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Browsing by master's degree program "Master´s Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour"

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  • Leinonen, Jasmin (2023)
    Background: The effects of vegan and vegetarian diets on children's health are not yet well-understood due to limited research, and the relationship between plant-based diets and children's serum amino acid levels remains unclear. Amino acids play a vital role in growth and well-being, particularly for children. Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to investigate potential differences in serum amino acid concentrations among children following vegan, vegetarian, and omnivorous diets. The secondary objective is to explore whether the diet of a child can be inferred based on their serum amino acid profiles. Methods: Conducted as part of the MIRA2 research, the study involved 69 children from Helsinki day care centers, following vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore diets, with dietary data gathered from parents and validated by 3-day food diaries. Serum amino acid concentrations were analyzed using UHPLC in a laboratory, and group comparisons were conducted using Kruskal-Wallis tests with post-hoc analyses. A decision tree model was constructed based on amino acid concentrations to classify children as vegan or non-vegan. Results: Serum amino acid median concentrations of glycine, arginine, cysteine, conditionally indispensable amino acids, sulfur amino acids and amino acids participating in urea cycle were higher in vegans compared to omnivores. Concentrations of lysine were lower in vegans and vegetarians compared to omnivores. The decision tree model, based on amino acid concentrations, successfully classified 70,3% of children as vegan or non-vegan. Conclusions: Plant-based diets appeared to influence serum amino acid concentrations of children to some extent. Further research, especially regarding the health implications and reference values for amino acid levels, particularly in children on plant-based diets, is still needed. Tausta: Vegaani- ja kasvisruokavalioiden vaikutukset lasten terveyteen eivät ole vielä täysin ymmärrettyjä rajallisen tutkimustiedon vuoksi, ja yhteys kasvipohjaisten ruokavalioiden ja lasten seerumin aminohappopitoisuuksien välillä on epäselvä. Aminohapot ovat keskeisiä kasvun ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta, erityisesti lapsille. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen ensisijainen tavoite oli selvittää mahdollisia eroja seerumin aminohappopitoisuuksissa lapsilla, jotka noudattavat vegaani-, kasvis- tai sekasyöntiruokavaliota. Lisäksi tutkittiin, voiko lasten ruokavalion päätellä heidän seerumin aminohappoprofiilinsa perusteella. Menetelmät: Tutkimus tehtiin osana MIRA2-tutkimusta, ja siihen osallistui Helsingin päiväkodeissta yhteensä 69 lasta, jotka noudattivat vegaani-, kasvis- tai sekaruokavaliota. Tieto ruokavaliosta kerättiin vanhemmilta ja validioitiin 3 päivän ruokapäiväkirjoilla. Seerumin aminohappopitoisuudet analysoitiin laboratoriossa UHPLC-menetelmällä, ja ryhmävertailut suoritettiin Kruskal-Wallis -testeillä post-hoc-analyyseineen. Päätöspuumalli luotiin aminohappopitoisuuksien perusteella lasten luokittelemiseksi vegaaneiksi tai ei-vegaaneiksi. Tulokset: Vegaaneilla glysiinin, arginiinin, kysteiinin, ehdollisesti välttämättömien aminohappojen, rikkipitoisten aminohappojen ja ureasykliin osallistuvien aminohappojen mediaanipitosuudet olivat korkeammat verrattuna sekasyöjiin. Lysiinin pitoisuudet olivat alhaisemmat vegaaneilla ja kasvissyöjillä verrattuna sekasyöjiin. Aminohappopitoisuuksiin perustuva päätöspuumalli luokitteli onnistuneesti 70,3 % lapsista vegaaneiksi tai ei-vegaaneiksi. Johtopäätökset: Kasvipohjaiset ruokavaliot vaikuttivat jossain määrin lasten seerumin aminohappopitoisuuksiin. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan erityisesti terveysvaikutusten ja aminohappopitoisuuksien viitearvojen suhteen, erityisesti kasvipohjaisilla ruokavaliolla olevilla lapsilla.
  • Suihko, Ella Luna Maria (2023)
    Background and aim: Formula fed (FF) infants show consistently higher rates of infections, and accelerated growth rate during the first year of life compared to breastfed (BF) infants. Lipid components of bovine origin, such as the lipid membrane structure, and phospholipids have been suggested as promising in narrowing the gap in health and development between FF and BF infants. The aim of this master’s thesis was to identify differences in the development and health of infants primarily fed with either milk-fat (MF) or vegetable-oil (VO) based formula, during the first year of life, and to elucidate the relativeness of lipid source and structure in currently commercially available formulas for infant growth and infectious morbidity. Methods: This study was a secondary analysis of the observational, longitudinal Health and Early Life Microbiota (HELMi) cohort data, collected among healthy, term infants and their families during 2016 and 2019 in the capital region of Finland. FF infants were divided into two groups (MF, VO), and observational BF group was included as a reference. Infant growth was analysed with general linear model for repeated measures of WHO z-scores: weight-for age (WFA), weight-for-length (WFL), BMI-for-age (BMIFA), and length-for-age (LFA). Infectious morbidity was assessed as the odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for doctor visit and antibiotics use during the first year of life based on parental reports and using binary logistic regression model. Results: Type of feeding (FF vs BF) was significantly (p<0.001) associated with the pattern of growth during the first year of life. FF groups showed slower weight gain for age during the first 3 months of life, but MF were then characterized with rapid catch-up growth (≥0.67 mean change in z-score) from 3 to 12 months of life, compared to BF infants. After inclusion of formula, the adjusted OR of doctor visit for respiratory infections was 2.58 (CI 1.14-5.86, p=0.024) from 3 to 6, and 3.25 (CI 1.46-7.25, p=0.004) from 6 to 9, among MF, compared to BF infants. For the antibiotics use the adjusted OR was 2.98 (CI 1.03-8.64, p=0.043) among MF infants from 6 to 9 months, compared to BF. No significant differences were detected between the two formula groups in any of the outcome parameters. Conclusions: Type of feeding is significantly associated with infant growth pattern and infectious morbidity during the first year of life, but no significant association could be determined with the lipid source of formula. Infant feeding is certainly an area of high importance and based on the current findings commercially available formulas are lacking in terms of health outcomes and growth compared to BF infants.
  • Hentilä, Annukka (2022)
    Background and objectives: It is important for human’s health and environment that red meat consumption decreases, and legume consumption increases in diet. To develop more tailored and effective interventions, it needs to be studied which food motives affect red meat and legume consumption across different population groups. Our aim was to study the associations between food motives and red meat and legume consumption and whether these associations differ between men and women and age groups. Material and methods: Ten food motives (health, mood, convenience, sensory appeal, natural content, price-cheap, price-value, weight control, familiarity and ethical concern as measured using the Food Choice Questionnaire) were studied among 3 079 adults who participated in the DILGOM 2014 study. Red meat and legume consumption was assessed with the Food Frequency Questionnaire. The associations between food motives and red meat and legume consumption were tested with linear regression analyses. The interactions between gender/age groups and food motives were studied by linear regression analyses and when the interaction was statistically significant the gender and age group stratified analyses were done. P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The research protocol of the DILGOM 2014 were approved by the Ethics Committee of Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District. This study was part of the Leg4Life (Legumes for Sustainable Food System and Healthy Life) project. Results: The highest relative importance was for price-value, sensory appeal and health motives and the lowest for weight control, ethical concern and familiarity motives. Higher importance of health (std. β=-0.052), natural content (std. β=-0.071) and ethical concern (std. β=-0.088) were associated with lower red meat consumption. In contrast, rating mood (std. β=0.039), convenience (std. β=0.042,), sensory appeal (std. β=0.106), price-cheap (std. β=0.061) and price-value (std. β=0.035) motives as more important were associated with higher red meat consumption. The size of the association between food motives and red meat consumption was the most prominent, but small, for sensory appeal, natural content, price-cheap and ethical concern. Regarding legume consumption, higher importance of health (std. β=0.093), natural content (std. β=0.048), weight control (std. β=0.039) and ethical concern (std. β=0.054) were associated with higher legume consumption. On the contrary, higher appreciation of convenience (std. β=-0.112), price-value (std. β=-0.070) and familiarity (std. β=-0.084) were associated with lower legume consumption. The size of the association between food motives and legume consumption was the most prominent, but small, for health, convenience, price-value and familiarity. Conclusion: The present findings suggest that people with higher red meat consumption are more appreciative of convenience, taste and monetary aspects of food while people with higher legume consumption value more health and ethic related aspects of food. Based on our results the food motives that should be in the center when developing and implementing actions to decrease red meat consumption and increase legume consumption are convenience, sensory appeal, price-cheap and familiarity. Knowledge on the most valued food motives regarding red meat and legume consumption, may help alter individuals’ food consumption towards healthier and more sustainable direction.
  • Niemi, Paula (2023)
    Introduction In addition to families and home environments, preschools can shape children’s eating habits. Children’s fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption remains below recommendations. Nutrition interventions should be aimed at young children when eating habits develop and be implemented in influential settings, like preschools. The preferred method to study and measure consumption is by weighing foods. However, weighing is hardly used in preschool-settings especially in group-level research. Aims The aim was to examine the effect of the DAGIS intervention on the consumption of FV in preschool meals. The secondary aim was to determine whether the results differed from the impact of DAGIS intervention on the FV consumption at group level when the amount of plate waste was considered. Materials and methods The DAGIS intervention was a randomized controlled trial (2017–2018) aiming to promote lifestyle and self-regulation skills affecting the energy-balance of Finnish 3–6-year-old. The 23-week intervention included 32 preschools. Vegetable consumption was measured at group level for three days in preschool before and after the intervention by weighing vegetables served, serving waste and plate waste. Data analyses were performed using Chi-square test, t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and linear regression. Results In the follow-up, the median consumption of fresh FV, salad mixes, warm vegetables as a side dish and canned FV (25th; 75th quartile) per child was 81.3 g (55.2; 120.6) in the control group and 72.1 g (65.7; 119.3) in the intervention group. The total consumption of FV per child in the intervention group was not higher than in the control group after intervention. The inclusion of plate waste did not change the results adjusted by municipality. Conclusions There was no increase in FV consumption in the intervention group after intervention compared to the control group. Apart from highlighting FV consumption, future group-level interventions should be targeted at serving of vegetables. They should also critically consider the necessity of collecting plate-waste, especially if it increases research cost and burden.
  • Oksanen, Marja (2022)
    Alcohol policy, alcohol legislation and alcohol consumption have a long history in Finland. For long, Finnish people have been seen as binge drinkers and harms caused by alcohol have been a true problem and burden for the public health. Still, alcohol is present in our everyday life. Therefore, there needs to be different ways to limit the consumption and related harms. This is where alcohol policy comes into action; its long history and the quite restrictive methods used in Finland have been generated for the welfare of the Finnish people and public health. Alcohol policy entails many aspects to consider. Discussing alcohol policy without taking into account such factors as self-regulation, alcohol culture and consumer practices leaves the discussion unilateral. The aim of this thesis is to identify what kind of policy measures were targeted when discussing the alcohol Act 2018 in the plenary session before voting about the Act. Also, the aim is to identify whether there was prejudice or stigma present in the discussion and how was alcohol culture taken into consideration when discussing the new act. In this study the focus is on alcohol culture and politics and therefore the research design of this study is qualitative. The material used in this research is a transcript of a plenary session held the day before the new Act was voted on. The method of analysis used to analyse the research material is directed content analysis. Still, it should be recognized, that this research is strongly related to rhetoric analyses as well. The debate in the plenary session was intense and strongly emphasized by personal opinions and arguments. The discussion many times shifted away from health policy to industrial policy which leaves open a question about the justification of alcohol policy in general. Stigma was present in the discussion and alcohol culture was referred to in a negative and positive sense. The nine target areas of alcohol policy were addressed, pricing and availability being emphasized more than other. The topic in general is part of a wider societal discussion and should be addressed from a wider perspective than alcohol policy alone.
  • Luiskari, Lotta (2021)
    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurological disease impacting over six million people in the world. In addition to the motor symptoms of the disease, the disorder is accompanied with gastrointestinal problems. These include delayed transit time, disturbances in the microbial composition of the gut, inflammation in the intestine, structural changes in the epithelial lining and increased intestinal permeability. Paracellular permeability is regulated by tight junctions (TJ) which are complexes formed by proteins such as claudins, occludin and zonula occludens proteins. Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered have beneficial effects on the host. Probiotic bacteria can modulate intestinal permeability and the expression of TJ proteins. These microbes are also able to improve the gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation, in PD patients. As a part of a larger study, the aim was to examine whether the expression of TJ proteins is altered in the lactacystin-induced mouse model of PD and to investigate whether probiotic supplementation elicits changes in their expression. The study was conducted in eight- to nine-week-old C57Bl/6JRccHsd mice, to which PD symptoms had been induced by lactacystin injection to the substantia nigra. Starting at one to two weeks after the injection, four groups of mice were treated with one out of four specific probiotic strains (A, B, C and D) for two weeks. At the end of the experiment, jejunal and colonic samples were collected from the mice. These samples were analyzed using Western Blot to determine the expression of TJ proteins claudin-1, claudin-4 and occludin. Based on the WB results, the jejunal gene level expression of these proteins in one probiotic group (D) was compared to the untreated group with reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The expression of TJ proteins was not altered as a result of the lactacystin injection in jejunum or colon, suggesting that lactacystin model is not optimal for investigating PD-related alterations in TJ proteins. Supplementation with microbe D increased the jejunal expression of claudin-1 on both protein and gene level, whereas in the colonic protein expression there was no change. Clear effects were not detected on claudin-4 or occludin nor when treated with microbes A, B or C. Therefore, microbe D might influence intestinal TJ function and permeability through regulating the expression of claudin-1.
  • Lundberg, Maj (2022)
    Abstract Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel habits. More than 60% of IBS patients report that certain foods, such as legumes, trigger intestinal symptoms. Legumes contain α-galacto-oligosaccharides (α-GOS), which belong to FODMAP-carbohydrates, that are not absorbed in the small intestine. When they pass to large intestine, α-GOS are fermented by gut microbiota, causing abdominal bloating and aggravated intestinal symptoms in IBS patients. Enzymatic processing could reduce the amount of α-GOS in food. Oral α-galactosidase enzyme has been reported to effectively reduce gas production and relieve gas-related symptoms in healthy individuals and pediatric IBS patients. The effects of enzymatic treatment of foods on gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms have not been previously studied. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate whether α-galactosidase treated pea-based crackers, compared to control crackers, will reduce GI symptoms in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or functional bloating (FB). The second aim of the study was to investigate the associations between nutrient and food intake and GI symptoms. Methods: This was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled two-period crossover study. Participants, were aged 22 -– 57 years. who suffered from irritable bowel syndrome or functional bloating based on the Rome IV criteria (n=24). Each participant received a three-day portion of either α-galactosidase-treated or control, pea-based crackers on each study week. The participants reported their GI symptoms throughout the study weeks and kept a food diary on the cracker eating days and during the run-in period. Maximum values of symptoms, symptom sum scores, as well as the average intake of nutrients and foods were analyzed. Statistical analyses were performed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test, Friedman's dependent samples test, correlation analyzes and linear regression. Results: No significant statistical difference was seen in between the maximum values of the symptoms during the study weeks. However, maximum values of abdominal bloating, flatulence, stomach noise, nausea and heartburn were consistently higher during the control week. Several nutrients and foods such as fiber, fat, glucose, fructose, and maltose, were significantly related to the GI symptoms during the study weeks. Conclusions: Since the enzyme-treated product was not better tolerated than the control product, it is possible that other components in the crackers or diet have overshadowed the possible benefits of α-galactosidase treatment. There is some evidence of beneficial effects ofSupplementation with α-galactosidase supplementation, but has shown some beneficial effects, however the results of α-galactosidase in alleviating GI symptoms in adult patients suffering from IBS are inconclusive. More studies on the effects of enzyme-treated food are needed in people suffering from IBS and FB are needed.
  • Hermas, Melina (2023)
    Research shows that Finnish people could increase the consumption of some domestic fish species. Increased consumption has been calculated to have economic, social, and environmental benefits. The current situation of fish consumption is unsustainable. Academic literature on consumption and food systems emphasizes the importance of a holistic view to sustainability. Environmental sustainability has been emphasized and other dimensions of sustainability have been neglected, regarding policies and regulations of the fish industry. In this study, it is argued that observing the consumer perceptions of sustainability dimensions could help to develop a more sustainable fish industry and consumption patterns. The theoretical framework was formed based on literature review. A three-dimensional view to sustainability was used including social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The relevant factors to measure the importance of the dimensions were formed with previous studies on fish consumption. The research aims to reveal perceptions to sustainability dimensions importance from a consumer interface. The research questions are: Which dimensions of sustainability have importance to consumers regarding fish consumption? Are any of the dimensions and factors involved more important than the others? Are there differences between groups on the perception of the dimensions? The research was carried out as a quantitative online survey and shared on social media platforms. Data (N=107) was analysed with quantitative methods (descriptive statistics, crosstabulation and Kruskal-Wallis’s test). Most participants considered all sustainability dimensions important. Environmental dimension was the most important, and especially the factors of protecting the ecosystems, fish stocks and waterbodies. Between age groups a statistically significant difference was found in the importance of the environmental dimension. The results indicate that Finnish people are willing to consume more domestic fish, and care about the sustainability of fish consumption. This study contributes to the discussion of sustainable fish consumption and provides a new approach on developing more sustainable food systems.
  • Kemppinen, Pilvi Katriina (2023)
    Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, is a common condition in the elderly population that can lead to malnutrition and other health complications. Texture-modified food (TMF) has traditionally been used to address this issue, but they often lack the visual appeal and variety of regular food, which can impact the quality of life of individuals with dysphagia. 3D food printing technology offers a promising solution by allowing for the creation of customised and visually appealing food with modified textures, shapes, flavours and nutrient contents. In addition, fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake of individuals in residential aged care facilities (RACF) is considerably low, hence innovative solutions such as 3D food printing technology has potential to address some of these challenges and improve the provision of nutrient-dense foods in aged care settings. This report investigates the provision and consumption of F&V-based TM and 3D printed foods in RACF. The report explores 1) TMF provision and consumption in Australian RACF by a quantitative data analysis of food consumption data, 2) barriers and enablers in the current TMF provision and consumption while exploring the potential of 3D food printing to be an answer for better nutrition among residents, 3) the sensory acceptance of 3D printed food among RACF staff members and 4) modelling the use of 3D printed food in a current TM menu. The results of the study suggest that F&V consumption of RACF residents is below recommendations, although the intake is still considered adequate on average. The provision and consumption of F&V-based food were spread throughout the day, although there was great between-meal variation. The average total provision of vegetables, fruit and juice were 4.1, 0.7 and 1.2 respectively, whereas consumed amounts were lower: 3.6, 0.6 and 1.1 respectively. Interviewees disclosed 3D printed food to be acceptable, albeit there are multiple barriers for its implementation. 3D printed food has the potential to provide benefits for residents on a TM diet in RACF but was not considered timely or practical for the moment. In particular, 3D printed food was considered to be a promising technology to address the emerging challenges that aged care sector will face in the next decades, however, the technology and its implementation still require development and planning. Menu modelling demonstrated how easily F&V intake can be altered, yet its impact on the intake of nutrients need to be further researched. The study highlights that further research and development are needed to improve technical feasibility and practicality of 3D food printing in aged care settings. Overall, while F&V-based 3D printed food has potential benefits, there are significant challenges that need to be addressed before this technology can be widely adopted in RACF, and for it to be beneficial for the nutritional intake and quality of life of the residents.
  • Smolander, Noora (2024)
    Abstract Background Household food insecurity and hunger are associated with undernutrition of children under five years of age. Stunted, wasted and underweight young children are often living in food insecure households in low- and lower-middle-income countries. Low socioeconomic status is associated with both, food insecurity and malnutrition. Interestingly, children’ undernourishment and adults’ overweight occur sometimes in the same family. Aims The purpose was to investigate the prevalence of food insecurity, by two different assessment scales, among households with children at the age of 6–23 months in Nairobi and Chuka in Kenya. Differences in household food insecurity between the two living areas and households’ wealth, and an association between household food insecurity and nutritional status of mothers and children were examined. Methods The data from households (n=412) was cross-sectional and a part of InnoFood Africa project in 2021. Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and Household Hunger Scale (HHS) were used for analysing the prevalence of food insecurity. Sociodemographic background, housing characteristics, nutritional status indicators and HHS were used for the Chi2 -test and linear regression analysis. Results The prevalence of food insecurity by HFIAS and HHS were 63% and 15.5%, respectively. No difference in HHS was found between the living areas. The least wealthy households were more often moderately or severely hungry than the wealthiest households. Statistically significant association was found between HHS and lower maternal MUAC. No association was found between HHS and maternal BMI and any of child’s nutritional status indicators. Conclusion Household hunger was not associated with nutritional status of mothers and children. Further studies are needed to examine the prevalence of double burden of malnutrition in households living in urban and developing societies to understand better the causes for malnutrition.
  • Salo, Tuuli (2022)
    The current definition for dietary fibre was adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) in 2009, but implementation still requires updating food composition databases with values based on appropriate analysis methods. The Finnish National Food Composition Database Fineli is among the first to be updated with CODEX-compliant values of total dietary fibre (TDF), insoluble dietary fibre (IDF), dietary fibre soluble in water but precipitated in 78 % aqueous ethanol (SDFP) and dietary fibre soluble in water and not precipitated in 78 % aqueous ethanol (SDFS). Previous data on population intakes of dietary fibre fractions is sparse. The aim of this study was to assess intakes and sources of dietary fibre and dietary fibre fractions in Finnish children based on updated values of the national food composition database Fineli. In addition, associations of sociodemographic factors with energy adjusted total dietary fibre intake were assessed. Our sample included 5206 children at increased genetic risk of type 1 diabetes from the Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Prevention birth-cohort, born between 1996 and 2004. We assessed the intakes and sources based on 3-day food records collected at the ages of 6 months, 1, 3, and 6 years. Associations of child’s age, sex, breastfeeding status and sociodemographic factors were assessed with independent samples t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test, and univariate analysis of variance. Food sources of dietary fibre were assessed with source analysis. Older children and boys had higher intakes of absolute dietary fibre. The highest energy-adjusted intake of TDF was however observed in 1-year-olds (2.85 g/MJ in boys; 2.77 g/MJ in girls). At the age of 6 months, non-breastfed girls and boys had higher energy-adjusted intake of TDF than their breastfed counterparts, while at the age of one the setting reversed. Children of older parents, parents with a higher level of education, non-smoking mothers, and children with no older siblings had higher energy-adjusted intakes of total dietary fibre. Cereal products, fruits and berries, potatoes, and vegetables were the major food sources of total dietary fibre as well as the dietary fibre fractions. IDF was the major dietary fibre fraction followed by SDFP and SDFS. Proportions of IDF and SDFP decreased with age, while the proportion of SDFS increased. Our study based on updated CODEX-compliant food database values found that on average the TDF intake of Finnish children met the recommendations. The proportions of dietary fibre fractions as well as the roles of different foods as dietary fibre sources shifted with the child’s age, reflecting age related changes in the child’s diet.
  • Paavolainen, Sanna (2024)
    Background: Recent findings in adults and children suggest that vegetarians, and particularly vegans, are at risk of iodine deficiency. As an increasing number of individuals adhere to plant-based diets, it is important to investigate the current iodine nutrition in children and adults. Aim: The aim was to examine whether iodine intake from food and supplements differs in children and adults who follow vegan, vegetarian, or omnivore diets, and to describe the main sources of iodine in these diets. Furthermore, the objective was to investigate the median urinary iodine concentration and determine whether these diets are associated with inadequate iodine status. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional data for children (n=73) and adults (n=79) were drawn from participants in the MIRA2 study. Iodine intake from food and supplements was assessed using a 3-day food record and a background questionnaire. The iodine status was assessed using spot urine samples. Results: Among children, there were no between-group differences in total iodine intake from food and supplements. In adults, vegetarians had a significantly lower total iodine intake than vegans and omnivores, but only vegan adults had a median urinary iodine concentration below 100 μg/L. Iodine supplements were the main sources of iodine in the vegan diet for both children and adults, whereas grain products were an important source of iodine regardless of diet. No association was found between plant-based diets and inadequate iodine status, defined as a median urinary iodine concentration below 100 μg/L. Conclusions: This study found no association between plant-based diets and inadequate iodine status. However, sufficient iodine intake may be compromised in adults who follow vegan and vegetarian diets. These results highlight the importance of iodine supplementation in the vegan diet.
  • Karonen, Vilja (2023)
    Background and aim Limited global research is available on the nutritional status of preschool-aged children following a vegan diet. Significant disparities in the absorption of animal and plant-based iron call for an investigation into the iron status of vegan children. The aim of the study was to assess the iron status of preschool-aged children and their caregivers following vegan or vegetarian diets compared to their omnivorous counterparts using multiple iron biomarkers. An additional aim was to capture the variation of dietary intake within the diet groups by constructing a dietary variable and exploring its association with iron biomarkers. Methods In a cross-sectional MIRA 2 study 2-6-year-old children following either a vegan, vegetarian or mixed diet, and their family members, were recruited from daycare centres in Helsinki. Parents reported their own and their children's diets and completed a short screener of dietary intake. Haemoglobin, transferrin receptor and ferritin concentrations were analysed from blood samples. The data used in this study included children (N=61) and parents (N=72) who provided a blood sample and answered the background questionnaire. Diet groups were formed based on the screener. Iron biomarker distributions were examined by diet groups with the Kruskal-Wallis test and iron deficiency prevalence was examined using the Fisher’s exact test. Dietary variables were constructed by principal component analysis and linear regression models were used to assess the association between the variables and iron biomarkers. Results Compared to omnivorous children, children following a vegan diet had lower haemoglobin concentrations (median -7 g/L), and children following a vegetarian diet were found to have haemoglobin values below the reference value (<112 g/L) more often. Vegan men had lower ferritin concentrations compared to omnivorous men (median -55 µg/l). Animal-based dietary pattern was associated with higher haemoglobin concentrations in children and ferritin concentrations in men. In women, a negative linear association was found between animal-based dietary pattern and ferritin concentrations. Of all children and women, 26% and 28 % had ferritin concentrations below the reference value (<12/15 µg/L). Conclusions Iron biomarker concentrations of vegetarians and vegans were lower compared to omnivores. While the popularity of plant-based diets is increasing, studies assessing the long-term effects of childhood vegetarian diets are warranted.
  • Jouhki, Ida (2022)
    Many athletes, goal-oriented exercisers, and normal-weight adults are interested in pursuing weight loss and a more aesthetic appearance. However, research on the association between body composition changes and cardiometabolic health is relatively scarce in metabolically healthy adults, whose body mass index is below 30. Thus, the current study observed, how the serum cardiometabolic profile of fitness competitors changes in response to an intensive weight loss period prior to competitions, and whether these changes persist during competition week and a post-competition recovery period. In addition, the association between android fat mass and serum cardiometabolic profile was investigated. The study was part of University of Jyväskylä and National Institute for Health and Welfare’s study that followed the competition preparation of 23 fitness athletes (13 men, 10 women) prior to the Finnish National Championships and their subsequent recovery from the pre-competition weight loss. The results of the competitor group were compared to a control group (10 men, 12 women) that strived to maintain their baseline body composition, energy intake, and exercise levels throughout the study period. Participants’ serum cardiometabolic profile (250 serum metabolites), body composition, energy intake, and energy expenditure of weekly exercise were measured in four time points: six months pre-competition (PRE), one week pre-competition (MID), one day post-competition (COMP), and six months post-competition (POST). Changes in the serum cardiometabolic profile and their associations with android fat mass, energy intake, and exercise levels were analyzed with Generalized Estimation Equations models. During the weight loss period (PRE-MID), the competitors’ body weight decreased by 8,0 ± 3,5 kg (false discovery rate, FDR = 0,02) and 12,0 ± 3,4 kg (FDR < 0,001), and total fat mass decreased by 10,7 ± 2,1 kg and 9,7 ± 1,5 kg (FDR < 0,001) in women and men, respectively. The competitors’ serum HDL-cholesterol, HDL-phospholipid and apoA-1 concentrations, and HDL particle size and number increased (FDR < 0,01), while serum total and VLDL-triglyceride concentrations, VLDL particle size, and concentrations of glucose and glycoprotein acetyls decreased (FDR < 0,001). Decreased android fat mass (~-79%, FDR < 0,001) explained the majority of the metabolic changes during the weight loss period. Increased energy intake during the competition week (women: ~18%, FDR = 0,19; men: ~41%, FDR < 0,001) was associated with increases in serum HDL- and VLDL-triglyceride concentrations (FDR < 0,05). In the end of the recovery period (POST), the competitors’ body composition and most (n = 64) of the serum metabolite concentrations had reverted back to baseline levels (FDR > 0,05), except for lipids in large VLDL particles and a few (n = 7) HDL-related metabolites (FDR < 0,05). The current results suggest that weight loss and loss of android fat mass are associated with anti-atherogenic changes in fitness competitors’ HDL and VLDL particle composition and in concentrations of serum glucose and inflammation markers. Increased energy intake after weight loss may lead to acute increases in HDL- and VLDL-triglyceride concentrations, but weight-loss-related changes in the serum cardiometabolic profile are not substantially dissipated until body weight and fat mass are regained. Further longitudinal research with larger sample sizes is warranted to confirm potential causal relationships.
  • Mustakallio, Meri (2022)
    Background: Replacing animal protein with plant-based protein has health and environmental benefits, but new plant protein-based products have shown a high salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) content. Objectives: 1) To investigate the effects of replacing animal protein sources with plant-based protein sources on sodium (Na) intake in a 12-week ScenoProt intervention. 2) To gather information on NaCl contents of plant-based protein and meat alternative products available in Finland and to compare them with equivalent meat products. Methods: 1) 136 participants were randomized into different protein diets (G1: animal 70%/plant 30%; G2: animal 50%/plant 50%; G3: animal 30%/plant 70%). Na intake was measured with 4-day food records and 24h urine excretion using analysis of (co)variance. 2) An audit for plant protein and meat products was done. NaCl content in product categories was compared using t-tests and non-parametric tests. Results: 1) Na intake was highest in G1 (3.7±0.9 g/d), while the intakes in G2 and G3 were 3.1±0.9 and 3.1±0.6 g/d (p<0.001). Urinary Na was highest in G1 vs. G2 and G3 (p≤0.018; adjusted for baseline). Plant-based foods accounted for 28,5 % of sodium intake in G3. 2) Of 347 plant-based products, 89 % were salted/seasoned and mean NaCl content was 1.29±0.63 g/100 g. Plant-based mince and chicken strips were higher in salt than their meat equivalents (1.22±0.49 vs. 0.24±0.35 and 1.61±0.33 vs.1.16 ±0.63 g/100 g, p≤0.017), whereas meat sausages and meat salamis had higher salt content than the plant alternatives (1.94±0.23 vs. 1.64±0.33 and 4.04±0.39 vs. 2.12±0.60 g/100 g, p<0.001). Conclusion: Na intake and urinary excretion were lower when 50-70% of dietary proteins were from plant-based sources compared to a diet containing 70% animal-based proteins. However, plant-based dishes were a significant source of sodium in the plant-based diets and some plant-based products have high NaCl contents, which may question their healthiness, especially if consumed frequently.
  • Suonpää, Marianna (2023)
    Background: Adults’ obesity prevalence has become threefold world widely during the last 50 years, and the rate is estimated to continue to increase in the future. Overweight and obesity are a health challenge, as they create health problems to persons and load the health care. Both obesity prevention and treatment are a constituent of health care. Updated Obesity Current Care Guideline (2020) has been created to support the work of health professionals. It has not been previously studied nationally, how the obesity guideline is known, and how the prevention and treatment are handled in different health care sectors, areas, and occupational groups in Finland. Aims: This thesis aimed to find out, who of the health professionals had familiarized with the updated obesity guideline and how they perceive it has affected their work. Additionally, the prevention and treatment methods, procedures of the health care, and attitudes of the health professionals were studied. Methods: The used material was part of the questionnaire regarding the Obesity Current Care Guideline. Electronic questionnaire was sent with an open link to the professionals and supervisors working in primary health care, special health care and public and private occupational health care. 760 professionals responded to the questionnaire. Here, 447 responses from professionals, who mainly work in the prevention and treatment of adults’ obesity, are used as data. Microsoft Excel 2208 -program and IBM SPSS Statistics 29.0 -program’s cross-tabulation and Chi-square test were used to analyze the results. Results: Half (52 %) of the professionals, who participated in the study, were familiarized with the updated obesity guideline. Nutritional therapists and doctors were familiarized more than other occupational groups (p<0,001). Of those, who had familiarized with the guideline, 45 % considered that the guideline has affected to the procedures of their work. The methods of the guideline were used in the health care to some degree, especially professionals brought up obesity topic into discussion and used lifestyle treatment. Professionals working mainly with adults estimated that health care procedures do not follow completely the guideline, and many professionals were not aware of the obesity prevention and treatment procedures of their organization and area. The attitudes of the professionals were mainly positive. One fourth of the responders did not consider that bringing up obesity topic into discussion is natural. Conclusions: The Obesity Current Care Guideline implementation should be improved, so that all health professionals would know the content of the guideline and take advantage it in their work. The procedures of the obesity prevention and treatment must be developed, since they were not in line with the guideline and many professionals were not aware of the procedures of their own organization, like weight management groups. Professionals’ attitudes were mainly positive indicating high interest towards obesity prevention and treatment. Some professionals considered bringing up obesity topic into discussion not being natural, which indicates the need for education and communication about already existing materials. These could help the work of the professionals and lead to better support of the patients. When examining the results of this thesis, it is essential to keep in mind the option of biased results, because of the small number of answers – the results cannot be generalized to total health care of Finland. However, the results can be used in developing the Obesity Current Care Guideline work and adults’ obesity prevention and treatment in the health care. The topic should be studied more with advanced methods and with a representative sample.
  • Maskulin, Viivi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Ilmaston lämpeneminen on yksi suurimpia tulevaisuuden haasteita, jonka ehkäise-miseksi muutokset kulutuskäyttäytymisessä, yhteiskuntarakenteissa sekä yritystoiminnassa ovat tutkimustiedon mukaan välttämättömiä. Ruoka sekä ruoantuotanto ovat yksi merkittävim-mistä maapallon kantokykyä kuormittavista tekijöistä. Muutokset päästöjen vähentämisessä tai vaihtoehtoisesti seuraukset, joita ilmaston lämpeneminen aiheuttaa, tulevat koskettamaan erityi-sesti nuorten sukupolvia. Tässä tutkielmassa tavoitteena on pyrkiä ymmärtämään nuorten nä-kemyksiä ruoan valintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä etenkin kestävyyden näkökulmasta. Samalla tavoitteena on tutkia, miten nuoret kokevat erilaiset keinot ja niiden vaikuttavuuden osana il-mastonmuutosta ehkäiseviä toimia. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimuskysymykset ovat: millä tavoin ruoanvalintaan ja -käyttöön liittyvät tekijät jäsentyvät nuorten mielipiteissä sekä mitkä ovat ne tekijät, jotka nuoret kokevat edistävän tai estävän kestävyyttä ruoan tai syömisen näkökulmas-ta? Ruokavalintoja käsitellään yksilön valintojen, kuten poliittisen kulutuksen teorisointien sekä yhteiskunnallisten ohjauskeinojen ja -rakenteiden näkökulmasta. Menetelmät. Tutkimusasetelmassa hyödynnetään sekä laadullisia että määrällisiä menetelmiä. Kyselyllä kerättyä aineistoa analysoidaan pääosin laadullisin menetelmin, eli aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysilla ja teemoittelulla. Analyysia täydennetään aineiston mahdollistaman määrälli-sen tarkastelun keinoin. Kyselyaineisto koostuu 44 nuoren aikuisen (15–29-vuotiaan) vastauk-sista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksina ruoan valintaan vaikuttavina yksittäi-sinä tekijöinä määritti erityisesti elämäntilanne, ruoan hinta sekä kotimaisen ruoan suosiminen mahdollisuuksien mukaan. Ruokaan liittyvät ympäristöä kuormittavat tekijät nähtiin erityisesti rakenteellisena ongelmana, mutta omilla kulutusvalinnoilla koettiin olevan yhtä lailla merkitystä tulevaisuuden haasteita ratkottaessa. Ilmastonmuutoksen sekä ruokavalintojen yhteys koettiin olemassa olevana ongelmana, johon nuorten mielestä tulisi löytää ratkaisu. Nuoret kokevat ruo-kaan ja kulutukseen liittyvät tekijät moniulotteisena kokonaisuutena ja miettivät tulevaisuutta. Nuoret tiedostavat ruoan yhteyden ilmastokriisiin ja tahtoisivat oppia lisää ruokaan liittyvistä tekijöistä, jotta kestävämpien kulutusvalintojen tekeminen olisi helpompaa. Nuoret ovat valmiita muuttamaan omaa kulutustaan, mutta odottavat aktiivisia toimia myös vallanpitäjiltä.
  • Väisänen, Mirka (2023)
    A healthy and balanced diet is essential for healthy growth and nutrition during childhood and youth has permanent and long-term effects for an individual’s health status. However, in contrast to other Nordic countries and most other European countries, there is no national data on adolescents’ food consumption and nutrient intake available in Finland. The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare conducted a pilot study on nutrition monitoring in adolescents during Autumn 2021. The study was conducted altogether in six schools in Helsinki and Tampere and the study group consisted of 110 ninth graders. The data on the adolescents’ food consumption and nutrient intake was collected with two 24-h dietary recalls. The first recall was conducted face to face and the second by phone. Based on this pilot study, the goal is to develop a national study protocol for examining the food consumption and nutrient intake of 12-18-year-old adolescents. The aim of this master’s thesis is to find out if the study protocol of the pilot study is suitable for a larger national study. In addition, the aim is to find out how was the food consumption and nutrient intake of the ninth graders from Helsinki and Tampere who participated in the study. The statistical tests and graphs were made using IBM SPSS Statistics 29 -software and Microsoft Excel - program. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney U -test was used to compare groups. The participation rate of the study was good. 73% of the invited adolescents participated in the first recall, from which 98% participated also in the second recall. Based on the results of this pilot study, 24-h dietary recalls conducted face to face and by phone are a practical and reliable study method when examining adolescents’ food consumption and nutrient intake. Adolescents’ mean intake of vegetables, fruits, berries, and dietary fibre was below the recommended amount, while the mean intake of salt and saturated fatty acids exceeded the recommended level. Based on the results, the study protocol is suitable for a larger national study. A national study is needed to better understand adolescents’ food consumption and nutrient intake from the point of view of health and environmental sustainability, and to see if there are differences by region, age, or sociodemographic factors. In addition, the national study would help to improve adolescents’ health and to prevent, for example, overweight, obesity and chronic diseases.
  • Garcia Acosta, Ivan Jesus (2022)
    Background and aims: Infants under two years of age have significant nutritional demands to promote growth and development, and to prevent malnutrition. However, in low-income countries, complementary feeding practices are often inadequate. In Kenya, there is a low availability of nutrient-dense complementary foods for infants in this age group. Thus, micronutrient deficiencies are widespread among infants and young children. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the gaps in the nutritional intake of infants aged 6-23 months living in Nairobi City County and Chuka Town, Kenya, and to examine if there were any specific dietary patterns associated with those gaps. Further, since earlier studies have demonstrated the high nutritional value and potential of amaranth to improve the diet of Kenyan infants, the suitability of amaranth foods for the improvement of infants’ diets in the study areas will be discussed. Methods: This thesis uses data from the InnoFoodAfrica Food Consumption Survey in Kenya in 2021. Single 24-hour recalls, and background questionnaires were available from 407 infants aged 6-23 months (207 from Nairobi City County and from 200 Chuka Town). Median nutrient intakes and interquartile range were compared to the recommendations by the WHO to define a nutrient gap. Dietary patterns were extracted with principal component analysis. The association between dietary patterns and nutrient gaps was evaluated using logistic regression analysis with age, gender, and infant’s energy intake as confounding variables. Results: Among infants aged 6-23 months assumed nutritional gaps were identified in folate, niacin, thiamin, vitamin B12, calcium, and zinc. Three dietary patterns were extracted based on the dietary data: “high-carbs” (high in cereals, bakery products, sugars) “high-fat” (high in oils, fats, fried potatoes, chips, popcorn), and “healthy” (high in egg dishes, roots and tuber dishes, vegetables, and fruits). Both the “high-carbs” and “healthy” patterns were associated with a higher likelihood of meeting the recommendations for most of the nutrients. The “high-fat” pattern was only associated with the likelihood of meeting the recommendations of vitamin B12 and zinc. Conclusions: In this population of infants from Nairobi City County and Chuka Town, Kenya, assumed nutritional gaps are present in the intake of niacin, thiamin, folate, vitamin B12, calcium and zinc. The “high-fat” pattern, associated with a lower likelihood of meeting the recommended intakes for most nutrients, may be associated with the nutritional gaps. Based on nutrient composition of amaranth flour (analyzed in the InnoFoodAfrica project), amaranth would not be suitable for the preparation of snacks to fill the gaps of the infants’ diets.
  • Lehtinen, Maaret Hannele (2024)
    Good nutritional status contributes to health, functional capacity, and quality of life. The food provided to patients in hospitals is formulated to contribute to their recovery and is an integral part of their care. For nutritional care to be successful, it is important that patients eat the food they are offered, so both the food and the dining environment should be pleasing to patients. Personal habits have a big influence on what kind of food and eating situation each person finds pleasurable. The data analysed in this study were collected by interviewing patients. The interviews were conducted at a stage when the interviewees had at least two days of experience of patient dining. For this study, a thematic interview was chosen as the research method, as the phenomena and issues to be surveyed are not yet very well-known and the interviewees themselves wanted to be given the opportunity to raise issues that were relevant to them. The supervisors of this thesis were Heini Karp, PhD, licensed dietician, and Anu Joki, PhD. The interviews revealed that patients were quite satisfied with the hospital meals, both in terms of food and organisation. The size of portions was the single most important issue that all interviewees highlighted as a factor affecting satisfaction and which they would like to influence themselves. The interviews also showed that the possibility to make choices - even small ones - improves the dining experience in hospital. As there are already several portion sizes available and the aim is to provide the right size portion for each patient, changes to these practices could be implemented relatively easily and at low cost. A typical way to find out patients' satisfaction with hospital food is through form-based surveys. They may not reveal all the underlying reasons for the results obtained, making it difficult to correct the situation and improve hospital catering based on the results. Interview-based research on patient satisfaction with the food service experience is relatively scarce. More research would be needed to assess the transferability of the results. In particular, there is a need for a study that takes into account the age distribution and the different needs of patients of different ages.