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  • Lapatto, Helena (2021)
    Tiivistelmä Lihavuus on yleistynyt viime vuosikymmenten aikana räjähdysmäisesti. Tämän myötä myös lihavuuden liitännäissairaudet, kuten tyypin 2 diabetes ja maksan rasvoittuminen, ovat lisääntyneet. Lihavuuden yhteydessä kudoksissa nähdään nikotiiniamidi adeniini dinukleotidi (NAD+) -molekyylin pitoisuuksien laskua. NAD+ vaikuttaa sirtuiini-entsyymiperheen kautta mitokondrioiden toimintaan ja glukoosi- ja lipidiaineenvaihduntaan. NAD+:n pitoisuutta elimistössä on mahdollista nostaa oraalisilla NAD+:n esiasteilla, kuten nikotiiniamidi ribosidilla (NR), niasiinilla, nikotiiniamidilla ja nikotiiniamidimononukleotidilla (NMN), joista tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin NR:ää. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää NR:n vaikutuksia koko kehon aineenvaihduntaan ja tutkia sen käyttöä potentiaalisena hoitona lihavuuteen ja sen liitännäissairauksiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin 29-65 -vuotiailla monotsygoottisilla kaksosilla. Pareja oli lopullisissa tilastollisissa analyyseissä yhteensä 20 paria. Näistä 16 luokiteltiin painoindeksiltään toisistaan eroaviksi. Kaikki tähän ryhmään kuuluneet tutkittavat saivat NR-lisää. Neljä paria taas oli painoindeksiltään samankaltaisia. Heidät jaettiin sokkoutetusti NR- ja plaseboryhmiin. NR-lisä oli kuukauden annosnoston jälkeen käytössä neljä kuukautta annoksella 1 gramma vuorokaudessa. NR:n vaikutusta eri aineenvaihdunnan osa-alueisiin tutkittiin muun muassa verikokein, magneettikuvin ja kudosnäyttein. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että NR-lisä nostaa merkittävästi veren NAD+:n ja sen aineenvaihduntatuotteiden pitoisuuksia. Toisaalta NR-lisän aikana kaksosten kehonkoostumuksessa ja aineenvaihdunnassa ei nähty paranemista. Paino ja rasvaprosentti nousivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi mutta eivät kliinisesti merkittävästi. Tutkimuksessa nähty veren NAD+-pitoisuuksien nousu on linjassa aiempien tutkimusten kanssa, mutta vastaavia kehonkoostumuksen muutoksia ei ole raportoitu muissa ihmisillä tehdyissä NR tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa nähdyt muutokset kehonkoostumuksessa ja aineenvaihdunnassa vaativat jatkotutkimuksia.
  • Tuomi, Janne; Kuurne-Koivisto, Minna; Partinen, Markku (2016)
    Background: Treatment of chronic insomnia is problematic and alternative methods besides drug therapy are sought out for. The aim of the study was to find out about the effects of Neurosonic-low frequency therapy chair on patients with primary insomnia. Therapy is based on Whole-Body Vibration (WBV). Methods: This pilot study consisted of 16 adults (12 men, 4 women; age range 28 - 65) that suffered from insomnia with an Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) of at least 15. They were randomized into control and intervention groups (8 + 8). Both groups received WBV-treatment for five times. At the start of the study control group had a three week period when they did not receive treatment. Measurements were taken using actigraphy, SCL-90-, WHO-5-, PSQI-, ISI-, EQ-5D-questionnaires and a structured sleep questionnaire based on the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire. Results: After treatment ISI-scores decreased in both groups. After treatment the WHO-5- and EQ-5D VAS-score were also ameliorated. Treatment also lowered SCL-90 scores related to anxiety, obsessive compulsive and somatization symptoms. Conclusions: Our results indicate that WBV-treatment has beneficial effects for people suffering from primary insomnia. WBV-treatment also seems to relieve anxiety. No major adverse effects were detected. WBV-treatment may be useful for example in the treatment of insomnia in situations where pharmacological treatment is insufficient. Further studies should be done to have more information about the usefulness of WBV based therapy in treatment of insomnia.
  • Terna, Emma (2019)
    Krooninen rinosinuiitti on yleinen vaiva, jonka prevalenssi on 7-11 %. Astmaan liittyy erillinen alatyyppi ”Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease” (AERD), jossa potilas kärsii astman lisäksi kroonisesta nenän sivuonteloiden tulehduksesta, nenäpolyypeista sekä aspiriini- tai NSAID-yliherkkyydestä. AERD liittyy yleensä vaikeampaan kroonisen rinosinuiitin taudinkuvaan, ja usein nämä potilaat vaativat toistuvia nenään tai poskionteloon liittyviä leikkauksia. AERD-potilailla on havaittu madaltuneet prostaglandiini E sekä c-Myc-pitoisuudet. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää c-Myc-modulaattori CIP2A:n osuutta näiden sairauksien synnyssä. Retrospektiivisessä tutkimuksessa pyrimme myös selvittämään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat uusintakirurgian tarpeeseen kroonisen rinosinuiitin hoidossa. Tutkimme vasta-ainevälitteistä immuniteettia kroonista nenän sivuontelon tulehdusta sairastavien potilaiden ja terveiden verrokkien välillä. Nenäpolyyppinäyte kerättiin 80:ltä kroonista rinosinuiittia sairastavalta potilaalta, joista 21 sairasti lisäksi AERD-tyyppistä astmaa. Verrokkinäytteeksi kerättiin nenäpolyyppinäyte kymmeneltä potilaalta, joilta oli todettu benignejä antrokoanaalipolyyppejä. Lisäksi nenän limakalvolta kerättiin harjanäyte 19:ta terveeltä verrokilta. Näytteet värjättiin polyklonaalisella anti-CIP2A vasta-aineella. CIP2A:n immunohistologista värjäytymisvoimakkuutta ja kudoksen eosinofiilien määrää arvioi kaksi toisistaan riippumatonta tutkijaa valomikroskoopin avulla. Tutkimukseen osallistujat täyttivät kyselylomakkeen ja heistä kerättiin tietoja potilasasiakirjoista. Seurantatutkimustietoa oli saatavilla 84 potilaasta ja 16 kontrollista. Epiteliaalinen CIP2A ilmeni sekä terveiden verrokkien nenän limakalvonäytteessä että kroonista rinosinuiittia sairastavien potilaiden nenäpolyyppinäytteessä. Esiintyvyys oli merkitsevästi matalampi AERD-potilaiden ryhmässä (p<0,01). Kroonista rinosinuiittia sairastavillla potilailla oli tilastollisesti merkittävästi korkeampi eosinofiilipitoisuus (p<0,01). Eosinofilia tai CIP2A:n esiintyminen eivät ennustaneet uusintakirurgian tarvetta. Aiemmat kirurgiset toimenpiteet, allerginen nuha, sekä kortikosteroidien käyttö olivat yhteydessä uusintakirurgian tarpeeseen.
  • Sundqvist, Benjamin; Böhling, Tom; Koljonen, Virve; Sahi, Helka (2018)
    Merkelcellskarcinom (MCC) är en ovanlig och agressiv neuroendokrin hudcancer vars cellulära ursprung är okänt. Genomet av Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) är integrerat i genomet av tumörcellerna i cirka 80% av MCC-tumörer. Baserat på proteinexpressionsmönster anses cellerna i MCC vara närmast besläktade med Merkelceller (mekanoreceptiva celler i huden). Av denna orsak har Merkelceller antagits vara ursprungscellen för MCC men detta har aldrig bevisats. Höga grader av PAX5- och TdT-expression har observerats i MCC, detta tyder på möjligheten att ursprungscellen för MCC inte är den postmitotiska Merkelcellen utan snarare en pro/pre- eller pre-B cell eftersom co-expression av PAX5 och TdT är begränsat till dessa celler under fysiologiska omständigheter. I denna studie undersöktes expressionen av PAX5 och TdT i 117 MCC-tumörer med immunohistikemi. Utav de 117 tumörerna som undersöktes expresserade 31.6% TdT, 22.2% expresserade PAX5 och graden av co-expression var 11.1%. Dessa expressionsgrader är betydligt lägre än vad som observerats i tidigare studier. Vidare observerades ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan expressionen av TdT och närvaro av MCPyV DNA samt mellan expressionen av TdT och antalet kopior av MCPyV-genomet i tumörvävnaden. Inget statistiskt signifikant samband observerades mellan expressionen av PAX5 och/eller TdT och prognos vilket underminerar användningen av dessa markörer i kliniskt syfte.
  • Häkkinen, Marie (2021)
    Finland is currently considered having one of the lowest total birth rates in the world. Even though declining fertility rates is a common phenomenon in most European countries, the ideal family size of European women has not followed the same trend. Recent research indicates, however, that fertility ideals might be declining as well. Given that fertility ideals are among the key factors driving fertility behavior, it is important to explore which factors are involved in their formation. The cognitive-social model of fertility intentions posits that our social context shapes our mental representations of the world and our role in it – our schemas. It is likely that religion influences even non-religious people’s schema formation through cultural components such as values, including those regarding family. To further understand how fertility ideals are formed in relation to religion and family values, I examined the personal ideal number of children reported by Finnish men and women of fertile age in cross-sectional 2008 and 2015 survey data. Based on the cognitive-social model of fertility intentions, I posed the hypotheses that the perceived importance of religion in one’s life is related to the personal ideal number of children, and that this association is, at least in part, explained by the perceived importance of family values. A simple mediation analysis conducted separately for both the 2008 and 2015 data supported both hypotheses, but the mediation role of family values was marginal. Both the importance of religion and family values were associated with a higher ideal number of children. Most of the influence of the importance of religion on the ideal number of children was independent of family values.
  • Halme, Aleksi (2023)
    Lymphangiogenesis is crucial for the formation of a fully functional lymphatic vasculature. Dysfunctional lymphatic vasculature is associated with many pathologies including lymphatic malformations, lymphedema, and inflammation. This thesis aimed to elucidate the function of the lymphatic endothelial cell expressed β1-integrin in postnatal lymphangiogenesis in mice. To investigate this, Itgb1 gene was conditionally deleted from the lymphatic vasculature of mouse pups at postnatal day two, using the Cre-Lox recombinase system. Ears of the mice were collected at postnatal day twenty-one, and immunostained for lymphatic vessel, mural cell, and extracellular matrix markers. Relative gene expression analysis was performed from whole ear lysates and isolated endothelial cells. Mice lacking Itgb1 gene presented a disorganized dermal lymphatic vascular network, characterized by dilated capillary and collecting vessels. Collecting vessel specification was abnormal showing persistent LYVE1 expression, lack of V-shaped lymphatic valves, and complete loss of smooth muscle cell coverage. Relative gene expression analysis of isolated endothelial cells revealed a decrease in Pdgfb, a gene associated with smooth muscle cell recruitment. These results indicate a significant role for β1-integrin in postnatal lymphangiogenesis and highlight the complexity of postanal lymph vessel formation. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to specify the mechanisms behind this phenotype. Increasing knowledge in this field is important, because pathologies related to lymphangiogenesis can cause debilitating symptoms and therefore there is a need for therapeutic options.
  • Erkkilä, Fanny (2022)
    The immune system recognizes foreign entities in the body and induces protective responses. Sometimes, the immune system does not work optimally, which can lead to different clinical manifestations, one of which is cancer. T cells are a part of the immune system and has the ability to recognize and eliminate the body’s own cells that have transformed into cancer cells. In the field of immuno-oncology, a vast body of research is focusing on understanding the relationship between cancer and the immune system, as well as developing strategies to eliminate cancer by utilizing the immune system. The rise of computational approaches, that can analyze large amounts of data from single-cell sequencing techniques, have enabled the field to conduct research on a new level of complexity. However, this powerful tool has not yet reached its full potential, one major challenge is the lack of functional data of T-cell receptor recognition. In this thesis, we are focusing on the T-cell receptor mediated therapies against cancer, and work toward setting up a screen that assesses T-cell receptor specificity and functionality, which is a powerful tool to acquire knowledge of T-cell biology and improve immunotherapies. One can postulate that the functional data produced by functional screens could be used to train prediction algorithms to a degree, where we could predict the specificity of a TCR based on raw sequencing data.
  • Folger, Daniel; Pyörälä, Eeva; Merenmies, Jussi (2019)
    Introduction: Mobile devices provide medical students with easy access to medical information and educational resources. Since 2013, we’ve followed the study use of iPads among the medical students. In 2016, we observed a notable drop in the overall mobile device usage in the first cohort of medical students entering their clinical studies. Aim of the study: In this study, we sought to identify the hurdles for adopting mobile devices among three consecutive cohorts of medical students at the beginning of their clinical studies. We sought to answer the following questions: (1) How did the students assess their own and their clinical teachers’ ability to use iPads in learning and teaching? (2) How did the clinical before-class and in-class assignments support the students’ use of the new technology? (3) How did students use the mobile device with patients? Material and methods: The data were collected with online surveys among the first three cohorts of medical students who had studied with iPads and started their clinical studies in the spring of 2016, the autumn of 2016 and the autumn 2017. In this study we focused on the closed-ended multiple choice and 5-point Likert scale questions which we analysed by the distribution frequencies in the three cohorts. Results: The response rates ranged from 67.5% (3rd cohort) to 90.8% (1st cohort). Students rated their own ability of using the iPad in studies as good or excellent whereas their teachers’ ability to use these devices relatively low. The students wished for more pre-assignments (tests and videos) and in-class assignments (voting, tests and tasks) to stimulate their learning. Furthermore, they reported that clinical teachers seldom told them about applications related to their clinical field. The students primary use of mobile devices was for seeking information online. Students were hesitant in using the device in direct patient contact. Discussion: Our findings were consistent with previous research in observing a notable hesitance in using the mobile device with patients. These concerns were raised both among students and teachers. Furthermore, the teachers seldom communicated about suitable and quality medical applications. The clinical teachers require support and training in adopting mobile device compatible pre-class and in-class assignments in their instruction.
  • Harjola, Pia (2016)
    Background: Real-life data on the role of emergency medical services (EMS) in acute heart failure (AHF) are scarce. Our aim was to describe prehospital treatment of AHF and to compare patients using EMS with self-presented, non-EMS patients. Methods: Data were collected retrospectively from three university hospitals in Helsinki metropolitan area between July 1 2012 and July 31 2013. According to the use of EMS, patients were divided into EMS and non-EMS groups. Results: The study included 873 AHF patients. One hundred were (11.5%) EMS and 773 (88.5%) non-EMS. EMS patients tended to have more comorbidities. Initial heart rate (HR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2) differed between EMS and non-EMS patients; mean HR 89.2 (SD 22.5) vs. 83.7 (21.5) /min (p=0.02) and SpO2 90.3 (8.6) vs. 92.9 (6.6)% (p=0.01). However, on presentation to ED EMS patients' vital signs were similar to non-EMS patients'. On presentation to ED 46.0% were normotensive and 68.2% "warm and wet". Thirty-four percentage of EMS patients received prehospital medication. In-hospital mortality was 6.0% and 7.1% (p=0.84) and length of stay (LOS) 7.7 (7.0) and 8.5 (7.9) days (p= 0.36) in EMS and non-EMS groups. Conclusion: The use of EMS and administration of prehospital medication was low. EMS patients had initially worse HR and SpO2 than non-EMS patients. However, EMS patients' signs improved and were similar on presentation to ED. There was no difference in in-hospital mortality and LOS. This underscores the need for equal attention to any AHF patient independent of the arrival mode.
  • Semenova, Maria (2023)
    Liver transplantation (LT) procedure has evolved tremendously over the last 40 years and is nowadays a standard treatment for both end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure. Improved immunosuppressive medication, surgical methods, imaging and intensive care raise the probability of successful transplantation. Despite good prognosis of survival, acute rejection (AR) is still a significant clinical factor that negatively affects LT outcomes. In the last decade, whole genome-wide incompatibility between recipients and donors has emerged as a potential risk factor in both hematopoietic stem cell and kidney transplantations. The role of non-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) factors in LT outcomes has not been comprehensively established. Thus, the aim of this study is to compare patient and donor genomes pairwise, identify mismatches and further, analyze the effect of these mismatches on AR. After data preparation, 666 LT recipient-donor pairs were included in the analyses. Genotype imputation yielded 8 706 949 variants after quality control. From these variants, 28 225 missense variants were identified and utilized in the genome-wide mismatch analyses. In this study, we calculated genome-wide mismatches of missense variants to identify incompatibilities in all, transmembrane and secreted, transmembrane-only and liver-related proteins between recipients and donors. In addition, we analyzed the effect of mismatches in 40 common deletions and also the sum of deletion-mismatches. We estimated the association of genetic mismatches and time to AR by using Cox proportional hazards model adjusted with recipient and donor age, recipient and donor sex, cold-ischemia time, HLA I eplet mismatch and HLA II eplet mismatch. According to the findings of the study, there is no association between missense variant mismatches coding for either all, transmembrane and secreted, transmembrane-only or liver-related proteins and time to AR. There was also no association between quartiles of missense variant mismatches and time to AR. In the genomic collision model, we found mismatch in deletion-tagging variant rs1523688 to be associated with a decreased risk for AR (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.16–0.92, P-value 0.032) and mismatch in rs11985201 to be associated with an increased risk for AR (adjusted HR 1.44, 95% CI 1.04–2.00, P-value 0.030). However, neither of these P-values passed the Bonferroni corrected significance level of 0.00125. No association was observed between deletion mismatch sums and time to AR. In conclusion, we observed no statistically significant association between the genome-wide incompatibility and time to AR in the study cohort of 666 LT recipient-donor pairs. To increase detection power, large-scale studies are required to verify the role of genome-wide mismatches in LTs.
  • Rouhiainen, Vilma (2021)
    Introduction: Many studies, globally, have aimed at elucidating reasons to choose a career in dentistry. The most common motives found are reasonable working hours and aspiration to help. The aim of this study was to explore whether eventual past personal experience of orthodontic treatment and particularly the interpersonal skills of the treating orthodontist are of significance in this respect. Materials and methods: An electronic questionnaire, consisting of multiple choice and descriptive questions about dental history and experiences in dental care, was sent to dental and, as controls, psychology students within the same Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland. The answers between the two groups were compared and differences tested statistically. Results: The questionnaire was answered by 143 (46.0%) dental students and 94 (17.6%) psychology students. Dental students, compared to psychology students, had more positive views of their dentition and dental treatment in general (P=0.000). Among participants, 47.9% of dental students and 57.4% of psychology students had received orthodontic treatment. Of those, dental students had perceived their orthodontic treatment as less painful (P=0.001) and less uncomfortable (P=0.000) than psychology students. Moreover, dental students reported more often experiences of orthodontist taking into account their situation in life during treatment (P=0.011), and gave more positive descriptions of the orthodontist’s interpersonal skills (P=0.031). Conclusions: Dental students, compared to psychology students, had statistically significantly more positive personal experiences related to dentistry and orthodontics, supporting our hypothesis that positive experiences with orthodontic treatment likely increases the probability of choosing dentistry as the future career.
  • Forss, Mikko; Kanninen, Ohto; Uotinen, Joonas (2020)
    Tutkimme artikkelissamme tulojen ja onnellisuuden suhdetta, sekä sen ekologisia vaikutuksia. Aineistona käytämme EU:n tulo- ja elinolotilastoja ja sen hyvinvointimoduulia vuodelta 2013. Aineisto kattaa 32 eurooppalaisesta maasta ja yli 300 000 ihmistä. Ensinnäkin osoitamme, että tulojen ja onnellisuuden -suhde muodostaa niin sanotun S-käyrän. Tämä tarkoittaa, että tulot-muuttuja menettää voimansa ennustaa koettua hyvinvointia tulojakauman molemmissa päissä. Tämä koetun hyvinvoinnin satioituminen sopii yhteen absoluuttisen tuloteorian kanssa. Teorian mukaan onnellisuus kasvaa tulojen mukana siihen tulotasoon asti, jossa perustarpeet ovat täysin tyydytettyjä. Tämä koskee kolmea keskeistä mittaria, jotka nykykäsityksen mukaan tavoittavat koetun hyvinvoinnin keskeiset pääulottuvuudet: elämän arviointi (life evaluation), mielekkyys (meaningfulness) ja emotionaalinen hyvinvointi (emotional well-being). Näiden muuttujien sati-aatiopisteet ovat 98., 99. ja 88. persentiilien kohdalla. Toiseksi osoitamme, että itsearvioidut vähimmäistarpeet tyydyttyvät tulotason saavuttaessa noin tuhat euroa kuukaudessa. Tämä taso on korkeampi kuin kirjallisuudessa vakiintunut käsitys. Kolmanneksi osoitamme, että kyseiset tulotasot eivät ole ekologisesti kestäviä nykyisten politiikkatoimien ympäristössä. Vähimmäistarpeiden taso ylittää planeetan kestävyyden rajat vähintään kertoimella 1.7. Satiaatiopisteessä kestävyyden rajat ylittyvät jo vähintään kertoimella 20. Tuloksemme viittaavat siihen, että tarvitaan voimakasta harjoitetun politiikan muutosta, jotta kaikkien perustarpeet voidaan tyydyttää ekologisesti kestävällä tavalla.
  • Hakala, Suvi (2018)
    Objectives: Specific language impairment (SLI) is an impairment of oral language, which places demands on parent-child interaction, putting children at-risk for adverse developmental outcomes. Little is known about how different types of language impairment affect parent-child interaction. This study aims to examine how language impairment influences child, parent and dyadic behaviours between dyads with children who have expressive- and receptive-SLI. Methods: The sample included 85 children aged 36-81 months participating in the Helsinki Longitudinal SLI study. The sample consisted of 53 children with expressive-SLI (F80.1), and 32 children with receptive-SLI (F80.2). Parent-child interaction was evaluated using Erickson’s sensitivity scales during drawing, puzzle-making, and free play. Groups were compared using analysis of covariance and Mann-Whitney U tests. Results and conclusions: Children with expressive-SLI were found to be more persistent, enthusiastic, compliant and have a more positive experience of the interaction overall, when compared to children with receptive-SLI. SLI did not have a statistically significant effect on any of the parent and dyadic variables. Group means suggest that some parents may provide less emotional support and instruction to children with receptive-SLI. This could support earlier findings, which suggest that parents of language-impaired children adjust their behaviour to that of their children. Less active participation and poorer experience of the expression of children with receptive-SLI suggests that they need more support facilitate participation.
  • Paukku, Kirsi (2021)
    Aims. Shame-prone people have been found to be prone to both cognitive externalization of blame and aggressive behavior. Aggression and externalization of blame have also been linked to narcissistic personality in several studies. The present study sought further evidence on the mediating role of externalization of blame with regards the relationship between shame proneness and aggression and narcissism and aggression. Methods. Total of 564 volunteer students, aged from 18 to 57 years of age, participated in this study. The participants had answered an e-form, including background information, the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), TOSCA-3 meter for measuring shame proneness and tendency to externalize blame, and the Anger Response Inventory (ARI). Explorative factor analyzes were used for analyzing the data. The relationships between shame proneness, narcissism, externalization of blame and verbal and physical aggression were further studied using mediation analysis with bootstrapping. Results and Conclusions. In the present study, the earlier results regarding the presence of both direct and indirect links of shame proneness and narcissism to verbal aggression were repeated. In contrast to earlier studies, where externalization of blame was shown to mediate the connection between shame proneness and physical aggression entirely, also a direct link between these constructs was found in this study. In addition, the study provided also indications of the presence of both direct and indirect links between narcissism and physical aggression. The results thus show that externalization of blame mediates the relationship of both shame proneness and narcissism to both verbal and physical aggression. Overall, the study has its contributions to the research of shame proneness and narcissism and provides a partial answer to the question why aggression occurs.
  • Sarelin, Niklas (2017)
    LONGLIFE utreder den långsiktiga verkan av fysisk aktivitet på fysisk prestationsförmåga, livskvalitén och kardiovaskulära riskfaktorer. Tidigare studier har visat att den fysiska prestationsförmågan är en starkare riskfaktor än många andra etablerade riskfaktorer för kardiovaskulära sjukdomar hos män. Även små förbättringar i prestationsförmågan har visat sig kunna sänka mortaliteten signifikant. Den här bistudien utreder den fysiska prestationsförmågans effekt på blodkärlens endotelfunktion och vilka faktorer som kopplar dem samman. Till exempel det metaboliska syndromet associeras med ökad kardiovaskulär morbiditet och mortalitet, och en rubbad endotelfunktion är en av de tidiga patogenetiska förändringarna i det metabola syndromet. Endotelfunktionen mättes i den här studien med icke-invasiva metoder, och den fysiska prestationsförmågan får vi fram genom att mäta hjärtats återhämtningsförmåga efter belastningstesten som utförs på Åtgärdsenheten. Genom att analysera tidigare studier och jämföra deras resultat med våra egna, fann vi att fysisk prestationsförmåga verkar ha en betydlig roll i upprätthållandet av endotelfunktionen, och därmed minska morbiditeten och mortaliteten i samhället. Fysisk prestationsförmåga ser ut att omforma det autonomiska nervsystemet på ett positivt sätt. En eventuell obalans i nervsystemet predisponerar för en rubbad endotelfunktion och påverkar kroppens förmåga att anpassa sig till yttre stimuli. Denna obalans orsakar en påfrestning för de inre organen, såsom hjärtat. Den här studien säkerställer fysisk prestationsförmåga som en grundsten för välmående i samhället. Patofysiologin bakom en rubbad endotelfunktion och följderna av ett dysfunktionellt autonomiskt nervsystem kräver vidare utredningar.
  • Harstila, Isa (2020)
    In this study, we set out to gain insight into women’s childbirth experiences in Helsinki University Central Hospital. We examined the effect the mode of delivery has on maternal satisfaction. Additionally, we aimed to identify other possible factors influencing the maternal childbirth experience. The childbirth experiences of 600 randomly selected women who gave birth in Helsinki University Hospital between 2018-2019 were analysed. The data was collected from patient record system Obstetrix, and it comprised of 100 women from each of the following groups: spontaneous vaginal delivery, induced vaginal delivery, vaginal delivery by vacuum extraction, elective caesarean section, emergency caesarean section and crash caesarean section. Maternal satisfaction was assessed from scores women had given on the Visual Analogue Scale and how they had described their experience to midwives. Microsoft Excel was used for the recording of the data and statistical software IBM SPSS Statistics 24 was used for statistical analysis. We found the mode of delivery to significantly affect maternal satisfaction with childbirth. Spontaneous vaginal delivery is the fulfilling mode of delivery, followed by elective caesarean section and induced vaginal delivery. Maternal satisfaction decreased with unplanned interventions, with crash caesarean section being the least satisfying mode of delivery. However, several other factors influenced the childbirth experience, too. Caregiver behavior has a significant effect women’s satisfaction. Women who suffer from fear of childbirth during pregnancy experience childbirth more negatively. We suggest further research on the treatment of fear of childbirth.
  • Stenbäck, Andreas; Stenbäck, Andreas (2022)
    proSAAS är en neuropeptid som fungerar som prekursor för diverse andra peptider. Neuropeptider som exempelvis bigLEN och PEN har visat sig ha inverkan på matintag hos försöksdjur. proSAAS har även undersökts för dess neuroprotektiva egenskap i exempelvis Parkinsons sjukdom. Experiment har visat att proSAAS förhindrar bildningen av amyloida plack. Zebrafisk (Danio rerio) är ett försöksdjur som under de senaste årtiondena vuxit i popularitet på grund av sitt breda användningsområde, lätta underhåll och förvaring och likhet till det mänskliga genomet. Zebrafiskens hjärna har flera neurokemiska och anatomiska likheter med människohjärnan. Här har undersökningsmålet varit att undersöka huruvida skillnad förekommer mellan embryon med normal förekomst av proSAAS och genmodifierade embryon utan en fungerande gen för proSAAS. Embryon av olika genetiska varianter har dissekerats och deras hjärnor immunofärgats och undersökts med hjälp av mikroskop. Förekomst av cellkärnor och signalvägar för neuropeptiderna dopamin, orexin, gonadotropinutsöndrande hormon, galanin och neuropeptid Y har undersökts. I studien kunde man inte finna variation mellan de olika genotyperna gällande förekomsten av orexin, gonadotropinutsöndrande hormon, galanin och neuropeptid Y. Man kunde upptäcka mera tyrosin hydroxylas, ett enzym ämne som deltar i bildningen av dopaminerga celler, i vissa delar av diencephalon hos de embryon som saknar proSAAS. Variationen av mängden tyrosinhydroxylaspositiva cellerkärnor mellan embryon med normal proSAAS-produktion och genmodifierade embryon öppnar dörrar för nya forskningsområden. Intressanta områden för vidare studier är att se huruvida variation också förekommer hos vuxna individer samt om skillnad i rörelsemönster även förekommer. (234 ord)
  • Rantakallio, Pekka (2019)
    Objectives: During The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns (LASERI) -longitudinal study, a large amount of psychological traits have been measured. A temperament or personality inventory has not been previously made with a Finnish data. The goals of this study are 1) to find the orthogonal factors, that best simplify the variance of the psychological traits measured in the LASERI-study, 2) to create a prototype of a personality inventory that measures these newfound factors using an inductive approach, 3) to study the properties of the created prototype as well as the connections between it and depression, and 4) to develop ways to improve the prototype. Methods: A large amount of factor analyses were made to the questions of eleven psychological inventories used on 2879 test subjects in the LASERI-study in the years 1997 – 2012. The factors present most often were chosen as the structure of the prototype. Occurrence rate and reliability were used to limit the amount of questions. The structure of the prototype was studied using explorative factor analysis, its reliability using Cronbach’s alpha and split-half method, the social variables using variance analysis, and the connections between the prototype and depression using logistic regression. Results and conclusions: The Nine Factor Inventory (9FI), the created prototype of a personality meter consists of nine factors that have good reliabilities and psychological interpretations. The structure is a fine way to simplify the variance of the psychological traits measured in the LASERI-study. The test subjects got different results from 9FI depending on their sex, age, and the point of the measurement. The amount of common variance between 9FI and experienced depression was 6,8 %. A plethora of ideas how to better create a personality meter or how to improve 9FI were made.
  • Virkkala, Tiia (2017)
    Hemolyyttis-ureeminen oireyhtymä (HUS) on tromboottinen mikroangiopatia, jonka diagnostisiin kriteereihin kuuluvat hemolyyttinen anemia, trombosytopenia ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta. Lapsilla sen yleisin aiheuttaja on enterohemorraginen Escherichia coli (EHEC), ja se on yksi tärkeimmistä akuutin munuaisten vajaatoiminnan aiheuttajista lapsilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten HUS-potilaiden taudinkuvaa, löydöksiä sekä lyhyen ja pitkän aikavälin ennustetta. Tutkimusta varten analysoitiin takautuvasti kaikki Helsingin yliopistollisen keskussairaalan Lastenklinikalla vuosina 2005-2016 hoidetut HUS-potilaat. Potilaita oli yhteensä 33, ja heistä suurimmalla osalla todettiin EHEC-infektio. Yleisimmät oireet olivat gastroenteriittioireet, neurologiset oireet ja munuaistoiminnan häiriöt. HUS:n hoito on oireenmukaista painottuen etenkin mahdollisen akuutin munuaisvaurion hoitoon, ja suurin osa potilaistamme vaatikin dialyysihoitoa. Tutkimuksemme mukaan HUS:n ennuste Suomessa on hyvä. Yksikään potilas ei kuollut tautiinsa seurannan aikana. 24,2 prosentille potilaista jäi jokin pitkäaikaishaitta, ja heistä kahdelle (6,06 %) kehittyi munuaissiirrännäistä vaativa munuaisten krooninen vajaatoiminta. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ei voida päätellä mahdollisia huonoa ennustetta ennustavia tekijöitä.
  • Bütün, Felicia (2021)
    New treatment methods are urgently needed for glioblastoma (GBM), the most common malignant primary brain tumor in adults, that currently lacks any curative treatment. Targeted therapeutic approaches have shown promising results already, but common drug delivery vehicles come with efficacy issues and are restricted by their safety and toxicity profiles. Exosomes, cell-produced nanosized vesicles, have emerged as a new potential carrier for gene therapies in cancer treatment due to their natural material transport properties, biocompatibility, and specificity in transporting cargo to the target cells. These extracellular vesicles have the additional advantage of being able to cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB), which makes them especially valuable for brain malignancies, such as glioblastomas. So far, gene therapy approaches in exosomes have focused on RNA in cancer treatment, but research findings are limited with plasmid-based gene therapies using exosomes. The main concern has been whether the increased plasmid size would decrease the transfection efficiency of the plasmid into the exosomes. This study aimed at setting-up exosomes as plasmid-based gene therapy nanocarriers. To achieve this, different plasmid-based gene therapies were tested, including the targeting of common aberrations of GBM cells to impair proliferation and the use of cytotoxins to induce apoptosis in the target cells. The plasmids were transfected into exosomes and subsequently inoculated into patient-derived glioblastoma cells with the aim of decreasing the number of glioblastoma cells. The findings of this study demonstrate a successful set-up of an exosome-based gene therapy in patient-derived glioblastoma cells by using engineered HEK293FT cell derived exosomes consisting of a plasmid-based combination gene therapy encoding the cytotoxins Granzyme B and Diphtheria toxin fragment A.