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  • Laukkanen, Liina (2021)
    This study investigated the in vitro and in vivo effects of direct angiotensin II (ANG) receptor type 2 (AGTR2) agonist Compound 21 (C21). The blockade of ANG receptor type 1 (AGTR1) by AGTR1 antagonists has long been associated with antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the therapeutic effects of the AGTR1 antagonists are partially dependent on enhancing the signaling through neuroprotective AGTR2. This suggests that as a specific AGTR2 agonist C21 could be used as a potential therapeutic tool to treat mood disorders that would greatly benefit from new effective treatments. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotrophic that binds to tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TRKB). This study aimed to test how C21 affects BDNF:TRKB signaling that has been shown to regulate the therapeutic effects of different antidepressants that act on mood disorders. In vitro effects of C21 on BDNF:TRKB signaling were investigated with ELISA in the cortical cell cultures. Acute AGTR2 stimulation significantly elevated the amount of surface TRKB whereas a prolonged treatment of C21 for three consecutive days induced activation of TRKB. Similarly, combined treatment of C21 and a non-therapeutic treatment of BDNF induced TRKB activation, further linking the AGTR2 stimulation by this compound to the BDNF:TRKB signaling. In vivo effects of C21 on conditioned and unconditioned fear were investigated in mice by using contextual fear conditioning and elevated plus-maze (EPM) respectively. The therapeutic effect of C21 protected mice from conditioned fear but failed to provide similar results for unconditioned fear in the EPM. Interestingly, these stress-protective effects of AGTR2 stimulation were lost in the BDNF-deficient animals. To conclude, AGTR2 stimulation by C21 elevates the amount of surface TRKB that enhances the BDNF:TRKB signaling similar to antidepressants, which further leads to the therapeutic, stress-protective effects. Furthermore, these AGTR2-induced effects were absent without exposure to stress or when BDNF was diminished, indicating that both fear conditioning and BDNF are crucially involved. This study suggests that the AGTR2 is indeed a potential therapeutic target for treating mood disorders, and that in the future C21 could be translated for this use. To achieve this result, the cell types that regulate this effect need to be identified.
  • Pyörälä, Eeva; Mäenpää, Saana; Heinonen, Leo; Folger, Daniel; Masalin, Teemu; Hervonen, Heikki (2019)
    Tausta Mobiililaitteista on tullut luonnollinen osa opiskelijoiden arkea, ja niitä voidaan erilaisten sovellusten ansiosta hyödyntää useisiin tarkoituksiin ja toimintoihin. Mukana vaivattomasti kannettavien mobiililaitteiden yleistymisen ja teknologisen kehityksen ansiosta laitteiden potentiaali itseoppimisvälineenä on havaittu, mikä on avannut uusia mahdollisuuksia niiden hyödyntämiseen myös yliopisto-opetuksessa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa muistiinpanojen tekemisen on todettu tehostavan oppimista, mutta yleinen suhtautuminen sähköisiin muistiinpanoihin on ollut varautunutta: niiden on todettu haittaavan opiskelijoiden keskittymistä ja aiheuttavan ylimääräisiä häiriötekijöitä (esim. sosiaalinen media) ja visuaalista ylikuormitusta. Ainoassa vertailevassa tutkimuksessa, jossa tarkasteltiin sähköisiä ja käsin tehtyjä paperimuistiinpanoja, paperimuistiinpanoja pidettiin suositeltavampina. Siitä, miten opiskelijat tekevät ja käyttävät sähköisiä muistiinpanoja, ja miten ne vaikuttavat oppimiskokemukseen, on tehty vain vähän tutkimusta. Aineisto ja menetelmät Vuodesta 2013 Helsingin yliopiston lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoille on jaettu iPad-tablettitietokoneet opiskelukäyttöön. Koska mobiililaitteiden käyttö lääketieteen opetuksessa on ollut kansainvälisestikin suhteellisen uusi ilmiö, kerättiin vuonna 2013 opintonsa aloittaneesta opiskelijakohortista tutkimusaineistoa sähköisin kyselyin pitkittäisesti vuosina 2013–18. Tutkimus toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena ja siinä tarkastellaan opiskelijakohortin kokemuksia mobiililaitteiden opiskelukäytöstä eri opiskeluvuosina (LL/LH1–5) sekä parhaiksi koettuja tapoja tärkeimpinä pidetyille toiminnoille. Tutkimukseen vastasi 124 lääketieteen ja 52 hammaslääketieteen opiskelijaa, ja vastausprosentti vaihteli välillä 73–95. Avoimien kysymysten vastaukset koskien kolmea tärkeintä mobiililaitteiden opiskelukäyttötapaa analysoitiin laadullisella sisältöanalyysilla ja tulokset trianguloitiin määrällisten muistiinpanoja koskevien väittämien tulosten kanssa. Lisäksi fokusryhmähaastatteluja toteutettiin lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoiden keskuudessa tulosten pätevyyden varmistamiseksi. Löydökset Sähköiset muistiinpanot olivat keräämässämme aineistossa selvästi oppimista edistävä ilmiö, toisin kuin kirjallisuudesta oli aiemmin esitetty. Yhdenmukaisesti kyselyraportista ilmenevä mobiililaitteiden (iPad) parhaaksi ja tärkeimmäksi koettu käyttötarkoitus oli sähköisten muistiinpanojen tekeminen. Myös tiedonhaun sekä pääsyn sähköisiin oppimateriaaleihin ja -sovelluksiin koettiin mobiililaitteilla helpottuneen, mikä ilmeni etenkin nopeaa tiedonhakua vaativassa potilaskontaktissa. Mobiililaitteet ja -sovellukset mahdollistivat lineaaristen ja non-lineaaristen opiskelustrategioiden käytön ja opiskeltavan tiedon edistyneen prosessoinnin yksilöllisten ja visuaalispainotteisten sähköisten oppimateriaalien muokkauksen (merkinnät, korostukset, alleviivaukset, kommentit) ja organisoinnin kautta. Lisäksi mobiililaitteiden yksilöllisesti rakennettuja digikirjastoja sekä tiedon jatkuvaa saatavuutta kertausta ja palautusta varten pidettiin hyödyllisenä. Kliinisen vaiheen lääketieteen opintolinjan opinnoissa mobiililaitteiden täysitehoista hyödyntämistä kuitenkin haittasivat muun muassa opetushenkilökunnan vastahakoisuus ja epäluulot mobiililaitteita kohtaan, potilaskontakti ja laitteiden sairaalaympäristössä haasteelliset ominaisuudet, kuten laitteen suuri koko. Pohdinta Opiskelijat käyttävät mobiililaitteita monipuolisesti, sujuvasti ja aktiivisesti ja omaksuvat nopeasti uusia teknologioita, mikä tulisi huomioida ja hyödyntää lääketieteen koulutuksessa, etenkin opetusmateriaalien ja -metodien kehittämisessä. Mobiililaitteiden tehokas käyttö muistiinpanovälineenä lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen opinnoissa edellyttää mobiililaitteiden ja -sovellusten käytön sujuvaa hallintaa (digitaidot), sähköiseksi sovellettavissa olevia muistiinpanomenetelmiä (sovellukset, e-luentomateriaalit ja -kirjastot, kosketusannotointi: e-piirtäminen ja -kirjoittaminen) sekä kiinteää yhteistyötä yliopiston kanssa (saatavilla olevat digitaaliset materiaalit, opetushenkilökunnan avoin, supportiivinen asenne ja tuki mobiilioppimiseen) ja potilaiden informointia. Näihin liittyvien esteiden tunnistaminen ja ratkaiseminen on välttämätöntä, jotta mobiililaitteet voitaisiin integroida yliopisto-opetukseen. Itse tuotettujen ja aina saatavilla olevien sähköisten muistiinpanojen tuoma etu opiskeltavan aineksen muistiin painamisessa ja etenkin palauttamisessa voitaisiin mobiililaitteiden avulla valjastaa tehokkaasti käyttöön lääketieteen opetuksessa, mikäli laitteiden käyttö tehdään saumattomaksi osaksi opetusta ja mahdollistetaan myös kliinisen vaiheen opinnoissa. Lisää tutkimusta kaivataan mobiilioppimisen erityispiirteistä, vaikutuksista opiskelukokemukseen ja oppimistuloksiin ja potilaskontaktiin sekä erilaisten mobiilisovellusten, kuten sosiaalisen median, virtuaalimikroskopian ja muiden innovatiivisten opiskelusovelluksien, merkityksestä.
  • Syrjälä, Iina (2020)
    Objectives: This study examines the association between childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms with executive functions (EF) in adulthood by using Boston Qualitative Scoring System (BQSS) analysis of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF). In addition, correlations between the BQSS EF scores and self-reported EF difficulties on the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Adult version (BRIEF-A) are explored. ADHD is a developmental disorder diagnostically defined by symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, in addition to which it has a component related to EF. The symptoms can persist into adulthood and they can affect daily functioning even if the full diagnostic criteria are no longer met. Methods: This study is part of a larger longitudinal cohort study of children with perinatal risk factors and their healthy peers. The children have been studied at multiple points during their lives since their birth. Those participants with sufficient information on their childhood ADHD symptoms, and a completed ROCF from the 40-year neuropsychological assessment (n=445) were chosen for this study. The perinatal risk group (n=376) was divided into three groups according to their childhood ADHD symptoms: no symptoms, a medium level of symptoms, and a high level of symptoms. The controls (n=69) had no reported history of ADHD. The association between symptom group and BQSS sub-scales was examined using logistic regression. Results: The following ROCF attributes predicted ADHD symptom group membership: Fragmented drawing style in the copying phase, a horizontally expanded reproduction with more perseveration in immediate recall, and a less neat reproduction in both immediate and delayed recall. The differences, barring immediate perseveration, became nonsignificant when gender, level of education and general intelligence (FSIQ) were considered. The correlations between BQSS and BRIEF-A scores were modest, and mostly statistically nonsignificant. Conclusions: Based on the findings, those with childhood ADHD symptoms in addition to perinatal risk factors show a slight tendency for less organized and precise performance in the ROCF, albeit one masked by variables such as education and IQ. In line with earlier literature, the correlations between performance-based EF tests and self-reports were mostly slim.
  • Kurki, Terhi (2024)
    Prior research has shown that climate worry is related to fertility preferences, yet the research on the association between climate worry and the actual fertility in Western countries is scarce. The objective of this study was to examine the association between climate worry and the likelihood of becoming a parent utilizing nationally representative longitudinal data from Germany. In addition, the role of neuroticism and the interaction between education and climate worry in the association between climate worry and the likelihood of becoming a parent were analysed separately. The data comprised n=34,523 observation from n=10,463 participants, derived 2009-2019 from a German, nationally representative and broad panel survey (SOEP). Cox-regression was utilized to analyse the likelihood of becoming a parent over time, with the level of climate worry as a predictor. Control variables included gender, partnership status, region of Germany, and education. Neuroticism and the interaction term between education and climate worry were added as independent variables in separate models. The analysis was conducted separately for the overall sample, men, and women. Moreover, the interaction between climate worry and gender was examined. According to the results, the individuals who were very worried about the consequences of climate change were 16% less likely to have their first child compared to those who were not worried about them. Adding the level of neuroticism to the model did not affect the association. However, education appears to moderate the association between climate worry and becoming a parent, with the likelihood of becoming a parent being higher among those worried participants who had above high school education. The results showed some evidence that the association between climate worry and becoming a parent may be stronger among women than men. This study showed that climate worry is related to the actual likelihood of having a child, in addition to fertility preferences. In line with the theory of planned behaviour and the narrative framework, climate worry is shaping future narratives. These narratives form a basis for beliefs related to having a child which affect fertility intentions and, eventually, the actual fertility. Higher education appeared to enable creating and maintaining optimistic future narratives regardless of climate worry. From this perspective, the decision to remain childless due to severe climate worry can be understood as a form of “eco-paralysis” rather than adaptive pro-environmental behaviour.
  • Sammallahti, Joel (2017)
    Goals Intelligence and temperament are two essential concepts in the study of interpersonal psychological variation. The connections between these two domains of variation have, however, been the subject of only limited research. With the exception of a well-replicated association between intelligence and effortful control, a trait comprising attention, focus, restraint, and goal-oriented behavior, results have been highly varied. The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between intelligence and temperament at ages 8 to 12 and whether temperament is associated with cognitive development during the years in question. Methods This study utilizes data collected as part of the Glaku longitudinal research project, on 468 child-parent pairs. The parents filled in questionnaires concerning their child's temperament at ages 8 and 12, and the children were concurrently administered four subtests of the WISC-III, two of which represented verbal and two nonverbal cognitive ability. At each age, three higher-order temperament traits and their constituent lower-order dimensions were estimated from the questionnaire data. The associations between these intelligence and temperament measures were subjected to a series of linear regression analyses. Results and Conclusions As predicted from prior research, effortful control is strongly associated with intelligence at ages 8 and 12. In addition, higher effortful control at age 8 is associated with greater improvement in vocabulary from age 8 to age 12. Of the other temperament traits assessed, shyness is associated with poorer verbal performance at age 12, and a tendency to negative emotionality is associated with better cognitive performance at age 12. The latter result is surprising in the light of prior research.
  • Urnberg, Heidi (2021)
    Aims: Healthcare workers commonly suffer from workplace aggression, so it is important to understand factors that may increase its risk. Previous studies have shown that job demands increase the risk of inappropriate treatment at workplace. Furthermore, poorly functioning, and constantly changing information systems form a major work stressor for doctors. Therefore, the current study examines if physicians that re-port higher levels of stress related to information systems are also more likely to re-port experiencing workplace aggression. Methods: The sample for the study (n=3327) was collected in the cross-sectional Finnish Physicians’ Working Conditions and Health 2019 -study. Both physical and non-physical aggression were measured, and a combined variable for general aggression was also formed from them. For non-physical aggression, also the perpetrator of aggression was examined: patients or their relatives, and co-workers or superiors. For each type of aggression, logistic regression analysis was used with stress related to in-formation systems as the predictive variable. Results and conclusions: Higher levels of stress related to information systems were associated with higher likelihood of aggression in all types of aggression. The association was strongest with non-physical aggression. These results emphasize the importance of designing functional information systems to improve both the wellbeing of physicians and the quality of patient care in the future. However, the current findings warrant more research, especially regarding the possible mediating factors between stress related to information systems and workplace aggression.
  • Rehn, Jasmin (2023)
    Background: We studied two different visual effects: In brightness induction, the perceived brightness of the stimulus is altered by the luminance of its surround, and in orientation selective contrast suppression the contrast of the stimulus appears lower when surrounded by a collinear surround of higher contrast. In previous studies, orientation selective contrast suppression has been found to be altered in patients who have been diagnosed with depression. Objectives: We measured symptoms of anxiety and depression in our non-clinical sample in order to compare them to their performance in the visual experiments. The goal of our online experiment was also to replicate both of the visual effects without a tightly controlled environment. Methods: Our online experiment consisted of a repeated measures design, with separate blocks for randomised brightness trials, randomised contrast trials, and self-report mental health questionnaires. In the visual trials participants were asked to estimate the brightness or contrast level of a central stimulus, while its surround was varied in luminance or contrast. Our sample consisted of 76 healthy participants with a mean age of 25. Results and conclusions: We managed to replicate both the brightness induction and the orientation selective contrast suppression effects, and found that the use of different electronic devices in completion of the study had no significant effect on the results. Participants reported varying levels of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and 61.6 % of them crossed clinically relevant cut-off points. We did not find a statistically significant connection between the visual effects and symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is encouraging, as it indicates that having only a few symptoms of mental disorders does not alter contrast perception. However, finding out at what point is the contrast perception altered, warrants further study.
  • Nurminen, Milka (2018)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu yksittäisten stressaavien elämäntapahtumien olevan yhteydessä voimakkaampaan masennusoireiluun. Poikittaistutkimuksissa on myös havaittu stressaavien elämäntapahtumien korkeamman kumulatiivisen kertymän olevan yhteydessä voimakkaampaan masennusoireiluun. Sosiaalisen tuen vaikutusta tätä yhteyttä muuntavana tekijänä on tutkittu, mutta tulokset ovat olleet ristiriitaisia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli pitkittäisasetelmalla tutkia stressaavien elämäntapahtumien kumulatiivisen kertymän yhteyttä masennusoireiluun sekä selventää sosiaalisen tuen roolia mahdollisena yhteyttä muuntavana tekijänä. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineisto oli peräisin suomalaisesta Lasten Sepelvaltimotaudin Riskitekijät -pitkittäistutkimuksesta. Otokseen valittiin ne henkilöt (N=753), jotka olivat vastanneet kaikkiin tutkimuksessa tarkasteltaviin kyselyihin. Masennusoireilua arvioitiin osallistujien vuosina 2007 ja 2012 täyttämällä Beckin Depressiokyselyllä (Beck Depression Inventory II; BDI-II). Sosiaalista tukea arvioitiin osallistujien vuonna 2001 tai 2007 täyttämällä Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) -kyselylomakkeella. Stressaavien elämäntapahtumien määrää arvioitiin osallistujien vuosina 2001 ja 2007 täyttämien kyselylomakkeiden avulla, joissa osallistujat raportoivat olivatko he olleet työttöminä, kokeneet avioeron, oliko heidän puolisonsa tai lapsensa kuollut, tai olivatko he muuttaneet toiselle paikkakunnalle. Stressaavien elämäntapahtumien määrän sekä stressaavien elämäntapahtumien ja sosiaalisen tuen interaktion vaikutuksia masennusoireiluun tutkittiin lineaarisilla regressiomalleilla, joissa kontrolloitiin sukupuoli, ikä, sosioekonominen asema, terveyskäyttäytyminen ja aiempi masennusoireilu. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Stressaavien elämäntapahtumien suurempi määrä oli yhteydessä korkeampaan masennusoireiluun riippumatta sosiaalisen tuen määrästä. Stressaavat elämäntapahtumat eivät kuitenkaan ennustaneet muutosta masennusoireilussa pidemmän ajan kuluessa. Tulosten perusteella ennaltaehkäisevien toimien suuntaaminen useita stressaavia elämäntapahtumia kokeneille henkilöille voisi mahdollisesti vähentää elämäntapahtumien kertymän aiheuttamaa masennusoireilua ja siten myös masennushäiriöitä.
  • Eerola, Verner; Helanterä, Ilkka; But, Anna; Lempinen, Marko; Mäkisalo, Heikki; Nordin, Arno; Isoniemi, Helena; Sallinen, Ville (2021)
    Munuaisensiirto parantaa potilaan elämänlaatua, pidentää elämää ja vähentää kustannuksia dialyysiin verrattuna. Suurin osa munuaissiirteistä saadaan Suomessa ja länsimaissa aivokuolleilta luovuttajilta. Aivokuoleman aiheuttamat muutokset luovuttajan hemodynamiikassa ja samanaikainen sytokiinimyrsky vaurioittavat elimiä, ja on kliinisesti merkittävää tarkastella, tuleeko elimet irrottaa mahdollisimman varhain lisävaurioiden kehittymisen estämiseksi. Suomessa elimet irroitetaan nopeasti, mutta käytännöt vaihtelevat maittain. Tarkoituksenamme oli tutkia, miten elinirrotusviive assosioituu munuaissiirteen tuloksiin. Keräsimme todetun aivokuoleman ja elinirrotuksen välisen ajan, sekä luovuttajan ja siirteensaajan tiedot Suomen Elinsiirtorekisteristä 2004–2017, sekä Yhdysvaltojen Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients-rekisteristä 2008–2018. Analysoimme elinirrotusajan assosiaatiota päätemuuttujiin monimuuttujamalleissa vakioimalla luovuttajan riski-indeksillä, sekä siirteensaajan iällä, diabeteksella ja dialyysin kestolla. Assosiaatio mallinnettiin restricted cubic spline-funktioiden avulla. Kaikkiaan 2 388 Suomessa ja 101 474 Yhdysvalloissa tehtyä munuaisensiirtoa otettiin analyysiin. Mediaaniaika aivokuolemasta elinirrotukseen oli 9,8 tuntia (interkvartiiliväli 7,8-12,4) Suomessa ja 34,8 tuntia (interkvartiiliväli 26,3-46,3) Yhdysvalloissa. Monimuuttujamalleissa korkein siirteen myöhästyneen käynnistymisen riski assosioitui hyvin lyhyisiin ja pitkiin elinirrotusviiveisiin. Matalin riski myöhästyneeseen käynnistymiseen oli 20-50 tuntia elinirrotuksesta. Pidempi elinirrotusviive assosioitui lineaarisesti matalampaan siirteen menetyksen riskiin (riskisuhde 0,9/1 tunti, 95% luottamusväli 0,88-0,92; p=0,001). Akuutit rejektiot eivät assosioituneet elinirrotusviiveen kanssa. Pidempi elinirrotusviive ei assosioitunut huonompiin munuaissiirteen tuloksiin, vaan saattaa olla jopa edullista.
  • Karhunen, Oona (2021)
    Objective Fertility ideals play a crucial role in defining how many children people have during their lifetime. By studying fertility ideals and early family environment, we can better understand how attitudes towards childbearing are formed and increase our knowledge on present fertility trends. This study examined the associations between fertility ideals and several aspects of early family environment which have received little attention in previous studies. Methods Two samples derived from representative cross-sectional survey data from the Finnish Family Barometer 2015 was examined: a total sample including men and women aged 20–46 (n = 1966), and a sample including childless men and women aged 20–36 (n = 572). Poisson regression models were used to examine the associations between the ideal number of children and number of siblings, parental separation, childhood happiness, perception of one’s parents and long-term financial difficulties. The models were adjusted for age, parity, income, area of residence, employment status, partnership status and education level. Results Lower number of siblings, parental separation, and the perception of at least one parent as a bad parent were associated with lower fertility ideals regardless of parity. Unhappiness and long-term financial difficulties during childhood were associated with lower fertility ideals for childless individuals. Conclusions Family structure, events regarding parent’s marriage, and the overall perceptions of childhood and family life are associated with fertility ideals. The results suggest that the family of origin provides a compelling model for one’s own family size and shapes attitudes towards family life and parenthood.
  • Lavanko, Saila-Maaria (2023)
    Aims of the study. Evidence from previous studies suggest that poor sleep quality is associated with the experience of pain, and animal models show that the quality of REM sleep is important for pain sensitivity. However, the possible associations between REM sleep fragmentation and the subjective experience of pain in humans have not been studied before. The aim of this study was to examine whether REM sleep fragmentation percent is associated with self-reported multisite pain, meaning pain occurring in two or more pain sites, and/or with self-reported pain in general. The relationship between subjective sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI) and multisite pain was also examined. Methods. The data used in this study consisted of the sleep EEG data collected from 135 adolescents aged 16-17 (61% girls) in an urban community-based cohort. Linear and logistic regressions were used to explore the associations between REM sleep fragmentation, self-reported pain symptoms and multisite pain, and logistic regressions were used to explore the association between PSQI score and multisite pain. Anxiety symptoms and depression symptoms were included in the models as control variables and their independent effect was also of interest. Results and conclusions. No statistically significant relationships were found between REM sleep fragmentation and multisite pain. Additionally, no statistically significant relationships were found between REM sleep fragmentation and self-reported pain symptoms. However, there was a statistically significant relationship found between PSQI score and multisite pain. The results do not support the hypothesis that REM sleep fragmentation would be associated with the experience of pain. The relationship between sleep and pain is complex and understanding the processes and underlying mechanisms of this connection warrants further research. Results indicate that sleep problems in adolescence may be a risk factor for experiencing more pain. The results of this study provide information for clinical application and suggest that it might be possible to prevent multisite pain by enhancing the quality of sleep.
  • Halonen, Risto (2017)
    Sleep spindles are thalamocortical oscillations that occupy the sigma band with trait-like inter-individual variability. Sleep spindles associate with reasoning abilities according to several studies, but some discrepancy exists in the strength and even direction of the associations. This may, to some extent, be due to methodological differences. The stage of brain maturation also affects spindle manifestation. In this community-based study, associations between spindle characteristics and reasoning abilities are examined in an understudied age group, adolescents. An all-night polysomnography was conducted at homes of 178 adolescents (104 girls). Working memory, visuospatial reasoning and verbal reasoning were measured in the same evening. An automatic algorithm was used to detect slow (10–13 Hz) and fast (13–16 Hz) spindles in frontal and central scalp derivations in NREM 2 sleep stage. The associations between spindle variables (density and intensity) and the cognitive test scores were analyzed with linear regression. Genders apart, the analyses were conducted first on the whole group and then separately on the Above Median (AM) and Below Median (BM) intelligence subgroups. In the analyses with all subjects, higher central fast density associated with better verbal reasoning in girls. When examining the subgroups separately, this association was not perceived in the AM group but appeared prominently in the BM group girls. No other associations were found between the spindle variables and the cognitive test scores. A positive spindle-intelligence relation is an established finding in females, but more commonly the association is typified by fluid/visuospatial reasoning and frontal brain areas. In the present study, young age may have related to the accentuated relative significance of more caudal brain regions and verbal intelligence in relation to spindles. The ongoing neural maturation and the heterogeneity of the sample may have contributed to the nature of the findings. More adolescent studies are needed to gain understanding of the matter.
  • Naskali, Anni (2020)
    Aim: Regulatory problems in infancy manifest as difficulties in crying, sleeping and feeding. They have been linked to later behavioral and emotional problems, and also to parental stress, fatigue and negative affect. However, less is known about the relationship between these early problems and subsequent parenting stress in particular. The aim of this study is to examine whether infant regulatory problems during the first year of life are associated with maternal parenting stress during toddlerhood. Methods: The final sample included 649 mothers and their healthy full-term infants who were recruited at birth. When the child was 12 months old, infant crying was assessed with questions based on the Wessel criteria, sleeping was assessed with the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ) and feeding was assessed with the Montreal Children’s Hospital Feeding Scale (MCH-Feeding Scale) by the mother and/or the father. When the child was two years old, the mother evaluated her parenting stress with the Parenting Stress Index/Short Form (PSI-SF). Linear regression analysis was used to examine the associations between infant regulatory problems and maternal parenting stress. Results: An association between regulatory problems in infancy and parenting stress one year later was found. The findings suggest that infant regulatory problems are most strongly associated with mothers perceiving their child as demanding and maternal distress. Multiple regulatory problems were associated with more parenting stress. Conclusions: These findings provide information about how regulatory problems and parenting stress are associated in the early years of life. The results emphasize the importance of early support.
  • Nieminen, Ville (2020)
    Mediastiniitti on avosydänkirurgiassa harvinainen mutta vakava komplikaatio. Siihen liittyy korkea kuolleisuus, huomattavat terveydenhuollon kustannukset ja tavallista pidempi sairaalassaoloaika. Tämän tutkimuksen materiaali kerättiin takaantuvasti Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin (HUS) potilastietojärjestelmistä, mukaan otettiin kaikki avosydänleikkauksen jälkeen mediastiniittiin sairastuneet yli 16-vuotiaat potilaat HUS:n alueella vuosina 1990-2014 (170 potilasta). Statistiseen analyysiin käytettiin SPSS-ohjelmaa (versio 24), tilastollisen merkittävyyden rajana käytettiin p-arvoa alle 0,05. Vuosittainen mediastiniitin ilmaantuvuus vaihteli 0-1,5% välillä, laskien tutkimuksen loppua kohden. Vuosina 2004-2014 potilaat olivat vanhempia, tupakoivat useammin ja heillä oli useammin diabetes tai munuaisen vajaatoiminta kuin vuosina 1990-1999. Merkittävää eroa ei havaittu sairaalahoidon pituudessa, antibioottiprofylaktian tai antibioottihoidon käytössä, myös tehohoito ja kuolleisuus pysyivät samanlaisina vuosien 1990-1999 ja 2004-2014 välillä. Ohitusleikkaus tehtiin harvemmin ja läppäleikkaus tai hybridileikkaus useammin vuosina 2004-2014 kuin 1990-1999. Staphylococcus aureus oli useammin aiheuttajamikrobi vuosina 2004-2014 kuin 1990-1999, toisaalta koagulaasinegatiiviset stafykokit ja gram-negatiiviset bakteerit olivat harvemmin mediastiniitin aiheuttajia. Mediastiniitin kirurginen hoito pysyi pitkälti samana, uutena hoitokeinona mukaan tuli alipaineimuhoito (VAC). Tutkimuksen aikana sydänoperaatioista on tullut entistä monimutkaisempia ja mediastiniittiin sairastuvista potilaista vanhempia ja heillä on entistä useampia perussairauksia. Tästä huolimatta mediastiniitin vuosittainen ilmaantuvuus on laskenut näiden 25 vuoden aikana. 30 päivän ja yhden vuoden kuolleisuuksissa ei ole tapahtunut merkittävää muutosta.
  • Lemma, Aurora; Tolonen, Matti; Vikatmaa, Pirkka; Mentula, Panu; Vikatmaa, Leena; Kantonen, Ilkka; Leppäniemi, Ari; Sallinen, Ville (2019)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Äkillinen suoliston verenkiertovajaus (akuutti mesenteriaali-iskemia (AMI)) on edelleen, kehittyneistä hoitomuodoista huolimatta, korkean kuolleisuuden tauti. Yksi olennainen hoidon tuloksiin vaikuttava tekijä on viive ensimmäisestä terveydenhuollon pisteestä leikkaukseen (leikkausviive), mutta tämän viiveen syyt ovat huonosti tunnettuja. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli etsiä viiveeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, erityisesti hoitoketjun osalta. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Kyseessä on retrospektiivinen tutkimus, jossa tutkittiin 2006- 2015 Meilahden sairaalassa leikattuja AMI-potilaita. Poissuljimme tutkimuksesta potilaat, joilla oli pitkäaikainen, puoliäkillinen, paksusuoleen rajoittunut, laskimoperäinen tai verisuonia tukkimaton mesenteriaali-iskemia. Potilaat jaettiin kahteen alaryhmään sen mukaan, oliko ensimmäinen terveydenhuollon piste, jonka he kohtasivat kirurginen päivystys (KP) vai ei-kirurginen päivystys (ei-KP). Ensisijainen päätemuuttuja oli leikkausviive ja toissijaiset päätemuuttujat olivat sairaalahoidon kesto ja 90-päivän kuolleisuus. Tulokset: Lopullisessa tutkimuspotilasjoukossa oli 81 potilasta. Ei-KP ensimmäisenä hoitokontaktina oli itsenäisesti yhteydessä yli 12 tunnin leikkausviiveeseen (OR 3.7 (95% luottamusväli 1.3-10.2), mediaani viive 15.2 tuntia (IQR 10.9-21.2) vs. 10.1 tuntia (IQR 6.9-18.5), p = 0.025). Sairaalahoidon kesto oli lyhyempi (mediaani 6.5 päivää (4.0-10.3) vs. 10.8 päivää (7.0-22.3), p = 0.045) ja 90-päivän kuolleisuus matalampi KP-ryhmässä (50.0% vs. 74.5%, p = 0.025). Johtopäätökset: Ensimmäinen erikoisala johon potilas lähetetään, vaikuttaa oleellisesti AMI-potilaan leikkausviiveeseen ja kuolleisuuteen. Hoitoketjun sujuvoittaminen niin, että potilas pääsee mahdollisimman nopeasti hoitoon vatsaelin- ja verisuonikirurgiseen yksikköön, voi parantaa AMI:n hoidon tuloksia. (200 sanaa)
  • Tompuri, Hanna (2020)
    Aims of the study. The aim of this study was to examine the association of the circadian period length and mood disorders in adolescents. The late chronotype has been associated with a few adversities, such as poorer mental health. In previous studies, it has also been shown that chronotypes might be due to deviations from the 24 hours circadian period length rather than differences in timing of sleep. The research questions of this study were: Is the length of circadian period associated with depressive and/ or anxiety disorders in 16-19-year-olds? Does gender moderate the association between circadian period length and mood disorders in 16-19-year-olds? The hypothesis was that circadian period significantly longer or shorter than 24 hours is associated with a higher risk of depressive and/ or anxiety disorders. Methods. The study was part of the SleepHelsinki! research project which is a population-based cohort study that consisted of two phases. In the first phase 7539 Finnish speaking adolescents, aged 16-17 were invited to participate in an online survey about health behaviours and sleep. Of the 1411 adolescents participating in the online survey, 329 were invited to the second phase of the study to assess psychiatric disorders of the participants with MINI interview and record the information about their distal skin temperature to assess the length of the circadian period. Information of 258 participants were used in this study. Binary logistic regression was used in the statistical analysis of the data. Results and conclusions. Female gender was associated with a higher prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorders. The results showed that gender and the length of the circadian period were associated with depressive disorders in adolescence. No association was found between circadian period length and anxiety disorders. Age was not associated with either depressive or anxiety disorders. Both the longer and shorter circadian period and female gender were associated with the occurrence of depressive disorders.
  • Seikku, Tiina (2023)
    Objective Executive function deficits are associated with a risk for psychopathology in childhood, but a consensus on the exact details of the relationship is lacking. This study sought to clarify the relationship by investigating in a child psychiatric sample the association between preschool executive functions and concurrent and school-age 1) psychiatric symptoms and 2) ADHD diagnosis, and 3) the role of age and sex of the child and socioeconomic status of the family in the relationships. Methods The baseline data (n=166) used in this study was recruited in 2015-2017 from child psychiatric outpatient clinics, and the follow-up sample (n=65) was collected by contacting the original sample in 2021. At baseline the children were aged 4 to 7 (70.5% boys), and at follow-up 8 to 13 years (75.4% boys). Executive functions (including inhibition, attention, and execution of action) were measured at baseline with The Attention and Executive Function Rating Inventory – Preschool Version filled in by daycare nurses, and psychiatric symptoms (internalizing, externalizing, attention and total) were measured at both timepoints by age-appropriate versions of Child Behavior Check List filled in by parents. ADHD diagnoses at both timepoints were collected from medical records. Linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate the concurrent and predictive associations. Age and sex of the child, and parental education were controlled in the analyses. Results Preschool executive functions were associated with concurrent psychiatric symptoms to varying degrees. Contrary to previous findings, no concurrent associations with total psychiatric symptoms or predictive associations with any psychiatric symptom categories were found. All preschool executive functions were associated with concurrent ADHD diagnosis, and they continued to predict school-age ADHD diagnosis, even when preschool age diagnosis was controlled for. Conclusion The role of executive function deficits in ADHD is evident, and they may precipitate the disorder. Executive functions are an essential part of ADHD assessment. The association with psychiatric symptoms is more complex, as different components of executive functions are differently associated with internalizing, externalizing and attention symptoms. More research is needed to find out if the results are applicable only to clinical populations.
  • Hämäläinen, Minni (2021)
    Aims of the study. The initial aim of this study was to discover the connections of adolescents’ sleep and exercise habits. It is known that adolescents generally sleep and exercise too little. Studies have also shown that physical activity and sleep are connected to each other. However, it is not completely clear how exercise affects sleep quality especially in young people. This study concentrates specifically on how the intensity of exercise affects different parameters of sleep quality in adolescents. Additionally, as the results are somewhat conflicting at the moment, another aim of this paper is to research the possible differences between girls and boys in these matters. Methods. This study was a part of SleepHelsinki! research, which is a population based cohort study. SleepHelsinki! was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, 7539 Finnish speaking adolescents participated in an online survey about their health habits. Altogether 552 adolescents were invited to the second phase of the study, in which they were given the actigraph device and instructions. The data in hand consists of 329 of those adolescents. Multivariate analysis was used for the statistical analysis of the data. Results and conclusions. High MET (metabolic equivalent) was connected to shorter sleep latency. Lesser activity was connected to later bed- and get up times, thus representing possibly a later chronotype. Among those who exercised more vigorously, sleep efficiency was higher with lower night time mobility and sleep latency. Basically the amount and intensity of exercise seem to have positive effects on sleep quality of adolescents. Additionally, in this data girls had better sleep quality whereas boys were slightly more physically active.
  • Rämö, Joel (2016)
    Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a complex and common familial dyslipidemia characterized by elevated total cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels with over five-fold risk of coronary heart disease. The genetic architecture and contribution of rare Mendelian and common variants to FCH susceptibility is unknown. In 53 Finnish FCH families, we genotyped and imputed nine million variants in 715 family members with DNA available. We studied the enrichment of variants previously implicated with monogenic dyslipidemias and/or lipid levels in the general population by comparing allele frequencies between the FCH families and population samples. We also constructed weighted polygenic scores using 212 lipid-associated SNPs and estimated the relative contributions of Mendelian variants and polygenic scores to the risk of FCH in the families. We identified, across the whole allele frequency spectrum, an enrichment of variants known to elevate, and a deficiency of variants known to lower LDL-C and/or TG levels among both probands and affected FCH individuals. The score based on TG associated SNPs was particularly high among affected individuals compared to non-affected family members. Out of 234 affected FCH individuals across the families, seven (3%) carried Mendelian variants and 83 (35%) showed high accumulation of either known LDL-C or TG elevating variants by having either polygenic score over the 90th percentile in the population. The positive predictive value of high score was much higher for affected FCH individuals than for similar sporadic cases in the population. FCH is highly polygenic, supporting the hypothesis that variants across the whole allele frequency spectrum contribute to this complex familial trait. Polygenic SNP panels improve identification of individuals affected with FCH, but their clinical utility remains to be defined.
  • Ripatti, Pietari (2016)
    Familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) is a complex and common familial dyslipidemia characterized by elevated total cholesterol and/or triglyceride levels with over five-fold risk of coronary heart disease. The genetic architecture and contribution of rare Mendelian and common variants to FCH susceptibility is unknown. In 53 Finnish FCH families, we genotyped and imputed nine million variants in 715 family members with DNA available. We studied the enrichment of variants previously implicated with monogenic dyslipidemias and/or lipid levels in the general population by comparing allele frequencies between the FCH families and population samples. We also constructed weighted polygenic scores using 212 lipid-associated SNPs and estimated the relative contributions of Mendelian variants and polygenic scores to the risk of FCH in the families. We identified, across the whole allele frequency spectrum, an enrichment of variants known to elevate, and a deficiency of variants known to lower LDL-C and/or TG levels among both probands and FCH affecteds. The score based on TG associated SNPs was particularly high among affected individuals compared to non-affected family members. Out of 234 FCH affecteds across the families, seven (3 %) carried Mendelian variants and 83 (35 %) showed high accumulation of either known LDL-C or TG elevating variants by having either polygenic score over the 90th percentile in the population. There was large between-family variation in how much the polygenic scores contributed to the FCH phenotype. FCH is highly polygenic, supporting the hypothesis that variants across the whole allele frequency spectrum contribute to this complex familial trait. This reinforces the clinical tenet that FCH is a cluster of overlapping genetic defects instead of an etiologically homogenous disease entity.