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Browsing by Author "Parikka, Jarno"

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  • Parikka, Jarno (2017)
    It can be challenging to combine studies and purposive sports training for a young athlete. However, education facilitates the transition to working life after the sporting career. The objective of this study is to explain the experiences of Finnish top level football players who combine a sporting career and simultaneous studies. In order to be able to research combining top level sport and studies at different levels of school, the development of a footballer to the highest level, should also be understood. For the purpose of the study, seven Finnish football players who have had successful football careers and who also have had varied study experiences, were interviewed. The data was collected using focused interviews. The phenomenographic method of analysis was used in order to analyze the collected data. The results of this study support the early engagement theory. Successful football players started their football career at a young age. They have always participated in high volumes of organized football training as well as participated extensively in non-organized or social football as well as personal football training throughout their career. The top level players were always very motivated with regards to their football training. They also received encouragement and pressure-free support from their families. There is no need for special arrangements when combining sports and studying in elementary school. However, football players who attended sports schools while in elementary school enjoyed having more sports in their curriculum. The sport high schools were excellent institutions for combining upper secondary education and studying in Finland. Purposive sports training and studies can be combined in normal high school as well, if school staff members have the desire to support young athletes. On the contrary, purposive sports training was difficult to combine with studies in the higher education institutions for football players. However, with high motivation as regards to studies, studying alongside a top level football career was possible. Athletes need support for combining a sports career and studies, especially after completing studies at the upper secondary level. The development of sport academies is important, so as to enable an increasing number of athletes to achieve success in fields of sport as well as studies in the future.