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  • Kyheröinen, Salla (2016)
    Actin is known as abundant cytoplasmic protein, which functions as a component of the cytoskeleton and in cell motility together with motor protein myosins. However, actin is also present in the nucleus, where it has been shown to take part in the control of gene expression, both independently and as part of chromatin remodeling complexes. An important aspect in the study of nuclear actin is to identify other nuclear proteins interacting with actin and to confirm these interactions in biochemical experiments. Through these interactions actin can be linked to various nuclear processes. The aim of this master’s thesis study was to express and purify five nuclear proteins that have been suggested to bind actin and to study the binding in detail both with actin filaments and monomers. The proteins of interest include four actin-related proteins (ARPs) Arp4, Arp5, Arp6 and Arp8 as well as RNA polymerase II subunit Rpb8. Out of the proteins selected for this study, the expression and purification of Arp4 and Rpb8 was successful. Neither one did bind monomeric actin with high affinity, but interestingly Rpb8 did bind actin filaments. On the other hand, Rpb8 did not have any effect on actin polymerization. These results provide new insights into nuclear actin function. It has been suggested earlier that Arp4 would form a heterocomplex with actin, but the results of this study do not support this. The binding between Rpb8 and actin in RNA polymerase II complex has not been extensively studied before, so the results provide new information about the function of actin in the polymerase complex.
  • Islam, Md. Safiqul (2016)
    Mulching, as a cultivation technique, has been adopted since the early twentieth century in agriculture for improving various aspects of crop production. However, the use of mulching was boosted by the introduction of plastic mulch, which has been reported as a harmful substance to the farm environment. Therefore, the need for an environmentally benign mulch material is obvious. The present study investigated the effects of paper and biodegradable plastic mulches on the cucumber yield, soil temperature and moisture content (at 10 cm depth), and the control of weed growth in an agricultural field located at the University of Helsinki in Southern Finland. The degradability of mulches was also investigated. The null hypothesis was that all the mulches would have a similar effect on the abovementioned aspects. Four paper mulches, i.e., BP, KB, CK, and OB, accompanied by biodegradable mulch (BIO) and a bare soil (BG) treatment were under investigation. Each of these treatments had 4 replicates, and a randomized complete block design (RCBD) was adopted. Sensors were installed at 10 cm depth in each study plot to measure the soil temperature and moisture content. In addition, the experimental plots were watered by drip irrigation. All the attained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. The results of the study revealed noteworthy positive effects (P<0.05) of mulch application on cucumber yields together with soil temperature, early fruiting, and weed growth regulation compared to the un-mulched bare ground, exclusive of soil moisture content. The daytime soil temperature (DST) was higher than at night (NST), indicating a positive association of the mulch effect with plant growth and crop earliness. However, no suggestive improvement in soil moisture was found through mulch application during the study period. Edge degradation was only found for paper mulches during the study period, suggesting their environment friendliness. The CK and KB papers were the most effective and most environmentally positive mulch materials, and could be a suitable choice for Finnish vegetable growers. The findings of this study could assist paper manufacturers in improving the qualities of mulch papers regarding vegetable production. Future research aims at assessing the effects of mulches on the physiology of plants studied under mulched techniques together with the development of cheaper and more environmentally benign mulch materials.
  • Matula, Alina (2023)
    Among financial institutions, there is a growing concern about risks in their portfolios related to biodiversity, and its closely related affiliate, climate change. Investors are demanding greater transparency and biodiversity management in order to make informed investment decisions in listed equity and to act as responsible shareholders. The aim of this thesis is to explore, from the Nordic pension investor point of view, how the risk related to biodiversity loss is assessed and managed in the financial markets. Following qualitative approach, primary data was collected with 14 semi-structured in-depth interviews of two target groups: pension investors in the Nordic countries and ESG specialists which refers to specialists in sustainable finance or biodiversity related sustainability fields. The results were analyzed using template analysis. The results show that taking biodiversity into consideration in investment processes is constantly evolving and Nordic pension investors are paying close attention to the topic. Among drivers to incorporate biodiversity into investment decision-making, risk management was the most important. ESG specialists' experience of institutional investors' means to influence biodiversity loss mitigation differed from pension investors' perspective. Nordic pension investors are not fully aware of the existing methods for analyzing the risks and impacts of biodiversity loss in their own investment portfolio. However, they are highly motivated to find reliable ways to manage portfolio risks. Integrating biodiversity risks and impacts into the investment process can be challenging due to a lack of investment tools and best practices. Investors are preparing for increasing statutory and voluntary regulation. Both ESG specialists and Nordic pension investors see that lack of comparable, transparent, reliable data is an essential barrier when it comes to listed-equity investments and biodiversity loss mitigation. The data available lacks financial materiality and the impacts of biodiversity loss on the real-world return expectations, and return-risk-profiles are unknown. To solve problems regarding the lack of data in general and especially transparent and comparable data, companies are expected to disclose material nature-related dependencies and impacts, and report associated metrics and targets.
  • Blomberg, Laura (2022)
    Since the 1980s, international funding provided by diverse and changing donors has significantly changed Madagascar’s conservation landscape. The various challenges and development needs related to biodiversity conservation and its international funding have long been known to the international community and solutions have been sought. Despite this, deforestation and the destruction of the environment in Madagascar continue. The aim of this study was to identify the perceptions of various stakeholders on the current challenges and development needs for biodiversity conservation and its international funding in Madagascar by using qualitative methods. This study was based on 26 semi-structured interviews. The interviewees represented stakeholders involved in internationally funded biodiversity conservation projects in Madagascar. 14 of these interviews were conducted specifically for this study. The remaining, 12 interviews were from the material collected for the research project “Conservation Legacies: Understanding the Long-term Impacts of Private Foundation Investment in International Biodiversity Conservation”. The qualitative content analysis combining a deductive and inductive approach revealed a number of different challenges and development needs that were strongly interlinked. The identified challenges were related to, for example, weak governance and its different indicators, political instabilities, poverty and internal migration, donor requirements, insufficient amount of funding, funding gaps, dependency of international funding, donor-driven priority setting, lack of coordination, and the challenges posed by the operating environment. The identified development needs included the need for longer funding cycles, flexibility, stronger local participation, more holistic and cross-sectoral approaches, and involvement of private sector. Extensive cooperation across actors and sectors is still needed to tackle the challenges and put development needs into practice. Without this, there is a risk that the objectives for conserving biodiversity and making development aid more effective will not be achieved. Achieving these objectives would be supported by research into how the prioritisation and ownership of biodiversity conservation could be increasingly transferred to the local level, while ensuring that all aspects of sustainable development - social, ecological and economic – are considered.
  • Kämäräinen, Kaisa (2021)
    The purpose of this study was to study the current biodiversity management practices in three large size companies and to study the biggest challenges the case companies are facing regarding biodiversity management. Biodiversity loss has been discussed for decades, but in only in recent years biodiversity has been more discussed also from more strategic point of view in the corporate world. The private sector has a considerable impact on biodiversity as well as a large part of the capacity to slow down and change the direction of biodiversity loss. Therefore, it is important that also the private sector considers and manages its impacts on biodiversity. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study including three case companies. The data was gathered through half-structured questionnaires through Microsoft Forms, a one-hour distance discussion with each of the companies, and from the latest annual reports in the fall of 2020. The results showed that biodiversity is considered to be an important topic among the case companies and that they are increasingly considering their impact on biodiversity as well. All case companies expect regulation on biodiversity to increase in the future and also the stakeholder demand around the topic has increased. However, only one of the companies has considered their impacts on biodiversity for years already; they have a management plan and they are following a specific reporting framework. Two of the companies have started to consider biodiversity separately or as a part of their other sustainability topics but they do not yet have biodiversity management plans in place nor do they follow any specific reporting framework. Regarding the biggest difficulties, the results show that especially finding suitable indicators and measuring the impacts on biodiversity are considered difficult. The results also show that understanding the concept of biodiversity and how biodiversity is related to the business is difficult. Companies also see that there is a lot of information regarding biodiversity available, but knowledge on how to use it for managing biodiversity is lacking. The results as well as the literature review indicate that impacts on biodiversity is increasingly managed but there are difficulties that need to be overcome. There are several biodiversity management frameworks that can be used for assessing the impacts and building suitable management plans. The better understanding companies have on their impacts biodiversity and vice versa, the better. It must be noted that the results indicate the views of large size (over 40 million € net revenue) companies in sectors that have rather direct impact on biodiversity. Therefore, the results may differ when studying companies of different sizes and from other sectors.
  • Sampolahti, Sani (2014)
    In this study the economic values for the breeding goal traits for Finnish Ayrshire cattle were determined by the bioeconomical model. Additionally, the economic value was determined for a new trait, feed efficiency, which was modelled as residual feed intake (RFI). Feed efficiency was added to breeding goals because of intrest in reduction of harmful environmental effects of dairy cattle production. The effect of increasing feed costs on the economic weights was also studied. Economic values were determined by the program ECOWEIGHT. The bioeconomical model included 21 traits, which can be divided a few categories: milk production traits, growth and carcass traits and functional traits (calving difficulty, stillbirth, calf mortality in the rearing period, fertility traits, productive lifetime of cows, incidence of clinical mastitis, somatic cell score (SCS) and residual feed intake (RFI)). Economic values and standardized economic weights were defined for the traits. Profitability of the milk production was negative (?13,3%), when the subsidies were not included in the calculations. Adding RFI didn’t have any effect on the economic values of the other traits and it didn’t change the order of the traits in standardized economical weight. The marginal economic values for RFI of cows and heifers were ?55,8 and ?24,9 €/kg/d, respectively. The highest relative economic weights was found for 305-d milk (36%), protein (14%), fat (9%), mature weight (7%) and calving interval (5%). Relative economic weights for RFI of cows and heifers were 4,6% and 1,5%, respectively. An increase in the feeding costs (10, 30 and 50%) changed the order of the traits in standardized economical weights. The weights of milk production traits were decreased and the weights of growth traits, RFI and calving interval were increased. RFI of cows was the fifth important trait when feeding costs increased 30%. According to the results of this study would be beneficial, especially if the relative im-portance of feed efficiency will increase in the future due to increasing feed costs or in-creasing requirements to mitigate the environmental impact of milk production. However, more research will be needed before adding RFI to the breeding goals.
  • Hartikainen, Anna (2019)
    Nykyinen jälkiteollinen ihmiskunta tuottaa energiansa pääasiassa fossiilisilla polttoaineilla. Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen osapuolet sitoutuivat pitämään ilmaston lämpenemisen alle kahdessa celsiusasteessa verrattuna esiteolliseen aikaan ja muuttamaan energiantuotantotapojaan. Yhtenä ratkaisuna nähdään uusiutuvat energianlähteet, joita kuuluvat muun muassa biopolttoaineet. Bioetanoli on maailmanlaajuisesti käytetyin liikenteen biopolttoaine, jonka tuotanto on huomattavasti kasvanut 1980-luvulta lähtien. Tällä hetkellä bioetanolia tuotetaan etupäässä ruoantuotannon kanssa kilpailevista sokeri- ja tärkkelyspitoisista viljelykasveista, mutta niin kutsuttujen toisen sukupolven biopolttoaineiden tuotanto olisi ihmiskunnan ja maapallon kannalta kestävämmällä pohjalla. Toisen sukupolven bioetanolia valmistetaan kasvi- ja puupohjaisesta jätemateriaalista, kuten maa- ja metsätalouden sekä elintarviketeollisuuden jätteistä. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa hyväksi lignoselluloosan ja puuperäisten jätteiden hajottajaksi ja monipuoliseksi entsyymien tuottajaksi tunnistettu, valkolahottajiin kuuluva kääpämäinen kantasieni rusorypykkä Phlebia radiata kykenee samanaikaiseen kiinteän kasvualustan hajotukseen ja etanolifermentaatioon. Tämän vuoksi rusorypykän etanolin tuottoa ja siihen liittyviä perusaineenvaihduntareittejä haluttiin tutkia tarkemmin. Sienen rihmastoa kasvatettiin jätelignoselluloosamateriaaleilla hapettomiksi muuttuvissa fermentaatio-olosuhteissa. Etanolin tuoton ja kasvualustan pilkkoutumisen lisäksi tutkittiin käänteistranskription kvantitatiivisella PCR-reaktiolla lignoselluloosan hajotukseen ja etanolifermentaatioon liittyviä entsyymejä koodaavia geenejä ja näiden geenien ilmentymistä eri kasvuaikapisteissä. Tulosten perusteella havaittiin rusorypykän tuottavan noin 13,5 massa-% etanolia kasvualustan hiilihydraattien sokeripitoisuuden perusteella lasketusta teoreettisesta maksimiarvosta. Lignoselluloosan hajotukseen ja etanolin fermentointiin oleellisesti liittyvien entsyymien geenit ilmentyivät kasvatusten aikana jätelignoselluloosalla tilastollisesti merkitsevin eroin eri aikapisteissä, mikä osoitti hajotustoiminnan, rihmaston kasvun ja etanolin tuoton olevan muuttuvia ja toisiinsa vaikuttavia prosesseja. Sieni pystyi hyödyntämään kiinteää kasvualustaansa irrottaen siitä käyttöönsä sokereita. Rihmaston kasvusta ja elävästä sienibiomassasta viitteitä antavaa ergosterolia havaittiin koko kuukauden pituisen kasvatuksen ajan. Lisäksi kaasukehässä havaittiin odotettuja fermentaatiomuutoksia, kuten hiilidioksidin kertymistä, ja happikaasu oli neljässä viikossa lähes kulutettu loppuun. Tulosten perusteella rusorypykkä osoittautui tehokkaaksi jätelignoselluloosan pilkkojaksi ja kestäväksi etanolin tuottajaksi. RNA-eristys kiinteältä kasvualustalta sekä aineenvaihduntageenien ilmentymisen analysointi RT-qPCR-menetelmällä mahdollistivat rusorypykän transkriptomin jatkotutkimuksen geenien säätelyn selvittämiseksi fermentoivissa ja lähes hapettomissa olosuhteissa.
  • Honkala, Juho (2014)
    Biochar has been proposed to a promising future product as a carbon sink in carbon sequestration and as a soil conditioner. The aim of this master thesis is to clarify, how biochar affects on the crop formation and yield of faba bean Vicia faba in Southern-Finland. The research includes 3 growing seasons (2010-2012), but the biochar was spred in spring 2010. The study was carried out at the fields of the Viikki research farm, owned by the University Of Helsinki. The study was a split plot experiment, in which as the main plot factor was biochar rate (0, 5, 10 t ha?1). As the sub-plot factor was used fertilizing rate (12, 26 and 40 kg ha?1). To analyzing the yield components, the crop mass samples from the vegetation of every experimental plot were taken. The samples were taken at the end of crop maturation, at the development stage of > 85 (BBCH). Then the samples were dried. The yield components from the samples were separated, such as vegetative (leaves, stalks) and generative parts (pods). After that these parts were weighed. Pods were also calculated and seeds were separated from the pods, and then they were weighed. From obtained data, it was then possible to calculate the key number of yield com-ponents. And finally, the statistical analysis were done with these data. Biochar reduced the plant density at dry growing seasons 2010-2011. But at the same time it enhanced the number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. At moist year 2012 there were no significant differences in these components. Biochar didn’t affect significantly on the seed yield of faba bean. Fertilizing didn’t affect significantly on any yield component. Biochar and fertilizing affected significantly together only on 1 000 seeds weight on the year 2010. The lack of statistically significant affects was possibly due to the high fertility of the experimental field. There was evidence that biochar may enhance yield formation of faba bean through the ability of plants to compensate the decreased plant density during dry years. In this situation, a plant in-creases the other yield components. Due to biochar, the tolerance of plants to drought stress can become better. As a conclusion, biochar can be remarkable soil conditioner in the future, in particular during dry growing seasons. However, in fertile soils of Southern-Finland, there are no expected big yield increases in the first three years.
  • Pitkänen, Nelli (2022)
    Runsas väkilannoitetypen käyttö kasvien typen tarpeen tyydyttämiseksi ja runsaampien satojen saamiseksi sekä karjatalouden keskittyminen tietyille alueille, ovat lisänneet maataloudesta aiheutuvaa typen vesistökuormitusta. Lisääntynyt ympäristötietoisuus on kuitenkin nostanut kestävyyden ja ilmastoviisaan ruoantuotannon osaksi maatalouden tavoitteita, mikä on lisännyt eloperäisten tai kierrätysaineista valmistettujen tai yhteiskunnan sivuvirroista valmistettujen maanparannusaineiden käyttöä. Maanparannusaineina käytettävien tuotteiden kenttä on laaja ja niiden vaikutukset moninaiset, mutta biohiilestä on etsitty ratkaisua liukoisen nitraatin (NO3-) ympäristökuorman vähentämiseksi. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kahden kaupallisen biohiilen sekä synteettisen hiilipolymeerin vaikutusta nitraatin pidättymiseen, ja toisaalta pidättymisen vaikutusta nitraatin käyttökelpoisuuteen kasveille. Tutkimus koostui kahdesta osasta, josta ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin maanparannusaineiden kykyä pidättää maanparannusaineisiin esimuhitettua nitraattia peräkkäisten uuttojen avulla. Toinen osa koostui kasvatuskokeesta, jossa tarkasteltiin maanparannusaineisiin mahdollisesti pidättyneen nitraatin käyttökelpoisuutta ohralle kasvin kasvun ja klorofyllipitoisuuksien avulla. Uuttokokeen perusteella saksanpähkinänkuoresta valmistettu biohiili (Biohiili 1) osoitti kykyä pidättää nitraattia, koska kahden ensimmäisen uuton aikana biohiilestä ei vapautunut käytännössä lainkaan esimuhituksessa lisätystä nitraatista. Sen sijaan kuusesta valmistettu biohiili (Biohiili 2) ja hiilipolymeeri vapauttivat merkittävästi ja asteittain vähemmän nitraattia peräkkäisissä uutoissa. Kolmen peräkkäisen uuton jälkeen Biohiili 1:sta uuttui vain 1,8 % esimuhituksessa lisätystä typestä, kun taas Biohiili 2:sta uuttui 80 %. Hiilipolymeerillä uuttuneen nitraatin määrä oli yli 100 %, josta osa NO3-N oli peräisin itse tuotteesta. Kasvatuskokeen perusteella typpi ei todennäköisesti ollut ohrien kasvua rajoittava tekijä, ja vaikka Hiilipolymeeri sisälsi itsessään merkittävästi enemmän epäorgaanista typpeä, se ei johtanut korkeam-paan biomassaan. Erot ohrien biomassan ja klorofyllin kehityksessä liittyvät todennäköisimmin muihin ympäristötekijöihin. Mahdollisia selityksiä ovat fysikaalis-kemialliset erot kasvualustassa, mukaan lukien kasvualustan pH (biohiilillä emäksinen ja Hiilipolymeerillä hapan), irtotiheys ja huokoisuus, mutta lisäksi kesällä 2021 koettu poikkeuksellisen kuuma sää vaikutti todennäköisesti myös ohran kasvuun. Biohiilet ovat potentiaalisia maanparannusaineita vähentämään maataloudesta aiheutuvaa typen ympäristökuormitusta, ilman että ne vaikuttavat kasveille käyttökelpoisen typen määrään merkittävästi. Biohiilen valmistuksessa käytetty raaka-aine sekä valmistusprosessi vaikuttavat kuitenkin merkittävästi lopulliseen tuotteeseen, minkä vuoksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta ominaisuuksista, jotka vaikuttavat nitraatin pidättymisen tehokkuuteen.
  • Nyman, Oskari (2023)
    Biokaasu on uusiutuva energianlähde, jolla pystytään korvaamaan fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä teollisuudessa sekä liikenteessä. Tämän vuoksi Euroopan unionin ja Suomen tavoitteena on lisätä biokaasun tuotannon määrää. Suomessa on muihin Euroopan maihin kuten Saksaan ja Tanskaan verrattuna vähän biokaasulaitoksia, mikä johtuu osittain heikosta kannattavuudesta. Tämä tutkielma on tapaustutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on selvittää neljän eri biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdon kannattavuus ja vaikutus tilan energiaomavaraisuuteen loimaalaisella sikatilalla. Tilalla on noin 200 emakkopaikan yhdistelmäsikala sekä noin 160 hehtaaria peltoa viljelyssään. Pienissä biokaasulaitosvaihtoehdoissa syötteinä käytetään 6000 tonnia lietettä, 1000 tonnia kuivalantaa sekä 50 tonnia nurmea. Suurissa laitosvaihtoehdoissa nurmen määrä nostetaan 500 tonniin. Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa käydään yleisesti läpi biokaasuntuotantoa, eli syötteitä, tuotteita ja biokaasuprosesseja sekä maatilakohtaisia biokaasulaitoksia koskevia lakisääteisiä vaatimuksia ja biokaasulaitosinvestoinnille haettavia tukia. Kannattavuuslaskelmat suoritetaan Luken biokaasulaskurilla, joka on suunniteltu alle 35 000 tonnia syötteitä käyttävien biokaasulaitosten kannattavuuksien arviointiin. Biokaasulaskurin lähtötiedot asetetaan sopiviksi tilalta saatujen tietojen mukaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa todettiin, että vain suuri biometaania tuottava biokaasulaitosvaihtoehto oli käytetyillä lähtöarvoilla kannattava. Herkkyysanalyyseissä todettiin, että kaikki laitosvaihtoehdot olivat kannattavia, jos käytettävien syötteiden laatu oli lähtöarvoja korkeampi. Lämmön ja sähkön yhteistuotanto (CHP) oli kannattavaa pienessä sekä suuressa laitoksessa, jos ostosähkön hinta nostettiin 12 senttiin kilowattitunnilta. Biometaanin tuotanto oli pienessä laitosvaihtoehdossa kannattavaa, jos myytävän biometaanin hinta oli 1,1 €/kg. Suuressa laitosvaihtoehdossa se oli kannattavaa, kun hinta oli 0,85 €/kg. Lämpöenergian suhteen tila ei päässyt energiaomavaraisuuteen millään laitosvaihtoehdolla. Sähkön osalta suuri CHP:tä tuottava laitos tuotti kaiken tilan kuluttaman sähkön ja pieni CHP:tä tuottava laitos tuotti noin kolme neljäsosaa tilan vuosittaisesta sähkönkulutuksesta.
  • Metsärinne, Vilma (2017)
    Biokaasulaitos tuottaa biokaasua energiakäyttöön ja mädätettä lannoitteeksi kasvintuotantoon. Biokaasulaitos on täten monipuolinen tuotanto- ja kierrätyslaitos. Tavanomainen energian- ja lannoitteiden tuotanto on hyvin energiaintensiivistä ja uusiutumattomia energianlähteitä käyttävää. Biokaasulaitos mahdollistaa hajautetun energiantuotannon ja lannoitteiden tuottamisen uusiutuvista raaka-aineista, monesti raaka-aineista jotka olisivat muuten jätteeksi luokiteltavaa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää, mitä Suomessa toimivissa biokasulaitoksissa käytetään syötteinä, kuinka paljon biokaasua saadaan tuotettua, millaisia ovat mädätteen ravinnepitoisuudet ja kuinka viljelijät käyttävät mädätettä pelloilla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös, millainen olisi ideaali biokaasulaitoksen toiminta kaasuntuoton, mädätteen jatkokäytön ja laitoksen toiminnan kannalta. Kuinka biokaasuntuotantoa voitaisiin Suomessa lisätä ja parantaa energia- ja ravinneomavaraisuutta? Tarkoitus oli kerätä tietoa sekä keskitetysti toimivilta biokaasulaitoksilta että maatilojen omilta biokaasulaitoksilta. Tavoitteena oli vertailla eri laitosten antamia tietoja ja selvittää millaisia eroja laitoksista löytyy. Tutkimus toteutettiin internetpohjaisena kyselynä. Kyselypohjia oli kaksi: toinen biokaasulaitoksille ja toinen maatiloille, joilla joko oli oma biokaasulaitos tai tilalla oli joskus käytetty mädätettä lannoitteena. Yhteensä vastaajia kertyi 14 kappaletta. Mädätteiden pääravinnepitoisuuksissa oli eroja, vaihteluväli oli 2,8-16 ja keskiarvo 6,47 kokonaistypen osalta. Niissä mädätteissä, joissa oli korkea kokonaistyppipitoisuus, oli myös korkea kokonaisfosforipitoisuus (R2=0,56; p=0,013). Tuloksista ei voi tehdä selkeitä johtopäätöksiä sen suhteen, mikä tai mitkä olisivat parhaita syöteaineita. Syöteaineet olivat vaihtelevia, ja samanlaatuisilla syöteaineilla kaasuntuotanto ja mädätteen laatu erosivat kahdella eri laitoksella.
  • Kiviranta, Tuure (2011)
    Työn tavoitteena on tutkia nautatilojen lannan käsittelytapojen taloudellista kannattavuutta. Tutkimuksessa verrataan lietelannan vaihtoehtoisia käsittelytapoja, joita ovat (a) lietteen levittäminen peltoon ilman esikäsittelyä, (b) lietelannan jakeistaminen typpipitoiseen nestejakeeseen ja fosforipitoiseen kuivajakeeseen sekä (c) lannan hyödyntäminen biokaasun tuotannossa. Aineistona tutkimuksessa käytetään aiempia tutkimustuloksia sekä Vieremällä sijaitsevien nautatilojen (21 kpl) tietoja. Menetelmänä käytetään lineaarista ohjelmointia ja malli ratkaistaan GAMS -ohjelmaa käyttämällä. Teoriana tutkimuksessa on tuotanto- ja kustannusteoria. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kuinka eläintiheys, peltolohkorakenne sekä kustannusten muutokset vaikuttavat lannankäsittelyyn. Tutkimuksessa havaitaan, että kun kaikkea lietettä ei voida levittää tilan hallinnassa oleville pelloille, on lietteen jakeistaminen kannattavaa, jos jakeistuskustannus ei ylitä 1,2 €/m3. Sijoituslevityksen havaitaan olevan hajalevitystä kannattavampaa, paitsi typen hinnan ollessa hyvin alhainen hajalevitys on kannattavampi vaihtoehto. Korkea typpikustannus ja lietteen jakeistuskustannus tekevät biokaasun tuotannosta kannattavan vaihtoehdon, jos biokaasulaitos sijaitsee hyvin lähellä tilaa. Lietteen jakeistaminen on kannattavaa alueilla, joilla lannanlevityspinta-alasta on niukkuutta. Jakeistettavaa lietettä on kuitenkin oltava vähintään 20 000 m3/a, jotta jakeistuslaitteen hankkiminen on kannattavaa. Biokaasun tuotannon ei katsota olevan tällä hetkellä kannattava lannan käsittelyvaihtoehto, koska laitoksen olisi saatava tarvittava raaka-ainemäärä kaikissa tapauksissa alle kahden kilometrin säteeltä, eikä tämän katsota onnistuvan. Vieremän tiloista ainoastaan yksi tila sijaitsee riittävän lähellä suunniteltua laitoksen sijaintipaikkaa.
  • Nordling, Linnea (2016)
    The aim of this master thesis was to evaluate suitability of a biogas plant as a manure maintenance method in a kind of a horse village, where many horse businesses are located close to each other. The suitability of the biogas plant was evaluated by ecological and economic effects. For ecological effects the investigation was made concerning nitrogen and phosphorus flows and for economic effects an evaluation was made concerning the total profitability of the biogas plant. Nitrogen and phosphorus flows were investigated by substance flow analysis. The evaluation was made by investigating internal flows, flows inside and outside of the system and the size of the flows of two systems in which one system was a horse village with a biogas plant and the other system was a horse village without a biogas plant. The horse village without the biogas plant was further divided into two options. One option was to spread the manure on fields and the other option was to hand over the manure. The economic profitability was evaluated by gross margin calculation concerning four different options which were a biogas plant producing CHP with and without financial support and a biogas plant producing fuel with and without financial support. Concerning nitrogen and phosphorus flows, the horse village where the manure is spread on fields is as good option as where the manure is being processed on a biogas plant and where the digested sludge is used for fertilizer as well. Handing over the manure outside the horse village is a worse option in relation to the local substances flow cycle. The construction of the biogas plant in horse village was profitable in every options. Although manure processed by biogas plant is evaluated to produce less nutrient loss compared to manure which is spread straight to the field, there still is a need for further investigation about the effects of biogas production on nutrient flows and nutrient losses in order to model the effects of a horse village. However, according to previous investigations it is known that biogas production decrease greenhouse gas effects. The profitability of biogas plant requires that manure maintenance costs of the horse village have been quite high before the biogas plant.
  • Raitosalo, Amanda (2020)
    Heavy traffic and transportation of crude oil makes the Baltic Sea vulnerable to accidental oil spills. Currently mechanical removal is the recommended response method in the Baltic Sea region. However, in bad weather conditions, mechanical oil removal can be challenging, and it may be justifiable to consider alternative response methods in order to protect valuable natural sites. Chemical dispersants are mixtures of surfactants and solvents and are used to treat spilled oil in marine environments. Dispersants break oil slicks into small droplets, which are more readily available for microbial biodegradation. Large-scale studies on the effects of dispersants on microbial communities and biodegradation rates have not been conducted in the Baltic Sea. During this 40-day microcosm study, native microbial communities from the Gulf of Finland were exposed to crude oil, dispersant or their combination. Additional nutrients were not supplied during the study. The experiment was carried out at 10 °C, and samples were collected at days 1, 2, 5, 14 and 40. The amount and expression of genes related to microbial abundance, oil biodegradation and nutrient cycling was assessed by quantitative PCR. Extracellular enzymatic activities of microbes were studied utilizing high throughput robotics. The results indicated that microbial response was primarily elevated in samples containing dispersant. Dispersant was degraded almost completely during the study period. Biodegradation of C21-40 hydrocarbons in crude oil was not enhanced with the addition of dispersant. On genetic level, the abundance and expression of alkane monooxygenase gene (alkB) was elevated in samples with dispersant, whereas the abundance and expression of polycyclic aromatic ring-hydroxylating dioxygenase gene (PAH-RHD) was enhanced also in samples containing crude oil.
  • Manninen, Anna (2018)
    In Finland, the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel is due to begin in the 2020s. The spent nuclear fuel will be stored in the deep bedrock of Olkiluoto, Eurajoki. Biological sulphate reduction is one of the most significant mechanisms possibly disrupting the integrity of the final disposal concept. Microorganisms living in groundwater may produce sulphide, which induces corrosion of the metallic waste capsules designed for spent nuclear fuel. In addition, metallic waste present in the low-level and intermediate-level nuclear waste repository may be subject to corrosion. The rate of biological sulphate reduction in groundwater samples from Olkiluoto and in waters from experimental set-ups was studied with 35SO42- -radiolabel method. Furthermore, effects of supplemental nutrients and incubation time on detected sulphate reduction rates were studied. First, the method was optimised for the oligotrophic, deep groundwaters with low cell numbers. Abundance of marker genes was determined with qPCR, including dissimilatory sulphite reductase gene dsrB (beta subunit) and 16S rRNA gene of bacteria and archaea. Several improvements were made to the sulphate reduction rate measurement method during this thesis work. The method was demonstrated to be applicable for environmental samples. However, statistical matters, such as setting the minimum detection limit, need to be considered separately for each water type studied. Due to low cell numbers of the studied waters, variation between parallel samples was considerable throughout the work. Biological sulphate reduction was detected at various sites in the repository area. Sulphate reduction rates in the studied waters varied from approximately 0 to 1 nmol cm-3 d-1, whereas sulphate reduction rate of reference strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans was up to 24 nmol cm-3 d-1. Supplemental nutrients and incubation time had variable effects on sulphate reduction rates. Microbial communities were demonstrated to be well-adapted to changing environmental conditions, as they were able to utilise introduced nutrients. Sulphate reduction rates detected in this study were modest. However, as the time scale for nuclear waste disposal is extremely long, estimating microbial metabolism over such period is challenging.
  • Kangas, Niina (2013)
    The aim of this study was to look into the possibility of using predatory mites as a biological control agent in the nursery production. This study focuses on the biological control of two phytophagous mites, Tetranychus urticae and Aculus schlectendali that occur as pests in apple seedling production. The directive 2009/128/EY of the European Union obligates the farmers to follow the principles of the integrated pest management and favour other control methods, such as biological control, rather than chemical pesticides. This study is a part of The Finnish Nursery Producers Association’s project that aims to develop biological control practices for the nursery production in Finland and promote integrated pest management in nursery production. The experiments for this study were carried out outdoors in a field and indoors in a seasonal greenhouse, where the population development of T. urticae and A. schlechtendali on apple seedlings was followed. Population density of mites was counted from leaf samples gathered from the seedlings in two week intervals from May until the end of August. Biological control of T. urticae was tested with Phytoseeid mites, Neoseiulus barkeri and Phytoseiulus persimilis. Chemical control was used as a comparison treatment. The effects of the biological control were followed by comparing the population densities of phytophagous mites in the area of biological control to the mite densities in the area of chemical control. N. barkeri and P. persimilis were not able to prevent nor stop T. urticae population growth in the greenhouse where the densities of T. urticae grew higher in the area of biological control than in the area of chemical control. Outdoors the population densities of T. urticae remained low throughout the experiment in both treatment areas. Population densities of A. schlechtendali grew high indoors and outdoors within both treatments. Even though biological control did not succeed in these experiments, the conditions in the greenhouse were suitable for Phytoseeid mites and in theory it should be possible exploit them as control agents in nursery production. The high densities of A. schlechtendali were surprising. In the future it would be important to consider the importance of this species as a pest and find effective means to control it.
  • Nyqvist, Krista (2018)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract The long period of indoor feeding in Finland emphasizes the importance of good quality silage in dairy cow nutrition. Silage additives are used to ensure successful ensiling. Silage inoculants enhance silage lactic acid fermentation when lactic acid bacteria and sometimes enzymes and other fermentative bacteria are added to silage. Lactic acid content has been higher and pH lower in silages treated with inoculant than in silages without any additive. Aerobic stability of silage and total mixed ration (TMR) has been better with silage treated using inoculant compared to silage without additives. In some studies, the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter has been better with inoculant-treated silage. Silage dry matter intake has been improved with silage treated with inoculants in studies performed with dairy cows, growing beef cattle and sheep. Milk yield has increased in some studies with biological additive when compared to silage without additives. The aim of this study was to examine whether ensiling grass silage with biological additive influences feed intake or milk production of dairy cows in comparison to silage without inoculant. The study was conducted at the research farm of University of Helsinki. First cut timothy – meadow fescue sward was cut and wilted for 46 hours. The grass was harvested in round bales wrapped with 8 film layers either using silage inoculant (treatment B, with lactic acid bacteria and enzymes) or without additive (treatment A). A series of five bales of each silage were prepared one after another. The grass had dry matter of 183 g/kg before wilting and 328 g/kg after wilting. Water soluble carbohydrate concentration was 121 g/kg dry matter (DM). The silages were stored for 174 days before the beginning of the feeding trial. There were no differences in silage fermentation quality. Both silages had high concentration of lactic acid (100 g/kg DM). The dry matter contents were 296 and 294 g/kg and pH 4.25 and 4.31 for the inoculated silage and the silage without additive, respectively. Eight Finnish Ayrshire cows (95 days in milk, standard deviation 25.9) of second or later parity were used. The cows were kept in tie stalls during the trial. A double-reversal design was used with two treatments sequences (ABBA or BAAB) of 21 days each. The cows were fed with total mixed ration consisting of 65% (dry matter basis) of silage (inoculated or without additive), 20% of concentrate mixture, 13% rapeseed meal and 1.5% mineral supplement. Dry matter intake was 1,1 kg/d higher with the inoculated silage (p=0.01) than with untreated silage. Digestibility of dietary dry matter (p=0.02) and organic matter (p=0.02) was lower with inoculated than untreated silage. There was no difference in milk production between treatments (p=0.65). This study indicates that good fermentation quality of wilted (DM 300 g kg) grass silage can be achieved without additives. The increased dry matter intake or the lower digestibility of the diet containing inoculated silage cannot be explained by the silage composition or fermentation profile.
  • Ronkainen, Tiina (2009)
    Tarkastelen pro gradu- tutkielmassani Euroopan puoleisen Venäjän tundran eri kasvupaikkoja. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin satelliittikuvilta toisistaan erottuvien kasvupaikkojen biomassan ja hiilidioksidivoiden eroja kasvupaikkojen välillä. Lisäksi testasin, voidaanko regressioanalyysillä kasvillisuuden lajiryhmän peittävyyteen ja korkeuteen perustuen ennustaa luotettavasti kasvillisuuden biomassaa. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla saadaan arvokasta tietoa eteläisen tundra-alueen eri kasvupaikkatyyppien tämän hetkisestä maanpäällisestä biomassasta ja siitä mitkä kasvupaikat ovat mahdollisesti ilmakehän hiilidioksidin lähteitä tai nieluja. Mikäli ilmaston lämpenemisen seurauksena kasvupaikkatyyppien suhteet muuttuvat, on tärkeää tietää eri tyyppien hiilenvarannoista ja vaihdosta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2007. Biomassa aineisto kerättiin systemaattisella otannalla viideltä 900 metrin pituiselta linjalta, lisäksi näytteitä kerättiin myös hiilidioksidivuon mittauskaulusten läheisyydestä. Regressioanalyysiä varten kirjattiin ylös funktionaalisten kasviryhmien (sammalet, jäkälät, ruohovartiset, varvut, vaivaiskoivu ja pajut) peittävyydet (%) ja korkeudet (cm). Keräämäni biomassa-aineiston ja Kuopion yliopiston tutkijoiden kammiomenetelmällä keräämän hiilidioksidivuoaineiston avulla laskin tutkitulle alueelle eri kasvupaikkojen keskimääräiset biomassat ja ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettovaihdon (NEE) ja respiraation (ER) mittauskauden keskiarvot. Kaukokartoituksen avulla selvitettiin myös kasvupaikkojen peittävyyksiä laajemmalla alueella (98 km2, Quickbird kuvan koko). Näin saatiin kokonaiskuva alueen tämän hetkisestä biomassasta ja eri kasvupaikkojen jakautumisesta. 98 km2 kokoisella alueella suurimmat peittävyydet olivat varpupeitteisellä turvemaalla (23 %) ja varputundralla (19 %). Alueen kasvupaikkojen peittävyyksillä painotetun biomassan keskiarvo oli 601 g m-2. Merkitsevää eroa kasvupaikkojen biomassojen välillä oli vain muutamien kasvupaikkojen kohdalla. Kaikki hiilidioksidinmittauskohteet, paitsi paljaat turvemaat, olivat kesän 2007 keskiarvon mukaan ilmakehän hiilidioksidin nieluja. Ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettosidonta (NEE) oli suurinta pajuvaltaisella kasvupaikalla ja vähäisintä varputundralla. Ekosysteemiin respiraatio (ER) suhteessa ekosysteemin hiilidioksidin nettosidontaan oli voimakkaampaa mineraalimaan kohteilla kuin turvemaan kohteilla. Regressioanalyysi osoittautui luotettavaksi välineeksi ennustaa kasvillisuuden biomassaa peittävyyden ja korkeuden avulla aineiston koon ollessa tarpeeksi suuri. Maanpäällinen biomassa oli tutkimallamme alueella samaa luokkaa aikaisempiin tutkimuksiin verrattaessa, ja alue edusti eteläistä tundra vyöhykettä hyvin. Hiilidioksidivoita tarkastellessa kesän 2007 lämpimämmillä lämpötiloilla saattoi olla vaikutuksensa siihen, että suurin osa kasvupaikoista oli hiilidioksidin nieluja.
  • Ahtila, Olli (2011)
    In recent times climate change, decrease of fossil fuels and increase of their price have greatly increased worldwide interest in renewable energy sources. In Finland, there has been a lot of concentration towards forest industry’s secondary produced wood basis biomass, that forest industry uses for its energy production. Forest industry’s waste water cleaning process creates different kinds of sludge, which are either reused or destroyed by burning or transporting to waste treatment plant. Especially reuse of bio sludge is difficult, and waste area placing in the future is impossible or at least economically too expensive. In practice, sludge is treated by burning, and by drying it becomes a bio fuel. The energy use is the best way to destroy waste sludge. Because of the high water consist of the sludge it must be dried before burning. Drying the sludge with secondary energy flow with waste heat from forest industry processes increases energy income from the burning process and replaces the use of fossil fuels. The goal of this research was to find out the most optimal mixture of bark and sludge by changing different drying parameters. The experimental work was started by building a laboratory size fixed bed dryer for the energy technology experiment hall, where drying was studied by blowing heated air through the fuel layer. The dried fuel material was a mixture of bark and sludge, or just bark or sludge at different masses, different percentage mixtures and different temperatures. Making the drying curves was based on weight changes. In the test rig were probes for controlling and setting the temperature as the experiment expected. The temperature and weight changes were recorded to computer during the experiment. The drying experiments showed that sludge-bark mixture dries well, when the percentage of the sludge mass doesn’t increase over 50 %. When the share of sludge is higher, drying is no longer effective, which is due to channelling of the air through the dried fuel material in the fixed bed dryer. When drying the bark, increase of the temperature from 50 °C to 70 °C was much more effective than from 70 °C to 90 °C, the difference in drying time was about doubled.
  • Heinonen, Petra (2023)
    Securing food production is an important objective, especially as climate change affects production conditions. Good crop yields are part of food security, but disease pressure and abiotic stress factors limit yield potential. Chemical plant protection products, which have traditionally been used in plant protection, pose an environmental risk and efforts are therefore being made to reduce their use and replace them with, for example, biological plant protection products. Biostimulants aim to improve crop yields. The aim of this study was to determine whether biomass products produced in different ways have antifungal or biostimulant effects. Three different concentrations of biomass products were used in the experiments. In screening experiments, the antifungal activity of biomass products was investigated in petri dish experiments to test their effect on the growth of two plant pathogenic fungi, Fusarium graminearum and Rhizoctonia solani. The biostimulant effect was investigated by a germination experiment on barley. In the following experiments, the effect of biomass products was investigated in the model organism Physcomitrium patens moss. P. patens was inoculated with two fungal isolates, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and treated with biomass products. Biostimulant properties were observed on uninoculated P. patens. In addition, the study examined, whether the gene expressions of P. patens change due to the influence of biomass products using RT-qPCR. In Petri dish experiments, biomass products inhibited the growth of both F. graminearum and R. solani fungi. The highest concentration tested was most effective against fungi. The lowest biomass product concentration tested was most effective in inducing barley growth. Biomass product in combination with S. sclerotiorum infection caused death of P. patens, but the combined effect with R. solani infection induced P. patens growth. Gene expression of the three transcription factors tested and one defense gene changed by the interaction of biomass products and R. solani infection. Based on the results obtained in the study, biomass products have potential to be used in fungal disease control. The use of biomass products as biostimulants also seems promising. A lot of further research on biomass products is needed to understand their effects on different crops and pathogenic fungi.