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  • Hänninen, Mikko (2018)
    MicroRNAs are small single-stranded RNA molecules that regulate gene expression by silencing the translation of messenger RNAs. They have the ability to silence translation of multiple different messenger RNAs simultaniously and have been shown to have an important role in the formation and maintaining homeostatsis of several tissue types. The regenerative ability of the human heart after myocardial injury is limited, which often leads to adverse changes in cardiac structure and function. This is why molecules that enhance the regenerative and reparative abilities of cardiomyocytes, such as carbon monoxide, are of special interest. Carbon monoxide protects cardiomyocytes from apoptosis and prevents their proliferation. One proposed modulator of these effects is the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK). We studied the effects of carbon monoxide releasing molecule-3 (CORM-3) on cardiac recovery after myocardial infarction in adult rats and how it effects the expression of microRNAs miR-133a, miR-133b, miR-206 and miR-208. In addition, we studied the effects of carbon monoxide releasing molecule-A1 (CORM-A1) and inhibition of p38 MAPK on neonatal rat cardiomyocyte proliferation and apoptosis. We showed that CORM-3 improves cardiac recovery after myocardial infarction by increasing the amount of cardiomyocytes in the infarct area and improving the cardiac function of the left ventricle. Additionally, we showed that inhibiting p38 MAPK increases proliferation in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. The beneficial effects of carbon monoxide on cardiac recovery after myocardial injury are well known. However, the exact mechanisms of its actions in cardiomyocytes remain poorly known. MicroRNAs might at least partly mediate these effects as CORM-3 increased their expression in rat hearts. The potential pathways between carbon monoxide and microRNA require still further research.
  • Rantanen, Linda Helene (2017)
    A high birth weight (HBW) has quite recently been associated with an increased schizophrenia risk, but the link between a low birth weight (LBW) and schizophrenia is well-known. The purpose of this study was to analyze obstetric adversities – with the focus on the role of HBW - among 109 subjects chosen from the Finnish schizophrenia family study sample. The subjects had a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder or a genetically high risk of developing such a disorder. HBW (≥4000 g, n=37), compared to normal birth weight, NBW (2600-3999, n=64), associated with post-term pregnancy (p=0.041) and higher maternal parity (p=0.017). Post-term pregnancy associated with labour complications (p=0.04) and a prolonged first stage of labour (p=0.003). A higher parity was associated with Caesarean section (p=0.009), prematurity (p=0.048) and fetal malpresentation (p=0.021). LBW (<2600 g, n=8), compared to NBW, associated with perinatal complications (p=0.017), twin pregnancy (p=0.002), prematurity (p=0.009) grand multiparity (p=0.019) and higher parity (p=0.002).
  • Toivonen, Sini; Lehtinen, Miia; Raivio, Peter; Sinisalo, Juha; Loimaala, Antti; Uusitalo, Valtteri (2022)
    Sepelvaltimotauti etenee osalla potilaista asianmukaisesta hoidosta huolimatta, mikä voi johtaa lopulta sydäninfarktiin, revaskularisaatioihin tai sydämen vajaatoimintaan. Tätä jäännöstautiriskiä on pyritty vähentämään tehostamalla antikoagulatiivista ja antilipidistä lääkehoitoa. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on pystytty osoittamaan ennustehyötyä myös anti-inflammatorisella lääkityksellä sekä todettu tulehduksen biomarkkereiden korreloivan sepelvaltimotautipotilaiden ennusteeseen. Lisäksi 18F-fluorodeoksiglukoosi (18F-FDG) positroniemissiotomografia (PET) -kuvantamisella aortan metabolisen aktiivisuuden on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä sydän- ja verisuonisairastavuuteen primaaripreventioasetelmassa. Tutkimusaineistomme koostui ei-sydänperäisin indikaatioin 18F-FDG-PET-kuvatuista 98 sepelvaltimotautipotilaasta ja 94 verrokkipotilaasta. Tavoitteenamme oli tutkia 18F-FDG-PET-kuvantamisella vaskulaarisen ja rasvakudoksen inflammaation esiintyvyyttä sepelvaltimotautipotilailla, ja siten selvittää suurimmassa jäännöstautiriskissä oleva ja eniten intensiivisestä anti-inflammatorisesta lääkityksestä hyötyvä potilasryhmä. Lisäksi tutkimme tunnettujen sydän- ja verisuonitautien riskitekijöiden suhdetta tulehdukselliseen aktiviteettiin. PET-kuvista arvioitiin keskimääräinen 18F-FDG-aktiivisuus kunkin leikkeen maksimiarvon perusteella eri kohdealueilla, joita olivat aortan tyvi sekä perikoronaarinen, epikardiaalinen, subkutaaninen ja mediastinaalinen rasvakudos. Veren metabolisen tausta-aktiivisuuden huomioimiseksi kohdealueiden aktiivisuus jaettiin superiorisen vena cavan tai vasemman eteisen keskimääräisellä aktiivisuudella. Jatkuvia muuttujia tarkasteltiin standardideviaationa tai mediaanina, ja kategorisia muuttujia numeroina ja prosentteina. Muuttujia vertailtiin erilaisten tilastollisten menetelmien keinoin. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että 18F-FDG-aktiivisuus aortan tyvessä ja subkutaanisessa rasvakudoksessa oli korkeampi sepelvaltimotautipotilailla suhteessa verrokkeihin. Muilla rasvakudoksen kohdealueilla ei ollut eroa ryhmien välillä. Potilaiden yksilölliset riskitekijät eivät ennustaneet metabolista aktiivisuutta. Tutkimustulos puhuu sepelvaltimotautipotilaiden tulehduksellisen jäännöstautiriskin puolesta, mikä viittaa potentiaaliseen sekundääripreventiokohteeseen.
  • Saris, Eva (2023)
    The prevalence of obesity is growing and therefore also the comorbidities connected with it. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is one of the most prevalent comorbidities of obesity. Risk factors for OSA are male gender, obesity, and older age. OSA is a risk factor for postoperative pulmonary complications. The prevalence of OSA in bariatric surgery patients has previously been shown to be 60 % or more. The Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa decided in 2017 that all bariatric surgery patients should be screened for OSA. In this study 188 patients operated in 2016 and 189 patients operated in 2018 were compared to see the difference in the prevalence of OSA after the introduction of a routine preoperative screening programme. Risk factors for OSA in patients operated in 2018 who were screened were also checked. In 2016, 67 % of the patients were never screened, and in 2018 only 11.1 % of the patients were left unscreened. The prevalence of OSA in 2016 was 28.7 % while in 2018 the prevalence was 76.7 %. In this study the only statistically significant risk factor for OSA found was older age. In conclusion when screening for OSA the prevalence of OSA gets significantly higher.
  • Karinen, Sini (2022)
    Imusuonet ovat pääasiallinen väylä etäpesäkkeiden muodostumiselle karsinoomissa, esimerkiksi suun levyepiteelikarsinoomassa. Terveessä tilanteessa imusuonisto ylläpitää homeostaasia ja on tärkeässä roolissa immuniteetissa. Lisäksi imusuonistolla tiedetään olevan vaikutus syövän kehittymisen ja etäpesäkkeiden, eli metastaasien muodostumisessa. Metastaasien muodostuminen on merkityksellistä, koska noin 90 % kaikista syöpäkuolemista johtuu metastaaseista. Imusuonien uudismuodostumista, lymfangiogeneesiä, tapahtuu aikuisella terveessä tilanteessa vain harvoin, esimerkiksi kudostrauman parantumisessa. Syövässä lymphangiogeneesi on avainasemassa taudin kehittymisessä ja metastaasien muodostumisessa. ”Lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor 1” (LYVE-1) on hyaluronireseptori, joka esiintyy lymfaattisessa endoteelissä. LYVE-1 on laajasti käytössä oleva markkeri lyfaattisille endoteelisoluille, jonka tiedetään toimivan immuunisolujen ja syöpäsolujen migraatiossa. Useat tutkimukset ovat käsitelleet LYVE-1 roolia syövässä, mutta yhteen vetävää ja laaja-alaista katsausta LYVE-1 hyödystä ennustetekijänä eri syöpätaudeissa ei ollut työmme julkaisuhetkeen mennessä tehty. Kirjallisuuden aukon kattamiseksi suoritimme systemaattisen katsauksen. Käytimme Ovid Medline, Pubmed, Scopus, Cochrane Library ja Web of Science tietokantoja systemaattiseen hakuun. Haku palautti yhteensä 571 julkaisua, joista sisällytimme 18 julkaisua systemaattiseen katsaukseen. Sisällytetyissä julkaisuissa oli yhteensä 2352 syöpädiagnoosin saanutta potilasta. Kollektiivisesti 11 julkaisua raportoi tilastollisesti merkitsevän assosiaation LYVE-1 ekspression ja huonon ennusteen välillä, kun tarkisteltiin vähintään yhtä elossaolo-lopputulostapahtumaa. Tulokset osoittavat, että LYVE-1 käyttö ennustetekijänä voi olla hyödyllistä. Systemaattisen katsauksen myötä paljastui tarve yhtenäistää tulevien tutkimusten menetelmiä vertailukelpoisiksi ja tarkastella LYVE-1 vasta-aineväriäyksen spesifisyyttä.
  • Stenman, Sebastian; Siironen, Päivi; Mustonen, Harri; Lundin, Johan; Haglund, Caj; Arola, Johanna (2018)
    Background The subtype of the papillary thyroid carcinoma tall cell variant (TCV) has a worse prognosis than does the conventional papillary type (PTC). The new WHO 2017 classification defines a TCV as a tumor consisting of over 30% of cells that are two or three times as tall as they are wide. However, thresholds have differed. Our aim was to study how tall cells affect the prognosis of PTC patients and to determine, for such cells, a cut-off percentage. Methods Our cohort included 65 PTC patients who underwent surgery at Helsinki University Hospital between 1973 and 1996: originally 36 otherwise-matched patient pairs, eventually comprising 34 patients with an adverse outcome and 31 who had recovered. All samples were digitally scanned and scored by two investigators based on tall cell composition. The cohort was analyzed with four tall cell (TC) thresholds: 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70% with a median follow-up of 22 years. Results In survival analysis, only the 70% threshold showed a correlation with reduced overall survival (OS), disease-specific survival (DSS), and relapse-free survival (RFS). A correlation also emerged with death from PTC. In a multivariate analysis, a 70% cut-off and age at diagnosis significantly affected DSS. Conclusion A TC composition of 10%, 30%, or 50% showed no correlation with adverse outcome, and suggests that a 70% threshold should be the choice of pathologists reporting TCV. Our results thus fail to support the new WHO classification.
  • Kesti, Ella (2022)
    Background: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a cancer characterized by poor prognosis and lack of effective diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. A rich and activated desmoplastic tumor stroma is considered a hallmark of PDAC and therefore it is only natural to investigate stromal components in order to find possible new prognostic biomarkers. Type VI collagen (COL6) has been found to associate with prognosis in other forms of cancer but has not been extensively studied in PDAC. Previous studies indicate that COL6 expression is upregulated and could carry a prognostic value also in PDAC. Methods: Protein expression of COL6 was microscopically analyzed in tissue microarrays (TMAs) containing tumor tissue samples from 167 (n=167) PDAC patients. Scoring data of immunohistochemically stained tissue samples was then combined with clinical data and the prognostic significance of COL6 was estimated with Kaplan-Meier survival estimates and multivariable Cox regression analysis. COL6 mRNA expression level was investigated by extracting tissue mRNA expression data and corresponding clinical data of 182 (n=182) pancreatic cancer patients from TCGA database. Results: In this rather large patient cohort we could not find statistically significant (p < 0.05) difference in survival when comparing patients with high and low tissue expression of any of the COL6 alpha chains (COL6α1: HR 1.253, 95%CI 0.798-1.967; COL6α2: HR 1.052, 95% CI 0.706-1.566; COLα3: HR 0.831, 95%CI 0.557-1.240). Similar results were obtained when assessing expression of COL6 in mRNA level and no prognostic significance was detected. Furthermore, no correlation was found between COL6 protein expression and any clinical parameters. Conclusions: In contrast with previous studies a prognostic value of COL6 tissue expression and PDAC survival was not found neither on protein nor mRNA level.
  • Lindström, Alexander (2018)
    Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed malignancies worldwide. Several biomarkers have been suggested for improved prognostic evaluation, but few methods have been implemented in clinical practice. Astroprincin (APCN) is a recently discovered transmembrane glycoprotein. It is shown to correlate with invasive growth behaviour of melanoma and breast cancer. Aim: To evaluate the value of APCN expression as a prognostic marker in colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: Our cohort included 840 patients surgically treated between 1983 and 2001. Immunohistochemical expression of APCN was successfully evaluated in 739 patients. APCN expression and association with clinicopathological parameters and patient survival was assessed. Results: Strong positive staining was seen in 82 tumors (11.1 %), moderately positive in 288 (39%), weakly positive in 333 (45.1%), and negative in 36 (4.9%). High APCN expression associated with high tumour stage (p < 0.001). Patients with high tumor expression of APCN had a significantly worse disease specific survival (DSS) than those with APCN negative or weakly positive tumor (p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis APCN expression was an independent marker of poor prognosis. Conclusions: APCN is an independent prognostic marker in colorectal cancer and might be useful as a prognostic tool in colorectal cancer.
  • Hasnat, Shrabon; Roosa, Hujanen; Abdelhakim, Salem; Tuula, Salo (2020)
    Pään ja kaulan alueen levyepiteelikarsinoomat (Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, HNSCC) ovat joukko syöpäkasvaimia, joihin sairastuneilla on alhainen viiden vuoden eloonjäämisennuste. Näin ollen on tärkeää tunnistaa biomarkkereita, joita voidaan kliinisesti hyödyntää ja näin parantaa pään ja kaulan alueiden syöpäpotilaiden hoitoa. Tuoreet tutkimukset tukevat toll-like reseptorien (TLR) roolia karsinogeneesissä, joten suoritimme tämän systemaattinen katsauksen ja meta-analyysin TLR-immunoekspression ennustearvon arvioimiseksi HNSCC-potilailla. Kokosimme yhteen tulokset 13 tutkimuksesta, joihin osallistui kaiken kaikkiaan 1825 potilasta; näistä kuusi tutkimusta katsottiin päteviksi kvantitatiiviseen synteesiin eli meta-analyysiin. TLR-1-5 ja TLR-9 korkeampi immunoekspressio liittyi HNSCC-potilaiden kliinisten oireiden huononemiseen. Tämän lisäksi korkeiden TLR-3, 4, 5, 7 ja 9 tasojen havaittiin ennustavan potilaiden eloonjäämisennustetta. Suoritetun meta-analyysin mukaan TLR-7 yli-ilmentyminen on yhteydessä korkeampaan selviytymisasteeseen HNSCC-potilailla (HR 0,51; 95 % CI 0,13–0,89; I2 34,6 %), kun taas korkea TLR-5 ilmentyminen ennusti matalampaa selviytymisastetta. Tämän katsauksen yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että TLR:t voivat tuottaa jonkinlaista ennustearvoa HNSCC-potilaille, mutta pienen otannan ja muiden metodologisten rajoitteiden vuoksi on tarve samankaltaisille hyvin suunnitelluille tutkimuksille eri populaatioiden kesken, ennen kuin voidaan suositella toll-like reseptoreita luotettavaksi eloonjäämisennusteen arviointityökaluksi. Aihealue on kuitenkin sellainen, jota jatkuvasti tutkitaan, ja jota jatkuvasti ymmärretään paremmin. Lähivuosien aikana voidaan olettaa, että yhteys pään ja kaulan alueiden syöpien ja biomarkkerien välillä tullaan ymmärtämään paremmin.
  • Malmivaara, Kirsi (2014)
    Aims: The overall purpose of this study was to evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and cost-effectiveness of the treatment of severely, acutely ill neurosurgical patients. The majority of the study illnesses and conditions are known to have a relatively high mortality or an otherwise poor outcome but, they are also known to be highly resource-demanding. Since the economics of health care is attracting more and more interest, it will become more important to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of treatment so that it can be demonstrated that the resource allocation is justified. Methods: The patients (n=620) for these four separate studies were treated in the Department of Neurosurgery of Helsinki University Central Hospital between 1998 and 2006. The first of these four studies was a Step-Down Unit study in which we evaluated a group of patients (n=346) who underwent a major neurosurgical operation and were treated in the neurosurgical intensive care unit (NICU) and, due to a poor prognosis, were then discharged from the NICU to the step-down unit, still depending on life support devices. The following two studies evaluated patients who underwent a decompressive craniectomy (DC) for intractable intracranial pressure. The first of these, the DC after SAH study, concerned patients (n=42) with subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) or other neurological emergencies, and the second one, the DC after TBI study, evaluated patients (n=54) with traumatic brain injury (TBI). The fourth study, the SAH study (n=178), evaluated the long-term outcome, HRQoL and cost-effectiveness of the treatment of the SAH patients. Results: The mortality in the Step-Down Unit study and both of the DC studies was high and moderate in the SAH study, 59%, 53%, 41%, and 24% respectively. The median follow-up times were 5, 3, 5.6 and 10.8 years. The health-related quality of life was assessed with the EuroQol EQ5D instrument and the median HRQoL index was compared to the median index of the Finnish reference population (0.85). The indices were 0.71, 0.41, 0.85 and 1.00. The outcome was also evaluated on the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS), and 49%, 25%, 69% and 75% of the patients achieved a good outcome (GOS 1-2). An important measure of well-being is the ability to live at home, and 49%, 50%, 78% and 88% of the study patients were able to live at home. The direct costs of the neurosurgical treatment per quality adjusted life year (QALY) were 2521€, 5000€, 2400€ and 1700€. Conclusions: For the total of 620 severely ill neurosurgical patients treated in the Helsinki Department of Neurosurgery between 1998 and 2006, we found the treatment to be cost-effective, and it resulted in health-related quality of life that varied from acceptable to good when compared to the reference population. We found no evidence of unnecessary prolongation of human suffering when death was inevitable. The worst state of health-related quality of life did not occur among the survivors. In summary, these studies indicate that current healthcare resources are utilized cost-effectively to achieve a life that is meaningful. Allocation of healthcare resources to the severely ill neurosurgical patients seems to be justified.
  • Juppo, Mona (2020)
    Atooppinen ihottuma (AD) on yleinen ihosairaus lapsilla ja sillä on suuri vaikutus lapsen ja perheen elämänlaatuun (QoL). On erityisen tärkeää hoitaa kyseistä sairautta jo varhaisessa lapsuudessa. Tämä tutkimus on välianalyysi 3-vuotisesta satunnaistetusta takrolimuusi- ja kortikosteroidihoitoja vertailevasta seurantatutkimuksesta. Kyseisessä tutkimuksessa 152 Suomessa asuvaa 1–3-vuotiasta lasta, jolla oli joko keskivaikea tai vaikea AD, satunnaistettiin saamaan joko paikallista hydrokortisonia (tarvittaessa hydrokortisoni-17-butyraattia) tai 0.03% takrolimuusivoidetta (tarvittaessa 0.1% voidetta). Tavoitteena oli havaita vaikeusasteessa, ihottuman pinta-alassa, elämänlaadussa ja kutinassa tapahtuvat muutokset ja verrata näitä hoitoryhmien välillä. Hoidon tehokkuuden arvioimisessa käytettyjä mittareita olivat ihottuman pinta-ala, Eczema area and severity index (EASI), the Infants' Dermatitis Quality of Life Index (IDQOL) ja kutina-asteikko. Tässä analyysissä käytettiin tutkimukseen osallistuneiden potilaiden lähtötilanteen, 12, 24 ja 36 kuukauden kohdalta saatuja tietoja. Molemmissa hoitoryhmissä AD:n vaikeusaste lieventyi ja potilaiden elämänlaatu parani eniten ensimmäisen hoitovuoden aikana. Mediaani EASI-pisteet laskivat 85% ja mediaani IDQOL-pisteet laskivat 57% lähtötilanteesta. 12 kk kohdalla takrolimuusilla hoidetuilla potilailla oli tilastollisesti merkitsevästi pienemmät EASI-pisteet ja pienempi ihottumapinta-ala kuin hydrokortisonilla hoidetuilla potilailla. Tämän jälkeen erot ryhmien välillä olivat pieniä ja suuria muutoksia mitatuissa suureissa ei nähty. Vaikka näkyviä ihottuman merkkejä ei potilaalla ollut, saattoi elämänlaatu silti olla heikentynyt. Elämänlaatuun vaikutti siis muutkin tekijät kuin ihon kunto.
  • Starczewski, Hanna (2018)
    Objectives The focus of this study was in the relationship between dark side personality and career choices in the Finnish personnel assessment context. The study was done as a commission for Psycon Corporation. The aim of this study was to fill the research gap concerning the relationship between career anchors and darks side personality features, because there is barely any research done on this topic. In addition, one of the questionnaires used in this study was validated. The relationship between the career anchors and age, gender, the level of the applied job and the dark side personality features was researched without any hypotheses because of the scarcity of previous research. Measures The data was collected between June and September in 2017 in Psycon Corporation. The sample consisted of 137 people taking part in personnel assessment process out of which 56.2% were male and the rest female. The age varied between 23 and 57 years. All the participants answered two questionnaires, one measuring eight career anchors and the other measuring 10 dark side personality features. Both questionnaires are computer-based self-evaluation forms and developed in Psycon Corporation. A Pearson’s correlation analysis was conducted to study the associations between the career anchors and age and gender. Regression models were conducted for each individual career anchors and a canonical correlation analysis was conducted to analyze the relationship between the career anchors, age, gender, the level of the assessment and dark side personality features. Results and conclusions The results of this study showed that career anchors can be predicted with dark side personality features, especially concerning General Managerial Competence. In addition, age and gender of the individual and the level of the applied job influence the career anchor preference. In addition, the results showed that the construct validity of the Career Questionnaire was good and the reliabilities of the scales were also on a good level. In practice, the results of this study can be used the individual and organizational levels for coaching and recruiting purposes in addition to Psycon Corporation’s internal purposes.
  • Lehtisalo, Hanna (2022)
    Organisational justice, or perceived fairness at the workplace, has been associated with several elements of individual and workplace wellbeing, and more research has been called for on the mechanisms contributing to those relationships. The objective of this study was to examine the relationships between organisational justice and elevated risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. To examine psychological mechanisms underlying those relationships, hostility and sleep problems were individually studied as potential mediators. The sample for the study was derived from the ongoing Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. The data used was collected in 2011 and 2012, and 1368 participants (820 women, 548 men, aged 34–49 years at the time of data collection) were included in the analysis. Organisational justice perceptions were measured using the short version of the organisational justice scale, which provided scores for total, distributive, procedural and interpersonal organisational justice. Hostility was measured with separate self-report scales for anger and cynicism, and sleep problems were assessed with the Jenkins Sleep Scale. Five risk factor variables for cardiovascular diseases were formed: elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, elevated CRP, and elevated BMI. In addition, already having a diagnosed cardiovascular disease was included as the sixth. The demographic variables were sex, age, and socioeconomic status. In the total sample, organisational justice was associated with a lower probability for having elevated BMI and elevated CRP. Further associations were observed between organisational justice and a lower probability of having elevated cholesterol among men and blue collar employees. Among white collar employees, organisational justice was associated with a higher probability of having elevated cholesterol and a lower probability of having elevated blood pressure. As for the potential mediators, organisational justice was associated with lower levels of anger, cynicism and sleep problems on all its levels and in all demographic groups. Anger was associated with elevated BMI, and cynicism with elevated BMI, elevated triglycerides and elevated blood pressure, but the association with triglycerides disappeared when the demographic and control (smoking, diabetes) variables were included in the analysis. Sleep problems were only associated with elevated triglycerides. Mediation effects were analysed between organisational justice and elevated BMI in the total sample and on all levels of organisational justice, with anger and cynicism as potential mediators. A significant mediation effect was observed in all the models with cynicism as a mediator. A significant mediation effect was also observed among white collar employees, between interpersonal organisational justice and elevated blood pressure, with cynicism as a mediator. The findings of this study strengthen the understanding of how fair treatment at the workplace can contribute to individual wellbeing on both a physical and psychological level. First, via observing several associations between organisational justice and elevated risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and second, by suggesting that cynicism, a component of hostility, could be among the key psychological mechanisms underlying many of those relationships.
  • Jansson, Linda (2018)
    Language impairments affect the development of children’s communication skills. Early identification of children that may later face a diagnosis of language disorder is challenging, but early language development is a good indicator of later language skills. The fundamental structures of language are typically mastered by the age of five. Memory skills, which are essential for language development, are also well developed in five-year-old children. Pre-reading skills, such as rapid automatized naming and letter knowledge, develop throughout childhood and have been linked to concurrent language skills. There is, however, little knowledge regarding early development of pre-reading skills in children under the age of five. In this longitudinal study, the relationship between early pre-reading skills at ages 3;6 and 5;0 and language and memory skills at age 5;0 is studied. By increasing the knowledge regarding the development of and the relationship between early pre-reading and language skills more sensitive methods to identify children at risk for language impairment may be developed. In this study, the LUKIVA-test, a method for assessing early pre-reading skills in preschool children, was used. In addition, the language and memory domains of the Five to Fifteen-questionnaire, a parental questionnaire evaluating the development and behavior of 5–15-year-old children, was used. The LUKIVA-test was administered at ages 3;6 and 5;0, the Five to Fifteen-questionnaire filled out when the children were 5;0-years old. The study sample included 40 Finnish-speaking children. This study showed, that age 3;6 and 5;0 LUKIVA-test variables correlated significantly with each other and with age 5;0 language skills. It was also shown, that pre-reading skills at age 3;6, together with gender and maternal education, explain 17% of the variability in language skills at age 5;0. Pre-reading skills in 3;6-year-old children may thus yield important information regarding future language development. In addition, memory skills (sri2 = 43%) markedly added to the explanation of age 5;0 language skills by concurrent pre-reading skills (sri2 = 28%). Pre-reading skills may possibly be used to identify children with weak language skills, whose language development may benefit from additional support.
  • Tulenheimo, Tapio (2023)
    Aims. In our everyday activities, we need to make a great number of decisions, like choosing a high-rewarded but effortful or low-rewarded but rather effortless task. This value-based decision-making is regulated by the dopaminergic system. Recent technological advances have made it possible to measure in real-time the neural activity of dopaminergic brain regions and thus enabled training to self-regulate those regions. The present study aims to investigate the effect of self-regulation of dopaminergic brain regions on value-based decision-making – specifically effort discounting – and how stress moderates the relationship between neural activity and value-based decision-making. Methods. Using real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI), 74 participants (34 females, age M= 22.5) were trained to self-regulate dopaminergic midbrain regions. During the subsequent test session participants up- or down-regulated dopaminergic midbrain regions before performing the value-based decision-making task. Participants were faced with a choice to either accept to perform the N-back task and get a higher reward or refuse and get a lower reward. Acute and chronic stress was measured before and after the experiment using questionnaires. Linear mixed model analyses were performed to investigate the effects of self-regulation and stress on decision-making behavior. Results and conclusions. Upregulation of dopaminergic midbrain activity significantly increased the probability of choosing the effortful task and decreased effort discounting. Downregulation of the dopaminergic midbrain was not significantly affecting decision-making. Chronic stress was not significantly affecting decision-making. Acute stress had a significant main effect on decision- making and interacted with the self-regulation of dopaminergic midbrain activity by increasing effort discounting. Taken together, upregulation of the dopaminergic midbrain is an effective way to decrease effort discounting, and acute stress can have a negative impact on value-based decision-making.
  • Putkinen, Silja (2021)
    Background: Aphasia is a disturbance in the language function in someone who has suffered a stroke. An interesting observation is that some aphasic patients can utter words singing, even when they have lost the ability to speak. Music- and singing-based aphasia rehabilitations have been used, as addition to traditional speech therapy, for decades, and are a subject of acitve research. The aim of the present questionnaire study was to explore subjective speech and singing abilities and their connections in post-stroke aphasia. Methods: 49 aphasia patients answered questionnaires regarding subjective vocal control when speaking and singing, and their communication and singing abilities in everyday life. The participants were divided into mild (N=21) and severe (N=28) aphasics groups. We investigated if there were differences between subjective vocal control speaking and singing or between aphasia groups, and if vocal control was associated with everyday communication or singing ability. Results: There was a difference between subjective speaking and singing abilities, aphasia severity did affect subjective singing ability but not speaking ability, a better subjective vocal control singing was associated with a better singing ability. A better quality and more frequent communication in everyday life was associated with better singing ability. Conclusion: Singing was perceived as less effortful and unclear than speaking and especially severe aphasics felt better singing than speaking. These results support the idea that singing therapies could be helpful for aphasics.
  • Ranni, Emma (2020)
    Abstract Background Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease with unknown pathogenesis and beyond curative treatment. Due to severe and progressive problems in swallowing, speech, respiration and mobility, palliative care has a significant role in the treatment of ALS throughout the disease trajectory. Aim To investigate the early integration of structured palliative care pathway for patients with ALS Design A retrospective follow-up study Setting The study population consisted of all ALS patients (69 patients, 35 male, median age 66) referred to the Palliative Care Unit at the Helsinki University Hospital according to the palliative care pathway in 2015 and 2016. The observation period continued until 2018 or death. The data was collected retrospectively from the patient records. Results The median time from the diagnosis to the first contact of the Unit was five months (range 0-88 months). Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) was placed to 38 (55 %) patients, and 36 (52 %) used non-invasive ventilation (NIV). The median survival was 11 months (range 0-40 months) from the first contact to the Unit, and respectively 18 months (range one month - ten years) from the time of diagnosis. Fifty-seven (83 %) of the 69 patients died during the observation period. Sixty per cent of patients received specialized end of life care, and hospice was the most common place of death (47 %). Conclusions Structured palliative care pathway enables integration of palliative care into the care of ALS patients and specialized end of life care for most of the patients.
  • Lehto, Jani (2023)
    Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain condition, which affects the life quality of almost 10% of the adult population of Europe. Current treatments for neuropathic pain are either not effective enough or have severe adverse effects, which leads to an urgent need for novel and efficient treatment options. Serotonin receptors 5-HT2A have been shown to modulate GABAA receptor activity via KCC2 mediated pathways, which has been suggested to be a possible mechanism behind neuropathic pain. 5-HT2AR agonists LSD and psilocybin activate 5-HT2ARs and acts as a potential novel therapy for neuropathic pain. The aims of this study were to investigate whether 5-HT2AR agonists modulate mechanical allodynia in healthy mice and whether a single administration of 5-HT2AR agonists can reduce mechanical allodynia in mice after SNI. To see whether 5-HT2AR agonists induce mechanical allodynia in healthy mice, baseline response to mechanical stimulus was measured with von Frey filaments with different target forces (0.07 G, 0.16 G, 0.4 G, 0.6 G and 1 G). Mice were treated with LSD, psilocybin, or saline, and after 5 minutes, the von Frey measurements were taken again. The allodynia was induced with SNI, where the common peroneal nerve and tibial nerve were ligated and cut, leaving the sural nerve intact. The development of mechanical allodynia was measured with von Frey filaments before the surgery and on post-operative day 14. On post-operative day 14, after the von Frey measurements, the mice were injected with LSD, psilocybin, pregabalin or saline. After 5 min, post-treatment measurements were performed. The experiments showed that 5-HT2AR agonists do not modulate mechanical allodynia in healthy mice. In SNI mice, psilocybin showed reduced mechanical allodynia between pre- and post-treatment measurements in 0.6 G and in 1 G, while LSD in 0.6 G. When comparing the average effects of 5-HT2AR agonists to allodynia and pain, psilocybin reduced the mechanical allodynia and pain, while LSD only had an effect on pain. The results suggest that 5-HT2AR agonists have analgesic effects after single administration in mice. Overall, this thesis provides insight into the therapeutic potential of 5-HT2AR agonists in the treatment of neuropathic pain and provides interesting viewpoints for the future research in the field.
  • Taanila, Anette (2017)
    Cancer patients have a manifold risk of suffering from both thrombotic events and anticoagulation-related bleeding complications. For this reason, knowledge of their adequate medication is crucial. The aims of this study were to find out are guidelines being followed regarding the treatment of venous thromboembolisms. The emphasis was on the anticoagulation therapy of cancer patients, but also non-cancer patients were analyzed as controls. Data was collected from the clinical information system Uranus CGI. All patient records (with the diagnostic codes I26.0, I67.6, I74.3, I80*, I81*, I83*, K55, N28.0, 022.3) in the hospital district of Helsinki and Uusimaa (Jorvi, Meilahti, Peijas, Lohja, Porvoo, Tammisaari and Hyvinkää hospitals) during the time period 1.1.2014- 29.4.2016 were reviewed. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics and Microsoft Excel computer softwares. The study included 1667 patients, out of whom 163 (9.8%) had active cancer. The recommendation of using low molecular weight heparins as the primary anticoagulants for patients with malignancies has been practiced. More research is necessary in order to find the optimal duration for treatment of, especially, isolated calf muscle venous thromboses and cancer patients' superficial thrombophlebitides.
  • de Aquino dos Santos Martins, Tomás (2017)
    Angiopoietin 1 (ANGPT1) is an endothelial growth factor and the ligand of the tyrosine endothelial kinase (TEK). The ANGPT-TEK system is known to mediate endothelial cell (EC) interactions and contributes to angiogenesis and vascular remodeling through angiocrine signaling. Although TEK is expressed in neural stem and progenitor cells, a vascular-independent role for ANGPT1 in neurogenesis is still unclear. This study focused on the embryonic expression of angiopoietins and their receptors in wild-type (WT) zebrafish (Danio rerio) and on further characterization of two zebrafish lines: the Angpt1sa14264 line, with a nonsense mutation in the angpt1 gene, and a transgenic line of angpt1 overexpression. Whole-mount in situ hybridization (WISH) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) showed a relatively high expression of angpt1 and tek throughout the first three days of WT development. Imaging of live Angpt1sa14264 and transgenic overexpression embryos revealed the bidirectional effect of angpt1 on the cardiovascular system, suggesting an essential role for normal embryonic development. In the absence of angpt1, gene expression analysis showed a dramatic disturbance in genes involved in neural patterning and neuronal development. The spatiotemporal expression of wingless-type MMTV integration site 1 (wnt1) implicated the midbrain-hindbrain boundary as a major site of Angpt1-mediated regulation of neuronal organization. The downregulated spatiotemporal expression of nestin (nes) indicated a decrease in neural progenitor-like cells throughout the central nervous system (CNS). In the context of angpt1 overexpression, the neurogenic locus notch homolog 1a (notch1a) was slightly increased despite the unchanged expression of all other neuronal markers and neural patterning genes analyzed. The spatiotemporal expression of notch1a was exacerbated in a large cranial vein, albeit detected in typical notch1a domains in the brain. These findings suggest that Angpt1 plays an important role in zebrafish embryogenesis and possibly regulates the organization of the zebrafish midbrain and hindbrain regions.