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  • Koskinen, Matilda (2024)
    CNGB1-geenin virheet aiheuttavat verkkokalvon perinnöllistä pigmenttirappeumaa, retinitis pigmentosaa, joka periytyy autosomaalisesti ja peittyvästi. CNGB1-geenin poikkeamaan kytkeytyvä verkkokalvorappeuma alkaa useimmiten lapsuusiässä hämäräsokeutena. Näkökenttäpuutokset kehittyvät myöhemmin ja kaikkien potilaiden näöntarkkuus säilyy normaalina aikuisikään saakka. Tyypillisiä silmänpohjan muutoksia ovat ohentuneet verkkokalvon päävaltimot, verkkokalvon pigmenttiepiteelin ohentuma, vahamainen näköhermon pää sekä verkkokalvon pigmenttimuutokset. Tässä kuvattavaan tutkimukseen osallistui yksitoista potilasta, joilla kaikilla on todettu sama CNGB1-geenin tautia aiheuttava variantti c.2957A>T. Kaikille potilaille on suoritettu laaja silmätautiopillinen kliininen tutkimus. Tutkimusta varten potilastietojärjestelmästä kerättiin potilaiden oireiden alkamisikä sekä laatu niiden alkaessa, lasein korjattu näöntarkkuus, näkökenttien ja silmäpohjakuvien kehitys seurannan aikana, verkkokalvon muutokset valokerroskuvissa sekä autofluoresenssikuvien löydökset. Kaikkien potilaiden ensioire oli hämäräsokeus, joka kymmenellä potilaalla ilmeni jo lapsuudessa. Näöntarkkuuden, näkökentän laajuuden ja iän välillä todettiin olevan yhteys, siten, että sekä näöntarkkuus että näkökentän laajuus pienenivät potilaan vanhetessa. Mediaani-ikä sille, että näkö oli huonompi kuin normaalinäkö, oli 50,8 vuotta (keskihajonta 11,7 vuotta). Mediaani-ikä, jolloin potilaiden näkökenttä supistui oireisesti oli 52,0 vuotta (keskihajonta 13,9 vuotta). Silmänpohjakuvissa todettiin retinitis pigmentosalle tyypillisiä muutoksia, kuten retinopatiaa, atrofiaa, luusoluja, pääsuonikaarten ohenemista sekä kalpeat ja vahamaiset näköhermon päät. Myös näitä muutoksia oli sitä enemmän, mitä vanhemmasta potilaasta oli kyse. CNGB1-geenin variantin c.2957A>T aiheuttamaa verkkokalvon pigmenttirappeumaa sairastavilla potilailla tarkka näkö sekä näkökentän laajuus säilyvät pitkälle aikuisuuteen siitä huolimatta, että ensioireet alkavat jo lapsuudessa. Tauti etenee hitaasti, mahdollistaen laajan aikaikkunan taudin hoidolle.
  • Sundaresan, Srividhya (2024)
    Epithelial Ovarian cancer remains to be one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in women, and 70-80% of EOC-related deaths are attributed to High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer (HGSC). The 5-year survival rate of HGSC remains concerning at 50%. Approximately 50% of HGSC patients exhibit impaired Homologous Recombination (HR) DNA repair, a high-fidelity double-stranded DNA damage repair mechanism. Patients with Homologous Recombination Deficient (HRD) tumors exhibit better responses to DNA-damaging platinum agents and Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARP) inhibitors. The success of these treatments is attributed to the inability of HRD tumors to repair DNA damage, ultimately leading to cell death. It is expected that Homologous Recombination Proficient (HRP) tumors have functional repair mechanisms to eliminate this damage. Therefore, they derive no durable benefit from DNA-damaging agents and PARP inhibitors, resulting in a poor prognosis. DNA damage can be identified by the presence of pHistoH2AX (phosphorylated H2AX protein). This protein is formed at an early stage in response to the presence of Double-Strand Breaks (DSBs), and its interaction with MDC1 is critical for the recruitment of subsequent DNA repair proteins. Interestingly, Immuno-Fluorescent Imaging has revealed the presence of pHistoH2AX in chemo naïve HRP tumors. This raises questions about the origin of this endogenous DNA damage in HRP tumors and whether it signifies underlying vulnerabilities that could be exploited for therapeutic purposes. To address these questions, my thesis aimed to identify the co-expression markers of pHistoH2AX. To achieve this objective, I analyzed existing data from Cytometry by Time of Flight and Cyclic Immunofluorescence experiments to identify interesting molecular candidates. These experiments gave rise to several interesting candidates including pSTAT3, PDL1, pAkt, pEGFR, Cyclin E1 and Vimentin as potential co-expressed markers in HRP tumors. I further validated the co-expression of pSTAT3 and pHistoH2AX in HGSC patient tissue sections by immunofluorescence staining. This study holds significant relevance for identifying alternative molecular targets that could potentially improve the survival outcomes of patients with HRP HGSC. Future studies, encompassing larger cohorts of HRP patients, may unveil suitable subpopulations that could benefit from targeting these identified proteins, paving the way for the development of more effective therapeutic strategies in the management of HRP HGSC.
  • Michelsson, Erica (2021)
    nformation and computer technologies (ICT), and to assess the relationships of cognitive ability and key factors relating to ICT use and attitudes. This study assessed a number of ICT related factors including internet addiction, smartphone and tablet use, social media use, computer self-efficacy, negative attitudes towards ICT, positive expectations towards ICT, and ICT use for work. Methods: The study sample was part of the PLASTICITY (Perinatal Adverse events and Special Trends in Cognitive Trajectory) -study. The sample consisted of a Finnish cohort born between 1971–1974 (n = 546), who lived through the ICT diffusion era. Multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) was used to assess the structural composition of the ICT-questionnaire. Cognitive abilities were measured with The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) when the examinees were 9 years old, and with Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) when the examinees were 40-45 years old. Two structural equation models were created to describe the associations between subjective wealth, education, cognitive ability and the ICTQ factors. The model with adulthood cognitive abilities predicting ICT use was compared to the model with childhood cognitive abilities predicting adulthood ICT use. Results and discussion: ICT use and attitudes were affected by cognitive ability, education, and wealth, and computer self-efficacy and negative attitudes towards ICT emerged as central mediators in the social cognitive model of ICT use. Cognitive ability predicted four of the seven ICT factors: computer self-efficacy, negative attitudes towards ICT, computer use for work, and indirectly the use of smartphones and tablets. Cognitive ability did not predict internet addiction, social media use, and ICT hobbies, or positive expectations towards ICT. Based on the mediation analysis, some of this effect is likely to be attributable to the other consequences of cognitive ability, including education and wealth. However, at least some seem to reflect more direct cognitive selectivity, perhaps due to the verbal and information-processing skill demands of the ICT. Furthermore, cognitive ability measured during childhood, decades before the individuals were introduced to ICT, was as significant as a predictor for negative attitudes towards ICT and computer self-efficacy, as adulthood cognitive abilities. Overall, the results imply that cognitive ability is not associated with access to ICT, but affects the predispositions to use technology and the acquisition of ICT skills.
  • Nordensvan, Eva Maria (2024)
    Objective: Accumulating research has shown that severe illness and ICU care seem to affect the cognitive functioning of ICU survivors in many different patient populations. So far, there seems to be little research focusing on the cognitive functioning of circulatory shock patients. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the cognitive functioning of circulatory shock patients during the first three months after ICU care. The study aimed to compare the level of cognitive functioning of circulatory shock patients with control subjects at the time of ICU discharge and three months thereafter. Further, a temporal viewpoint was added to explore the recovery of cognitive functioning within the first three months following ICU care. Methods: This study is part of the ASSESS-SHOCK 2 project. The sample (N = 99) included 51 circulatory shock patients and 48 control subjects. The cognitive functioning of circulatory shock patients was assessed at ICU discharge and 3 months thereafter with the MoCA test. The assessment 3 months after ICU discharge also included a comprehensive domain-specific neuropsychological evaluation including 23 tests. The control subjects were assessed once with the same methods. Both the performance means, and frequency of cognitive impairment were considered in the analyses. Group differences were studied with general linear models and analysis of covariance, with age and level of education as factors and covariates. The temporal change was studied with a general linear mixed model, with age, level of education, delirium, and severity of illness as factors and covariates. Results and conclusions: This study was one of the first to focus on the post-ICU cognitive functioning of all types of circulatory shock patients. As hypothesised, circulatory shock patients had a lower level of overall cognitive functioning at ICU discharge than the control subjects. The prevalence of cognitive impairment was 77% for the patients at ICU discharge and 43% three months thereafter, compared to 33% for the control subjects. The significant cognitive differences between the two groups disappeared during the first three months after ICU discharge, as the patients’ cognitive functioning seemed to recover during that period. A closer look at the performance on different cognitive domains revealed, however, that circulatory shock patients still seemed to perform worse than the control subjects in the domains of executive functions and attention, and visuomotor and visual functions at the 3-month follow-up. Based on the results, circulatory shock patients seem to be particularly vulnerable to experiencing cognitive difficulties after ICU care. The findings of this study highlight the importance of screening for post-ICU cognitive difficulties in patients treated for circulatory shock. Identifying the cognitive difficulties already at the hospital could help to set up rehabilitation programs, ensuring that the patients would receive the support needed for the best possible recovery.
  • Moliis, Henrik (2019)
    Background and purpose: Cognitive impairment is a common and well-known consequence of supratentorial infarct, but its prevalence and severity after infratentorial infarct is unclear. We compared the frequency and prognostic value of domain-specific cognitive deficits after supratentorial and infratentorial infarct. Methods: In a consecutive cohort of first-ever stroke patients (N=244) admitted to Helsinki University Hospital, 37 patients had an infratentorial infarct. Patients were assessed by a neuropsychologist 3 months post-stroke in 9 cognitive domains, and functional disability was assessed at 15 months. Frequencies of cognitive deficits were compared using the Pearson chi-square test. The association between cognitive deficits and functional disability at the 15-month follow-up was analysed using logistic regression. Results: There was no significant difference between the frequency of cognitive deficits in patients with infratentorial vs supratentorial infarct. Altogether 73% of patients with infratentorial infarct and 82.1% of patients with supratentorial infarct had impairment in at least one cognitive domain, and 42.3% in the infratentorial group and 47.3% in the supratentorial group had deficits in 3 or more cognitive domains. In the infratentorial group, only visuoconstructional and spatial functions showed at least a convincing trend of association with functional disability at 15 months (OR 9.0, 95%CI 1.3-62.5, p=0.027). In the supratentorial group, both executive functions and attention (OR 2,9, 95%CI 1.5-5.8, p=0.002) and visuoconstructional and spatial functions (OR 2.9, 95%CI 1.5-5.7, p=0.001) showed this association. Conclusion: Cognitive deficits are as common in infratentorial as in supratentorial infarct, and it is important to recognize them to meet the needs of rehabilitation.
  • Ketvel, Laila (2021)
    Objective: Both stress-related exhaustion and depression have previously been associated with a decline in cognitive performance, but there is a lack of evidence on whether these conditions have different associations with different cognitive domains and whether they have additive effects on cognitive performance. Furthermore, very little is known about the cognitive effects of chronic stress-related exhaustion. Consequently, the aims of this study were to 1) examine the associations between current stress-related exhaustion and cognitive performance, 2) investigate whether different developmental trajectories of stress-related exhaustion are differently associated with cognitive performance, 3) compare the association between stress-related exhaustion and cognitive performance to the relationship between depressive symptoms and cognitive performance, 4) examine if individuals with comorbid stress-related exhaustion and depression have lower cognitive performance than individuals with at most one of these conditions (i.e., whether clinical stress-related exhaustion and clinical depression might have additive effects on cognitive performance). Methods: The data used in the study was a Finnish population-based sample of six cohorts born between 1962 and 1977 from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. Stress-related exhaustion was assessed using the Maastricht Questionnaire, depressive symptoms with the Beck Depression Inventory, and cognitive performance with four subtests of the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, measuring visuospatial associative learning, reaction time, sustained attention, and executive functions. Cognitive performance and depressive symptoms were assessed in 2012, and stress-related exhaustion in 2001, 2007, and 2012. Participants were 35 to 50 years old in 2012. Linear associations between stress-related exhaustion and cognitive performance (N = 905) and depressive symptoms and cognitive performance (N = 904) were examined by conducting multivariate regression analyses. Age, sex, socioeconomic status, and parents’ socioeconomic status were controlled in the regression models. Additionally, multivariate analyses of variance were performed to investigate the different developmental trajectories of stress-related exhaustion and their relation to cognitive performance (N = 541) and the associations of comorbid stress-related exhaustion and depression with cognitive performance (N = 1273). Results and conclusion: The main finding was that high stress-related exhaustion is associated with slower reaction times, but not with performance in spatial working memory, visuospatial associative learning, or executive functions. Ongoing, chronic stress-related exhaustion was more strongly associated with slower reaction times than short-term exhaustion experienced years ago. Compared to depressive symptoms, high stress-related exhaustion was associated with slower reaction times also when subclinical cases were included, whereas only clinical levels of depressive symptoms had an association with slower reaction times. There were no differences in cognitive performance between individuals with only stress-related exhaustion or depression and those with comorbid stress-related exhaustion and depression, which supports the notion that these conditions do not have additive effects on cognitive performance. These findings add to the existing evidence of the cognitive effects of stress-related exhaustion in the general population and have several practical implications. Further research is needed on the topic, preferably with longitudinal designs, more comprehensive cognitive measures, and clinical assessment of the psychiatric symptoms.
  • Holm, Aki; Kirkegaard, Hans; Taccone, Fabio; Søreide, Eldar; Grejs, Anders; Duez, Christophe; Jeppesen, Anni; Toome, Valdo; Hassager, Christian; Rasmussen, Bodil; Laitio, Timo; Storm, Christian; Hästbacka, Johanna; Skrifvars, Markus (2020)
    Johdanto Ennen teho-osastolle saapumista aloitettu viilennyshoito kylmillä suonensisäisillä nesteillä ei vaikuta parantavan sairaalan ulkopuolella sydänpysähdyksen saaneiden potilaiden funktionaalista ennustetta. Hypoteesinamme oli, että tämä johtuu tehottomasta viilennyksestä ja hoidon sivuvaikutuksista. Aineisto ja menetelmät Post hoc-analyysi alijoukosta potilaita (n = 352), jotka olivat mukana TTH48-tutkimuksessa (NCT01689077) ja joko saivat kylmiä suonensisäisiä nesteitä ennen teholle saapumista, tai eivät saaneet. Tietoja kerättiin potilaiden lähtötilanteesta, sydänpysähdykseen liittyvistä tekijöistä, viilennysmenetelmistä, sivuvaikutuksista ja kehon lämpötilasta eri hoidon vaiheissa. Ensisijainen päätepiste oli kesto spontaanin verenkierron palautumisesta tavoitelämpötilaan (<34°C) ja toissiajiset päätepisteet olivat verenkiertoon liittyvät sivuvaikutukset, elektrolyyttihäiriöt ja hypoksia ensimmäisten 24 tunnin aikana tehohoidossa. Vähintään yhden tunnin ero ajassa tavoitelämpötilaan määriteltiin ennalta merkittäväksi. Tulokset Tutkimukseen mukaan otetuista 352 potilaasta 110 saivat kylmiä suonensisäisiä nesteitä ennen teho-osastolle saapumista. Mediaani aika spontaanin verenkierron palautumisen ja tavoitelämpötilan saavuttamisen välillä oli pidempi ryhmässä, joka sai kylmiä nesteitä verrattuna ryhmään, joka ei saanut (318 vs. 281 min, p < 0.01). Kylmien nesteiden käyttö ennen tehoosastolle saapumista ei assosioitunut tavoitelämpötilan saavuttamisen kestoon lineaariregressiomallissa sisältäen hoitokeskuksen, painoindeksin, sydämen vajaatoiminnan, diabeteksen ja sydänpysähdyksen keston (standardoitu beta vaikutuskerroin: 0.06, 95% luottamusvälit B:lle -49 ja 16, p = 0.32). Ryhmien välillä ei ollut eroa hypoksian yleisyydessä tehoosastolle saapuessa (1.8% ja 3.3%, p = 0.43) tai elektrolyyttitasapainon häiriöissä (hyponatremia: 1.8% ja 2.9% p = 0.54; hypokalaemia: 1.8% ja 4.5%, p = 0.20). Sairaalakuolleisuudessa ei ollut eroa ryhmien välillä. Johtopäätökset Tavoitteellisen lämpötilan hallinnan aloittaminen kylmillä suonensisäisillä nesteillä ennen tehoosastolle saapumista ei lyhentänyt kestoa spontaanin verenkierron palautumisesta tavoitelämpötilaan pääsemiseen. Emme löytäneet tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa kuolleisuudessa tai sivuvaikutusten yleisyydessä ennen teho-osastolle saapumista kylmien nesteiden antamisen perustella jaotelluissa ryhmissä.
  • Kankkunen, Katri (2024)
    Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in Finland. It is often diagnosed at a late stage, reducing patients´ prognosis and survival. Studies have shown that screening of colorectal cancer can detect cancer at earlier stage and reduce its incidence and mortality. The most effective way of preventing colorectal cancer is to remove the premalignant cells using endoscopically.a Screening for colorectal cancer became a part of the national screening programme in Finland in the beginning of 2022. Screening is carried out according to the guidelines of the Finnish Cancer Registry Syöpärekisteri, and based on the recommendations of the EU Cancer Screening Council. The aim of the gradually expanding screening programme is to cover the population aged 56-74 by 2031. The screening of the colorectal cancer is executed in two different stages. The first screening method is a faecal immunochemical blood test (FIT) that aims to detect microscopic blood in the patient faeces. Patients who test positive in FIT are invited to the second stage of the screening for further examination. The second stage consists primarily of a full colonoscopy with biopsies. The aim of this study was to find out more about the quality and quantity of the findings in the colonoscopies performed as a part of the colorectal cancer screening in Helsinki and Uusimaa hospital district. The second aim of this study was to examine the quality of the screening colonoscopy process. The study was conducted as a retrospective, systematic review on the topic. Data was collected by combining several different patient databases. The study included 400 patients from Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kerava regions who had undergone a screening colonscopy in early 2023. The study reinforced the perception that colorectal cancer screening colonoscopies have a high incidence of findings; the most significant being a relatively high incidence of cancer and especially its precursors. Most of the cancers found were of an early stage forms. Another observation of the study is that the endoscopical part of the screening of colorectal cancer in Helsinki and Uusimaa hospital district is of a high quality and well meets the criteria set.
  • Lehtikuja, Henna (2018)
    In our study, we examined the effects of early-life stress on sleep, depressive behaviour and neurophysiological factors common for depression and sleep disturbances. As a model for early-life stress we used cross-fostered (CF) adolescent and adult, male and female rats. In spontaneous sleep, we found an increase in NREM and REM time in light period and an increased number of REM onsets in light and dark period in CF group. Baseline adenosine expression and BDNF levels in basal forebrain were decreased in CF animals. In the behavioural tests there were no detectable differences, nor in recovery sleep. This thesis will concentrate on the scientific background of the project, further discuss the findings in our study and demonstrate the writer’s personal role in the project.
  • Myllynen, Chris; Laakso, Sini; Atula, Sari; Strbian, Daniel (2021)
    Tausta: Komorbiditeettien eli muiden itsenäisten sairauksien vaikutusta myasthenia graviksen (MG) ennusteeseen ei tunneta. Muut autoimmuuni sairaudet on liitetty MG:een mutta niidrn rooli MG:n taudin kuvaan on kiistanalainen. Menetelmät: Tässä retrospektiivisessä yhden keskuksen kohorttitutkimuksessa seurasimme 154 suomalaista yleistynyttä MG:sta sairastavaa potilasta, joille oli tehty tymektomia eli kateenkorvan poisto. Keskimääräinen seuranta-aika oli 8,6 (±5.0 ) vuotta tymektomian jälkeen. Potilaiden komorbiditeetit oli diagnosoitu miltä tahansa ajanhetkeltä ja tiedot oli peräisin potilasasiakirjoista. Tautitaakka pisteytettiin käyttämällä Charlson comorbidity indexiä (CCI). Potilaat jaettiin alaryhmiin komorbiditeettien mukaan; MG ainoastaan (n=45) ja MG sekä mikä tahansa komorbiditeetti (n=109). Jälkimmäinen ryhmä jaettiin vielä; MG sekä muu autoimmuunitauti (n=33) ja MG sekä ei-autoimmuuni komorbiditeetti -ryhmään(n=76). Tutkimuksen päätetapahtumina oli täydellinen remissio (CSR), minimaalisen lääkityksen tarve (pyridostigmiini max 100mg/vrk) ja sairaalahoidon tarve. Tulokset: Potilaat joilla ainoastaan MG saavutti CSR useammin kuin MG sekä mikä tahansa komorbiditeetti –ryhmä (26.7% vs 8.3%, p = 0.004). Minimaalisen lääkityksen tarpeen saavutettiin useammin MG ainoastaan -ryhmässä kuin MG sekä ei-autoimmuuni komorbiditeetti –ryhmässä (p = 0.047 ). Sairaalahoidon tarve oli alhaisempaa potilailla joilla vain MG kuin potilailla oli MG sekä mikä tahansa komorbiditeetti (p = 0.046). Logistisen regressioanalyysin mukaan matala CCI kasvattaa todennäköisyyttä saavuttaa CSR (p = 0.033). Matala CCI oli yleisempää potilailla, joilla oli minimaalinen lääkitys tarve ja eivätkä tarvinnut sairaalahoitoa (p < 0.001) Johtopäätökset: Lähes 9 vuoden tymektomian jälkeisen seurannan aikana potilailla, joilla on yleistynyt MG ja komorbiditeettejä on huonompi ennuste kuin potilailla jotka sairastavat vain MG:tä. Autoimmuunisairaudet eivät huonontanut MG:n ennustetta enempään kuin muut komorbiditeetit.
  • Koivusaari, Eeva Matleena (2023)
    Abstract Objectives. Despite the convincing evidence of efficacy of psychotherapy, its mechanisms of change in therapy are still unclear raising questions on what constitutes psychotherapy. In this work, the common and specific factors of cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic psychotherapy were inspected by exploring psychotherapy manuals, which has not been previously studied in therapy research, using machine learning methods. The aim of this work was to gain understanding of the theoretical frames of different psychotherapy approaches and explore their distinguishability as well as semantic features. Methods. Textual psychotherapy manuals representing psychodynamic psychotherapy (n=4) and cognitive behavioral therapy (n=4) were analyzed using latent Dirichlet allocation topic modeling. The number of topics was pre-defined as 2, based on the number of therapy approaches. Additionally, a Bayesian method was used, defining the best fitting number of topics for the data. Logistic regression was performed for both solutions regarding the selection of the number of topics to observe the associations of textual topics with the therapy approaches. Two models were compared in their ability to correctly discriminate between the therapy approaches. Results and conclusions. The models consisting of 2 and 24 topics proved excellent in distinguishing the therapy approaches thus pointing towards the differentiable nature of these two approaches. The discriminative power of the model with 24 topics was based on few perfectly discriminative topics yet the model also included topics common for both therapy approaches. Based on this work, the approaches differed regarding relational and agency emphasis whereas shared expectations appeared as common factor.
  • Laitinen, Elmeri (2021)
    Goals Length of human lifespan is an important measure of societal welfare. Mortality is largely linked to physical health, but psychological well-being has also been shown to predict mortality, happier people living longer lives. Psychological well-being can be construed as both subjective well-being (SWB) and eudaimonic well-being (EWB), and measures belonging to both of these constructs have been shown to individually predict mortality. No study to date has, however, compared these differing measures of psychological well-being as predictors of mortality. This study compares measures of life satisfaction (a part of SWB) and purpose in life (a part of EWB) as predictors of mortality. Methods The data used in this study comes from the Midlife in the US (MIDUS) survey, a large-scale longitudinal study spanning almost 20 years. MIDUS includes measures for life satisfaction and purpose in life, as well as data on mortality and many health behaviors with a sample of N=3768. Effects of life satisfaction and purpose in life on mortality were analysed with multiple Cox proportional hazards models. Results Life satisfaction predicts mortality when modeled alone, as does purpose in life. When modeled together, only purpose in life predicts mortality. This finding stands when additional health behavior variables are controlled, but when the sample is stratified by sex, the relation between life satisfaction and mortality also reaches marginal significance for women but not men. Conclusions This study shows that purpose in life might be a better predictor of mortality compared to life satisfaction. The results also give preliminary support for a hypothesis that purpose, and by proxy EWB, is closer to the evolutionary and physiological core of psychological well-being.
  • Nurmi, Visa (2019)
    In diagnosis of many viral and some other microbial infections, measurement of IgG avidity is a globally emerging approach for identifying primary infections and estimating the time of clinical onset. While many calculation methods have been introduced for conversion of the raw data into a numerical avidity value, little information exists on their comparison and whether the complex and laborious ones show superior performance. We here compare diverse approaches for avidity calculation, and introduce for clinical use a new, highly sensitive and specific one. Enzyme immune assay (EIA) absorbance data from 135 parvovirus B19 IgG-positive sera were analyzed in parallel with the new and two reference methods (Avidity1.2 software representing gold standard methodology; avidity index (AI) widely used due to its simplicity). When sample dilutions were selected on the basis of optimal EIA absorbances, all three approaches performed equally (receiver operating characteristic area-under-curve, AUC, discriminating primary infection from past immunity 0.969-0.971). When the samples were reanalyzed at either lower or higher absorbance levels, avidity status (low, borderline or high) was altered, on the average, in 3.7 % of the samples with the new method, in 5.6 % with Avidity1.2 and in 28 % with AI. The new approach was further validated with extensive serum panels for cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, rubella and Epstein–Barr virus (AUC 0.990-1.000). It allows for accurate measurement of antimicrobial IgG avidity even from samples with low IgG level, while the globally popular AI approach provides an alternative for samples with sufficiently high IgG level.
  • Fan, Qiuyu (2020)
    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative brain disorder in which the disease process may take decades until the symptoms become evident. To date, no ideal biomarker has emerged that would enable early detection of AD. Environmental and lifestyle factors are thought to affect the risk of developing AD, possibly through epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation (DNAm). DNAm has been shown to differ in the blood and brain of subjects with AD compared with subjects without AD, suggesting that DNAm may be involved in the pathogenic process of AD. This study aims to detect the difference in blood DNAm at baseline between cases who later developed AD and controls who remained AD diagnosis-free during follow-up in a sample selected from a Finnish population-based cohort. Leucocyte genome-wide DNAm was profiled on approximately 850,000 CpG sites by using Infinium MethylationEPIC assay. Each CpG was regressed on the outcome of AD diagnosis during follow-up, controlling for subjects’ age at sampling, sex, smoking status, blood cell counts, working stress level, slide, and array. Specific differentially methylated positions (DMPs) were further explored using pathway analysis. Finally, the methylation level of the candidate gene (APOE) selected from the literature was compared with the sample of this study. After correction for multiple testing, the later diagnosis of AD was not significantly (adjusted p-value < 0.05) associated with methylation level at the baseline at any DNAm site. There was, however, a robust hypomethylation of DMPs among the cases, as 90.9% of the DMPs (p-value < 0.05) were hypomethylated in the case group. The 200 genes annotated by DMPs with the smallest p-values were involved in two neuronal pathways: “Axon guidance associated with semaphorins Homo sapiens” (p-value = 0.0058, adjusted p-value = 0.065) in Panther 2016 and “Semaphorin interactions Homo sapiens” (p-value = 0.00005, adjusted p-value = 0.078) in Reactome 2016. No significant difference existed in DNAm of the candidate gene (APOE) between cases and controls, while cg26190885 at the promoter region of APOE showed nominal significance (p-value = 0.04). In conclusion, no strong evidence was found to support the hypothesis that systemic changes in DNAm are involved in the pathogenesis of AD or that DNAm marks could be detected in blood before the symptoms become evident. A genome-wide pattern of hypomethylation measured by the Infinium MethylationEPIC assay was observed in the case group, serving as a venue for further investigations.
  • Huuska, Kira; Sippo, Robert; Waris, Eero; Höglund, Theresa (2023)
    The purpose of this study was to assess the best way to measure carpal alignment. The study compared computer-based measurements and manual measurements of the carpal alignment. The subjects of comparison were the methods of measuring the radioscaphoid, radiolunate, radiocapitate and radiometacarpal angles. 30 cone beam CT scans of healthy, uninjured, wrists were analyzed by automated software (Disior ltd) and by hand surgeons using lateral radiographs reconstructed from the CT scans. Six hand surgeons were given instructions on how to take the measurements. They analyzed both reconstructed radiographs in which the wrist bones were partially overlapping due to summation, and reconstructed radiographs, where overlapping of the wrist bones had been digitally removed. In addition, seven different hand surgeons were not given instructions on the measurement methods. They analyzed only the reconstructed radiographs with wrist bones overlapping. In manual measurements, the inter- and intra-observer reliability of the results varied from good to excellent (ICC: 0.77–0.99), both in the instructed and in the uninstructed group. Inter-observer reliability was better in the group instructed in the methods of measurement. Reliability was further improved in reconstructed radiographs where the overlapping of the carpal bones had been digitally removed. Intra-observer reliability was very similar in both the instructed and uninstructed groups, and improved when bony overlapping was removed. The software provided excellent intra-observer reliability (ICC 0.94-1.00) and result, that were highly comparable the instructed manual measurements from radiographs with no bony overlapping (mean difference range 1°-7°). Although statistically significant differences were seen between manual measurements and software measurements, the differences are too small to be clinically significant. The research shows that accurate and repeatable computer-aided measurements of the carpal alignment can be made from CT scans, thereby minimizing observational errors. Key words: Carpal alignment, measurement, reliability, computer-aided, digitally reconstructed radiographs
  • Luostarinen, Maaria (2018)
    Visual working memory refers to the cognitive system responsible for the short-term storage and manipulation of visual information. Prevailing view suggests that there is a trade-off between memory capacity and precision: we can hold more items in memory with lower precision or fewer items with higher precision. Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies suggest distributed visual working memory representations in multiple brains areas from sensory visual to the parietal and frontal cortex. This thesis consists of a visual working memory fMRI study, using human faces as stimuli. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the visual working memory precision for angry, neutral and happy faces and the memory representations in the face network, and to directly compare the neural activity while participants discriminated and memorized faces. The participants discriminated and remembered faces precisely and were highly aware of occasional memory lapses, as shown by the confidence ratings of responses. In the primary visual cortex (V1) and fusiform face area (FFA), happy faces elicited higher brain activation than angry or neutral faces. The multivariate analysis of fMRI activation patterns showed correlations between the perception and memory tasks in these areas. Overall, the activations and correlations were higher in the right hemisphere, as expected. The correlations between perception and memory conditions were surprisingly low given the identical stimuli in these conditions. Even small positive correlations in the right V1 and FFA, however, support their role in maintaining facial information in visual working memory.
  • Vikström, Jacob; Shangin, Georgii; Viitanen, Tommi; Eigeliene, Natalja; Jekunen, Antti (2020)
    Background Since the ground-breaking phase III MPACT trial showed clear benefit of gemcitabine-nab-paclitaxel, this regimen has emerged as the standard of care for advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAC). Prior to this study, few studies have shown how results from randomized controlled trial translate to the real world. This study investigated how patients fared in the real world. Methods This single-centre, retrospective study was conducted in the Vaasa Central Hospital, Finland. 148 patients with PAC (ICD-10 C25) between 1/2011-12/2016 were identified with resectable, locally advanced or metastatic disease. Information about the basic characteristics, treatment regimens and adverse effects (AEs) were extracted from patient files and analysed. Results The median overall survival (OS) was 10.4 months for treated and 2.8 months for untreated patients. For metastatic disease OS was 4.9 months, for locally advanced 9.1 months. Patients who received 3 or more treatment lines had OS 19.1 months, while those who received 2 or 1 line had 11.3 and 6.2 months, respectively. The following grade 2-4 haematologic toxicities occurred: anaemia (n=19), leukopenia (n=49), neutropenia (n=55) and thrombocytopenia (n=9). Febrile neutropenia occurred 7 times. A total of 12 grade 5 AEs were recorded in 7 patients, and 3 other patients died of unknown complications. Conclusion This study shows that active treatment is worth pursuing in most PAC patients and study results from this real-world data study differ from randomized controlled trials. Special caution should be applied when continuing chemotherapy in patients with ECOG 2 and who are older than 70 years.
  • Ivaska, Vilma (2023)
    Statins are 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) inhibitors, and they are used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. Statins compete with 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) for binding to HMG-CoA reductase and this way inhibit the cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Statins appear in lactone or hydroxy acid forms, and they are active in the acid form. Statins are usually administered with their hydroxy acid form except simvastatin and in this experiment only acid forms of statins were tested. The aim of this study was to compare the pharmacodynamic effects of statin acids and to determine their half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50 value) towards their target, HMG-CoA reductase. These experiments were performed with atorvastatin, 2-hydroxyatorvastatin, 4-hydroxyatorvastatin, 3R,5S-fluvastatin, 3S,5R-fluvastatin, pitavastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin and simvastatin acid. To discover the optimal reaction conditions, first some preliminary experiments including time linearity and enzyme kinetics experiments were performed. In the inhibitory experiments different concentrations of the statins were incubated with HMG-CoA (20 µM), HMG-CoA reductase (0.9 µg/ml) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) in phosphate buffer (0.1 M). All samples were analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS analysis). Results from the preliminary experiments and statin IC50 values were determined using nonlinear regression. Most of the statins inhibited HMG-CoA reductase with 50% inhibitory concentrations of 3-20 nM. These inhibition experiments also offered some new information about the metabolites of atorvastatin indicating that 2-hydroxyatorvastatin has similar inhibitory effects as atorvastatin while 4-hydroxyatorvastin seemed to be considerably less active. In the present experiment the IC50 value for 3R,5S-fluvastatin was much smaller than the IC50 value for 3S,5R-fluvastatin indicating that 3S,5R-fluvastatin is inactive. In conclusion, the results from these inhibitory experiments were mostly in line with the results from the previous measurements described in the literature.
  • Jokela, Milla; Malila, Nea; Leinonen, Maarit; Taskinen, Mervi; Madanat-Harjuoja, Laura (2019)
    Johdanto Suomen Syöpärekisteri ylläpitää rekisteriä kaikista Suomessa todetuista syöpätapauksista. Väestöpohjainen syöpätapausten rekisteröinti tarjoaa kattavan ja luotettavan tietokannan syöpätutkimuksessa käytettäväksi. Rekisteröinnin kattavuuden ja rekisteröidyn tiedon oikeellisuuden puutteilla voi kuitenkin olla suuri vaikutus erityisesti harvinaisten sairauksien insidenssi- prevalenssi- ja elossaoloarvioihin. Tutkimuksessamme pyrimme tarkentamaan aiempaa arviota lapsuussyövän rekisteröinnin kattavuudesta Suomen Syöpärekisterissä (Leinonen ym. 2017). Materiaalit ja menetelmät Poimimme Syöpärekisteristä sekä Hoitoilmoitusrekisteristä kaikki 0–14-vuotiaiden syöpätapaukset vuosina 2009–2013. Tarkastimme jokaisen Syöpärekisteristä puuttuneen tapauksen syöpädiagnoosin oikeellisuuden joko lähettämällä potilasta hoitaneeseen sairaalaan täytettävä lomake tai tarkastamalla potilastiedot potilastietoarkistoista. Laskimme Syöpärekisterin rekisteröinnin kattavuusarviot 95 %:n luottamusvälein tauti- sekä ikäryhmittäin. Tulokset Vuosina 2009–2013 Syöpärekisteriin oli rekisteröity 741 uutta lapsisyöpätapausta. Hoitoilmoitusrekisteriin syöpätapauksia oli rekisteröity 1072. Virheellisten syöpädiagnoosien karsimisen jälkeen vahvistimme 49:n syöpätapauksen puuttuvan Syöpärekisteristä. Syöpärekisterin kattavuudeksi arvioimme 94% (95% luottamusväli 91.9¬–95.4); 92% (95% luottamusväli 89.1–94.2) kiinteiden ja 97% (95% luottamusväli 94.1–98.4) ei-kiinteiden kasvainten osalta. Retinoblastooman rekisteröinnin kattavuus oli huomattavan matala, 54% (95% luottamusväli 36.4–71.9). Myös luusto- ja keskushermostosyöpien kattavuusarviot olivat matalat. Lymfoomien ja munuaissyöpien rekisteröinnin kattavuusarvio sen sijaan oli 100%. Diskussio Suomen Syöpärekisteri tuottaa korkealaatuista tietoa lapsuusajan syövistä. Ei-kiinteiden syöpien rekisteröinti on kattavampaa kuin kiinteiden syöpien. Syöpäilmoituksia Syöpärekisterille on puuttunut erityisesti potilaista, joiden tautia ei aina varmenneta histologisesti, kuten silmä- ja keskushermostosyöpäpotilaista.
  • Haatainen, Hanna-Kaisa (2018)
    Hemostasis is a highly regulated process, which enables the repair of damaged blood vessels by clotting but also keeps the blood fluid and removes blood clots when they are no longer needed. There is a variety of medical conditions that could lead to hemostatic malfunction, manifesting in thrombosis and/or bleeding. The aim of this study was to get acquainted with these conditions and the fundamental laboratory methods for screening hemostasis. Another goal was to study APAC variants in these selected test methods. APACs are semisynthetic molecule complexes consisting of human serum albumin (HSA) core and tailored number of covalently bound UFH chains. In several animal models, APACs have established both antiplatelet (AP) and anticoagulant (AC) functions. They target and act locally at the vascular injury site. We used 7 APAC variants differing at their coupling level of UFH (CL). We chose test methods to assess the intrinsic and common coagulation pathways, the activity and concentration of thrombin in clotting plasma, interactions between different agents in coagulation and the ability of collagen to induce platelet activation and aggregation. The chosen methods were Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT), thrombin time, Rotational Tromboelastometry (ROTEM), the Calibrated Automated Thrombogram (CAT) and Collagen-induced Platelet Aggregation in Platelet-rich plasma (Aggregometer, AggRAM). Generally, all studied APAC variants show dose-dependent inhibition of coagulation that is at least similar, but mostly more efficient compared with plain UFH. At the concentration corresponding to clinically relevant heparin concentration (3 µg/ml), APACs prolong the coagulation globally. At low concentrations they are more potent anticoagulants and thrombin inhibitors than UFH and also inhibit platelet procoagulant activity (PCA). Further studies are needed, however, the results support data that APACs are promising targets for the future drug development.