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Browsing by Author "Laakso, Aki"

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  • Oulasvirta, Elias; Koroknay-Pál, Päivi; Hafez, Ahmad; Elseoud, Ahmed Abou; Lehto, Hanna; Laakso, Aki (2017)
    BACKGROUND: Population-based long-term data on pediatric patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are limited. OBJECTIVE: To clarify the characteristics and long-term outcome of pediatric patients with AVM. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed on 805 consecutive brain AVM patients admitted to a single center between 1942 and 2014. The patients were defined as children if they were under 18 yr at admission. Children were compared to an adult cohort. Changing patterns of presentation were also analyzed by decades of admission. RESULTS: The patients comprised 127 children with a mean age of 12 yr. The mean follow-up time was 21 yr (range 0-62). Children presented more often with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) but less often with epilepsy than adults. Basal ganglia, cerebellar, and posterior paracallosal AVMs were more common in pediatric than in adult patients. Frontal and temporal AVMs, in contrast, were more common in adult than in pediatric patients. As the number of incidentally and epilepsy-diagnosed AVMs increased, ICH rates dropped in both cohorts. In total, 22 (82%) pediatric and 108 (39%) adult deaths were assessed as AVM related. After multivariate analysis, small AVM size and surgical treatment correlated with a favorable long-term outcome. CONCLUSION: Hemorrhagic presentation was more common in children than in adults. This was also reflected as lower prevalence of epileptic presentation in the pediatric cohort. Lobar and cortical AVM locations were less frequent, whereas deep and cerebellar AVMs were more common in children. Hemorrhagic presentation correlated negatively with incidentally and epilepsy-diagnosed AVMs. In children, AVM was a major cause of death, but in adults, other factors contributed more commonly to mortality.
  • Niini, Tarmo; Laakso, Aki; Tanskanen, Päivi; Niemelä, Mika; Luostarinen, Teemu (2018)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus Tutkimuksessa arvioimme kuinka Helsingin yliopistollisen sairaalan neurokirurgian klinikassa vuosina 2006-2014 mikrokirurgisesti hoidettujen aivojen arteriovenoosi malformaatio (AVM) potilaiden perioperatiivinen hoitoprotokolla on toteutunut. Lisäksi selvitimme viivästyneiden postoperatiivisten vuotojen (VPV) ilmaantuvuuden protokollaa käytettäessä. Aineisto ja menetelmät HYKSin neurokirurgian klinikan aivojen arteriovenoosien malformaatioiden perioperatiivisen hoidon protokollaa käytettiin koko tutkimuksen 121 operatiivisen hoidon saaneen potilaan kohortille. Neurokirurgian klinikan AVM- tietokantaa sekä potilastietojärjestelmää käyttäen kerättiin perioperatiiviseen hoitoon liittyvät tiedot (mm. päivittäiset systoliset verenpainetavoitteet sekä näiden toteutuminen, laskimonsisäinen nestehoito, nestetasapaino ja hengityskonehoidon sekä tehohoitojakson pituus). Potilaat, joille ilmaantui VPV, käytiin läpi tutkimuksessa yksityiskohtaisesti. Tulokset Viidelle potilaalle 121:stä (4.1%) ilmaantui VPV. Näiden potilaiden arteriovenoosi malformaatio oli keskimäärin korkeampaa Spetzler-Martin luokkaa (p=0.043) kuin niiden potilaiden, joille ei ilmaantunut viivästynyttä postoperatiivista vuodoa. Näiden potilaiden AV- malformaatioiden vievät suonet olivat monimutkaisempaa tyyppiä (p=0.003) ja heille annettiin enemmän laskimonsisäistä nestehoitoa neurokirurgisella teho-osastolla (keskimäärin 3726 ml/vrk vs keskimäärin 2980 ml/vrk ei vuotaneilla) (p=0.040). Kaikki VPV:n saaneet potilaat olivat miehiä (p=0.040). Johtopäätökset HYKSin Neurokirurgian klinikan aivojen AV-malformaatioiden perioperatiivinen hoitoprotokolla on yhtä hyvä, ellei hieman parempi (4.1% vs 5.0% VPV:n ilmaantuvuus), kuin aiemmin julkaistu, monimutkaisempi hoitoprotokolla. Tutkimustuloksemme tukevat Spetzler-Martin luokituksen käyttöä potilaiden postoperatiivista hoitoa suunnitellessa. Tutkimuksemme kaikki viivästyneet postoperatiiviset vuodot tapahtuivat potilaille, jotka olivat Spetzler-Martin luokkia 2-5. Avainsanat: intracranial arteriovenous malformations, neurosurgical intensive care unit, postoperative hemorrhage, retrospective study, blood pressure, clinical protocols
  • Achrén, Alexander; Raj, Rahul; Siironen, Jari; Laakso, Aki; Marjamaa, Johan (2021)
    Background: Spontaneous angiogram negative subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is considered a benign illness with little of the aneurysmal SAH-related complications. We describe the clinical course, SAH-related complications and outcome of patients with angiogram negative SAH. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all adult patients admitted to a neurosurgical intensive care unit during 2004–2018 due to spontaneous angiogram negative SAH. Our primary outcome was a dichotomized Glasgow Outcome Scale at three months. We assessed factors that associated with outcome using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results: Of included 108 patients, 84% had a favorable outcome and mortality was 5% within oneyear. Median age was 58 years, 51% were female, and 93% had a low grade SAH (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grading I-III). The median number of angiograms performed per patient was two. Thirty per cent of patients showed radiological signs of acute hydrocephalus, 28% were acutely treated with an external ventricular drain, 13% received active vasospasm treatment and 17% received a permanent shunt. In the multivariable logistic regression model, only acute hydrocephalus associated with unfavorable outcome (odds ratio 4.05, 95% confidence interval 1.05–15.73). Two patients had a new bleeding episode. One of those patients had already suffered a spontaneous angiogram negative SAH prior to the current hospitalization. Conclusion: SAH-related complications such as hydrocephalus and vasospasm are common after angiogram negative SAH. Still, most patients had a favorable outcome. Only acute hydrocephalus was associated with unfavorable outcome. Our findings stress the importance of specialized neurointensive care for these patients.