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  • Jokinen, Minna (2017)
    Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky) is an invasive alien species native to China and Korea. Asian longhorned beetle has been established on many European countries, United States and Canada. The pathway to the new environments is typically via solid wood packing material (SWPM) which is used especially to pack stoneware. The larva lives inside the trunk and chews tunnels. These tunnels may result in loss of turgor pressure and, by implication, to loss of leaves and finally to death of the tree. Eradication of this species is complicated due to a wide range of host species. The first introduced population in Finland was discovered in October 2015 in the municipality of Vantaa, near to Helsinki. Thus, we have a lack of knowledge in its habits in Finnish circumstances. The main objective of this thesis was to specify whether the Asian longhorned beetle is established also in Helsinki and which areas would be potential habitats for this species. Because no Finnish research about this pest has been published, also a literature survey about the species is provided. Areas, where stoneware originated to Asia is stored at the moment or was stored before, were considered as a potential habitats for the Asian longhorned beetle. The observations were conducted during the summer season 2016. The potential host trees were observed with binoculars. Inspections focused on searching round exitholes typical to the Asian longhorned beetle from the trunk and the main branches. Trees with suspicious holes were felled and investigated. No Asian longhorned beetles were found. However, there are several potential areas in Helsinki. In total, 35 potential areas were inspected. These areas were rich in broadleaved trees that belong to hosts of this pest. It can be assumed that Asian longhorned beetle would not have shortage in suitable host trees. The most common inspected tree species were silver birch, dawny birch, European aspen and goat willow. Ground inspection with binoculars is a common, but unreliable method. In summer time foliage layer may obscure the visibility to the trunk and the branches. On the other hand, trees with dead branches or a lack of foliage can be easily detected and thus special effort can be used to inspect these trees. It can be suggested that at least not very old or high density populations exist in Helsinki. The best way to avoid new introductions is to favor Finnish stoneware and avoid Asian wood packing material. The treatments of SWPM should be improved to prevent further spread of these pests. The omission of treatment should never happen. One option is to replace SWPM with more secure packing materials. Also the destruction of the packing material should be carried out properly and it should not be transported for example as a firewood to summer cottages. This study was carried out together with University of Helsinki and Public Works Department of the city of Helsinki. Cooperation was done also with the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira.
  • Ryhti, Kira (2016)
    Finnish energy production is producing around 1.5 million tons ashes annually. The aim is to utilize ashes instead of landfilling as well as to replace the use of exhaustible natural materials. Wood and peat ashes can be used, for example, in field and forest fertilization and land construction. In road construction and rehabilitation, ash can be used to replace expensive aggregates and achieve better load capacity features. This study was part of the Natural Resources Institute Finland’s (formerly the Finnish Forest Research Institute) project: "New technologies as assistance for the lower road network construction and maintenance". The purpose of this research was to investigate the leaching of heavy metals, nutrients and salts from ash treatments by collecting infiltrate waters with zero-tension lyzimeters, taking water samples from nearby ditch waters and clarify influencing factors. The plots were established in Jämsä on the old forest roads, which are rehabilitated with mixed wood and peat ash in the autumn 2011. The site consists of two forest roads, which had four types of ash treatments and control treatment. For each plot, six zero-tension lysimeters (0.1 m2) were installed every 20 meters, tree to the roads surface and tree to deeper levels. In addition to lysimeters, water samples were taken from nearby ditches. Water samples were collected during 2012 – 2014 once a month from May onwards for 6-8 months. The relations between the substances were tested for statistical correlations (Pearson) and the effects of treatments to leaching were tested with the Tukey HSD-test. Concentrations of 32 elements, ions and compounds were determined from lyzimeter and ditch water samples. Heavy metal concentrations were during the entire follow-up period mainly low. There were no elevated heavy metal concentrations in ditch waters either. The content of nutrients and salts in the water samples were higher from ash treatments than from control treatments. The content of nutrients and salts were also higher in ditch water samples compared to control ditch. Several soluble substances from the ashes had a statistically significant positive correlation (p <0.01) with each other. The results varied a lot progressively, between plots and between the lysimeters of the same plot. Significantly higher concentrations were measured from two lysimeters for number of elements compared to the other lysimeters in other plots (p <0.05). In most cases, the results were very mixed and there was no clear difference between the control and ash treatments. The study yielded valuable information about the leaching of substances from ash structures. A three-year follow-up period is short, for example, compared to the long-term forest fertilization experiments that can last for decades. The pH of the ash decreases in time and decrease in pH could increase solubility of heavy metals. The average concentrations of many elements in water samples from lysimeters and ditch waters were at the same level than in soil waters in forest. Although during the monitoring period, there were no increases in heavy metal concentrations in ditch waters, the accumulation of elements to nearby aquatic ecosystems is difficult to assess in the long-term if leaching behavior changes with time. Ash seems to be a promising material for road construction, as long as the ash quality is suitable to this particular purpose.
  • Laaksonen, Satu (2018)
    Aikoinaan ojitettujen soiden vedenpinta on ollut huomattavasti alempana kuin luonnontilaisten soiden. Aikoinaan ojitet-tujen soiden vedenpinnan lasku on aiheuttanut muutoksen suon toiminnoissa ja sen seurauksena lopulta jopa useiden lajien ja suotyyppien vaarantumisen. Kaikki ojitetut suot eivät ole osoittautuneet menestyksekkäiksi puuston kasvatuk-sessa. Metsähallitus päätti 1993, että ojitetut suoalueet ennallistetaan, sikäli kuin se on mahdollista ja taloudellista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten vedenpinnantaso nousee ennallistetuilla soilla ja miten se vaikuttaa vii-dessä vuodessa kohteella olevaan elävään ja kuolleeseen puustoon sekä taimiin. Tutkimuksen kohteina oli ennallistetut rehevät ja keskiravinteiset korvet, karut rämeet ja sararämeet sekä vastaavat luonnontilaiset suot. Tutkimuksen aineisto-na on käytetty Metsähallituksen valtakunnallisten soiden ennallistamisprojektin kasvillisuuden seuranta-aineistoa sekä kasviruutujen nurkkakepeistä tehtyjä veden syvyyden mittauksia. Seurannassa tutkitaan, miten ojitus ja ennallistaminen vaikuttavat soiden kasvillisuuteen ja palautuvatko ennallistetut suot luonnontilaisten kaltaiseksi. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa on käynyt ilmi, että ennallistaminen ojia tukkimalla ja patoamalla, on saanut aikaan positii-visen muutoksen suon toiminnoissa, vedessä ja kasvillisuudessa. Toimintojen ja kasvillisuuden palautuminen luonnon-tilaisen kaltaiseksi edellyttää veden pinnan nousemista lähelle luonnontilaista tasoa. Ensimmäisenä kasvillisuudessa palautuvat rahkasammaleet. Ennallistamisessa puuston määrä vaikuttaa etenkin avoimilla soilla, missä puusto voi haih-duttaa vettä niin runsaasti, ettei vedenpinta pääse nousemaan tarpeeksi. Vastaavaa ongelmaa ei ole havaittu niinkään puustoisilla soilla. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että viiden vuoden aikana vedenpinta nousi ennallistetuilla kohteilla luonnontilaisten soiden tasolle. Elävän puuston määrä väheni jokaisella suotyypillä viiden vuoden aikana ennallistumisen alettua, eniten keski-ravinteisissa korvissa ja sararämeillä. Vastaavasti kuolleen puuston määrä kasvoi eniten sararämeillä. Puuston läpimitta näytti hieman kasvaneen niin elävien kuin kuolleiden puiden kohdalla. Taimien määrä oli runsain rehevissä korvissa jo ennen ennallistamista, ja kun ennallistamisesta on kulunut kaksi vuotta, määrä oli lähes tuplaantunut. Viiden vuoden kuluttua ennallistamisen alkamisesta taimien määrä oli romahtanut. Muilla suotyypeillä taimien määrissä ei tapahtunut yhtä suuria muutoksia ja taimien määrät olivat jo lähtökohtaisesti pienemmät. Tutkimustulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että ennallistaminen ojia tukkimalla saa veden pinnan nousemaan luonnontilais-ten soiden tasolle. Viidessä vuodessa vedenpinnan nousu näyttää vaikuttavan elävän puuston ja taimien määrään vä-hentävästi sekä kuolleen puuston määrää lisäävästi. Viiden vuoden mittauksessa puuston läpimitta näyttää yhä kasvavan enemmän ennallistetuilla aloilla kuin luonnontilaisilla verrokeilla. Kuten aikaisemmissa soiden ennallistamiseen liittyvissä tutkimuksissa on todettu, tarvitaan lisää pitkäaikaisia tutkimuk-sia. Jos kasveille ei riitä 10 vuoden tutkimusjakso, niin puuston kannalta viisi vuotta on vasta alku.
  • Awan, Hafiz Umair Masood (2017)
    The biodegradation of wood by fungi in natural forest environment is of vital importance for carbon and nutrient replenishment. Additionally, the ecological functions, maintenance of biodiversity and fungal succession in forest ecosystems is partly dependent on the availability of utilizable organic substances. The fungal group of basidiomycetes are known to play important functional roles in these processes. There is however scarcity of information on how co-cultures of multiple fungi affect wood biomass decomposition as well as the consequent effect of interspecific interaction on niche colonization and substrate utilization. This study investigated and evaluated the role and efficiency of interspecific fungal interaction on biodegradation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L), Norway spruce (Picea abies L. (H) Karst) and birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh) wood. Five fungal isolates were selected for the test in co-cultivation assay: Antrodia sinuosa P. Karst, Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.) P. Karst, Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Wulfen) P. Karst, Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref, and Phlebiopsis gigantea Jülich (Basidiomycota). The results revealed that antagonistic and competitive fungal interaction does not largely appear to speed up wood decay process. However, the rare combination of Phlebiopsis, Antrodia and Gloeophyllum had significant positive effect on degradation of spruce wood whereas Heterobasidion, Phlebiopsis, and Gloeophyllum had synergistic effect on pine wood decay. It is therefore likely that in nature, wood decay by fungi is mostly facilitated by parallel niche colonization and by fungal succession.
  • Miller, Cary (2017)
    With a land tenure structure dating back to the Mexican Revolution of 1910, Mexico is second only to Papua New Guinea in proportion of forest land under community ownership. While many communities have successfully formed community forestry enterprises (CFEs) producing value-added goods and generating income and social benefits for community members, many more remain minimally involved with forest management or do not harvest timber. As such, this study sought to collect and analyze the opinions and experiences of groups and individuals involved in the forest sector, with the aim of providing a greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the Mexican forestry model, the most important factors facilitating or undermining the development of CFEs, and opportunities for the advancement of community forestry in the future. This study is based on semi-structured stakeholder interviews which were conducted in four states with members of both harvesting and non-harvesting communities, members of Mexico's National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR) and Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), various experts with ties to the forest sector, and foresters serving the communities interviewed. The results indicate that communities face a number of significant developmental challenges. Community organization was found to be an essential internal factor, and successful CFEs have in common a strong internal cohesion and collective decision making capacity, while failure is often linked to indecision, internal divisions, or corruption. Will and ability to invest in the CFE are also crucial, and sources suggested that communities are often impeded by their lack of 'entrepreneurial mentality' when it comes to investment. For those that are interested in investing in the CFE, lack of available capital is often problematic. In part because of these challenges the Mexican forest sector relies largely on obsolete practices and technology, resulting in elevated costs of production relative to foreign competitors, and foreign competition has taken a toll on the industry in Mexico. In some areas declining industrial consumption has made it more difficult for communities to find buyers for forest products and may limit future production potential. The quality of technical services available to the communities is another factor that is both critical and inconsistent, and the important role of private foresters in aiding CFE development was emphasized by a number of sources. Government intervention has also had an important impact on the sector and CONAFOR has played a key role in its development in recent years. On the other hand, forestry is a heavily regulated activity and there appears to be a consensus that regulations could or should be simplified. It was also suggested that government agencies may not have the resources to process the paperwork they demand in a timely manner. Overall, community forestry in Mexico represents an important and environmentally sustainable source of rural livelihoods, and a great deal of potential remains for the expansion of the sector. While some challenges facing CFEs may not have clear solutions, there are some steps that could be taken to improve conditions in the future. Technological advance will be critical if Mexico is to compete on international markets, and there is work to be done both in terms of finance and in promoting 'business mentalities' and investment. Likewise, a thriving forest industry may require strong policy support from the federal government and efforts to ensure that technical services available to communities are adequate. Finally, it will be important to evaluate the regulatory balance between environmental protection and development of the sector moving forward, to create conditions that are both sustainable and conducive to growth.
  • Gideon Neba, Shu (2013)
    This study quantified above-ground biomass affected by selective logging in the tropical rainforest of South East Cameroon and also investigated the suitability of the density of logging roads, the density of log yards as well as variables from MODIS 250 m data (Red, NIR, MIR, NDVI, EVI) in explaining above-ground biomass logged. Above-ground biomass logged was quantified using allometric equations. The surface area of logging roads and log yards were quantified and used in the determination of above-ground biomass affected by these infrastructures based on a national reference baseline value for the forest zone of Cameroon. A comparative analysis revealed that 50% of potentially exploitable commercial tree species were effectively harvested with a harvesting intensity of 0.78 trees ha-1 representing an average above-ground biomass of 3.51 Mg ha-1. The results also indicated that 5.65 Mg ha-1 of above-ground biomass was affected by logging infrastructure .i.e. 62% as compared to 38% of above-ground biomass that was logged. Correlation and regression analysis showed that the density of the logging roads explained 66% of the variation in above-ground biomass logged and 73% of the variation in above-ground biomass logged was explained by the density of the logging roads and NDVI from MODIS data. The density of log yards and the variables from MODIS data were generally weak in explaining the variation in above-ground biomass logged.
  • Arcaro, Anthony Matthew (2015)
    Canopy interactions and their effects on the chemical composition of throughfall were studied in three plots within two forests of Taita Hills, Kenya over a period of one year. The two forests studied are hilltop forest fragments at the elevated peak of Vuria and northern and southern Ngangao. The stands represent lower evergreen rainforest and upper montane rain/cloud forest ecosystems, which are becoming increasingly vulnerable to degradation by human population growth in the area and the effects of climate change. The forest plots have recently been placed under government protection and the data in this study has been collected as part of the TAITAWATER project of the Academy of Finland. The objective of this thesis is to quantify and chemically analyze rainfall and throughfall in order to compare the canopy interactions occurring in the three study plots. Hemispherical photographs of the canopy were also taken to assess leaf area index. Tree mapping and species identification were also carried out. In an attempt to evaluate the influence that indigenous forests in the region have on fresh water availability and quality the amount, pH, and electrical conductivity of collected rainfall or throughfall was recorded weekly. Additionally, water samples were taken and analyzed for their chemical content (Total N, NH4-, NO3-, S, Cl, Ca, Mg, K, P, Na, Si, B) in a laboratory using ICP. In agreement with previous studies the data exhibits a few trends, which indicate that canopy interception and cloud drip result in higher throughfall amounts in cloud forests, particularly during drier parts of the year when heavy rain events are scarce. Canopy interactions can also alter the chemical composition of precipitation as it passes through the canopy towards the forest floor. The canopy interactions in Taita Hills enriched throughfall with nearly all solutes leading to significant increases in EC while maintaining lower pH. The canopy with a higher presence of bryophyte and lichen species showed a greater propensity to influence the nutrient fluxes of total nitrogen and phosphorus despite containing less biomass.
  • Salko, Sini-Selina (2020)
    Soil respiration is a process in which soil organic carbon is released in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. In boreal forests, soil carbon storage is particularly high relative to the carbon storage of aboveground biomass. Due to the large size of the forest areas of the biome, boreal forests’ soil organic carbon storage is globally is significant. The cool climate drives the formation of soil carbon storage in boreal regions. With climate change, the growing conditions can become drier and warmer than they have been in the past, which can accelerate the carbon release from soil to the atmosphere, thereby further warming the climate. Soil respiration is divided into two distinct processes: heterotrophic respiration where carbon dioxide is released from decomposi-tion of dead organic matter, and autotrophic cellular respiration of plant roots and root associated fungi. Increase in heterotrophic respiration in relation to litter formation rate implies a decrease in the carbon stock of the soil, whereas increase in autotrophic respiration implies an acceleration in the activity of the photosynthesizing biomass and, at the same time, an increase in the amount of carbon stored in the root system. The effect of drought on the activity of both components has been studied extensive-ly, and it appears that autotrophic terrestrial respiration responds to drought more slowly and less strongly in the boreal forest ecosystem. Atmospheric carbon dioxide contains two stable carbon isotopes, carbon-12 and carbon-13, of which C3 plants prefer lighter carbon-12 in photosynthesis. The relationship between these carbon isotopes is expressed with δ13C-value, and the discrimina-tion of carbon-13 in photosynthesis reflected in the cellular respiration of the autotrophic organisms. As a result, the δ13C-value of autotrophic respiration has been found to be lower than the δ13C value of heterotrophic respiration, as carbon-13 is discriminated less in the heterotrophic respiration. However, it has been found that during a drought period there is less discrimination of car-bon-13 in plants’ carbon assimilation, as the photosynthesizing plant may not be as selective for the carbon as when it is not exposed to drought. Thus, there is a difference in the δ13C-value of the soil respiration components, but it becomes smaller as the components experience drought. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the respiration rate of the components vary in different ways as they experi-ence drought by examining whether autotrophic respiration decreases more slowly than heterotrophic. In addition, it was sought to determine whether the components could be distinguished by their δ13C-value, so the study examined the development of the components’ δ13C-valu during drought. The measurements were done in two different experiment sites. The first one was an artificial drought experiment with pine saplings (Pinus sylvestris) in a greenhouse, where carbon dioxide flux and its δ13C-flux was measured from pine roots and their soil by incubation method. Second one was in a Pirkanmaa pine forest where carbon dioxide flux and its δ13C-flux were measured with incubation method and chamber measuring method. After the sampling, the development of the phenomenon was examined together with moisture- and temperature conditions at the time of the measure-ment. In this study, soil respiration’s autotrophic component changed more slowly in relation to drought than the heterotrophic compo-nent. In addition, in the pine forest, the δ13C-value of autotrophic respiration was below the heterotrophic δ13C-value, as the theory suggests. However, there was no clear development in relation to drought with the components’ δ13C-value. In the green-house experiment, no clearly distinguishable development was observed between the development of the components, and the δ13C-value of soil respiration was rather similar between the components. In both experiment sites, there appeared to be sources of error as environmental conditions improved unexpectedly in both the greenhouse and in the forest. Furthermore, it can be stated that the less destructive chamber measuring protocol seems to produce more reliable data.
  • Haikarainen, Iikka (2016)
    Metaani (CH4) on yksi tärkeimmästä kasvihuonekaasusta. Sen ilmastoa lämmittävä vaikutus on 100 vuoden lämmi-tyspotentiaalina 28-kertainen hiilidioksidiin verrattuna. Lisäksi metaanin määrä ilmakehässä on yli kaksinkertaistunut esiteollisen ajan alun jälkeen ja sen lähteiden tuntemisessa on puutteita. Ilmakehän metaanista suurimman osan on arveltu olevan peräisin anaerobisissa olosuhteissa tapahtuvasta metanogeneesistä. Boreaaliset metsät on mielletty CH4-nieluiksi maan hapellisessa kerroksessa tapahtuvan metaaninsitoutumisen vuoksi. Myös puut toimivat CH4-lähteinä joko helpottamalla maassa anaerobisesti syntyneen metaanin pääsyä ilmakehään tai tuottamalla sitä itse. Vaikka ensimmäiset havainnot puiden CH4-päästöistä tehtiin jo lähes 20 vuotta sitten, on vasta viimeaikainen tutkimus osoittanut että puiden CH4-päästöt voivat vaikuttaa huomattavasti metsien CH4-taseeseen. Suurimpien arvioiden mu-kaan puiden vapauttaman metaanin osuus on jopa 10–40 % globaalista CH4-budjetista. Puiden CH4-päästöjen tutki-mus on tähän asti suuntautunut enimmäkseen trooppiselle ja temperaattiselle kasvillisuusvyöhykkeelle, mutta tutki-mus boreaalisella kasvillisuusvyöhykkeellä on jäänyt vähäiseksi. Tämän pro gradu -työn tavoitteena on arvioida boreaalisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä tavanomaisesti esiintyvien kah-den puulajin, hieskoivun (Betula pubescens) ja kuusen (Picea abies), CH4-vuota ja sen vaihtelua kasvukauden alussa. Työn aineistona on käytetty 28.4.–11.6.2015 Hyytiälässä kahdella eri koealalla havaittuja puiden ja metsänpohjan CH4-voita, jotka on mitattu hieskoivujen ja kuusien rungoista ja oksista käyttäen suljettua kammiomittausmenetelmää. Koealoina olivat soistunut alue (metsäkortekorpi), jolta valittiin 4 koepuuta (2 hieskoivua, 2 kuusta) ja kivennäismaa-alue (kuivahko kangas), jolta valittiin yksi koepuu (hieskoivu). Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että sekä hieskoivut että kuuset toimivat CH4-lähteinä rungoista ja oksista, vaikka ne myös ajoittain sitoivat metaania. Havaitut CH4-vuot olivat suuruusluokaltaan hyvin vaihtelevia. Suurimmat CH4-päästöt ha-vaittiin soistuneella kasvupaikalla kasvavien hieskoivujen rungoista, joissa runkopinta-ala kohtaiset päästöt vähenivät eksponentiaalisesti puun pituusprofiilissa tyvestä latvaa, ja rungon tyveltä mitatut suurimmat päästöt myös kasvoivat kevään edetessä. Soistuneella koealalla puiden runkojen CH4-vuo korreloi maalämpötilojen kanssa sekä positiivisesti (hieskoivut) että negatiivisesti (kuuset). Sadekertymän havaittiin korreloivan negatiivisesti koivujen runkojen vuon kanssa. Muilla taustamuuttujilla (esim. ilman lämpötila, säteily, mahlan virtausnopeus) ei ollut havaittavaa yhteyttä puiden CH4-vuohon. Korrelaatioita ei myöskään havaittu kivennäismaakohteella olleen hieskoivun keskiarvoisten CH4-voiden ja taustamuuttujien välillä. Puiden CH4-vuosta tehtiin yleistys metsikkötasolle, mikä osoitti kuusien päästö-jen (6,15 g ha−1 vrk−1) olevan suurempia kuin hieskoivujen päästöt (5,82 g ha−1 vrk−1) johtuen kuusien oksiin sitoutu-neesta suuremmasta biomassan määrästä verrattuna hieskoivuihin. Tästä syystä kuuset voivat olla merkittävämpiä metaanin vapauttajia kuin hieskoivut. Työn tulokset vahvistavat aiempien tutkimusten havainnot puiden CH4-päästöistä ja osoittavat että myös boreaalisen kasvillisuusvyöhykkeen puilla voi olla merkittävä rooli globaalissa CH4-budjetissa, jossa puiden CH4-vuota ei ole tähän asti lainkaan huomioitu. Hieskoivujen ja kuusien erilainen vaste kasvukauden alkuun, maalämpötilaan ja sateisuuteen viittaa puulajien välisiin eroihin CH4-vuota säätelevissä tekijöissä tai metaanin kuljetukseen liittyvässä fysiologiassa.
  • Gaudel, Rabins (2019)
    Canopy gaps and their characteristic features (e.g. area and shape) influence the availability of nutrients, moisture and light in a forest ecosystem, and consequently affect the regeneration process and species composition in the forest. Most of the earlier research on canopy gap used field measurement and conventional remote sensing to quantify gap and these methods have limitations and accuracy problems. However, the development in Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has been effective in overcoming limitations and challenges associated with conventional remote sensing. The ability of LiDAR to represent the three-dimensional structure of the canopies and the sub-canopy resulting in high-resolution topographic maps, highly accurate estimated of vegetation height, cover and canopy structure makes it suitable technology for gap studies. LiDAR-based digital surface model (DSM) and digital elevation model (DEM) were used to quantify the canopy gaps over 5124ha of University of Tokyo Chichibu Forests (UTCF) consisting of three forest-types; primary, secondary and plantation forest. Disturbance driven canopy gaps might have spatial and characteristic variation due to differences in disturbance history, nature, frequency and intensity in different forest and land-types. Quantifying gap characteristics and studying variation and size distribution in different forest types and topography help to understand the different gap dynamics and their ecological perspectives. In this study, a gap was defined as an opening with a maximum height of 2m and minimum area threshold of 10m2. The minimum area threshold, which represents the gap area created by the death of at least a single tree, was determined through a random sampling of 100 tree crowns at UTCF using high resolution aerial photographs. Gap size distribution was analyzed in different forest types and land types. Spatial autocorrelation of gap occurrence was studied using semivariance analysis and distance to the nearest gap (DNG), which is the distance to the nearest gap for an individual gap. Canopy gap size frequency distribution in different forest-types was investigated using power-law. The negative exponent (α), which is also the scaling component of the power-law distribution, was compared between forest-types. Altogether, 6179 gaps with area 10-11603 m2 were found. Gap size distribution in UTCF showed skewness with a high frequency of smaller gaps and a few large gaps. Half of the gaps were smaller than 19 m2 and less than one percent of gaps (0.73 %) were larger than 400 m2. Primary forest contained high gap density (1.85 gaps per ha), shortest mean-DNG (22m) and second-largest gap-area fraction (0.72 %) after plantation forest area (0.76 %). Secondary forest had the lowest gap density (1.03 gaps per hectare) but had the larger mean gap-area (43 m2) than in primary forest (39 m2). The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test showed differences (p<0.05) in gap size distribution between primary and secondary forest. However, the gap size distribution in primary forest show similarity (p=0.59) with plantation forest area. In primary and plantation forest there was a high frequency of small gaps and few very large gaps (2000-10500 m2), whereas very large gaps (>2400 m2) were absent in the secondary forest. Gap size frequency distribution followed a power-law distribution only in plantation forest area (p>0.1, α =2.27). The scaling parameter in the primary and secondary forest was 2.56 (p=0.01) and 2.20 (p=0.02), respectively. Gap distribution showed some spatial autocorrelation in primary and secondary forest at least with distance up to 1300m. Most of the gaps in the primary forest were concentrated in the valley and middle slope, whereas the upper and middle slope had fewest gaps.
  • Simola, Noora (2018)
    Tiivistelmä – Abstrakt – Abstract Over the recent decades Vietnam has implemented extensive reforestation and afforestation programs that have turned the country’s forestry sector’s net carbon balance positive. Smallholder forestry has contributed to this positive trend as individual farmers, households, and cooperatives have regreened degraded lands with fast-growing exotics such as Acacia hybrid. The purpose of the study was to estimate the carbon stocks and sequestration potential of smallholder Acacia hybrid plantations in Thuy Phu, Hue, Vietnam, where the short rotation plantations have been established on the government allocated barren lands. The effect of afforestation on these stocks was studied through quantification of the mean ecosystem carbon and sub-stocks of both acacia holdings and barren lands. Additionally, the impact of stand age and planting density on these stocks was studied. The carbon stocks of Acacia hybrid plantations were quantified using methods of forest inventory and soil sampling. The barren lands results were obtained from sites proxy to the land use prior to afforestation. Allometric equations, modelling, statistical analysis, and root:shoot ratios were used to estimate the mean vegetation stocks. The biomass results were converted to carbon and the soil samples were analyzed in laboratory for the soil organic matter content. The sequestration of short rotation plantation was quantified using estimates of time-averaged carbon stocks and the stock difference-method. The smallholder Acacia hybrid plantations were found to have prominently higher ecosystem carbon stocks than the barren lands due to gains in tree biomass sub-stocks. Afforestation had no statistically significant impact on the soil organic carbon or ground vegetation stocks. The impact of planting density on the carbon stocks was found to be marginal. The mean ecosystem carbon in the plantations of Thuy Phu was 67.27 t C ha-1, including the sub-stocks of aboveground trees 24.38, ground vegetation 0.23 ±0.08, tree roots 5.36, ground vegetation roots 0.18 and soil 37.13±8.17 t C ha-1. The time-averaged ecosystem carbon stock of 5 years rotation was 65.23 t C ha-1. The mean barren land ecosystem carbon was 37.40, including the sub-stocks of aboveground vegetation 0.15 ±0.11 t C ha-1, belowground vegetation 0.12, and soil 37.13±8.17 t C ha-1. The additional stock gain and sequestration was found to be 27.83 t C ha-1, comparable to an uptake of 102.14 t CO2 ha-1.
  • Hu, Haiyang (2014)
    Forest biomass is considered as one of the most important alternative energy sources across the globe. Growing attention has been given to the studies concerning biomass and related bioenergy and biofuel, and their potential for future development. This study takes higher education as unique aspect, focusing on the awareness of Chinese university students of Forest Based Bioenergy (FBB) development and how education background / awareness may influence the FBB development in China. Since FBB is relatively a new concept in China, its development and further utilization are believed to largely relay on the matters of education, social trend and awareness. Students in higher education are considered as a special group: they may be educated related to FBB and will become the future consumers and even decision-makers. This make awareness, attitude and opinions about FBB from the students` point of view significant. A literature review was made for the background study and quantitative research, plus surveys and interviews were conducted as data collection methods. Objectives of the thesis are to study the awareness of and attitudes towards FBB among Chinese university students and if those opinions were influenced by their studies. Results indicate that education strongly affects students´ attitudes. FBB development is seen as a positive signal and students are likely to support FBB development. FBB is believed as a new trend of renewable energy development. However, FBB in China will not see a rapid booming in the near future and it has only limited impact towards the traditional fossil fuel domination, but due to its characteristics, governmental recognition and growing awareness, it certainly shall be seen as strong supporter of China´s sustainable development. It also has to be holistically utilized considering environmental, social and economic aspects, to reach its full potential and to support China´s target of sustainable energy development.
  • Stewart, Erik (2016)
    Heterobasidion annosum s.l. is a devastating forest pathogen species complex which causes extensive damage to timber products in northern Europe. This study examined resistance of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in two field sites in Finland to annosum root rot (Heterobasidion parviporum) utilizing non-clonal stocks of P. abies. The northern field site in Rovaniemi does not have a historical presence of the pathogen, whereas the southern field site in Lapinjärvi has extensive historical presence of the pathogen. The goals of the study were to assess potential difference in susceptibility between the sites, as well as to examine the differences in susceptibility between tissue types and organs in the trees examined. The study inoculated treatment trees with H. parviporum, as well as mock inoculations without the pathogen for control trees. Six inoculations of one treatment type were placed into each of thirty randomly selected trees at both field sites. Three inoculations were done in the stem, and three in the roots, for a total of 360 inoculations. After being left in situ for three months, the trees were harvested, and resulting lesions in the phloem and xylem tissues in both the roots and stem were measured to determine the extent of visible lesion extensions from the inoculation point. Data collected from the experiment was analyzed in the context of three mixed effects models, with the assumption that larger lesions indicated lower resistance to the pathogen. The measurements considered as response variables for the models were the total length of the lesion, total width of the lesion, and total area of the lesion. Results indicated minor overall differences in the lesion sizes between site in the lesion width and lesion area models. Significant differences were found between tissue types in the lesion width, and lesion area models. Additionally, interactions between treatment and organ, as well as treatment and tissue were significant across all models. Several other interactions were significant across some, but not all models The results indicate that further research into the potential effects of historical or geographic isolation on the resistance of P. abies to H. parviporum should include strict genetic controls with crossing of genotypes across sites, and should also consider the differences due to abiotic factors which may influence resistance in field trials.
  • Wan, Ziran (2018)
    The objective of this thesis was to compare the effects of thermal modification under saturated steam and flowing steam on the Scots Pine and the Silver Birch, respectively. One method used in this article complied with the basic principles of traditional ThermoWood process. Treatment temperatures were chosen to be 180℃ and 200℃which are widely used in this method. Super-heated steam and flow-through system were applied in this system. Another one followed the principles as Wood Treatment technology (WTT) developed in Denmark. For this treatment, lower temperatures of 125℃ and 145℃ were applied. The treatment was conducted in a closed system with saturated steam. According to my results, modification under 125℃ saturated steam was ineffective for both Scots Pine and Silver Birch. 200℃ flowing steam is most suitable for the Silver Birch modification. While for the Scots Pine, I would recommend 145℃ saturated steam modification, because under this condition, there is a moderate bending and impact strength reduction but effective anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) improvement. The effects of thermal modification are better on the Silver Birch than the Scots Pine. Modification equipment and chosen of modified specimens need to be considered carefully as they influence the wood properties a lot. In general, mass loss as an indicator value to compare different thermal modification methods is not directly recommended.
  • Liu, Che (2016)
    Snowmelt timing has been proven critical to the phenology in subarctic and alpine ecosystems. Nevertheless, its impacts on the phenology of dwarf-shrub-dominated vegetation on high-latitudinal Fennoscandian fells are not yet sufficiently studied. This project focusses on the divergences in phenological timings and reproductive success caused by naturally different snowmelt timings in this area. The study site was on fell Saana in northwest Finland. The data was collected from a site covering three snowmelt timings located in two aspects (fully factorial, 4 replicates) from 20th of May to 4th of September, 2015, totalling 108 days. The phenological events (e.g. leaf unfolding, anthesis, and leaf colouring) of 12 species of three growth forms (dwarf shrub, forb, and graminoid) were recorded. The statistical analyses show that different snowmelt timings result in significant differences in the time points (expressed in day of year, DOY) of peak flowering and shoot elongation, as well as the green-leaved durations (days); however, flowering duration is rather constant across snowmelt timings. Significant differences are also found in the reproductive success of several species. The results suggest that in subarctic-alpine vegetation, an earlier snowmelt timing 1) elongates the duration of vegetative growth, 2) advances the timing of peak flowering while the flowering duration remains unchanged, and 3) potentially impedes reproductive success in some species, but generally the pattern is heterogeneous. Thus, snowmelt timing is causing divergences among the phenological traits and potentially within the reproductive success of dwarf shrub species in this area. In the long term, these phenomena may impact the local biodiversity and biochemical cycles, which may be a long-term effect of the shifting snowmelt timing due to global change.
  • Nikinmaa, Laura (2017)
    The physiological effects of drought on trees has been studied excessively but many of them remain unclear. In this thesis I studied tree sugar dynamics under drying-wetting cycle as well as the role of soil hydraulic conductivity on how trees experience drought. I experimented with five Norway spruce seedlings in October and November 2016. The seedlings were in water after which they were put in to PEG solution of -0.5 MPa for 24 h and then transferred back to water. Sugar samples were taken from liquids, needles and roots once for every phase. Osmolality samples were taken from current year needles and water potential samples were taken from current year needles and roots every half an hour during day time. Continuous gas exchange measurements were done with Walz GFS-3000. There was no change in osmolality and no significant change in photosynthesis or transpiration rate. For sugar concentrations there was significant increase of non-structural carbohydrates in needles and significant decrease in roots. There was no change in sugar concentration in liquid. Overall impression was that trees did not suffer much from the PEG treatment. The results supported my hypothesis that changes in soil hydraulic conductivity are more important to effects of drought than changes in soil water potential.
  • Ojansivu, Tiina (2014)
    Natural disturbances are important for regeneration and biodiversity of forests. Restoration imitates natural disturbances in order to return ecosystems towards its natural state. Knowledge is lacking about the efficiency of restoration, as well as early tree successions. The objects of this study were to investigate the effects of fire and coarse woody debris (CWD) increment on early tree succession and tree species diversity along forest – gap gradient 10 years after restorative partial cuttings in southern Finland. Seedling densities and heights, microhabitat distributions and tree species diversity were compared between four restoration treatments; unburned treatments with 5 and 60 m3 CWD ha-1, and burned treatments with 5 and 60 m3 CWD ha-1. Total seedling densities were tested with two-way analysis of variance. Species diversity was analyzed by species richness and Shannon index, which were tested with two-way analysis of variance. In general, the burned treatments included higher seedling densities and higher seedlings. The different amounts of dead wood revealed differences in deciduous tree species. The density of birch was higher in the treatments with 60 m3 CWD ha-1 and the heights of birch and other deciduous tree species were higher in burned treatment with 60 m3 CWD ha-1. Pine and birch were abundant in the burned treatments. The densities of spruce were very high in the unburned treatment with 5 m3 CWD ha-1, but fairly low in the other treatments. The seedling densities and heights were the lowest in the forest. Seedling densities did not vary significantly between the edge and gap segment. Microhabitat distributions of the coniferous seedlings differed between the unburned and burned treatments, but no clear differences were observed between the low (5 m3 ha-1) and high amount (60 m3 ha-1) of CWD. Microhabitat distributions of seedlings between forest, edge and gap did not differ noticeably, except with spruce in the burned treatments between the edge and gap. Tree species diversity of regeneration was slightly higher in the burned than in the unburned treatments. Different amounts of CWD did not affect the tree species diversity. The tree species diversity was significantly lower in the forest than in the treatment area, but it did not differ between the edge and gap. The results indicate that early tree succession is likely to be more abundant after burning than without. Fire as a restoration tool can be suggested for the regeneration of pine and birch. Dead wood appears to be insignificant for early tree succession. The limited size of restoration areas does not impede the tree succession, since the densities and heights of seedlings were generally the highest near the forest edge. Fire might increase tree species diversity.
  • Hirvonen, Elina (2016)
    The main aim of this thesis was to study the ecosystem services provided by large-scale industrial eucalypt plantations of UPM in Paysandú region, Uruguay. In the landscape, natural pastures and forests are combined with rows of planted trees. The second aim was to study how various stakeholder groups use ecosystem services from the plantation landscape, and to what extent the rights and expectations related to their use vary among these groups. The third aim was to study the best ways to combine the production of ecosystem services with large-scale industrial tree plantations in the study area. The data used in this study consisted of 55 semi-structured interviews, which were recorded in Uruguay during summer of 2015. Among the persons interviewed, 15 people were classified as key-informants with a broad view on plantation industry in the study area. They were from educational institutions, companies, ministries and from non-governmental organizations. Based on results of the key-informants interviews, a total of 40 persons were selected for stakeholder interviews. They represented four groups; 1) cattle ranchers, 2) honey producers, 3) tree growers and 4) general public from the surrounding communities. With stakeholder interviews, the aim was to collect quantitative data with structured questionnaires. The key-informants and stakeholders were asked about the same issues, but the key-informant interviews had open questions for collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. The results of this study show that industrial tree plantation landscapes provide a plenitude of ecosystem services. However, the perceived changes in the landscape during the past ten years were in some cases more negative than positive. According to the key-informants, the most important ecosystem services provided included industrial wood, animal shelter, fodder and foods. This indicates that local livelihoods can be combined with industrial plantations and the stakeholders benefit from them in many ways. The cattle ranchers obtained mainly animal shelter and fodder. For them, also the regulation of natural hazards was important. The honey producers valued foods, pollination and biodiversity services. The tree growers valued industrial wood and, similarly as the cattle ranchers, animal shelter and fodder. For the general community, educational information was the most important service. Food, honey and mushrooms, and fuel wood were also highly valued ecosystem services. Industrial tree plantations create a wealth of ecosystem services, often with low or no cost. UPM Uruguay considers local stakeholders and their livelihoods in many ways. According to the company, the best ways to integrate industrial tree plantations and ecosystem services are already used in many parts, although there was no data disclosed about all of them. However, it seems that UPM is well aware of the local conditions. In the future, there is a need to study the monetary value and benefit sharing of ecosystem services e.g. through payments of ecosystem services schemes.
  • Luoma, Antti (2018)
    Plantation forestry has increased dramatically in Uruguay during the past 25 years. Thus, planted forests have an increasing importance in providing other ecosystem services in addition to wood provision in landscape scale. Forest sector company UPM owns more than 250 000 hectares of Eucalyptus plantations in Uruguay. UPM seeks to enhance their systems to measure and monitor ecosystem services, to better understand sustainable provision of ecosystem services in their plantation landscapes, and to mitigate negative and maximize positive impacts. Benefits of monitoring and incorporating ecosystem services at management level include strengthened decision-making and communication, license to operate in long-term and better corporate image. Four ecosystem services were selected for analysis based on their relevance in UPM’s corporate strategy: wood provision, climate regulation, water provision and biodiversity maintenance. Provision of the ecosystem services were estimated quantitatively and compared to a pasture land baseline. Provision of ecosystem services was also linked to product level, tonne of pulp, when applicable. Data for the analysis was partly provided by UPM and partly by literature meta-analysis. Climate benefit of converting pasture to Eucalyptus is 8–31 MgC/ha or 29–115 MgCO2/ha depending on species and rotation number. Planting 40% of a micro water-shed with Eucalyptus reduces water streamflow approximately by 20–27%, while reducing streamflow of peak rainfall months by up to 40%, potentially alleviating floods. Pastures in UPM’s landscapes are well connected, but provided little core habitats. Native riparian forests are fragmented and maintain biodiversity poorly. Suggestions for future monitoring and measuring are presented. This thesis works as a waypoint for future studies of holistic ecosystem services provision in UPM assets.
  • Ribeiro Moreira de Assumpção, Christine (2017)
    Biochar is a product from the pyrolysis of plant derived-biomass and it is intended to be applied to soil given its potential of carbon sequestration and soil fertility improvement. Some studies also suggest that increasing application rate of biochar has a positive feedback on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and on soil microbial biomass. However, these effects are not well known for boreal forests. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different biochar application rates: 0 t ha-1, 5 t ha-1 and 10 t ha-1 on BNF, on microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MBC and MBN), and on moss biomass. The field experiment was established in Juupajoki, Southern Finland in young Scots pine stands. The stands were amended with biochar one year before the measurements took place. BNF was determined using acetylene reduction assay (ARA), and microbial biomass was estimated using chloroform fumigation-direct extraction (CFDE). The microbial biomass samples were incubated at the temperatures: 10 °C, 15 °C and 20 °C. Biochar amendment raised soil pH, whereas no differences were verified for BNF, MBC, MBN, nor for moss biomass. There was, however, variation in the response of N fixation to incubation temperature, and variation in the response of MBC and MBN to the time of measurement. Observed changes in pH are often likely to justify variations in the rates of BNF and MB, however in this study they were not shown to be of significance. It is possible, however that biochar will have a positive effect on soil vegetation as it is incorporated into the soil in the long-term. Although this study focuses on BNF and MB, the findings may well have a bearing on the use of biochar as a tool for C sequestration, since amendment with biochar was demonstrated as neither beneficial nor harmful to the soil biota.