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  • Lavonen, Eekka (2023)
    The zebrafish genes gpr37a, gpr37b, gpr37L1a and gpr37L1b are orthologous to the human GPR37 and GPR37L1 genes. GPR37 and GPR37L1 are orphan G-protein coupled receptors that are abundantly expressed in the human central nervous system in both neurons and glial cells along with some limited peripheral expression. These receptors have been associated with the development and regulation of neurons and glial cells. Additionally, they have been connected to multiple different pathologies such as Parkinson’s disease where they are involved in the formation of neurodegenerative plaques. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a commonly used and popular experimental model. The zebrafish central nervous system and its development is comparable to that of mammals. The benefits of zebrafish are their fast development of translucent embryos, easy handling and cost-effectiveness. In this study, the expression of these receptors during early zebrafish development is mapped with in situ hybridization -staining. Whole 1-, 2-, 3- and 6-days post fertilization old fish along with 6-days post fertilization old fish with the brain unveiled are used in the experiment. The staining results are examined with a microscope and the results are portrayed in figures comparing the antisense stains and sense stains which function as control. The anatomical significance of the stains is indicated in the pictures. A literature review on GPR37 and GPR37 is also provided. The results are compared with prior research. Stains emerged widely in the central nervous system in the different developmental stages and mostly in the same anatomical structures. Distinct staining patterns emerged especially in the proliferation centers of the front-, mid- and hindbrain. Stains could be also observed in other organ systems. The results suggest that these receptors are expressed in neuronal and glial cells in the zebrafish central nervous system. They could be broadly involved in the development of central nervous system by regulating cell differentiation, division and maturation along with regulating the development of neural networks. The significance of these receptors in peripheral organ systems remains unclear. The results of this study resonate well with prior research and open a door to further research of these receptors with zebrafish. (347 words)
  • Makkonen, Otto (2022)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus. Otsalta zero-heat-flux metodilla mitattu ydinlämpötila (ZHF-otsalämpö) on kliinisesti riittävän yhteneväinen perinteisten invasiivisten ydinlämpötilan mittaustapojen kanssa. Yleisanestesian aikana ZHF-otsalämmön mittaaminen ei kuitenkaan aina ole mahdollista. Tämän vaihtoehtona kaulavaltimon päältä mitatun ZHF-lämpötilan (ZHF-kaulalämpö) on osoitettu olevan luotettava sydänkirurgisissa leikkauksissa. Tutkimme ZHF-kaulalämmön luotettavuutta ydinlämpötilan arvioimisessa ei-sydänkirurgisissa leikkauksissa. Aineisto ja menetelmät. Vertasimme 99 elektiiviseen kraniotomiaan tulevan potilaan ZHF-kaulalämpöä ja ZHF-otsalämpöä (3M™ Bair-Hugger™) ruokatorven lämpötilaan. Mittausmenetelmien yhtenevyyttä arvioimme Bland-Altmanin menetelmällä ja laskemalla mittausmenetelmien välisen absoluuttisen erotuksen keskiarvon (keskiarvoindeksi) sekä ± 0.5 °C sisällä olleiden erotusten osuudet (prosentti-indeksi) koko anestesian aikana sekä ennen ruokatorvilämpötilan matalinta arvoa (leikkauksen varhaisvaihe) ja sen jälkeen (leikkauksen myöhäisvaihe). Tulokset. Bland-Altman analyysissä [keskiarvo (luottamusväli)] koko anestesian aikana yhtenevyys ruokatorvilämpötilan kanssa oli 0,1 (-0,7 – +0,8) °C ZHF-kaulalämmöllä ja 0,0 (-0,8 – +0,8) °C ZHF-otsalämmöllä. Myöhäisvaiheessa yhtenevyydet olivat 0,1 (-0,5 – +0.7) °C ZHF-kaulalämmöllä ja 0,1 (-0,6 – +0,8) °C ZHF-otsalämmöllä. Molemmat ZHF-lämmöt olivat yhtä hyviä keskiarvoindeksillä mitaten [mediaani (kvartiiliväli)] koko anestesian aikana [ZHF-kaulalämpö: 0,2 (0,1–0,3) °C vs. ZHF-otsalämpö: 0,2 (0,2 – 0,4) °C] ja myöhäisvaiheessa [ZHF-kaulalämpö: 0,2 (0,1 – 0,3) °C vs. ZHF-otsalämpö: 0,2 (0,1 – 0,3) °C, kaikki p>0,017 Bonferroni korjauksen jälkeen]. Myöhäisvaiheessa prosentti-indeksit [mediaani (kvartiiliväli)] olivat ZHF-kaulalämmöllä [100 (92–100) %] ja ZHF-otsalämmöllä [100 (92–100) %] kummallakin lähes 100 %. Päätelmät. ZHF-kaulalämpö mittaa ydinlämpötilaa yhtä luotettavasti kuin ZHF-otsalämpö ei-sydänkirurgisissa leikkauksissa. ZHF-kaulalämpö on vaihtoehto ZHF-otsalämmölle, kun ZHF-otsalämmön mittaus ei ole mahdollista.
  • Lehtinen, Valtteri; Pyötsiä, Krista; Snäll, Johanna; Toivari, Miika (2020)
    Purpose The human capability to detect the degree of zygomatico-orbital (ZMO) fracture dislocation in surgical treatment is unknown. The aim of the study was to examine the association between ZMO fracture dislocation and injury etiology and treatment. Methods The investigators implemented a retrospective cross-sectional study and enrolled a sample composed of patients with an isolated unilateral ZMO fracture and analyzed fracture dislocation from CT (computed tomography) images with an automatic algorithm. The primary predictor variable was mean surface point-to-point dislocation (the mean distance of dislocation for all surface points in isolated ZMO fracture segments between the original position and after virtual repositioning). The primary outcome was the treatment choice (operative versus nonoperative). Other studied variables were gender, age group, injury mechanism, clinical asymmetry, and human-evaluated dislocation in CT images. Descriptive and bivariate statistics were computed, and the threshold for statistical significance was set at P < .05. Results The sample consisted of 115 subjects with a mean age of 66.3 years, 66.1% of whom were male, and the most common cause of injury was falling on the ground (49.6%). Operative treatment was required for 58 (50.4%) subjects. There was a significant association between mean dislocation and operative treatment. The mean dislocation of operatively vs. nonoperatively treated fractures was 2.39 mm vs. 1.05 mm (P < .001). Mean fracture dislocation was greatest in injuries caused by assault (2.41 mm) and smallest in MVAs (1.08 mm) and ground-level falls (1.25 mm). The threshold of human eye detection for ZMO fracture dislocation was 1.97 mm. Conclusion The results of the present study demonstrate that the threshold for operative treatment of ZMO fracture dislocation is over 2 mm, which the human eye is able to detect. True dislocation is greater in younger than elderly patients and in injuries caused by assault compared to falling.