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Browsing by Subject "maahanmuuttajat"

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  • Rautila, Kanerva (2018)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin hiv-tartunnan saaneiden somalialais- ja venäläistaustaisten maahanmuuttajien terveydentilaa, elämänlaatua, terveyspalvelujen käyttöä sekä syrjintä- ja hoitokokemuksia Suomessa verrattuna maahanmuuttajiin, joilla ei ole todettu hiv-infektiota. Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käydään läpi hiv-infektioiden esiintyvyyttä maahanmuuttajilla Suomessa ja Euroopassa, testaus- ja seulontakäytäntöjä sekä tarkastellaan hiv-infektion vaikutusta elämänlaatuun ja mielenterveyteen. Hiv-positiiviset maahanmuuttajat ovat ryhmä, josta on niukalti tutkimustietoa Suomessa. Kyseessä on havainnoiva poikkileikkaustutkimus, jossa haastateltiin Helsingin Yliopistollisen sairaalan infektiotautien poliklinikan hiv-positiivisia maahanmuuttajataustaisia potilaita rakenteellisen kyselykaavakkeen avulla. Tietoja verrattiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinninlaitoksen Maahanmuuttajien terveys ja hyvinvointi tutkimuksen aineiston hiv-negatiivisten maahanmuuttajiin. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, ettei hiv-infektio ollut merkittävä hiv-positiivisten maahanmuuttajien elämänlaatuun tai syrjintäkokemuksiin vaikuttava tekijä. Hiv-infektio sen sijaan vaikutti tutkittavien tyytyväisyyteen omaan terveyteensä sekä selviytymiseen päivittäisistä toimista. Lisäksi hiv-positiiviset käyttivät ja kokivat enemmän tarvetta mielenterveyspalveluille ja heillä oli enemmän vakavia masennus- ja ahdistusoireita kuin hiv-negatiivisilla maahanmuuttajilla. Tutkimuksessa korostui erityisesti hiv-positiivisten maahanmuuttajamiesten riski masennus- ja ahdistusoireisiin. Hiv-positiiviset tutkittavat olivat kuitenkin tyytyväisempiä saamaansa hoitoon ja kokivat vähemmän tyydyttymätöntä lääkärinhoidon tarvetta. Tutkimus onnistui saamaan tietoa ryhmästä, josta on hyvin vähän tutkimustietoa saatavilla Suomessa. Toisaalta tutkimuksen pieni otoskoko ja tutkittujen maahanmuuttajaryhmien kulttuuriset erityispiirteet rajoittavat tulosten yleistettävyyttä. Jatkotutkimuksissa tulisi selvittää mitkä tekijät lisäävät hiv-positiivisten maahanmuuttajien riskiä sairastua mielenterveysongelmiin, miten niitä voitaisiin ehkäistä sekä miten mielenterveyspalveluja voitaisiin kehittää. (193 sanaa)
  • Ihalin, Meeri (2020)
    Background and the aims of the study. Previous studies show that adult immigrants face chal-lenges especially in producing diphthongs and differences in Finnish speech sound lengths. However, to date there has been no evaluation method to assess immigrant’s pronunciation in Finnish. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the Phonology test is applicable for assessing adult immigrant’s pronunciation of Finnish. This applicability was assessed by examining what the results of the Phonology test revealed about research subject’s pronun-ciation, how these results differed from the ones of a sentence test, which was developed for this study in particular, how well they recognised the words in the Phonology test. In addition, how and for whom the test could be applicable in future were also studied. Research subjects and methods. The study was carried out as a comperative multi-case stu-dy in which the data was examined both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data was obtai-ned as a part of a PhD dissertation at The University of the Arts Helsinki examining the effects of choir singing in adult immigrant’s Finnish language learning. The research data consisted of ten adult immigrant’s recordings and research forms of the Phonology test and sentence test. The data were statistically analysed with SPSS-program using a dependent sample t-test and the Pearson correlation coefficient. Results and conclusions. All research subjects received rather good scores in the Phonology test and there was not any significant deviation. The results of the Phonology test and the sentence test were quite similar in terms of the mean difference in speech sound length. The pronounciation challenges appeared in the Phonology test were also found in the sentence test and vice versa. The subjects were able to produce short speech sounds distincly shorter than long speech sounds in almost every word in the sentence test. Principally, the subjects recognised the words in the Phonology test well. Based on these results, the Phonology test was moderately applicable to assess adult immigrants’ pronunciation of Finnish.
  • Mäkinen, Anna (2019)
    Objective. The proportion of clients with immigrant background among clients receiving speech therapy has grown following an increase in immigration to Finland over the past few decades. Today, parents’ role in a child’s speech therapy is considered significant thus examination of their views is important for developing the services. In the city of Espoo, children’s habilitation services have discovered that there’s a need for surveying the views of the immigrant parents concerning therapy. The objective of this study was to investigate what kind of experiences and perceptions immigrant parents have about the speech therapy which their child has received in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. In addition to the entirety of speech therapy, the study focused especially on the speech therapy material and the guidance in using the material and to support child’s speech and language development. Furthermore, the study investigated parent’s experiences and perceptions about cultural sensitivity in speech therapy and multi-professional cooperation between parents, speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education. Additionally, parents’ wishes and suggestions for development concerning the above-mentioned themes were examined. Moreover, parents’ experiences and perceptions of child’s speech and language development and difficulties related to them were investigated. Method. This study used a semi-structured theme interview as the data collection method. The interviewees were first generation immigrants whose children had received speech therapy in the city of Espoo’s habilitation services for children. The interview process included seven separate interviews and six of these required interpreters. Recorded interview data was transcribed, and the data was analyzed with inductive content analysis method with the help of the ATLAS.ti 7 software. Results and conclusions. Parents were mainly satisfied with speech therapy and speech therapy material as well with the guidance in using the material and supporting child’s speech and language development. Parents considered speech therapy as culturally sensitive. They experienced multi-professional cooperation mainly as functional and important. Parents had very little information about the cooperation between speech therapist and personnel in early childhood education, but they didn’t express a need for additional information concerning the cooperation. Parents emphasized the importance of wide social environment in child’s speech and language development and didn’t underline their own role as much. Parents expressed very little wishes and suggestions for development. Most of all they suggested utilizing technology in providing speech therapy and in speech therapy exercises. They also expressed a wish about using an interpreter in speech therapy, who would know the same language and dialect than the child. Parents also wished more social contacts for their children in their spare time, which would improve child’s speech and language development. This study indicates that immigrant parents would also benefit from information related to speech therapy and child’s speech and language development emphasizing especially the parents’ role in the development of child’s mother tongue.