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  • Saalo, Hanna-Mari (2024)
    With escalating environmental concerns and unsustainable pressures on global resources, exploring alternative protein sources is imperative. Consumer acceptance of plant-based substitutes varies, influenced by taste, health awareness, environmental considerations, and cultural dynamics. This thesis explored Finnish consumers' perceptions of "MyShroom," an ingredient derived from the mycelium of Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), aiming to offer a considerable option. Four focus groups targeting neophilic demographics discussed its potential as a sustainable, nutritious and tasty product. The study aimed to inform MyShroom’s market introduction and product refinement, highlighting consumer expectations regarding naturalness, processing, and sustainability. A qualitative, inductive thematic approach was used due to the absence of existing mycelium-based products in the market. Focus groups were organized based on dietary preferences, capturing perspectives from plant-based eaters to omnivores. Data collection took place in January 2024, with sessions conducted online via Microsoft Teams. Discussions were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using ATLAS.ti software. The data revealed that there close to none awareness around the term “mycelium”, “fungal network” was more known. Participants' perceptions of MyShroom were divided into two main associations: mushrooms and meat substitutes. When perceived as mushrooms, mycelium ingredient was seen as natural and wholesome. When viewed as a meat substitute, it was seen as processed. It was perceived as rather natural, less natural than mushrooms but more natural than other meat substitutes. This dual perception influences consumer acceptance and market positioning. While omnivores might see it as a supplementary ingredient, flexitarians and vegetarians are likely to embrace it as a primary meat substitute. Ensuring that MyShroom meets taste expectations is crucial for its acceptance, clear communication and education about mycelium's benefits and production process are essential for successful market integration. Further studies targeting a broader consumer base including sensory evaluations would provide more comprehensive insights into market reception.
  • Rintamäki, Heidi (2012)
    Maailmanlaajuinen biopolttoaineiden tuotanto on kasvanut jatkuvasti tällä vuosituhannella. Biopolttoaineet on nähty keinona ehkäistä ilmastonmuutosta, vähentää liikenteen riippuvuutta fossiilisista öljyvaroista ja edistää maaseudun kehitystä. Kannustavana tekijänä ovat toimineet viralliset edistämistoimenpiteet, jotka ovat luoneet edellytykset sekä kysynnän että tarjonnan kasvamiseen. Positiivisten odotusten vastakaiuksi on muodostunut huoli biomassojen tuotannon kestävyydestä ja vaikutuksesta ruokaturvaan. Tässä tutkimuksessa käsitellään Yhdysvaltojen, Brasilian ja Euroopan unionin biopolttoainemarkkinoiden hintavaihtelua ja hintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat pellonkäytön kannalta kansainvälisessä kaupassa liikkuvat olennaisimmat bioenergiatuotteet, eli liikennekäyttöön tarkoitetut nestebiopolttoaineet; bioetanoli ja biodiesel. Näihin kysymyksiin vastataan kirjallisuuden ja empiirisen ekonometrisen mallintamisen pohjalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu hintateoriaan ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään ekonometristä estimointia. Tässä tutkimuksessa estimoitiin Brasilian bioetanolin, Yhdysvaltojen bioetanolin ja biodieselin markkinahintojen kehitys. Aineistot estimoitiin klassisen pienimmän neliösumman menetelmällä. Tutkimuksessa rakennettiin yksinkertaisia ekonometrisia malleja, joilla voidaan kuvata bioetanolin ja biodieselin hintavaihteluita. Mallit rakennettiin kirjallisuuden ja hintateorian perusteella. Yhdysvaltojen bioetanolin selittäviksi tekijöiksi valittiin maissin hinta, raakaöljyn hinta, bensiinin hinta, maakaasu hinta, katetuotto ja politiikan ohjelmakausi dummy-muuttujana. Yhdysvaltojen biodieselin selittäviksi tekijöiksi valittiin soijaöljyn hinta, raakaöljyn hinta, dieselin hinta, metanolin hinta, soijaöljyn nettokustannukset ja politiikan ohjelmakausi dummy-muuttujana. Brasilian bioetanolin selittäviksi muuttujiksi valittiin sokerin hinta, raakaöljyn hinta, bensiinin hinta, nestekaasun hinta ja politiikan ohjelmakausi dummy-muuttujana. Yhdysvaltojen bioetanolin hintaa kuvaavan log-lineaarisen mallin selittävistä muuttujista kaikki muuttujat olivat tilastollisesti merkitseviä paitsi raakaöljyn hinta. Yhdysvaltojen biodieselin hintaa kuvaavan log-lineaarisen mallin selittävistä muuttujista ainoastaan raakaöljyn hinta oli tilastollisesti merkitsevä. Brasilian bioetanolin hintaa kuvaavan log-lineaarisen mallin selittavistä muuttujista sokerin hinta, bensiinin hinta ja politiikan ohjelmakausi olivat merkitseviä. Kaikissa näissä malleissa autokorrelaatiota pyrittiin vähentämään Cochrane-Orcuttin menetelmää hyödynhtämällä. Heteroskedastisuutta pyrittiin vähentämään käyttämällä apuna Whiten korjattuja keskivirhe-estimaatteja. Tutkimuksessa saadut joustokertoimet olivat pieniä, mikä kertoo markkinoilla tapahtuvien hinnan muutosten vaikuttavan suhteessa vähemmän biopolttoaineiden hintoihin. Poikkeuksen tekee Brasilian bioetanolin hintaa kuvaavan log-lineaarisen mallin bensiinin joustokerroin (2,62), mikä kertoo bioetanolin hintavaihteluiden olevan melko joustavia bensiinin hinnassa tapahtuviin muutoksiin.
  • Halme, Juho (2012)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää maatilojen sukupolvenvaihdosneuvontaa ja siihen läheisesti liittyvää Likwi- laskelmaa ProAgria Hämeen alueella. Myös alueen sukupolvenvaihdostilojen ominaispiirteistä ja niiden investoinneista oltiin kiinnostuneita. Tutkielman teoriaosiossa tarkasteltiin ensiksi maatilan sukupolvenvaihdoksiin liittyviä lakeja, säädöksiä, avustuksia sekä toteuttamistapoja. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin sukupolvenvaihdosta investointina, erityisesti sukupolvenvaihdoskauppaa. Lisäksi lueteltiin lyhyesti investointeihin liittyvät riskit. Lopuksi teoriaosiossa käsiteltiin neuvonnan roolia ja sen tarjoamia palveluita sukupolvenvaihdoksen tukena. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin viljelijöille kesäkuussa 2011 lähetettyjä kyselylomakkeita. Lomake lähetettiin kaikille ProAgria Hämeen toimialueella nuoren viljelijän aloitustukea vuosien 2003 – 2007 välisenä aikana hakeneille viljelijöille. Aloitustukea hakeneita tiloja oli ajanjaksolla yhteensä 436, joista kyselyyn vastasi yhteensä 77. Vastausprosentti oli siten 17,6 %. Todellisuudessa vastausprosentti on korkeampi, koska kaikki tilat eivät olleet tehneet sukupolvenvaihdosta. Todellinen vastausprosentti vaihtelee luultavasti 20 – 40 %:n välillä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan sukupolvenvaihdosneuvonta oli asiantuntevaa ja vastasi asiakkaiden tarpeita ProAgria Hämeen alueella. Neuvoja valittiin yleisimmin, koska hänet tunnettiin entuudestaan ja tiedettiin luotettavaksi. Parasta neuvonnassa viljelijöiden mielestä oli neuvojan ammattitaito ja suurimpana heikkoutena liika kaavamaisuus. Likwi- laskelma oli viljelijöiden mielestä kohtalaisen hyvä apuväline päätöksiä tehtäessä. Sen käyttö kuitenkin väheni sitä mukaa kun sukupolven-vaihdoksesta kuluu aikaa. Viljelijät kokivat laskelman vain välttämättömäksi tarvittavien tukien ja avustusten saamiseksi. Eniten kehittämistä viljelijöiden mielestä laskelmassa oli luotettavuudessa, käyttökelpoisuudessa ja päivitettävyydessä. Sukupolvenvaihdoskaupoissa tilojen keskimääräinen kauppahinta oli ProAgria Hämeen alueella 178 000 €. Yleisin tapa toteuttaa kauppa oli yhdellä kertaa yhdelle jatkajalle lahjanluontoisella kaupalla. Lähes kaikki nuoret viljelijät myös investoivat tiloillaan sukupolvenvaihdoksen jälkeisinä vuosina. Merkittävimmät investointikohteet olivat koneet ja kalusto sekä tuotantorakennukset. Uusi traktori oli yleisin yksittäinen investointikohde tiloilla. Investointihalukkuus säilyi sukupolven-vaihdoksen jälkeen, koska lähes kaikki aloittaneet viljelijät suunnittelevat tekevänsä lisää investointeja lähivuosien aikana. Myös lähes 50 % sukupolvenvaihdoksen tehneistä oli kiinnostunut itsensä kouluttamisesta jatkossa.
  • Ylitalo, Anna (2019)
    People are eating a lot of ice cream all over the world and new products must be developed to create new options for consumers. Unilever, for whom this thesis has been made, is interested in developing new ice cream structures. The objective of the thesis was to explore different possibilities of ice cream structures and create two new interesting structures to the ice cream market; one with long, stretchy and chewy texture and one with high overrun (HOR) and light mouthfeel. The idea was to change the amounts, types and mixes of emulsifiers and stabilizers from the recipe. Additionally, process parameters, homogenisation and overrun, were changed from the current values. Hence, the purpose was to influence the size and amount of air bubbles and fat globules. The study was conducted at Unilever Sipoo, Ingman ice cream factory at their pilot plant. In the experimental part of the study, various versions of new ice cream structures were tested and compared to the reference product. After sensory analysis, it was decided to proceed with three versions of the HOR structure and two versions of the stretchy structure. At the end there were five versions of two new structures produced and analyzed with various tests. The analytical methods suitable and available for this study were viscosity measurement, shelf-life test, chemical test and melting test. Furthermore, there were small sensory analysis done during the study and comprehensive, final sensory analysis was done at the end of the study, for the final products. In conclusion, both of the new structures succeeded well. The “HOR E NAS 4” proved to be the best version of the structures. The melting profile of “HOR E NAS 4” ice cream corresponded the reference product. The results of the shelf-life test were positive: all the new structures survived better than the reference product. Sensory evaluation showed that the structures differed statistically significantly from each other and especially from the traditional ice cream, which was the aim of the study. The “HOR E NAS 4 “ was evaluated to be more firm and not so creamy as the reference product, which have to take in consideration in further investigations. “HOR E NAS 4” will be published on the ice cream market next year, as a new product.
  • Yang, Jiahui Jr (2016)
    Lantibiotics are a subgroup of bacteriocins, produced by Gram-positive bacteria to inhibit the growth of closely related strains. They are used as food preservatives e.g. nisin, and some are in clinical trials, e.g. duramycin A and microbisporicin. Cinnamycin is a 19 amino acid lantibiotic that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive rods. Recent work suggests that cyanobacteria might be able to make variants of cinnamycin. Here I determined the product of a cinnamycin biosynthetic pathway present in the genomes of a benthic cyanobacteria. The genome mining analysis demonstrated that three cyanobacterial strains and seven actinobacterial strains contained the genes responsible for the production of cinnamycin. Cinnamycin variants were detected from cyanobacteria Oscillatoria sp. PCC 10802 and actinobacteria Streptomyces roseoverticillatus DSM 40845, respectively. Oscillatoria sp. PCC 10802 produced a cinnamycin variant named oscillamycin, with mass of 1966.86 Da. Stable nitrogen (15N) and sulphur (34S) isotope labeling of the cyanobacterium indicated that the oscillamycin contains 3 sulfur atoms and 23 nitrogen atoms. However, the mass of oscillamycin was 16 units bigger than the bioinformatic predictions. LC-MS analysis suggested that the oscillamycin contains a hydroxyl-proline in addition to hydroxyl aspartic acid. The oscillamycin gene cluster was cloned and successfully expressed in Escherichia coli BL21. Small amounts of oscillamycin (0.25 µg) were purified from Oscillatoria sp. PCC 10802 and showed tentative antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis HAMBI 251. This study demonstrated that cyanobacteria and actinobacteria share a lantibiotic gene cluster and that the lantibiotic produced differed in just four amino acids. The phylogenetic analysis suggested that the cinnamycin gene cluster was transferred from actinobacteria to cyanobacteria by an ancient horizontal gene transfer event. This study expands the chemical diversity of cinnamycin variants. This is the first report of a lantibiotic from cyanobacteria suggesting that cyanobacteria might be a novel source of antibiotics, which could be useful in addressing the antibiotic resistance issue.
  • Nieminen, Faisa (2023)
    Niacin is a water-soluble B-group vitamin, and it is a general name for nicotinic acid (NA) and nicotinamide (NAM). It is present in foods as available or bound niacin, which is not absorbable. Currently, the main sources of niacin in Finnish diets are meat and dairy products and with the recommendations to shift towards more plant-based diets, a question is raised if legumes would make potential protein-rich sources of niacin. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate legume ingredients as potential protein-rich sources of available niacin. Available niacin was studied from legume ingredients, extrudates, and seeds as a sum of NA and NAM. Stability of available niacin in high moisture extrusion was investigated and the influence of germination on available niacin was studied. Additionally, the propotions of bound niacin in legume flours and seeds were investigated. Available niacin was extracted with mild acid hydrolysis from legume ingredients, extrudates, and seeds. To study bound niacin, total niacin was extracted with acid-alkaline hydrolysis from legume flours and seeds. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection (UHPLC-FLD) with post-column derivatisation were used for the quantification of NA and NAM. Oligosaccharides were analysed using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography (HPAEC) with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) to monitor the germination process. This thesis found that legume ingredients were good sources of available niacin, except for protein isolates. Furthermore, available niacin remained stable in high moisture extrusion and available niacin contents were higher when protein concentrates were favoured as ingredients, rather than protein isolates. Generally, legumes contained more NAM than NA. Germination increased available niacin in faba bean seeds by 30–40%, and oligosaccharide contents decreased. The results of this thesis assumed that legumes contain 20–60% of their niacin in bound forms. However, future research is needed to study bound niacin and niacin bioavailability in legumes, for instance, with a more sensitive and selective tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).
  • Korhonen, Henri (2018)
    Many dairy farms harvest three silage crops during summer. Extended growing season and a need to lower the costs of silage are the driving force for three harvests. In Finland the most common forage grass species in silage production are timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), cultivated as a mixture. When harvesting three times, the importance of a correct timing of defoliation is essential. The demand of high quality yield makes it even more important. In this master’s thesis, the effects of early and late defoliation rhythm for the growth, devel-opment and quality of timothy, meadow fescue and timothy-meadow fescue mixture were examined. Field trials were conducted in the experiment station of Natural Resources Insti-tute Finland (Luke) in Maaninka during the growing periods of 2015 and 2016. Timothy variety Nuutti and meadow fescue variety Valtteri were used in the experiment. Both vari-eties are suitable for cultivation throughout Finland. Weather conditions varied between the years during the experiment, which affected the dry matter production and the timing of optimal harvest. In year 2016, the beginning of summer had a low rainfall, and the drought affected dry matter yield production. It was notable that in both years the later defoliation rhythm produced greater dry matter yield. Otherwise, tim-ing of harvest had a greater impact for crop and growing parameters than harvesting rhythm. For the first and the second harvest, digestibility determined the right harvesting time. In the third harvest, digestibility was high until the later harvesting times. During the experi-ment, it was also noticed that delaying the harvest did not produce higher dry matter yield. Timothy produced the best dry matter yield, as meadow fescue had better regrowth and dry matter digestibility. Timothy-Meadow fescue mixture’s dry matter yield was as high as timothy’s, however, dry matter digestibility remained higher longer than in timothy.
  • Schulz, Torsti (2014)
    In this thesis I study the end of meadow-based agriculture in the village of Nummenpää in the municipality Nurmijärvi from the 19th century to the mid 20th century. My primary source materials are historical maps of the region and the original survey forms of past agricultural censuses. I also appraise the utility of these materials for historical ecological research and the study of long term changes. I digitized agricultural land use from historical maps and analyzed changes in land use by comparing maps from different time periods. The agricultural census records were analyzed with logistic regression to determine characteristics of farms relating to the presence of meadows. Meadows had lost their role in agricultural production in Nummenpää before 1920, somewhat earlier than in Nurmijärvi on average. Between 1870 and 1930 most of the meadows had been ploughed into fields. Of meado land that had been meadow already at the turn of the century only a few percent remained in 1930. Farms in Nummenpää had not yet differentiated into specialized crop production or animal husbandry during the study period, but mechanization proceeded and more emphasis was placed on cattle and dairy production. There was insufficient variability between farms to determine properties that could be associated with the end of the agricultural use of meadows. It is also possible, that meadows lost their role so early that there was no longer a clear link to the agricultural economy. The census records and maps used in the study did not have sufficient temporal coverage and resolution to permit me to determine the dynamics of landscape change associated with the end of the meadow-based agriculture nor the factors driving the change. The separate analysis of map and census data was not conducive to linking socioeconomic change to landscape change. Nonetheless, I maintain that the source materials used in the study, and other similar materials, are well suited for historical ecological research. The materials must be evaluated critically from a historical perspective and the analysis should integrate the distinct sources. By utilizing appropriate spatiotemporal models it should be possible to reach more interesting conclusions and reduce the impact of uncertainty and imprecision inherent in the materials.
  • Harrinkari, Teemu (2013)
    In this research it was studied whether non-industrial private forest owners are interested in using timber sales contracts which pricing is based on the nominal stumpage price indices published by the Finnish Forest Research Institute. In addition, it was studied, whether forest owners’ background and objectives of ownership affect the forest owners’ attitudes towards this type of timber sales contracts. Six different models of timber sales contracts were created for the research purposes. The Data consists of 16 non-industrial private forest owners from southern Finland who were interviewed with a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire. Theoretical sampling was used to select different forest owners with respect to their age, profession, gender, domicile and amount of forestland owned. The results suggest that forest owners can be classified into three groups with respect to their interest in a certain contract model. The groups are: risk takers, active sellers and investors. Risk takers were interested in the contract models which allow them to speculate with the future developments of the prices. Risk takers were typically absentee owners owning relatively small-sized forest holdings. Their dependency on forestry income was typically relatively small. Active sellers typically owned large forest holdings and were usually more dependent on timber sales income known with certainty. They were also familiar with the timber selling process which partly explains why they were usually less interested in the models. Investors were typically only interested in the contract models that allowed them to avoid or minimize risk related to the timing of timber sales. Even though timber buyers nowadays offer various types of contracts, it would benefit the timber markets as a whole if there were more flexible nad transparent ways to tailor timber sales contracts for the different types of forest owners. This would have impact especially to absentee owners owning small-sized forest holdings, who either are uncertain on the timing of the sale or appreciate opportunities to speculate with the stumpage price developments. Standardizing the pricing methods of the contracts would enhance the transparency of the pricing of the contracts and increase trust in the whole selling process.
  • Lommi, Heta (2018)
    The literary part of the thesis dealt with coffee composition and the factors that influence it. It was found that coffee variety, climate, post-harvest processing and roasting affected the composition. Coffee quality assurance concentrates on checking the moisture and determining the sensory quality of coffee beans. Sensory quality is determined by trained professionals and is the slowest unit process in coffee processing and should be speeded up. NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) is a non-direct method that uses the near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum (800-2500 nm). In the last few years it has been used to analysing the composition of coffee, screening for defects, determining roasting degree and modelling sensory characteristics of coffee. The main objective of the experimental part was to develop efficient prediction models for green and roasted coffee moisture. Analysing other chemical (green coffee protein, sucrose and caffeine) and physical (roasted coffee colour) parameters were tested as well. The roastery aims at using the technique in coffee quality control but also possibly in production management in the future. Green and roasted coffee were analysed by both NIR and reference methods. Moisture was measured in the roastery laboratory with an air-oven, crude protein was determined by Dumas method in the University of Helsinki. Sucrose and caffeine were measured in an external laboratory (HPLC method). Coffee colour (L*) was measured by the roastery quality controllers as a part of their daily routines. Reliable prediction models were achieved for both green and roasted coffee moisture, and coffee colour (R2 0,98–0,99, SEP(C) 0,06–0,18 (0,95–1,45 %)). These models worked well although there were variations in the samples’ origins, post-harvest processing and roasting degrees. Also, the model developed for green coffee crude protein seemed promising. On the other hand, green coffee sucrose and caffeine contents proved to be hard to measure and these methods need further development in the future.
  • Vähämäki, Olli (2019)
    Kahvi on laadullisilta ominaisuuksiltaan hyvin herkkä elintarvike. Kahvin väri- ja kosteuspitoisuus ovat tärkeitä parametreja paahdetun kahvin prosessoinnin ja aistinvaraisen laadun kannalta. NIR-teknologia (engl. near infrared technology) on analysointimenetelmä, joka perustuu infrapunasäteilyyn. NIR-laite lähettää näytteeseen lähi-infrapunasäteilyä, jolloin yhdisteiden kemialliset sidokset absorboivat sitä ja tuottavat värähtelyenergiaa. Tämä absorptio voidaan nähdä näytteelle ominaisesta spektristä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kalibroida NIR-laite mittaamaan paahdetusta kahvista väriä, kosteuspitoisuutta ja tiheyttä. Lisäksi tutkittiin kahvin jauhatuksen vaikutusta sen väriin NIR-laitteella ja referenssimenetelmällä. Tässä tutkimuksessa referenssimenetelmänä värin määrityksessä toimi Hunterlab D25LT -värimittari. Kosteuspitoisuuden referenssimenetelmänä oli kuiva-ainepitoisuuden määritys uunissa kuivatuista näytteistä. Tiheyden referenssimenetelmänä toimi mittaukset JEL STAV 2003 Stampfvolumeter -mittarilla, joka antaa hyvän kuvan kahvin tilavuudesta, kun se pakataan vakuumipakkaukseen. Tutkimuksessa käytetty materiaali saatiin paahtimolta. Näytteiden määrä värikalibraatiossa oli 278 kpl, kosteuspitoisuuskalibraatiossa 199 kpl ja tiheyskalibraatiossa 64 kpl. Kalibraatioita arvioitiin vertaamalla referenssituloksia kalibraation ennustettuihin arvoihin. Värikalibraatio saavutti ennustearvon R2 = 0,99, joka on NIR-kalibraatiolla erinomainen. Kosteuspitoisuudelle ennustearvoksi saatiin R2 = 0,91, joka on myös hyväksyttävä, koska kalibraatiossa oli matalat virhearvot. Tiheydelle ennustearvoksi saatiin R2= 0,89, mutta suuret virhearvot lisäsivät kalibraation epäluotettavuutta. Tutkittaessa jauhatuksen vaikutusta väriin havaittiin tilastollisin menetelmin, että mittausmenetelmien keskihajontojen ja keskivirheiden erot olivat hyvin pieniä. t-testipareista havaittiin, että jauhatuksella ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaikutusta tuloksiin. 1-jauhatuksen näytteet olivat kuitenkin väriltään vaaleampia, mikä oli yksi alkuhypoteeseista. NIR-mittaustapaa voidaan käyttää tulevaisuudessa mittaamaan paahdetun kahvin väriä ja kosteuspitoisuutta. Tiheyskalibraatio tarvitsisi enemmän referenssimittauksia ollakseen luotettava.
  • Savin, Antti (2016)
    Nisin and silver have antimicrobial effects on bacteria growing on meat. Nisin is a bacteriocin peptide produced by lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis. It is known to have a wide killing effect against many gram-positive bacteria. Food industry utilizes nisin as a food preservative. The antimicrobial effect of silver is known over the couple of decades. It has a killing effect against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In food industry silver can be used in packaging materials to prevent bacterial growth. In this study our aim was to evaluate the use of nisin and silver on the meat spoilage microbiota and the rate of spoilage in vacuum and modified atmosphere (80 % oxygen and 20 % carbon dioxide) packed meat. The antimicrobial effect of nisin and silver was evaluated by microbial counts and sensory evaluations. B. thermosphacta, Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria and Pseudomonas sp. bacteria were interest of. Pyrosequencing was used to specify the bacterial taxonomy in spoiled meat samples. Nisin showed to have an antimicrobial effect only against lactic acid bacteria in vacuum packed meats. The growth rate of lactic acid bacteria was 2 logarithmic scales lower in nisin threated samples than in control samples. In modified atmosphere packed meat nisin didn´t show to have effect on bacterial growth. Nisin didn´t have antimicrobial effect on other bacteria. Silver treatment didn´t show to have effect on bacterial growth in both packing methods. Vacuum packed meat was evaluated of being spoiled after 56 days with nisin treatment and control samples spoiled couple of weeks earlier. Silver didn´t prolong the shelf life of meats compered to control samples. Based on the sequence analyse, total of 29 bacterial genus and 11 family where identified. Leuconostoc, Lactogbacillus and Serratia being the most abundant genus in vacuum packed meats in nisin series. Serratia and Pseudomoas sp. where spoilage bacteria associated in modified atmosphere packed meats. Lactic acid bacteria species belonging to genus Lactobacillus and Lactococcus where dominating in vacuum packed meats in silver series. Spoilage bacteria in modified atmosphere packed meat in silver series was mainly Leuconostos sp. The shelf life of vacuum packed meat was evidently longer in nisin treated samples and that’s why the allowance to use nisin in meat should be reconsidered. Silver didn’t have the effect to prolong the shelf life of meats on either packing methods even though its usage is allowed in food packaging materials.
  • Starr, Antony (2018)
    Nitrogen is a key nutrient for plant growth and crop production. However, excessive nitrogen fertilizer application may lead to nitrate leaching from soils to surface and ground waters. Nitrogen is a major cause of eutrophication of freshwater and marine ecosystems, including the Baltic Sea, and agriculture is a major source of nitrogen leaching to waterways in general. Because agriculture is a non-point source of diffuse pollution, measuring and monitoring the emissions is difficult and costly. This affects the design and implementation of non-point pollution policies. However, because reducing non-point pollution emissions has so far been limited, policies that counter non-point pollution emissions could reduce surface water pollution and improve water quality. The aim of this study was to examine various nitrogen leaching reducing policy instruments and their effects on farmer profits, social welfare, fertilizer use, land use, and to explore the willingness of farmers to accept different instruments. A theoretical heterogeneous land quality class framework was used to construct and develop an empirical parametric two crop bio-economic model in order to assess the impact and effectiveness of selected policy instruments. Heterogeneity in the model was incorporated by different maximum potential yields with respect to the different land quality classes. Three policy instruments were examined: fertiliser standard, fertiliser tax and emission charge. In addition, the redistribution of the collected fertiliser tax revenue by rebates was also explored and discussed. The results showed that differentiated policy instruments induced the highest social welfare. However, due to the nature of non-point pollution, differentiated policy instruments cannot be utilised and therefore uniform instruments have to be considered. An uniform fertilizer standard input provided the highest farmer profits. However, when tax rebates were introduced in to the policy instrument mix, private profits were the largest under a lump-sum rebate and rebates that were proportionally awarded according to fertilizer use. These higher profits changed instrument preference and acceptability among the producer. The uniform input tax and lump-sum rebate scheme stood out from the other tax rebate schemes, as it effectively reduced nitrogen fertilizer use (and therefore nitrogen runoff), and the lump-sum rebate compensated the farmer for the deemed stringent input tax. The model results indicated that a uniform input tax and lump-sum rebate scheme could be a potential policy instrument to reduce nitrogen leaching. However, further studies should be carried out on the willingness of producers to accept an input tax and rebate scheme.
  • Huang, Qiuchen (2018)
    It’s urgent to increase per capita food production to meet the increasing population and its high demand while maintaining environmental stability. Aim to have higher yields as well as reduce harm to the environment, the most difficult problem is how to improve the nutrient use efficiency of plants. Thus using recycling fertilizers is more important in the agriculture practices, it can result in a long-term benefit of plants and environment. In order to explore the impacts of recycling fertilizers on grain yield and on fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), an experiment was laid out with the randomized design with 4 replicates of 6 treatments. The objectives were: (1) to test a range of organic fertilizers in arable crop production, especially to find possible differences in nitrogen productivity (2) to find possible differences in nitrogen uptake and in uptake efficiency by rye between variable organic fertilizers and between organic and mineral fertilizers. In the experiment, biogas residual, chemical fertilization, vermicompost, meat and bone meal, sewage sludge compost and unfertilized control were compared. The rates of N application, as kg N/ha varied from one fertilizer to another. This thesis studied impacts on field rye (Secale cereale). There were significant improvements (p < 0.05) in SPAD value, N yield in biomass, total above-ground biomass, and grain yield with the application of the fertilizers, compared with non-fertilized plots. Especially biogas residual, sewage sludge compost and chemical fertilizers were effective. The highest, 33% nitrogen use efficiency was achieved with chemical fertilizer, while sewage sludge compost was the best among organic fertilizers. Recycling fertilizers can produce as high yields of rye as mineral fertilizers, with equal fertilizer nitrogen use efficiency. The critical factor for high yield is the amount of total nitrogen applied, and plant availability of the nitrogen and various organic fertilizers vary in NUE.
  • Hakkola, Saana (2023)
    The average global surface temperature has risen 1.1 degrees from pre-industrial times, mainly due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a strong and ozone-depleting greenhouse gas. It has 265 times stronger Global Warming Potential than carbon dioxide (CO2) and an atmospheric lifetime of 120 years. Over half of the global N2O emissions originate from agriculture, mainly from cultivated soils. In soils, facultative microbial-driven denitrification and chemoautotrophy- or heterotrophy-driven nitrification are the dominant N2O -producing processes. These processes are driven by soil properties and environmental variables. In northern agricultural soils, over half of the annual N2O emissions are estimated to be produced outside the growing season, mostly during soil freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs). However, due to lack of seasonal measurements the emissions outside growing season are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to investigate how soil FTCs affect N2O emission dynamics from Finnish grassland soils, and whether different soil types (fine sand, peat soil, clay loam) affect N2O emissions and nitrogen dynamics during soil freezing and thawing. The study was conducted as a laboratory incubation experiment using a newly built automated measuring system. N2O emissions from undisturbed soil samples were measured continuously for 21 days, which included total of 7 freeze-thaw cycles from -5°c to +5°C. N2O production or consumption was calculated for each freeze-thaw cycle, and soil mineral nitrogen (min N), C:N ratio, C%, N%, and pH(H2O) were determined during each cycle from separate undisturbed soil samples. Also, net ammonification, net nitrification and total net mineralisation rates were calculated from the min N concentrations for each FTC. Each soil type emitted N2O during the thawing of the soil, while frozen soils appeared to act as a small N2O sink. Contradictory to other studies, steady N2O production was seen throughout the seven FTCs and there was no significant increase or decrease in N2O emissions as the FTCs proceeded. Peat soils produced 4-10 times more N2O than fine sand and clay loam, respectively. Peat soil was also the largest sink of N2O during freezing. N2O emissions did not correlate with soil chemical properties, with few exceptions during soil thawing: C:N ratio (positive correlation) and pH (negative correlation). This is probably due to the episodic nature of N2O, and the complex and overlapping processes driving N2O production and consumption. FTCs increased NH4+ concentration especially in fine sand and peat soil while NO3- concentration decreased in all soils except in clay soil. Based on these results, denitrification was suggested as the main N2O producing process in peat soil and in fine sand. High NH4+ and low NO3- concentration in peat soil and fine sand indicate fast mineralisation and rapid denitrification during thawing or low nitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction (DNRA) activities, both of which may also have limited N2O emissions. This study shows that organic grassland soils have a high potential to both produce and consume N2O compared to other soil types during FTCs. The capacity to produce N2O during consequent FTCs indicates that these soils have a persistent and long-lasting capacity to produce N2O in freeze-thaw conditions. The N2O emission dynamics most likely reflect rapid changes in soil nitrogen turnover processes, which calls for further studies and method development to link the gross N turnover rates to N2O production and consumption during soil freezing and thawing.
  • Ekholm, Linda (2018)
    Background: Overweight and obesity are major global health concerns causing millions of annual deaths worldwide. Although there is much knowledge of preventing overweight and losing weight, these are proven to be extremely challenging in practice. The knowledge of differences in weight loss success between individuals is still incomplete. The association between psychological factors such as stress and eating behaviour aspects and weight is quite well known but the association between these psychological factors and successful weight loss is somewhat incomplete. Aim: The primary aim of this study was to examine the association between stress and psychological eating behaviour aspects (cognitive restraint, disinhibition and hunger) and weight loss results during an eight week low calorie diet among persons with an elevated type 2 diabetes risk. The secondary aim was to examine the association between the quality of food intake prior to weight loss, age, gender, body composition and BMI and weight loss results. Methods: This study was based on the internationsl PREVIEW study’s Finnish material and the PREVIEW study’s eight week low calorie diet phase. The participants (n=260) had an elevated type 2 diabetes risk. Perceived stress was assessed with the PSS and psychological eating behaviour with the TFEQ questionnaires. The quality of nutrient intake was assessed using four days food diaries (n=79). The nutrient intake was assessed with the Aivo Diet recording program (Aivo Finland Oy, Turku, Finland). Statistical analyses were performed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 24 program. The independent samples t-test was used analysing statistically significant differences between two groups. One-way analysis of variance was used examining differences between BMI classes. When examining several classified factors together two-way analysis of variance was used. Nutrient intakes prior to weight loss were assessed with the energy adjusted residual method. The association between variables and weight loss results were examined with Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients. Results: Cognitive restraint was negatively associated with lost weight (p<0,001). Baseline BMI and waist circumference was positively associated with lost weight (p<0,001). Age was negatively associated with lost weight (p=0,047) and fat percentage was negatively associated with weight loss percentage (p<0,001). There were no association between the other psychological or physiological factors and weight loss. Nutrient intake prior to weight loss was not associated with lost weight or weight loss percentage. Energy intake prior to weight loss was positively associated with lost weight (p=0,003). Conclusions: The results of this study do not explain the great variation in lost weight during the eight week low calorie diet. Individual differences in realisation of the diet may be a fundamental explanation to the variation. Differences in personal biological factors such as genetics and gut microbiota might also explain the variations. In order to make more distinct conclusions concerning the association between stress and psychological eating behaviours, physiological factors and nutrient intake prior to weight loss and weight loss during low calorie diets requires more research.
  • Ilander, Mette (2011)
    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is one of the most studied human malignancies. It is caused by an autonomously active tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL, which is a result from a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 in the hematopoietic stem cell. As an outcome, a Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome is formed. BCR-ABL causes disturbed cell proliferation among other things. Although targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy has been developed in the beginning of the millenium and the survival rate has increased significantly, it is still not known why some patients benefit more from the treatment than others. Furthermore, the therapy is not considered to be curative. Before the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, the first-line treatment for CML was interferon-? (IFN-?). However, only a small proportion of patients benefitted from the treatment. Of these patients, a few were able to discontinue the treatment without renewal of the disease. The mechanism of IFN-? is not completely understood, but it is believed that differences in the immune system can be one of the reasons why some patients have better therapy response. Kreutzman, Rohon et al. have recently discovered that patients who have been able to stop IFN-? treatment have an increased number of NK- and T-cells. They also have a unique clonal T-cell population and more cytotoxic CD8+ T-cells and less CD4+ T-cells. The aim of this master’s thesis was to study the function of T- and NK-cells in IFN-? treated patients. Although it was shown earlier that IFN-? treated patients have increased NK-cell count, the function of these cells was unknown. Therefore, we have now investigated the killing potential of patients’ NK-cells, their activation status and cell surface antigen expression. In addition, we have also studied the activation status of patients’ T-cells and their cytotoxic properties. We observed that NK-cells from patients treated with IFN-? are unable to kill leukemic cells (K562) than NK-cells from healthy controls. In addition, patients on IFN-? treatment have more active T-cells and their NK-cells have an undifferentiated immunoregulatory phenotype. Patients that have been able to stop the treatment have anergic T-and NK-cells. As a conclusion our results suggest that IFN-? therapy induces increased NK-cell count, NK-cell immunoregulatory functions and more active T-cells. After stopping IFN-? therapy, NK- and T-cells from CML patients restore anergy typical for CML.
  • Tuovinen, Anna-Maria (2017)
    Hevosten jaloittelutarhat voivat aiheuttaa typpi- ja fosforikuormitusta vesistöihin erityisesti alueilla, joilla hevostiheys on suuri, ja siten paikallisesti vaikuttaa vesistöjen rehevöitymiseen. On tullut tarve löytää jaloittelutarhojen ravinnekuormitusta vähentävä keino, joka on tehokas ja käytännöllinen. Kuitulietteet ovat metsä- ja paperiteollisuuden sivutuotteita, jotka koostuvat puukuiduista ja sisältävät runsaasti orgaanista hiiltä. Osa vähäravinteisista kuitulietteistä on käytössä maanparannusaineina, sillä ne parantavat maan fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia ja lisäävät maan biologista aktiivisuutta, minkä seurauksena myös ravinteiden huuhtoutuminen vähenee. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, voisiko vähäravinteinen, kalsiumkarbonaattia ja kaoliinisavea sisältävä nollakuitu vähentää typen ja fosforin huuhtoutumista hevosten jaloittelutarhoista. Tutkimus tehtiin laboratoriossa maapylväiden avulla. Koejäseniä oli viisi (N=3) ja niihin lisättiin nollakuitua 20 cm, 10 cm, 5 cm, 10 cm sekoitettuna maa-ainekseen ja 0 cm (kontrolli). Pylväiden pinnalle lisättiin seosta, joka sisälsi maa-ainesta sekä hevosen lantaa ja virtsaa. Seoksessa oli fosforia 440 mg/ kg k.a ja typpeä 4000 mg/ kg k.a. Koe tehtiin +22 °C:ssa ja se kesti 27 vuorokautta, jonka aikana jokaiseen pylvääseen lisättiin yhteensä 3,15 litraa vettä. Pylväiden läpi suotautunutta vettä kerättiin kymmenenä vuorokautena, ja vedestä analysoitiin kokonaisfosfori, -typpi ja -hiili, nitraattityppi, ammoniumtyppi ja fosfaattifosfori. Lisäksi mitattiin suotoveden sameus, sähkönjohtavuus ja pH. Nollakuitu vähensi sekä fosforin että typen määrää suotovedessä, mutta mitä enemmän pylväässä oli nollakuitua, sitä huonommin vesi suotautui. Kokonais- ja fosfaattifosforia suotautui yli 90 % vähemmän 20 cm nollakuitua sisältäneistä pylväistä kuin kontrollipylväistä. Fosforin pidättymiseen vaikutti nollakuidun maapartikkeleita suodattava vaikutus ja mahdollisesti mikrobibiomassaan immobilisoitunut fosfori. Kun nollakuitua oli 20 cm, väheni kokonaistypen määrä suotovedessä 44 % verrattuna kontrollipylvääseen, mutta ammoniumtyppeä suotautui eniten 20 cm nollakuitua sisältäneistä pylväistä. Typen pidättyminen oli todennäköisesti seurausta immobilisaatiosta. Nollakuidun sekoittaminen maa-ainekseen lisäsi typen ja fosforin määrää suotovedessä verrattuna sekoittamattomaan nollakuituun. Sekoittaminen kuitenkin paransi veden suotautumista pylvään läpi. Voidaan todeta, että nollakuidulla on potentiaalia pidättää sekä fosforia että typpeä hevosten jaloittelutarhoista. Lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan ravinteita pidättävän vaikutuksen keston selvittämiseksi.
  • Ruskela, Leevi (2024)
    Kalatalous tuottaa elinkeinoa ja ravitsemusta merkittävälle osalle maailman väestöstä. Sen suuri mittasuhde tuo myös suuret kestävyyden haasteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää kuluttajan käsityksiä kalatuotteiden kestävyydestä. Tutkielmassa erityisesti kiinnitetään huomiota käsitysten ja asenteiden vaikutuksesta kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen. Tämän lisäksi tutkielmassa haluttiin selvittää, miten kuluttaja muodostaa käsityksensä kalatuotteen kestävyydestä. Tutkielman lähestymistapa oli kvalitatiivinen, eli laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Haastatteluilla pyrittiin selvittämään mitä arvoja ja asenteita haastateltavat liittävät kestävään kalatuotteeseen. Tämän lisäksi haastatteluilla selvitettiin kalatuotteen kestävyyden vaikutusta omaan käyttäytymiseen ja haastateltavan tiedon määrää kalatuotteiden kestävyydestä. Tutkielmassa haastateltiin kahdeksaa henkilöä, joista puolet olivat naisia ja puolet miehiä. Teemahaastattelurunko muodostui aikaisemman kirjallisuuden pohjalta. Tutkielman teoreettinen osuus rakentui kestävästä kuluttajakäyttäytymisestä, kestävän elintarvikkeen valintaan liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella kotimaisuus tai lähellä tuotettu kala nousi kestävyyden kannalta tärkeimmäksi tuotteen ominaisuudeksi. Kestävyyden sosiaalinen tai taloudellinen ulottuvuus kalatuotteissa koettiin vaikeasti ymmärrettäviksi. Kuitenkin reilu korvaus tuottajalle koettiin tärkeänä kestävyyden kannalta. Kalatuotteiden kestävyysviestintä koettiin heikoksi ja ympäristömerkkien vaikutus ostokäyttäytymiseen oli vaihtelevaa. Skeptisyys ympäristömerkkejä kohtaan nousi tutkielmassa yllättävästi esille. Kalatuotteen osto koettiin usein rutiininomaiseksi, joka vähensi tuotteen kestävyyden arviointia. Tutkielman perusteella kestävyyden viestintää tulisi kalatuotteiden kohdalla parantaa, jotta kuluttaja käsittäisi kykynsä arvioida kalatuotteen kestävyyttä paremmin.
  • Gehrmann, Friederike (2013)
    Plant pathology is an important area of research for maintaining food security and ecosystem services. Many model systems have been developed to study plant diseases in a more practical environment such as in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, among the ten most important pathogens for research or economy, dimorphic plantassociated yeasts and pathogens of trees are missing. Plants are constantly challenged with a huge number of potential pathogens but the development of disease remains the exception. This complete resistance against a pathogen is termed non-host resistance. Some yeasts are capable to induce resistance in plants against other pathogens. This has potential for biological control measures. Our aim was to develop a model system for studying non-host and induced resistance with the dimorphic birch pathogen Taphrina betulina in Arabidopsis. We studied the mechanistic details conferring non-host resistance to T. betulina by challenging stress signalling mutants with the pathogen and observing symptom development, root growth, fungal establishment in planta and phototoxic stress. The results suggest that type I non-host resistance protects Arabidopsis against Taphrina. This is dependent on the EIN2 protein and mediated through an antagonism between the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid defence signalling pathways. Pre-inoculation with Taphrina betulina surprisingly increased growth of Pseudomonas syringae. We suggest that this is due to the activation of jasmonic acid and ethylene signalling which antagonise the salicylic acid defences required for Pseudomonas resistance. In this study, we showed that Arabidopsis is a non-host for Taphrina betulina and that this pathosystem can be used as a model for studying the mechanisms of nonhost resistance. These insights can give information about possible properties leading to susceptibility in the host. There is a large scope of opportunities for further study into this model.