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  • Lahtiharju, Arttu (2023)
    Soluvapaa DNA tarkoittaa solujen ulkopuolella, vapaasti liikkuvaa DNA-juostepätkää. Elimistö vapauttaa fysiologisesti solunulkoisia DNA-juosteita mm. verenkiertoon ja virtsaan. Soluvapaan DNA:n fysiologinen merkitys on edelleen osittain tuntematon, mutta sen havaitsemisessa diagnostisesti on tehty useita läpimurtoja viime vuosikymmeninä. Esimerkiksi useat nykyisistä sikiödiagnostiikkamuodoista perustuvat soluvapaan DNA:n kautta tehtäviin tutkimuksiin. Elinsiirretutkimuksissa soluvapaa DNA on myös erityisen kiinnostava, sillä luovuttajaperäinen soluvapaa DNA sekä sen määrän vaihtelut elinsiirteen vastaanottajapotilaan elimistössä voivat kertoa siirre-elimen kunnosta tärkeää tietoa. Sydänsiirteitä tehdään Suomessa hyvin rajallinen määrä, vain noin 20 kappaletta vuodessa. Näin ollen on tärkeää, että sydänsiirron jälkeen siirteen toimivuutta seurataan kiinteästi, jotta voidaan varmistaa sydänsiirrepotilaalle mahdollisimman hyvä ennuste sekä taata siirteen toimivuus mahdollisimman pitkälle. Vuosikymmenten ajan sydänlihasnäyte (EMB) on ollut kultainen standardi sydänsiirrehyljinnän diagnostiikassa. Näyte on kuitenkin otettava sydämen sisäpinnalta katetrilla, mikä on komplikaatioaltis prosessi, altistaa potilaan infektioille ja tulee lisäksi tehdä sairaalassa. Tämän lisäksi näytteenotto on kallista ja näytteiden analysointi sisältää vaihtelevuutta analysoivasta patologista riippuen. Tämän vuoksi on vuosien ajan yritetty selvittää kevyempiä ja helpompia, korvaavia näytemuotoja sydänsiirteen hyljinnän ennustamiseksi, mutta mikään testi ei ole kyennyt korvaamaan sydänlihasnäytettä luotettavuudessa. Tutkimuksessamme kykenemme osoittamaan, että luovuttajaperäistä soluvapaata DNA:ta voidaan käyttää hyljinnän negatiivisessa seurannassa, toisin sanoen luovuttajaperäinen soluvapaa DNA-määritys sydänsiirrepotilaan plasmasta kertoo luotettavasti tiettyä katkaisuarvoa käyttämällä (0.21 %), että potilaalla ei ole keskivaikeaa tai vaikeaa akuuttia soluvälitteistä hyljintää. Tuloksemme vahvistavat jo aiempien, vastaavanlaisten tutkimusten tuloksia sekä varmistavat sen, että osan sydänsiirrepotilaiden seurantaan käytetyistä sydänlihasnäytteistä voi korvata plasmasta otettavalla luovuttajaperäisen soluvapaan DNA:n määrityksellä. Tämä osaltaan helpottaa sydänsiirrepotilaiden seurantaa, vähentää ristiriitaisia näytetulkintoja sekä vähentää terveydenhuollon kustannuksia.
  • Kuisma, Jenni (2024)
    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide and the major cause for them is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a state of chronic inflammation of the arterial wall, which slowly progresses to form plaques that can eventually obstruct blood flow. The resulting hypoxia in the tissues affected by the ischemia manifests as clinical symptoms such as chest pain. All this begins with chronically high LDL-C concentrations in the blood. LDL-C is transported into the intima of the arterial wall where it is modified with for example oxidizing enzymes. Intimal macrophages remove oxidized LDL via phagocytosis, which leads to lipid accumulation that turns macrophages into foam cells. At first, foam cells die via apoptosis as they are removed by other macrophages. At some point, macrophages cannot remove all the apoptotic material, which leads to a necrotic release of the cell contents. This creates a necrotic core in the center of the atherosclerotic plaque. The inflammatory environment makes vascular smooth muscle cells proliferate and form a fibrous cap to protect the prothrombotic necrotic core. Eventually the plaque can rupture, which leads to the formation of a thrombus and possibly even thrombosis. To prevent this, drugs including statins, ezetimibe and PCSK9 inhibitors are widely used along with certain dietary modifications. More options for diagnosing, preventing, and treating atherosclerosis are still needed to decrease the burden of atherosclerosis and CVDs on both the individual and healthcare systems. A potential example of such methods is presented in this review. This method utilizes synthetic LDL receptors to isolate LDL from the blood, which is needed for determining the quality of LDL particles. The knowledge of LDL quality helps predict the individual risk for developing atherosclerosis.
  • Kallela, Jenni; Jääskeläinen, Tiina; Kortelainen, Eija; Laivuori, Hannele (2016)
    Background The Finnish Pre-eclampsia Consortium (FINNPEC) case-control cohort consisting of 1447 pre-eclamptic and 1068 non-pre-eclamptic women was recruited at the five Finnish university hospitals to study genetic background of pre-eclampsia and fetal growth. Pre-eclampsia was defined by hypertension and proteinuria according to the modified The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) 2002 classification. The ACOG Task Force Report on Hypertension in Pregnancy (2013) and The international Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP) (2014) have published new classifications, which change the paradigm that the diagnosis of preeclampsia always requires proteinuria. Here we studied how the new classifications would affect the pre-eclampsia diagnoses in the FINNPEC cohort. Methods We re-evaluated pre-eclampsia diagnosis using the ACOG 2013 and the ISSHP 2014 classifications in those pre-eclamptic women with the amount of proteinuria not exceeding 1+ in dipstick (N=68) and in women with gestational hypertension (N=138). Results Number of women with pre-eclampsia increased 0.5% (1454/1447) according to the ACOG 2013 criteria and decreased 0.9% (1434/1447) according to the ISSHP 2014 criteria. All 68 women with the amount of proteinuria not exceeding 1+ in dipstick diagnosed originally pre-eclamptic met the ACOG 2013 criteria but only 20 women (29.4%) met the ISSHP 2014 criteria. Seven (5.1%) and 35 (25.4%) women with gestational hypertension were diagnosed with pre-eclampsia according to the ACOG 2013 and the ISSHP 2014 criteria, respectively. Conclusions Only minor changes were observed in the total number of pre-eclamptic women in the FINNPEC cohort when comparing the modified ACOC 2002 classification with the ACOG 2013 and ISSHP 2014 classifications.
  • Rinne, Rasmus (2021)
    Social fobi(SF) definieras som en uttalad eller bestående rädsla för en eller flera olika sociala situationer. SF präglas av en förvrängd uppmärksamhet av social stimuli. Vi undersökte skillnader i självreferens processering i SF genom att rekrytera 20 friska kontroller och 38 personer med SF. Försökspersonerna undergick fMRI mätning medan de kategoriserade ord som visades till dem som positiva, negativa eller neutrala i kontext till en situation att de hör en grupp med personer säga ordet ifråga.SF gruppen delades itu och undergick ett randomiserat dubbelblindat experiment med escitalopram eller placebo i 7 dygn. Därefter utfördes fMRI mätningen pånytt med en liknande kategoriserings uppgift. Under experimentet uppföljdes nivån av ångest med självrapportering via STAI-Y1 frågeformulär. Vi observerade en ökning av aktivation i vänstra inferiora frontala gyrus till negativt socialt stimuli i den friska gruppen i kontrast till SF gruppen. Efter interventionen observerades normalisation i samma region i vänstra inferior frontala gyruset i escitalopram gruppen men inte i placebo gruppen. Vi observerade inga signifikanta skillnader i kliniska symptom utgående från frågeformulären. Vår slutsats är att vänstra inferiora frontala gyrus aktivation är nedsatt i SF och normaliseras av en korttidsbehandling av escitalopram förrän den kliniska effekten etableras.
  • Salokari, Esko (2018)
    Tausta Duke Treadmill Score (DTS) on laajalti juoksumatolla suoritetun rasituskokeen yhteydessä käytetty painotettu pisteytys, joka yhdistää rasituksensiedon, suurimman ST-tason muutoksen ja rasituksen aikaisen rintakivun. Aiemmin ei ole tutkittu DTS:n ja sen yksittäisten osatekijöiden ennusteellista arvoa kuntopyörällä suoritettavan rasituskokeen yhteydessä. Menetelmät Kahden eri aineiston potilaat suorittivat normaalin rasituskokeen kuntopyörällä: 3936 potilasta (2371 miestä, iältään 56 ±13 vuotta) Finnish Cardiovascular Study (FINCAVAS) –aineistosta ja 2683 miestä (iältään 53±5.1 vuotta) Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease (KIHD) –aineistosta. Arvioimme potilaiden todennäköisyyttä menehtyä sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin Coxin regressioanalyysin avulla. Tulokset 180 potilasta (4,6%) menehtyi 6,3 vuoden mediaaniseuranta-ajan aikana (kvartiiliväli 4.5-8.2) sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin FINCAVAS-aineistossa. 562 potilasta (21.0%) menehtyi sydän- ja verisuoniperäisiin syihin 24.1 vuoden mediaaniseuranta-ajan aikana (kvartiiliväli 18.0-26.2) KIHD-aineistossa. DTS ennusti vahvasti sydän- ja verisuoniperäistä kuolleisuutta molemmissa aineistoissa (FINCAVAS-aineistossa vaarasuhde 3.15 ylimmän ja alimman DTS:n kolmanneksen välillä, 95% luottamusväli 1.83-5.42, p-arvo <0.001 ja KIHD-aineistossa vaarasuhde 1.71, 95% luottamusväli 1.34-2.18, p-arvo <0.001). Kun mukaan analyyseihin otettiin myös DTS:n yksittäiset osatekijät, pisteytys ei kuitenkaan enää luotettavasti ennustanut sydän- ja verisuonisairaus peräistä kuolleisuutta kummassakaan aineistossa ja rasituksensieto oli merkittävin ennusteeseen vaikuttava tekijä. Pohdinta DTS liittyy sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttamiin kuolemiin kuntopyörällä rasituskokeen suorittaneiden aineistoissa, mutta rasituksensieto osoittautui paremmaksi ennusteeseen vaikuttavaksi tekijäksi. Jatkossa myös juoksumatolla suoritettavan rasituskokeen yhteydessä tulisi perehtyä lisää DTS:n ennusteelliseen arvoon verrattuna muihin tekijöihin, erityisesti rasituksensietoon. 209 sanaa
  • Nahi, Johanna (2023)
    Objectives: Sleep is sensitive to mental stress. Mental stress can be triggered by everyday psychosocially stressful life events evoking feelings of fear of social evaluation, social exclusion or pressure of attaining desired goals. Deterioration of subsequent sleep is in turn widely associated with different mental health outcomes. Here we examine, whether psychosocial stress experienced before night sleep affects non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep architecture and sleep spindles. Furthermore, we intend to elucidate whether the effects of stress are different between two halves of the night. To our knowledge this is the first study integrating these themes and covering the entire night EEG measurement. Methods: Subjects were 20- to 34-year-old healthy adults (n=34) distributed into two experimental groups, completing different virtual reality scenarios. Subjects of stress condition performed a public speaking task in front of an attentive virtual audience whereas the subjects of control condition listened a neutral presentation in otherwise identical except empty virtual seminar room. Following both virtual reality scenarios participants’ sleep parameter data were gathered with electroencephalography (EEG) during the following night in the sleep laboratory. Results and Conclusions: We found that participants in stress condition displayed significantly lower N2 proportion during the first half of the night in contrast to control condition, accompanying slight reduction in N3 and REM sleep. Psychosocial stress had no significant effect on the entire night sleep spindle parameters, compared to non-stressful condition. However, a significant interaction between group and time on central spindle density was found, as a significant increase of central spindle density in the stress group from first to second half of sleep. Thus, we conclude that pre-sleep psychosocially stressful experience is associated with decreased N2 proportion during the first half of the sleep and increased central spindle density from the first to second half of the sleep, and the pattern is significantly different compared to sleep after neutral experience. These findings might indicate potential sleep homeostatic mechanism, whereby the stress related reduction of N2 sleep observed earlier in the night may be compensated for by a denser appearance of spindles later in the night, thus promoting sleep continuity and compensating for effects which occurred closer to the stressor.
  • Launonen, Hanna (2020)
    High blood pressure has been shown to increase intestinal permeability, which is associated with several diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Recently, renin-angiotensin system (RAS) components, the main regulators of blood pressure, have been found to be produced also locally in several tissues e.g. intestine, heart and brain. In the intestine, the local RAS participates in the regulation of inflammation. However, little is known of the functionality of the local intestinal RAS components and their involvement in the regulation of the intestinal barrier function. Conventional angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)-angiotensin receptor type 1 (AT1R) axis and the alternative angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)- Mas receptor axis have opposing functions in the body. The disbalance between the two pathways has been associated with different pathophysiological processes. This in vitro study aimed to assess the direct effect of proinflammatory angiotensin II (Ang II) via the activation of AT1R on intestinal permeability of 8-10-week-old Balb/c mice. Jejunum and colon samples were collected and mounted to the Ussing chamber with different Ang II concentrations or a combination of Ang II and AT1R antagonist losartan. Angiotensin (1-7) (Ang (1-7)), a Mas receptor agonist, was also examined for its possible beneficial effect on reducing gut permeability and on alleviating the harmful effects of Ang II. Transepithelial resistance (TER) and short-circuit current (Isc) were analyzed as indicators of the permeability. Given the importance of the tight junction proteins to paracellular permeability, the levels of occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-4 were determined with Western blot from jejunum and colon samples incubated for 75 min under similar conditions used in the Ussing chamber. Ang II increased the paracellular permeability via the activation of AT1R in jejunum. Additionally, Ang (1-7) tended to alleviate the negative effects of Ang II. Changes in tight junction protein levels partly were in accordance with the permeability findings. The fluorescence permeability marker (9Å) used mimics the size of disaccharides. There is evidence that TER measures the changes in the paracellular ion and water transport and as no alterations in TER values were observed we suggest that Ang II increases the flux of macromolecules via the activation of AT1R in jejunum. No significant changes in permeability or in the electrophysiological values were observed in colon after incubation with peptides.
  • Laurinen, Anni (2023)
    Maternal obesity and childhood obesity are major problems for the public economy. Maternal obesity or the mother’s gestational diabetes mellitus may put the child at risk for accelerating growth in the first few months of life. Accelerating growth in early infancy is a risk factor for obesity in later childhood and adulthood. This study examined the effect of the mother’s genetic risk for obesity, defined by testing for SNP genetic variations associated with obesity, on the connection between the mother’s pre-pregnancy obesity and the early growth profiles of the offspring. This study is a secondary analysis of the RADIEL study. RADIEL is a gestational diabetes study, the material for which was assembled in the areas of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa and the South Karelia Central Hospital in the years of 2008 to 2013. The women selected for the study were women who were either planning a pregnancy or who were pregnant with their gestational weeks being 20 or less. They were all at risk for gestational diabetes, either by having a BMI of at least 30 kg/m2 or by having had gestational diabetes in a prior pregnancy. The follow-up visits for the mothers took place in every trimester of pregnancy and after birth at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. There was also a follow-up study for the mothers and children 5 years after the birth. In addition, records of birth were collected from the maternity hospitals and records of the children’s growth were collected from child care centers. The mother’s genetic predisposition for obesity was modelled by testing for 49 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and by creating a polygenic risk score for obesity (BMI-PRS) from them, which was used for grouping the mothers in groups of low, medium, and high genetic risk. Based on growth records from child care centers, the children’s growth was modelled in growth profiles, which were grouped into the ascending, descending, and intermediate growth profile groups based on the growth trends in the first few months of life. In the study, a positive connection between the BMI-PRS and maternal pre-pregnancy obesity was found. The BMI-PRS also had a statistically significant positive association with the connection between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and the offspring’s early growth profiles. The connection between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and the offspring’s ascending early growth profile was only found in the high risk BMI-PRS group. No association was found between the BMI-PRS and gestational diabetes or the BMI-PRS and the connection between gestational diabetes and early growth profiles. According to the results, the mother’s genetic risk for obesity affects the connection between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity and the offspring’s early growth, but further research is needed on this topic.
  • Salminen, Annu (2024)
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important tool in measuring the connectivity of the brain. Based on the connectivity maps acquired from scanning, research is being done for example on how to improve fMRI-guided targeting of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). One of the means is to improve the quality of the imaging. There are some challenges in producing high quality images due to technical limitations and due to patient behavior, most important of which are movement and state of alertness. The aim of this thesis was to find out, if natural viewing during scanning would reduce movement, increase alertness and increase comfortableness of the patients compared to resting state scanning. We had 19 (N=19) patients suffering from treatment resistant MDD (major depressive disorder) scanned to receive fMRIguided TMS -treatment. We divided the fMRI into four sessions: two movie and two resting state sessions. After each session we asked the patients to rate their level of alertness and comfortableness on a visual analogue scale from 0 to 100. We also computed two different movement measures (mean FD [= framewise displacement] Jenkinson and number of FD Power >0.5) of the scanning. We could see a significant difference (p=0.014) in mean FD Jenkinson between movie vs rest indicating that natural viewing reduced movement during scanning. We also could see a significant difference in alertness (p=0.002) between sessions indicating that longer duration of scanning diminishes the state of alertness of the patients. In other parameters we did not see a significant difference between movie and resting state. Our research supports and adds to previous findings that showing a movie during fMRI could reduce movement and that state of alertness could decrease during longer scanning times.
  • Laurila, Matias (2020)
    Aims. The social support received from family, friends and other social relations has a notable influence on an individual's psychological well-being. It has been consistently shown that social support helps to reduce the symptoms of depressive and anxiety disorders and has been connected to better quality of life. Psychotherapeutic interventions have been shown to have a positive effect on perceived social support, but both the effect of individual therapies and the stability of the effect have been studied seldom. The aim of this study is to examine and compare how the perceived social support developed in short- and longterm psychodynamic psychotherapy and solution-focused therapy. Methods. The study was conducted as a part of the Helsinki Psychotherapy Study (HPS). The study population consisted of 326 Finnish adult outpatients suffering from depressive and/or anxiety disorders. The patients were randomized into solution-focused therapy (SFT; n=97), long-term (LPP; n=128) or short-term (SPP; n=101) psychodynamic psychotherapy. The perceived social support was measured by A brief inventory of social support and integration (BISSI) questionnaire. The participants answered the questionnaire six times, once in a year, during the 5-year follow-up period. The development of social support in the therapies was analysed by linear mixed models. Results and Conclusions. The perceived social support had increased slightly more in LPP than in SPP at the end of the LPP therapy. No significant differences between SFT and the psychodynamic therapies were found at any follow-up point. In LPP and SFT a notable increase in perceived social support occurred during the first year of the follow-up, and the change was still significant at the five-year follow-up point. In SPP the increase occurred slower and the positive change at the five-year follow-up was somewhat lesser than in other therapies. The results provide preliminary knowledge of the relatively equal and stable positive effect of solution-focused therapies and short- and long-term psychodynamic psychotherapies on the perceived social support.
  • Rekola, Lauri (2017)
    Despite decades of study, no ironclad conclusion has been reached concerning the biological function of sleep in humans. Recent theories have proposed that sleep might play a role in maintaining cortical excitability at safe levels by downregulating excessive intersynaptic connections accumulated during a waking episode. In line with this theory, sleep deprivation has been shown to increase cortical excitability in studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography (EEG). In this pilot study (N=4) we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to study the effects of 24 hours of sleep deprivation on somatosensory evoked fields (SEFs). Sleep deprivation increased the amplitude of primary somatosensory P35m component by 36%. Our preliminary findings confirm and delineate the previous EEG findings of enhanced somatosensory activation after sleep deprivation, thus indicating increased cortical excitability following sleep loss.
  • Sokka, Laura (2021)
    Lactase is a digestive enzyme, and its principal function is to break down lactose, a disaccharide found in milk. The main site for lactase expression is the intestines, however, it is also expressed in other tissues, including the brain. Because the primary substrate, lactose, is not present in the central nervous system, it can be assumed that lactase serves another function besides lactose breakdown outside the digestive system. In C57BL/6NCrl mice, lactase expression is higher in the ventral hippocampus after chronic social defeat stress in comparison to controls. This suggests that lactase expression is to some extent affected by stress. Although lactose metabolism is only necessary for mammals, some other animals – including the zebrafish (Danio rerio) – possess a gene that codes for lactase. Research on the zebrafish lactase gene is scarce, and the expression pattern of its two transcripts, the primary lct-201 and the secondary lct-202, is not known. This study focused on measuring lactase expression in adult wild type zebrafish – both on the gene and on the protein level as enzymatic activity. The effect of stress on lactase expression was also examined by applying two different stress models: netting handling stress as a form of physiological stress, and chronic social defeat as a model for psychosocial stress. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-RT-PCR) showed lct-201 expression in all five tissues investigated in this study – the forebrain, the mid-hindbrain, higher intestines, lower intestines, and skeletal muscle, whereas lct-202 was only expressed in the higher and lower intestines. The expression level of lct-201 in the muscle was only fifth of that in the lower intestines. Lactase activity assay on the whole brain and whole intestines displayed enzymatic activity in both tissues, with the activity in the intestines being more than seven-fold compared to the brain. q-RT-PCR on both stressed and control fish whole brain and intestines revealed higher lactase expression in the stressed fish intestines, however, the effect was only seen with a primer pair targeting both transcripts simultaneously, and not for either of them separately. Lactase expression was on average approximately 40 % higher in physiologically and 55 % higher in psychosocially stressed fish in comparison to their respective controls. Neither physiological nor psychosocial stress affected lactase expression in the brain. These findings suggest that the two zebrafish lactase transcripts have distinct expression patterns, which might imply different functional roles for lct-201 and lct-202. Furthermore, these results indicate that lactase is expressed in the zebrafish brain, suggesting that it has a specific function in the central nervous system. Based on the findings in this study, lactase gene expression might be connected to experienced stress – both physiological and psychosocial.
  • Måsabacka, Marie (2009)
    Chronic allograft nephropathy is still the major cause for loss of transplanted kidneys. A prominent feature is luminal narrowing of blood vessels due to proliferating and migrating smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The mechanism is much like that of atherosclerosis. We hypothesized that platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor and epidermal growth factor play an important role in the process. This was based on the observation that drugs inhibiting these growth factors decreased luminal narrowing in a rat model. To test the hypothesis SMC were cultured in vitro. They were stimulated to proliferate with PDGF. After this, two growth factor inhibitors, sunitinib and erlotinib, were administered to the culture in three different doses. The results are clear: both sunitinib and erlotinib inhibit SMC proliferation in a dose dependent matter. If SMC proliferation and migration could be prevented, it could potentially result in a decrease of late allograft loss.
  • Suominen, Lasse (2024)
    Ovarian cancer is the third most common gynecological cancer worldwide. Most ovarian cancers are high-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSOC). HGSOC is usually diagnosed after metastasis due to lack of early symptoms. The prognosis is poor due to the lack of symptoms and chemoresistance that often develops. Stromal cells in cancers can both restrict and promote the tumor progression as well as modulate cancer cells’ response to therapy. Knowledge of differences in stromal cell subpopulations between different metastatic sites as well as of how chemotherapy affects the subpopulations is lacking, making developing new treatments targeting the tumor stroma difficult. The aims of this study were to characterize the stromal cell populations in HGSOC tumors and in healthy tubal tissue and to analyze the differences in subpopulations between different tumors. We used single-cell RNA-sequencing to characterize the stromal subpopulations in sixty-five tumor samples collected from different metastatic tissues both before and after chemotherapy and in five healthy tubal samples. We found eighteen stromal subpopulations in HGSOC and healthy tubal tissues. Ten subpopulations were cancer-associated fibroblasts including five previously characterized subtypes and five novel subtypes. Additionally, we found for example mesothelial cells, endothelial cells, and ovarian stromal cells. We demonstrated that certain cell populations are enriched in different metastatic tissues. Additionally, we demonstrated that stromal subpopulations differ between tumors collected before and after chemotherapy. Our results show that there are significant systematic differences in stromal subpopulations between HGSOC tumors from different conditions. Understanding these differences together with the knowledge of how these cells affect the tumor progression will enable the development of treatments targeting the tumor stroma.
  • Laitinen, Maija (2020)
    Objectives: Sufficient vitamin D intake is important for a child’s development. In addition to bone health, it has been suggested that vitamin D may play an important part in brain development and function. However, the nutritional recommendations for vitamin D are primarily based on bone health and it is still largely unknown whether the same dose is optimal for brain development. Previous studies have shown some indication that vitamin D could be associated with neurodevelopment but the results are inconsistent and especially the amount of intervention studies is still very limited. The aim of this study was to find out if higher dosage of vitamin D supplement (1200 IU) is beneficial for neurodevelopment compared to recommended dosage (400 IU) in early childhood. Methods: The data for this study is from a large, Finnish, randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial of daily vitamin D intervention in infants (VIDI). The final sample consisted of 718 healthy children who were randomized to receive either the recommended dose (400 IU) or higher dose (1200 IU) of vitamin D daily from two weeks to 24 months of age. Neurodevelopment was evaluated at the age of 1 and/or 2 using the Ages and Stages questionnaire (ASQ) filled by the parents. Groups were compared using one-way ANOVA and mixed models. Results and conclusions: There were no differences in total neurodevelopmental scores between the recommended dose (400 IU) and higher dose (1200 IU) supplementation groups at the age of 1 or 2. Neither did the groups differ on any of the ASQ neurodevelopmental domains; communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal-social. In addition, the change in neurodevelopment was not different between the groups over time. The results suggest that higher dose (1200 IU) of vitamin D supplementation during the first two years of life does not lead to better neurodevelopmental outcomes compared to recommended dose (400 IU). The current study supports current Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. However, more research on the association between vitamin D and neurodevelopment is still needed.
  • Suokas, Frans (2017)
    Objectives: The present study tests the hypothesis of the association of an asphyxic insult, as defined by a low perinatal Apgar score to cognitive performance on adulthood, which has not been the objective in previous studies. The study questions are whether the low Apgar score without other symptoms predisposes one to a lower educational attainment, lower speech production capabilities and other cognitive impairments in adulthood. Based on previous studies conducted on younger individuals, the hypotheses were that individuals with a low Apgar score 1) have lower educational attainment and 2) perform worse on tasks that stress speech production than controls. Additionally, it was analyzed whether the individuals with a low Apgar score have lower 3) general intelligence, 4) verbal intelligence, 5) perceptual organization, 6) attentional skills and executive functions and 7) memory functions than controls. Methods: The participants were selected from a birth cohort of 22359 deliveries during 1971–1974 that had been followed-up until the latest measurements in 2014–2016, when the participants were aged 40–45 years of age. Asphyxia group consisted of participants with an Apgar score below 7 at least two times at 1, 5, and 15 minutes after delivery without other perinatal risk conditions (N = 80). Control group consisted of participants without any perinatal risk conditions (N = 83). It was analyzed whether the asphyxia group had an increased risk for attaining maximally a secondary level education. Measures of cognition were conducted with standardized neuropsychological tests. Childhood maladaptive living environment was included in the analyses as a covariate. Logistic regression was used in the analyses of educational attainment. In the neuropsychological tests, t-tests were conducted for the unadjusted analyses and analyses of covariance for the adjusted analyses with the covariate. Results and conclusions: The individuals who had suffered asphyxia had higher likelihood to remain in the secondary level education. They performed worse on reading speed, semantic verbal fluency, semantic abstract reasoning and on a task of processing and psychomotor speed. After adjustment for the childhood living environment, their general intelligence was also lower than controls. It was confirmed that the consequences of perinatal asphyxia extend to adulthood. Based on the results, it was assumed that the temporal cortex and basal ganglia are especially sensitive to asphyxic insults. It is suggested that the individuals, who have suffered from perinatal asphyxia, will be followed-up at the onset of their studies and provided with environmental support to avoid academic underachievement.
  • Rinne, Yrjö (2022)
    Objective: Qualitative studies have suggested depressed people may experience temporal disturbances in time perception, feeling 'stuck in time'. However, behavioral evidence using temporal perception tasks has thus far not found evidence of a relationship between depression and time perception. A recent study suggested time perception is not merely a result of mood and attention but also driven by mental imagery. In the present study, I investigate whether mental imagery and depression separately or interactively affect the perception of time. Methods: 73 participants took part in the study. Prior to the start of the experiment, the participants’ depression was assessed using Beck's Depression Inventory. The participants were then instructed on the verbal time estimation task: they watched a 7, 10 or 16 second video of either a quickly or slowly moving starfield and estimated its duration on a visual scale of 4 to 20 seconds. While watching the video, they were instructed to imagine moving either slow, fast or just to passively watch the video. Each participant performed a total of 36 trials. The experiment used a repeated measures design, and a linear mixed-effects model was used for statistical analysis. Results and conclusion: Differences in BDI scores, measuring depression, did not predict differences in time estimates. Within participants, however, mental imagery strongly affected perceived time: Slow imagery caused temporal underestimation compared to fast and passive viewing. These findings replicated previous work. However, a significant interaction was observed between depression and visual imagery on estimated time: The more depressed the participant was, the more temporal underestimation was observed during slow imagery conditions.
  • Silvo, Jenni (2018)
    Objectives: Low birth weight has been associated with impaired cognitive abilities especially in childhood and young adulthood. However, the role of a low Apgar score on cognitive functions remains unclear. Apoliprotein E (APOE) gene allele ε4 has been linked to older people’s cognition, but the influence of APOE alleles on cognition of children or middle-aged is not well understood. The present study investigated the effects of low birth weight (< 2000 g) and low Apgar scores (< 7) on later cognitive performance and on the stability of cognitive functions from childhood to middle age. In addition, the influence of APOE ε2 and ε4 alleles on risk group subjects’ cognitive performance was evaluated. It was hypothesized that the groups with perinatal risk factors have impaired cognitive abilities in all the domains and have lower stability within these abilities compared to controls. Low birth weight was hypothesized to contribute lower cognitive abilities more than a low Apgar score. It was also assumed that APOE ε4 allele impairs cognitive performance only at midlife, not in childhood. Methods: The subjects with low birth weight (n = 66) and/or a low Apgar score (n = 60) were selected from a birth cohort born during 1971–1974. The control subjects (n = 95) were free from perinatal risk factors. Cognitive performance was evaluated using Wechsler’s intelligence test. All the subjects completed the test at the age of 40 (n = 221) and some also at the age of 9 (n = 190). The differences between the groups were computed with the analysis of covariance, where family socioeconomic status was controlled. Differences in the stability of cognitive abilities were evaluated with repeated measures ANOVA and correlation analysis. The effect of APOE ε2 and ε4 alleles on cognitive performance was computed with t-test. Results and conclusions: The subjects with low birth weight reached lower scores in all the cognitive domains compared to controls. At midlife, there was also a trend towards lower general intelligence in individuals with a low Apgar score. The lowest stability in cognitive performance between childhood and middle-age was observed among those born with a low birth weight. However, the difference in the stability was not significant between the groups. APOE ε4 allele was related to lower ability of perceptual reasoning in childhood and middle age. According to the results, the effects of low birth weight on cognitive functions seem to extend to middle age. However, it is assumed that environmental factors have an important role in later development in people with low birth weight. Based on the results, the APOE ε4 allele might impact already on early cognitive development. In the future, it is important to examine if this initial impairment in perceptual reasoning is related to abnormal aging among those with APOE ε4 allele.
  • Uhre, Veli-Matti (2020)
    Uni on välttämätöntä ihmisen toiminnalle ja sen puute tai huono laatu altistavat monille sairauksille. Perimällä on suuri vaikutus unensäätelyyn ja univalverytmin preferenssiin eli niin sanottuun kronotyyppiin. Eri arvioiden mukaan perimän osuus yksilön kronotyyppiin on noin 50 prosenttia. Viimeaikaiset koko perimän kattavat assosiaatiotutkimukset (genome wide association study, GWAS) ovat havainneet uusia kronotyyppiin vaikuttavia yhden emäksen muutoksia (single nucleotide polymorphs, SNPs). Tässä tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää kronotyypin taustalla vaikuttavaa perinnöllistä taipumusta vastasyntyneillä. Tutkimus on osa laajempaa CHILD-SLEEP kohorttitutkimusta, joka kattaa 1643 vastasyntynyttä sekä heidän vanhempansa. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin vanhempien täyttämien lasten unta ja vuorokausirytmiä selvittävien standardoitujen kyselytutkimusten tuloksia sekä 1345 vastasyntyneen geneettisiä näytteitä. Kyselyt toteutettiin vauvojen ollessa kolmen, kahdeksan ja 24 kuukauden ikäisiä. Aamuvirkkuisuuteen yhdistyvä geneettinen riskipisteytys muodostettiin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa havaittujen SNP:ien pohjalta. Yhteensä yhdeksän SNP:iä valikoitui mukaan monigeeniseen riskipisteytykseen. Kyselytutkimusten pohjalta kerättyjä unimuuttujia analysoitiin suhteessa riskipisteytykseen. Analyysissä mukana olleita muuttujia olivat yöunen, päiväunen ja kokonaisunen määrä sekä yöheräilyt ja nukahtamisajankohta. Kovarianttina analyyseissä käytettiin sukupuolta, perheilmapiiriä, lapsen sairauksia sekä lapsen ruokintatapaa (rintaruokinta, maidonkorvike). Aineisto analysoitiin SPSS Statistics 25 -ohjelmistolla. Geneettinen aamutyyppisyys korreloi pitkään yöuneen kolmen (N=1066, BETA=.082, P=.012) sekä kahdeksan (N=975, BETA=.098, P=.002) kuukauden iässä. Myös varhainen nukahtamisaika (kellonaika) assosioitui aamutyyppisyyteen kahdeksan kuukauden iässä (N=1041, BETA=-0.72, P=.
  • Kajanto, Kristiina (2019)
    Aims of the study. Evidence suggests that a slow breathing method called resonance frequency breathing may improve sleep quality, but many previous studies have suffered from methodological shortcomings. Music listening is a popular self-help strategy to promote sleep, but previous research assessing the efficacy of music in improving sleep has yielded inconsistent results. Sleep is known to promote the retention of newly learned material, but the effects of slow breathing and music listening on overnight declarative memory consolidation are unknown. This study explores the effects of two interventions, slow breathing approximating resonance frequency and music listening, on objective sleep quality and overnight declarative memory consolidation. Methods. This study was a randomized, controlled trial with a crossover design. 20 participants (10 females) were randomly allocated to an experimental group, who did a 30-minute slow breathing exercise, or a comparison group, who listened to relaxing music for 30 minutes. Participants’ sleep was measured on two consecutive nights with polysomnography. On one night, participants completed their assigned intervention before going to bed; the other night was used as a no-treatment control condition. Memory performance was measured with a word pair association task. Linear mixed-effects modeling was used to analyze the data. Results and conclusions. Slow breathing improved declarative memory performance, but it did not improve sleep quality when compared to the control condition. Music listening did not affect memory performance, but it improved sleep quality as manifested in reduced wake after sleep onset, decreased duration of stage N1, stage N2, and non-REM sleep, and an increased percentage of stage N3 sleep when compared to the control condition. The results suggest that music listening can improve objective sleep quality and slow breathing can promote overnight learning, but more research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms underlying these associations.