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  • Hynynen, Milla (2016)
    Aims. This particular case study focuses on teachers who write lifestyle blogs. The aim is to discover, analyse and interpret how lifestyle-blogging teachers see their teachership in relation to their private life and how they experience the potential influence of lifestyle-blogging on their teachership. The aim is also to examine how, why and where teacher-bloggers draw the line of privacy in their blog posts and whether drawing the line is influenced by their teachership. The previous study of blogging and teachership is focused on how blogs can be utilised as a tool in teaching. This case study aims to bring a new point of view to the study of social media and teachership. Methods. Five teacher-bloggers who write public lifestyle-blogs were interviewed for this study. A survey was used to collect basic information on teacher-bloggers and their blogs and to get an understanding of their views regarding teachership and blogging. The results of the survey were used to create the form for the focused interview. The individual interviews were made either face-to-face or with Skype. The interviews were transcribed. After that, 14 titles were created to help the analysing process. The study material (transcribed interviews) was analysed in accordance with the principles of data driven content analysis. First the material was categorized and then combined into minor and, if possible, major categories. The unit of analysis was a thought or an idea. Findings and conclusions. In the discourse of the teacher-bloggers was highlighted the teachers' right to privacy and private life. Public blogging was justified through a common belief in the right to use one's private time however one might want to. To successfully combine blogging and teachership required drawing a strict line between work and private time. Teachers didn't want to process their work on the blog, which is a part of their private life. By leaving the teachership and everything that it includes outside of the blog teachers protect their teacherships and school communities. To present an authentic representation of one's self on the blog seems to be more of an aim than an achievable goal. Bloggers inevitably brand themselves by the material they decide to publish in their blogs and what they choose to omit.
  • Ruoho, Jenni (2015)
    A Choice of Waldorf Kindergarten, Good Upbringing and Values is a qualitative case study about early educational views and values of Waldorf parents (N=23). Good upbringing means in this case upbringing into goodness and passing on something of value. Values mean things that people value as important, that are desirable and that guides one's choices. The study was meant to describe, explain and understand reasoning behind the choices of daycare, good upbringing and values derived from those. Also this research tried to find out whether Tapio Aaltonen's tool for unveiling values is an applicable instrument in scientific study and which kind of results can be obtained with it. Research materials were comprised of modified Aaltonen's question form and both record and written information of group conversations by the parents (n=12). An analyse was made by a data-based and a theory-directed content analysis. The issue is related to current value process in this particular unit and also in national curriculum frame work of Waldorf Pedagogy. This study is reckoned as the science of descriptive ethics, which is based on moral values and norms of empirical research. The study was approached partly from a view of social sciences and philosophical ethics, more specifically from a view of axiology (=value theory) and partly leaning towards Waldorf pedagogy. Value theoretical frame of reference was based on Schwartz' and Aaltonen & Junkkari's models for values. Waldorf pedagogy was examined for Steiners concept of ethical individualism and three prerequisite of human growth, which are understanding humanity, love and will power. Parents most important criteria in selecting day care were associated with nature, environment and peaceful rhythm. It was emhasized in the answers that waldorf kindergarten is seen as natural, humane in individualism and communality and as a place where a true childhood is cherished – childhood should be protected so that children have time, possibility and peace to grow up with one's own pace towards one's essence. Selecting Waldorf day care is adapted from typical features of Waldorf early education and western romantics of natural philosophy. In upbringing parents valued most truthfulness, tenderness , love, individualism and communality. These values can be seen more as a part of Waldorf pedagogy and Steiner's 1919 curriculum than as of Finnish curriculum in early education. Parents most important values were, truthfulness, dignity, individualism, nature, freedom and communality. In general parents upbringing values are similar as in Western-European countries that value openness to change and self-enhancement. In the results there is an exception concerning security which is one of the conservative values and crucial in early education. Based on the results in this study the research tools can be concluded to serve the purpose of revealing upbringing values of parents. Aaltonen's value-tool is applicable, not only for subjective value evaluations, but also for scientific data gathering, in this context in qualitative case study.