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Browsing by Subject "tietokoneavusteinen opetus"

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  • Ståhl, Tore (2001)
    The aim of the study was to explore why the MuPSiNet project - a computer and network supported learning environment for the field of health care and social work - did not develop as expected. To grasp the problem some hypotheses were formulated. The hypotheses regarded the teachers' skills in and attitudes towards computing and their attitudes towards constructivist study methods. An online survey containing 48 items was performed. The survey targeted all the teachers within the field of health care and social work in the country, and it produced 461 responses that were analysed against the hypotheses. The reliability of the variables was tested using the Cronbach alpha coefficient and t-tests. Poor basic computing skills among the teachers combined with a vulnerable technical solution, and inadequate project management combined with lack of administrative models for transforming economic resources into manpower were the factors that turned out to play a decisive role in the project. Other important findings were that the teachers had rather poor skills and knowledge in computing, computer safety and computer supported instruction, and that these skills were significantly poorer among female teachers who were in majority in the sample. The fraction of teachers who were familiar with software for electronic patient records (EPR) was low. The attitudes towards constructivist teaching methods were positive, and further education seemed to utterly increase the teachers' readiness to use alternative teaching methods. The most important conclusions were the following: In order to integrate EPR software as a natural tool in teaching planning and documenting health care, it is crucial that the teachers have sufficient basic skills in computing and that more teachers have personal experience of using EPR software. In order for computer supported teaching to become accepted it is necessary to arrange with extensive further education for the teachers presently working, and for that further education to succeed it should be backed up locally among other things by sufficient support in matters concerning computer supported teaching. The attitudes towards computing showed significant gender differences. Based on the findings it is suggested that basic skills in computing should also include an awareness of data safety in relation to work in different kinds of computer networks, and that projects of this kind should be built up around a proper project organisation with sufficient resources. Suggestions concerning curricular development and further education are also presented. Conclusions concerning the research method were that reminders have a better effect, and that respondents tend to answer open-ended questions more verbosely in electronically distributed online surveys compared to traditional surveys. A method of utilising randomized passwords to guarantee respondent anonymity while maintaining sample control is presented.
  • Hakala, Marjatta (2015)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of Lola's World educational game on children's early numeracy skills learning. Previous studies indicate that early numeracy skills are important for later mathematical skills development. Thus, it is fundamental to support these skills already in kindergarten. Core numerical skills before school age include non-symbolic and symbolic number sense, counting skills, basic skills in arithmetic and understanding mathematical relations. Some children show weak performance already in their early numeracy skills. These weaknesses can partly be explained with factors such a cognitive skills or socio-economic background. According to previous research short mathematical computer-assisted interventions have demonstrated positive effects on children's learning. Methods. Thirty-three children between 5 and 6 years, from four kindergartens, took part in this study. Twenty-three children were split randomly in two groups. One group (n = 12) played Lola's World focusing on early numeracy skills and other group (n = 11) was an active control group that played Lola's ABC Party that focused on language skills. Rest of the children (n = 10) served as a passive control group and they did not play any games during the intervention phase. Intervention continued three weeks and children played Lola Panda -games every day for about 15 minutes. Children's numeracy skills were measured using Early numeracy test and their nonverbal reasoning skills were assessed with Raven test. Analysis was done mostly using one-way ANOVA. Results and conclusions. There was a positive development of early numeracy skills during the intervention, but it was not statistically significant in any of the groups. Children's numeracy skills increased most in Lola's ABC Party group and the least changes were measured in Lola's World group. Children whose homelanguage was Finnish had better numeracy skills than children whose homelanguage was other than Finnish. Because there was a strong negative correlation between playing time and numeracy performance it seems that the intervention was not appropriately supporting early numeracy skills development. Perhaps it is also possible that Early numeracy test was not sensitive enough or Lola's World does not improve all skills included in the test.
  • Tertsunen, Tauno (1999)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia tietokoneavusteisen opetuksen opetusmenetelmänä ja tietokoneavusteisten opetusohjelmien oppimateriaalina soveltuvuutta erilaisiin sähköalan ammatillisiin opetus- ja oppimistilanteisiin. Tietokoneavusteisilla opetusohjelmilla tarkoitetaan tässä tutkimuksessa erilaisia digitaaliseen muotoon tallennettuja oppimateriaaleja ja tietokoneavusteisella opetuksella näiden digitaalisten oppimateriaalien hyödyntämistä erilaisissa oppimistilanteissa. Opetusteknologian kehittymisen myötä myöskin opettajien valittavissa olevat opetusmenetelmät lisääntyvät ja monipuolistuvat. Vastaavalla tavalla myöskin oppimateriaalit kehittyvät ja mahdollistavat oppijan näkökulmasta entistä yksilöllisemmät opiskelumahdollisuudet. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen liittyvinä keskeisinä elementteinä olivat tietokoneavusteinen opetus opetusmenetelmänä ja sen valintaan liittyvät tekijät: oppisisällöt ja oppimiselle asetetut tavoitteet, opettajan opetusmenetelmällinen osaaminen, erilaiset oppijat yksilöllisine oppimistavoitteineen sekä käytettävissä olevat erilaiset oppimateriaalit. Tutkimus toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena ja siihen osallistui tutkijan lisäksi 15 sähköalan opettajaa kahdesta erikokoisesta ammattioppilaitoksesta. Varsinainen toimintatutkimus aloitettiin keväällä 1994 ja se jatkui kevääseen 1996. Lisäksi suoritettiin vertaileva tutkimus, johon osallistui 9 opettajaa kolmesta erillisestä ammattioppilaitoksesta syksyllä 1996 jatkuen kevääseen 1997. Keskeisimmistä tutkimustuloksista mainitsen opettajien heikon tuntemuksen tietokoneavusteisesta opetuksesta ja sen hyödyntämiseen liittyvistä elementeistä. Opettajilta puuttuu taito suunnitella tietokoneavusteisia opetusohjelmia oppimateriaaleina hyödyntäviä opetus- ja oppimistilanteita. Tutkimuksen mukaan opettajilla ei kuitenkaan ole negatiivista ennakkoasennetta opetusmenetelmää kohtaan ja opiskelijat suhtautuvat erittäin myönteisesti erilaisiin tietokoneavusteisiin opetusohjelmiin oppimateriaaleina.