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  • Al-Soufi, Omar (2009)
    Dental students at the University of Helsinki answered a 25-item questionnaire during spring 2008 that investigated their alcohol consumption, smoking habits and knowledge about the risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption. This allows one to estimate how well future oral health care professionals would follow the recommendations they give and how hazardous they consider the risk factors of smoking and alcohol consumption to be. In addition, their attitudes towards tobacco use cessation and their opinions on who is responsible for education on tobacco use cessation were elicited to determine how anti-tobacco counselling might work in the future. Current smoking was reported by 17% of the participants and current alcohol consumption by 90% of participants. The majority of dental students (92%) considered education on tobacco use cessation to be the responsibility of dentists/doctors. Fairly high number of participants (43%) reported receiving inadequate information on tobacco cessation during their studies. Dental students should be taught and encouraged early on to routinely discuss with smokers the impacts of smoking on health.
  • Sarasto, Anna (2023)
    Bakgrund: År 2020 använde 69% av 16–89 åriga finländare sociala medier, vilket tyder på att det är ett viktigt kommunikationsmedel. Målet med detta fördjupade arbete är att göra en överblick på hur sociala medier används för profylaktisk hälsokommunikation inom tandvården i Finland. Material och metod: Studien grundar sig på en systematisk undersökning av material publicerat under år 2021 på utvalda plattformar (Facebook, Instagram och TikTok) för att identifiera kampanjer, kommunikatörer och profylaktiska inlägg om karies och parodontit. Materialet samlades i augusti 2022. Som sökord användes suunterveys, oral hälsa, munhälsa, suun terveydenhuolto, oral hälsovård, karies, parodontit, parodontiitti. Resultat: Två kampanjer och 18 kommunikatörer med profylaktiska meddelanden om karies och parodontit identifierades. Identifierade kampanjerna var I love suu och Koko Suomi harjaa, resterande kommunikatörerna bestod av munhälsovårdsavdelningar i olika kommuner och städer i Finland. Enbart tre av dessa fanns tillgängliga på TikTok, medan resten fanns på Facebook och eller Instagram. Totalt registrerades 489 profylaktiska inlägg om karies och parodontit, av dessa var 249 på Instagram, 211 på Facebook och 29 på TikTok. De tre vanligaste profylaktiska teman var tandborstning (72% av alla profylaktiska meddelanden), fluortandkräm (32%) och rengöring av tandmellanrummen (28%). Det profylaktiska temat som minst kom fram bland inläggen var rengöring av proteser (2%). Av alla registrerade inlägg var 4% på svenska. Slutsats: I Finland används sociala medier för munhälsorelaterad profylaktisk hälsokommunikation. Förbättringsmöjligheter är en mera mångsidig spridning av materialet på flera plattformar samt mångsidighet i budskapen. För att undersöka påverkan på befolkningen av munhälsorelaterad profylaktisk kommunikation på sociala medier i Finland behövs mera forskning.
  • Lehtonen, Antti (2021)
    Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a rare neoplasm consisting of approximately 50 different histologic subtypes treated similarly. The median patient age is 60 years, and there’s a slight male predominance. There are no known predisposing factors apart from ionizing radiation. STS is diagnosed with core needle biopsy of a suspicious lump, most commonly a palpable, painless mass. Surgery with adequate margins is the only curative treatment of STS. Adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) improves local control rates (LC) and is offered for patients with positive surgical margins. However, there is no consensus on which surgical margin is wide enough. Adjuvant chemotherapy yields rather poor survival benefit with significant risk of toxicity and is therefore offered for minority of the patients. Prognostic factors for local recurrence include patient age, tumor grade and surgical margin. Due to disease rarity, complex diagnostics, need for surgical treatment, adjuvant radiation therapy and critical evaluation of patient selection to receive chemotherapy, centralization of treatment is effective. Specialist centers adhere to treatment guidelines more strictly than non-tertiary centers. Adequate preoperative imaging methods are more often used, adequate surgical margins are more often achieved, patients undergo fewer operations, adequate adjuvant RT is more often offered and local control rates are better in specialist centers compared to non-tertiary centers. However, there is still a lack of adherence to referral policies with only 63 percent of STSs referred before surgical intervention. The aim of this study was to quality control treatment received in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Group at Helsinki University Hospital (HUH) during its first 25 years, with special interest in 1) adherence to treatment protocol, 2) metastases-free survival (MFS) and overall survival (OS) of STS patients and 3) treatment and survival of radiation-associated STS. We used a 1327-patient series from 1987-2012 consisting of patients referred to STS Group at HUH. Patients were treated according to treatment protocol based on 1987 Scandinavian Sarcoma Group recommendations. 1182 (79 %) patients had only primary tumor at presentation. Only 411 (35 %) patients referred for a primary tumor were referred untouched. However, the proportion increased by time from 13 to 47 percent. Of the 1115 patients treated with a curative intent, 680 (61 %) patients underwent only one procedure, proportion of which increased by time. Only 64 and 62 percent of patients with intralesional (tumor tissue in resection margin) and marginal margins (smallest margin under 2.5 cm) received adjuvant RT. Overall survival rates for patients treated with curative intent were 68 percent and 55 percent in 5-year and 10-year follow-up, respectively. No improvement in OS was recorded. 59 patients were referred for a radiation-associated sarcoma, and 52 of them were treated with a curative intent. Tumor appeared in the radiation field of an invasive breast cancer in 77 percent of the patients. Local control rates for patients treated with curative intent were 73 percent and 58 percent in 5-year and 10-year follow-up, respectively. Adherence to treatment protocol in STS group at HUH has improved over time in 1987-2012. To increase the percentage of patients referred for primary tumor without preceding biopsy, increasing soft tissue sarcoma knowledge in district hospitals is vital. All exceptions from treatment protocol should be discussed and reported in patient files.
  • Salento, Vesa (2020)
    Tausta: Diabetestä ja sen esiasteita seulotaan glukoosirasituskokeella. Osalla tutkittavista veren glukoosipitoisuus tippuu kokeen aikana poikkeuksellisen alas. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia ilmiötä selittäviä tekijöitä tutkittavilla, joilla ei ole diabetestä. Menetelmät: Aineistona käytettiin PPP-Botnia tutkimukseen osallistuneet 18–75-vuotiaat väestörekisteristä satunnaispoiminnalla valitut miehet ja naiset. Perustutkimukseen 2004-2008 osallistui 5208 henkilöä ja seurantatutkimukseen 2011-2015 heistä 3850 henkilöä. Tutkimukseen kuuluu 2 tunnin glukoosirasitus, jonka aikana 0, 30 ja 120 min kohdalla otetaan verinäyte. Pituus, paino, vyötärönympärys, verenpaine ja rasvaprosentti mitataan ja tutkittavat täyttävät kyselylomakkeen elintavoista. Tutkittavat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään glukoosirasituskokeen 2 tunnin glukoosipitoisuuden mukaisesti: HYPO (< 3.0 mmol/l), INT (≥ 3.0, < 5.0 mmol/l) ja NGT (≥ 5.0 mmol/l). Tulokset: Hypoglykemiaryhmää verrattaessa normoglykemiaryhmään miehiä oli enemmän (70.4% vs 43.8%), he olivat nuorempia (keski-ikä 45.3 vs 52.2), pidempiä (175.5 cm vs 169.0 cm) ja rasvaprosentiltaan alhaisempia (25.3 vs 31.7). Tupakointi oli ryhmässä myös yleisempää (26.7% vs 12.1%). Lisäksi normaali glukoosinsieto oli hypoglykemiaryhmässä yleisempää (93.7% vs 77.0%). Hypoglykemiaryhmä todettiin myös insuliiniherkemmäksi. Pohdinta: Hypoglykemiaryhmän henkilöt olivat insuliiniherkempiä ja lisäksi esidiabetestä oli heidän ryhmässään suhteellisesti vähemmän. Tupakoivia oli hypoglykemiaryhmässä enemmän vaikka aiemmin tupakoivien on todettu aiheuttavan insuliiniresistenssiä. Erityisesti hoikkien ja pitkien miesten osuus hypoglykemiaryhmässä oli korostunut. Tässä tutkimuksessa todettu hypoglykemia ei näytä siis liittyvän suurentuneeseen diabetesriskiin.
  • Husa, Lauri (2016)
    Tutkielmassa perehdytään soluterapioiden käyttöön palovammojen hoidossa. Siihen kuuluvat kirjallisuuskatsaus sekä kokeellinen osa kahden biomateriaalin vertailusta laboratorio-olosuhteissa. Tarkasteltavia menetelmiä ovat ihmisen viljellyt ja viljelemättömät autologiset ja allogeeniset keratinosyytit, ihosiirteet, eläinperäiset ihon korvikkeet sekä ihon korvikkeina käytettävät biomateriaalit. Kutakin menetelmää on käytetty maailmalla kliinisissä tutkimuksissa jo usean vuosikymmenen ajan, mutta läpimurto tekniikoiden osalta edelleen puuttuu. Saadut tulokset ovat osaltaan ristiriidassa keskenään ja lisäksi tutkimusten potilasaineistot ovat vaihtelevia ja pieniä. Menetelmien osalta tarvittaisiin vielä lisätutkimuksia erityisesti niiden teknisestä toteuttamisesta ja hoidon pitkäaikaistuloksista. Parhaimmillaan ne ovat kuitenkin mahdollisuus osana henkeä pelastavaa hoitoa erityisesti laajoissa ja hankalissa palovammoissa.
  • Oilinki, Tommi (2012)
    Suomessa tyypin 1 diabeteksen (T1D) ilmaantuvuus on maailman suurin. Halusimme selvittää somalialaistaustaisten alle 16-vuotiaiden lasten ja nuorten T1D:n esiintyvyyden, riskitekijät sekä poikkeaako heidän taudinkuvansa ja hoitotasapainonsa kantasuomalaisten T1D:sta. Aineisto koostui 15 helsinkiläisen somalialaistaustaisen lapsen potilasasiakirjatiedoista, Helsingin tietokeskuksen tilastotiedoista sekä verinäytemäärityksistä. Somalialaistaustaisten alle 16-vuotiaiden lasten ja nuorten T1D esiintyvyys oli yhtä suuri kuin muunkin Helsingin väestön (37 ja 40/10000, χ²). Heidän geneettisessä HLA-riskiprofiilissaan korostui DR3-haplotyyppi (58%) suhteessa Suomessa yleisimpään DR4-haplotyyppiin (0%). Potilaiden autovasta-aineprofiilissa korostui GAD- vasta-aineet. Seerumin D-vitamiinitasot olivat selvästi kantasuomalaisia diabeetikkoverrokkeja matalammat (31.8 vs 51.4 nmol/l, t-testi, p=0.009), mutta samaa tasoa potilaiden sisarusten kanssa. Potilaiden hoitotasapainoa kuvastavan HbA1C :n edeltävän vuoden keskiarvo oli 9.37%, ei-somalitaustaisilla diabeetikoilla se oli 8.5%. Taustaväestön kaltainen T1D-esiintyvyys somalialaistaustaisilla lapsilla ja nuorilla huolimatta heidän erilaisesta HLA-geenitaustastaan korostaa ulkoisten tekijöiden merkitystä T1D:n kehityksessä. Somalidiabeetikkojen hoitotasapaino ei ole tyydyttävä, ja sitä tulee jatkossa koettaa parantaa. Somalialaislasten D-vitamiinitasot olivat kauttaaltaan huolestuttavan alhaiset, mutta D-vitamiinitason rooli spesifisenä diabeteksen riskitekijänä kohdepopulaatiossamme jää avoimeksi.
  • Mohamed, Ishaak (2023)
    Maahanmuutto Suomeen on viime vuosikymmenten aikana lisääntynyt ja monipuolistunut. Tavallisimmin muutetaan työllistymisen johdosta tai humanitaarisista syistä, ja lähtömaat ovat nykyisin entistä etäämpänä. Suun terveydentila ja suunhoitotottumukset eroavat eri kulttuureissa, mikä on otettava huomioon suunniteltaessa kasvavan maahanmuuttajaväestön suun terveydenhoitoa. Somalitaustainen väestöryhmä on alkujaan saapunut Suomeen 1990-luvun alussa. Se on kuudenneksi suurin vieraskielinen ryhmä. Tämän hetken nuoret ovat useimmiten toisen ja kolmannen sukupolven edustajia. Tutkimuksissa on todettu suunterveyden olevan heikompaa maahanmuuttajaväestössä, johon vaikuttavat usein sosioekonomiset erot. Suomen suun terveydenhuollossa on havaittu maahanmuuttajataustaisten nuorten asiakasprofiilin kasvua, eritoten päivystyksellisessä hoidossa. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää somalitaustaisten nuorten suun terveydentilaa, terveystottumuksia ja niissä ilmeneviä haasteita. Asenteet ja mallit suunterveyden käytänteissä siirtyvät usein vanhemmilta lapsilla. Vanhemmille toteutetussa kyselytutkimuksessa pyrimme tunnistamaan epäsuotuisia terveyskäytänteitä ja pohtimaan vanhempien vaikutusta nuorten suunhoidon tottumuksiin. Tämän lisäksi pyrimme tarjoamaan kohderyhmälle yksilöityjä kehitysideoita kehittämään ennaltaehkäisevää suun terveydenhuoltomallia. Kyselytutkimus toteutettiin keväällä 2023. Siinä tuli esille erityisen hyvä suuhygienian toteuttamien. Toisaalta huolenaihe kohdentui runsaaseen sokerituotteiden käyttöön, mikä oli merkittävin suunterveyteen vaikuttava tekijä. Huomionarvoista oli lisäksi vanhempien vähäinen valvonta nuorten napostelutavoissa. Terveysneuvonta kuuluu olennaisena osana suunterveyden edistämisen keinoihin väestötasolla. Siihen sisältyy myös yksilö-, yhteisö- ja elinympäristökohtaisten taustatekijöiden huomioonottaminen. Saatuja tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää eri tilanteissa annettavassa terveysneuvonnassa, niin suun terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten vastaanottokäyntien yhteydessä, tai terveydenhoitajien neuvolakäynneissä.
  • Savola, Paula; Kelkka, Tiina; Rajala, Hanna; Kuuliala, Antti; Kuuliala, Krista; Eldfors, Samuli; Ellonen, Pekka; Lagström, Sonja; Lepistö, Maija; Hannunen, Tiina; Andersson, Emma; Kumar Khajuria, Rajiv; Jaatinen, Taina; Koivuniemi, Riitta; Repo, Heikki; Saarela, Janna; Porkka, Kimmo; Leirisalo-Repo, Marjatta; Mustjoki, Satu (2017)
    Somatic mutations contribute to tumorigenesis. Although these mutations occur in all proliferating cells, their accumulation under non-malignant conditions, such as in autoimmune disorders, has not been investigated. Here, we show that patients with newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis have expanded CD8+ T-cell clones; in 20% (5/25) of patients CD8+ T cells, but not CD4+ T cells, harbour somatic mutations. In healthy controls (n=20), only one mutation is identified in the CD8+ T-cell pool. Mutations exist exclusively in the expanded CD8+ effector-memory subset, persist during follow-up, and are predicted to change protein functions. Some of the mutated genes (SLAMF6, IRF1) have previously been associated with autoimmunity. RNA sequencing of mutation-harbouring cells shows signatures corresponding to cell proliferation. Our data provide evidence of accumulation of somatic mutations in expanded CD8+ T cells, which may have pathogenic significance for RA and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Lundgren, Sofie Alexandra (2013)
    The role of somatic mutations in cancer development is undisputable, but our knowledge of the prevalence and function of somatic mutations in healthy cells is yet unresolved question. In immune-mediated bone-marrow failure (such as aplastic anemia and hypoplastic myelodysplastic syndromes) hematopoietic stem cells are destroyed by cytotoxic T cells, which have been shown to be oligoclonal and in some cases harbor STAT3 mutations. We addressed clonality of non-malignant T cells by investigating somatic mutations with a custom- made gene panel of 2533 genes. We sequenced CD4+ and CD8+ cells of 29 patients with immune-mediated bone marrow failure and compared the results to 20 healthy controls as well as previously published data on patients with aplastic anemia. Somatic variants in lymphocytes were common both in patients and healthy controls, but especially enriched in aplastic anemia patients and CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells of aplastic anemia patients accumulated most mutations on JAK-STAT and MAPK pathways. The number of somatic mutations was associated with CD8+ T cell clonality, assessed by T cell receptor beta sequencing. To further understand the role of mutations in T cells, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing from 6 longitudinal samples of 2 aplastic anemia patients with STAT3, KRAS, NFATC2 and PTPN22 mutations in CD8+ T cell clones. Mutated clones showed cytotoxic phenotype, which was altered by successful immunosuppressive treatment. Our results suggest that somatic mutations in T cells are common, associate with clonality and may alter T cell phenotype. The role of somatic mutations in the initiation and persistence of autoreactive clones needs to be further investigated.
  • Hurme, Max (2015)
    The sense of touch is an invaluable way for any organism to get information about itself and the environment. In this advanced studies thesis MEG is used to study the primary somatosensory cortex of 12 healthy children aged approximately 6.5 years. The somatosensory activity is evoked with tactile stimulation of the fingertip on digits II and V. The MEG responses are recorded to stimulation of both hands while the test subject focuses on the tactile stimuli. Similar responses are also recorded to stimulation of the left hand while not being focused on the stimuli. The study focuses on the characteristics of the SEFT50 deflection using ECD multidipole model for data analyses. The location, latency and strength of SEFT50 responses are compared between the different fingers and for the left hand also between the conditions of being focused and not being focused on the stimuli. Statistical testing is done by using Student's paired t-test with two-tailed distribution and with a threshold of p < 0.05 for a statistical significance. No statistically significant differences were found on the results between different fingers. Nor did paying attention to the tactile stimuli make difference on results. These may indicate that the somatotopical organization is still underdeveloped in children and that the primary somatosensory cortex is not strongly associated with higher order information processing. Problems with the quality of the measurement data and small sample size mean that further studies are needed to validate the results.
  • Nastamo, Sebastian (2019)
    Målet med studien är att undersöka ifall det finns ett samband mellan sömn och metabola störningar hos tidigare toppidrottare och deras kontroller. Kombinationen av sömn- och hälsodata från tidigare toppidrottare och kontroller gör det möjligt att undersöka både sömnen och motionens inverkan på hälsan. Fysisk aktivitet gör att man sover bättre. För kort (under sex timmar) eller för lång (över nio timmar) sömn ökar risken för övervikt. Metabola störningar är associerade med fysisk inaktivitet och sömnstörningar. Studien innefattar 392 tidigare manliga toppidrottare som representerat Finland mellan åren 1920 och 1965 minst en gång i Olympiska spelen, världs- eller europamästerskap eller landskamper och 207 friska kontroller som motsvarar idrottarna till hemort och ålder. De undersökta deltog år 2008 i en hälsokartläggning där de fyllde i ett frågeformulär och genomgick en hälsogranskning. I denna studie undersöks prevalensen av metabolt syndrom, blodtryckssjukdom och störningar i glukosmetabolin. Av de undersökta var idrottarna äldre men friskare och motionerade mer jämfört med kontrollerna. Bland alla idrottargrupper var också prevalensen av de undersökta sjukdomarna lägre än hos kontrollerna. Prevalensen av metabolt syndrom och störningar i glukosmetabolin var minst hos dem som sov över sex och under nio timmar. Slutsatsen är att tillräcklig sömn och motion skulle skydda mot metabola störningar.
  • Hoffström, Henriikka (2023)
    Goal of the study: Social support availability has been linked to less stress. Along with the human support there have been considerations of the possibility of artificial intelligence based conversational agents to offer support in stressful situations. According to prior research, conversational agents can influence people most effectively when it is known that they are controlled by human. It is not yet known how information about the source of social support affects stress related primary and secondary appraisals. The current study investigated how the information of the social support provider (support from a simulated research assistant/simulated conversational agent/no support at all) affects the primary and secondary appraisals related to challenging arithmetic task, whether the older groups’ reserve towards technology is reflected in the appraisals and how is the state of arousal and sense of control during the performance of a task, and how pleasant the task is perceived to be. Methods: There were 58 participants in the study (18-66 years, 70.7% women). Participants completed three test conditions, where they first chatted with a simulated research assistant or conversational agent, and in the control situation with no one. Questions about primary and secondary appraisals were answered in the chat. After that, they moved on to perform the arithmetic task chosen as a stress stimulus. Results: Source of social support predicted both primary and secondary appraisals. Primary appraisals were smaller and secondary appraisals were larger when support was received from a simulated research assistant compared to the situation where support was received from a simulated conversational agent. Age group and experimental condition did not have an interaction effect regarding appraisals, although secondary appraisals were greater in younger group in each experimental condition. Participants felt less pleasure in the test situation after the conversation with research assistant compared to the situation with the conversational agent. On the other hand, the state of arousal and control did not differ in these situations. Conclusions: Based on the results, it can be stated that the information of support from a human is associated to lower stress in a potentially stressful situation, while the support from a conversational agent is not seen as a resource. The most important thing in terms of social influence can be considered the information that you are talking with a human and not with an artificial intelligence. Older people's reservations about technology did not emerge in this study.
  • Huuskonen, Olga (2019)
    Objectives. According to previous research heavy social media use is associated with poor psychosocial well-being in adolescents. The direction of this association is not, however yet clear. The majority of previous studies are cross-sectional and there are not many studies focusing on early adolescents. The objective of this study was to investigate longitudinal associations between social media use and psychosocial well-being in 10–15-year-old boys and girls. In addition, the study tested whether the associations are age dependent. Methods. The participants (n=6422) of this study were a part of Understanding Society: The UK Household Longitudinal Study (2009-). The data came from 3 waves (2011-2013, 2013-2015 and 2015-2017) of the study and participants were 10–15-year-olds in every wave. Social media use was assessed through the daily amount (hours) spent chatting or interacting on social media websites and apps. Psychosocial well-being was measured by the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. The study was conducted with repeated measurements method and by using multilevel modeling. The associations between social media use and psychosocial well-being were examined with linear regression analysis and ordinal logistic regression analysis. Results and conclusions. Gender differences were found in the longitudinal association between social media use and psychosocial well-being. Among girls, even less than an hour of social media use predicted higher total and externalizing symptoms, and among 10–11-year-old girls over 4 hours of social media use predicted higher internalizing symptoms. Social media use did not predict later psychosocial well-being among boys. Higher externalizing symptoms predicted heavier social media use among both boys and girls, and higher total symptoms also predicted heavier use but only among boys. This study found that social media use predicted later declines in psychosocial well-being among girls, but not among boys. Poor psychosocial well-being, mainly higher externalizing symptoms, predicted later heavier social media use among both boys and girls. These effects were however relatively small.
  • Homi, Ira (2017)
    Objectives: High social well-being is associated with health, happiness and psychological well-being, as low is associated with the risk of depression and anxiety problems. There is a lack of research examining factors connected to the experience of social well-being on the individual level. The associations of personality traits with social well-being have been studied with partly inconsistent results. In turn, social support is associated with psychological well-being and happiness, so it can also be assumed to be related to social well-being, although there is hardly any research about it. The interactions between personality traits and social support with happiness and psychological well-being have been studied only to some extent. However, there is no research concerning the interaction between social support and personality traits with social well-being. The aim of this study is to examine whether social support is associated with personality traits and social well-being and to do personality traits moderate the association between social support and social well-being. Methods: The sample consisted of 3584 men and women, who participated in the second wave of the National Survey of Midlife in the United States. Social support was assessed with five questions about the frequency of contact with family and friends and the perceived emotional support from them. Personality traits were assessed with The Midlife Development Inventory and social well-being with the short version of the Social Well-Being scale. The associations between social support and personality traits with social well-being were examined using regression analysis. Results and conclusions: Both high perceived emotional support from family and friends and high contact frequency with them were associated with high social well-being. High extraversion, agreeableness and consciousness were associated with both high perceived emotional support from family and friends and high contact frequency with them. Low neuroticism and high openness to experience were in turn associated with high contact frequency with family and friends and perceived emotional support from friends. Extraversion, neuroticism and consciousness moderated some associations between social support factors and social well-being. These results support the connection of social support with personality traits and social well-being and suggest that at least some personality traits have a moderator effect on the association between social support and social well-being. In addition, the results strengthen the conception of the significance of social support emphasizing the importance of one's social network and the emotional support perceived from it to social well-being.
  • Lempinen, Liisa (2017)
    Objectives: Previous studies have shown that psychotic-like experiences (PLE) have harmful effects on people's lives, but there is no information on possible protecting effects of social support. The purpose of the current study was to examine in general population if social support protects against psychotic symptoms' harmful effects. This study focused on the positive ones of psychotic symptoms whereas problems of daily living (ADL = activities of daily living) were selected to describe the harmful effects. Hypothesis was that the perceived social support decreases the risk of daily living problems, when sex, age, psychotic symptoms and the size of primary support group were controlled. Method: The data was obtained with face-to-face interviews in 2000 by the office for National Statistics (ONS). The name of the survey was The Second National Survey of Psychiatric Morbidity in Great Britain. Respondents were people living in private households, and aged between 16 and 74 years. The final sample size was 8464. Daily living problems were assessed from respondents' answers to seven questions on difficulties in daily living. Psychotic symptoms were assessed using the Psychosis Screening Questionnaire (PSQ). The perceived social support was assessed from respondents' answers to seven questions in the Health and Lifestyle Survey. The primary group size was assessed with three questions in the Interview Measure for Social Relationships (IMSR). Findings: It was found that the perceived social support predicted lower amount of daily living problems (OR: 0.91) after sex, age, psychotic symptoms, the size of the primary support group and interactions of these variables were controlled. Perceived social support is more important as a protecting factor against the psychotic symptoms' harmful effects i.e. problems of daily living, than the size of the primary support group. Because this study wasn't longitudinal, there is however not certainty of the perceived social support's and the primary support group size's protecting roles. Nevertheless, along this study it is now known that for general population's part psychotic symptoms increase risk of daily living problems. Thus it should be important to survey the status of social support also for people with mild psychotic-like experiences, because it impacts their wellbeing in future.
  • Hietala, Marika (2017)
    Goals: The goal of this study was to find out how social support from different sources (family, friends and significant other) is connected with depressive symptoms among adolescents and young adults. It was also investigated whether the significance of different sources of support changes as the adolescents mature. Depression is one of the most common mental health disorder in the world. Its incidence rises sharply after puberty and, if left untreated, it can have serious consequences for the wellbeing, health and development of adolescents. A number of previous studies have shown that social support is inversely connected with depressive symptoms in all ages and social contexts. Most studies of social support have used assessment instruments measuring perceived social support, which is an individual's cognitive appraisals of the availability of support in times of need. Social support can enhance mental health by buffering the negative effects of stressful life events or by having direct positive effects on well-being. According to Bronfenbrenner's ecological system's theory, the development of adolescents was examined in the context of their changing social networks. Adolescents usually receive support from multiple sources. Most of them maintain good relationships with their parents across the young age. However, when adolescents become more independent from their parents, relationships with friends and significant others usually become closer and more important. Methods: The data was from the national Young Finns Study psychology part conducted in 1992 and 1997. In 1992, there were 2330 participants who were 15-30 years old. Thus, in 1997 the participants were 20-35 years old. There were 1678 participants who answered questionnaires both in 1992 and in 1997. The data was analyzed using one-way variance analysis and linear regression. Results and conclusions: The participants perceived quite a lot of social support. The youngest group (15-18 years old) received less support from friends and significant others than their older counterparts. However, the level of family support was equal in all age groups. Support from both family and friends was inversely connected with depressive symptoms: the more the participant received social support, the fewer depressive symptoms she/he had. However, support from the significant other was not connected with depressive symptoms. The connection between social support from different sources and depressive symptoms was similar across different age groups. In five years follow-up, social support was only slightly connected with depressive symptoms. The connection was stronger in women than in men, but the differences were small. In order to tackle depression, it is important for adolescents to receive enough support from their families and also have positive peer relations in addition to the family social environment
  • Nelli, Anttila (2024)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia harjoituksia puremalihaksille löytyy sosiaalisen median alustoilta ja voiko niillä julkaistun kirjallisuuden perusteella olla vaikutuksia purentaelimistön terveyteen terveillä tai TMD-oireista kärsivillä henkilöillä. Tutkimus koostui netnografisesta osuudesta ja kirjallisuuskatsauksesta. Netnografiseen osuuteen kerättiin materiaaliksi sosiaaliseen mediaan julkaistuja leuan alueen harjottamiseen tarkoitettuja videoita. Kirjallisuuskatsaus tehtiin julkaisuista, joissa tutkittiin puremalihasten vapaaehtoisten harjoitteiden vaikutusta puremalihaskipuun. Tutkimukseen kerättiin 71 videota, joista 37 oli naisten ja 34 miesten tekemiä. Suurin osa netnografialla löydetyistä lihasharjoitteista perustui masseter-lihasten isometriseen harjoittamiseen. Videoista noin 69 % sisälsi lihasharjoitteita ilman apuvälineitä ja noin 31 % apuvälineellä. Miesten tekemissä videoissa noin 53 %:ssa käytettiin apuvälineitä ja naisten videoista noin 89 % tehtiin ilman apuvälineitä. Harjoitteiden toivottu tulos kohdistui kaksoisleuan pienentämiseen, leukalinjan terävöittämiseen tai molempiin. Naisten tekemistä videoista yli 60 %:ssa tavoitteena oli kaksoisleuan pienentäminen. Miesten tekemistä videoista yli 90 % tavoitteli leukalinjan terävöittämistä. Julkaistun kirjallisuuden perusteella todettiin, että terveiden vapaaehtoisten henkilöiden hampaiden yhteen pureminen saattaa aiheuttaa lihaskipua ja väsymistä. Terveisiin verrokkeihin verrattuna TMD-potilaat väsyvät rasituksessa usein helpommin. Ilman apuvälineitä tehtävät harjoitteet olivat yleisempiä koko materiaalissa. Leukalinjan terävöittäminen oli yleisempää kuin kaksoisleuan pienentäminen. Miehet keskittyivät huomattavasti enemmän leukalinjan terävöittämiseen ja naiset puolestaan kaksoisleuan pienentämiseen. Tulokset sopivat hyvin tutkittuun tietoon sukupuolten kauneuskäsityksestä. Videoita julkaisevat etenkin maallikot, eivätkä ne perustu tieteelliseen näyttöön. Puremalihaksia vahvistavien harjoitusten tekeminen saattaa aiheuttaa kipua ja väsymystä purentaelimistöön, etenkin, jos yksilöllä on jo aikaisemmin purentaelimistön toimintahäiriöitä ja kipua.
  • Lindgren, Anette (2021)
    Objective: Social anxiety and alcohol use disorders frequently occur together. In addition, these disorders are known to be comorbid with other anxiety disorders and somatic diseases. Recent studies have found conflicting results concerning the association. Aim for this study was to examine the association between social anxiety and alcohol use disorder and its uniqueness as well as causality. Better understanding of the association helps developing more focused interventions. Methods: The data in this study was acquired from freely available National Comorbidity Survey data. It is originally collected in The United States 1990-1992 and 2001-2002. It consists of 5001 non-institutionalized adults aged 15-54. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the associations between social anxiety and alcohol use disorder. Uniqueness and causality were examined by adjusting time, age and other anxiety disorders in logistic regression analysis. Results: Social anxiety had a unique association with alcohol use disorders and the association was found to be causal. Other anxiety disorders were not associated with alcohol use disorders. Results consisted while other anxiety disorders and age were adjusted. When data was split to two different age groups, associations were only found in younger sample. Conclusion: Results show that there are a causal and unique association between social anxiety and alcohol use disorders. Prevention of social anxiety may have an additional effect on preventing later alcohol use disorders in younger population.
  • Tiirikainen, Kati (2017)
    Anxiety disorders typically onset in adolescence, often resulting in significant impairment. Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) are among the clinically most important anxiety disorders in adolescents and may have a significant effect on schoolwork. The aim of this study was to explore the associations of perceived difficulties in schoolwork with SAD and GAD. It also aimed at determining if the comorbidity between SAD and GAD is associated with higher rates of school difficulties than seen in SAD or GAD without comorbidity. The study also assessed if the associations are different for boys and girls, and whether parental education level, parental unemployment, family structure, and school performance explain the possible associations. The study data was based on the School Health Promotion Study of 2015 and included survey data from 37 905 Finnish upper secondary school students. Exploratory factor analysis was used to determine indicators for academic and social difficulties in school. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the multivariate associations between anxiety symptoms and perceived difficulties in schoolwork, conducted separately for both genders. Three different logistic models were formed for each association, academic and social difficulties each being the dependent variable in turn. Each model had 1, 4, or 5 independent background variables, in addition to self-reported anxiety symptoms. The main finding of this study was that both social anxiety and general anxiety were associated with perceived difficulties in schoolwork in upper secondary school students. Adolescents with SAD or GAD had a significantly increased risk for difficulties in schoolwork. The comorbidity between SAD and GAD was associated with significantly higher rates of social difficulties than non-comorbid SAD or GAD. In academic difficulties, GAD especially increased the risk significantly whether or not it was comorbid with SAD. The associations were for the most part similar for boys and girls. Parental unemployment, low parental education level, other than nuclear family structure, and poor school performance were associated with school difficulties. However, those variables only explained a small proportion of the association between anxiety symptoms and school difficulties. This study showed that adolescents with anxiety symptoms face challenges that they probably need support for in the school environment.
  • Savijärvi, Saana (2017)
    Suolistosyöpä on kolmanneksi yleisin syöpä Suomessa. Vuonna 2014 maailman standardiväestön mukaan ikävakioitu ilmaantuvuus oli miehillä 28.3 ja naisilla 20.6 100000 henkilövuotta kohti. Korkean sosioekonomisen aseman on aikaisemmissa, ennen 2000-lukua, Suomessa tehdyissä tutkimuksessa havaittu olevan yhteydessä korkeampaan suolistosyövän ilmaantuvuuteen kuin matalan sosioekonomisen aseman. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli vertailla suolistosyövän ilmaantuvuutta ja ilmaantuvuustrendejä kalenteriajassa sosioekonomisen aseman ja koulutustason mukaan erikseen paksusuolen, distaalisen ja proksimaalisen paksusuolen ja peräsuolen osalta. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin Suomen Syöpärekisterin syöpätapauksia (n=78099) ja Tilastokeskuksen tietoja sosioekonomisesta asemasta ja koulutustasosta Suomen väestössä vuosina 1976–2014. Sosioekonomisen aseman osalta tarkastelu rajattiin lisäksi alle 85-vuotiaaseen väestöön vuosina 1995–2014, jotta useimmille pystyttiin määrittämään eläköitymistä edeltävä asema. Koulutusmuuttujan analyysissä mukana oli 77641 tapausta ja sosioekonomisen aseman tarkastelussa 40675. Syöpätapausmäärä suhteutettiin vastaavan väestöryhmän henkilövuosimäärään. Ryhmien välisiä eroja ja niiden muutoksia vertailtiin Poisson-regressiomallien avulla. Tarkastelujakson alussa (1976–1979) sekä keskiasteen että korkeakoulutettujen miesten paksusuolen syövän ilmaantuvuus oli suurempi kuin peruskoulun käyneillä (30% ja 55%). Viimeisellä periodilla (2010–2014) vastaavat erot olivat enää -3% ja 0%. Koulutusryhmien väliset ilmaantuvuuserot kapenivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi miehillä paksusuolen (p=1.76x10-8) ja distaalisen paksusuolen (p=4.5x10-7) osalta. Naisilla ja peräsuolen osalta molemmilla sukupuolilla koulutusryhmien väliset erot olivat vähäisiä tarkasteluperiodin alussa, eikä tilastollisesti merkitseviä ilmaantuvuuden muutoksia havaittu. Sosioekonomisen aseman osalta suolistosyövän ilmaantuvuudessa ei tapahtunut tilastollisesti merkitseviä muutoksia ryhmien välillä. Paksusuolen syövän ilmaantuvuus kasvoi koko tarkastelujakson ajan etenkin peruskoulutetuilla miehillä. Tulos korostaa suolistosyövän elintapoihin liittyviin riskitekijöihin perustuvan ehkäisyn merkitystä erityisesti tässä ryhmässä.