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Browsing by master's degree program "Master´s Programme in Human Nutrition and Food-Related Behaviour"

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  • Kalliomäki, Ville (2022)
    Abstract Background: Excessive consumption of red and processed meat has been associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases. Finnish men consume too much red and processed meat compared to the recommendations. In contrast, legumes account for only about one percent of total daily energy intake. Because legumes are rich in protein, they are well suited as meat substitutes in the diet. Replacing some of animal-sourced protein in the diet with plant-based sources can shift the diet in a healthier and more sustainable direction. Aim: The aim of the thesis was to investigate how the partial replacement of red and processed meat with non-soy legumes affects the intake of energy nutrients, energy, and fiber in healthy working-age men. It was also investigated how the sources of nutrient intakes in the diet change when meat is replaced by legumes. Methods: Material from the Papumies (“bean man”) intervention study was used in this thesis. The subjects were healthy Finnish men aged 20–65 years (n = 102) who were randomized into two different intervention groups for six weeks. The meat group received red and processed meat and meat products 760 g / week (25% of daily protein intake). The legume group received legumes and legume products (including peas and fava beans) corresponding to 20% of daily protein intake and red and processed meat 200 g / week (5% of daily protein intake). Subjects’ energy, energy nutrient, and fiber intakes were analyzed from food records kept by subjects before the beginning of the intervention period and during the last week of the intervention on three weekdays and one weekend day. Energy and energy nutrient intakes were analyzed from food records using CGI’s Aromi Diet program. Results: At the endpoint the intake of fiber (p <0.001) was higher, and the intake of cholesterol (p = 0.013) was lower in the legume group compared to the meat group. The percentages of energy intake of polyunsaturated (p <0.001) fatty acids and n-3- (p <0.001) and n-6- (p <0.001) fatty acids were higher in the legume group than in the meat group. In contrast, the percentage of saturated fatty acids (p = 0.012) of energy intake was higher in the meat group compared to the legume group. Conclusions: The partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes improves the fatty acid composition of the diet and increases fiber intake. Through these favorable changes, even the partial replacement of animal protein with plant protein may reduce the risk of developing chronic lifestyle diseases. The study highlights the diet-improving effects of legumes (peas and fava beans) grown in Finland, which is important when considering ways to change eating habits in a healthier and more ecological direction.
  • Anttila, Johannes (2022)
    Tausta ja tavoitteet: Punaisen lihan kulutus on maailmanlaajuisesti liian runsasta, millä on merkittäviä epäsuotuisia ympäristö- ja terveysvaikutuksia. Suomessa erityisesti miehet syövät merkittävästi enemmän punaista lihaa kuin ravitsemussuosituksissa suositellaan. Punainen liha on kuitenkin suomalaisten miesten ruokavalioissa merkittävä B12-vitamiinin ja hyvin imeytyvän raudan lähde. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia punaisen ja prosessoidun lihan osittaisen korvaamisen palkokasveilla vaikutuksia suomalaisten miesten B12-vitamiinin ja raudan saantiin sekä niiden biomarkkereihin. Menetelmät: Tutkimusjaksoa edeltävän seulonnan läpäisyn jälkeen osallistujat (n=102) jaettiin kahteen rinnakkaisryhmään, liharyhmään ja palkokasviryhmään. Liharyhmä sisällytti ruokavalioonsa 760 grammaa punaista lihaa viikossa, kun palkokasviryhmä puolestaan sisällytti ruokavalioonsa 200 grammaa punaista lihaa ja loput punaisesta lihasta (560 g/vk) saatavasta proteiinimäärästä korvattiin palkokasveja sisältävillä elintarvikkeilla. Muu ruokavalio pyydettiin pitämään tavanomaisena, mutta muiden kuin tutkimuksessa jaettujen punaisen lihan ja palkokasvien käyttö kiellettiin. Tulokset: B12 vitamiinin saanti oli suurempaa (p<0,001) liharyhmässä (7,7±4,0 μg/vrk) kuin palkokasviryhmässä (5,0±2,7 μg/vrk). Raudan saanti oli puolestaan pienempää (p<0,001) liharyhmässä (14,0±3,1 mg/vrk) kuin palkokasviryhmässä (21,9±5,7 mg/vrk). Transkobalamiini II sitoutuneen B12-vitamiinin (holoTC) pitoisuus oli suurempi (p=0,022) liharyhmässä (120,4±47,3 pmol/l) kuin palkokasviryhmässä (107,1±45,1 pmol/l). Interventioryhmien välillä ei havaittu eroja veren hemoglobiinissa ja hematokriitissa sekä plasman transferriinireseptorissa, raudassa, ferritiinissä, transferriinissä eikä transferriinin rautakyllästeisyydessä. Johtopäätökset: Punaisen lihan osittainen korvaaminen palkokasveilla vähensi B12-vitamiinin saantia ja johti pienempään veren holoTC-pitoisuuteen. Raudan saanti puolestaan kasvoi palkokasviryhmässä mutta raudan biomarkkereissa ei ollut eroja interventioryhmien välillä.
  • Tilli, Venla (2023)
    Background: Previous studies have measured low levels of EPA and DHA in vegetarian and vegan participants, and the clinical significance of low EPA and DHA levels on children’s growth and devel-opment is yet to be decided. Especially DHA is crucial element in the development of retina, brain, and immune systems during childhood. As a response to climate change and burden of disease, more plant-based diets such as vegetarian and vegan diets are gaining popularity and number of people following such diets is expected to rise. Objectives: This thesis aims to investigate serum fatty acid composition in vegan, vegetarian, and omnivore children, and to explore the fatty acid data to find fatty acid components to be associated with the diets. Methods: Current data is from a cross-sectional study called MIRA2. Serum samples of 2−7-years old Finnish children (26 vegan, 17 vege-tarian, 22 omnivore) from the city of Helsinki were processed to form fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs), which were analysed using gas-liquid chromatograph. Differences in fatty acid proportions between diet groups were investigated using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Kruskal.Wallis’ test. Principal component analysis was carried out to form fatty acid components. Results: Vegans had more polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-6 fatty acids compared to omnivores. Omnivores had more saturated fatty acids than vegans, but lower n-6/n-3 ratio. Vegans had relatively less DHA compared to the other diet groups. Four fatty acid components were formed, but only one of the components had statistical significance between the groups and could be used to deviate vegans from omnivores. Conclusions: The results confirm that vegans measure low levels of DHA, and more longitudinal studies are needed to ensure the adequacy of vegan (and vegetarian) diets for growth and develop-ment in children. Overall, vegans had more favourable fatty acid composition compared to omni-vores.
  • Marigold, Venla (2023)
    Background: Different protein sources can have a major impact on not only our health, but also on the environment. We also know that dietary habits learned in early childhood often carry into adulthood. A novel way to examine dietary and purchase behaviour is using loyalty card data. This thesis utilises loyalty card complied by the LoCard research group from Finland’s largest grocery chain (S-group) in assessing the protein source purchases made by Finnish families with children in 2018. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to examine what protein sources Finnish families with chil- dren purchase, and to assess whether relationships exist between different sociodemographic factors and protein source purchases, as well as the amount of money used on food purchases overall in 2018. Methods: This study utilised data from the LoCard data set which included food purchase data, as well as information on sociodemographic factors obtained from a background questionnaire. Inclusion criteria stated that self-assessed loyalty score (to S-group stores) had to be >60% to be included into this study, and the main study population could only include families with at least 1 child under 7-years of age. Overall, 7807 participants’ purchase data was received from LoCard, with 3904 being households with young children, and 3903 being control households. The statistical analysis methods utilised in this thesis study included linear regression analyses, as well as the independent samples Mann-Whitney U-test and chi-squared test. Results: Statistically significant findings included the following; Finnish families with small children had a larger share of their total protein purchases coming from dairy (30.4% of total protein), red meat (16.9%), and infant formula (0.3%), but less from plant-based protein sources (2%) compared to the control group (2.5%). In terms of sociodemographic factors, increase in household size, age and being employed were associated with increased proportion of protein from red meat purchases. Increase in educational level was associated with less protein from red meat purchases. For poultry, increase in age was associated with decreased protein from purchases. For plant-based protein sources, having an undergraduate degree or higher level of education, as well as being unemployed were associated with increased proportion of protein from purchases. Being in the highest income category and increase in age and household size were associated with decreased protein from plant-based protein source purchases. For protein coming from fish, increase in income category as well as age and having a graduate degree were associated with increased proportion of protein. Increase in household size and being employed were associated with decreased protein proportions. In terms of the money used on all food purchases, families with small children spent less money, as well as those with graduate degrees. Increase in income category, as well as in age and household size were associated with more money spent on food purchases. Conclusions: The main protein sources purchased by Finnish families with small children were dairy and red meat. Fish and plant-based protein source purchases were relatively low. Existing research is well in line with the findings of this thesis. More work needs to be done to shift diets of families with small children to adhere to the dietary guidelines more closely. Future LoCard research should include specific ages of other household members in the background questionnaire, as well as work on acquiring purchase data from other grocery chains.
  • Ahokas, Iida (2022)
    Background: Food systems and diets affect both human health and the environment. As dietary behaviour adopted in childhood often track to adulthood, the meals served in daycare centres offer a good opportunity for promoting healthy and climate-friendly eating habits in both short- and long-term. Objectives: As part of the FoodStep project, the objectives of this study were to examine compliance with the food-level recommendations, nutrient content per child and climate impacts of the conventional menus in Finnish daycare centers, as well as the potential changes in the compliance with the food-level recommendations, nutrient content per child and climate impacts of the FoodStep menus, modified towards more plant-based diet. Methods: Menus, recipes, and planned portion sizes were used to create hypothetical food diaries, representing the planned foods per child during a full-day daycare. Nutrient calculations were performed for conventional menus and modified FoodStep menus for four Finnish municipalities. Climate impacts of the same meals were calculated at Natural Resources Institute of Finland. Results: In the conventional menus, food-level serving frequency recommendations were not met for several food groups, but the compliance was clearly improved in the modified FoodStep menus in all the municipalities. At nutrient-level, the issues in the two menus were similar in every municipality: compared to the recommendations for daycares, too low proportion of energy was derived from fat and too high from protein. In addition, the planned salt supplies were excessive. The planned supplies of energy and micronutrients fulfilled the recommendations with the only exception of iron in the conventional menu of one municipality. In three of the four municipalities, the FoodStep menu modifications led to markedly reduced climate impacts. Conclusions: More focus in daycare menu planning would be needed to meet both the food- and nutrient-level recommendations. Moderate modifications of the conventional daycare menus – increasing vegetables, fruits, and berries, and sustainable fish species and decreasing meat and dairy products – can improve the compliance with the food-level recommendations and decrease the climate impacts of the menus without negative effects on the nutrient supplies.
  • Joutsi, Roosa (2022)
    Tiivistelmä Tausta: Ruoankäytön ja ravinnonsaannin sukupuolieroja on nähtävissä jo nuorilla lapsilla. Muun ruokaan liittyvän käyttäytymisen sukupuolieroista lapsilla on vasta vähän tutkimusta. Uusi ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen (food engagement) käsite pyrkii kuvaamaan monipuolisesti erilaisia tapoja olla kosketuksissa ruokaan ja ruokajärjestelmään arjen käyttäytymisen kautta. Tavoitteet: Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli kartoittaa lasten ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen sukupuolieroja Suomessa ja Puolassa. Lisäksi tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin uuden ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen mittarin rakennevaliditeettia. Menetelmät: Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto on peräisin EIT Food WeValueFood -konsortiohankkeen tutkimuksesta. Aineisto kerättiin Suomessa ja Puolassa syksyllä 2020. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin tutkimuksen alkuvaiheessa kerättyä aineistoa poikkileikkausasetelmassa. Tutkittavat olivat 9–11-vuotiaita lapsia (n = 165). Ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen mittarin rakennevaliditeettia tutkittiin eksploratiivisella faktorianalyysillä. Sukupuolen ja ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen pisteiden yhteyksiä mallinnettiin lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Sukupuolieroja vastauksissa mittarin yksittäisiin kysymyksiin tutkittiin ristiintaulukoinnilla ja Khiin neliö -testillä. Tulokset: Suurimman osan (23 %) ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen pisteiden vaihtelusta selittivät mittarissa ennalta määritellyn ruokaviestinnän osion kysymykset (ruoasta lukeminen, ruoasta puhuminen sekä ruoka-aiheisten ohjelmien ja videoiden seuraaminen). Tiettyjen kysymysten poistaminen vahvisti mittarin sisäistä yhtenäisyyttä. Sukupuolten välillä ei ollut eroa ruokaymmärryksen ja -kiinnostuksen pisteissä, kun tarkasteltiin koko aineistoa erilaisissa regressiomalleissa. Suomalaisilla tutkittavilla sukupuolten välillä havaittiin tilastollisesti merkitsevä piste-ero vakioimattomassa regressiomallissa (p = 0,015): tyttöjen pisteet olivat keskimäärin 6 prosenttiyksikköä poikien pisteitä korkeammat (tytöt 48 % ja pojat 42 %). Ero ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevä monimuuttujamallissa. Puolalaisilla tutkittavilla sukupuolten välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa missään regressiomallissa. Kysymyskohtaisia tilastollisesti merkitseviä sukupuolieroja havaittiin koko aineistossa sekä erikseen Suomen osa-aineistossa. Puolan osa-aineistossa ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja sukupuolten välillä. Johtopäätökset: Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella lasten ruokaymmärryksen ja -kiinnostuksen mittari on potentiaalinen työkalu kuvaamaan, kuinka monipuolisesti lapsi on arjessaan tekemisissä ruoan kanssa, mutta sen rakenne vaatii vielä lisätutkimusta. Tämä tutkimus antoi viitteitä siitä, että vaikka tyttöjen ja poikien ruokaymmärryksen ja ‑kiinnostuksen tasossa ei olisi suuria eroja, tavat olla tekemisissä ruoan kanssa saattavat kuitenkin olla erilaisia
  • Kuokkanen, Taija (2023)
    Introduction Lifestyle change recommendation from healthcare professional can motivate people to improve their lifestyles and decrease the risk for non-communicable diseases (NCD). Previous evidence show that lifestyle change recommendations are provided insufficiently in healthcare. Unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive use of alcohol and smoking are lifestyle factors that can be influenced to prevent or delay the development of NCDs. Aims This Master´s thesis aim was to investigate the quantity of received lifestyle change recommendations from healthcare professionals in Finland, and whether sociodemographic factors influence on receiving them. We also studied whether there are differences between lifestyles (diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption) and risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, hypergly-caemia and overweight or obesity) among those who received lifestyle change recommendations and those who did not. Materials and methods Cross-sectional data (n=5125) from FinHealth-2017 -study, by the Finnish institute of Health and Welfare were used in this study. Variables concerning lifestyle change recommendations, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors were gathered by questionnaires and certain risk factor variables were measured in health examinations. Statistical analyses for continuous variables were performed by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and by crosstabulation for categorial variables. Results Received lifestyle change recommendations were reported by 25 % of participants. Nurses were reported as provider of the recommendation twice as often as doctors. Age group from 50 to 70 years reported receiving recommendations the most. Lifestyle- and metabolic risk factors were more com-mon among those who received lifestyle change recommendations, but quality of diet did not differ notably. Conclusions Results suggest that the quantity of received lifestyle change recommendations from healthcare professionals is low, considering the lifestyles and the prevalence of risk factors in Finnish population. Thus, it is possible, that risk factors for NCDs are not identified in healthcare practise, or that lifestyles are not raised as an issue during healthcare visits with patients that are still relatively healthy, without comorbidity. Results suggest that lifestyle guidance and primary prevention should be made a priority to prevent NCDs and enable adequate public healthcare for all in the future.
  • Peters, Olubusola (2023)
    We assessed the association between hair cortisol concentration (HCC), a biomarker for long-term stress, and pre-schoolers’ diet on the macronutrient level in this cross-sectional study. The data was collected in 2015-16 from a population of 655 Finnish children of ages 3-6 years. Hair samples of 2cm from the scalp were collected to represent the HCC from the past two months. Macronutrient intake was examined using food diaries filled out by the parents and Early childhood education and Care (ECEC) on behalf of the pre-schoolers. For the socioeconomic status (SES) the parents reported their highest education level reached and family income. We evaluated the association between the pre-schoolers’ HCC and energy percentage (E%) macronutrient intake with univariate and multiple linear regression models. We evaluated three models which we adjusted for varying confounders; Model 1 had no adjustments, model 2 was adjusted with the ISO BMI and energy intake (KJ) and Model 3 had further adjustments with the highest education level and the relative household monthly income. There was no association found between the pre-schoolers’ HCC and macronutrient intake. Our results are in line with a previous study which also assessed the association between HCC and macronutrient intake in E% but not in g/day. Further studies are needed to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between HCC and macronutrient intake in young children.
  • Halonen, Anniina (2022)
    Background and aim Complementary feeding is defined as the period during which there is a progressive reduction of breastfeeding or formula while the infant is gradually introduced to solid foods at 4-6 months of age. Improper complementary feeding practices, such as introducing solid foods beyond 6 months of age or having a low dietary diversity could lead to negative infant health outcomes. Therefore, it is important to identify factors that might detrimentally affect complementary feeding, such as maternal stress. This thesis aimed to study the associations between maternal stress indicators, the age of solid food introduction, and dietary diversity during complementary feeding within a Finnish birth cohort. Methods The Health and Early Life Microbiota (HELMi) is a longitudinal birth cohort study. Participants of the HELMi cohort included 1055 healthy infants and their parents, mainly residing in the capital region of Finland. Pre-collected data from the HELMi study were used. The data collection occurred between 2016-2018. The main variables used in this thesis were collected via extensive online questionnaires. Binomial logistic regression analyses were used to study whether prenatal and postpartum stress indicators were associated with the age of solid food introduction and/or the infant’s dietary diversity during complementary feeding. Results Late introduction of solid foods (> 6 months) was less likely among infants whose mothers reported moderate or high prenatal stress (moderate prenatal stress OR=0.66, 95%CI 0.45-0.97, high prenatal stress OR 0.62, 95%CI 0.39-0.98), when compared to infants whose mothers reported low prenatal stress. Maternal stress indicators were not associated with low dietary diversity (0-3 food groups introduced) at 6 months of life. Among infants with a low dietary diversity at 9 months of age, mothers were more likely to report high levels of prenatal stress (OR=4.88, 95%CI 1.27-18.79), when compared to mothers with low levels of prenatal stress. Further, infants with a low dietary diversity at 9 months were less likely to have mothers report low to moderate levels of life satisfaction (OR=0.25, 95%CI 0.06-1.02) when compared to mothers with very high life satisfaction. They were also less likely to report moderate levels of infant health worry (OR=0.18, 95%CI 0.05-0.67) when compared to mothers with no infant health worry. Conclusions This is the first study to look at the associations between maternal stress indicators and dietary outcomes during complementary feeding. Maternal stress indicators were associated with the age of solid food introduction and the infant’s dietary diversity at 9 months, but not at 6 months. In future studies on this topic, a more socio-demographically representative sample should be recruited, and validated tools should be used to collect dietary and psychological data. Health practitioners and family clinic workers should be made aware of the possibly long-lasting effects of prenatal stress and consider its possible effects on dietary outcomes during complementary feeding.
  • Korpunen, Katri (2022)
    Introduction According to Finnish nutrition recommendations children should eat fruit and vegetables (FV) diversely and at least 250 g/d or five handfuls measured by the child’s hand a day. There are many possible health benefits associated with higher fruit and vegetable diversity (FVD). There is no previous information on children’s FVD in Finland. Aims The main aims were to describe the FVD of 3- to 6-year-old children’s diet in Finland and to analyse whether socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with it. The other aim was to describe which FV species the children consumed. Materials and methods The data used is from the cross-sectional DAGIS survey (n=864) conducted during 2015–2016 in eight municipalities in Finland. The data used in the analyses consisted of 3- to 6-year-old children with three complete food record days (n=760). Ingredient level food data was used to create FV variables. Using these variables, a 3-day FVD score, which indicated the number of different FV species consumed by children during the three days, was calculated for each child. Hierarchical linear model adjusted with the season of food record collection days and children’s age and gender was used to analyse whether SES was associated with FVD. The SES variables used were family relative income, perceived income adequacy and parental educational level (PEL) and all of them were categorized as three-class variables (low, middle and high). Results The median (25th; 75th percentile) of the 3-day FVD score was 10.0 (8.0; 13.0). The low PEL was associated with a lower FVD score in the children’s diet compared to the high PEL. The association remained significant after adjusting for the season of food record collection days and child’s age and gender. No association was found with family relative income or perceived income adequacy. The ten most consumed FV species per gram in children’s diet in decreasing order were juice, apple, banana, cucumber, carrot, tomato, mandarin, pear, strawberry and grapes. Conclusions The children with low PEL had lower FVD than the children with high PEL. Increasing FV consumption in Finland, from the perspectives of both quantity and FVD, is an important task for the public health as it could have important health benefits.
  • Rahkola, Jenna (2022)
    Background: It is known that the dietary patterns adopted in childhood tend to persist into adulthood. Since unhealthy diet is, for instance, a considerable risk factor for non-communicable diseases, it is important to promote the formation of healthy eating habits in children. Food fussiness, a rather common phenomenon in preschool-aged children, is an eating behavior that can adversely affect diet quality. Additionally, it can have other adverse effects on the child and the whole family. It can cause stress in caregivers, for instance. Temperament and emotion regulation are among the various individual and environmental factors that can influence children’s eating behaviors. There is evidence on the association between food fussiness and temperament, especially dimensions of emotionality and negative affectivity. More emotional temperament has been linked with higher food fussiness. However, few studies have investigated whether emotion regulation could be associated with food fussiness. Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the associations of emotion regulation and emotionality to food fussiness in preschool-aged children, and to examine whether emotion regulation interacts with emotionality in predicting food fussiness. These associations were separately examined for anger, fear, sadness, and positive emotions / exuberance. A secondary objective was to examine the prevalence of fussy eating behavior. Methods: This study was cross-sectional using the baseline data of a feasibility study which tested the effectiveness of an educational mobile application among preschool-aged children in Finland and in Poland. 326 children participated in the study at baseline, and 298 had complete data of the food fussiness measure. Emotion regulation and emotionality were assessed with the Emotion Questionnaire, and food fussiness was assessed with a subscale of the Children's Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ), which both are caregiver-report questionnaires. Linear regression models were used to examine the associations of emotion regulation and emotionality to food fussiness. The prevalence of food fussiness was examined according to cut-offs for the CEBQ subscale (3.00 for moderate or higher food fussiness and 3.33 for severe fussiness), and the difference in the prevalence between the Polish subsample and the Finnish subsample was examined with a chi-square test. Results: The (down)regulation of anger was negatively associated with food fussiness (p=0.022). Emotionality was not associated with food fussiness, in terms of any of the emotions, nor did emotionality and emotion regulation interact. In addition, the prevalence of moderate or higher food fussiness (cut-off 3.00) was significantly (p=0.049) higher in Poland (61%) than in Finland (49%). Conclusions: These results suggest that emotion regulation, possibly specifically in relation to anger, is associated with fussy eating behavior. The direction of the association between anger regulation and food fussiness was in line with previous studies on the association between emotion regulation (or parallel concepts) and food fussiness. The possible causal relationship and mechanisms are subjects for further research.
  • Karhu, Piia (2022)
    Background. To achieve healthier diets and to support the transition towards more sustainable food systems, animal protein needs to be replaced with plant-based protein sources as suggested by the EAT-Lancet commission. However, plant-based diets may be harmful to bone health due to lower intakes of vitamin D and calcium. Additionally, whether the different amino acid profiles of plant and animal proteins contribute to bone health has not been addressed. Objectives. The aim was to investigate whether partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes affects bone turnover and whether the intake of individual amino acids from diverse sources play a role in this relationship. In addition, the intake of nutrients important for bone health such as vitamin D and calcium were examined. Materials and methods. The study was a six-week partly controlled randomized clinical trial carried out in a parallel design. 102 healthy men aged 20 – 65 years were stratified into two groups. The meat group consumed 760 g of boneless and cooked red and processed meat per week corresponding to 25 % of the total protein intake. The legume group consumed legume-based products corresponding to 20 % of the total protein intake and 200 g of red and processed meat per week corresponding to 5% of total protein intake. The rest of the diet was not controlled. Bone turnover and mineral metabolism markers were analyzed from the blood samples. Analysis of covariance (adjust for baseline values) was used to analyze the differences between the groups. Nutrient intake was recorded with 4-day food records and analyzed with t-test. Intakes of protein, amino acids, and bone-related nutrients were of interest. Results. No differences in bone formation (bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) or bone resorption markers (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b) were observed between the diet groups (P=0.875 and P=0.95). Neither parathyroid hormone, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, calcium, or phosphate concentrations differed between the groups (P=0.32, P=0.32, P=0.826, P=0.32, respectively). Parathyroid hormone concentrations increased (meat P=0.006; legume P< 0.001) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations decreased significantly in both groups (meat P=0.043; legume P=0.018). Protein, calcium, and vitamin D intakes did not differ between the groups at the endpoint (P=0.276, P=0.271 P=0.840, respectively). Regarding individual amino acids, methionine intake was higher in the meat group (P=0.041) whereas the legume group had higher intakes of arginine (P< 0.001), asparagine and aspartic acid (P=0.001), glutamine and glutamic acid (P=0.008), leucine (P=0.045) phenylalanine (P=0.001), proline (P=0.015), serine (P=0.046) and tyrosine (P=0.029). Mean intakes of nutrients and essential amino acids in both groups were met the recommendations. Conclusions: Our results suggest that increasing the proportion of plant-based protein by replacing red and processed meat in the diet does not cause a risk for bone health and provides adequate amounts of essential amino acids and nutrients. However, it seems that in the present study differing amino acid intakes did not contribute to bone turnover.
  • Schreck, Isabell (2022)
    Background Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), such as butyrate, acetate and propionate, mainly originate from dietary fibre fermentation in the colon. In recent years, additional gastrointestinal (local) and systemic effects of SCFAs have been observed in vitro and in both animals and humans in vivo. Faecal SCFAs have been associated with several conditions and diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Aim(s) The BEAN MAN study was carried out to assess the effects of the partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes on nutrient intake, nutritional status, and the risk factors of type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This thesis was part of the BEAN MAN study and investigated the effects of partially replacing red and processed meat with legumes on the concentration and composition of faecal SCFAs in healthy, working-age Finnish men. As a secondary outcome, the intake of dietary fibre and soluble polysaccharides were assessed and correlations between the total and individual SCFAs were analysed. Methods The BEAN MAN study was a 6-week randomized dietary intervention, with two diet groups in a parallel design. The Conventional Finnish diet group (Conventional FIN) was given 760 g/week of red and processed meat, corresponding the average meat consumption of Finnish men. The Flexitarian/Legume group (Flex/Leg) received 200 g/week of red and processed meat, and legume products to provide an equal amount of protein as 560 g of red meat. The faecal samples obtained from the participants before and at the end of the intervention period were freeze-dried, and SCFA were extracted and analysed using gas chromatography. Dietary fibre intake was analysed based on 4-day food records. Results At the endpoint, no significant differences in total (p = 0.560) nor individual SCFAs concentration and composition between the two diet groups were observed (ANCOVA, baseline as a covariate). The dietary fibre intake of the Flex/Leg group was higher (p < 0,001) when compared to the Conventional FIN. This was not the case for soluble polysaccharides. No correlation between the dietary fibre intake and the concentration of total or individual SCFA was found. Conclusion The concentration and composition of faecal SCFAs were not significantly affected by the partial replacement of red and processed meat with legumes during the 6-week intervention. This may highlight a more complex relationship between diet, microbiota and the production of SCFA.
  • Ngambundit, Suchaya (2022)
    Background: Birch hemicellulose, mainly composed of glucuronoxylan (GX), is emerging as a sustainable food hydrocolloid. However, studies on health impacts of GX are limited. Aim(s): To study the effects of birch-derived GX on the expression of tight junction proteins in the colonic mucosa of healthy rats. Methods: An animal intervention study was conducted on 42 rats, stratified into three groups that received different diets for 28 days: 1) AIN-93 + 10% of cellulose (control), 2) AIN-93 + 10% of highly purified GX (GXpure), and 3) AIN-93 + 10% polyphenol-and-GX-rich extract (GXpoly). Protein expressions in the proximal and distal colon were analysed with western blot and examined with ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc tests. Results: In the proximal colon, no statistically significant differences in occludin, claudin-1 and claudin-7 expression were observed between the control and GX-diet groups. Similarly, no statistically significant differences in all tight junction proteins expressions were observed between the three groups. There were no differences in the results when adjusted for sex. Conclusion: The findings suggest that birch-derived GX consumption did not significantly alter the expression of TJ proteins, which is a positive sign for its usage as food hydrocolloids. As this is one of the first studies on this topic, further research, especially on a diseased model, is needed before determining the safety of birch-derived GX for human consumption.
  • Änkilä, Nea (2023)
    Background: Consumption of vegetables, fruits, and berries (VFB) is connected to better health. However, most Finnish adults fail to consume the recommended 500 grams a day. Service workers share risk factors for poor financial situation and low socioeconomic status (SES). Low SES is often perceived as a barrier to healthy eating and is associated with low intake of VFB. Food choice motives (FCMs) are associated with dietary choices. Aims: This thesis aimed to investigate, how sociodemographic factors and VFB consumption are associated. Another aim was to research, if service working adults’ FCMs of eating “healthy”, “locally grown”, “environmentally friendly” and “rich in VFB” diet are associated with their VFB consumption and if income level or self-perceived adequacy of income moderate the associations. Materials and Methods: The data was gathered in 2019 from PAM members (N=6435) with a questionnaire and data provided by Statistical Finland from 2019 connected to the questionnaire answers. VFB consumption frequencies and sociodemographic variables were studied with one-way ANOVAs. VFB consumptions, FCMs, and income levels were analysed with correlations. Linear regression models were built for FCMs and VFB consumptions and adjusted with two sets of sociodemographic factors. The first models of VFB consumption and absolute FCMs were moderated with income level and income adequacy. Results: Women, married and university-level educated participants, participants considering themselves healthy and reporting adequate income consumed more VFB than their counterparts. FCMs correlated with VFB consumptions and were able to explain 10-20% of their variation. Self-perceived adequacy of income did not moderate the associations. However, the interaction effect of income level was significant with FCM “healthy” p<0.01 and with FCM “rich in VFB” p<0.01 and berry consumption. Those with higher income levels ate more berries when the FCMs were reported as unimportant, but less when the FCMs were reported as very important, compared to those with lower income levels. Conclusions: Even though the participants had financial difficulties, the FCMs were associated with the service workers’ VFB consumption. The interaction effect of income level was significant with FCMs “healthy” and “rich in VFB” and berry consumption.
  • Haji Nur, Ifrah Abdirashid (2022)
    Introduction The coexistence of obesity and undernutrition referred to as the double burden of malnutrition (DBM), has been reported in low- and middle-income countries, including Kenya. Women are especially vulnerable to malnutrition due to their nutritional needs during pregnancy and lactation, highlighting the importance of assessing their dietary intake to address their food and nutrition security. However, accurate portion size estimation has been found to be challenging during dietary surveys. Food photographs are useful for estimating portion sizes and are easy to use in dietary surveys. Objectives To assess the validity of food photographs in portion size estimation of commonly consumed foods among women of reproductive age (13-45 years) in Nairobi. The second aim was to examine the association of sociodemographic characteristics such as age and educational level on the accuracy of portion size estimations. Methodology A validation study was carried out among 206 women of reproductive age (13-45 years) in Kahawa West, Nairobi County. Eleven commonly consumed Kenyan foods (ugali, chapati, rice, beans, beef, sukuma wiki, tilapia, sweet banana, orange, pawpaw and watermelon) were chosen to be tested from the Photographic Food Atlas for Kenyan Adolescents (9-14 years). The participants were randomly served pre-weighed food portions based on those in the Food Atlas (in most cases there were three different portion sizes). In most cases, the food portions were similar in weight to those depicted in the food photographs. After the meal, participants were asked to estimate the amount of food consumed using food photographs from the Food Atlas. Any leftover food was recorded and the amount of food consumed was calculated as the difference between the amount weighed and the amount left. Validity was assessed by calculating the mean percent difference between estimated and consumed portions, percentage of estimates within -10 to 10% of consumed portion size, Spearman’s correlation coefficients and Bland–Altman limits of agreement. Pearson’s Chi-square test was used to examine the associations between the accuracy of estimations and participants’ age and educational level. Results Correlations between consumed and estimated portions were significant for all food items except for watermelon (p=0.380). The proportion of participants with estimates within ± 10% of the consumed portion size was above 50% for four of the food items including chapati, sukuma wiki, rice and beef; four other food items, including ugali, pawpaw, orange and tilapia, correct estimates ranged from 43-47%; and for the remaining three food items, including beans, sweet banana and watermelon, correct estimates ranged from 15-34%. Extreme mean differences between the consumed and estimated portion sizes by photograph were between -45% for beans to 563% for pawpaw. In most of the food items, small portions were overestimated while large portions were underestimated. Bland–Altman plots showed wide limits of agreement. The accuracy of estimations was not associated with participants’ age or educational level. Conclusion The food photographs for chapati, sukuma wiki, rice and beef from the Food Atlas for Kenyan adolescents seem to be a valid tool for quantification of portion sizes for women of reproductive age in Nairobi. However, the findings of this study suggest that further improvements are needed to the Food Atlas for wider use in Kenya.
  • Salo, Katri (2022)
    Tausta: Matalan- ja keskitulotason maissa ruokavaliot voivat usein olla yksipuolisia ja aliravitsemus on myös yleistä alueella. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan villiruokien kulutus saattaa olla yhteydessä ihmisten ruokavalioihin ja niiden monipuolisuuteen etenkin maaseudulla. Useat tekijät voivat kuitenkin vaikuttaa ruuan kulutukseen tietystä lähteestä kuten sosiodemografiset tekijät. Tästä huolimatta maan käytön muutokset ja metsien häviäminen saattavat heikentää villiruokien saatavuutta ja siksi on tärkeää tutkia niiden roolia ruokavalioissa ja ruokavalioiden monipuolisuudessa. Erityisesti luonnoltaan monimuotoisessa Laosissa, jossa talouskasvu on ollut nopeaa ja kaupallinen maatalous on lisääntynyt, mutta aliravitsemus on edelleen kansanterveysongelma. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena oli tutkia laosilaisten aikuisten luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutuksen ja ruokavalion monipuolisuuden välisiä yhteyksiä Nambakin alueella Pohjois-Laosissa. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten erilaiset ruuan lähteet (oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) eroavat kotitalouksien sosiodemografisten taustojen mukaan. Menetelmät: Aineisto oli kerätty vuonna 2019 kotitalouskyselyillä, jotka sisälsivät myös seitsemän päivän frekvenssityyppisen ruuankäyttökyselyn 90 kotitaloudelle kolmessa kylässä Laosin maaseudulla. Kotitalouden materiaaliseen varallisuuteen perustuva varallisuusindeksi luotiin pääkomponenttianalyysillä ja kotitalouden korkein koulutus valittiin edustamaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaa. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuutta ja kotitalouksien (n=89) ja naisten ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemääriä (n=46) analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (kaksiarvoinen logistinen malli), jotka oli vakioitu kolmella varallisuusryhmällä ja kotitalouden koulutusasemalla. Lisäksi kotitalouden varallisuuden, koulutusaseman ja ruokien monipuolisuutta eri lähteistä (vastaajan oma tuotanto, ostettu tai luonnosta kerätty) välisiä yhteyksiä analysoitiin yleistetyillä lineaarisilla malleilla (lineaarinen malli). Tulokset: Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien kulutus oli yleistä ja 90 % vastaajista kulutti niitä ainakin kerran edellisten seitsemän päivän aikana. Luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien suurempi monipuolisuus oli yhteydessä pienempään kotitalouden (OR=0.64, 95 % CI 0.47-0.89) ja naisten (OR=0.49, 95 % CI 0.28-0.84) ruokavalion monipuolisuuden pistemäärän todennäköisyyteen. Kotitalouden matalampi koulutusasema oli yhteydessä suurempaan luonnosta kerättyjen villiruokien monipuolisuuteen verrattaessa korkeimpaan kotitalouden koulutusasemaan. Varallisuusryhmät eivät olleet yhteydessä erilaisiin kulutettujen ruokien lähteisiin. Päätelmät: Tulokset osoittavat, että villiruokien kulutuksen ja kotitalouksien ja naisten ruokavalioiden monipuolisuuden yhteys on monimutkainen ja siihen mahdollisesti vaikuttavat useat erilaiset tekijät. Aiheesta tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa validoiduilla ruuankäytön mittaamisen menetelmillä Laosista.