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Browsing by Subject "grounded theory"

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  • Vasarainen, Minna (2018)
    Object. The purpose of the study is to find out, what kind of possibilities there are for ethical sensitivity to appear in the context of game development. This operating environment is considered in this study both concrete surroundings related to the work and colleagues and virtual environment, the game itself which is created by the game developers themselves. The study aims to clarify what kind of meanings ethical sensitivity gets in the speech of game developers taking account to that behavior in practice might differ from the ideal of an individual. Ethical sensitivity as a concept is defined by earlier studies of the subject considering for example the moral thinking of teachers and nurses and it is linked in this study to its context by research of game industry and methodology specialized to virtual environments. Methods. The material of the study was collected with half-structured theme interview from six different game developers whom where either working or studying the subject. Background knowledge for the study was also collected from the games themselves as environments with nethnographic methods. In addition, more material was collected from the culture build around the games, things such as game videos and social media platforms handling the games. The main sources in this study were nevertheless the interviews, which made it possible to search for the answers with grounded theory -based methodology. That supported the making of theory of ethical sensitivity in this distinctive context. Conclusions. The ethical sensitivity of game developers and awareness of societal issues were clear, and they also mainly experienced their values to be similar with others in the work or study environment. The issue that came up repeatedly was constant discussion and counseling with others, which was relevant part of the work itself. It also helped interviewees to reflect their own actions. Also, every participant had something to do with gaming during their free-time and some of them had somewhat passion towards gaming and games which can be seen as a reflection of hacker ethics that promotes passion as an ultimate motivation to work. However, the notions in this study were not strong enough to prove or dismantle this kind of thinking. The flexibility of identity and thinking as well as effects of separate groups were shown as an important part of conclusions and worked as a promising path for further studies.
  • Herrala, Merituuli (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Teknillisen korkeakoulun Tuotantotalouden osaston jatko-opintojenohjauksen nykykäytännöt ja kartoittaa jatko-opiskelijoiden kokemuksia jatko-opintojen ohjauksesta. Lisäksi haluttiin kehittää ohjauksen käytäntöjä. Tutkimusote oli kvalitatiivinen ja pääasialliset tutkimusmenetelmät olivat grounded theory ja teemahaastattelu. Jatko-opiskelijoita haastateltiin yhteensä 18 Tuotantotaloudenosaston kaikilta jatkokoulutuslinjoilta: perinteiseltä linjalta, valtakunnallisesta tohtoriohjelmasta ja teollisuuden tohtoriohjelmasta ExIMasta. Tutkimuksen teoriapohjana olivat konstruktivistinen oppimiskäsitys ja sosiaalikonstruktivismi. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin löytämään tutkimuksen teon elementit ja selvittämään, kuinka tutkijankoulutusprosessia tulisi konstruktivistisen oppimiskäsityksen mukaisesti tukea. Tieteellisen tiedon tuottamista sosiaalisena prosessina ja ryhmän tukea tutkimuksen teossa käsiteltiin sosiaalikonstruktivistisen teorian avulla. Tutkimuksen päätulokseksi saatiin, että jatko-opiskelijan tutkimusprosessin ohjaamiseen kaivataan suunnitelmallisuutta ja struktuuria. Tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetyn ohjausmallin mukaan opiskelija halutaan aktivoida pohtimaan omia tavoitteitaan ja tutkimuksen teon etenemistä sekä ohjaustarpeitaan jatahoja, joista ohjausta voi hakea. Tämän prosessin tueksi sekä jatko-opiskelijan ja ohjaajan avuksi tutkimuksessa esitetään käytännön työkalu, ohjaussuunnitelma. Yksilöohjauksen järjestäminen on kaikilla jatkokoulutuslinjoilla opiskelijan omalla vastuulla, ja usein ohjaustilanteiden järjestäminen koetaan vaikeaksi. Jatko-opiskelijoilla on useita ohjaustahoja, esimerkiksi oman korkeakoulun ja muiden korkeakoulujen professorien lisäksi tutkijakollegat ja teollisuuden edustajat. Yksilöohjaus on menetelmä- ja sisältötukea, henkistä tukea, kannustusta, keskustelua, ideoita ja ajatusten jäsennystä. Vertaisohjaukseen kuuluu näiden lisäksi samassa tilanteessa olevien ihmisten tuki, palaute ja kritiikki. Hyvän ohjauksen elementtejä ovat kannustaminen ja innostaminen, neuvominen ja jäsentäminen sekä seuranta ja säännöllisyys. Ohjauksessa tulisi lisäksi ottaa huomioon jatkotutkinnon erilainen merkitys eri opiskelijoille. Jatkotutkinto merkitsee joillekin ajokorttia akateemiseen maailmaan, toisille ammatillista kehitystä teollisuudessa. Tutkimuksen teon eri vaiheissa tarvitaan erilaista ohjausta: alkuvaiheessa tiukkaa ohjausta, jotta tutkimuksen oikeat urat löytyvät, raakatyön vaiheessa tukea ja kannustusta, jotta aineistonkeruu ja analyysi onnistuvat, ja loppuvaiheessa tutkimusraportin kommentointia. Tutkimuksessa todetaan lisäksi, että tieto- ja viestintätekniikkaa hyödyntäen voidaan hoitaa joitakin ohjausalueita paremmin kuin nykykäytännöillä. Tutkimuksen tärkeimpiä lähteitä olivat grounded theoryn osalta Strauss & Corbinin(1990) teos, ohjauksen osalta Aittolan (1995), Aittolan & Määtän (1997, 1998) tutkimukset ja Ackerin,Hillin & Blackin (1994) tutkimukset sekä konstruktivismin osalta von Wrightin (1996) ja Tynjälän (1999) tutkimukset.
  • Tala, Amanda (2015)
    Finnish alcohol culture is in constant change and ever so popular theme in public discussion. Previous research in the area of alcohol studies is quite concise or is strongly based in the framework of public health. The purpose of this research is to examine the special features of Finnish alcohol culture. With this thesis I want to study the reasons which influence Finnish alcohol behavior; what kind of drinks people choose to drink, what are the reasons behind drinking alcohol and what kind of factors are considered when choosing an alcohol beverage. This study concentrates on researching the usage of alcohol on Friday in particular. The research data is a collection of food journals from the Literary Archives (Kansanrunousarkisto) which are collected by Finnish Literature Society (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, SKS). In the Mitä söin tänään? (What I ate today?) -collection participants had described one particular day (12.4.2013) through food, eating and all things involved in the process. The the data group (n=94) of this research consists of journals where alcohol or alcohol consumption is mentioned. The research is based on oral history studies and qualitative content analysis. The alcohol consumption was shown in the everyday of the writers as an uplifting and value adding factor. The alcoholic beverages were considered to be a vital part of good dinner or a social gathering. Alcohol was seen to make a particular situation more meaningful. The most recognizable reason for drinking was Friday itself, being the beginning of the weekend. Another very significant reason was the social context, the meaning of company is undeniable. Wine was single the most popular drink mentioned in the data, followed by beer. Other alcohol beverages gained only single mentions. The most important factor influencing the choosing process was the price. Consumer's for example ecologic lifestyle was another often mentioned factor concerning the process.
  • Halonen, Ville (2018)
    The goals. This study examines how class teachers have used social media as part of teaching. The research idea for this study is based on the questions of how to teach skills for future at school and whether the school prepare students for searching and sharing information. In addition, this study examines what kind of interaction occurs in the class community while working in a web-based learning environment. The research methods. The study was carried out as a case study and for this purpose three Helsinki-based teachers were interviewed. The interview method was semi-structured theme interview and each teacher was interviewed once. The interviews which lasted for 45-50 minutes were recorded and transcribed for more thorough analysis. The material was then analyzed by using the Grounded Theory method. The key concepts that emerged from the material are the base for this study. The results and conclusions. The results of the study confirmed the understanding that social media brings added value to teaching by motivating students. It is well suited for investigative and community-based learning where information is produced jointly among members of the class. The use of social media learning environments has updated learning materials and working with it also challenges students to investigate the correctness of information. Its use in teaching prepares students for the future and working life where finding and sharing of relevant information is of the essence. Work that is independent of time and place is also emphasized when working with social media.
  • Siikaniemi, Kerttuli (2015)
    The objective of this study was to interpret the phenomenon of modern craftsmanship by studying its dimensions As we live in a modern, technologically charged culture many seek for anchor points and meaningful content for life. For many those can be found in the world of craft. The word "craft" bears numerous meanings, maybe as many as there are interpreters, and one of the aims of this study is to find the one that is valid in this precise time and culture. Grounded theory -method was used as a means to collect and to analyse data. Mainly publicly available data, such as magazines, craft research, blogs and books was used as a ground for the analysis. Also the visual dimension of the data was analysed. Grounded theory is evolved by coding data, seeking categories and making comparative analysis of them. In this study the objective was not to create a theory but a model or an interpretation. The dimensions of modern craftsmanship based on data-analysis are responsibility, experience, making, skills and visuality. All of the dimensions are connected to the idea of a better life, of building yourself a good life. It can be seen as the core of the ideology of today's craftsmanship. By making yourself one can take control of the future of the entire globe. The choices one makes, when buying and consuming clothes and other things are not only for themselves, but also for the greater ecological good. The responsible choice also concerns valuing used time and its quality. Responsibility of own life is important. Making by hand represents empowerment and meaningful fulfilment of a busy life. Experiences come through making and especially through making together. By succeeding, learning, sharing and focusing hobbyists experience doing craft as doing well. As a rising economical aspect of craft, experience economy offers craftsmen and crafters new ways and opportunities to experience craft. Referencing to craftsmanship both verbally and visually indicates skills, quality and value. Several separate but equal levels of craft culture can be derived from the data-analysis. Modern craftsmanship and especially the modern craft ideology is one of them.
  • Issabeigloo, Babak (2016)
    The goal of this thesis is to create an anti-bullying model with primary school children. The core idea of the model is to narrow the inequality between the bully and his victim and to encourage students to stand up for themselves when facing bullying. Previous research has offered similar anti-bullying models but the model I have developed, The Verbal Self-Defence Model, differs from other approaches especially due to its humoristic nature. Because the humoristic approach to bullying has not been previously studied, I chose Grounded Theory as my method. I carried out a standardised preparatory questionnaire to all sixth graders in a school in Helsinki of which a group of 15 students were selected to the group interviews. I conducted the group interviews in three parts, each of which lasted 45 minutes. I collected the data by open sampling after which I studied the literature on the subject while simultaneously analysing the interviews. In the interviews the sixth graders and I investigated what kinds of humoristic answers can be used in bullying situations. We ended up with five categories after which the amount of categories reached its saturation point. One thing the interviews revealed was that a part of students do not talk back to their bullies because they do not want to give the bully the satisfaction by being provoked. The literature review revealed that The Verbal Self-Defence Model includes elements from three different models in which the ability of the victim to stand up for himself is strengthened yet offering something new due to its humoristic approach. From the literature I also found support for my hypothesis that witty comments and humour might calm the bully by changing the balance of power and the frame of interpretation. The five categories of verbal self-defence are: comeback, self-defence, laughing at yourself, sarcasm and random comeback. Students can apply these categories when practicing the skills of humorous self-defence. These skills can be practiced, starting from the first grade, by playing the four adaptations of the serving game, each having a different difficulty level. Before the serving game, a five-point bulletin is presented to the children whose aim is to prevent the forming of inequality of power between students.
  • Lahdelma, Minja (2021)
    Goals. The aim of this study was to examine the challenges autistic university students face when searching for a job, and the supporting structures that universities offer. Research on autistic graduates’ transition between university and employment is scarce. The numbers of autistic students are on the rise in higher education. It is important to evaluate the structures that universities have in place to support their transition into employment. The autism spectrum condition manifests differently with every individual but there are some common characteristics: challenges in social interaction and communication, as well as repetitive and/or restricted behaviour. These characteristics can present challenges during job application. Research shows that especially job application and the processes involving it can create barriers for autistic graduates. Methods. The data is collected as a part of the IMAGE Project. Participants were Finnish autistic university students or recent graduates (n=7) and career advisors (n=5). Data was collected through semi-structured interviews during spring 2019. The interviews were transcribed and then analysed using grounded theory. Results and conclusions. This study shows that many autistic students didn’t use career services even though they recognized needs for support in searching for a job. Three aspects affected students seeking support from career services: 1) need for support and recognising it, 2) meeting the need for support and 3) accessibility of support. Many of the support needs expressed by autistic students were met by services offered by universities, but problems with accessibility of career services created barriers which hindered students from using the services. There were structures in place that guided students into career services but often getting help demanded that students actively seek it. This demand for self-directness may form a barrier for many autistic students. Based on this study universities should create systematic structures that guide students into services as effortlessly as possible.