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  • Komulainen, Johanna (2015)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of things challenge and burden the relationship even to the verge of marital crisis. Previously this subject has been studied in Finland mainly with quantitative methods. The intention of this study was to collect more detailed information about what are those challenging situations in everyday life and how do they impact to the well-being of the relationship. Additionally it was looked into what kind of help couples are looking from marital camps. Methods. The qualitative research data was collected from marital camp participants in 2014. It comprises experiences of 82 individuals, of which 59 responded by writing on paper or electronically through the "E-lomake" service and 23 people responded verbally in a short interview. Semi-structured questionnaire was used as a basis of both written replies and interviews. The study frame was phenomenological-hermeneutic, as the interest was particularly the everyday experiences that respondents were describing. The data was reviewed with a thematic analysis of the narratives, because most important was what the respondents told, or what kind of episodes the narratives retained. Results and conclusions. Especially general haste and lack of time spent together burden relationships. These shows as, for example, tense mood, diverging from each other and declining of the emotional connection. Also communication between spouses diminishes or changes along with haste and then disagreements come more common, too. Good communication skills are considered very important, and for this issue respondents searched help also from marital camps. In everyday life stress is caused by coordination of work and family life, sharing of domestic work and childcare and parenting. Based on this study, thought to break-up does not arise from any specific separate challenge of everyday life.
  • Määttä, Päivi (2018)
    The purpose of this research was to study how couples experience happiness in their relationship. To focus the central phenomena the research questions were divided into two categories according to their nature: 1) What kind of impressions do the participants have on a happy relationship? (internal factors) 2) How do the participants try to support the happiness in a relationship? (external factors). Eight couples participated in the research: couples without children, families with children and grandparents. A qualitative method was used in this study. The data were collected by interviewing couples in May and June 2017, and the form of the interviews was a half-structured theme interview. In the interview-guide, the questions were divided into four themes according to the background theories: personality, appreciation, deeds and interaction. Theory bound qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed 13 subgroups which describe the factors that the participants accounted to be supporting factors in a relationship. These factors: 1. Personality: compatibility of personalities, commitment, personal growth in relation to honesty and trust. 2. Appreciation: mutuality, spouses' own time and space, accepting the spouse's imperfection. 3. Deeds: serving the spouse, doing things together, paying attention to each other. 4. Interaction: open discussion and listening to the spouse, giving positive feedback, showing love both physically and verbally. The results of the study align the previous studies except the subgroup including spouses' own time and space. In the previous studies those issues were not included as supporting factors in the happiness of a relationship. This study could be applicable and useful in relationship therapy or in other connections where the previous factors concerning mutual interaction are regarded as important. In the future a similar research could be made with a greater group of participants by interviewing couples both together and separately. The effects of digitalization on interaction and happiness in relationships could also be current and interesting themes. Regarding home economics science, the most important result of this research is the understanding of the importance of interaction between personalities and people. Interaction plays an important role both personally and between people in general concerning happiness and well-being. Well-being in relationships could be described as a content and quality factor in everyday life and housing. The experienced balance in family and everyday life reflects in all communities where family members act daily.
  • Pakarinen, Jarkko (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, analysoida ja tulkita sitä, millaista miesparien parisuhde ja arki on. Tutkimuksessa minua kiinnosti kuulla myös miesparien ajatuksia heidän elämänsä turvaverkostoista ja sitä, mitkä tekijät tuovat heidän arkielämäänsä positiivista sisältöä sekä onnellisuutta. Halusin saada selville myös, mitä haaveita miesparien elämässä on. Tutkin heidän elämäänsä nimenomaan positiivisesta näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa korostuu miesnäkökulma. Teoriassa aihetta lähestyttiin seuraavien pääteemojen kaut-ta: homoseksuaalisuus, parisuhde, arki ja intersektionaalisuus. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmäksi määrittyi viisi suomalaista miesparia, joiden ikäjakauma oli 25–56 vuotta. Haastateltujen miesparien perustiedoista tehtiin taulukko. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena teemahaastatteluna kesällä 2018. Haastattelut tehtiin sekä Skype-yhteyden kautta että omassa kodissani. Kaikki haastattelut tallennettiin nauhurilla. Haastattelumateriaali litteroitiin heti kunkin haastattelun jälkeen. Litteroitu materiaali analysoitiin. Tutki-muskysymyksistä muodostettiin 20 teemaa. Haastattelujen vastaukset olivat alateemoja, joita tuli 319. Tätä kautta muodostuivat neljä uutta yläluokkaa. Nämä olivat nykyhetki, tukiverkosto, onni ja ilo sekä haaveilevat pariskunnat. Tutkimustulokset kirjoitettiin auki näiden osa-alueiden kautta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten mukaan ansiotyö oli yksi tärkeimmistä ja vaikuttavimmista asioista kaikille miespareille heidän elämässään. Kaikki miesparit toivat vastauk-sissa esille sen, että työ toi arkeen perusrytmin, toimeentulon, ja sillä oli suuri merkitys heidän elämässään sisällöntuojana. Arkirutiinit koettiin erittäin tärkeinä elämässä. Kaikki miesparit pitivät merkityksellisinä suhteitaan omaan perheeseen, vanhempiin, sisaruksiin, sukulaisiin, ystäviin ja kavereihin. Kaikki miesparit pitivät edellä mainittuja ihmisiä kumppaneidensa ohella elämänsä ja arkensa tukiverkkona. Tutkimuksen miesparit kokivat, että itse parisuhde puolison kanssa tuo positiivisuutta ja onnea omaan elämään. Kaikki miesparit halusivat löytää kokonaisvaltaisen tyydytyksen elämäänsä pitkällä aikavälillä. Keskinäiset arjen pienet asiat ja yllätykset nähtiin ja koettiin merkityksellisiksi kiireisessä arkielämässä. Kaikki miesparit olivat selvästi miettineet yhteistä tulevaisuuttaan ja sen tuomia asioita parisuhteessa.
  • Purhonen, Laura (2022)
    We are living in a more diverse society than ever. Diversity is a broad theme, and this study includes gender and sexual orientation. Through those themes study examines diverse families and relationships. It is important to include diversity to children’s and youth literature because it allows everyone to identify to the characters and have social cohesion to their community. Theoretical background is the earlier studies of children’s and youth literature and literature education, family and relationship studies. Earlier research shows that there is very little diversity in sexual orientation and the discourse about families is predominantly heteronormative nucler family in children’s and youth literature. The aim of this study was to find out what kind of discourses of diversity in families and relationships are in a selected group of children’s and youth literature. The research data consisted of six children’s and youth books which were candidates for Finlandia prize in children’s and youth literature in 2020. There were children’s picture books as well as youth novels. Qualitative method and discourse analysis was used to analyze the material. Illustrations were analyzed as well as text. The research showed six discourses which were influenced by the notion of the gender and sexual orientation. The discourses of diverse families were: 1) heteronormative nuclear family, 2) diverse families, 3) family, illness and death and 4) family’s wealthiness, and the discourses for the diverse relationships were 5) be who you want and 6) heterosexuality is still predominant. This study reaffirms earlier research about diversity of families and relationships by showing that heteronormative nuclear family and heterosexuality is predominant in children’s and youth literature. However, the discourses of diverse families and relationships were varying and shown in most of the books.
  • Haimala, Maija (2015)
    Aims: Previous studies have shown, that being in a romantic relationship in adolescence is associated with increase in depressive symptoms. The major aim of this study was to determine whether the association can also be found between romantic relationship and anxiety and psychotic symptoms. The linkages between being in a romantic relationship and depressive, anxiety and psychotic symptoms were examined in this study. It was hypothesized that being in a romantic relationship would predict increase at least in depressive and anxiety symptoms. Besides that this study also examined the linkages between the quality of romantic relationship and depressive, anxiety and psychotic symptoms. It was assumed that the good quality would be associated with increase in symptoms whereas the bad quality would be associated with fewer symptoms. This was also seen to explain the possible associations between romantic relationship and psychic symptoms. Methods: The data of this study was a part of a wider Pathways to Desistance –study which followed serious juvenile offenders' psychological development, behaviour, social relationships, mental health, and experiences in the juvenile or criminal justice system. The subjects were 14–19 years old adolescents and the number of subjects fluctuated between 699–1262 adolescents depending on analysis. The linkages between romantic relationship and symptoms were examined both in a cross-sectional and longitudinal studies whereas the associations between the quality of relationship and symptoms were studied only cross-sectionally. The analyses were done by Poisson Regression. Results and conclusions: This study showed no associations between being in a romantic relationship in adolescence and depression, anxiety and psychotic symptoms. Thus, being in a relationship does not seem to be a risk factor for depression, anxiety or psychotic symptoms according to this study. The quality of romantic relationship does not either seem to be associated with the amount of symptoms. Therefore the bad quality of romantic relationship does not seem to predispose adolescents to more symptoms and respectively the good quality does not seem to promote psychological wellbeing. According to this study only adolescent's partner's antisocial influence was a significant risk factor to an adolescent's psychological wellbeing; It was associated with more depressive, anxiety and psychotic symptoms.
  • Kesänen, Jenna (2021)
    Aims: The aim of the study was to study representations of family, relationship, parenting and gender produced in the Perhebarometri, and to make an interpretation of what types of families, partnerships, parenting and gender are accepted. The research questions were: 1. What kind of representations does the Perhebarometri produce about family, relationship, parenting and gender? and 2. What is left unsaid in representations? I explored representations against Riitta Jallinoja's familism and good parenting and Jaana Vuori's discourses on motherly care and shared parenting. Methods: The study's material was “My Family” — Finnish perceptions of the family in 2007 and 1997. I analysed the material with a content analysis preceded by the theme of the expressions of the following: family, relationship, gender, marital status, fatherhood, motherhood and parenting. I interpreted the material through social representation. Results and conclusions: The family meant intimacy, mental support and being together for the Finns. Children, the form of a couple and kinship determined the family in both years. The form of a couple relationship had a large impact as a determinant of the family and accepted patterns of partnership included marital and cohabitation and registered partnerships obtained in the 2007 data. The relationship models were determined by regularity and evidenced by the form of residence, marriage or registered relationship. Parent sexuality was assumed to affect the abilities to raise children and parenting appeared as good and right or different and bad, according to the material, which emphasized the hetero assumption in the parental relationship and the importance of the nuclear family. Gender had been brought up in the Perhebarometri through two sexes, male and female. The regulation of society by laws and collectively shared perceptions, as well as norms, influences what type of family an individual belongs to. If a family form is not recognized in official definitions, it does not statistically exist. Perspective of equality, people should not be categorized outside in surveys by their gender, and the survey options should consider gender diversity.
  • Ahonen, Hanne (2020)
    Previous studies show that forming a relationship and living together converge eating habits and practices. Sharing meals together symbolizes care and the cohesion of family members. In addition to the ideas of sharing and togetherness, relationships also encompass gender-based food-related expectations and potentially unequal division of labour. The meanings food gains at homes and factors related to food choices and division of labour are less considered in food consumption and time use statistics. In this study, I will examine meanings of food and food negotiations in a new relationship. The study analyses the views of couples on their dynamics in the field of food decisions and practices, thus increasing understanding of the spouses’ food relationship, alongside the romantic relationship. The material of the qualitative research consists of half-structured thematic interviews of five heterosexual couples. A total of ten persons were interviewed individually. The interviewees were 18–52 years old. The material was analysed by means of a category analysis. Interviewees felt that the new relationship had affected their eating habits and reported some dietary convergence. However, men and women reported partly dissimilar changes. The ma-terial consisted of five categories describing the justifications given for decisions of joint meals. To describe the food roles of the couples, the material also included a category pair: a food director and a spouse. All in all, men described their cooking in hobby terms while women tended to restrict their eating. Male food directors accentuated the pleasure of eating and cooking. Female food directors brought out a variety of food ideologies and occasionally perceived everyday cooking as a burden. Sharing food work was appreciated, either as an occurring practice or as a wish. As a key conclusion, it can be said that in a new relationship, the role of food and food practices will be emphasized and they will gain meanings of pleasure and restriction, individuality and connection as well as power and responsibility. The food directorship partly follows and partly challenges the genders’ relationship to food and food practice. The satisfying division of food labour is not only a matter of time spent, but of sharing the work burden and the restrictive nature of domestic work.
  • Myntti, Mikko (2021)
    When moving to a new dwelling, residents try to make it a home or feel like one. This is done by customizing the space, getting used to it and the surroundings, decorating the apartment with their own things and finally by living there alone or with others. The result of this process is called feeling of home. Home making as is home and family in general is considered feminine. However, men also move and make homes, either alone or with someone else. In this study I look at the formation of the home and the feeling of home of men, as well as their roles at home when they move to live with their companion. I tell three different stories about moving in together: a couple moves into a new dwelling, a man moves into a woman's home and a woman moves into a man's home. The study is narrative in material and in analysis. The narrative analysis is made applying a model by Heikkinen (2018), in which a new wholesome narrative is constructed from fragmented material. The material consisted of three stories of heterosexual couples moving in together, presented in an audiovisual form on Muuttopäiväkirjat -reality show on Finnish public media service Yle. In the analysis I formed new narratives from the short scenes scattered between episodes, describing the formation of home from the man's point of view. I review these narratives comparing them to the theoretical background formed on home, relationship and the role of men, among other things. The results are narratives that construct social knowledge. They are based on my interpretation of the moves presented in the reality-tv series. The narratives are perspective-widening analysis rather than the truth about the moves presented in the series. The narratives I have formed tell about three different situations in which a man’s position in their home and relationship is formed in different ways: 1. A young couple’s expectations of home do not match each other 2. A man’s feeling of home gets broken and rebuild as a woman moves to his home 3. The man moves in with the woman and finds a home from the family
  • Leino, Hanna (2016)
    Aims: The aim of this study is to describe how childless shift workers combine a romantic relationship, free time and work. It was examined from the point of view of everyday life. The central theory was the model of multiple role involvement which means that different roles of a person can strain or enhance each other. The purpose of the study is to investigate how shift work affects combining work and a romantic relationship. Another purpose is to investigate which factors are crucial for the successful combining of shift work and a romantic relationship. Methods: The study focused on childless shift workers who were in a romantic relationship. The research data was collected by an online questionnaire which was published on the Facebook page of five labor unions. The questionnaire included background questions, six scaled questions and ten open-ended questions. The sample consisted of 139 shift workers from different professions and age groups. The research data was analyzed by using content analyzing and categorizing. The participants were divided to six types by using the fact how well they had succeeded in combining shift work and a romantic relationship. The combining of shift work and a romantic relationship had succeeded excellent, well, moderate, bad, very bad or better than in a previous relationship. Results and conclusions: Shift work seemed to be a challenging and straining working time model. However, most of the couples had succeeded in combining work and a romantic relationship. The factors behind successful combining of shift work and a relationship were 1) love and willingness to continue a romantic relationship, 2) relationship-oriented attitude, 3) openness and communication skills, 4) planning schedules and spending time with his/her spouse, 5) flexibility and adapting shift work, 6) consciousness of own responsibility of combining work and a romantic relationship, and 7) the model of employment of the spouse. It is necessary to have both practical and romantic skills in combining work and a romantic relationship. It is also crucial to spend quality time with his/her spouse.