendations of pregnant mothers. The study was targeted at women who were expecting their first child. The study was motivated by public discussion as well as earlier studies of how dietary nutrition may affect the health over many generations. Key Research Questions were: 1. How are the first-time mothers with different socio-demographic backgrounds experiencing nutritional recommendations and information? 2. How do different first-time mothers reconcile practical recommendations in their diet and what changes are being made in the diet? 3. Which are the challenges of eating during pregnancy as a single phase of life cycle? Methods. The research was carried out in 2018 using a quantitative research method and using a network inquiry linked to a baby-themed group in social media. 287 women answered to the inquiry. The material was analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics program. The most important frequencies were examined and the cross-tabulation and the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test were used in the analysis. Additionally, Chi-square test and independent samples t-test were used. Results and conclusions. Following the recommendations was mostly seen as easy. Those younger than 25 years of age experienced the recommendations easier. Respondents for whom compliance with the recommendations was difficult felt that the recommendations were too strict and that guidelines in different sources of information were conflicting. One third of the respondents had failed to comply with the recommendations on an occasional basis. This was mostly the result of situations where the content of the food available could not be affected. In addition, there was a discrepancy between the knowledge of the recommendations and the practical applicability of the recommendations: the respondent could experience knowing and following the recommendations, but in practice lack of knowledge could lead to deviating from the recommendations.
  • Mäkinen, Kalle (2000)
    This study examines supervisors' emerging new role in a technical customer service and home customers division of a large Finnish telecommunications corporation. Data of the study comes from a second-generation knowledge management project, an intervention research, which was conducted for supervisors of the division. The study exemplifies how supervision work is transforming in high technology organization characterized with high speed of change in technologies, products, and in grass root work practices. The intervention research was conducted in the division during spring 2000. Primary analyzed data consists of six two-hour videorecorded intervention sessions. Unit of analysis has been collective learning actions. Researcher has first written conversation transcripts out of the video-recorded meetings and then analyzed this qualitative data using analytical schema based on collective learning actions. Supervisors' role is conceptualized as an actor of a collective and dynamic activity system, based on the ideas from cultural historical activity theory. On knowledge management researcher has taken a second-generation knowledge management viewpoint, following ideas from cultural historical activity theory and developmental work research. Second-generation knowledge management considers knowledge embedded and constructed in collective practices, such as innovation networks or communities of practice (supervisors' work community), which have the capacity to create new knowledge. Analysis and illustration of supervisors' emerging new role is conceptualized in this framework using methodological ideas derived from activity theory and developmental work research. Major findings of the study show that supervisors' emerging new role in a high technology telecommunication organization characterized with high speed of discontinuous change in technologies, products, and in grass-root practices cannot be defined or characterized using a normative management role/model. Their role is expanding two-dimensionally, (1) socially and (2) in new knowledge, and work practices. The expansion in organization and inter-organizational network (social expansion) causes pressures to manage a network of co-operation partners and subordinates. On the other hand, the faster speed of change in technological solutions, new products, and novel customer wants (expansion in knowledge) causes pressures for supervisors to innovate quickly new work practices to manage this change.
  • Jokinen, Maija (2022)
    The purpose of this research is to provide an understanding of approaches used by Reform School (RS) teachers to support appropriate behavior amongst their students and to explore whether these approaches share similarities with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Previous studies have shown that PBIS has resulted in positive effects among populations similar to RS students. The research question was: How do Reform School teachers describe their approach to supporting appropriate behavior amongst their students and to what extent are these descriptions in accordance with PBIS? Eight (8) teachers from five (5) Reform Schools were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews of 30-60 minutes were conducted with each teacher through Teams in the period of 05/2021-10/2021. Thematic analysis was used as the method of analysis. Three main themes, and their sub-themes, are presented in the results. The first main theme was characterized primarily by the use of group level methods aligning with PBIS. The second main theme was characterized by the use of a variety of group and individual level positive reinforcements aligning with the behaviorist principles of PBIS but taking distance from any standardized models. The third theme was characterized by basing its behavioral support on student-teacher-relationships and by expressing philosophical misalignments with the behaviorist principles of PBIS. Evidence-based methods to support appropriate behavior on an individual student level were not mentioned within any of the themes. All three main themes shared a view on the importance of safe and trusting student-teacher-relationships and a general strength-based approach as a foundation of RS teachers´ work. In conclusion, a general will to implement a “positive approach” could be identified in the data, but there was not a common view on how this should be carried out. Particularly, views on the behaviorist principles of PBIS were mixed. For future research, intervention studies focused on implementing PBIS in RSs are proposed. In addition, further research on students´ perspectives of behavior management in RSs is recommended and implications for practice are provided.