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  • Wilenius, Konsta (2022)
    Abstract: Forest education is an essential component in achieving environmental, social, and economic development goals (FAO, 2020). The requirements for new forest professionals are changing (Jegatheswaran et al., 2018). Demands at the workplaces are evolving nowadays relatively fast, putting pressure towards faster adaptation in education programs (Arevalo et al., 2010). In some cases, old education schemes are not able to provide sufficient skills and competencies for new professionals (Jegatheswaran et al., 2018). Comparing the global situation has remained a challenge due to lack of comparable global data. The survey that this study is based on was produced by the Global Forest Education Project during 2020-2021 (Rekola & Sharik, 2022. This survey aimed for all levels of education from primary school to tertiary education (Rekola & Sharik, 2022). This global data set presents a unique opportunity to study forest education at a global scale. The aim of the project was to identify how the current situation is perceived and what the main challenges are for forest education in the future. The globe was split into six regions according toa classification adopted by FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization): (Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, Near East and North Africa and North America). The survey included three different target respondent groups: Professionals, teachers, and students. This study will focus on university-level education. The focus of this study is on following topics: how different forest education topics were perceived to be covered among the study regions? Is resource availability an issue for forest education at tertiary-level? What are the most used teaching and learning approaches and what type approaches educators would like to use more? Do skill and competencies of graduating students meet needs for social and market needs and do all respondent groups have similar views about the situation? Forest education topics had similar trends among the regions, but some topics had some regional variation. E.g., in Europe and Central Asia and North America did put less focus on agroforestry when compared to other regions. The general trend in answers among the regions was that in North America perceived coverage of topics was highest. Near east and North Africa had lowest mean response values and the other regions had quite similar perception about the coverage of different forest education topics. Same trend that was noticeable in education topics can be recognized in resources available for the education, were highest mean response value came from North America and the lowest one from Near East and North Africa. There was also some regional variation E.g., In Africa the availability of teachers was higher than other resources when compared to other regions. Lectures was the most used teaching method in every study region. project-based learning, practical field training and problem-based learning were the three methods that teachers would prefer to use more. The readiness of graduating students to enter the workforce was perceived to be highest in North America and lowest in Near East and North Africa. Among the respondent groups most pessimistic view about the readiness of a graduating student to enter the workforce was from professionals and teachers. All covered topics were perceived to have global mean response value “less then sufficiently covered”, which indicates that the coverage of most of the topics should be increased globally. Only in Europe and Central Asia and in North America resources available for education reached threshold “moderately available”, especially in Africa and Near East and North Africa there seems to be a lack of resources for education. Despite this in Africa the readiness of graduating students was similar to Europe and Central Asia.
  • Toivola, Laura-Elina (2014)
    Malnutrition is common among old people, particularly in the institutionalized elderly. Good nutritional status and ability to function could be maintaided by nutrition treatment that meets the requirements of the elderly. Nursing staff has an important role in nutrition treatment, but studies suggest that nutritional skills of nurses are not adequate, even though attitudes to nutrition treatment are often positive. The aim of the study was to examine the factors that may determine nurses’ nutrition treatment in Finnish elderly care and clear up what kind of attitudes and knowlegde may affect the nutrition treatment. 14 practical nurses (or equivalent) were inteviewed individually in an elderly service centre. Material was analyzed with content analysis. Four main themes were made up of the analysis. The themes were 1) formation of nutritional skills and skills assessment, 2) nutritional knwledge and attitudes, 3) environment of nutrition treatment and 4) nutrition treatment in practice. The nutritional skills of the nurses were of very varied backgrounds. Education, nutritional training in the service centre, nutritional atmosphere in the centre, working experience and personal life were highlighted varyingly. The nurses had wide knowledge of nutrition and its significance, but the views were not equal. Nutrition treatment was considered important and the nurses thought it was their responsibility, but alongside good nutritional status there were other rival values. Aged residents were the basis for the nutrition treatment. In addition, food services in the centre, multiprofessional co-operation and working atmosphere among the nurses were parts of the environment of the nutrition treatment. On one hand, food service practices eased the work of the nurses but on the other hand they decreased the feeling of the possibility to affect the work. Prerequisites for getting support in work were good but the roles among the professionals were partly unclear. Attitudes were varying among the nurses and bad working atmosphere might complicate the nutrition treatment. The nurses had a variety of methods to assess and maintain the nutritional status of the residents but there were lots of individual differences in the practices. In addition, for example lack of appetite and memory disorders were considered challenging when it came to nutrition treatment, and nurses’ problem-solving skills were not adequate in all of these cases. The results point out that nurses’ nutritional knowledge and skills don’t necessarily guarantee successful nutrition treatment. There is also a group of values and attitudes that may determine nutrition treatment. Besides it is important to be aware of where the knowledge, skills and attitudes come from and improve them through channels that are common to all nurses. Context of the treatment should be considered aswell. Without clear and logical practices, good working atmosphere and sufficient support in work it is difficult to utilize the potential that nurses have. More research is needed to develop nutrition treatment that meets the requirements of the elderly even better.
  • Poutiainen, Matti (2016)
    Rakennekehityksen ja kiristyvän kansainvälisen kilpailun myötä maitotilojen on tehostettava toimintaansa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää suomalaisten maitotilojen teknistä tehokkuutta, tuottavuutta ja niiden muutosta ajassa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella etsittiin yhdistäviä ja erottavia selittäviä tekijöitä tilojen välillä. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin panosorientoitua DEA-analyysia, joka laski kaikille tiloille tehokkuusluvut välille [0-1]. Lisäksi tutkittiin Malmquist-indeksin avulla tehokkuuden ja tuottavuuden muutosta ajassa. Tutkimusaineistona oli Luken (ent. MTT) kannattavuuskirjanpitoaineisto, joka sisälsi havainnot vuosilta 2007 – 2012. Kirjanpitoaineistosta karsittiin tutkimukseen 250 tilan joukko. Tulosten perusteella vuosittaiset tehokkuusluvut olivat pysyneet keskimäärin melko samana. Tukien vaikutus tehokkuuslukuihin oli suurin pohjoisimmilla tukialueilla (C2P, C3, C4). Luomutilat olivat tehokkaampia kuin tavanomaiset tilat mutta ilman tukia ei havaittu merkittävää eroa. Keskituotoksen noustessa tehokkuusluku kasvoi ja skaalatehokkuus nousi. Korkeimman eläintiheyden (yli 1,2 ey/ha) ja peltoviljelyn intensiteetin (yli 60 000 MJ/ha) havaittiin indikoivan suurinta tehokkuutta. Tutkimusajanjakson aikana tiloilla havaittiin teknologista kehitystä ja tuottavuuden nousua. Tilan omavaraisuuden laskiessa teknologisen kehityksen havaittiin olevan nopeampaa. Velkaisimmilla tiloilla tuottavuus kasvoi nopeiten. Tehokkuudelle ja tuottavuudelle voidaan löytää useita selittäviä tekijöitä, joita voidaan hyödyntää benchmarkingissa.
  • Partanen, Reeta-Maria (2018)
    Effective population size is one of the most important concepts in population genetics. Large enough effective population size is important in maintaining genetic variation in populations. The aim of the study was to estimate effective population size in Landrace and Yorkshire populations and to find out if there is variation in the effective population size between chromosomes and chromosome segments. Effective population sizes were estimated using changes in allele frequencies across generations. Estimation was done from a SNP-genotype data consisting of 1020 Landrace and 1824 Yorkshire boars born in 1996-2013. Average effective population size in Landrace was approximately 40 individuals when estimated at chromosome level and approximately 47 individuals when estimated from chromosome segments. In Yorkshire, the respective estimates were around 37 and 46 individuals. It was noticed that there is variation in the estimated effective population size in both Landrace and Yorkshire populations. In Landrace, the largest chromosome-wise estimates of the effective population size were four times larger than the smallest estimates. The largest chromosome segment based estimates were 21 times larger than the smallest estimates. In Yorkshire, the largest estimates of chromosome-wise effective population size were three times larger and the largest estimates of chromosome segment based effective population size as much as 35 times larger than the smallest ones. The estimates of average effective population size in this study were clearly smaller in both breeds than the estimates of effective population sizes in previous studies that were based on pedigrees or linkage disequilibrium between SNPs. Chromosome-wise or chromosome segment based estimates of effective population size can be utilized in maintaining genetic variation in populations and in optimizing breeding programs.
  • Poikonen, Heidi (2014)
    Undernutrition and chronic micronutrient deficiency (hidden hunger) are serious problems around the world. Deficiencies in vitamin A, iron and iodine are the most common and they also cause the most health problems. In Mozambique there are micronutrient deficiencies in calcium, iron, iodine, selenium and zinc. Iodine deficiency decreases levels of thyroid hormones in the body. Thyroid hormones are in central role for example in fetal growth and child development. Furthermore, iodine deficiency causes different kinds of health problems in all age groups. Selenium deficiency can also affect levels of thyroid hormones. Selenium is needed in the activation of thyroid hormones. Also syanogenic glycosides from food can disturb thyroid metabolism. Cassava, which is commonly used food plant in Mozambique, is rich in these compounds. This master’s thesis focused on the iodine and selenium nutrition of teenage girls in Zambézia Province in Central Mozambique. I also studied how much these teenage girls use cassava as food. This master’s thesis is part of population-based cross-sectional ZANE-study. In ZANE-study diet and nutritional status of adolescent girls (15-18 years old) was studied in different types of communities in two seasons in 2010 in Quelimane, Maganja de Costa and Morrumbala. Iodine status of the girls was analysed by determining iodine concentration in urine spot samples (n=502). The selenium concentrations were determined from 522 serum samples. The thyroglobulin concentrations were also determined from the serum samples as another marker of iodine status. The results revealed that adolescent girls especially in Maganja de Costa and Morrumbala suffer from mild to moderate iodine deficiency. The median of urinary iodine concentration was 54,7 µg/l in Maganja de Costa (Q1 31,2; Q3 90,2) and 46,4 µg/l in Morrumbala (Q1 24,4; Q3 75,7). Urinary iodine concentration range 100-199 µg/l is an indicator of optimal iodine status. In Quelimane the median was 138,8 µg/l (Q1 86,8; Q3 199,4). Urinary iodine concentrations of pregnant girls were below the reference values in all areas. Serum thyroglobulin concentrations indicated also sub-optimal iodine intake. The serum selenium concentrations in the other hand were optimal in all areas. In Maganja de Costa, cassava was a staple food. In this study, iodine deficiency was observed in adolescent girls in Zambézia Province. Especially pregnant girls and their children are vulnerable group for iodine deficiency. Iodination of salt is an efficient way to increase iodine intake and iodination programmes should be made more efficient. In areas where cassava is commonly used, people should be advised to prepare it in a proper way. In this way possible disadvantages of cassava on iodine nutrition could be avoided.
  • Öhman, Taina (2011)
    Johdanto Riittämätön ravinnonsaanti haittaa lasten fyysistä ja psyykkistä kasvua. Se myös heikentää Saharan eteläpuoleisen Afrikan tuottavuutta ja taloudellista kehitystä. Erityisen heikossa asemassa ovat lapset ja hedelmällisessä iässä olevat naiset johtuen nopean kasvun, raskauden ja imetyksen aiheuttamista vaatimuksista. Yleensä ruokaturvattomuus johtuu fyysisestä tai taloudellisesta ruoan hankintamahdollisuuden puuttumisesta ja on näin ollen läheisesti yhteydessä köyhyyteen sekä kestävien elinkeinojen ja turvaverkostojen puuttumiseen. Kaupungistumisen myötä monien afrikkalaisten elinkeinot, ruokatottumukset ja elämäntyyli ovat muuttuneet. Koska elämä kaupungeissa poikkeaa monin tavoin elämästä maaseudulla, myös ruokaturva ja sen taustalla olevat tekijät voivat olla erilaiset kaupungissa ja maaseudulla. Tällöin myös ruokaturvaohjelmat tulee suunnitella asuinpaikan mukaan ja kohdistaa voimavarat tarpeen mukaan. Harvat tutkimukset kuitenkaan tarkastelevat ruokaturvaa yhtä aikaa kaupungissa ja maaseudulla, mistä johtuen ruokaturvan erilaisuudesta näissä eri asuinympäristöissä on vähän tietoa. Tutkimuksen tavoite Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää teini-ikäisten tyttöjen ruokaturvan taso Zambézian maakunnan maaseudulla ja kaupungeissa sekä tarkastella onko ruokaturva erilainen maaseudulla ja kaupungeissa. Lisäksi selvitetään mitkä tekijät ovat yhteydessä hyvään ruokaturvaan ja ovatko siihen yhteydessä olevat tekijät erilaisia näissä asuinympäristöissä. Aineisto ja menetelmät Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on osa suomalais-mosambikilaista yhteistyöprojektia: Teini-ikäisten tyttöjen ravitsemus ja ruokavalio Zambéziassa (Estudo do Estado Nutricional e da Dieta em Raparigas Adolescentes na Zambézia). Tutkimus selvittää 15–18-vuotiaiden teinityttöjen ravitsemustilaa, ruokavaliota ja ruokaturvaa maaseudulla ja kaupunkiympäristössä Zambézian maakunnassa, ennen sadonkorjuuta ja sadonkorjuun jälkeen. Tämä osatutkimus perustuu ennen sadonkorjuuta tammi-helmikuussa 2010 kerättyyn aineistoon (n=277). Ruokaturvaa mitattiin Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) -kyselylomakkeella. Taustatietohaastattelusta poimittiin ruokaturvan kannalta mielenkiintoiset tekijät ja tarkasteltiin niiden yhteyttä ruokaturvaan. Tulokset Ruokaturvan havaittiin olevan huomattavasti parempi maaseudulla kuin kaupungissa. Maaseudulla kotieläimiä omistavat perheet kuuluivat harvemmin huonoon ruokaturvaluokkaan, kuin perheet jotka eivät omistaneet eläimiä. Kaupungissa ylimmässä varallisuustertiilissä olevat perheet kuuluivat keskimmäisessä varallisuustertiilissä olevia harvemmin huonoon ruokaturvaluokkaan. Maaseudun ja kaupungin välillä havaittavaa eroa ruokaturvassa selitti varallisuus. Johtopäätökset Maaseutua ja kaupunkeja tulisi ruokaturvatutkimuksissa käsitellä erillisinä tutkimuskohteina. Erilaiset ruokatottumukset saattavat vaikuttaa koettuun ruokaturvaan kaupungeissa ja maaseudulla. Ruokaturvan taustatekijät ovat myös erilaiset, jolloin ruokaturvattomuuden poistaminen vaatii eri toimintatapoja asuinpaikasta riippuen. Varallisuudella saattaa olla suurempi merkitys ruokaturvan kannalta kaupungeissa kuin maaseudulla. Varallisuuden ja ruokaturvan välisen yhteyden selvittäminen kaupungissa ja maaseudulla vaatii kuitenkin luotettavan varallisuusmittarin. Vuodenaika tulisi ottaa huomioon aiempaa paremmin kun tutkitaan kroonista ruokaturvattomuutta. Ruokaturvatutkimuksissa tulisi kerätä tietoa myös ruokavalion monipuolisuudesta ja tehdä antropometrisiä mittauksia, jotta ruokaturvasta saataisiin kokonaisvaltainen kuva.
  • Berger, Miikka (2019)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat - Abstract Työnteko on murroksessa neljännen teollisen vallankumouksen alkaessa. Määrällisiä tutkimuksia muuttuvista työelämätaidoista on tehty paljon, mutta laadullisesta näkökulmasta tutkimuksia ei ole tarpeeksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaista teknistä osaamista teknologiayritykset tarvitsevat eniten tulevaisuudessa vuonna 2030. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin sitä, minkälaiset tekniset ammatit ovat automatisoitavissa ja minkälaisia teknisiä työtehtäviä teknologiayrityksissä ylipäätään tehdään tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimusta lähestyttiin resurssiperusteisen teorian näkökulmasta, eli teknistä osaamista tarkasteltiin resurssina. Tutkimus oli laadullinen tulevaisuustutkimus ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin viittä nopeimmin kasvavien teknologiayritysten johtotason henkilöä. Haastattelujen apuna käytettiin tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä toiminutta tulevaisuustutkimuksen työkalua Future Signals Sense-making Framework -arviointimatriisia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentui muiden aiheeseen liittyvien tutkimusten perusteella, joiden johtopäätöksinä oli, että digitalisaatio ja automaatio tulee muokkaamaan tulevaisuuden työntekoa radikaalisti. Aihetta tarkasteltiin siis erityisesti digitalisaation ja automaation näkökulmasta. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella digitalisaatio ja automaatio eivät tule lähitulevaisuudessa vähentämään ihmisten tarvetta teknisissä työtehtävissä, vaikka ne muokkaavat tehtävänkuvia radikaalisti. Tulevaisuudessa tekniset työntekijät keskittyvät työssään uuden luomiseen. Luovaan ja innovatiiviseen työskentelyyn keskittyminen tarkoittaa ihmisten tekemien teknisten työtehtävien tehostumista, eli samalla panoksella saadaan entistä isompi tuottavuus jatkossa. Työtehtävät pirstaloituvat ja muuttuvat entistä heterogeenisemmiksi. Työtehtävät siirtyvät samalla lähemmäksi asiakasrajapintaa ja liiketoimintaa, jolloin inhimilliset taidot, kuten sosiaalinen ja luova älykkyys sekä havainnointi- ja käsittelykyky korostuvat. Digitalisaation ja automaation kehitys näyttää kuitenkin kiihtyvän niin voimakkaasti, että yksittäisiä tulevaisuudessa tarvittavia taitoja ei pystytä ennustamaan - eikä niiden ennustaminen ole välttämättä järkevää muutosnopeuden takia. Sen sijaan, että yrityksien kannattaisi hankkia yksittäisiä teknisiä taitoresursseja, niiden kannattaa keskittyä etsimään ja hankkimaan tietynlaisia ihmistyyppejä. Tällaiset ihmiset ovat sopeutuvia, heterogeenisia taitoja (kuten sosiaalinen ja luova älykkyys sekä havainnointi- ja käsittelykyky) omaavia henkilöitä, jotka ovat kykeneväisiä hyödyntämään uusia digitaalisia teknologioita.
  • Kasurinen, Inka (2017)
    The literature review focused on the texturized plant proteins and their raw materials, processing conditions and water related properties. Especially the water binding properties, such as the water-holding capacity, the freezable water content, water activity and water sorption properties of texturized plant proteins, were discussed. In addition, the factors affecting the water binding properties of texturized plant proteins were investigated. The objective of the experimental study was to find the suitable analyzing methods for the characterization of water binding properties of texturized plant protein product. In addition, the effect of protein content, water content and texturization degree of raw material mixture on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were investigated. The analyzing methods selected to characterize the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were the freezable water content, the water holding capacity, water activity and the proportion of evaporated water from the original water content during drying for 5–60 min at 50 °C. Water content of raw material mixture had the biggest effect on the ability of the product to bind water. Decrease in water content of raw material mixture increased the water-holding capacity and reduced water activity of the product. The effect of water content of raw material mixture on the freezable water content of the product was almost linear. When the texturization degree was 50% and the protein content of raw material mixture was 53.3% the product had the best ability to bind water. The product had better ability to bind water when the protein content of raw material mixture was higher. In further studies the greater differences in the protein contents of raw material mixtures could be used to investigate the effect of protein content on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein products. In addition, the use of different water-binding compounds or decrease in storage temperature could be tested.
  • Hovio, Henrik (2024)
    Modern agricultural tractors produce a large amount of information for controlling various functions of the tractor and farming implements. By including location data to the measurements, the data obtained can be used, for example, to study the conditions in the field or the tractor's work cycle. The development of telematics systems should aim at completely automated solutions. ISO 11783 defines the transmission of data both within the tractor and between the tractor and the implement, implemented using the CAN (Controller Area Network). It is also possible to monitor the desired information such as fuel consumption and engine load, as well as the needed draft force. Farming implements and tractors whose data transfer complies with an international standard are called ISOBUS machines. The aim of the study was to develop a cost-effective telematics system that can be used to monitor and record arable farming activities in real time. In accordance with the objectives, the requirements of the measuring equipment were determined for decoding and recording the messages of the CAN bus of the tractor. The tractor's CAN bus data was recorded using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer with CAN bus and GNSS measurement cards. The system was used to collect predefined tractor data from the bus, which was sent with location data in real time over the mobile phone network to a server computer. The measurement hardware and the server computer were programmed using the Node-RED programming tool. The information received on the server computer was stored in a MySQL database. Node-RED was also used to create a graphical user interface, from which any user could monitor the tractor's functions and location in real time and control the storage of data in the database. Testing of the measurement system was carried out at the Viikki research farm of University of Helsinki during the summer of 2023. The implemented measurement system successfully collected data on two tractors for different work tasks during silage harvesting. Retrieving and analysing the collected data from the database was easy, as the CAN messages were in a decoded format. The transfer of data between the measuring device and the server computer took place without any major delays. The telematics system could also be used for automatic real-time data analysis. Research shows that the CAN bus is a good way to gather information about farming field operations. In the future, the exploitation of measured data will be an essential part of agricultural practice, which aims both to improve the profitability of agriculture and to reduce its environmental impact.
  • Jiang, Panpan (2013)
    Strawberries are perennial, flowering plants of genus Fragaria, in the family Rosaceae. Woodland Strawberry (wild F.vesca) is the most widely distributed natural species in the northern hemisphere and a new promising model plant for the study of flowering in perennial plants. Classified as a seasonal flowering short day (SD) plant, wild F.vesca initiates flowering in the autumn, flowers in spring and forms fruits in summer followed by a vegetative growth phase until the next autumn. The perpetual flowering genotype Hawaii-4 flowers continuously throughout the season. Flowering is regulated by ambient signals such as photoperiod and temperature. The photoperiod x temperature interaction was found to play a vital role in flowering initiation in Fragaria. SD F.vesca can behave as a day-neutral, short day plant or non-flowering plant depending on different ambient temperature. Flower initiation takes place regardless of photoperiod when F.vesca is put at 9°C, but only flower under SD at 15°C and no flowering is observed when the ambient temperature is higher than 21°C. The experiment was designed to observe flower induction and explore the role of few flowering genes in the temperature regulation of flowering at long day (LD) condition. The expression of key flowering genes FT, SOC1 and TFL1 were analyzed in wild F.vesca and transgenic lines in F.vesca background. The results showed low temperature (11°C) promotes flowering in SD F.vesca. FT was down-regulated by 11°C and negatively correlated with flowering in F.vesca, in contrast to findings in other SD plants. SOC1 may act downstream of FT, it represses flowering in SD F.vesc and may affect vegetative growth by interacting with GA pathway. Although FT functions as an integrator gene in flowering, there may be an FT-independent pathway in SD F.vesca. SOC1 integrates signals from different pathways; it might be the candidate gene mediating signals from the thermosensary pathway. TFL1, identified as SEASONAL FLOWERING LOCUS (SFL) in SD F.vesca, represses flowering and is regulated by temperature.
  • Rajasaari, Johanna (2018)
    Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat vanhempien tekemään teollisen lastenruoan valintaan. Tutkielman tavoite on lisätä tietämystä eri tekijöistä, jotka vaikuttavat teollisen lastenruoan valintaan itse tehdyn ruoan sijaan sekä ostopäätöstilanteessa. Lisäksi tarkoitus on kuvata millaisia käsityksiä, ajatuksia ja mielipiteitä vanhemmat liittävät teolliseen lastenruokaan. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa aihetta kartoitetaan kuluttajakäyttäytymistä, ostopäätösprosessia sekä ruoan valintaa käsitteleviä tutkimustuloksia ja alan kirjallisuutta hyödyntäen. Lisäksi tarkastellaan perheen vaikutusta kuluttajakäyttäytymiseen sekä lasten ruoan valinnan erityispiirteitä. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin kvalitatiivisella tutkimusotteella teemahaastattelun avulla. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin kahtatoista alle kolmevuotiaan, teollisia lastenruokia päivittäin nauttivan, lapsen äitiä. Tutkimuksen perusteella teollisen lastenruoan valintaan vaikuttavat monet erilaiset tekijät. Usein tarve teolliselle lastenruoalle on lähtöisin joko lapsesta tai äidistä; lapsi ei suostu syömään itse tehtyä ruokaa tai äiti kokee resurssipulaa käytettävissä olevan ajan tai jaksamisen osalta. Teolliseen lastenruokaan liitetään turvallisuus ja helppous tärkeimpinä tekijöinä verrattuna itse tehtyyn ruokaan. Ostopäätöstilanteessa, vaihtoehtojen kesken tehtävässä valinnassa, valintaan vaikuttavat muun muassa kotimaisuus, luomuvaihtoehdot ja tutut brändit. Lisäksi äidit luovat henkilökohtaisia valintasääntöjä nopeuttaakseen ostopäätöstä. Sosiaalinen ympäristö ja viiteryhmät ovat äideille tärkeitä esimerkiksi tiedon lähteinä. Ympäristö ja viiteryhmät viestivät myös äitiyteen ja lasten ruokaan liittyvistä ihanteista. Ihanteiden myötä äidit liittävät syyllisyyden tunteita teollisen lastenruoan käyttämiseen. Äitiyden kokemus ja itsevarmuus kasvavat niin ajan kuin lasten myötä. Äitiyden kokemus vähentää esimerkiksi tiedon tarvetta ja toisaalta koettua syyllisyyttä teollisten lastenruokien käyttämisestä.
  • Kerovuori, Ilona (2020)
    The main problems with cultivated peat soil are its weak carrying capacity, high greenhouse gas emissions, coldness, and acidity. There is very little research on using industrial by-products as soil amendments in peat soil. The aim of this thesis was to study the effects of industrial by-products paper mill sludge and gypsum on the sustainability of soil structure, greenhouse gas (CO2 and N2O) emissions and soils heat and gas dynamics in peat soil. The study was performed in the laboratory on samples taken from a field test. The tested treatments were unfertilized, control, gypsum 3 kg m-2, paper mill sludge 3 kg m-2, paper mill sludge 15 kg m-2 and paper mill sludge 15 kg m-2 + gypsum 3 kg m-2. The water-stable aggregates were determined by wet sieving with 0.25 mm mesh and 2 mm mesh at three different moisture contents. The greenhouse gas emissions of the soil were determined by gas chromatography at field capacity. The thermal properties of the soil were determined by measuring the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the soil at field capacity and at saturation. In addition, soil pH, hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil, and water-holding capacity at matrix potentials pF 0; 0.4; 1; 2 and 4.2 were measured. Soil amendments had no effect on the water-stable aggregates in field moisture. The soils CO2 emissions increased with paper mill sludge treatments and decreased with gypsum treatment. Individual soil amendments had no effect on the N2O emissions of the soil, but the combined effect of paper mill sludge and gypsum increased the N2O emissions. The soils CH4 consumption decreased with gypsum treatment. Soil amendment treatments had no effect on soil thermal conductivity or thermal diffusivity at field capacity. However, in water-saturated samples the thermal conductivity and heat diffusivity of the soil was increased by the combined effect of paper mill sludge and gypsum. Unlike gypsum, paper mill sludge was found to have a clear liming effect. Soil amendments had no effect on the hydraulic water conductivity or water-holding capacity of saturated soil at any matrix potential. Based on the results, the soil amendments used did not have a major impact on the cultivation problems in peat soil, but further research on their use as soil amendments is needed.
  • Heini, Tuomas (2019)
    Ihmisen suolistomikrobisto on monimuotoinen ekosysteemi, jonka koostumuksen ja toiminnan on osoitettu olevan merkittävässä asemassa ihmisen terveyden kannalta. Mikrobien osallisuus erilaisissa tautitiloissa tekee niistä mahdollisia kohteita tai keinoja lääkehoidolle. Tutkimuksissa yhdeksi tehokkaista hoitokeinoista esimerkiksi toistuvissa Clostridium difficile -infektiossa on osoittau-tunut ulosteensiirto, jossa terveen henkilön ulostetta viedään sairastuneen henkilön suolistoon. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena oli mitata onnistuneissa ulosteensiirroissa C. difficile -infektion hoidossa Helsingin yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (HYKS) gastroenterologian poliklinikalla käytetystä ulosteensiirteestä tutkimusryhmämme kehittämän menetelmän avulla eristettyjen Bacteroidales -lahkoon kuuluvien 16 eri bakteeri-isolaatin kykyä vähentää tulehdusta in vitro sekä niiden adheroitumista HT-29- ja Caco-2-soluihin sekä mukukseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, oliko tutkittavien bakteeri-isolaattien mahdollinen kyky vähentää tulehdusta riippuvaista adheesiosta. Menetelmä, jossa mitattiin bakteeri-isolaattien kykyä vähentää tulehdusta, perustui siihen että HT-29-solut inkuboitiin ensin tutkittavan isolaatin kanssa ja sen jälkeen soluihin indusoitiin tulehdus endotoksiini lipopolysakkaridin (LPS) avulla. Tämän jälkeen soluista tuottuneen proinflammatorisen interleukiini-8:n (IL-8) määrä mitattiin ELISA-kittiä käyttäen. Adheesion mittaus puolestaan perustui siihen, että bakteeri-isolaatit leimattiin ensin radioaktiivisella leimalla ja inkuboitiin epiteelisolujen tai mukuksen kanssa, jonka jälkeen adheroitumattomat bakteerit pestiin solujen päältä ja soluihin jäljelle jääneen radioaktiivisen säteilyn määrä mitattiin. Mitatun säteilyn määrästä voitiin laskea, kuinka paljon bakteeri-isolaateista oli prosentuaalisesti adheroitunut epiteelisoluihin. Menetelmä, jossa tulehdus-adheesio-riippuvuussuhdetta selvitettiin, perustui siihen, että HT-29-solut inkuboitiin ensin tutkittavan isolaatin kasvatusliuoksen kanssa, jonka jälkeen soluihin indusoitiin tulehdus LPS:n avulla. Tämän jälkeen soluista tuottuneen IL-8:n määrä mitattiin ELISA-kittiä käyttäen. Tulosten perusteella näytti siltä, että kymmenellä kuudestatoista tutkitusta isolaatista oli kantaspesifisesti kyky alentaa merkitsevästi proinflammatorisen IL-8:n tuottoa. Isolaattien adheroitumis-% vaihteli epiteelisolulinjojen sekä tutkittujen lajien ja niiden kantojen välillä. Isolaattien adheroituminen Caco-2-soluihin oli voimakkainta, kun taas mukukseen se oli erittäin heikkoa. Lisäksi adheesiomittauksen tulokset yhdessä tulosten, jossa tarkasteltiin isolaattien kasvatusliuoksen vaikutusta IL-8:n tuottoon, osoittivat että tutkittujen isolaattien kyky alentaa IL-8:n tuottoa ei välttämättä ole riippuvaista adheesiosta, mikä jatkossa lisää mielenkiintoa selvitää bakteerien tuottamien molekyylien merkitystä tulehduksen vähentämisen tai eston kannalta.
  • Pokki, Laura (2015)
    This survey was a part of co-operational project between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, EVIRA (The Finnish food safety authority) and The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Helsinki. The Project was focused on cattle interdigital phlegmon epidemiology and bacterial etiology. The aim of this thesis was to characterize microbiota in the interdigital area of cattle as well as to determine if the found microorganisms of a sick animals hoof can also be found on healthy animal’s interdigital area. There was also an opportunity to test MALDI –TOF MS suitability for clinical animal microbiology. The experimental part of this study was carried out in the laboratory between 7.10.2013 – 25.5.2014. Plated swab samples were collected from five different farmhouses with a total of 28 healthy animals and 3 suffering from foot rot. For further analysis of isolated samples were used to identify and describe the microbiological tests such as morphology, catalase-test, Gram staining and special-potency antibiotic discs. Part of the isolated bacterial strains chosen was a universal 16S-PCR and amplification of the partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The obtained data was compared with MALDI-TOF-Mass spectrometry. Healthy hooves skin bacteria was diverse, and no individual type of species dominated growth. The vast majority of the bacteria were represented by gram-positive facultative anaerobic species. Certain gram negative species such as Fusobacterium necrophorum and Porphyromonas levii dominated growth on primary plates. In addition, these species was found only on samples of Interdigital phlegmon. This result suggests that a healthy hoof skin is not the major source of pathogenic bacterial species and that prevalence of these bacterial species is due to other factors. MALDI-TOF-MS identified the best known pathogens or pathogenic types as F. necrophorum along with P. levii and general types of Bacteroides. Similarly, facultative anaerobes were identified by gram-positive species, including Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Trueperella pyogenes. In conclusion the findings were in line with other studies, and the species diversity varied considerably in the group of healthy animals. Infected animals had a significantly different profile with pathogenic groups and plates growing severe dominance within these groups. Isolated bacterial samples were used to identify and describe the traditional clinical microbiology studies such as colony and cell morphology examination, Catalase and special-potency antibiotic discs. The results from MALDI-TOF-MS provided useful information about the methodology data for the bacterial library. It is also cost-effective to use.
  • Liljeroos, Anna (2020)
    Beer is the world´s most popular alcohol drink, with a long history. It is commonly made with baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast used for fermentation has an effect on the sensory properties of the product. Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast. The objective of the thesis was to explore the use of probiotic yeast S. boulardii in wheat beer and develop it further with the help of sensory evaluations. S. boulardii is used to prevent travelers' diarrhea and as a help to many intestinal disorders. The use of probiotic yeast could make a new interesting product with functional properties. In the experimental part of the study beer was produced with two yeasts, S. cerevisieae and S. boulardii. The beer was matured in two different temperatures (20°C and 37°C). The four samples were compared to commercial reference product. One sample (C37) did not meet quality standards so it was left from sensory analysis. The sensory analysis was performed with 9 trained panelists by using generic descriptive analysis. Concentration for alcohol was measured with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Also pH value and the colour shade was measured. The samples were plated on agar plates to calculate colonies forming units (CFU) to test the yeast surviving in 1, 2 and 3 months time. Eight attributes were rated using visual analogue scales, anchored verbally at the end points. Sensory evaluation showed that the beer differed statistically significantly from each other in three attributes: appearance of foam, the mouthfeel of carbon dioxide and stale, musty smell. B37 was categorized in the same group in Tukey’s test with commercial product although the alc. vol.% was lower. The samples that were fermented in the room temperature had a musty smell and they had darker colour. pH values had only minor differences and the sourness did not have statistically significant differences in sensory analysis. Yeasty taste did not vary significantly between samples. B37 maintained colonies forming units better in the first month and B20 in the second and third measurement. B37 was the most similar to the commercial product, so further studies are encouraged to assess right fermentation conditions. The survival of the probiotic yeast was good, so the product has potential to the beer market.
  • Kuokkanen, Taija (2023)
    Introduction Lifestyle change recommendation from healthcare professional can motivate people to improve their lifestyles and decrease the risk for non-communicable diseases (NCD). Previous evidence show that lifestyle change recommendations are provided insufficiently in healthcare. Unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, excessive use of alcohol and smoking are lifestyle factors that can be influenced to prevent or delay the development of NCDs. Aims This Master´s thesis aim was to investigate the quantity of received lifestyle change recommendations from healthcare professionals in Finland, and whether sociodemographic factors influence on receiving them. We also studied whether there are differences between lifestyles (diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption) and risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, hypergly-caemia and overweight or obesity) among those who received lifestyle change recommendations and those who did not. Materials and methods Cross-sectional data (n=5125) from FinHealth-2017 -study, by the Finnish institute of Health and Welfare were used in this study. Variables concerning lifestyle change recommendations, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors were gathered by questionnaires and certain risk factor variables were measured in health examinations. Statistical analyses for continuous variables were performed by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and by crosstabulation for categorial variables. Results Received lifestyle change recommendations were reported by 25 % of participants. Nurses were reported as provider of the recommendation twice as often as doctors. Age group from 50 to 70 years reported receiving recommendations the most. Lifestyle- and metabolic risk factors were more com-mon among those who received lifestyle change recommendations, but quality of diet did not differ notably. Conclusions Results suggest that the quantity of received lifestyle change recommendations from healthcare professionals is low, considering the lifestyles and the prevalence of risk factors in Finnish population. Thus, it is possible, that risk factors for NCDs are not identified in healthcare practise, or that lifestyles are not raised as an issue during healthcare visits with patients that are still relatively healthy, without comorbidity. Results suggest that lifestyle guidance and primary prevention should be made a priority to prevent NCDs and enable adequate public healthcare for all in the future.
  • Zhang, Panpan (2017)
    Plant pathogenic fungi parasitize plants and cause invasive infection. With the development of next generation sequencing, a number of plant pathogenic fungi genomes are being sequenced and analyzed. The first completed genome sequence of Taphrina betulina, which is a biotrophic pathogen that causes striking twig clusters, known as witch's broom on birch, has been just finished. Genome sequencing yielded a 13 Mb assembly with 28 chromosomes. However, 10 of 28 chromosomes are considerably small. We hypothesized that these chromosomes may be dispensable chromosomes that are associated with pathogenicity. Essential gene distributions in identified Taphrina, Schizosaccharomyces species, and species identified with known dispensable chromosomes were compared. Evidence is presented that dispensable chromosomes are non-existent in T. betulina and this pipeline could find potential dispensable chromosomes. Furthermore, discontinuous essential gene distribution promotes our second hypothesis that T. betulina has some features of a “two-speed genome”. “Two-speed genome” consists of gene-dense regions and gene- sparse regions. Genes located in gene-sparse regions tend to evolve faster than the rest. Gene ontology (GO) describes the functionality of a gene and its products from three domains: cellular components, molecular functions and biological process. GO enrichment analyses of “slow-speed region” and “fast- speed region” genes were compared, facilitating the finding of candidate virulence effectors.
  • Zhanybekova, Zhanargul (2022)
    Abstract Background. Faba bean (Vicia faba L.,) is a protein-rich grain crop and a good source of many nutrients. However, the productivity and composition of this crop can be limited by several biotic and abiotic stresses. Acid soil leads to a reduction in water uptake, and influences on major biological and chemical processes. However, some plants can manage stress. Mostly, low pH reduces plant vegetative organs and a has a negative effect on physiological processes such as gas exchange, photosynthesis, chlorophyll concentration, and transpiration. The aim of this study was to find homolog genes in close spp. and o test selected gene response as a factor in resilience to rootzone acidity in Vicia faba L. Methods. Four faba bean genotypes were selected for our experiment based on germplasm screening in aquaponic conditions from a previous study. According to obtained results of morpho-physiological measures from a previous experiment, IG11204 and Bourdon showed tolerance to acid only. DULUC is tolerant to acid and Al treatments. In contrast, Nora38 demonstrated susceptibility to both stresses. Selected genotypes were grown under the same experimental conditions in order to proceed with samples for further analysis (total RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, RT-PCR, gel-electrophoresis, validation of selected gene by RT-qPCR). Results. Selected genes have been identified as hub genes in A. thaliana (alternative oxidase 1A, glutamate dehydrogenase 1, zinc fingers superfamily protein), which demonstrated an increase in expression levels under acidic pH stress. We have found homolog genes in the Hedin cultivar. Selected homolog gene were used to check its expression in four genotypes under Al3+ and acidic stresses using RT-qPCR. Finally, up-regulation of the GDH1 was detected by acid and also occurred by Al3+ treatments. Discussion. Our analysis of gene expression revealed that GDH1 was expressed differently between control and treated groups. However, its activity was detected for both stresses. The expression of GDH1 transcripts in this study, also concurs with findings where GDH1 in A. thaliana were expressed under Al3+ stress. Furthermore, it was confirmed that they are novel Al3+ resistance genes, which are regulated by the transcription factor STOP1 (sensitive-to-proton-rhizotoxicity1). GDHs are involved in stress tolerance, and pH-regulated metabolic pathways – GABA shunt. It participates in the regulation of cytosolic pH, carbon fluxes into the TCA cycle, nitrogen metabolism, deterrence of insects, protection against oxidative stress, osmoregulation and signaling in plant cells under different stress conditions. The GABA shunt is enhanced by stresses, which cause cytosol acidification. Genes expressed in conditions of low pH partly overlap with those expressed in plants exposed to Al3+ stress. Generally, acidic soil is associated with the co-occurrence of Al3+ and H+ rhizotoxicities.
  • Hämäläinen, Miia-Riikka (2015)
    In Finland approximately 80 000 kg of beef is produced annually. Most of the beef originates from the dairy industry, and only a small portion comes from farms specialised in beef production. It is therefore important that in addition to beef cattle and cross-bred animals also the dairy breeds have good carcass qualities. Only then will it be profitable for the farmer to improve animal welfare. In this master’s thesis I studied the heritability of carcass qualities in Finnish Ayrshire bulls. The effect of on-farm welfare on carcass qualities was also evaluated. The studied carcass traits were muscularity (fleshiness), carcass weight and fatness. Animal welfare was measured with A-index, which evaluates on-farm welfare. The A-index has been developed to suit the needs of the Finnish beef production, and by measuring the envinroment of cows of a certain age it brings forward the differences in animal welfare between farms. The effect of genetics was evaluated by heritability and genetic variance. The statistical analysis was done using generalised linear models and the REML-method. According to the results muscularity, fatness and carcass weight have average heritability. The heritability for muscularity, depending on the model used, was 0,26–0,27. For fatness the heritability was 0,28–0,30 and for carcass weight 0,25–0,27. The traits were both genetically and phenotypically correlated; the strongest genetic correlation (0,57) was between muscularity and carcass weight. On-farm welfare seems to be connected to carcass qualities. Different versions were statistically significant to every carcass trait. Individual categories of the A-index had mainly a positive regression towards carcass qualities, which indicates that while welfare improves, muscularity and carcass weight increase as well. The only negative connection was found between fatness and locomotion abilities. Increased possibilities for locomotion thus decrease fatness. Based on the results we can deduce that by improving welfare carcass quality can be changed. This could have an impact on the income received from slaughtered animals.
  • Mustakallio, Laura (2023)
    Tutkimus tehtiin toimeksiantona A-Tuottajat Oy:lle. Tavoitteena oli tarkastella Atrialla vuosina 2017–2020 teurastettujen sonnien teuraspainojen vaihtelua sekä selvittää teuraspainoon ja tilakohtaiseen teuraspainon hajontaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Toimeksiannon taustalla oli teuraspainojen osittain ongelmallinen nousu ja toukokuussa 2021 voimaan tullut kärkipainohinnoittelumalli, joka erosi entisestä, mahdollisimman suuria teuraspainoja suosineesta hinnoittelumallista. Täten haluttiin myös selvittää, miten tutkimusaineisto asettui uuteen hinnoittelumalliin. Tutkimukseen rajattiin tilat, jotka olivat myyneet Atrialle vähintään 400 sonnia tarkasteluajanjakson aikana. Teuraspainoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin kaksitasoisen monitasomallin avulla, jossa ensimmäisellä tasolla oli sonni ja toisella tasolla loppukasvatustila. Tilakohtaiseen teuraspainojen hajontaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä selvitettiin teuraspainon variaatiokerrointa selittävän lineaarisen regressiomallin avulla. Sonnien asettumista painohinnoittelumalliin testattiin sekä koko aineistosta että neljän esimerkkitilan avulla. Esimerkkitilat valittiin satunnaisesti neljästä eri luokasta, joiden teuraspainojen hajonnat erosivat toisistaan. Teuraspainoon vaikuttavia sonnikohtaisia tekijöitä todettiin olevan teurasikä, ensimmäinen välityspaino sekä teuraspäiväkasvu. Kunkin tekijän vaikutus teuraspainoon oli positiivinen. Lisäksi aineiston sonnit jaettiin kolmeen luokkaan ja todettiin välikasvatettujen sekä suoraan maitotiloilta alle 90 päivän ikäisenä välitettyjen sonnien teuraspainojen olleen korkeampia kuin muiden sonnien. Tilatason analyysin perusteella teuraspainot näyttivät kasvavan, kun risteytysten sekä terni- ja puntarivasikoiden osuus tilan sonneista kasvoi. Tilan sisäistä teuraspainojen hajontaa näytti lisäävän tilan koon kasvaminen sekä loppukasvatusajan piteneminen. Tilan keskimääräisen päiväkasvun noustessa teuraspainohajonta väheni. 56 % aineiston sonneista asettui toukokuun 2021 hinnaston kärkipainoluokkaan. Neljän esimerkkitilan lihatuotto olisi ollut tuhansia euroja suurempi neljän vuoden tarkasteluajanjaksolla, jos kaikki sonnit olisivat osuneet kärkipainoluokkaan. Naudanlihantuotannon heikon kannattavuuden vuoksi kärkipainon tavoittelun tärkeys on korostunut.