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Browsing by discipline "Plant Production Science"

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  • Haikarainen, Iina (2017)
    Leaf area index (LAI) is an important biophysical variable which helps to estimate vegetation biomass, radiation use efficiency and potential yield. Traditional LAI-determination methods tend to be slow and they require a lot of labor and data processing. Vegetation indices are one way to estimate LAI of the crops, but it is hard to create a vegetation index that would be suitable for all crops, environments and optical occasions. This is caused by saturation of indices under high LAI and differences in structure between various crop species Leaf inclination angle affects spectral reflectance with LAI (Zou et al. 2014, Zou & Mõttus 2015, Zou et al. 2015). The aim of this study was to investigate effects of leaf inclination angle on LAI-sensitive vegetation indices. LAI-sensitive narrow-band vegetation indices were selected from literature and they were calculated based on reflectance of measured field data and simulated model data. After calculation of vegetation indices, regression between vegetation indices and LAI was performed. Regression was performed with both true field data and simulated model data. Finally, simulated data was plotted based on mean leaf tilt angles (20, 30, 40, 50 and 65) and on low, medium and high chlorophyll contents (25-30, 55-60, 95-100). Regression was determined between vegetation indices and LAI based on plotted data. LAI could be estimated from vegetation indices in true field data (R2=0,36-0,52, RMSE 0,65-0,74 m2/m2) and simulated model data (R2=0,25-0,52, RMSE 0,81-1,02 m2/m2) and they acted similarly. When simulated data was plotted, coefficients of determination were higher (R2=0,50-0,99, RMSE 0,12-0,91 m2/m2). The best goodness of fit was found under MTA-levels 40 and 50. Lowest coefficients of determination occurred on highest MTA-level. Chlorophyll amount effected on the way MTA effects on indices performance: variance between MTA-classes seems to be larger under higher chlorophyll levels. As expected, leaf inclination angle affects performance of LAI-sensitive vegetation indices, and chlorophyll amount has effect on this. These observations should be taken into account while choosing index to estimate LAI of crops.
  • Karim, Abdul (2013)
    Four different Bradyrhizobium sp. (lupin) inoculants were investigated in both greenhouse and field experiments to compare their effects on growth, yield and biological nitrogen fixation. Narrow-leafed and white lupin of the greenhouse experiment compared the strains test in different potting media in a controlled environment, while field experiment tested their performance in field conditions. The greenhouse experiment was conducted with 3 narrow-leafed lupin cultivars (Haags Blaue, Boruta and Sonet) and 1 white lupin cultivar (Ludic). Plants were grown in 3 different potting media (soil, 2 peat : 1 sand and 1 peat : 2 sand) with 5 Bradyrhizobium treatments (uninoculated control, commercial peat inoculant of HAMBI 3118 and liquid cultures of HAMBI 3115, HAMBI 3116 and HAMBI 3118). Plants were grown in a greenhouse unit with average day and night temperature of 22°C and 18°C. Plants were illuminated by using cool white fluorescent tubes maintaining 18 hours day and 6 hours night. In the greenhouse experiment, inoculation significantly increased shoot (117.1-141.9%), root (45.8-64.4%) and nodule (237.0-266.6%) dry weight, plant height (38.3-46%), nodule number (620-659%) and chlorophyll content (29.0-38.5%) over the values found in uninoculated controls. Soil type or potting medium also influenced lupin growth and yield, with better results observed in soil, poorer in 2 peat : 1 sand and poorest in 1 peat : 2 sand. Best performaces were obtaind by inoculating with HAMBI 3115 strain in soil. Uninoculated plants and even inoculated plants grown in peat-sand potting medium, showed relatively poor results, which was more obvious in high-yielding cultivars, Boruta and Ludic, than in low-yielding cultivars, Haags Blaue and Sonet. Inoculation treatments also showed significantly higher shoot (3.15-3.39% N) and root (1.96-2.54% N) nitrogen content. Biological nitrogen fixation rate, measured by the nitrogen difference method, ranged between 87.9 and 90.8% depending on both bacterial strain and host cultivar. The field experiment showed significant increases in shoot (14.4-47.9%), root (11.9-29.1%) and seed (13.8-68.6%) dry weight, plant height (3.6-10.7%), pod plant-1 (10.7-50.6%) and chlorophyll content (5.7-20.7%) following inoculation of the three narrow-leafed lupin cultivars. Uninoculated plants grown in soil in the greenhouse experiment and in the field experiment both produced some nodules, which showed the evidence of presence of indigenous nodule-forming and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Among the 3 liquid cultures, HAMBI 3115 performed best in terms of lupin growth, yield and biological nitrogen fixation in both greenhouse and field experiments. The performance of the peat-based commercial inoculant of HAMBI 3118 strain exceeded all other inoculants in the field experiment but not in the greenhouse experiment, showing the importance of the carrier. The results indicated that lupin growth and yield are strongly affected by Bradyrhizobium inoculation and soil characteristics. Selection of a suitable Bradyrhizobium strain for inoculation and growing cultivars according to their soil preferences can maximize lupin yield. The suitability of HAMI 3115 for making peatbased inoculants should be tested.
  • Nystén, Annika (2017)
    Over the last decade the focus on locally produced food has notably grown in Finland. The same trend has been visible globally for longer, but the trend has picked up speed in recent years. This is visible by assessing the amount of media attention and the growing interest shown by consumers. This master’s thesis focuses on local food, and specifically on what the consumers value when buying locally produced food in a farm shop. It also studies their attitudes and motivations related to local food and organic products. The material that is used for the study originates from a farm in Southern Finland. The farm’s focus lies on selling all that is produced directly to the consumer via their own farm shop. The study was carried out using a questionnaire that was given to the customers visiting a farm shop in the summer of 2014. 54 customers in the farm shop of Mörby gård filled out a questionnaire consisting of 27 questions. The questionnaire featured both open-end questions and questions with given answers to choose from. The data was analysed with both qualitative and quantitative methods. Most of the participants were female, and more than three quarters had a degree from either a vocational university or a university. The two most commonly used borders for what can be defined as locally produces was the municipality or the county where one resides. Most of the participants identified taste as an important aspect when they buy products in the farm shop. Simultaneously a great many stated that the price wasn’t that important, or they had a neutral viewpoint for this factor. As a negative aspect of shopping for local food in a farm shop participants stated the amount of logistical effort it takes when one has to drive out to a lot of different places in order to get a hold of all the products one wants to buy. At the same time many stated that they value the fact that they can see the production site and the animals for themselves when they visit the farm shop. The study didn’t find that one’s income affected how important one found the price aspect to be. Neither was there statistically significant correlation between how many times per week a person cooked food and the importance of the price aspect.
  • Asikainen, Aava (2019)
    Research on phosphorus (P) fertilization of white cabbage has been limited even though white cabbage is an important field vegetable in Finland. The quantities of phosphorus recommended in Finland when cultivating white cabbage are relatively large and excessive fertilization increases the risk of runoff to water systems. Scientific research is needed to determine fertilization levels that ensure good yields while reducing risks to the environment. The effects of P fertilization on yield, phosphorus uptake and phosphorus balance of white cabbage were studied in two soils of different P status in Piikkiö, Finland. The experiment on soil with loamy sand texture and high P status consisted of four fertilization treatments between 0-32 kg P ha-1 while the experiment on clay parcel with relatively low P status consisted of five treatments between 0-100 kg P ha-1, including a starter treatment. Yield, plant P content and P uptake were unaffected by the treatments. Yield was 83-87 t ha-1 on high P soil and 66-69 t ha-1 on low P soil. In high P soil, uptake of P by the plants was 50 kg ha-1 and field P balance was negative in all treatments. In low P soil, uptake was 40-45 kg ha-1 and P balance was positive starting from treatment level 30 kg P ha-1. It is likely that P fertilization levels based on the maximum limits set by the national Agri-environmental Programme are unnecessarily high for white cabbage. A level of fertilization equaling the P uptake of the yield can be recommended.
  • Mäkinen, Suvi (2019)
    Ruokasipuli (Allium cepa L.) on yksi Suomen eniten viljellyistä avomaan vihanneksista. Sipulin fosforinotosta on vähän kotimaisia tutkimustuloksia ja nykyiset fosforilannoitusmäärät perustuvat asiantuntija-arvioihin ja laskennallisiin keskiarvoihin fosforin otosta. Fosfori on kasveille välttämätön makroravinne, jonka puute heikentää merkittävästi kasvien kasvua. Lannoitteiden sisältämä fosfori on louhittu pääosin uusiutumattomista luonnonvaroista, joten fosforilannoitteiden käytön tulisi olla ympäristön kannalta järkevää. Sipulin fosforinottoa tutkittiin 2014 kahdella maalajilla (karkea hieta, korkea fosforipitoisuus ja hiuesavi, välttävä fosforipitoisuus) Luonnonvarakeskuksen toimipaikalla Piikkiössä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää fosforilannoitustasojen vaikutus sipulin kasvuun, ravinteikkuuteen ja satoon sekä seurata maaperän liukoisen fosforin pitoisuutta kasvukaudella. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin sipulin lehtien kasvu ja ravinnepitoisuus kerran kasvukauden aikana, sekä sadonkorjuun jälkeen satotaso, sipulien ja lehtien ravinnepitoisuus sekä sadon mukana poistuneet ravinteet. Maan helppoliukoisen fosforin pitoisuutta seurattiin viikoittaisilla maanäytteillä. Neliportaisen lannoituskokeen tulokset osoittivat, ettei yksivuotisella lannoituskokeella saatu esiin tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja satomäärissä tai sadon mukana poistuneiden ravinteiden määrissä eri lannoitustasojen välillä. Fosforilannoitus vaikutti sipulien ravinnepitoisuuksiin vain yksittäisten ravinteiden osalta. Myös maan liukoisen fosforin pitoisuudet tasoittuivat lannoituseroista huolimatta nopeasti samalle tasolle kummallakin maalajilla. Sipulin ravinteiden otto oli hietamaalla 22–26 kg P /ha, 86–102 kg N /ha ja 92–111 kg K /ha ja savimaalla 18–20 kg P/ha, 84–90 kg N /ha ja 92–101 kg K /ha. Sipuleissa ei havaittu fosforinpuutosta, eikä kasvustonäytteiden perusteella voida sanoa, soveltuuko sipulikasvuston mittaaminen tai lehtien ravinteiden analysointi mittaamaan kasvuston fosforin ottoa tai tunnistamaan fosforinpuutoksen oireita. Kokeen tulosten perusteella nykyisin käytettävät fosforilannoitusmäärät ovat sipulin sadonmuodostuksen kannalta riittävät.
  • Andrés Jiménez, Javier (2017)
    The Rosaceae family accounts for more than 90% of the total fresh fruit production in Finland and for more than 25% worldwide in 2013. Thus, improving the yield potential of Rosaceae species works in favor of economic growth and food security. To achieve that, expanding the knowledge on Rosaceae species is required. Fragaria vesca (F. vesca), particularly the everbearing F. vesca semperflorens accession ‘Hawaii-4’ (H4), provides several features that makes it formidable as a model organism for the study of physiological processes in Rosaceae species, where the CENTRORADIALIS/TERMINALFLOWER 1/SELF-PRUNING (CETS) genes play a remarkable role. In this Thesis, I have studied the expression patterns and functions of the CETS genes by performing gene expression analysis, generation of H4 transgenic lines and observation on H4 plants (both transgenic and wild type) grown under different sets of conditions. My results confirmed the expression patterns and functions previously reported for F.vesca TERMINAL FLOWER1 and F.vesca FLOWERING LOCUS T1. I showed that F.vesca CENTRORADIALIS-LIKE2 is a floral repressor and demonstrated that F.vesca FLOWERING LOCUS T3 is a flowering promoter. Additionally, our data suggest that F.vesca MOTHER OF FT is directly related with stolon formation and that F.vesca CENTRORADIALIS-LIKE1 is most likely a floral repressor. This new information could be used in the future to improve the efficiency of Rosaceae crops farming by adapting flowering and vegetative responses and also for breeding more productive Rosaceae crops.
  • Mäkelä, Laura (2018)
    The Khwe San, the residents of Bwabwata National Park (BNP), were hunter-gatherers who used to acquire their food by hunting and collecting veld food in the past. However, they are not allowed to practice their traditional methods anymore due to the status of the park as a national park and the army trying to prevent increased poaching in the bush. Nowadays they are highly dependent on food aid provided by the Namibian government. In addition, small-scale subsistence agriculture is practiced but due to drought and wild animals, harvests are insufficient to meet required food demand on a daily basis. The objective of this research was to investigate gardening opportunities of the Khwe San in the Eastern part of BNP. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 38 respondents and several stakeholders. Four different groups were found which were home gardeners, community gardeners, participants of gardening workshop and non-gardeners. The data were analysed using a thematic content analysis, a SPPS statistic programme and a sustainable rural livelihoods framework. In addition, one positive deviance gardener was selected, and his production methods is described in more detail. The main results highlighted the importance of having gardens. All the respondents indicated that gardening is important or very important in terms of food production and income generation. However, the majority of the residents are willing to have home gardens due to the challenges of community gardens in the past e.g. the lack of cooperation, jealousy and stealing as well as the lack of needed goods. Current challenges are that there are only one or two water sources in each village and the distances from the boreholes to gardens are long, which complicates irrigation. In addition, poor fences and lack of seeds and tools are the major challenges that home gardeners face. Future training should include specific things because the interviews showed that the general gardening knowledge is presented. As a conclusion, the focus of gardening should be on home gardens, not on community gardens due to their challenges. However, in order to make gardening sustainable, several activities need to be addressed, including an active agriculture extension officer for monitoring, training on specific things and seed distribution provided by the government. In addition, the gardening support needs to be aimed to dedicated people who are willing to practice gardening
  • Huttunen, Ari (2020)
    Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch and its asexual form Fusarium graminearum Schwabe is a pathogen of oat, barley, wheat and maize that causes Fusarium head blight in cereals. F. graminearum produces mycotoxins that contaminate yields in humid and warm weather conditions. The pathogen spreads most effectively during its sexual stage. F. graminearum has become more common as a result of climate change and as reduced tillage has become more preferred in cultivation. This research was a part the Fustox Projet in Natural Resources Institute in Jokioinen research station. Develelopment of G.zeae in crop residues was studied. Crop residue samples were collected from no-till and tilled field plots in existing field trials in spring 2013. Occurrence of F. graminearum was studied in barley and oat from no-till and tilled field plots and in oat from a field trial of four tillage methods during the growing season 2013. Efficiency of two fungicides (DMI and DMI+QoI fungicides) were studied in two oat cultivars, barley and spring wheat in MTT Ylistaro research station. Yield samples were also analysed for deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination. Occurrence of the pathogen was determined by incubating straw pieces and kernels in laboratory conditions. Fusarium species were identified by their colony and spore morphology and colour. Contrary to expectations the pathogen was somewhat more prevalent in tilled plots than in reduced tillage. This may be due to greater microbe activity that is capable of decomposing or inhibiting the pathogen in fields with reduced tillage. In this study stem-bases were more infected by the pathogen in reduced tillage. Fungicide treatments were effective in reducing the occurrence of F. graminearum in the field and DON contamination in yield. There were no significant differences between fungicides. The most effective methods of controlling G. zeae and F. graminearum is selection resistant cultivars for cultivation. Careful selection of soil tillage method can also aid in controlling the pathogen.
  • Röman, Linda (2020)
    Intercropping is an old agricultural practise to produce food and could be an interesting option to be utilized today. Use of legumes in mixtures can be a way to produce food more sustainably and minimize negative environmental impacts of current food production. Cultivation area of legumes have declined over recent years, due instability in yields and problems with pests and diseases. Intercropped systems can optimize use of land recourses and reduce issues with pest and disease. Furthermore, legumes could provide a more sustainable source for nitrogen than fossil fuels and more options for both feed and food production, especially for organic farming. Intercropping could also benefit diversity and add more options in crop rotations. In this field experiment intercropping with different mixtures of legumes and other non-legume crops were studied. This experiment by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences was a part of the project Legumes for the agriculture of tomorrow (LEGATO). Project purpose was to promote and find solutions for increased and sustainable production of grain legumes in Europe. The main objectives of this thesis were to compare different crop mixtures and find benefits with intercropping, this thesis focused on peas and faba bean. Does intercropping add yield potential and can it have benefits for yield stability or pest damage. Results showed that intercropping did not benefit pea yields, but instead barley yields. Faba bean Gloria did benefit from intercropping, as did cereals. Yields indicate that more could be produced on the same area of land. Pest damage by pea moth (Cydia nigricana) had some statistical differences between treatments, but there were no similar effects on damage on faba bean by Broad bean weevil (Bruchus rufimanus).
  • Koivuranta, Riina (2018)
    The concept of ecological management can be seen tackling the relationship of agriculture and environment, not only from the perspective of limiting the negative effects of farming practices, but also promoting positive actions. This notion of managing and maintaining, rather than leaving alone, is currently in the core of biodiversity promotion in agricultural landscapes in Europe. The focus of this thesis are the perceptions Finnish agri-environmental actors have regarding ecological management innovation stemming from the grassroots. In this thesis I assess how i) Finnish agri-environmental actors perceive grassroots innovation, ii) weigh its barriers and enabling factors, as well as iii) envision further needs regarding these innovations. The study is based on a mixed-methods approach using both qualitative and quantitative data; a questionnaire and two focus group discussions conducted during a two-day seminar “Managing Nature - working together” 29.11.-30.11.2016 in Turku. The study was conducted in co-operation with the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), University of Helsinki Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry and a Horizon2020 project HNV-Link. I approached the research questions using an iterative approach, and my analysis is guided by Grounded Theory in constant comparative analysis and generating theory. The results indicate that Finnish agricultural actors acknowledge the heterogeneous nature of grassroots actors in agricultural areas. However, several common attributes are linked to innovation stemming from the grassroots such as practical, economic and local. Currently bureaucracy, lack of cooperation and the changes and challenges in the socio-cultural environment of grassroots hinder ecological management grassroots innovation. Finnish agri-environmental actors acknowledge that the challenges biodiversity in agricultural areas face, are of such magnitude that the need is rather to expand, not narrow down the actor-base for innovation.
  • Tahvola, Essi (2016)
    Field bioenergy is a form of renewable energy, where plant biomass is used as feedstock in different energy production systems. Field based bioenergy will help to increase renewable energy utilization, which should be 20% of total energy consumption in year 2020 according to the EU regulations. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are traditional crops with significant dry matter yield potential and they can be used as break crops in conventional crop rotations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the suitability of hemp and maize as feedstock crops in Finland, as well as the varietal differences based on feedstock quality and yield. Field experiment were conducted at the Viikki Experimental farm, University of Helsinki, Finland in 2007 and 2008. Studied traits were dry matter yield, nutrient uptake and feedstock chemical composition, ash, energy and soluble sugar content as well as C/N- and C/P-ratios. Experiments included three hemp cultivars, oilhemp Finola and fibrehemps Chamaeleon and USO 31 and five maize cultivars: Gavot, Campesino, Ronaldino, KXA7211 and KXA7251. Fertilizer rates were 60 N kg/ha for hemp and 120 N kg/ha for maize in 2007 and 210 N kg/ha in 2008. Chamaeleon produced the highest dry matter yield (18 000 DM kg/ha), and the difference to the next one, USO 31 was more than 20 %. Campesino, Gavot and KXA7251 produced the highest dry matter yield (15 500-18 000 DM kg/ha) of maize cultivars studied. Maize dry matter was rich in soluble sugars (177-215 mg/kg DM). Hemp and maize biomass was high in content of different elements and ash. The results indicated that hemp and maize can produce high dry matter yield. However the feedstock quality traits are not ideal for energy. High content of different elements in unprocessed dry matter interferes with the burning and imbalanced C/N- and C/P-ratio biogas production. Based on the results maize can be an excellent option as bioethanol feedstock due to high content of soluble sugars in the dry matter.
  • Sairasalo, Maria (2019)
    Research has shown that the temperature sum or the average of daily mean temperature, together with the photoperiod and genotype, determines the progress of faba bean towards flowering. However, other environmental factors such as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and humidity conditions (Sielianinow´s hydrothermal index K) have been found to have a secondary effect on the progress towards flowering. The timing of the development stages of faba bean growth is of great importance for its regional adaptation and the profitability of its cultivation in new and changing environments. Progress towards flowering and the environmental conditions during flowering strongly affect the yield of different cultivars. Identifying the environmental factors affecting initiation and induction of flowering enables the breeding of new, more sustainable cultivars of faba bean. Negative effects of stress factors to yield can be avoided using earlier flowering cultivars in cultivation. Changing climatic conditions are leading to long periods of dry and warm weather in Finland, the effect of which is particularly pronounced during flowering. The stage of flowering has been found to be the most sensitive stage of the development of faba bean, during which the amount and quality of the crop yield is determined. The aim of this study was to validate the functionality and suitability of the improved model for predicting the progress towards flowering in field conditions. The significance of PAR, K-index, the temperature mean and photoperiod was tested in the model predicting flowering, were the observations of flowering were from two growing seasons, 2016 and 2017, using 20 cultivars of faba bean. The impacts of these environmental factors on the model were also tested with broader observation data from six growing seasons: 2009 to 2012 together with 2016 to 2017. The best model was obtained with the combination of all parameters with the highest value of R2 (R2v2=0.999, R6v2= 0.964). In the model containing only photoperiod and temperature mean, values for R2 were too low. The parameters of PAR and K-index significantly (R2>0.90) increased the value of R2. When tested alone, PAR explained over 90 % of the flowering. However, the photoperiod and the temperature mean played an important role in the development and flowering and they are known to be critical for the induction of flowering of certain cultivars. With six years of observations, the coefficients for temperature mean in the model were negligible (p >0.05). Significant parameters were photoperiod, K-index and PAR. The cultivar ‘Kontu’ started to flower earlier than other cultivars and it had greatest variation between predicted and observed value in the model. Therefore, adding it to the function as extra parameter was important to bring its values closer to regression line and to improve the overall value of R2. The conditions in greenhouse are usually adjusted to the optimum for the plant, when normally varying humidity conditions are ignored. Effects of photoperiod and PAR on the development of faba bean cannot be distinguished in controlled light conditions. Field experiments lasting several growing seasons are required to be able to distinguish their effects. The model for predicting the progress towards flowering could be used to identify different qualities of various cultivars. The parameters in this model worked well in prediction of flower induction of faba bean in Finland.
  • Heiskanen, Ville (2017)
    Powdery mildew fungi (Erysiphales) are obligate plant pathogens that infect almost 10 000 plant species (Magnoliophytina) worldwide. They are highly host specialised fungi that cause significant crop losses in agriculture and horticultural production. The aim of this study was to recognise and identify powdery mildew fungi occurring in the botanical garden of Helsinki University in Kumpula. Identification was based on the morphological characters and barcodes based on ITS-sequences. Altogether 94 observations were made of powdery mildews during the growth season 2015. To identify the powdery mildew fungi, the morphological characters were studied with a microscope, and 42 specimens were characterized for using powdery mildew specific primers and sequencing. All the sequences were compared with sequences available in Genbank (NCBI) using BLASTn tool. A phylogenetic tree was build from the sequences to show evolutionary distances. The sequences were also compared with an identity matrix to show nucleotide differences between the isolates. Twenty-eight species of powdery mildew fungi were identified in this study. 14 of these fungi were possible to identify based only on their morphological characters. The ITS sequences of 42 isolates were deposited to a Genbank (ENA) with accession numbers LT794916–LT795001. In most cases the primers were specific enough to multiply DNA of the powdery mildew fungi and to sequence the PCR product without cloning. The PCR products from 5 samples had to be cloned because they contained a mixture of sequences. This study shows that an area of 6 ha in the Kumpula Botanical garden contains multiple species of powdery mildew fungi. Results also show that the species found infecting the plants in the botanical garden are mostly common species that have been found earlier in Finland. A few uncommon powdery mildew species lacking the native hosts in Finland were also found.
  • Hovi, Heidi (2017)
    Hiilineutraalin yhteiskuntamme tavoite on sitoa hiiltä yhtä paljon kuin tuotamme hiilidioksidia. Samaan aikaan maatalouden tulisi tuottaa ruokaa kasvavalle ihmisväestölle maapallon kantokyvyn rajoissa ja siinä on avainasemassa viljavuudeltaan heikentyneiden maiden parantaminen. Nurmet toimivat tärkeänä ekosysteemipalveluna sitoen hiiltä ja typpeä maaperään sekä parantaen maan kasvukuntoa. Biohiiltä tutkitaan potentiaalisena maanparannusaineena peltoviljelyssä sekä ilmastonmuutosta ehkäisevänä maaperän hiilensitojana. Se on kuivatislauksessa eli pyrolyysissä syntyvä orgaaninen, kiinteä lopputuote, joka peltomaahan levitettynä pysyy maassa satoja tai tuhansia vuosia. Ei kuitenkaan vielä tiedetä tarkkaan kuinka biohiili vaikuttaa peltomaassa, sillä pitkäaikaiskokeita biohiilen pitkän ajan jälkivaikutuksista ei ole toistaiseksi julkaistu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää neljä ja viisi vuotta sitten levitetyn biohiilen sekä biohiilen ja lannoitekäsittelyiden yhdysvaikutusta maaperän kosteus-, hiili- ja ravinnepitoisuuksiin Etelä-Suomen olosuhteissa. Lisäksi tutkittiin niiden vaikutusta puna-apila-timoteinurmen kasvilajisuhteisiin ja sadontuottokykyyn. Biohiilikoepelto sijaitsi Helsingin yliopiston opetus- ja tutkimustilalla Helsingissä, Viikissä. Osaruutukoe oli perustettu keväällä 2010, jolloin kuusi-mäntyhakkeesta kuivatislattu biohiili oli levitetty maahan. Pääruudut olivat biohiilitaso 0 t/ha, 5 t/ha ja 10 t/ha. Osaruudut olivat lannoitustaso osuutena suositusten mukaisesta lannoitusmäärästä. Lannoitteena käytettiin puutarhan PK 3-5-20. Kasvukaudella 2014 kalium oli porrastettu tasolle 100 %, 75 % ja 50 %. Keväällä 2015 kaikki ravinteet annettiin kolmena eri tasona 100 %, 65 % ja 30 %. Neljä ja viisi vuotta sitten levitetty biohiili nosti maaperän hiilipitoisuutta ja laski johtolukua. Joinakin mittauskertoina biohiili pidätti kosteutta pintamaassa kuivana aikana ja tasasi maaperän kosteusolosuhteita. Biohiilellä ei ollut vaikutuksia nurmen satoon. Myöskään biohiilellä ja lannoitekäsittelyillä ei ollut yhdysvaikutusta satoon. Suurin lannoitekäsittely nosti nurmen satoa kasvukaudella 2015. Suositeltavaa on edelleen tutkia biohiilen pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia peltomaahan ja sadontuottoon, sillä vanhasta, monia vuosia sitten levitetystä biohiilestä ei ole julkaistuja tutkimuksia. Biohiiltä on oletettavasti turvallista käyttää pohjoisissa olosuhteissa hiilensidontaan torjumaan ilmastonmuutosta.
  • Välinen, Niina (2020)
    Biohiilet ovat biomassoista (esim. oksista) pyrolyysissä valmistettuja hiilipitoisia kiinteitä aineita, joita käytetään maanparannukseen sekä hiilinieluna ilmastonmuutoksen torjumiseksi. Biohiilet ovat rakenteiltaan erityisen huokoisia ja pystyvät pidättämään itsessään ravinteita ja vettä. Pidätyskykynsä ansiosta biohiilet voivat lisätä maaperän kosteuspitoisuutta, mikä vaikuttaa maaperän mikrobiaaliseen toimintaan suotuisasti. Hajotusta vastaan pysyvän rakenteensa ansiosta biohiilet voivat säilyä maaperässä satoja tai jopa tuhansia vuosia. Biohiilien vaikutusta herneen (Pisum sativum L.) tai muiden typensitojakasvien sadonmuodostukseen ja satokomponentteihin pohjoisissa olosuhteissa on tutkittu hyvin niukasti. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten kahdeksan vuotta sitten (vuonna 2010) levitetty havupuubiohiili vaikuttaa ravinteikkaan peltolohkon maaperän kosteus- ja ravinnepitoisuuksiin sekä herneen sadonmuodostukseen. Kasvukausi tutkimusvuonna oli pääosin keskimääräistä viileämpi ja sateisempi. Biohiilipeltokokeen pääruututekijöinä oli biohiili 0, 5 ja 10 t/ha, ja osaruututekijöinä oli lannoitus 30 %, 65 % ja 100 % (NPKS, Mg, B, Cu, Mn, Se -lannoite, %-osuus suosituksesta). Kahdeksantena vuotena biohiilellä ei enää havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä vaikutuksia maaperän kosteus- eikä hiilipitoisuuteen. Tämä johtui oletettavasti siitä, että biohiiltä oli kulkeutunut syvemmälle maaperään veden mukana tai muokkauksen seurauksena. Biohiilikäsittelyllä ei ollut vaikutusta myöskään maaperän hiili-typpisuhteeseen (C:N) eikä kokonaistyppipitoisuuteen (N). Maaperän kalium-pitoisuus (K) väheni ja boori-pitoisuus (B) kasvoi biohiilikäsittelyllä. Herneen satokomponentteihin biohiilikäsittelyllä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä vaikutuksia. Lannoitekäsittely lisäsi maaperän fosfori- (P), kalium-, ja rikki-pitoisuutta (S) sekä vähensi palkojen määrää per herneenverso. Biohiili- ja lannoitekäsittelyn yhdysvaikutus (10 t/ha biohiiltä ja 100 % lannoitus) lisäsi maaperän kosteuspitoisuutta (%) verrattuna lannoitekäsittelyyn (100 %) elo- ja syyskuussa 2017. Yhdysvaikutus nosti myös maaperän pH:ta, kasvatti palkojen määrää per verso ja vaikutti positiivisesti maanpäällisen kasvuston biomassaan sekä satoon (t/ha). Jotkin maaperäominaisuudet ja jotkin herneen satokomponentit paranivat biohiili- ja lannoitekäsittelyn yhdysvaikutuksesta, joten biohiiltä voidaan käyttää maanparannusaineena lannoituksen lisänä.
  • Ali-Lekkala, Antti (2020)
    Ilmastonmuutos uhkaa maataloussysteemejämme muuttuvan sään, ja veden kierron muodossa aiheuttaen kuivuuden ja tulvien yleistymistä. Samalla globaalin väkiluvun ennustetaan kasvavan huomattavasti, vaatien maataloudelta yhä suurempaa tuottavuutta kasvattamatta kuitenkaan hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Biohiili on pyrolysoitua eloperäistä ainesta, joka on erittäin vastustuskykyistä kemiallista- ja mikrobiaalista hajotusta vastaan ja se voi säilyä maassa sadasta vuodesta tuhansiin vuosiin. Biohiilen fysiokemiallisilla ominaisuuksilla on potentiaalia parantaa maan ominaisuuksia ja kasvattaa satotasoja samalla hidastaen ilmastonmuutoksen etenemistä. Biohiilten tuotannosta, ominaisuuksista ja niiden vaikutuksesta maan ominaisuuksiin ei kuitenkaan ole vielä tarpeeksi ja harvat tutkimukset ovat pitkäkestoisia. Tämä kenttäkoe suoritettiin Etelä-Suomessa, Helsingissä. Tutkimuskenttä oli viljavaa hiuesavea, jonka pH oli 6,6. Tässä kenttäkokeessa tarkasteltiin 6 vuotta sitten levitetyn kolmeen biohiilitason, 0 tha-1, 5 tha-1 ja 10 tha-1, vaikutusta maan ja herneen ominaisuuksiin. Maan hiilipitoisuus ja C/N-suhde olivat merkitsevästi kontrolliruutujen tasoa korkeammalla (p<0.05) biohiilikäsittelyn vaikutuksesta. Maan B- ja Mn-tasot olivat myös kohonneet, mutta vain suuntaa-antavalla merkitsevyydellä (p<0,1). Biohiili kohotti maan kosteutta merkitsevästi (SM) 18-30 cm syvyydessä käytettäessä 10 tha-1 biohiilitasoa. Tämä käsittely kohotti kosteutta myös 30-58 cm syvyydessä ja vedenkyllästämän maan vedenjohtavuutta (KSat), mutta vain suuntaa-antavalla merkitsevyydellä. Biohiili ei kuitenkaan vaikuttanut merkitsevästi maan fysikaalisiin parametreihin. Vuoden 2016 keväällä ruuduille levitettiin kolme lannoitustasoa: 30, 65 ja 100 % suositustasosta. Lannoite vaikutti merkitsevästi maan johtolukuun (EC), pH:hon, P-, K-, ja Ca-pitoisuuksiin sekä nosti lehtialaindeksiä (LAI) ja maanpäällisen biomassan (AGB) määrää, palko per kasvi (SPK) ja kasvien C/N-suhdetta suuntaa- antavalla merkitsevyydellä. Biohiilen ja lannoitteen yhteisvaikutus vaikutti merkitsevästi LAI ja suuntaa-antavalla merkitsevyydellä EC, AGB, palkoa per kasvi (PPK), satoindeksiin (HI) kasvien C/N-suhteeseen ja satotasoon.
  • Lehtinen, Jasmin (2018)
    Hevosia on Suomessa noin 74 200 yksilöä, ne tuottavat lantaa laskennallisesti noin 1 187 200 m³ vuodessa. Lannasta suurin osa menee pelloille lannoitteeksi tai maanparannusaineeksi. Hevosenlannan käsittelymenetelmiä ovat passiivinen ja aktiivinen kompostointi, mädätys (biokaasutus), terminen käsittely ja poltto. Hevosenlantaa pidetään talleilla usein ongelmana ja monilla talleilla sen lantalasta pois saaminen tuottaa haasteita. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat siihen, että hevosenlanta koetaan ongelmana. Sen lisäksi tutkitaan millä kuivikkeella kuivitettua hevosenlantaa eri toimijat ovat valmiita vastaanottamaan ja mitä eri menetelmiä he käyttävät tai olisivat valmiita käyttämään hevosenlannan käsittelemiseen. Maanviljelijöiden vastauksista tutkittiin lisäksi kiinnostus prosessoimattoman hevosenlannan vastaanottamiseen. Hevosenlanta koettiin ongelmana niillä talleilla, joilla oli käytössä tilapäinen lantavarasto. Lisäksi hevosalaan liittyvä toimintamuoto vaikutti ongelman kokemiseen. Kuivikkeella, laidunnusajalla ja hevosten määrällä ei todettu olevan merkitystä ongelman kokemiseen. Ympärivuotisesta lantaongelmasta kärsivät tämän tutkimuksen mukaan Uudellamaalla ja Keski-Suomessa sijaitsevat pienet alle kymmenen hevosen tallit, jotka käyttivät toiminnassaan useampaa kuin yhtä kuivikemateriaalia ja varastoivat lannan tilapäisessä lantavarastossa, tai joilla oli käytössä useampi eri varastointitapa. Kaikki toimijat olivat valmiita vastaanottamaan hevosenlantaa, mutta eri kuivikkeiden vastaanottohalukkuus vaihteli. Mieluiten maanviljelijät vastaanottivat turvetta ja olkea. Energiayhtiöitä kiinnostivat sekä puupohjaiset kuivikkeet että turve. Puupohjainen kuivike oli suosittua etenkin niillä energiatuottajilla, joiden hyödyntämismenetelmänä oli poltto. Jätehuollon toimijoista jokainen oli valmis ottamaan vastaan turvetta. Muut suositut kuivikkeet olivat kutterin- ja sahanpuru sekä olki. Ongelman kokemiseen vaikuttavat monet eri tekijät. Tilapäisten lantavarastojen korvaaminen kiinteillä lantaloilla on yksi ratkaisu lantaongelman vähentämiseen. Kuivikkeella ja lantaongelman kokemisella ei ollut suoraa yhteyttä, mutta kuiviketta vaihtamalla tallinpitäjä voi vaikuttaa lannan pois saamiseen. Kuivikkeiden vaihtaminen alueella toimivalle vastaanottavalle taholle mieluisammaksi voi olla yksi ratkaisu lantaongelman helpottumiseen. Tärkeää on keskusteluyhteyden avaaminen lähialueen toimijoiden välille.
  • Saarinen, Milla (2020)
    Caraway (Carum carvi L.) is a spice, which belongs to Apiaceae-family. In 2019 25% of the worlds caraway crop was produced in Finland. 99% of it was exported. Caraway is an important cultivated plant in Finland, and broader knowledge of its crop formation is important. As a flowering plant, the sufficient gain of boron is especially vital for caraway. The aim of this study was to study the effect of foliar micronutrient fertilizers, and especially the effect of boron, to crop formation of caraway. The study was conducted as a field experiment in Lantmännen Agro experimental farm in Hauho. The experiment was carried out as a completely randomized block design, with four replicates. The experiment included seven different foliar fertilization treatments. The amount of embels, series and lateral shoots and crop potential were counted, seed and oil crop was determined from the samples, gathered from the plots, Seed samples were sent to oil analysis. In the study above normal crop were achieved with each foliar fertilization treatment, also the control. The soil of the plot was so nutrint-rich that lack of nutrients never existed. Only on statistically significant difference was obtained. It was between two foliar fertilizer treatments when counting the amount of series in an embel. The difference was propably an effect of another factor than the treatments, though. Foliar micronutrient fertilizatin might not be cost-effective farming procedure if soil is already nutrient-rich. Foliar fertilizers may be a good solution in certain situations to back up the nutrient deficit, but they are not a replacement for granular fertilizers.
  • Heikura, Roosa (2020)
    Väestön ikääntyessä myös muistisairaiden määrä kasvaa tulevina vuosina. Hyvinvointia tukevat lähiympäristöt voivat vaikuttaa positiivisesti iäkkään elämänlaatuun ja terveyteen edistäen pidempää kotona asumista. Muistisairaiden arjen sujuvuutta ja elämäntapojen jatkuvuutta voidaan tukea selkeällä ja helposti hahmotettavalla ympäristöllä. Tässä tutkimuksessa haluttiin selvittää, miten iäkkäiden asumisen suunnitteluun osallistuvat tahot käsittävät lähiviheralueiden yhteyden asukkaiden hyvinvointiin ja miten hyvinvointia edistävät tekijät tulisivat nykyistä paremmin huomioiduiksi suunnitteluprosessissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena teemahaastatteluilla ja aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Haastatteluja tehtiin yhdeksän ja ne toteutettiin yksilö- tai ryhmähaastatteluina. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella ihanteellinen lähiviheralue on monipuolinen ja siellä on mahdollisuus kokoontua sekä tavata muita ihmisiä. Pihalla on mahdollista sekä fyysisesti aktiivinen että passiivinen toiminta, ja jokainen voi osallistua haluamallaan tavalla. Esteettömyys on tärkeää niin hoitotyön kuin asukkaiden itsenäisen toiminnan kannalta. Pihan tulisi tarjota erilaisia aistikokemuksia ympärivuotisesti. Suunnitteluprosessin aikana on tärkeää viestiä säännöllisesti sidosryhmille sekä antaa ihmisille mahdollisuus vaikuttaa suunnitteluun. Hyvinvointia tukeva viherympäristö on käyttäjälleen mieluisa ja monipuolisesti hyödynnettävissä. Pihan ei tarvitse välttämättä olla iso, kunhan se on suunniteltu toimivaksi. Onnistuneessa suunnitteluprosessissa hyödynnetään monialaista yhteistyötä ja osaamista.
  • Osama, Raisa (2016)
    The polyketide synthases (PKSs) are a large group of enzymes that catalyze the decarboxylative condensation of malonyl-CoA with various CoA thioesters, in order to biosynthesize different plant secondary metabolites. Anther specific chalcone synthase like (ASCL) enzymes are a novel group of plant type III polyketide synthase involved in the biosynthesis of sporopollenin, which is the stable biopolymer present in the exine layer of pollen walls. A gene encoding polyketide synthase, GhPKS8, was isolated from Gerbera hybrida from RNA sequencing data using gene specific primers. The structure, expression pattern and enzymatic activity of the corresponding enzyme were analyzed. The expression studies revealed that the GhPKS8 transcript is expressed at an early phase of anther development. Sequence analysis showed that the gerbera GhPKS8 gene displayed a high level (79%) of similarity to AtPKSB, the ASCL gene of Arabidopsis thaliana and all the important residues were seen to be conserved in the deduced amino acid sequence of GhPKS8. Additionally, the catalytic properties showed that the enzyme accepts medium chain starter as a substrate. The sequence homology, expression studies together with enzymatic assays revealed that the gerbera GhPKS8 may be an ASCL, involved in the development of anther. The putative role of GhPKS8 in anther exine development is discussed.