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  • Lehtonen, Essi; Mäkinen, Sirpa; Ahinko, Katja; Haltia, Anni; Perheentupa, Antti; Simberg, Niklas; Tòmas, Candido; Tiitinen, Aila; Martikainen, Hannu; Tapanainen, Juha; Veleva, Zdravka (2020)
    Kaksoisraskaudet lisäävät riskiä sekä peri- että postnataalisiin komplikaatioihin. Suomessa onkin 2000-luvun aikana siirrytty hedelmöityshoidoissa kahden alkion siirrosta yhden alkion siirtoihin kaksoisraskauksien vähentämiseksi, ja vuonna 2018 Suomessa tehdyistä IVF/ICSI-hoidoista yli 95 prosentissa siirrettiin vain yksi alkio. Väestön normaalijakaumasta tehdyt tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet, että useat parit toivovat saavansa useamman kuin yhden lapsen. Tästä syystä koimme tärkeäksi selvittää, mitkä ensimmäiseen IVF/ICSI-hoitokertaan liittyvät ennustavat onnistumista myös myöhemmissä hoidoissa. Tutkimukseen sisällytettiin naiset, jotka vuosina 2000-2017 aloittivat IVF/ICSI-hoidot ja joille siirrettiin yksi alkio ensimmäisellä hoitokerralla. Tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle rajattiin kaksoset tai kolmoset synnyttäneet naiset. Aineisto kerättiin kansallisesta LUMI-tietokannasta ja analysoitiin SPSS-ohjelmalla. Totesimme, että suurin osa aineiston naisista sai vain yhden lapsen, mutta yli puolet (62 %) heistä, jotka hakeutuivat ensimmäisen syntymän jälkeen uudelleen hoitoon, saivat vähintään yhden lapsen lisää. Keskimäärin potilaat tarvitsivat vain yhden uuden munasarjojen stimulaatiohoidon saadakseen toisen lapsen. Ensimmäisen hoitokerran tekijät, jotka ennustivat onnistumista myös myöhemmissä hoidoissa, olivat naisen ikä, syntymä ensimmäisessä hoitosyklissä sekä gonadotropiinin määrä suhteessa munasolujen määrään. Alkioiden laadun arvioon on kehitetty erilaisia menetelmiä, ja tutkimuksessa todettiin, että parhaimman arvosanan saaneiden alkioiden määrä lisäsi todennäköisyyttä onnistua myöhemmissä hoidoissa, mikäli niitä oli useampi kuin yksi. Lapsia oli kuitenkin mahdollista saada useampi, vaikkei laadukkaimpia alkioita ollut yhtäkään.
  • Ervaala, Attina (2021)
    Pre-eklampsia on globaali ongelma, mikä komplisoi 2–8 % raskauksista. Pre-eklampsiassa normaalisti sikiötä äidin immuunipuolustukselta suojaavien tekijöiden säätely on häiriintynyt. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää pre-eklampsian riskiä ja luonnetta luovutetuilla sukusoluilla saavutetuissa raskauksissa. Koska luovutetut sukusolut eroavat immunologisesti normaalia enemmän kantajastaan, hypoteesiksi asetettiin, että näissä raskauksissa pre-eklampsiaa esiintyy enemmän. Myös kirjallisuuden mukaan näissä raskauksissa vaikuttaisi olevan pre-eklampsiaa enemmän (38–20 %). Aineistona oli Finnish Genetics of Preeclampsia Consortium (FINNPEC) kohortti (n=2778). Tässä pre-eklampsia määriteltiin seuraavasti: 1. yli 140 mmHg:n systolinen verenpaine sekä 2. proteinuria (virtsan proteiini ≥0·3 g/24 h tai 0·3 g/L tai kaksi ≥1+ tulosta liuskatestissä) ja 3. näiden ilmeneminen H20 jälkeen. Näillä kriteereillä verrattiin luovutetuilla sukusoluilla saavutettuja raskauksia (n=21) muihin raskauksiin (n=2757). Väestötason esiintyvyys pre-eklampsian suhteen saatiin terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen syntyneiden lasten rekisteristä. Tutkimuksen tuloksena todettiin pre-eklampsiaa esiintyvän enemmän luovutetuilla sukusoluilla saavutetuissa raskauksissa. Muita riskitekijöitä olivat muun muassa äidin korkeampi ikä ja sikiön miessukupuoli. Pre-eklampsiaraskauksia vertailtaessa luovutetuilla sukusoluilla saavutetuissa raskauksissa esiintyi enemmän ennenaikaisia synnytyksiä, ja pre-eklampsia diagnosoitiin aiemmin kuin muissa raskauksissa. Luovutettujen sukusolujen raskauksista ei löydetty tilastollisesti merkittäviä eroja raskauksien luonteissa luovutettujen siittiöiden ja munasolujen välillä, mutta näyttäisi siltä, että riskit ovat isommat luovutetuilla munasoluilla alkaneissa raskauksissa. Tulokset tukevat aikaisempia tutkimustuloksia, vaikka otanta olikin pieni. Tilastollisten merkitsevien erojen puuttumisesta huolimatta tutkimus mahdollisti lisätiedon saamisen sikiön sukupuolen ja vieraiden antigeenien merkityksestä.
  • Ihamuotila, Rikhard Erik Mikael (2021)
    Introduction: The characteristics of sitting height ratio (SHR) in an undernourished population, and particularly in different ages, are still unclear. The aims of this study were to describe the characteristics of SHR in different ages in a population where undernutrition is prevalent and to investigate associations between SHR and other anthropometric variables. Methods: Anthropometrics of 1838 individuals were measured cross-sectionally in rural Malawi. SHR growth curves and SHR as a function of the study variables were plotted. The study variables were pubertal stage and z-scores of weight-for-height (WHZ), height-for-age (HAZ), and socioeconomic status. Linear regression models of SHR as a function of WHZ and HAZ were made. Results: The growth curves had a similar pattern as elsewhere in the world. Puberty affected sitting height growth and leg length growth differently. SHR was inversely proportional to HAZ and directly proportional to WHZ. Conclusions: Changes in SHR and its components throughout childhood in an undernourished population are described. There is an inverse association between SHR and HAZ, and a direct association between SHR and WHZ. Children in an undernourished population have higher SHRs throughout childhood compared to healthy growing children.
  • Jaatinen, Hannakaisa (2016)
    This thesis work was carried out in Biology Section of Experimental Therapeutics Programme in Spanish National Cancer Research Center in Madrid. The aim of this work was to carry out characterization of ADME profile of novel protein kinase inhibitors synthesized by the Medicinal Chemistry Section of Experimental Therapeutics Programme. ADME refers to absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. ADME screening provides crucial information when choosing new chemical entities (NCEs) and lead compounds with desirable properties for further development and for clinical studies. ADME screening is carried out in the early discovery phase in order to avoid costly failures in the later stages. The protein kinase inhibitors used in this work were designed against three different targets. However, the targets cannot be disclosed in this work due to confidentiality reasons and thus they will be referred to as X, Y, and Z. The ADME characterization was performed in a high-throughput format to screen fast compounds with desired properties. To carry out ADME characterization for the novel compounds, several in vitro assays and in vivo pharmacokinetic studies were carried out. The work was started by setting up an LC-MS/MS detection method for each compound. All in all, LC-MS/MS detection method was set up for 63 new compounds. The detection method was used to analyze the results of different in vitro and in vivo studies. In vitro assays included kinetic solubility assay, parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA), microsomal metabolic stability assay, plasma protein binding assay, and solubility in biological fluids. The solubility in biological fluids assay was performed only for the two compounds that were selected for the pharmacokinetic (PK) study. Pharmacokinetic properties of the compounds selected for the pharmacokinetic study using the Balb/C mice were further analyzed by their pharmacokinetic parameters. These parameters were calculated by applying non-compartmental model in the WinNonlin software. One compound, ETP-871, showed promising results in the pharmacokinetic study. Another compound ETP-827 was cleared too fast from the body. Too fast excretion is undesirable since low plasma concentration of the drug is insufficient to reach the therapeutic effect. For the compound ETP-827 a new PK study with higher dose was carried out. Due to the confidentiality reasons, these further studies are not presented in this work.
  • Koivula, Julia (2023)
    Wilms tumor is the most common kidney cancer in children. The origin of Wilms tumor is thought to arise from disturbed embryonic development. Wilms tumor is characterized by so called nephrogenic rests consisting of undifferentiated metanephric mesenchyme, that are precursor lesions for tumorigenesis. In addition, the tumors themselves contain tissue types normally found only in the developing kidney and they resemble embryonic kidneys transcriptionally. Since the tumors are heterogenous and contain blastemal, stromal, and epithelial components, all three progenitor populations of the developing kidney, nephron, collecting duct and stromal progenitors, are possible origins of tumors. MAPK/ERK pathway plays a significant role in kidney development for example by affecting nephron progenitor self-renewal and regulating collecting duct progenitor maintenance. Previous studies suggest that MAPK/ERK activity plays a role in Wilms tumor by mediating the intracellular effects of IGF2 overexpression. The aim of this master’s thesis is to compare transcriptional profiles of Wilms tumor to the transcriptional profiles in mouse MAPK/ERK deficient nephron progenitors and ureteric bud epithelium. This is done by utilizing internet-based tool ToppFun and R/Bioconductor tool gage (Generally Applicable Gene-set Enrichment for Pathway Analysis) for Gene Ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway analysis. My analysis revealed several shared GO and KEGG pathways that compose of differentially expressed genes with opposite expression patterns in Wilms tumor and MAPK/ERK deficient renal progenitors. The identified pathways include those previously validated by the host laboratory and some interesting new pathways that will be studied further in the future. The most interesting novel pathways affected in both Wilms tumor and MAPK/ERK deficient kidneys were related to the extracellular matrix (ECM) and chromatin. ECM related GO terms were specifically altered in nephron progenitors and Wilms tumor suggesting that Wilms tumor transformation involves dysregulation of ECM possibly downstream of MAPK/ERK pathway. MAPK/ERK pathway also mediates chromatin level regulation which is also demonstrated by my results. Chromatin related GO terms were upregulated in Wilms tumor and downregulated both in ureteric bud epithelium and nephron progenitors. The second aim of my thesis is to verify the observed gene expression changes by utilizing mouse embryonic kidney cultures and qPCR. The validation was only initial trial and requires further optimization. It did not show significant downregulation in selected validation genes that were chosen for validation. Future goal of my research is to carry out similar analysis in chemotherapy naïve dataset and at different Wilms tumor stages. This will allow avoiding possible chemotherapy induced changes in the outcome and better sorting of tumor progression and its correlation with specific renal progenitor types. In summary, my current results suggest both ECM and chromatin regulation as promising fields for future research.
  • Lee, Moon Hee (2017)
    Cancer immunotherapy has advanced with the introduction of anti-PD-1 therapy. Anti-PD-1 therapy blocks the inhibitory immune checkpoint receptor PD-1, and allows T cells to regain their cytotoxic potentials in response to cancerous cells. Amongst the cytotoxic lymphocytes other than T cells, natural killer (NK) cells have not been fully explored regarding anti-PD-1 treatment. With this in mind, our aim was to characterize the immunophenotype of the immune cells in patients diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma (RCC), and separate their corresponding tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). Altogether, we analyzed the immunophenotype of the T and NK cells and RCC tumor cells from 13 RCC patients using flow cytometry. In addition, we tested the function of NK cells against RCC cells using various cell line models (NK-92 and RCC cell lines), and monitored the cytotoxicity in real time using a cell impedance assay. Based on the results, we suggest that patients diagnosed with RCC possess unique immune profiles depending on the individual, but also share characteristics regarding the tumor. In addition, NK cells have the potential to activate a cytotoxic response to RCC cells. By phenotyping the TILs, potential novel biomarkers for immuno-oncological (IO) therapy could be detected, which could aid in determining which patients would most likely benefit from immunological therapies such as anti-PD-1 treatment.
  • Mynttinen, Henri (2019)
    Pehmytkudossarkoomat (PKS) ovat ryhmä syöpäsairauksia, jotka saavat alkunsa mesenkymaalisista kantasoluista ja esiintyvät tyypillisesti raajoissa ja vartalonseinämässä. Radiokemoterapia (RKT) on aggressiivinen hoitoprotokolla, jolla pyritään entistä säästävämpään kirurgiseen hoitoon sekä parantamaan paikallista tautikontrollia. Aggressiivinen hoitomuoto on toisaalta raskas potilaille sekä sisältää riskin hoitokomplikaatioista. Näihin lukeutuvat hoidon jälkeinen raajajäykkyys sekä leikaushaavojen post-operatiiviset komplikaatiot. Kirjallisuudessa on raportoitu samankaltaisten, mutta ei identtisten protokollien käytön tuloksista. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoitteina oli tutkia potilaiden selviytymistä ja pitkäaikaiskomplikaatioiden määrää. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin 89 korkean riskin PKS-potilasta, jotka hoidettiin vuosina 1998-2016 Helsingin yliopistollisessa sairaalassa pehmytkudostuumoriryhmän toimesta. Käytetty RKT-protokolla koostuu kuudesta lomitetusta doksorubisiini-ifosfamidi-solunsalpaajajaksosta sekä jaksotetusta hyperfraktioidusta sädehoidosta. TULOKSET: Potilaista 99 %:lla oli korkean riskin tauti. Hoitomyöntyvyys oli tutkimuksessa hyvä ja suurin osa potilaista sai suunnitellun hoidon kokonaisuudessaan. Paikalliskontrolli 5,4 vuoden seurannassa oli 81 % ja raajan säästävä kirurgia oli mahdollinen 93 %:lla potilaista. DISKUSSIO: Paikalliskontrolli on tyydyttävä aiempiin löydöksiin verrattuna, mutta metastaasiton selviytyminen oli vain 50,3 % kolmen vuoden seurannassa. Aiempien löydösten perusteella säästävä kirurgia ei aina johda parempaan selviytymiseen. Pehmytkudossarkooma on harvinainen ja haastava tauti, jonka hoidosta on vaikea tehdä tilastollisesti vahvaan tutkimusnäyttöön pohjautuvaa suositusta. Tämä tutkimus tuo lisää näyttöä RKT-protokollan hyödyllisyydestä korkean riskin potilaiden hoidossa satunnaistettujen kontrolloitujen hoitotutkimusten puuttuessa. Heikko kokonaisselviytyminen puoltaa uusien hoitomahdollisuuksien tutkimusta sekä kokeilua.
  • Hiidensalo, Anna (2018)
    Objective This study explores if and how quality of child-parent relationship and parental socio-economical-status predict psychological maturity in adulthood, operationalized as higher levels of desirable traits and as temporal profile stability. Further it examines if more desirable traits in 2007 are correlated with higher temporal profile stability 2007–2012. Methods This prospective two-generation study used data from the population-based Young Finns Study. Study sample consisted of 1403 participants, aged 3–18 years at baseline in 1980. Quality of parent–child relationship in terms of emotional warmth and acceptance was self-rated by parents in 1980. Personality was assessed in 2007 and 2012 using NEO Five Factor Inventory. Overall and distinctive profile stability were analyzed with intrapersonal correlations. Associations between childhood environment and psychological maturity were examined using simple and standard multiple linear regressions. Results and conclusions Higher quality of child–parent relationship in terms of emotional warmth predicted psychological maturity when defined as more desirable traits. Parental SES predicted both forms of profile stability. More desirable traits in 2007 correlated only with overall stability, not with distinctive stability. The results show that early childhood environment is associated with psychological maturity especially when defined as desirable traits, but to a lesser degree when defined as temporal profile stability.
  • Kunnari, Anton (2018)
    There has been little developmental research on individual differences in rationality and cognitive biases. Prior research shows that the same environmental factors predict the development of life history strategies as well as working memory capacity (WMC), a major determinant of capacity for rational reasoning. I hypothesized that those environmental factors would also predict cognitive miserliness – lazy reasoning accompanied by susceptibility to cognitive biases. In a laboratory study of 71 library-users, I measured life history strategy (K-factor), retrospective childhood unpredictability, WMC, cognitive reflection, belief-bias, denominator neglect, and outcome bias. My results did not support the hypothesis postulated. I did not observe an association between either life history strategy or unpredictable childhood and any of the cognitive variables. Due to limited sample size and methods, further research is warranted. Furthermore, a failure to conceptually replicate the previous findings that childhood adversity predicts lower working memory capacity suggests a need for conceptual clarification of these existing results.
  • Liukko, Emmi (2023)
    Objective: Psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) are common in general population and exist in a continuum with clinical psychotic disorders. PLEs are associated with later psychotic and non-psychotic disorders as well as concurrent poorer functioning and distress. It has been well established that childhood trauma is a risk factor for later sleep disturbances, and both are predictors for higher occurrence of PLEs. However, these factors are rarely studied together and better understanding of the risk factors and underlying mechanisms behind PLEs is of clinical relevance to ensure better treatment and prevention of further disadvantages. Methods: The study population (N = 681) consisted of adolescent outpatients in psychiatric care in Finland. Results from self-reported questionnaires of childhood trauma, sleep quality, and PLEs were used in multiple linear regression models and the possible mediating effect of sleep quality between childhood trauma and PLEs was tested. Depressive and anxiety symptoms were later added as possible confounding variables. Results: Childhood trauma and sleep quality were both associated with hallucinations and delusions in primary analyses and there were indications of a small, partial mediating effect. However, adding depressive and anxiety symptoms to the models changed the mediating effects and sleep no longer appeared as an explanatory factor. Discussion: Depressive and anxiety symptoms appeared to explain the connection between childhood trauma and PLEs better than sleep quality. This could be due to overlap in symptomology that mask the possible effects of sleep or similar mechanisms behind examined variables that are also closely connected to depressive and anxiety symptoms.
  • Ginman, Karolina (2019)
    Purpose: The perception and interpretation of how other people move their body is an important component of adaptive social interaction. Children are known to distinguish between body motion (biological motion) and non-biological motion at an early age, but their ability to interpret body motion has received little scientific attention. Music and dance-related movement activities have been found to positively influence social interaction in children. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of three classroom-integrated interventions (movement MO, music MU, movement-music MOMU) on social cognition in children. Since two of the interventions were movement-based, a test measuring the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion was used in the current study. Based on previous research findings, the hypothesis was that children who received any of the interventions would improve more than a control group (no intervention) in sensitivity to social interaction. In addition, the children’s performance was compared with that of adults’. Methods: Video displays of two point-light human figures either interacting with each other or moving separately were used to measure the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion. The test included 94 displays (47 interaction situations and 47 no interaction situations). Children aged 10–11 (3 intervention groups and 1 control group, n = 59) completed the test twice, pre and post intervention. In addition, nine adults (n = 9) completed the test. The theory of signal detection was utilised in the analysis of performance, with discriminability d′ reflecting sensitivity to social interaction and criterion c reflecting response bias. Results: Adults performed better than children at baseline. Children who received any of the interventions improved significantly in their ability to recognise social interaction post intervention, whereas the difference between the pre and post measurement did not reach statistical significance in the control group. Conclusions: Children were able to recognise social interaction based on body motion. Children who received a movement, music or movement-music intervention improved in the test, suggesting that all interventions had a positive impact on the ability to recognise social interaction based on body motion. This suggests that movement and music interventions conducted by elementary school teachers may support children’s ability to interpret body motion, an important aspect of social interaction.
  • Harri, Anniina (2022)
    Aims. Child abuse violates the human rights of the child and constitutes a risk factor for the child’s mental and physical health. In child abuse cases, disclosure is critical for ending the abuse and receiving support. The present study aims to explore the disclosure characteristics of both physical and sexual abuse to an adult recipient. The second aim is to examine, which factors are associated with receiving support after disclosure. Methods. This nationwide study utilized data from the 2019 Finnish School Health Promotion study of the National Institute for Health and Welfare, including answers from fourth to fifth (n = 99 686) and eighth to ninth (n = 87 283) graders. The analyses focused on participants who reported experiencing parental physical abuse and/or sexual abuse within the past year (n = 26 597). Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine which variables predicted disclosing abuse to adults and receiving support after disclosure. Results and conclusions. Of the total sample of 186 969 participants, 12.2% reported experiencing physical and 4.1% sexual abuse during the past year. Physical abuse (31.5%) was disclosed to adults almost as often as sexual abuse (31.7%). Logistic regression analyses showed that male gender, younger age, and foreign background were associated with disclosure regardless of abuse type. In addition, experiencing sexual abuse increased physical abuse disclosure whereas experiencing parental mental abuse decreased sexual abuse disclosure. Nearly 90% of the victims who reported needing support received it. Older age and exposure to only one abuse type were associated with receiving support after disclosure, as were also Finnish background among the physical abuse victims and experiencing sexual abuse by perpetrators other than parental figures among the sexual abuse victims. These results increase our understanding of the factors associated with abuse disclosure to adults and suggest the importance of assessing and identifying those exposed to multiple abuse types. In addition, the results help identifying victims at risk for not receiving support they need.
  • Peräkylä, Laura (2021)
    Tausta: Krooninen keuhkosiirteen toimintahäiriö (chronic lung allograft dysfunction, CLAD) on johtava kuolinsyy keuhkonsiirron jälkeen ja jakautuu kahteen pääfenotyyppiin, obstruktiota aiheuttava Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) ja restriktiota aiheuttava Restrictive allograft syndrome (RAS). RAS:lle ominaista on huomattava tilavuuden heikentyminen keuhkosiirteessä ja selvästi huonompi ennuste verrattuna BOS:iin. Loimme keuhkojen tietokonetomografiakuvista keuhkojen 3D-kuvan käyttäen tarkoitukseen luotua ulkopuolista ohjelmistoa. 3D-kuvan avulla ohjelmisto laski keuhkoille tilavuuden, jonka perusteella luokittelimme CLAD-potilaat keuhkotilavuuden avulla kahteen pääfenotyyppiin, tutkien fenotyypin vaikutusta potilaan ennusteeseen. Metodit: Vuosina 2003-2015 keuhkonsiirron Helsingin yliopistollisessa sairaalassa saaneet aikuispotilaat (n=167), arvioitiin retrospektiivisesti CLAD:n osalta. CLAD-potilaiden (n=71) keuhkotilavuudet analysoitiin ja potilaat luokiteltiin BOS:iin ja RAS:iin keuhkotilavuusmuutosten avulla. Potilaat luokiteltiin luokkaan BOSTT-volumetria, mikäli keuhkotilavuus CLAD-diagnoosihetkellä oli laskenut alle 15% verrattuna perusarvoon, ja luokkaan RASTT-volumetria, mikäli keuhkotilavuus laski yli 15% verrattuna perusarvoon. Määritimme TT-volumetrisesti määriteltyjen fenotyyppien kliinisen vaikutuksen ja analysoimme keuhkofunktioparametrien, radiologisten löydösten ja tilavuusmuutosten ennustearvon. Tulokset: 43%:lla (n=71) keuhkonsiirtopotilaista diagnosoitiin CLAD. 89% CLAD-potilaista luokiteltiin TT-volumetrian perusteella luokkaan BOSTT-volumetria ja 11% luokkaan RASTT volumetria. Keuhkosiirteen selviytymisennuste CLAD-diagnoosin jälkeen oli huomattavasti alhaisempi RASTT-volumetria-luokalle (mediaani 1.6 vs 9.7 vuotta, p=0.038). CLAD diagnoosihetkellä RASTT-volumetria-luokittelu (p=0.05), korkeampi keuhkosiirrekudoksen tiiviys (p=0.007) ja huomattavampi FEV1-lasku perusarvosta (p=0.004) olivat keuhkosiirteen ennustetta huonontavia tekijöitä. Yhteenveto: CLAD-potilaiden luokittelu keuhkotilavuusmuutosten avulla auttaa yksilöimään potilaita, joilla on korostunut riski keuhkosiirteen menetykseen. Tulokset tulisi validoida prospektiivisella tutkimusasetelmalla.
  • Carpelan, Anselmi Joakim (2024)
    Tiivistelmä / Abstract: Religiosity has been identified as an important ideational factor in fertility studies. However, only a few studies have sought to examine how religiosity affects the realization of fertility intentions with conflicting findings. Utilizing the Theory of Planned Behavior as its framework, the present study proposes a positive association between church attendance and both fertility intentions and realized fertility. Specifically, it hypothesizes that church attendance has a positive relationship to both fertility intentions and realized fertility over a period of three years. In the study, these hypotheses are examined in a sample (N = 798) drawn from waves 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the German Family Panel study. The analysis is performed using several logistic regression models, which control for the participants age, sex, and a variety of other characteristics. The results of the study re-affirm that fertility intentions have a positive relationship to realized fertility. However, there was no statistically significant relationship between church attendance and both fertility intentions and realized fertility in this sample. In addition, the study finds no significant differences between men and women. Speculating on the surprising results, the study asks whether church attendance adequately gauges the kind of religiosity that connects to fertility behavior in the more recent age cohorts in Germany. Uskonnollisuuden on havaittu vaikuttavan lisääntymiseen – muun muassa lisääntymisideaaleihin ja -intentioihin. Vain harvat tutkimukset ovat kuitenkaan kartoittaneet, miten uskonnollisuus vaikuttaa lisääntymisintentioiden varsinaiseen toteutumiseen. Käsillä oleva tutkimus pohjautuu Theory of Planned Behaviour -teoriaan ja kysyy, onko kirkossa käyminen on yhteydessä lisääntymisintentioihin ja sitä kautta toteutuneeseen lapsilukuun. Tutkimuksessa otaksutaan, että usein kirkossa käyvillä ihmisillä on korkeammat lisääntymisintentiot, ja että he myös useammin toteuttavat intentionsa kolmen vuoden seurannassa. Näitä oletuksia tutkitaan German Family Panel -aineiston otoksessa, johon luetaan aaltojen 9, 10, 11 ja 12 vastaajat (N = 798). Oletuksia koetellaan logistisin regressiomallein, joissa vakioidaan sukupuoli ja muut taustamuuttujat. Tulokset vahvistavat, että lisääntymisintentioilla on yhteys toteutuneeseen lapsilukuun tässä otoksessa. Kirkossa käymisellä ei kuitenkaan havaita olevan yhteyttä osallistujien lisääntymisintentioihin tai toteutuneeseen lapsilukuun. Tuloksissa ei myöskään tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja sukupuolten välillä. Näiden yllättävien tulosten pohjalta tutkimuksessa kysytään, josko kirkossa käymisen mittari kytkeytyy kyllin hyvin sellaiseen uskonnollisuuteen, joka yhdistyy lisääntymiskäyttäytymiseen myös myöhemmissä saksalaisissa ikäkohorteissa.
  • Immonen, Katariina (2022)
    Aims of the study. The aim of this study was to examine normative development of sleep patterns and circadian rhythmicity during adolescence. Previous studies have found that sleep duration shortens across the lifespan, and especially adolescents’ sleep timing shifts later due to physiological and psychological factors. Sleep patterns in adolescence are connected to individual’s endogenous circadian rhythms, usually measured by delayed melatonin secretion in the evening. There is a lack of understanding how sleep patterns are related to circadian body temperature rhythms during adolescence. Methods. This study was part of SleepHelsinki! cohort study of the Sleep & Mind Research Group. Adolescents’ sleep patterns were measured with actigraphies, whereas circadian body temperature was measured from the skin surface. Circadian temperature rhythmicity was inspected by circadian period length, the mesor of skin surface temperature and the amplitude of daily changes within the rhythm. Baseline measurements were measured from 215 (71.6 % girls) adolescents aged 16–18 years. At one-year follow-up, 156 (76.3 % girls) adolescents were measured again. Mixed models for repeated measures were used to examine changes over the year in sleep patterns and endogenous circadian temperature rhythm, separately for both girls and boys. Sex differences were tested with one-way variance analysis. Linear and ordinal regressions were used to predict sleep and circadian rhythm over the year. Results and conclusions. Over the year, adolescents’ sleep duration became longer during the week, while weekend sleep shortened. However, this change was only significant for girls. Sleep schedule became more delayed for both girls and boys during the week, as sleep onset, midpoint and offset occurred at a later time. Circadian rhythm changed for boys, as their average skin surface temperature increased, and their circadian temperature amplitude became smaller. Boys also had significantly lower circadian temperature amplitude than girls at the follow-up. Compared to boys, girls were 5.85 times more likely to have a high circadian temperature amplitude at the follow-up measurement. Changes in sleep length during the week was moderated by temperature amplitude, with higher circadian amplitude predicting sleep duration to become longer. Still, the likelihood to have long sleep duration was affected by past sleep duration.
  • Olkkonen, Juri (2015)
    Introduction: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. These are reflected in altered circadian rhythm of circulating serum cortisol, melatonin and IL-6 levels and in chronic fatigue. We hypothesized that the molecular machinery responsible for the circadian timekeeping is perturbed in RA. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of circadian clock in RA. Methods: Gene expression of thirteen clock genes was analyzed in the synovial membrane of RA and control osteoarthritis (OA) patients. BMAL1 protein was detected using immunohistochemistry. Cell autonomous clock oscillation was started in RA and OA synovial fibroblasts using serum shock. The effect of pro-inflammatory stimulus on clock gene expression in synovial fibroblasts was studied using IL-6 and TNF-a. Results: Gene expression analysis disclosed disconcerted circadian timekeeping and immunohistochemistry revealed strong cytoplasmic localization of BMAL1 in RA patients. Perturbed circadian timekeeping is at least in part inflammation independent and cell autonomous, because RA synovial fibroblasts display altered circadian expression of several clock components, and perturbed circadian production of IL-6 and IL-1b after clock resetting. However, inflammatory stimulus disturbs the rhythm in cultured fibroblasts. Throughout the experiments ARNTL2 and NPAS2 appeared to be the most affected clock genes in human immune-inflammatory conditions. Conclusion: We conclude that the molecular machinery controlling the circadian rhythm is disturbed in RA patients.
  • Joo, SeoJeong (2019)
    Although lung transplantation has become a routine procedure and is optimal therapy for patients with end-stage pulmonary diseases, the lifespan of lung allografts is still shorter than that of other organ transplants. As acute allograft rejection is one of the main risk factors for the development of chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD) which threatens the long-term survival rate of the recipients, it is crucial to predict and diagnose acute lung allograft rejection. However, there are no specific methods established so far to predict acute rejection (AR). Even though the histopathological evaluation of transbronchial biopsies (TBBs) is used as the gold standard to ensure the diagnosis of AR, it is essential to discover novel biomarkers for AR to overcome the limitations of the TBB-based invasive diagnostics. Recently extracellular vesicles (EVs) got noticed as potential biomarkers in various fields of medicine based on the findings that they exist in high concentration in body fluids and deliver functional genetic molecules which can modulate gene expression in target cells. In that regard, this preliminary study was designed with two different approaches; a time-point analysis and a case analysis of rejection and non-rejection episodes to validate their potentials as diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for acute lung allograft rejection. To discover biomarkers, EV RNA was isolated from the plasma of four patients that was collected at different time points, and whole EV mRNA transcriptome sequencing was performed on the Illumina platform to obtain at least 15 million reads. The time-point analysis showed that the mRNA contents of EVs changed according to the time points and clinical presentations of the patients. At the same time, gene expression profiles showed that mRNA molecules inside the EVs change from innate immunity to adaptive immunity related signatures with the time after transplantation. Furthermore, the case analysis identified that EVs contain RNA molecules that are closely related to the migration of leukocytes and adaptive immune system during acute rejection episodes. In conclusion, the profiles of EV RNA may reflect the immune responses that are taking place in the recipient’s body. Therefore, it is speculated that EVs may play an essential role in the development of AR by transferring functional mRNA molecules to the allograft, immune cells, and endothelial cells. On that account, EV transcriptome profiling could be used as a diagnostic tool for AR in the future, as well as a therapeutic tool by engineering EVs to target specific genes that may be involved in the development of AR. Keywords: extracellular vesicles, lung transplantation, transplantation immunology, RNA sequencing, acute lung allograft rejection, biomarkers
  • Vanhala, Antero; Lehto, Anna-Rosa; Maksimow, Anu; Kivivuori, Sanna-Maria; Torkki, Paulus (2021)
    Objective: The choice of patient outcomes in clinical quality registries is crucial for comparable and relevant data collection. Ideally, a uniform outcome framework would guide the assessment of outcomes. We set out to find a suitable published framework and validate it in clinical quality registries. Study design and Setting: A literature review was conducted to find an outcome framework that is patient-centric, easy-to-use, shared with clinical research, and allows registry evaluation. Chosen outcome framework was validated by extracting and classifying outcomes from 63 clinical quality registries at HUS Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. Results: COMET taxonomy was chosen from 23 published frameworks. HUS Clinical quality registries showed great variation in outcome domains and in number of measures. Physiological outcomes were present in 98%, resource use in all, and functioning domains in 62% of the registries. Patient-reported outcome measures were found in 48% of the registries. Conclusions: The COMET taxonomy was suitable for evaluating the choice of outcomes in clinical quality registries while some improvements are suggested. HUS Helsinki University Hospital clinical quality registries exist at different maturity levels showing room for improvement in life impact outcomes and in outcome prioritization. This article offers a comparison point for other registry evaluators.
  • Järvisaari, Jutta (2017)
    Objective: Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world and elevated blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Health behavior such as alcohol use, smoking and physical activity as well as obesity are known to affect the risk for cardiovascular disease. Also temperament has been shown to be associated with the risk for cardiovascular disease in numerous studies. The exact pathway through which the association between temperament and the risk for cardiovascular disease is mediated is so far unknown. Temperament has been shown to be associated with elevated blood pressure but not much research on the subject has yet been conducted. The aim of this study was to examine if temperament is associated with elevated blood pressure, which factors mediate the association and how they mediate it. Methods: The participants of the study were from The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (CRYFS) and the data from the follow-up carried out in 2007. The subjects were divided into groups of elevated blood pressure and normal blood pressure according to their blood pressure levels. Temperament was assessed using a self-report form of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-9) which measures the temperament traits of Cloninger's psychobiological theory - novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence and persistence. Concerning mediating variables the subjects were asked to answer questions about their alcohol use, smoking and physical activity. Body mass index was calculated from measures of weight and height. Logistic regression and correlation analyses were used for the analyses. Results and conclusions: A high level of reward dependence was related to a lower risk for elevated blood pressure. Two health behavior variables, higher level of alcohol use and greater body mass index were related to an increased risk. A weak association between a higher level of persistence and a lower level of blood pressure was also found. The association between reward dependence and elevated blood pressure showed evidence for being independent of the health behavior variables. Behavioral styles based on temperament are suggested as the mediating mechanism behind the association. For example behavioral styles could affect a person's tendency to seek medical help and health care. The concept of personalized health care expanded with temperament related information should be considered as a valuable potential asset for preventive health care in the future.
  • Vitikainen, Krista (2017)
    Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at increased risk for developing symptomatic Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) with worse clinical outcomes, including mortality, as compared with the general population. IBD-patients are also more susceptible to have recurrences of CDI. At present, predisposing factors for CDI in IBD-patients are poorly established. To characterize IBD-related CDI, a retrospective cohort from HUS register was gathered. Patient characteristics were compared with two control groups: IBD-patients with CDI and CDI-patients. According to our results, there was no statistically significant difference in mortality rate between IBD- and CDI-patients in contrary to previous reports. We detected corticosteroid consumption in IBD patients with CDI to be greater than in patient with IBD alone. It could be considered as a risk factor for CDI. Clarifying risk factors for CDI could lead to better understanding of optimal treatment for CDI in IBD patients.