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Browsing by Subject "haastattelututkimus"

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  • Kanerva, Henna (2017)
    Objective. The previous studies have focused mainly on deviant linguistic processing regarding dyslexia, while people's experiences and contextual factors have received less attention. This study gives voice to the dyslexic students who can tell about their own experiences about dyslexia. Additionally, the objective of this study is to examine what kind of difficulties the students face while studying and which strengths they have. This study can bring a new perspective and decrease prejudices towards dyslexia. Method. Focused interview was used as a method of this study. The interviews consisted of questions inspired by the previous literature. Eight students were interviewed, six of them were studying at the university and two of them were studying at the university of applied sciences. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The transcriptions were analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusion. On the basis of the analysis the interviews included several positive aspects. Many of the participants told they were quite open about their own dyslexia. They were also used to observe their learning and they had found several useful ways to learn. Many of them used deep learning as their learning method. They had also coped several difficulties and they believed in themselves. Especially organizing big amount of information, learning foreign languages and organizing different studying was challenging for them. Several participants reported that their learning was quite slow. In this study dyslexia was a phenomenon, not only a limitation. All the students have their strengths and limitations, regardless if they have a dyslexia or not.
  • Öhrmark, Lotta (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää 3-6-vuotiaiden suomalaislasten seksuaalisuuteen liittyvää tietotasoa kuva-avusteisen haastattelun keinoin. Pienten lasten seksuaalisuuteen liittyvää tietotasoa on tutkittu vähän, ja vain harvoin on haastateltu lapsia itseään. Tutkimukset aiheesta painottuvat parinkymmenen vuoden päähän, ja Suomessa tutkimusta aiheesta ei ole tehty juurikaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään leikki-ikäisten seksuaalitietotasoa liittyen sukuelinten nimeämiseen, lisääntymiseen, raskauteen ja syntymään, aikuisten väliseen seksuaaliseen käytökseen ja turvataitoihin. Lisäksi tutkitaan, ovatko lasten ikä ja sukupuoli yhteydessä tietotasoon. Tieto aiheesta on hyödyksi muun muassa ikätasoisen seksuaalikasvatuksen menetelmien ja materiaalien suunnittelussa. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseen osallistui 132 lasta, joista 70 oli poikia ja 62 tyttöjä. Lasten iän keskiarvo oli 4,7 vuotta. Tutkittavat lapset rekrytoitiin kahden eri paikkakunnan kunnallisista varhaiskasvatusyksiköistä. Lapsille tuttu varhaiskasvatuksen opettaja haastatteli lapsia annetun haastattelurungon mukaan. Haastattelumenetelmänä käytettiin tutkimusta varten tehtyä strukturoitua kuva-avusteista haastattelua, jossa lapsille näytettiin kymmenen piirroskuvaa lapsista ja aikuisista erilaisissa arkisissa tilanteissa. Kuvissa esiintyi mm. raskaana oleva nainen ja alasti leikkiviä lapsia, ja lapsilta kysyttiin kuviin liittyviä, pääasiassa avoimia kysymyksiä. Lasten vastaukset pisteytettiin asteikolla 0-2 ja analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lasten seksuaalisuuteen liittyvä tietotaso oli melko heikko kaikilla mitatuilla osa-aluilla. Tietotaso oli vahvin liittyen genitaalien nimeämiseen ja turvataitoihin, ja heikoin liittyen lisääntymiseen ja aikuisten väliseen seksuaaliseen käytökseen. Ikä oli yhteydessä tietotasoon kaikilla muilla osa-alueilla, paitsi kahdessa viimeksi mainitussa. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että lapset eivät aina vastanneet kysymyksiin tietotasonsa mukaisesti ja osa lapsista arasteli aiheesta puhumista. Varhain alkavalla ja kokonaisvaltaisella seksuaalikasvatuksella voidaan tukea lapsen minäkuvaa, terveyttä ja turvallisuutta. Kaikkien lasten oikeutta ikätasoiseen tietoon seksuaalisuudesta ja mahdollisuutta puhua aiheesta avoimesti turvallisten aikuisten kanssa tulee edistää.
  • Kilkki, Lydia (2019)
    Aims and objectives Stuttering is a complex disorder and can have a wide impact on the life of an individual. Qualitative studies have shown that school memories of the persons who stutter have been mainly negative. However, there has not been carried out studies on the thoughts and experiences of the children who stutter. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge about the experiences and thoughts of the children having stuttering disorder. This knowledge would allow better possibilities for early involvement in problem situations thus preventing the cumulative negative effects of stuttering. Methods The method in this qualitative study was a semi-structured interview. Nine Finnish speaking boys, who have stuttering in their speech, were interviewed. The boys were in the elementary school on grades between two and six. All the boys were interviewed individually during the family courses on stuttering in June-September 2018. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The data was divided into thematic groups and the results were examined in the light of earlier studies and other literature. Results and conclusions The findings of the study indicate that attitudes and thoughts of the children towards their stuttering and school were quite neutral. When talking about school and friends in general during the interviews, children did not point out the stuttering, and they talked mainly about ordinary things of everyday school life. However, there were some differences between the thoughts and experiences. The effect of stuttering on the participation was dependent on the situation. Many of the children found the answering or speaking in front of the classroom suspenseful and therefore sometimes avoided raising their hand during classes. As a rule the children felt that the teachers have a good stance on stuttering. The interviews resulted in an impression that these children wanted to be treated just like other kids in the class. The answers from the children that stuttering does not have any effect on their peer relationships were in contradiction with their narrations. This study gives indications that a good self-esteem and child’s own positive attitude towards stuttering play a significant role in coping with everyday life. Furthermore, the participation of the stuttering child in school could be supported by small inconspicuous acts and agreements between the teacher and the child.
  • Haaman, Alisa (2019)
    Aims and objectives. Feeding difficulties are complex and multifactorial disorders that cause multiple challenges for children and their families. Previous studies have focused on parents’ experiences and treatment in specialised healthcare, but speech and language pathologists’ perspectives in the primary healthcare have not been studied. The incidence of feeding difficulties is expected to increase and the number of children with feeding difficulties is likely to increase in primary healthcare. The intervention requires multidisciplinary collaboration. However, clinicians across disciplines lack common working practices. The objective of this study was to increase the knowledge about feeding difficulties that speech and language pathologists encounter in primary healthcare. The aim was also to describe speech and language pathologists’ experiences and perspectives on multidisciplinary work and their readiness to work with the children. In addition, the assessment and intervention methods they use were studied. Therefore, it would be possible to pay more attention to the experiences of speech and language pathologists and to create more functional working practices based on these experiences. Method. The method in this qualitative study was a semi-structured interview. Seven speech and language pathologists working in primary healthcare were interviewed for the study, and they all had worked children with feeding difficulties in the past year. Speech and language pathologists’ work experience in primary healthcare varied from 1 to 25 years. Themes for the interview were formed based on the previous research. The interviews were carried out in November and December 2018. The interviews were recorded and transcribed into Word-files, and the data were analysed using content analysis. The data were divided into thematic groups and the results were examined in the light of earlier studies and literature. Results and conclusions. Based on this study, speech and language pathologists’ work with children with feeding difficulties is diverse in primary healthcare. Work requires the ability to detect several different areas and special features compared to many other disorders. When talking about assessment and intervention during the interviews, speech and language pathologists did point out various challenges. Complexity of feeding disorders, working with multilingual and multicultural families, speech and language pathologists’ insecurity and lack of common working practices hinder the work. The most important factors developing their readiness were work experience, multidisciplinary collaboration, collegial support and additional education. The findings of this study indicate that the speech and language pathologist working in primary healthcare play a major role in the treatment of children with feeding difficulties but the division of disciplines should be clearer. This study suggests that multidisciplinary collaboration has a positive effect on supporting the family and work readiness of speech and language pathologists. Feeding difficulties can be positively affected in primary healthcare and family welfare can also be supported. Due to the responsibility of speech and language pathologists’ work, active learning and maintaining professional skills with the help of clinical and theoretical knowledge are required.
  • Yli-Krekola, Elli (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Lähi-ihmisten roolia puheterapiassa painotetaan nykyään. Ympäristön tuen ja osallistumisen merkitys perustuvat mm. ICF-luokitukseen ja ekologisen teorian mukaiseen perhelähtöiseen toimintamalliin. Perheet nähdään aktiivisina toimijoina, joiden kanssa tehtävällä yhteistyöllä voidaan mahdollistaa heidän osallistumisensa. Aiheen ajankohtaisuudesta huolimatta siitä on varsinkin suomalaista tutkimusta toistaiseksi hyvin vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa perusterveydenhuollon puheterapeuttien näkemyksiä perheiden osallistumisesta puheterapiaan. Lisäksi selvitettiin kieli- ja kulttuurierojen mahdollisia vaikutuksia yhteistyöhön ja osallistumiseen, sillä lisääntyvä monikielisyys ja -kulttuurisuus voivat tuoda lisähaasteita puheterapian toteuttamiseen. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina. Haastateltaviksi saatiin yhteensä seitsemän Espoossa ja Helsingissä työskentelevää puheterapeuttia, jotka olivat valmistuneet 6–40 vuotta sitten. Aineisto kerättiin kesän 2018 aikana, ja litteroinnin jälkeen se analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin Atlas.ti-ohjelmaa apuna käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Perheet voivat osallistua perusterveydenhuollon puheterapiaan monin eri tavoin. Vaikka puheterapeutit kokivat perheen osallistumisen tärkeänä osana puheterapiaa, perheiden kanssa tehtävässä yhteistyössä ja perheiden osallistumisessa nähtiin esiintyvän monia haasteita, jotka liittyivät esimerkiksi perheiden vaikeisiin elämäntilanteisiin tai motivaation tai huolen puuttumiseen. Erilainen kieli- ja kulttuuritausta nähtiin usein yhteistyön ja osallistumisen lisähaasteena. Perheiden motivoimiseen ja osallistamiseen oli käytössä monia keinoja. Puheterapeuttien toiminnassa perheiden kanssa ja perheiden osallistamisessa esiintyy perhelähtöisiä piirteitä. Kulttuurinen kompetenssi toteutuu puheterapeuttien työskentelyssä erilaisten perheiden kanssa, mikä näkyy erilaisten kulttuurien arvostuksena ja pyrkimyksenä ottaa erilaiset kieli- ja kulttuuritaustat monipuolisesti huomioon.
  • Saarinen, Päivi (2019)
    Objectives. As the population ages, the prevalence of dementia will also increase. People with dementia are the largest group requiring round-the-clock nursing. As dementia progresses language and interaction skills decline. At the end person is using only non-verbal communication. It is then the responsibility of a care-staff to maintain interaction. The aim of this study is to get information on how nurses think people with severe dementia (PSD) are communicating and how they think they are communicating themselves. In addition, this study gathers information on what are the challenges and successes of the interaction between nurses and PSD. Methods. Method for the research was semi-structured theme interview. Interviewees were 10 care-staff members from two enhanced service housing units in Southern Finland. Themes for the interview were formed based on the previous research. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. The collected data was analyzed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the nurses, PSD use mostly non-verbal communication. They use touching, looking, facial expressions, showing, emotions and physical condition. PSD made interaction initiatives and were thus active in interaction. Nurses used simple speech and non-verbal communication. They used gestures, facial expressions, presence, emotions and time giving. The biggest challenge in the interaction between caregivers and PSD was the lack of shared language which led to aggression and anxiety by PSD. Interaction was successful when nurses had enough time to face and care and they had shared understanding with PSD. Music was thought to have a positive effect on the interaction of PSD. Interaction between the caregivers and PSD is mostly based on non-verbal communication. Hurry and the lack of personnel cause challenges in interaction. Nursing staff’s ability to interact with PSD is central to person-centered nursing. The speech therapist´s expertise in interaction and communication could be utilized in nurse training.
  • Kulmala, Carita (2019)
    Objectives. Although children with language impairment typically have difficulties processing linguistic structures and with pragmatics, they have also been described as resourceful in conversations. Difficulties in linguistic skills affect speech production, causing communication breakdowns in conversations. When a problem occurs in a conversation, people can use compensatory strategies to get their message understood. These compensatory means can be verbal or non-verbal. There is only little research on children’s compensatory skills and how they act when a communicational problem occurs. Previous research has also been focused mainly in verbal communication. In order to gain an accurate understanding of a child’s linguistic performance, it is beneficial to gather individual information on how the child behaves in natural contexts. Especially the child’s parents are a valuable source of information in addition to a specialist’s assessment. The aim of this study was to examine the interactional skills of school-age children with specific language impairment and to describe what kind of compensatory strategies they use based on their parents’ observations. In addition, this study gathered information on parents’ experiences of the support the families have received. Methods. Twelve parents were interviewed in nine interviews for this study. The interviews were done in 2018. At the time, the children were aged between 6;2–10;0 years. This study used a semi-structured theme interview, and the data were analysed using a theory-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. The parents reported that their children use several verbal and non-verbal compensational strategies. Pointing and the use of circumlocutions were the most reported strategies. It was also typical for the children that they relied on adult’s help to solve communicational breakdowns. The parents reported that they have found the best solutions and support methods for their family in daily living, but they also have received some advice from professionals. Family courses on SLI and peer support were reported as especially helpful and important support methods.
  • Saarinen, Amanda (2020)
    Aims and objectives. The field of speech and language therapy nowadays emphasizes the participation of client’s environments, such as the family. The importance of close environments is highlighted by e.g. the ecological systems theory, the ICF classification and the concept of zone of proximal development. To learn to communicate using a communication aid, a child needs modeling from a more competent interaction partner. Parents are usually essential interaction partners for their children, yet they need guidance and support to be able to model the use of the communication aid for their child. Previous research on parents’ experiences of guidance and support received for aided communication has been scarce. However, it has been noticed that inadequate support for parents can lead to abandonment of the communication aid. The objective of this study was to explore parents’ experiences of guidance and support on using their child’s communication aid. In addition, parents’ experiences of the challenges in the communication aid service delivery were studied, as well as experiences of their own role in the process. The study also examined parents’ views on how the support and guidance practices could be developed. Methods. The data of this study were gathered through semi-structured interviews. From seven different families, nine parents of children who were using a communication aid with an extensive vocabulary participated in the interviews. Data were analyzed using data driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of this study indicated that parents receive guidance and support on using their child’s communication aid from several actors. The guidance and support were mainly considered insufficient in quantity but their content was mostly perceived adequate. Parents had positive experiences of e.g. guidance and support received from their child’s speech therapist, communication instruction, peer support, and technical support provided by the manufacturers and importers of communication aids. One of the main challenges parents had experienced in the process was that the communication aid was not always actively used in the daycare or school settings. Most of the parents had had an active, self-imposed role in the service delivery process, for example in finding services and information. Parents would develop the services provided to families e.g. by offering more guidance and support at the beginning of the process, by training professionals more comprehensively on augmentative and alternative communication, and by informing families more effectively of the services and support that are available. Based on the results of this study, the guidance and support on using a communication aid do not seem to be completely equally available for families, and parent’s own activeness appears to affect the access to services. Practices on providing guidance and support, informing parents of services and training professionals on aided communication may need to be improved and clarified. Parents’ experiences of the guidance and support vary individually, but the results of this study can help professionals develop their practices to support families.
  • Jussila, Liisa (2019)
    Objectives. Selective mutism is a condition that develops during childhood. Selective mutism means a person’s inability to communicate in certain social situations, such as attending kindergarten. However, there are no extensive studies of people who deal with children with selective mutism on a daily basis. This thesis concentrated on early childhood educators’ experiences in interacting with children who have selective mutism. Furthermore, this thesis examined the participants’ perceptions on how selective mutism manifests in the early stages of a person’s development and in the environment of early childhood education. As well as their perceptions on diagnosing selective mutism and multi-professional cooperation. Methods. Eleven participants with a professional background in early childhood education participated in a semi-structured interview. The participants shared their own experiences and perceptions of the subject at hand guided by the frame of the interview. The recorded conversations where transcribed into academic material which was then processed with inductive analysis. Results and Conclusions. The participants experienced that the long-term nature of selective mutism, paucity of communication, and developing a relationship with the child caused challenges when working with selectively mute children. They felt that a broad professional and general knowledge of selective mutism helped them overcome these challenges. The interviewees agreed that selective mutism had a negative impact on the child’s opportunities to influence the matters that concerned them. Childhood educator professionals have a key role in identifying the symptoms of selective mutism in its early stages and intervening before it becomes a chronic issue for the child; therefore, childhood educators need systematic training and information about the disorder. The results of this thesis can be utilized when designing a more cohesive path to rehabilitation for children with selective mutism, planning education paths and implementing clinical cooperation with early childhood education professionals. Furthermore, the results indicate that the most effective way to prevent long term negative effects of selective mutism is to identify and deal with the problem early on in a child’s development. In addition, the results of this thesis indicate that rehabilitation measures during early childhood combined with a confidential relationship between the educator and the child are essential in overcoming selective mutism, so the child will be able to rehabilitate and communicate in kindergarten.
  • Roukala, Katri (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Työhyvinvointiin vaikuttavat nykyajan muuttuvassa työelämässä useat eri tekijät, jotka voidaan karkeasti jakaa työn kuormitus- ja voimavaratekijöihin. Kohtuullinen määrä kuormitusta tekee työstä motivoivaa, mutta liiallinen kuormitus ja vähäiset voimavaratekijät voivat altistaa liialliselle stressille ja mahdolliselle loppuunpalamiselle. Työssä jaksaminen ja työn kuormituksista palautuminen vaikuttavat työntekijöiden kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin sekä työn laatuun tasapainottamalla kuormitus- ja voimavaratekijöiden suhdetta. Puheterapeuttien työhyvinvointia on aiemmin tutkittu jonkin verran julkisella sektorilla työskentelevien puheterapeuttien näkökulmasta. Yksityisellä sektorilla työskentelevien puheterapeuttien työnkuva poikkeaa monin tavoin julkisella sektorilla työskentelevien puheterapeuttien työnkuvasta, mutta heidän työhyvinvoinnistaan ei ole aikaisemmin tehty tutkimusta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten yksityisellä sektorilla työskentelevät puhetera-peutit jaksavat työssään ja miten he palautuvat työn kuormituksista. Lisäksi selvitettiin millaisia keinoja puheterapeutit käyttävät edistääkseen työssä jaksamista ja palautuakseen työn kuormituksista. Menetelmät. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kahdeksaa yksityisellä sektorilla työskentelevää puheterapeuttia. Haastateltujen työpaikan laatu ja työkokemuksen määrä vaihtelivat. Haastattelumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua. Haastattelurunko muodostettiin aikaisempaan tutkimukseen ja aiheeseen keskeisesti liittyviin teorioihin pohjautuen. Haastattelut äänitettiin ja litteroitiin. Kerätty aineisto analysoitiin induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Puheterapeuttien työssä jaksaminen oli tämän tuktimuksen havaintojen valossa hyvää. Puheterapeutit kokivat työssä jaksamisensa parantuneen työuransa aikana. Tärkeimpinä työssä jaksamista edesauttavina tekijöinä pidettiin kollegiaalista tukea, työn vapautta, asiakkaita, työnohjausta ja koulutuksia. Myös työn kuormituksista palautuminen oli tämän tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan hyvää. Palautumisen kannalta merkittävimpiä tekijöitä olivat uni, liikunta ja luonto, perhe ja sosiaaliset suhteet sekä harrastukset. Työssä jaksamista tukevat ja palautumista edesauttavat tekijät ovat yksilöllisiä, mutta yhdistäviä piirteitä löytyy paljon. Jatkossa olisi tarpeellista selvittää, millaisia kuormitustekijöitä yksityisellä sektorilla työskentelevien puheterapeuttien työnkuvaan sisältyy ja miten työorganisaatiossa voitaisiin tukea puheterapeuttien työhyvinvointia.