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Browsing by Subject "etäopiskelu"

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  • Niittylä, Saara (2020)
    Aims. The purpose of this study is to investigate how home economic teachers implemented distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic in the spring of 2020. The research data was collected by interviewing home economic teachers. The theoretical framework for the research is based on previous research in distance education, the basic curriculum for the home economics and the research on home economics education. The research questions are: 1. How did home economic teachers implement distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic? 2. How was communication technology used to teach the home economic skills? 3. How did teaching home economics at distance affect the evaluation? Methods. The material of the study was collected by interviewing six home economic teachers. The interviews were conducted as individual interviews in accordance with the principles of the thematic interview. Research material was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis method. Results and conclusion. The experiences of the home economics teachers were relatively similar. Differences were found in the communication technologies adopted during teaching and partly also in the tasks planned for the students. Experiences in regards to the level of support provided by the school also varied. In terms of evaluation, the assessment of cooperation and interaction skills was found to be challenging during distance teaching.
  • Ollikainen, Raila (1999)
    Tutkimus tarkastelee opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opiskelun ohjauksesta etälukiossa. Etälukio on opetushallituksen syksyllä 1997 aloittama itseopiskeluväylä, jonka kautta voi suorittaa joko koko lukion oppimäärän tai yksittäisiäkursseja. Tutkimuksessa mielenkiinnon kohteena on ensinnäkin etälukiolaisten ohjauksen tarve ja heidän ohjauksensa toteutus. Ohjauksen toteutuksen tarkastelu jakaantuu kahteen osioon, kaksi-kolme kertaa kuussa järjestettävän lähiopetuksen tarkasteluun sekä faksin, kirjeen, puhelimen ja sähköpostin kautta tapahtuvan ohjauksen tarkasteluun. Keskeistä tutkimuksessa on myös opiskelijoiden ohjaukseen liittyvien kokemusten tarkastelu sekä se, millä tavoin ohjauksella on tuettu opiskelijoiden itsenäisten opiskeluvalmiuksien kehittymistä. Tutkimuksen teoriatausta jakaantuu kahteen osaan. Ensiksi analysoidaan etäopiskelun uusiin opiskeluympäristöihin keskeisesti liittyvää käsitettä avoin opiskeluympäristö, jonka määrittely on osoittautunut vaikeaksi. Toisen keskeisen osan teoriataustaa muodostaa ohjaus-käsitteen tarkastelu. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta tiedonhankintamenetelmää. Kvantitatiiviseen kyselylomakkeeseen toukokuussa 1998 vastasi 115 opiskelijaa etälukion pilottialueilta Satakunnasta, Savosta ja Varsinais-Suomesta. Kyselylomakkeella hankittuja tietoja täydennettiin haastatteluilla joulukuussa 1998. Etälukiolaisten ohjauksen tarkastelu osoitti, että etälukio-opiskelu eroaa vain vähän muusta aikuislukio-opiskelusta. Suurimmalla osalla etälukiolaisista on tavoitteena ylioppilastutkinto, jonka sisällöt ja vaatimukset selkeästi rajoittavat yksilöllisyyden ja joustavuuden toteutumista etälukiossa. Etälukion opiskeluympäristön avoimuuden määrittely tarkemmin on jatkossa olennaisen tärkeätä. Tulokset osoittavat, että etälukiolaisten ohjaustarve oli ollut alhainen. Etälukion suorittaminen itsenäisesti osoittautui mahdolliseksi. Suurimman osan ohjauksesta opiskelijat olivat saaneet osallistumalla lähiopetukseen. Lähiopetus osoittautui luonteeltaan opettajajohtoiseksi ryhmäopetukseksi. Opiskelijat kokivat, että lähiopetukseen oleva aika on rajallinen, joten henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen pyytäminen lähiopetuksessa ei ollut ollut mahdollista. Opiskelijoista 40% oli hyödyntänyt lähiopetuksen lisäksi tarjottua ohjausta joko vain hyvin vähän tai ei lainkaan. Opiskelijoista yli puolet ei ollut käyttänyt sähköpostia lainkaan tai oli käyttänyt sitä vain harvemmin kuin kerran kuussa. Internetin ja sähköpostin käyttötaidoilla ei koettu olevan suurta merkitystä etälukio-opiskelussa. Opiskelijoiden ohjaukseen liittämät kokemukset olivat positiivisia. Tärkeintä opiskelijoille oli tieto siitä,että ohjausta oli tarvittaessa ollut saatavilla, vaikka sitä oli vain vähän hyödynnetty. Etälukiolaiset eivät kokeneet etälukio-opiskelun vaatineen uusien itsenäisten opiskelutaitojen oppimista.
  • Lehti, Helka (2012)
    The research assignment of this development research is to design and develop useful 7th grade textile craft distance education course for distance school Kulkuri. Kulkuri provides distance education for Finnish children living abroad. The education follows Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. Development process of the course was based on the ADDIE model. The course follows the curriculum for textile craft and the concept of learning outlined in the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2004). The course is based on the following pedagogical concepts: supporting human agency, engaged pedagogy, instructional scaffolding and game-based learning. The theory part discusses skill acquisition, distance education and textile craft as a basic school subject. Usefulness of the course was tested with usability evaluation methods. The design principles, structure, scope and objectives of the course were evaluated with heuristic evaluation in the early phases of the development process. Seven experts compared the first version of the course against heuristics created for the thesis. Evaluators were experts in distance education or textile craft or double experts in both fields. The feedback was given through electronic forms. The second, nearly completed version was tested with user testing by pupils of Kulkuri. Five abroad living Finnish pupils (aged 10 14) were given test tasks to perform in the course environment. Screen capture was used to follow the experimenters actions and their comments were recorded by Skype. The usability problems revealed by the evaluations were fixed and the usefulness of the course was further developed based on the evaluations. The usability evaluations indicated that the course was suitable for its purpose, its usability was good and the course implemented its design principles. 7th graders are able to learn craft skills through this course if they are motivated and enough teacher guidance is available. From the user point of view, the course was interesting and clear. The pedagogical concepts behind the course seemed to be functional and they could be applied broadly in designing craft education. In addition the development process with its evaluation methods could be used as an example for further studies in the fields of development and usability research. The course developed in this thesis is the first textile craft course for basic education implemented completely for distance education. It is mainly of benefit for the pupils of Kulkuri, but due to its openness it is also practical for independent studying or as a part of traditional classroom education.
  • Murto, Elisa (2022)
    Objectives. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, a large part of teaching in higher education institutions was transferred to distance learning, which affected the lives of students in many ways. The aim of this study was to examine what kind of challenges Finnish university students experienced in their studies during the Covid-19 pandemic and distance learning in the fall of 2020. The connections of the perceived challenges to gender and to the start date of studies were also examined. This study aimed to form a deeper understanding of what kind of demands the Covid-19 pandemic caused for university students. Based on the demands, it was discussed what kind of resources students would need to support their studies and well-being. In this study the study demands-resources model was used as theoretical framework. Methods. The research data was gathered as a part of the research of the educational psychology research unit of the Faculty of Education, University of Helsinki. The sample consisted of university students (N=1264) aged 18–58, of whom 81% were women. The measures of the study were based on an open question regarding the challenges experienced by students in their studies. The data was analyzed by classifying the challenges appearing in the answers using qualitative methods. The connections of the perceived challenges to gender and to the start date of studies were also examined using cross-tabulation. The significance of the observed differences was tested with the χ² test. Results and conclusions. Thirteen different categories of challenges were identified from the data, which described different physical, social, emotional and cognitive challenges experienced by the students. The most common challenges reported by students were related to high workload, time management and organizational skills, as well as lack of social interaction and loneliness. The results showed differences in the perceived challenges according to the start date of the studies. The results also suggested gender differences, but these differences were not statistically significant. Based on the results, students would need social support which the university could provide, for example by enabling social integration, especially at the beginning of studies. In addition, students would need support for developing time management and organizational skills, as well as physical support, for example in the form of providing facilities suitable for studying.
  • Luts, Lore-Eliisa (2021)
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a large impact on higher education students’ life and studying. Due to the pandemic students had to move into distance learning and this might have had a significant impact on students’ psychological basic needs and study engagement. The aim of this study is to examine differences between students’ gender, age and the stage of studies in psychological basic needs and study engagement. This study also examines the impact of psychological basic needs on study engagement. Earlier research indicates that gender, age, and the period of studies have an impact on psychological basic needs and study engagement and psychological basic needs are positively connected to study engagement. Data of this study has been collected in the autumn of 2020 and it is a part of the research carried out by Educational Sciences’ of University of Helsinki’s research unit. The data was collected anonymously from students from various faculties using an online form. The data included 1476 participants of which 1202 were women (81,4%) and 236 were men (16,0%). Age of the participants varied between 18 and 44. In this study the study engagement was measured by the version of school engagement scale originally developed by Salmela-Aro and Upadyaya (2012) and the psychological basic needs were measured in the framework of the self-determination theory. Gender, age and period of studies were used as background variables. The results of this study indicated that over 25 years old students showed higher study engagement, autonomy and competence than under 25 years old students during distance learning. Men showed a little more autonomy than women and first year students showed more both study engagement and all psychological basic needs than students in the later stage of studies. The results also indicated that psychological basic needs positively predict study engagement. The results of this study help to understand the importance of impact of psychological basic needs on study engagement. In the future it would be useful to think how the student’s psychological basic needs could be supported and maintained during distance learning.