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  • Duffy, Jonna (2023)
    Teachers’ actions are often talked about in different mediums. The floor is given most often to those who have received negative feedback whilst at school. Previous studies have also shown that the feedback given by teachers is often related to performance, personality and remains superficial. Studies state that feedback influences students’ self-image which is connected to performance and motivation. According to Finnish constitutional law (L628/1998, 22 §), schools must evaluate students. The law also states the conditions of evaluation. Students’ evaluation is a part of teachers’ job. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what kind of feedback classroom teachers have received during their own school years. Furthermore, the aim is to examine how the teachers experience the given feedback and how they have reflected on it in comparison to their own teachers’ profession. I collected the research material by interviewing three Finnish classroom teachers. The interviews were carried out using a semi-structured method. I used a qualitative, narrative method, which allowed me to immerse myself into the teachers’ experiences and their reflections. According to the research results classroom teachers remembered several occasions where feedback was given. They could also recall the emotions felt in those situations. The justification of feedback was emphasised in the interviews. Additionally, the teachers conceived feedback as a meaningful component of learning and were very aware of the effects of feedback in their own students. The results also showed that experiences of feedback given in primary and secondary schools influenced the teachers in their teachers’ profession. Reflecting on previous experiences affects the formation of one’s professional identity. It also influences the processing of those experiences. I am hopeful that this thesis will provide understanding towards the effects of feedback and processing of teachers’ pervious experiences as a part of the formation of their professional identity.
  • Ylinen, Elli (2021)
    The purpose of this thesis was to find out the contents of the practical theories of classroom teacher students and graduate classroom teachers and the professional identities based on them. The study aims to find out the differences and similarities between the contents of first-year classroom teacher students, 3rd to 5th- year classroom teacher students and graduates, classroom teachers in working life. In addition, the aim of this study is also to find out how classroom teacher students and wor-king classroom teachers describe their professional identity based on practical theories and whether there are possible differences and similarities between the factors. This thesis is part of a research project led by Karlsson and Pitkäniemi (2011), which aims to study the practical theories of teacher students during teacher education. The material of my thesis con-sists of the practical theories of first-year and 3rd to 5th-year classroom teacher students as well as graduate classroom teachers. The practical theories of classroom teacher students come from the da-ta of the research project collected from the University of Eastern Finland in 2017 and 2019, instead, the data of the graduated classroom teachers have been collected in 2020–2021 via an E-form as a part of my thesis. This thesis is a qualitative study and has been implemented as a theory-guiding content analysis. The results of this thesis indicate that the contents of the practical theories of classroom teacher stu-dents and graduate classroom teachers are connected by the consideration of students' equality, pro-fessional development, and the formation of the teacher's professional skills in various fields. There were no major differences between practical theories between different groups. The professional identities of classroom teacher students and graduate classroom teachers were based on different teacher responsibilities related to student learning and education. Professional development became a key factor in explaining the professional identities of students and graduate classroom teachers.
  • Vuolas, Liisa (2017)
    The national core curriculum for basic education (FNBE 2014) brings changes in pedagogical outlines. Some of the key goals are to enhance pupil participation, diversify assessment and increase the use of technology. The teacher's task is to instruct and guide the pupils. The new curriculum also emphasizes transversal competences in the instruction of subjects. Furthermore there are many essential changes in crafts subject which causes stress among some craft teachers. The curriculum (FNBE 2014) defines crafts as a multimaterial subject in which the competence of managing holistic craft process (HCP) is a central principle. Crafts is defined by design, technology and craft expression. Furthermore, craft teaching requires co-teaching among craft teachers and co-operation with other subjects. This study aims to find out what kinds of reflection the new curriculum causes among craft teachers. The study was performed as a qualitative case study, in which the data was collected from the meetings of craft teachers in peer group mentoring sessions in January-March 2017. The group consisted of a mentor and eight participants who were female craft teachers in Uusimaa. The length of their teaching careers varied from two years to twenty-five years. Data was coded with ATLAS.TI-program. The analysis was data-based content analysis. According to this study, all the changes in the national core curriculum for basic education 2004 have not been fulfilled in craft teaching. Therefore the new curriculum (FNBE 2014) challenges teachers more than expected. Teachers' reflection includes a mixture of strong feelings and a large amount of questions and worries. Changes in the curriculum inspire teachers but not all teachers have the means to fulfill the requirements of the new curriculum. Learning problem-solving skills, co-operation with other teachers and student groups consisting of both girls and boys are considered the positive aspects of the new curriculum. Teachers also have more freedom to implement their teaching, and pupils can choose more optional lessons than before and be directed according to their interests. Teachers feel sorrow and anxiety because they are afraid that pupils' craft skills are weakening. The small number of craft lessons complicates the execution of the new curriculum. Some teachers experience the new technology in a very negative way as well as the experimental nature of the crafts. Instead, learning the traditional craft techniques and making "proper" artifacts is still considered important. Teachers feel positive about the increased co-operation between craft teachers but have trouble starting and finding time for it. Teachers' well-being is challenged with increased challenges. Craft teaching in accordance to the new curriculum requires resources to teaching groups sizes and to the planning co-teaching. Craft teachers need further education with design teaching, integration of technology, documentation and assessment. Teachers feel sorrow and anxiety when because they are afraid that of the weakening of pupils' craft skills are weakening. The small amount number of craft lessons is kept as a problem complicates the fulfillment execution of the new curriculum. A part Some of the teachers experience the new technology in a (very) negative way and as well as the experimental role nature of the crafts. Instead, learning the traditional craft techniques and making "proper" artifacts is experienced still considered important. Teachers experience feel positive about the increased co-operation between craft teachers good but it feels tough to start co-operation but have trouble starting and finding time for it. Teachers' well-being is challenged with increased challenges. Craft teaching in accordance to the new curriculum requires resources with to teaching groups (sizes) and to the planning of co-teaching planning. Craft teachers need further education with design teaching, integration of technology, documentation and assessment.
  • Helenius, Jaana (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko oppimispäiväkirjaa käyttää kliinisen laboratoriotyönkäytännön opiskelijaohjaustoiminnassa oppimisen apuvälineenä. Tutkimuksessa lähdetään liikkeelle teoreettisten tietojen ja käytännön taitojen yhdistämisen tärkeydestä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan oppimista kokemuksellisen oppimisen näkökulmasta ja kuinka se auttaa laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijaa laatimaan mieleensä käytännön opiskelun skeemoja ja kuinka ne toteutuvat heidän käytännön taitojen karttuessa. Tutkimukseen osallistui vuoden 1997 aikana HYKS:n laboratoriossa käytännön opiskelujaksolla olleita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita. Heitä pyydettiin laatimaan käytännön opiskeluohjauksestaan oppimispäiväkirja. Laatiminen oli vapaaehtoista. Oppimispäiväkirjamerkinnöissä kiinnitettiin huomiota, kuinka he oppivatkäytännön taitoja ja kuinka heidän oppimisprosessinsa kehittyy heidän itsearvioimana. Jotkut laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat halusivat laatia useammalta käytännön opiskelujaksoltaan oppimispäiväkirjan, joten oppimispäiväkirjoja (n=9) on enemmän kuin tutkimukseen osallistuneita laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoita (n=6). Tutkimuksen keskeisenä menetelmenä on kvalitatiivinen analyysimenetelmä. Sisällönanalyysiä ja luokittelumenetelmää käyttäen pyrittiin löytämään käsityksiä ja niistä edelleen käsitysluokkia. Käsitysluokat tukivat sitä käsitystä, että oppimispäiväkirjaa voidaan käyttää apuvälineenä laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden oppimisen tukena kliinisen laboratoriotyön käytännön opiskelussa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että oppimispäiväkirjat toimivat laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijoiden tiedon jäsentäjinä käytännön opiskelujakson aikana. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla laboratoriohoitajaopiskelija selventää itselleen kokonaiskuvaa kliinisen laboratoriotyön prosessista. Oppimispäiväkirjan avulla voidaan kerrata jo opittuja asioita ja voidaan suorittaa itsearviointia ja reflektoida oppimiskokemuksien antamia hyötyjä ja haittoja. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli esille se, että laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat selkiyttivät oppimiaan asioita ja omiaajatuksiaan suhteessa työelämään silloin, kun he kirjoittivat oppimispäiväkirjojaan. Oppimispäiväkirjojen kirjoittaminen koko käytännön opiskelujakson aikana tuki myös muiden käytännön opiskelujaksojen tavoitteiden asettamista. Oppimispäiväkirja on ammatillisen kehittymisen kannalta hyvä kertauksen, kriittisen ajattelun ja reflektoinnin väline. Oppimispäiväkirjoissa tuli kuvauksia itsearvioinnista, laboratoriohoitajaopiskelijat asettivat itsensä alttiiksi omalle arvioinnilleen hyvinkin helposti ja esittivät kriittisiä kannanottoja työskentelytapojen kehittämiseksi, huolellisuuden, tarkkuuden ja vastuuntunnon vahvistamiseksi. Tärkeimmät lähteet taustateorian kannalta olivat Engeströmin, Hätösen, Lonka & al, Leino-Kilven, Rauste-von Wrightin ja Silven & Kinnunen & Keskisen teokset. Tutkimusmenetelmän kannalta tärkeimmät lähteet olivat Hirsjärvi & Remes & Sajavaara, Lincoln & Cubanja Varton teokset.
  • Pousi, Iina (2020)
    Reflection is often stated as a learning outcome of teacher education. However no consistent method exists to assess the extent to which students engage in reflective thinking. The purpose of this study is to explore the utility of Reflection Questionnaire developed by Kember et al. (2000) for measuring the reflection levels of Finnish pre-service teachers. In addition, the Reflection Questionnaire is placed as a part of a broader theoretical framework by examining associations between students’ approaches to learning and stages of reflective thinking. The data (n= 220) was collected in the spring of 2018 and it consisted of pre-service teachers at the beginning of their studies at the University of Helsinki. The reliability and validity of the instrument was examined in terms of internal consistency, structural validity, convergence validity, discriminant validity and nomological validity. The internal consistency was estimated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to examine the structural, convergent and discriminant validity of the Reflection Questionnaire. Nomological validity was examined using ALSI questionnaire which measures deep and surface approaches to learning. The Cronbach's alpha values signified that the dimensions of the Finnish version of Reflection Questionnaire were internally consistent. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated acceptable model fit and confirmed the original four-factor model, indicating structural validity of the instrument. In addition, the relationships between the dimensions of reflection supported convergence and discriminant validity. Relationships between deep and surface approaches to learning and the dimensions of reflection provided evidence of nomological validity. These findings reveal the utility of Reflection Questionnaire in measuring reflection levels of pre-service teachers. The Finnish version of Reflection Questionnaire is a valid instrument to be used for learning the extent to which students are engaging in the reflective thinking.
  • Vähäaho, Sanna-Maria (2020)
    Although teacher’s work is guided by many norms, the practical choises and everyday decisions in school are the teacher’s responsibility. Teachers have to make many different decisions continuously and in most cases fast and intuitively. Because teachers are in a position of authority with their pupils it is crucial to consider the ethical aspect of teaching. The purposes and goals behind decision making have special significance in ethical analysis. That is why reflection, evaluation and contemplation are essential in teacher’s work. The aim of this study was to deepen understanding of teachers’ ethics and teachers as moral actors in the school system. In addition special attention was paid to ethical issues in teaching health education. The study was conducted as a qualitative study and the research data was collected using semi-structured interviews. The participants of the study were ten health education teachers who had taken part in training organized by MIELI Mental Health Finland (non-governmental mental health organization). The interviews were analyzed using data-driven content analysis methods. Teachers were asked to describe their own values and the values they wanted to impart to their pupils. Three larger categories were found in the values: common values, school-related values and values related to healthy life. The ideal of an ethical teacher was characterized by the combination of care and justice. Teachers also criticized teacher ideals and wished to highlight humanity as a part of ethicality. Teachers’ descriptions of moral conflicts were related to classroom management challenges and reflections on justice and fairness. Because health education deals with personal issues and sensitive matters, such as emotions and sexuality, teachers of the subject are expected to have special ethical sensitivity.